Stream Visual Assessment Protocol: National Water and Climate Center Technical Note 99-1
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol: National Water and Climate Center Technical Note 99-1
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol: National Water and Climate Center Technical Note 99-1
Stream Visual
Assessment Protocol
Issued December 1998
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Preface This document presents an easy-to-use assessment protocol to evaluate the
condition of aquatic ecosystems associated with streams. The protocol does
not require expertise in aquatic biology or extensive training. Least-im-
pacted reference sites are used to provide a standard of comparison. The
use of reference sites is variable depending on how the state chooses to
implement the protocol. The state may modify the protocol based on a
system of stream classification and a series of reference sites. Instructions
for modifying the protocol are provided in the technical information sec-
tion. Aternatively, a user may use reference sites in a less structured man-
ner as a point of reference when applying the protocol.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) i
Acknowledgments This protocol was developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Ser-
vice (NRCS) Aquatic Assessment Workgroup. The principal authors were
Bruce Newton, limnologist, National Water and Climate Center, NRCS,
Portland, OR; Dr. Catherine Pringle, associate professor of Aquatic
Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; and Ronald Bjorkland, Uni-
versity of Georgia, Athens, GA. The NRCS Aquatic Assessment Workgroup
members provided substantial assistance in development, field evaluation,
and critical review of the document. These members were:
ii (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Contents: Introduction 1
Reference sites 2
Reach description 6
Scoring descriptions 7
Channel condition ................................................................................................................. 7
Hydrologic alteration ............................................................................................................ 8
Riparian zone ......................................................................................................................... 9
Bank stability ....................................................................................................................... 10
Water appearance ............................................................................................................... 11
Nutrient enrichment ........................................................................................................... 12
Barriers to fish movement ................................................................................................. 12
Instream fish cover ............................................................................................................. 13
Pools ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Insect/invertebrate habitat ................................................................................................. 14
Canopy cover ....................................................................................................................... 15
Coldwater fishery ...................................................................................................... 15
Warmwater fishery ................................................................................................... 15
Manure presence ................................................................................................................. 16
Salinity .................................................................................................................................. 16
Riffle embeddedness .......................................................................................................... 17
Macroinvertebrates observed ............................................................................................ 17
References 25
Glossary 27
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) iii
Appendix A—1997 and 1998 Field Trial Results 31
Purpose and methods ......................................................................................................... 31
Results .................................................................................................................................. 31
Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 34
Table A–3 Accuracy comparison data from studies with too few sites 33
to determine a correlation coefficient
Figure A–1 Means and standard deviations from the Parker’s Mill 32
Creek site in Americus, GA
Figure A–2 Correlation between SVAP and IBI values in the Virginia 33
Figure A–4 Correlation between SVAP and IBI values in the Carolinas 33
iv (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 1
is different from a valley stream in alluvial deposits. Montgomery/Buffington, you should use that system.
Coastal streams are different from piedmont streams. This protocol may have been adjusted by your state
Figuring out the different types of streams is called office to reflect stream types common in your area.
stream classification. Determining what types of
streams are in your area is important to assessing the
health of a particular stream. Reference sites
There are many stream classification systems. For the One of the most difficult issues associated with stream
purpose of a general assessment based on biology and ecosystems is the question of historic and potential
habitat, you should think in terms of a three-level conditions. To assess stream health, we need a bench-
classification system based on ecoregion, drainage mark of what the healthy condition is. We can usually
area, and gradient. Ecoregions are geographic areas in assume that historic conditions were healthy. But in
which ecosystems are expected to be similar. A na- areas where streams have been degraded for 150 years
tional-level ecoregion map is available, and many or more, knowledge of historic conditions may have
states are working to develop maps at a higher level of been lost. Moreover, in many areas returning to his-
resolution. Drainage area is the next most important toric conditions is impossible or the historic condi-
factor to defining stream type. Finally, the slope or tions would not be stable under the current hydrology.
gradient of the reach you are assessing will help you Therefore, the question becomes what is the best we
determine the stream type. If you are familiar with can expect for a particular stream. Scientists have
another classification system, such as Rosgen or grappled with this question for a long time, and the
Figure 1 Factors that influence the integrity of streams (modified from Karr 1986)
Parasitism Reproduction
Biotic Water
factors resource
Feeding Competition integrity
2 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
consensus that has emerged is to use reference sites on. Once we understand what is happening, we can
within a classification system. explore what you would like to accomplish with your
stream and ideas for improving its condition, if
Reference sites represent the best conditions attain- necessary.
able within a particular stream class. The identifica-
tion and characterization of reference sites is an You need to assess one or more representative
ongoing effort led in most states by the water quality reaches. A reach is a length of stream. For this proto-
agency. You should determine whether your state has col, the length of the assessment reach is 12 times the
identified reference sites for the streams in your area. active channel width. The reach should be representa-
Such reference sites could be in another county or in tive of the stream through that area. If conditions
another state. Unless your state office has provided change dramatically along the stream, you should
photographs and other descriptive information, you identify additional assessment reaches and conduct
should visit some reference sites to learn what healthy separate assessments for each.
streams look like as part of your skills development.
Visiting reference sites should also be part of your As you evaluate each element, try to work the talking
orientation after a move to a new field office. points contained in the scoring descriptions into the
conversation. If possible, involve the owner by asking
him or her to help record the scores.
Using this protocol
The assessment is recorded on a two-page worksheet.
This protocol is intended for use in the field with the A completed worksheet is shown in figure 2. (A
landowner. Conducting the assessment with the land- worksheet suitable for copying is at the end of this
owner gives you the opportunity to discuss natural note.) The stream visual assessment protocol work-
resource concerns and conservation opportunities. sheet consists of two principal sections: reach identifi-
cation and assessment. The identification section
Before conducting the assessment, you should deter- records basic information about the reach, such as
mine the following information in the field office: name, location, and land uses. Space is provided for a
• ecoregion (if in use in your State) diagram of the reach, which may be useful to locate
• drainage area the reach or illustrate problem areas. On this diagram
• stream gradients on the property draw all tributaries, drainage ditches, and irrigation
• overall position on the landscape ditches; note springs and ponds that drain to the
stream; include road crossings and note whether they
Your opening discussion with landowners should start are fords, culverts, or bridges; note the direction of
by acknowledging that they own the land and that you flow; and draw in any large woody debris, pools, and
understand that they know their operation best. Point riffles.
out that streams, from small creeks to large rivers, are
a resource that runs throughout the landscape—how The assessment section is used to record the scores
they manage their part of the stream affects the entire for up to 15 assessment elements. Not all assessment
system. Talk about the benefits of healthy streams and elements will be applicable or useful for your site. Do
watersheds (improved baseflow, forage, fish, water- not score elements that are not applicable. Score an
fowl, wildlife, aesthetics, reduced flooding down- element by comparing your observations to the de-
stream, and reduced water pollution). Talk about how scriptions provided. If you have difficulty matching
restoring streams to a healthy condition is now a descriptions, try to compare what you are observing to
national priority. the conditions at reference sites for your area.
Explain what will happen during the assessment and The overall assessment score is determined by adding
what you expect from them. An example follows: the values for each element and dividing by the num-
ber of elements assessed. For example, if your scores
This assessment will tell us how your stream is add up to 76 and you used 12 assessment elements,
doing. We’ll need to look at sections of the stream that you would have an overall assessment value of 6.3,
are representative of different conditions. As we do which is classified as fair. This value provides a nu-
the assessment we’ll discuss how the functioning of merical assessment of the environmental condition of
different aspects of the stream work to keep the sys- the stream reach. This value can be used as a general
tem healthy. After we’re done, we can talk about the statement about the "state of the environment" of the
results of the assessment. I may recommend further stream or (over time) as an indicator of trends in
assessment work to better understand what’s going condition.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 3
Figure 2 Stream visual assessment protocol worksheet
Site Diagram
Pasture l Riffle
Evidence of
x flow
4 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Figure 2 Stream visual assessment protocol worksheet—Continued
Assessment Scores
degraded riparian zones lack brush, small trees. Some bank problems from livestock access.
