Module 9, Suarez
Module 9, Suarez
Module 9, Suarez
Good Day! We see each other again! It is another experience for you. I hope you
have learned a lot of things in the previous lesson so that we can move to another exciting
topic and we can continuously enhance your skills.
To be able to learned from this module you need to develop the habit of memorizing,
applying the different principles in machine short hand, learn proper keyboard techniques,
answer the self check, perform the activity and you will master the machine short hand
Direction: Draw a smiley face if the statement is true and sad face if not.
___________1. Vowel E is depressed by the inside key on the right side of the bottom key
with the right thumb.
___________3. In writing the words with SES, SIS, and SUS omit the middle vowel and
write double S instead.
Write these sentences in review. Relax and let your fingers do the writing.
Advertise the sports race. Your number is not right. Your tires are not tight. Put the
rice on the tray, pass the tray to Naty. Tato ate the nut, too.
Write vowel E by depressing the inside key on the right side of the bottom key with the
right thumb.
Practice the following words below and try to increase the rate at which you are writing
while maintaining your accuracy.
See S E
Pet P E T
Sign S EU PB
Pan P A PB
9.2 Abbreviation
Opinion P EU PB
Principal/ principle P R EU PB
`and A PB
Sunday S U PB
He E
Interest TP H T
Necessary TP H E S
9.3 Words Ending ST
Test T E S
Nest TPH E S
Rest R E S
In writing the words with SES, SIS, and SUS omit the middle vowel and write
double S instead.
Roses R O S
Spaces S P A S
Sister S S
Suspire S S
1. Sun _________________
2. Spaces ________________
3. Pan ___________________
4. Test __________________
5. And __________________
Let’s see whether you have learned something from the discussion. Answer the self
check exercise that follows.
Self check:
Direction: match the Column A with Column B which correspond the best answer.
Column A
1. Spaces
2. Test Column B
3. Interest
a. T E S
4. pan
5. rest b. TPH E S
c. P A PB
d. TPH T
e. SPA S
f. TPH E
Let’s Summarize
The machine short hand keyboard does not have all letters of the alphabet
It is also arranged that it permits to write all of the vowels and consonant sounds
through the masterful use of letter combinations to represent these letters which are
missing. The writing of letter combination allows you to keep your fingers close to
home row position for complete control of all speed levels during dictation
vowel E is found the inside key on the right side of the bottom keyand depressed
with the right thumb.
In writing the words with SES, SIS, and SUS omit the middle vowel and write
double S instead.
I hope you have learned a lot of things! You can now relax but don’t forget all the
information that you have acquired. Let’s see! Answer the Post Test
Post test
Direction: Draw a smiley face if the statement is true and sad face if not.
_________1.Vowel E is depressed by the inside key on the right side of the bottom key with
the right thumb.
__________3.In writing the words with SES, SIS, and SUS omit the middle vowel and write
double S instead.
Dear student, if you got scores between 10-15 correctly, excellent! It shows that you
understood and remembered what we have discussed .If you got correct scores between
7-10, very good! You remember most of the things we have discussed. Check those
questions you did not answer correctly and see why you forgot their answers.
If your correct answers were from 6-9 that was good. What you have remembered
were probably the ones close to your heart. I suggest that you read the text again and
try to answer the questions once more.
Finally, if you have a score between 4-8, I suggest that you read the lessons again
and see where you have forgotten some details. After reading the parts where you met
some difficulty, try to answer the test again and see if your score will improve. GOD
Thank you for your cooperation; hope to see you when we do the next module.
Answer key
Pretest/Post Test
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Self check
Matching type
1. E
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B