Vanet Challenges of Availability and Scalability: Ohsin Ashraf NDF
Vanet Challenges of Availability and Scalability: Ohsin Ashraf NDF
Vanet Challenges of Availability and Scalability: Ohsin Ashraf NDF
1. Introduction. Wireless communication is ubiquitous [1] due to its flexible nature to work in different
situations. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a term which refers to the continuously varying network topology
handheld mobile devices. The Vehicular Ad Hoc Network is one of its types. The Vehicular Adhoc Network is
considered to be a one of the most successful application of adhoc networks. VANET is also called Wireless
Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE IEEE 1609) [2] which supports Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) [3] through DSRC. Various worldwide projects e.g. [4, 5, 6] in Europe, [7] in the United States and [8]
in Japan are actively participating in researching and development of the infrastructure for inter-vehicular
communications and applications.
Major goals of the VANET are road safety and efficient transportation. In order to improve road
safety and efficiency of the transportation system that enable new mobile applications and services for the
traveling public, has been developed called ITS (Intelligent Transportation System.) Traffic congestion on the
roads is today is a large problem in big cities. It offers the constant threat of large rate of accidents on the
roads. According to WHO (World Health Organization), more than 1.24 million people died in road accident
in 2013 [9]. 8th leading cause of the death of young people aged from 15-29 year, is the road traffic injuries
all over the world. It is expected that road traffic deaths will become the 5th leading cause in 2030 if no
appropriate or quick action is taken.
In existing VANET, dedicated short range communication (DSRC) having the radio signals of the
frequency of 5.9 GHz, is being used. Khan et al. In [10] showed that AODV and DSRC don’t give an optimal
solution for the situation in heavy traffic load. Due to the dynamic changes in the topology and high mobility,
current standard 802.11 (WiFi) is not a good choice. IEEE has developed a special version of 802.11, which is
802.11p for the VANET. As the WiFi can only be used for shorter distance communication so there is a
limitation of mobility and scalability. VANET which is a subclass of MANET, use vehicles as fast moving
mobile nodes. Each vehicle has one OBU. RSU is placed along the road for the communication between V2V
and V2I. Intelligent Transport System has referred to the development of many applications which include
exchanging of safety messages, collision warning, and driver assistance applications.
For the Global System for mobile communication (GSM) [11, 12] user (2G Technology), General
Packet Radio Service (GPRS) [13] technology is used for the services of radio access. In this technology,
radio resources are optimized as it reserves the radio resources and use when only the data is required to be
sent. GPRS is based on IP which is widely deployed technology. Rest work is organized in the following
sections: Section II contains the components of the proposed architecture. Section III elaborates the existing
literature and related work. Section IV explains the scalability and its impact on VANET. Section V consists
of the proposed architecture and protocol with potential benefits. Section VI contains challenges and
2. Components of proposed VANET. Following figure represents all the components of the proposed
Vehicles: Vehicles are the primary node which have to move around the dynamic topology. It consists of an
on board unit having dual interface. One for WiFi network and one for GSM network.
RSU (Road Side Unit): RSU [14] is the node which connects all the vehicles in a specified region with each
other and to the base station.
Dual Mode OBU: Each registered vehicle contains a dual band OBU with two wireless network interfaces,
namely IEEE 802.11P and IEEE 802.21. UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access technology refers to a mobile
centric version of 802.21. UMA provides roaming and handover among GSM, UMTS, Bluetooth and 802.11
networks [15].
CS (Communication Server). The component ensures the AAA model.
GSM Network: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is a standard of ETSI (European
Telecommunication Standard Institute) which refers to the protocol for digital cellular network in 2G. It was
based on a circuit switched network in start but later on it was developed for the full optimized telephony
transformation using packet switched network.
Temper Proof Device. This device is used in every vehicle to store the secret information about the identity
of the driver. It also stores the private keys for the authentication of the messages and senders. This device
also signs outgoing messages for communication. It has its own battery which is normally charged by the
vehicle itself. This device is made to synchronize with the Road Side Units. Only the authorized people have
its access.