Channel may be widening due to high sediment load. Does not appear to be downcutting.
stream using water sources and shade or exclude livestock. Concentrated flows off fields
need to be spread out in zone 3 of buffer. Relocate fallen trees if they deflect current into
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 5
Reach description Active channel width is the stream width at the
bankfull discharge. Bankfull discharge is the flow rate
The first page of the assessment worksheet records that forms and controls the shape and size of the
the identity and location of the stream reach. Most active channel. It is approximately the flow rate at
entries are self-explanatory. Waterbody ID and which the stream begins to move onto its flood plain if
ecoregion should be filled out only if these identifica- the stream has an active flood plain. The bankfull
tion and classification aids are used in your state. discharge is expected to occur every 1.5 years on
average. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between
Active channel width can be difficult to determine. baseflow, bankfull flow, and the flood plain. Active
However, active channel width helps to characterize channel width is best determined by locating the first
the stream. It is also an important aspect of more flat depositional surface occurring above the bed of
advanced assessment protocols; therefore, it is worth the stream (i.e., an active flood plain). The lowest
becoming familiar with the concept and field determi- elevation at which the bankfull surface could occur is
nation. For this protocol you do not need to measure at the top of the point bars or other sediment deposits
active channel width accurately — a visual estimate of in the channel bed. Other indicators of the bankfull
the average width is adequate. surface include a break in slope on the bank, vegeta-
tion change, substrate, and debris. If you are not
trained in locating the bankfull stage, ask the land-
owner how high the water gets every year and observe
the location of permanent vegetation.
6 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Scoring descriptions of several narrative descriptions, assign a score based
on the lowest scoring description that contains indica-
Each assessment element is rated with a value of 1 to tors present within the reach. You may record values
10. Rate only those elements appropriate to the intermediate to those listed. Some background infor-
stream. Using the Stream Visual Assessment Protocol mation is provided for each assessment element, as
worksheet, record the score that best fits the observa- well as a description of what to look for. The length of
tions you make based on the narrative descriptions the assessment reach should be 12 times the active
provided. Unless otherwise directed, assign the lowest channel width.
score that applies. For example, if a reach has aspects
Channel condition
Natural channel; no Evidence of past channel Altered channel; <50% of Channel is actively
structures, dikes. No alteration, but with the reach with riprap and/ downcutting or widen-
evidence of down- significant recovery of or channelization. Excess ing. >50% of the reach
cutting or excessive channel and banks. Any aggradation; braided with riprap or channel-
lateral cutting. dikes or levies are set channel. Dikes or levees ization. Dikes or levees
back to provide access to restrict flood plain width. prevent access to the
an adequate flood plain. flood plain.
10 7 3 1
Stream meandering generally increases as the gradient a series of structures (barbs, groins, jetties, deflectors,
of the surrounding valley decreases. Often, develop- weirs, vortex weirs) that reduce water velocity, deflect
ment in the area results in changes to this meandering currents, or act as gradient controls. These structures
pattern and the flow of a stream. These changes in are used in conjunction with large woody debris and
turn may affect the way a stream naturally does its woody vegetation plantings. Hydrologic alterations are
work, such as the transport of sediment and the devel- described next.
opment and maintenance of habitat for fish, aquatic
insects, and aquatic plants. Some modifications to What to look for: Signs of channelization or straight-
stream channels have more impact on stream health ening of the stream may include an unnaturally
than others. For example, channelization and dams straight section of the stream, high banks, dikes or
affect a stream more than the presence of pilings or berms, lack of flow diversity (e.g., few point bars and
other supports for road crossings. deep pools), and uniform-sized bed materials (e.g., all
cobbles where there should be mixes of gravel and
Active downcutting and excessive lateral cutting are cobble). In newly channelized reaches, vegetation may
serious impairments to stream function. Both condi- be missing or appear very different (different species,
tions are indicative of an unstable stream channel. not as well developed) from the bank vegetation of
Usually, this instability must be addressed before areas that were not channelized. Older channelized
committing time and money toward improving other reaches may also have little or no vegetation or have
stream problems. For example, restoring the woody grasses instead of woody vegetation. Drop structures
vegetation within the riparian zone becomes increas- (such as check dams), irrigation diversions, culverts,
ingly difficult when a channel is downcutting because bridge abutments, and riprap also indicate changes to
banks continue to be undermined and the water table the stream channel.
drops below the root zone of the plants during their
growing season. In this situation or when a channel is Indicators of downcutting in the stream channel
fairly stable, but already incised from previous down- include nickpoints associated with headcuts in the
cutting or mechanical dredging, it is usually necessary stream bottom and exposure of cultural features, such
to plant upland species, rather than hydrophytic, or to as pipelines that were initially buried under the
apply irrigation for several growing seasons, or both. stream. Exposed footings in bridges and culvert out-
Extensive bank-armoring of channels to stop lateral lets that are higher than the water surface during low
cutting usually leads to more problems (especially flows are other examples. A lack of sediment deposi-
downstream). Often stability can be obtained by using tional features, such as regularly-spaced point bars, is
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 7
normally an indicator of incision. A low vertical scarp
at the toe of the streambank may indicate down-
cutting, especially if the scarp occurs on the inside of a
meander. Another visual indicator of current or past
downcutting is high streambanks with woody vegeta-
tion growing well below the top of the bank (as a
channel incises the bankfull flow line moves down-
ward within the former bankfull channel). Excessive
bank erosion is indicated by raw banks in areas of the
stream where they are not normally found, such as
straight sections between meanders or on the inside of
Hydrologic alteration
Flooding every 1.5 to 2 Flooding occurs only Flooding occurs only No flooding; channel
years. No dams, no once every 3 to 5 years; once every 6 to 10 years; deeply incised or struc-
water withdrawals, no limited channel incision. channel deeply incised. tures prevent access to
dikes or other struc- or or flood plain or dam
tures limiting the Withdrawals, although Withdrawals significantly operations prevent
stream's access to the present, do not affect affect available low flow flood flows.
flood plain. Channel is available habitat for habitat for biota. or
not incised. biota. Withdrawals have
caused severe loss of
low flow habitat.
Flooding occurs on a 1-
year rain event or less.
10 7 3 1
Bankfull flows, as well as flooding, are important to braiding of the channel. Rosgen (1996) defines braid-
maintaining channel shape and function (e.g., sedi- ing as a stream with three or more smaller channels.
ment transport) and maintaining the physical habitat These smaller channels are extremely unstable, rarely
for animals and plants. High flows scour fine sediment have woody vegetation along their banks, and provide
to keep gravel areas clean for fish and other aquatic poor habitat for stream biota. A split channel, how-
organisms. These flows also redistribute larger sedi- ever, has two or more smaller channels (called side
ment, such as gravel, cobbles, and boulders, as well as channels) that are usually very stable, have woody
large woody debris, to form pool and riffle habitat vegetation along their banks, and provide excellent
important to stream biota. The river channel and flood habitat.
plain exist in dynamic equilibrium, having evolved in
the present climatic regime and geomorphic setting. Conversely, an increase in flood flows or the confine-
The relationship of water and sediment is the basis for ment of the river away from its flood plain (from either
the dynamic equilibrium that maintains the form and incision or levees) increases the energy available to
function of the river channel. The energy of the river transport sediment and can result in bank and channel
(water velocity and depth) should be in balance with erosion.
the bedload (volume and particle size of the sedi-
ment). Any change in the flow regime alters this bal- The low flow or baseflow during the dry periods of
ance. summer or fall usually comes from groundwater
entering the stream through the stream banks and
If a river is not incised and has access to its flood bottom. A decrease in the low-flow rate will result in a
plain, decreases in the frequency of bankfull and out- smaller portion of the channel suitable for aquatic
of-bank flows decrease the river's ability to transport organisms. The withdrawal of water from streams for
sediment. This can result in excess sediment deposition, irrigation or industry and the placement of dams often
channel widening and shallowing, and, ultimately, in change the normal low-flow pattern. Baseflow can also
8 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
be affected by management and land use within the event (2 out of 3 years or every other year). Be cau-
watershed — less infiltration of precipitation reduces tious because water in an adjacent field does not
baseflow and increases the frequency and severity of necessarily indicate natural flooding. The water may
high flow events. For example, urbanization increases have flowed overland from a low spot in the bank
runoff and can increase the frequency of flooding to outside the assessment reach.
every year or more often and also reduce low flows.
