Cantilevered Tapered Beam

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The document discusses folded-beam suspensions which are commonly used in MEMS devices to provide stiffness in certain directions. Folded-beam suspensions utilize multiple folded beams in parallel to achieve high stiffness in one direction while remaining compliant in other directions.

Folded-beam suspensions utilize multiple folded beams arranged in parallel. This configuration provides high stiffness in one direction while remaining compliant in other directions. They achieve a high stiffness ratio between directions. Many common MEMS devices like gyroscopes and accelerometers use folded-beam suspensions.

To analyze the stiffness of folded-beam suspensions, one can treat each pair of folded beams as behaving like two cantilevers in series. The overall stiffness is then calculated by combining the stiffness of each pair in parallel. Energy methods like virtual work can also be used to analyze the stiffness by minimizing the strain energy.

EE C245 – ME C218

Introduction to MEMS Design

Fall 2007
Prof Clark T
Prof. T.-C.
C Nguyen
Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
University of California at Berkeley
y CA 94720

L t
Lecture 16:
16 Energy
E Methods
M th d I
EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 1
Lecture Outline

• Reading:
g Senturia, Chpt.
p 9, 10
• Lecture Topics:
ª Bending of beams
ª Cantilever beam under small deflections
ª Combining cantilevers in series and parallel
ª Folded suspensions
ª Design implications of residual stress and stress gradients
ª Energy Methods
(Virtual Work
(Energy Formulations
(Tapered Beam Example
(Doubly Clamped Beam Example
(Large Deflection Analysis

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 2

Deflection of Folded Flexures

This equivalent to
two cantilevers of
th Lc/2
Composite cantilever
free ends attach here

Half of F
absorbed in
other half 4 sets of these pairs,
pairs each of
(symmetrical) which gets ¼ of the total force F
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Constituent Cantilever Spring Constant
• From our previous analysis:
Fc Lc 2 ⎛ y ⎞ Fc y 2
x( y ) = y ⎜⎜ 1 − ⎟=
⎟ (3 Lc − y )
2 EI z ⎝ 3 Lc ⎠ 6 EI z

• From which the spring constant is:

Fc 3 EI z
kc = = 3
x ( Lc ) Lc
• Inserting Lc = L/2
3 EI z 24 EI z
kc = 3
( L / 2) L3

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 4

Overall Spring Constant
• Four pairs of clamped-guided beams
ª In each pair, beams bend in series
ª (Assume
(A ttrusses are iinflexible)
fl ibl )
• Force is shared by each pair → Fpair = F/4


EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 5

Folded-Beam Stiffness Ratios
Folded-beam • In the x-direction:
suspension 24EI z
kx =
• In the z-direction:
ª Same
S m flflexure and
d boundary
b d
24EI x
kz = 3
• In the yy-direction:
8 EWh
[See Senturia, §9.2] ky =
• Thus: y = 4⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ stiffer in
truss 2
k L
Anchor kx ⎝ W ⎠ y-direction!
EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 6
Folded-Beam Suspensions Permeate MEMS

Accelerometer [ADXL-05, Analog Devices] Gyroscope [Draper Labs.]

Micromechanical Filter [K. Wang, Univ. of Michigan]

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 7
Folded-Beam Suspensions Permeate MEMS

• Below: Micro-Oven Controlled Folded-Beam Resonator

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Stressed Folded

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Clamped-Guided Beam Under Axial Load
• Important case for MEMS suspensions, since the thin films
comprising them are often under residual stress
• Consider small deflection case: y(x) « L
z x

Governing differential equation: (Euler Beam Equation)

Axial Load Unit impulse @ x=L

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 10
The Euler Beam Equation

Axial Stress

• Axial stresses produce no net horizontal force; but as soon

as the beam is bent, there is a net downward force
ª For equilibrium,
equilibrium must postulate some kind of upward load
on the beam to counteract the axial stress-derived force
ª For ease of analysis, assume the beam is bent to angle π

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 11

The Euler Beam Equation

Note Use of the full

bend angle of π to
establish conditions for
load balance; but this
returns us to case of
small displacements and
small angles

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 12

Clamped-Guided Beam Under Axial Load
• Important case for MEMS suspensions, since the thin films
comprising them are often under residual stress
• Consider small deflection case: y(x) « L
z x

Governing differential equation: (Euler Beam Equation)

Axial Load Unit impulse @ x=L

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 13
Solving the ODE
• Can solve the ODE using standard methods
ª Senturia, pp. 232-235: solves ODE for case of point load
on a clamped-clamped
l d l d b
beam ((which
hi h d
fi B.C.’s)
B C ’ )
ª For solution to the clamped-guided case: see S.
Timoshenko, Strength of Materials IIII: Advanced Theory
and Problems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 3rd Ed., 1955
• Result from Timoshenko:

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 14

Design Implications
• Straight flexures
ª Large tensile S means flexure behaves like a tensioned
i (for
(f which
hi h k-11 = L/S)
ª Large compressive S can lead to buckling (k-1 → ∞)
• Folded flexures
ª Residual stress
y partially
only p y
ª Length from truss
to shuttle
centerline differs
by Ls for inner
and outer legs