3. Related Work. Various scenarios have been analyzed and applications have been suggested. Kumar et al.
[16] used Learning automata (LA) to assume cars as game players to share information on the basis of
coordinates. Lu et al. in [17] define solution of the loss of power and interference which are always present in
wireless communication. Farah et al. in [18] proposed belief functions for V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle)
communications. Eltahir et al. in [19] have investigated the VANET and cellular network for different
classification. Different beaconing approaches have also been discussed in [20]. Lloret et al. in [21] explained
the communication architecture for vehicle to vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Roadside Unit (V2R) and Roadside
Unit to Vehicle (R2V). The above mentioned applications are problem indicators to the drivers to avoid
accidents and rushy routes. These applications also provide advanced navigation systems through which
shortest route can be determined from the current location to the destination. Some additional features of
entertainment like surfing internet, multimedia and games are also available in these applications. One of the
biggest issues is the continuous change in topology due to the high mobility of the network nodes, so that
protocols are unable to perform in the concerned area of interest in VANET. To overcome this issue,
information packets are broadcasted instead of disseminated in one dedicated direction.
A significant qualification, for the development of VANET, is scalability of the messages
disseminated design. This article reflects improved version of scalability in the domain of VANET.
4.Scalability Problem Of VANET: Neumann recognized the term in [22] and defined that scalability refers
to the capacity of handling new nodes without losing the performance or to increase the organizational density.
In the design of VANET, scalability has diverse issues. An increase in the number of vehicles offers
congestion in wireless channel and connectivity issue. It has great impact on scalability to design protocol.
Bandwidth limitation is also a big critical section.
Li et al. proposed in [15] the capacity limitations for ad hoc networks. Limited bandwidth decreases
by the poor channel utilization between the distant nodes due to the shared wireless channel with multi-hop
communication and CSMA/CA medium access scheme. In a light VANET, an intelligent store and forward
techniques are required to manage the load of the network which is an important challenge in the populated
dense scenario. Number of vehicles and their applications have great impact on the messages that have to be
sent to the shard medium. Safety messages are rebroadcast for the duration of their validity. Stored Geocast
scheme presented in [23] leads to additional message to make information available.
The fundamental dissemination scheme used to forward the data packets in VANETs is flooding,
where every node rebroadcasts each single message that it receives. The main problem of the flooding is
congestion. This congestion increases with the increase in network size causing scalability problem. Limited
network resources become unavailable due to the redundant traffic. Williams and Camp propose a complete
fundamental algorithm to reduce redundant rebroadcast messages in [24]. In [25, 26], for example, Tonguz
et al. proposed a distributed vehicular broadcasting protocol (DV-CAST), in which on the basis of
connectivity of vehicles, local routing decisions are made. An important routing protocol which is mostly used
in ad hoc networks is, Ad hoc on Demand Vector (AODV). It is a reactive protocol which is used when to
search various paths for message transmission on demand due to limited bandwidth and topology changes.
Packets are always exchanged among neighboring nodes for routing. Greedy perimeter stateless routing
(GPSR) [28] is a typical greedy-forwarding protocol for a VANET. It uses greedy forwarding to send data
packets to nodes that are always more and closer to the destination.
Based on IEEE 802.11 standard, dedicated short range communication, has been suggested which
offer low cost but high data transmission rate to the vehicles. To deal with the time variations in wireless
channels, two mechanisms are used. 1: Performing link layer retry, 2- using different PHY modes in which
each mode has specific data rate and modulation scheme.
A. IEEE 802.11p Based Technology: For effective among vehicles or between vehicles and RSUs (road side
units), IEEE is continuously working on the class of standard of IEEE 802.11 for the vehicles having
speed up to 200 km/h and distance range of 1km. Both PHY and MAC layers, based on IEEE 802.11a are
shifted to 5.9 GHz Band.
B. Combined Wireless Access: CALM M5 [29] (Continuous air interface for a long or medium range) is the
most considerable effort to combine wireless technologies by ISO TC 204 WG16. It contains some
additional interface protocols on the top of IEEE 802.11P. At present, supported standard interfaces are:
Cellular System (GSM/GPRS for 2/2.5G or UMTS for 3G), infrared communication system at 60 GHz.