Overgrazing and clearcutting can have similar, al- Evidence of flooding includes high water marks (such
though typically less severe, effects. The last descrip- as water lines), sediment deposits, or stream debris.
tion in the last box refers to the increased flood fre- Look for these on the banks, on the bankside trees or
quency that occurs with the above watershed changes. rocks, or on other structures (such as road pilings or
What to look for: Ask the landowner about the
frequency of flooding and about summer low-flow Excess sediment deposits and wide, shallow channels
conditions. A flood plain should be inundated during could indicate a loss of sediment transport capacity.
flows that equal or exceed the 1.5- to 2.0-year flow The loss of transport capacity can result in a stream
with three or more channels (braiding).
Riparian zone
Natural vegetation Natural vegetation Natural vegetation Natural vegetation Natural vegetation
extends at least extends one active extends half of the extends a third of less than a third of
two active channel channel width on active channel width the active channel the active channel
widths on each each side. on each side. width on each side. width on each side.
side. or or or
If less than one Filtering function Lack of regenera-
width, covers entire moderately compro- tion.
flood plain. mised. or
Filtering function
severely compro-
10 8 5 3 1
This element is the width of the natural vegetation • Provides large woody debris from fallen trees and
zone from the edge of the active channel out onto the limbs that form instream cover, create pools, stabi-
flood plain. For this element, the word natural means lize the streambed, and provide habitat for stream
plant communities with (1) all appropriate structural biota.
components and (2) species native to the site or intro- • Provides fish habitat in the form of undercut banks
duced species that function similar to native species at with the "ceiling" held together by roots of woody
reference sites. vegetation.
• Provides organic material for stream biota that,
A healthy riparian vegetation zone is one of the most among other functions, is the base of the food chain
important elements for a healthy stream ecosystem. in lower order streams.
The quality of the riparian zone increases with the • Provides habitat for terrestrial insects that drop in
width and the complexity of the woody vegetation the stream and become food for fish, and habitat
within it. This zone: and travel corridors for terrestrial animals.
• Reduces the amount of pollutants that reach the • Dissipates energy during flood events.
stream in surface runoff. • Often provides the only refuge areas for fish during
• Helps control erosion. out-of-bank flows (behind trees, stumps, and logs).
• Provides a microclimate that is cooler during the
summer providing cooler water for aquatic organ-
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 9
The type, timing, intensity, and extent of activity in must be natural and consist of all of the structural
riparian zones are critical in determining the impact on components (aquatic plants, sedges or rushes, grasses,
these areas. Narrow riparian zones and/or riparian forbs, shrubs, understory trees, and overstory trees)
zones that have roads, agricultural activities, residen- appropriate for the area. A common problem is lack of
tial or commercial structures, or significant areas of shrubs and understory trees. Another common prob-
bare soils have reduced functional value for the lem is lack of regeneration. The presence of only
stream. The filtering function of riparian zones can be mature vegetation and few seedlings indicates lack of
compromised by concentrated flows. No evidence of regeneration. Do not consider incomplete plant com-
concentrated flows through the zone should occur or, munities as natural. Healthy riparian zones on both
if concentrated flows are evident, they should be from sides of the stream are important for the health of the
land areas appropriately buffered with vegetated entire system. If one side is lacking the protective
strips. vegetative cover, the entire reach of the stream will be
affected. In doing the assessment, examine both sides
What to look for: Compare the width of the riparian of the stream and note on the diagram which side of
zone to the active channel width. In steep, V-shaped the stream has problems. There should be no evidence
valleys there may not be enough room for a flood plain of concentrated flows through the riparian zone that
riparian zone to extend as far as one or two active are not adequately buffered before entering the ripar-
channel widths. In this case, observe how much of the ian zone.
flood plain is covered by riparian zone. The vegetation
Bank stability
Banks are stable; banks Moderately stable; banks Moderately unstable; Unstable; banks may be
are low (at elevation of are low (at elevation of banks may be low, but low, but typically are high;
active flood plain); 33% or active flood plain); less typically are high (flood- some straight reaches and
more of eroding surface than 33% of eroding sur- ing occurs 1 year out of 5 inside edges of bends are
area of banks in outside face area of banks in or less frequently); out- actively eroding as well as
bends is protected by outside bends is protected side bends are actively outside bends (overhang-
roots that extend to the by roots that extend to the eroding (overhanging ing vegetation at top of
base-flow elevation. baseflow elevation. vegetation at top of bank, bare bank, numerous
some mature trees falling mature trees falling into
into steam annually, some stream annually, numerous
slope failures apparent). slope failures apparent).
10 7 3 1
This element is the existence of or the potential for and flooding events. Vegetation seldom becomes
detachment of soil from the upper and lower stream established below the elevation of the bankfull surface
banks and its movement into the stream. Some bank because of the frequency of inundation and the un-
erosion is normal in a healthy stream. Excessive bank stable bottom conditions as the stream moves its
erosion occurs where riparian zones are degraded or bedload.
where the stream is unstable because of changes in
hydrology, sediment load, or isolation from the flood The type of vegetation is important. For example,
plain. High and steep banks are more susceptible to trees, shrubs, sedges, and rushes have the type of root
erosion or collapse. All outside bends of streams masses capable of withstanding high streamflow
erode, so even a stable stream may have 50 percent of events, while Kentucky bluegrass does not. Soil type at
its banks bare and eroding. A healthy riparian corridor the surface and below the surface also influences bank
with a vegetated flood plain contributes to bank stabil- stability. For example, banks with a thin soil cover
ity. The roots of perennial grasses or woody vegetation over gravel or sand are more prone to collapse than
typically extend to the baseflow elevation of water in are banks with a deep soil layer.
streams that have bank heights of 6 feet or less. The
root masses help hold the bank soils together and
physically protect the bank from scour during bankfull
10 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
What to look for: Signs of erosion include unvegetated
stretches, exposed tree roots, or scalloped edges. Evi-
dence of construction, vehicular, or animal paths near
banks or grazing areas leading directly to the water's
edge suggest conditions that may lead to the collapse of
banks. Estimate the size or area of the bank affected
relative to the total bank area. This element may be
difficult to score during high water.