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 15

Effect on Spring Constant
• Residual compression on outer legs with same magnitude of
tension on inner legs:
⎛ Ls ⎞ ⎛ Ls ⎞
Beam Strain: ε b = ±ε r ⎜ ⎟ ; Stress Force: S = ± Eε r ⎜ ⎟Wh
⎝ L⎠ ⎝ L⎠
• Spring constant becomes:

• Remedies:
ª Reduce the shoulder width Ls to minimize stress in legs
ª Compliance in the truss lowers the axial compression and
tension and reduces its effect on the spring constant
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Energy Methods

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 17

More General Geometries
• Euler-Bernoulli beam theory works well for simple geometries
• But how can we handle more complicated ones?
• Example: tapered cantilever beam
• Objective: Find an expression for displacement as a function
f location
l ti x under
d a pointi t load
l d F applied
li d att the
th tip
ti of
f the
free end of a cantilever with tapered width W(x)

50% taper


EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 18

Solution: Use Principle of Virtual Work
• In an energy-conserving system (i.e., elastic materials), the
energy stored in a body due to the quasi-static (i.e., slow)
i of f surface
f and
d body
b d forces
f is
i equall to the
h workk done
by these forces …
• Implication: if we can formulate stored energy as a function
of the deformation of a mechanical object, then we can
determine how an object responds to a force by determining
the shape the object must take in order to minimize the
difference U between the stored energy and the work done
by the forces:

U = Stored Energy - Work Done

• Key idea: we don’t

don t have to reach U = 0 to produce a very
useful, approximate analytical result for load-deflection
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More Visual Description …

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 20

Fundamentals: Energy Density
• Strain energy density: [J/m3]
ª To find work done in straining material

• Total strain energy [J]:

ª Integrate over all strains (normal and shear)

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 21

Bending Energy Density
Neutral Axis
y(x)) = transverse displacement
y( p
of neutral axis
• First, find the bending energy dWbend in an infinitesimal
length dx:

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 22

Energy Due to Axial Load


• Strain due to axial load S contributes an energy dWstretch

in length dx, since lengthening of the different element dx
(to ds) results in a strain εx

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 23

Shear Strain Energy

Shear Modulus

• See W.C. Albert, “Vibrating Quartz Crystal Beam

Accelerometer,” Proc. ISA Int. Instrumentation Symp., May
1982 pp
1982, pp. 33-44

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 24

Applying the Principle of Virtual Work
• Basic Procedure:
ª Guess the form of the beam deflection under the applied
ª Vary the parameters in the beam deflection function in
order to minimize:
Sum strain energies point load

U = ∑ W j − ∑ Fi ui
j i
at point load

ª Find minima by simply setting derivatives to zero

• See
t i pg. 244
244, f
for a generall expression
i with
distrubuted surface loads and body forces
EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 25
Example: Tapered Cantilever Beam
• Objective: Find an expression for displacement as a function
of location x under a point load F applied at the tip of the
free end of a cantilever with tapered width W(x)

50% taper
x parameters:
minimize U

y( x ) = c2 x 2 + c3 x 3
• Start by guessing the solution
ª It should satisfy the boundary conditions
ª The strain energy integrals shouldn’t be too tedious
Thi might
(This i ht nott matter
tt much h these
th days,
d though,
th h since
one could just use matlab or mathematica
EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 26
Strain Energy And Work By F

(Bending Energy)

(Using our guess)

p Deflection
Tip f


EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 27

Find c2 and c3 That Minimize U
• Minimize U → basically, find the c2 and c3 that brings U
closest to zero (which is what it would be if we had guessed
l )
• The c2 and c3 that minimize U are the ones for which the
partial derivatives of U with respective to them are zero:

• Proceed:
ª First, evaluate the integral to get an expression for U:

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 28

Minimize U (cont)
• Evaluate the derivatives and set to zero:

• Solve
S l the
th simultaneous
i lt equations
ti to
t gett c2 and
d c3:

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 29

The Virtual Work-Derived Solution
• And the solution:

• Solve for tip deflection and obtain the spring constant:

• Compare with previous solution for constant-width cantilever

beam (using Euler theory):

13% smaller than

tapered width case

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 30

Comparison With Finite Element Simulation

• Below: ANSYS finite element model with

ase = 20 μm
L = 500 μm Wbase E = 170 GPa
h = 2 μm Wtip = 10 μm

• Result:
l (from
( static
ªk = 0 0.471
471 μN/m
• This matches the
result from energy
minimization to 3
significant figures

EE C245: Introduction to MEMS Design Lecture 16 C. Nguyen 10/21/08 31

Need a Better Approximation?
• Add more terms to the polynomial
• Add other strain energy
gy terms:
ª Shear: more significant as the beam gets shorter
ª Axial: more significant as deflections become larger
• Both of the above remedies make the math more complex,
so encourage the use of math software, such as
Mathematica, Matlab, or Maple p
• Finite element analysis is really just energy minimization
• If this is the case, then why ever use energy minimization
analytically (i.e., by hand)?
ª Analytical expressions, even approximate ones, give
insight into parameter dependencies that FEA cannot
ª Can compare the importance of different terms
ª Should use in tandem with FEA for design

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