Combining all interfaces in one unit would result in more flexible but redundant interface having
improved performance of applications. In [30], the author proposed a protocol that chooses the route with
the largest lifetime to connect with the VANET network. In this work, vehicles are considered to be
stationary or mobile but the gateways are only mobile. The authors use two matrices LET (Link
Expiration Time) and RET (Route Expiration Time) for the network communication. The LET is used
between adjacent vehicles and RET is used between the vehicles and gateways. Pro-active technique is
used to communicate with gateways. Clustering approach is proposed in [31] in which clusters are made
on the basis of velocity, direction and inter-vehicle distance. Also, a risk aware Media Access Control
Protocol is used to increase the reaction by associating an emergency level with each vehicle in its cluster.
In [32], the authors use stable routing protocol to address scalability issue and routing of data in a safe
manner. In this scheme, vehicles are clustered on the basis of same direction to ensure stable path among
them. Within the cluster, LET values are used for communication. Moreover, in VANET, vehicles cannot
move randomly as mobile objects move in MANAETs. In [33], an adaptive distributed gateway discovery
mechanism has been introduced. This scheme is a hybrid in which proactive and reactive approaches are
combined. In [27], author suggests an algorithm for intersystem handover of 2G, GSM and 3G systems.
5. Proposed VANET GSM Integrated Architecture. In our proposed VANET architecture, we have divided
the whole network into two zones. First zone is hybrid in which both DSRC (Dedicated Short Range
Communication) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Networks are being used. With the
use of DSRC, IEEE 802.11p is being used among the communication between Vehicles and between vehicles
to Infrastructure. To work with GSM, its GPRS service is used. This service is used only for communication
between vehicles and infrastructure. The GSM network is used only when there is be too much congestion in
RSU or there is a problem of Line of sight in urban area causing to weaker the signals. This zone is
preferred for the transmission of safety messages and emergency messages to avoid bad circumstances.
In the second zone, only the GSM network is used. This network is activated automatically when
there is no WiFi access. This zone is preferred for the infotainment messages. Following algorithm and the
Figure 2, represents the working of both segments through proposed NSA (Network Selector Agent). This
agent selects the network according the feasible requirements.
Figure-2: Working of Proposed VANET Architecture
B: Working of Proposed Protocol. As in our proposed solution, there is a communication handover between
two wireless technologies. So we have proposed the use of Media Independent Handover (IEEE 802.21)
between Layer 2 and Layer 3
C: Architecture of Media Independent Handover:There are three services of MIH. Event Service,
Command Service & Information Service.
1) Media Independent Event Services: It contributes to the detection and notification of events that are
relevant to the selection and maintenance of the link over which the vehicle obtains network access. The main
idea of the event service is to show the transmission behavior and state changes of layer 2. Information flows
in the protocol stack from lower layers to MIH layer and then from MIH layer to the upper layer.
2) Media Independent Command Services: These commands are used to control all the mechanisms of the
layer-2 on the basis of decisions made by upper layer3. Command services can either be link command and
MIH commands which can either be further more local or remote.
3) Media Independent Information Service: The MIH information service provides the information to the
link layer-2. This information may include the MAC addresses of all the heterogeneous types of network,
neighbor reports, channel information or neighbor reports.
Figure-3: MIH Architecture
D. Benefits of Proposed Solution. With the use of our proposed solution we have following benefits:
1. We can make a vehicle a part of the GSM / GPRS network through which internet facilities can be
2. Safety messages can also be transferred to the vehicles which are present at long distance away.
3. Connectivity is made ensure for the maximum time through either of the network (DSRC or GSM).
4. If DSRC Signals are weak, then messages can be transferred through the GSM network.
Conclusion. In the VANET architecture, it is most important feature to provide the connectivity of the vehicles
to the related network so that we can avoid from the worst circumstances by exchanging the safety or warning
messages. In this paper, we have concluded that availability can be made assured for the maximum time by
merging two wireless technologies: DSRC (dedicated short range communication) and GSM (Global System
for mobile communication). Our proposed solution has also provided the users of VANET the facility of
internet streaming and infotainment messages. As GPRS has many security issues, so researchers have a big
domain to improve it. Due to the dual mode of on-board unit, (one for DSRS and one for GSM) there can be
unnecessary delay in the communication that should be vanished in the future.
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