Water appearance
Very clear, or clear but Occasionally cloudy, Considerable cloudiness Very turbid or muddy
tea-colored; objects especially after storm most of the time; objects appearance most of the
visible at depth 3 to 6 ft event, but clears rapidly; visible to depth 0.5 to 1.5 time; objects visible to
(less if slightly colored); objects visible at depth 1.5 ft; slow sections may depth < 0.5 ft; slow mov-
no oil sheen on surface; to 3 ft; may have slightly appear pea-green; bottom ing water may be bright-
no noticeable film on green color; no oil sheen rocks or submerged ob- green; other obvious
submerged objects or on water surface. jects covered with heavy water pollutants; floating
rocks. green or olive-green film. algal mats, surface scum,
or sheen or heavy coat of
Moderate odor of ammo- foam on surface.
nia or rotten eggs. or
Strong odor of chemicals,
oil, sewage, other pollut-
10 7 3 1
This element compares turbidity, color, and other What to look for: Clarity of the water is an obvious
visual characteristics with a healthy or reference and easy feature to assess. The deeper an object in the
stream. The depth to which an object can be clearly water can be seen, the lower the amount of turbidity.
seen is a measure of turbidity. Turbidity is caused Use the depth that objects are visible only if the
mostly by particles of soil and organic matter sus- stream is deep enough to evaluate turbidity using this
pended in the water column. Water often shows some approach. For example, if the water is clear, but only 1
turbidity after a storm event because of soil and or- foot deep, do not rate it as if an object became ob-
ganic particles carried by runoff into the stream or scured at a depth of 1 foot. This measure should be
suspended by turbulence. The water in some streams taken after a stream has had the opportunity to "settle"
may be naturally tea-colored. This is particularly true following a storm event. A pea-green color indicates
in watersheds with extensive bog and wetland areas. nutrient enrichment beyond what the stream can
Water that has slight nutrient enrichment may support naturally absorb.
communities of algae, which provide a greenish color
to the water. Streams with heavy loads of nutrients have
thick coatings of algae attached to the rocks and other
submerged objects. In degraded streams, floating algal
mats, surface scum, or pollutants, such as dyes and oil,
may be visible.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 11
Nutrient enrichment
Clear water along entire Fairly clear or slightly Greenish water along entire Pea green, gray, or brown
reach; diverse aquatic greenish water along reach; overabundance of water along entire reach;
plant community in- entire reach; moderate lush green macrophytes; dense stands of macro-
cludes low quantities of algal growth on stream abundant algal growth, phytes clog stream;
many species of macro- substrates. especially during warmer severe algal blooms
phytes; little algal months. create thick algal mats in
growth present. stream.
10 7 3 1
Nutrient enrichment is often reflected by the types and What to look for: Some aquatic vegetation (rooted
amounts of aquatic vegetation in the water. High levels macrophytes, floating plants, and algae attached to
of nutrients (especially phosphorus and nitrogen) substrates) is normal and indicates a healthy stream.
promote an overabundance of algae and floating and Excess nutrients cause excess growth of algae and
rooted macrophytes. The presence of some aquatic macrophytes, which can create greenish color to the
vegetation is normal in streams. Algae and macro- water. As nutrient loads increase the green becomes
phytes provide habitat and food for all stream animals. more intense and macrophytes become more lush and
However, an excessive amount of aquatic vegetation is deep green. Intense algal blooms, thick mats of algae,
not beneficial to most stream life. Plant respiration or dense stands of macrophytes degrade water quality
and decomposition of dead vegetation consume dis- and habitat. Clear water and a diverse aquatic plant
solved oxygen in the water. Lack of dissolved oxygen community without dense plant populations are opti-
creates stress for all aquatic organisms and can cause mal for this characteristic.
fish kills. A landowner may have seen fish gulping for
air at the water surface during warm weather, indicat-
ing a lack of dissolved oxygen.
10 8 5 3 1
Barriers that block the movement of fish or other and whether provisions have been made for the pas-
aquatic organisms, such as fresh water mussels, must sage of fish. Ask the landowner about any dams or
be considered as part of the overall stream assess- other barriers that may be present 3 to 5 miles up-
ment. If sufficiently high, these barriers may prevent stream or downstream. Larger dams are often noted
the movement or migration of fish, deny access to on maps, so you may find some information even
important breeding and foraging habitats, and isolate before going out into the field. Beaver dams generally
populations of fish and other aquatic animals. do not prevent fish migration. Look for structures that
may not involve a drop, but still present a hydraulic
What to look for: Some barriers are natural, such as barrier. Single, large culverts with no slope and suffi-
waterfalls and boulder dams, and some are developed cient water depth usually do not constitute a barrier.
by humans. Note the presence of such barriers along Small culverts or culverts with slopes may cause high
the reach of the stream you are assessing, their size, water velocities that prevent passage.
12 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Instream fish cover
>7 cover types 6 to 7 cover types 4 to 5 cover types 2 to 3 cover types None to 1 cover
available available available available type available
10 8 5 3 1
Cover types: Logs/large woody debris, deep pools, overhanging vegetation, boulders/cobble, riffles,
undercut banks, thick root mats, dense macrophyte beds, isolated/backwater pools,
other: ___________________________________.
This assessment element measures availability of Boulders/cobble—Boulders are rounded stones more
physical habitat for fish. The potential for the mainte- than 10 inches in diameter or large slabs more than 10
nance of a healthy fish community and its ability to inches in length; cobbles are stones between 2.5 and
recover from disturbance is dependent on the variety 10 inches in diameter.
and abundance of suitable habitat and cover available.
Undercut banks—Eroded areas extending horizon-
What to look for: Observe the number of different tally beneath the surface of the bank forming underwa-
habitat and cover types within a representative sub- ter pockets used by fish for hiding and protection.
section of the assessment reach that is equivalent in
length to five times the active channel width. Each Thick root mats—Dense mats of roots and rootlets
cover type must be present in appreciable amounts to (generally from trees) at or beneath the water surface
score. Cover types are described below. forming structure for invertebrate attachment and fish
Logs/large woody debris—Fallen trees or parts of
trees that provide structure and attachment for aquatic Dense macrophyte beds—Beds of emergent (e.g.,
macroinvertebrates and hiding places for fish. water willow), floating leaf (e.g., water lily), or sub-
merged (e.g., riverweed) aquatic vegetation thick
Deep pools—Areas characterized by a smooth undis- enough to provide invertebrate attachment and fish
turbed surface, generally slow current, and deep cover.
enough to provide protective cover for fish (75 to 100%
deeper than the prevailing stream depth). Riffles—Area characterized by broken water surface,
rocky or firm substrate, moderate or swift current, and
Overhanging vegetation—Trees, shrubs, vines, or relatively shallow depth (usually less than 18 inches).
perennial herbaceous vegetation that hangs immedi-
ately over the stream surface, providing shade and Isolated/backwater pools—Areas disconnected
cover. from the main channel or connected as a "blind" side
channel, characterized by a lack of flow except in
periods of high water.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 13
Deep and shallow pools Pools present, but not Pools present, but shal- Pools absent, or the
abundant; greater than abundant; from 10 to 30% low; from 5 to 10% of the entire bottom is dis-
30% of the pool bottom of the pool bottom is pool bottom is obscure cernible.
is obscure due to depth, obscure due to depth, or due to depth, or the pools
or the pools are at least the pools are at least 3 are less than 3 feet deep.
5 feet deep. feet deep.
10 7 3 1
Pools are important resting and feeding sites for fish. What to look for: Pool diversity and abundance are
A healthy stream has a mix of shallow and deep pools. estimated based on walking the stream or probing
A deep pool is 1.6 to 2 times deeper than the prevailing from the streambank with a stick or length of rebar.
depth, while a shallow pool is less than 1.5 times You should find deep pools on the outside of meander
deeper than the prevailing depth. Pools are abundant if bends. In shallow, clear streams a visual inspection
a deep pool is in each of the meander bends in the may provide an accurate estimate. In deep streams or
reach being assessed. To determine if pools are abun- streams with low visibility, this assessment character-
dant, look at a longer sample length than one that is 12 istic may be difficult to determine and should not be
active channel widths in length. Generally, only 1 or 2 scored.
pools would typically form within a reach as long as 12
active channel widths. In low order, high gradient
streams, pools are abundant if there is more than one
pool every 4 channel widths.
Insect/invertebrate habitat
At least 5 types of habitat 3 to 4 types of habitat. 1 to 2 types of habitat. The None to 1 type of habitat.
available. Habitat is at a Some potential habitat substrate is often dis-
stage to allow full insect exists, such as overhanging turbed, covered, or re-
colonization (woody trees, which will provide moved by high stream
debris and logs not habitat, but have not yet velocities and scour or by
freshly fallen). entered the stream. sediment deposition.
10 7 3 1
Cover types: Fine woody debris, submerged logs, leaf packs, undercut banks, cobble, boulders,
Stable substrate is important for insect/invertebrate What to look for: Observe the number of different
colonization. Substrate refers to the stream bottom, types of habitat and cover within a representative
woody debris, or other surfaces on which inverte- subsection of the assessment reach that is equivalent
brates can live. Optimal conditions include a variety of in length to five times the active channel width. Each
substrate types within a relatively small area of the cover type must be present in appreciable amounts to
stream (5 times the active channel width). Stream and score.
substrate stability are also important. High stream
velocities, high sediment loads, and frequent flooding
may cause substrate instability even if substrate is
14 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Score the following assessment elements
only if applicable
> 75% of water surface >50% shaded in reach. 20 to 50% shaded. < 20% of water surface in
shaded and upstream 2 or reach shaded.
to 3 miles generally >75% in reach, but up-
well shaded. stream 2 to 3 miles poorly
10 7 3 1
Warmwater fishery
25 to 90% of water > 90% shaded; full canopy; (intentionally blank) < 25% water surface
surface shaded; mix- same shading condition shaded in reach.
ture of conditions. throughout the reach.
10 7 1
Do not assess this element if active channel warmer water also promote excessive growth of
width is greater than 50 feet. Do not assess this submerged macrophytes and algae that compromises
element if woody vegetation is naturally absent the biotic community of the stream. The temperature
(e.g., wet meadows). at the reach you are assessing will be affected by the
amount of shading 2 to 3 miles upstream.
Shading of the stream is important because it keeps
water cool and limits algal growth. Cool water has a What to look for: Try to estimate the portion of the
greater oxygen holding capacity than does warm water surface area for the whole reach that is shaded
water. When streamside trees are removed, the stream by estimating areas with no shade, poor shade, and
is exposed to the warming effects of the sun causing shade. Time of the year, time of the day, and weather
the water temperature to increase for longer periods can affect your observation of shading. Therefore, the
during the daylight hours and for more days during the relative amount of shade is estimated by assuming that
year. This shift in light intensity and temperature the sun is directly overhead and the vegetation is in
causes a decline in the numbers of certain species of full leaf-out. First evaluate the shading conditions for
fish, insects, and other invertebrates and some aquatic the reach; then determine (by talking with the land-
plants. They may be replaced altogether by other owner) shading conditions 2 to 3 miles upstream.
species that are more tolerant of increased light inten- Alternatively, use aerial photographs taken during full
sity, low dissolved oxygen, and warmer water tem- leaf out. The following rough guidelines for percent
perature. For example, trout and salmon require cool, shade may be used:
oxygen-rich water. Loss of streamside vegetation (and stream surface not visible .......................................... >90
also channel widening) that cause increased water
surface slightly visible or visible only in patches .. 70 – 90
temperature and decreased oxygen levels are major
contributing factors to the decrease in abundance of surface visible, but banks not visible ................... 40 – 70
trout and salmon from many streams that historically surface visible and banks visible at times ........... 20 – 40
supported these species. Increased light and the surface and banks visible ............................................ <20
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 15
Manure presence (if applicable)
5 3 1
Do not score this element unless livestock opera- What to look for: Do not score this element unless
tions or human waste discharges are present. livestock operations or human waste discharges are
present. Look for evidence of animal droppings in or
Manure from livestock may enter the water if livestock around streams, on the streambank, or in the adjacent
have access to the stream or from runoff of grazing riparian zone. Well-worn livestock paths leading to or
land adjacent to the stream. In some communities near streams also suggest the probability of manure in
untreated human waste may also empty directly into the stream. Areas with stagnant or slow-moving water
streams. Manure and human waste increase biochemi- may have moderate to dense amounts of vegetation or
cal oxygen demand, increase the loading of nutrients, algal blooms, indicating localized enrichment from
and alter the trophic state of the aquatic biological manure.
community. Untreated human waste is a health risk.
(Intentionally blank) Minimal wilting, bleach- Aquatic vegetation may Severe wilting, bleaching,
ing, leaf burn, or stunting show significant wilting, leaf burn, or stunting;
of aquatic vegetation; bleaching, leaf burn, or presence of only salt-
some salt-tolerant stream- stunting; dominance of tolerant aquatic vegeta-
side vegetation. salt-tolerant streamside tion; most streamside
vegetation. vegetation salt tolerant.
5 3 1
Do not assess this element unless elevated salin- What to look for: High salinity levels cause a "burn-
ity from anthropogenic sources is known to ing" or "bleaching" of aquatic vegetation. Wilting, loss
occur in the stream. of plant color, decreased productivity, and stunted
growth are readily visible signs. Other indicators
High salinity levels most often occur in arid areas include whitish salt encrustments on the streambanks
and in areas that have high irrigation requirements. and the displacement of native vegetation by salt-
High salinity can also result from oil and gas well tolerant aquatic plants and riparian vegetation (such
operations. Salt accumulation in soil causes a break- as tamarix or salt cedar).
down of soil structure, decreased infiltration of water,
and potential toxicity. High salinity in streams affects
aquatic vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fish. Salts
are a product of natural weathering processes of soil
and geologic material.
16 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Riffle embeddedness
(if applicable)
Gravel or cobble Gravel or cobble Gravel or cobble Gravel or cobble Riffle is completely
particles are particles are 20 to particles are 30 to particles are >40% embedded.
< 20% embedded. 30% embedded. 40% embedded. embedded.
10 8 5 3 1
Do not assess this element unless riffles are What to look for: This assessment characteristic
present or they are a natural feature that should be used only in riffle areas and in streams
should be present. where this is a natural feature. The measure is the
depth to which objects are buried by sediment. This
Riffles are areas, often downstream of a pool, where assessment is made by picking up particles of gravel
the water is breaking over rocks or other debris caus- or cobble with your fingertips at the fine sediment
ing surface agitation. In coastal areas riffles can be layer. Pull the particle out of the bed and estimate
created by shoals and submerged objects. (This ele- what percent of the particle was buried. Some streams
ment is sensitive to regional differences and should be have been so smothered by fine sediment that the
related to reference conditions.) Riffles are critical for original stream bottom is not visible. Test for complete
maintaining high species diversity and abundance of burial of a streambed by probing with a length of
insects for most streams and for serving as spawning rebar.
and feeding grounds for some fish species. Embedded-
ness measures the degree to which gravel and cobble
substrate are surrounded by fine sediment. It relates
directly to the suitability of the stream substrate as
habitat for macroinvertebrates, fish spawning, and egg
Macroinvertebrates observed
15 6 2 –3
This important characteristic reflects the ability of the Group I. Another group of macroinvertebrates, known
stream to support aquatic invertebrate animals. How- as Group II or facultative macroinvertebrates, can
ever, successful assessment requires knowledge of the tolerate limited pollution. This group includes damsel-
life cycles of some aquatic insects and other macro- flies, aquatic sowbugs, and crayfish. The presence of
invertebrates and the ability to identify them. For this Group III macroinvertebrates, including midges,
reason, this is an optional element. The presence of craneflies and leeches, suggests the water is signifi-
intolerant insect species (cannot survive in polluted cantly polluted. The presence of a single Group I
water) indicates healthy stream conditions. Some species in a community does not constitute good
kinds of macroinvertebrates, such as stoneflies, may- diversity and should generally not be given a score of
flies, and caddisflies, are sensitive to pollution and do 15.
not live in polluted water; they are considered
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 17
What to look for: You can collect macroinverte-
brates by picking up cobbles and other submerged
objects in the water. Look carefully for the insects;
they are often well camouflaged and may appear as
part of the stone or object. Note the kinds of insects,
number of species, and relative abundance of each
group of insects/macroinvertebrates. Each of the three
classes of macroinvertebrates are illustrated on pages
19 and 20. Note that the scoring values for this
element range from – 3 to 15.
18 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 19
Group Two Taxa
Somewhat pollution tolerant organisms can
be in good or fair quality water.
20 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Technical information to Context for use
support implementation The Stream Visual Assessment Protocol is intended to
be a simple, comprehensive assessment of stream
condition that maximizes ease of use. It is suitable as a
Introduction basic first approximation of stream condition. It can
also be used to identify the need for more accurate
This section provides a guide for implementation of assessment methods that focus on a particular aspect
the Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP). The of the aquatic system.
topics covered in this section include the origin of the
protocol, development history, context for use in The relationship of the SVAP to other assessment
relation to other methods of stream assessment, methods is shown in figure 4. In this figure a specific
instructions for modifying the protocol, and refer- reference to a guidance document is provided for
ences. some methods. The horizontal bars indicate which
aspects of stream condition (chemical, physical, or
biological) are addressed by the method. The SVAP is
Origin of the protocol the simplest method and covers all three aspects of
stream condition. As you move upwards in figure 4 the
In 1996 the NRCS National Water and Climate Center methods provide more accuracy, but also become
surveyed the NRCS state biologists to determine the more focused on one or two aspects of stream condi-
extent of activity in stream ecological assessment and tion and require more expertise or resources to con-
the need for technical support. The survey indicated duct.
that less than a third of the NRCS states were active in
supporting stream assessment within their state. Most The SVAP is intended to be applicable nationwide. It
respondents said they believed they should be more has been designed to utilize factors that are least
active and requested additional support from the sensitive to regional differences. However, regional
National Centers and Institutes. In response to these differences are a significant aspect of stream assess-
findings, the NRCS Aquatic Assessment Workgroup ment, and the protocol can be enhanced by tailoring
was formed. In their first meeting the workgroup the assessment elements to regional conditions. The
determined that a simple assessment protocol was national SVAP can be viewed as a framework that can
needed. The Water Quality Indicators Guide (WQIG) evolve over time to better reflect State or within-State
had been available for 8 years, but was not being used regional differences. Instructions for modification are
extensively. The workgroup felt a simpler and more provided later in this document.
streamlined method was needed as an initial protocol
for field office use.
The workgroup developed a plan for a tiered progres-
sion of methods that could be used in the field as The SVAP was developed by combining parts of sev-
conservationists became more skilled in stream as- eral existing assessment procedures. Many of these
sessment. These methods would also serve different sources are listed in the references section. Three
assessment objectives. The first tier is a simple 2-page drafts were developed and reviewed by the workgroup
assessment — the Stream Visual Assessment Protocol and others between the fall of 1996 and the spring of
(SVAP). The second tier is the existing WQIG. The 1997. During the summer of 1997, the workgroup
third tier is a series of simple assessment methods that conducted a field trial evaluation of the third draft.
could be conducted by conservationists in the field. An Further field trials were conducted with the fourth
example of a third tier method would be macro- draft in 1998. A report on the field trial results is ap-
invertibrate sampling and identification to the taxo- pendix A of this document.
nomic level of Order. The fourth tier is fairly sophisti-
cated methods used in special projects. Examples of The field trials involved approximately 60 individuals
fourth tier methods would be fish community sam- and 182 assessment sites. The field trial consisted of a
pling and quantitative sampling of macroinvertebrates combination of replication studies (in which several
with shipment of samples to a lab for identification. individuals independently assessed the same sites) and
accuracy studies (in which SVAP scores were com-
The workgroup also found that introductory training pared to the results from other assessment methods).
and a field handbook that would serve as a compre- The average coefficient of variation in the replication
hensive reference and guidance manual are needed. studies was 10.5 percent. The accuracy results indi-
These projects are under development as of this writing. cated that SVAP version 3 scores correlated well with
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 21
other methods for moderately impacted and high A training course for conservationists in the field
quality sites, but that low quality sites were not scoring suitable for use at the state or area level has been
correspondingly low in the SVAP. Conservationists in developed to facilitate implementation of the SVAP. It
the field who participated in the trial were surveyed on is designed as either a 1-day or 2-day session. The first
the usability and value of the protocol. The partici- day covers basic stream ecology and use of the SVAP.
pants indicated that they found it easy to use and The second day includes an overview of several
thought it would be valuable for their clients. stream assessment methods, instruction on a macro-
invertebrate survey method, and field exercises to
Revisions were made to the draft to address the defi- apply the SVAP and macroinvertibrate protocols. The
ciencies identified in the field trial, and some reassess- training materials consist of an instructor's guide,
ments were made during the winter of 1998 to see how slides, video, a macroinvertebrate assessment training
the revisions affected performance. Performance was kit, and a student workbook. Training materials have
improved. Additional revisions were made, and the been provided to each NRCS state office.
fifth draft was sent to all NRCS state offices, selected
Federal agencies, and other partners for review and
comment during the spring of 1998. Instructions for modification
Comments were received from eight NRCS state The national version of the Stream Visual Assessment
offices, the Bureau of Land Management, and several Protocol may be used without modification. It has
NRCS national specialists. Comments were uniformly been designed to use assessment elements that are
supportive of the need for the guidance and for the least sensitive to regional differences. Nonetheless, it
document as drafted. Many commenters provided can be modified to better reflect conditions within a
improved explanatory text for the supporting descrip- geographic area. Modifying the protocol would have
tions accompanying the assessment elements. Most of the following benefits:
the suggested revisions were incorporated. • The protocol can be made easier to use with narra-
tive descriptions that are closer to the conditions
users will encounter.
Implementation • The protocol can be made more responsive to
differences in stream condition.
The SVAP is issued as a national product. States are • Precision can be improved by modifying elements
encouraged to incorporate it within the Field Office that users have trouble evaluating.
Technical Guide. The document may be modified by • The rating scale can be calibrated to regionally-
States. The electronic file for the document may be based criteria for excellent, good, fair, and poor
downloaded from the National Water and Climate condition.
Center web site at
Figure 4 Relationship of various stream condition assessment methods in terms of complexity or expertise required and the
aspects of stream condition addressed
or more National Handbook
expertise of WQ Monitoring Tier 4 Biotic Assessment
needed Geomorphic analysis
WQ Indicators Guide
22 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Two parts of the SVAP may be modified—the indi- Step 4 Rank the sites.
vidual elements and their narrative descriptions, and Begin your data analysis by ranking all the sites from
the rating scale for assigning an overall condition rating most impacted to least impacted. Rank sites according
of excellent, good, fair, or poor. to the independent assessment results (preferred) or
by the SVAP scores. Initially, rank all of the sites in the
The simplest approach to modifying the SVAP is based state data set. You will test classifications in subse-
on professional experience and judgment. Under this quent iterations.
approach an interdisciplinary team should be as-
sembled to develop proposed revisions. Revisions Step 5 Display scoring data.
should then be evaluated by conducting comparison Prepare a chart of the data from all sites in your state.
assessments at sites representing a range of conditions The columns are the sites arranged by the ranking. The
and evaluating accuracy (correlation between different rows are the assessment elements, the overall numeri-
assessment methods), precision (reproducibility cal score, and the narrative rating. If you have inde-
among different users), and ease of use. pendent assessment data, create a second chart by
plotting the overall SVAP scores against the indepen-
A second, more scientifically rigorous method for dent scores.
modifying the protocol is described below. This ap-
proach is based on a classification system for stream Step 6 Evaluate responsiveness.
type and the use of reference sites. Does the SVAP score change in response to the condi-
tion gradient represented by the different sites? Are
Step 1 Decide on tentative number of versions. the individual element scores responding to key re-
Do you want to develop a revised version for your source problems? Were users comfortable with all
state, for each ecoregion within your state, or for elements? If the answers are yes, do not change the
several stream classes within each ecoregion? elements and proceed to step 7. If the answers are no,
isolate which elements are not responsive. Revise the
Step 2 Develop tentative stream classification. narrative descriptions for those elements to better
If you are developing protocols by stream class, you respond to the observable conditions. Conduct a
need to develop a tentative classification system. (If "desktop" reassessment of the sites with the new
you are interested in a statewide or ecoregion protocol, descriptions, and return to step 4.
go to step 3.) You might develop a classification system
based on stream order, elevation, or landscape charac- Step 7 Evaluate the narrative rating break-
ter. Do not create too many categories. The greater the points.
number of categories, the more assessment work will Do the breakpoints for the narrative rating correspond
be needed to modify the protocol and the more you will to other assessment results? The excellent range
be accommodating degradation within the evaluation should encompass only reference sites. If not, you
system. As an extreme example of the latter problem, should reset the narrative rating breakpoints. Set the
you would not want to create a stream class consisting excellent breakpoint based on the least impacted
of those streams that have bank-to-bank cropping and reference sites. You must use judgment to set the
at least one sewage outfall. other breakpoints.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 23
After the initial modification of the SVAP, the state
may want to set up a process to consider future revi-
sions. Field offices should be encouraged to locate and
assess least impacted reference sites to build the data
base for interpretation and future revisions. Ancillary
data should be collected to help evaluate whether a
potential reference site should be considered a refer-
ence site.
24 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
References Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. 1989. Biologi-
cal criteria for the protection of aquatic life:
Binns, N.A., and F.M. Eiserman. 1979. Quantification volume III. Standardized biological field sam-
of fluvial trout habitat in Wyoming. Trans. Am. pling and laboratory methods for assessing fish
Fish. Soc. 103(3): 215-228. and invertebrate communities. Columbus, OH.
California Department of Fish and Game. 1996. Cali- Omernick, J.M. 1995. Ecoregions: a spatial framework
fornia stream bioassessment procedures. Aquatic for environmental management. In Biological
Bioassessment Lab. assessment and criteria: tools for water resource
planning and decision making, W.S.Davis and
Chambers, J.R. 1992. U.S. coastal habitat degradation T.P. Simon (eds.), Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, FL,
and fishery declines. Trans. N. Am. Widl. and pp. 49-62.
Nat. Res. Conf. 57(11-19).
Rosgen, D. 1996. Applied river morphology. Wildland
Davis, W.S., and T.P. Simon (eds.). 1995. Biological Hydrol., Pagosa Springs, CO.
assessment and criteria: tools for water resource
planning and decision making. Lewis Publ., Boca Terrell, J.W., T.E. McMahon, P.D. Inskip, R.F. Raleigh,
Raton, FL. and K.L. Williamson. 1982. Habitat suitability
index models: appendix A. Guidelines for river-
Detenbeck, N.E., P.W. DeVore, G.J. Niemi, and A. ine and lacustrine applications of fish HSI
Lima. 1992. Recovery of temperate stream fish models with the habitat evaluation procedures.
communities from disturbance: a review of case U.S. Dep. Int., Fish and Wildl. Serv. FWS/OBS-82/
studies and synthesis of theory. Env. Man. 10A.
University of Montana. 1997. Assessing health of a
Etneir, D.A., and W.C. Starnes. 1993. The fishes of riparian site (draft). School of Forestry, Univ.
Tennessee. Univ. TN Press, Knoxville, TN. MT, Missoula, MT.
Idaho Division of Environmental Quality. 1996. 1996 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Ser-
beneficial use reconnaissance project workplan. vice. 1997. R1/R4 Fish and fish habitat standard
IDHW-300-83270-05/96. inventory procedures handbook. INT-GTR-346.
Izaak Walton League of America. 1994. Save our United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conser-
streams stream quality survey. IWLA, 707 Con- vation Service. 1989. Water quality indicators
servation Lane, Gaithersburg, MD. guide: surface waters. SCS-TP-161 (now available
from the Terrene Institute, Alexandria, VA).
Karr, J.R., K.D. Fausch, P.L. Angermier, P.R. Yant,
and I.J. Schlosser. 1986. Assessing biological United States Department of Agriculture, Natural
integrity in running waters: a method and its Resources Conservation Service. 1997. National
rationale. IL Natl. Hist. Surv. Spec. Pub. 5, handbook of water quality monitoring. Part 600
Champaign, IL. Natl. Water Quality Handb.
Minckley, W.L., and J.E. Deacon. 1991. Battle against United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1989.
extinction. Univ. AZ Press, Tucson, AZ. Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in steams
and rivers: benthic macroinvertebrates and fish.
Mullan, J.W. 1986. Detriments of sockeye salmon EPA/440/4-89/001.
abundance in the Columbia River, 1880's-1982: a
review and synthesis. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1990.
Biol. Rep. 86(12). Macroinvertebrate field and laboratory methods
for evaluating the biological integrity of surface
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. waters. EPA/600/4-90/030.
1987. Water watch field guide.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1997.
Volunteer stream monitoring: A Methods Manual.
EPA 841-B-97-003.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 25
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1997.
Field and laboratory methods for macroinverte-
brate and habitat assessment of low gradient
nontidal streams. Mid-Atlantic Coastal Streams
Workgroup, Environ. Serv. Div., EPA Region 3,
Wheeling, WV.
26 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Active channel width The width of the stream at the bankfull discharge. Permanent vegetation
generally does not become established in the active channel.
Bankfull discharge The stream discharge (flow rate, such as cubic feet per second) that forms
and controls the shape and size of the active channel and creates the flood
plain. This discharge generally occurs once every 1.5 years on average.
Bankfull stage The stage at which water starts to flow over the flood plain; the elevation
of the water surface at bankfull discharge.
Baseflow The portion of streamflow that is derived from natural storage; average
stream discharge during low flow conditions.
Channel roughness Physical elements of a stream channel upon which flow energy is expended
including coarseness and texture of bed material, the curvature of the
channel, and variation in the longitudinal profile.
Confined channel A channel that does not have access to a flood plain.
Flood plain The flat area of land adjacent to a stream that is formed by current flood
Forb Any broad-leaved herbaceous plant other than those in the Gramineae
(Poceae), Cyperacea, and Juncaceae families (Society for Range Manage-
ment, 1989).
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 27
Gabions A wire basket filled with rocks; used to stabilize streambanks and to con-
trol erosion.
Glide A fast water habitat type that has low to moderate velocities, no surface
agitation, no defined thalweg, and a U-shaped, smooth, wide bottom.
Gradient Slope calculated as the amount of vertical rise over horizontal run ex-
pressed as ft/ft or as percent (ft/ft * 100).
Grass An annual to perennial herb, generally with round erect stems and swollen
nodes; leaves are alternate and two-ranked; flowers are in spikelets each
subtended by two bracts.
Hydrology The study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the Earth's
surface, soil, and atmosphere.
Incised channel A channel with a streambed lower in elevation than its historic elevation in
relation to the flood plain.
Intermittent stream A stream in contact with the ground water table that flows only certain
times of the year, such as when the ground water table is high or when it
receives water from surface sources.
Meander A winding section of stream with many bends that is at least 1.2 times
longer, following the channel, than its straight-line distance. A single mean-
der generally comprises two complete opposing bends, starting from the
relatively straight section of the channel just before the first bend to the
relatively straight section just after the second bend.
Macroinvertebrate A spineless animal visible to the naked eye or larger than 0.5 millimeters.
Nickpoint The point where a stream is actively eroding (downcutting) to a new base
elevation. Nickpoints migrate upstream (through a process called
Point bar A gravel or sand deposit on the inside of a meander; an actively mobile
river feature.
Reach A section of stream (defined in a variety of ways, such as the section be-
tween tributaries or a section with consistent characteristics).
Riffle A shallow section in a stream where water is breaking over rocks, wood, or
other partly submerged debris and producing surface agitation.
28 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Riparian The zone adjacent to a stream or any other waterbody (from the Latin word
ripa, pertaining to the bank of a river, pond, or lake).
Riprap Rock material of varying size used to stabilize streambanks and other
Run A fast-moving section of a stream with a defined thalweg and little surface
Scouring The erosive removal of material from the stream bottom and banks.
Sedge A grasslike, fibrous-rooted herb with a triangular to round stem and leaves
that are mostly three-ranked and with close sheaths; flowers are in spikes
or spikelets, axillary to single bracts.
Substrate The mineral or organic material that forms the bed of the stream; the
surface on which aquatic organisms live.
Surface fines That portion of streambed surface consisting of sand/silt (less than 6 mm).
Thalweg The line followed by the majority of the streamflow. The line connecting
the lowest or deepest points along the streambed.
Watershed A ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river
systems. The land area draining to a waterbody or point in a river system;
catchment area, drainage basin, drainage area.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 29
30 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Appendix A—1997 and 1998 Field Trial Results
Purpose and methods 14.4 (n=5), and 5.7 (n=4) percent. The Oregon site with
three replicates was part of a course and had a coeffi-
The purpose of the field trials was to evaluate the cient of variation of 11.1 percent. One Georgia site was
accuracy, precision, and usability of the draft Steam assessed using the fourth draft during a pilot of the
Visual Assessment Protocol. The draft protocols training course. There were 11 replicates, and the
evaluated were the third draft dated May 1997 and the coefficient of variation was 8.8 percent. In May 1998
fourth draft dated October 1997. A field trial workplan the workgroup conducted replicate assessments of
was developed with study guidelines and a survey two sites in Virginia using the fifth draft of the proto-
form to solicit feedback from users. Accuracy was col. Coefficients of variation were 14.7 and 3.6 percent.
evaluated by comparison to other stream assessment The average coefficient of variation of all studies in
methods. Precision was evaluated by replicate assess- table A–2 is 10.5 percent.
ments conduced by different individuals at the same
sites. In all studies an attempt was made to utilize sites Variability within the individual elements of the SVAP
ranging from high quality to degraded. Results con- was evaluated using the Georgia site with 11 repli-
sisted of the scoring data and the user feedback form cates. The results of the individual element scores are
for each site. presented in figure A–1. It should be noted that two
individuals erroneously rated the "presence of manure"
Accuracy was evaluated by comparing the SVAP rating
Overall, 182 sites were assessed, and approximately 60 to other methods as noted in table A–1. Some of the
individuals participated in the field trials. The indi- comparisons involved professional judgment. In others
vidual studies are summarized in table A–1. the SVAP score could be compared with a quantitative
evaluation. Figures A–2 through A–5 present data from
Precision could be evaluated using data from the the two studies that had larger numbers of sites. The
Colorado, New Jersey, Oregon, Virginia, and Georgia Pearson's Correlation Coefficient is presented for
studies. Results are summarized in table A–2. The New these data. The results from other sites are presented
Jersey sites had coefficients of variation of 9.0 (n=8), in table A–3.
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 31
Figure A–1 Means and standard deviations from the The SVAP version 3 scores correlated extremely well
Parker’s Mill Creek site in Americus, GA with the Ohio Qualitative Habitat Index and reason-
(n=11) (mean plus and minus one standard ably well with the fish community IBI in the Virginia
deviation is shown; SVAP version 4 used) study (fig. A–2 and A–3). However, the SVAP version 3
scores in the Carolinas study did not correlate well
10 with either IBI or EPT Taxa (fig. A–4 and A–5). These
results may reflect the fact that the SVAP primarily
assesses physical habitat within the assessment reach
6 whereas IBI and EPT Taxa are influenced by both
-2 Overall, the field trial results for the third draft seemed
Bank sta
Fish bar
Fish cov
Inv hab
to indicate that SVAP scores reflected conditions for
sites in good to moderate condition. However, SVAP
SVAP elements scores tended to be too high for poor quality sites.
Table A–2 Summary of replication results (version refers to the SVAP draft used; mean for overall score reported)
32 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Table A–3 Accuracy comparison data from studies with too few sites to determine a correlation coefficient
Site SVAP SVAP score and rating Comparative rating Comparative method
Figure A–2 Correlation between SVAP and IBI values in Figure A–3 Correlation between SVAP and Ohio Qualita-
the Virginia study (n=56) tive Habitat Evaluation Index values in the
Virginia study (n=56)
50 8
r=0.63, p=0.0001 r=0.91, p=0.0001
0 4 5 6 7 8
40 50 60 70 80 90
Ohio, QHEI
Figure A–4 Correlation between SVAP and IBI values in Figure A–5 Correlation between SVAP and macroinverte-
the Carolinas study (n=90) brate index values in Carolinas study (n=90)
60 30
55 r=0.19, p=0.1 r=0.2584, p=0.02
Fish community IBI
50 25
Number EPT taxa
40 20
30 15
20 10
10 5
2 3 4 5 6 7
SVAP Version 3 score
2 3 4 5 6 7
SVAP Version 3 score
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 33
Discussion The revisions were incorporated into a fourth draft
and evaluated by the workgroup. Sites from the first
Overall, the workgroup concluded from the first field field trial were rescored using the new draft. Response
trial that the SVAP could be used by conservationists seemed to have improved as indicated by the greater
in the field with reasonable reproducibility and a level separation of sites at lower scores in figure A–6.
of accuracy commensurate with its objective of pro-
viding a basic assessment of ecological condition During pilot testing of the training materials in March
provided the poor response to degraded streams could 1998, the fourth draft was used by 12 students inde-
be corrected. pendently at one site and collectively at another site.
The coefficient of variation at the replication site was
Several potential causes for the lack of accuracy with 8.8 percent. One of the sites had been previously
degraded sites were identified by the workgroup as assessed using other methods, and the SVAP rating
follows: corresponded well to the previous assessments.
• Because the overall score is an average of all as-
sessed elements, the effect of low scoring elements After the evaluation of the fourth draft, minor revi-
can be damped out by averaging if the degradation sions were made for the fifth draft. The breakpoints
is not picked up by many of the other assessed for the narrative rating of excellent, good, fair, and
elements. poor for the fifth draft were set using the Virginia data
• Some of the elements needed to be adjusted to give set. These breakpoints may be adjusted by the NRCS
lower scores for problems. state office as explained in this document.
• The numerical breakpoints for the narrative ratings
of poor/fair and fair/good were set too low.
To correct these problems the number of assessment Figure A–6 Version 4 scores for VA plotted against
elements was reduced and the instructions were version 3 scores (n=56)
modified so that certain elements are not scored if
they do not apply. For example, the "presence of 10
manure" element is not scored unless there are animal
operations present. These changes reduced the poten- 8
Version 4 score
34 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)
Stream Visual Assessment Protocol
Land use within drainage (%): row crop ______ hayland ______ grazing/pasture _______ forest ______ residential _______
confined animal feeding operations ______ Cons. Reserve ________ industrial _______ Other: _________________
Active channel width ______________________ Dominant substrate: boulder ______ gravel ______ sand ______ silt ______ mud ______
Site Diagram
(NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998) 35
Assessment Scores
Canopy cover
Bank stability
Manure presence
Water appearance
Nutrient enrichment
Riffle embeddedness
Barriers to fish movement
Instream fish cover Observed (optional)
36 (NWCC Technical Note 99–1, Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, December 1998)