An Empirical Analysis On The Capital Structure of Chinese Listed IT Companies
An Empirical Analysis On The Capital Structure of Chinese Listed IT Companies
An Empirical Analysis On The Capital Structure of Chinese Listed IT Companies
development in China. As the business environment, the requirement of management is substantial different with other
traditional industries, the capital structure of IT companies has its specific characteristics. It is imperative for IT
companies to be able to finance their activities and grow over time if they are ever to play an increasing and
predominant role in creating value, providing employment as well as income in terms of profits, dividends and wages to
households, and expanding the size of the directly productive sector in the Dynamic economy. It is important in this
regard to understand how IT companies in China to finance their operations by examining their capital structure
determinants. This article will identify the determinants and their power over the enterprise values which in turn help IT
companies to programmatically build up a healthy and fruitful capital structure and maintain a stable prosperity and
2. Research methodology
2.1 Sample set
This paper uses market and accounting data of more than 90 Chinese listed IT companies from the China Stock Market
in the period between 2004 to 2007.To ensure the accuracy and subjectiveness, the industry classification of those
companies are all aligned with the industry classification published by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission(CSRC)in 2001. Meanwhile, the selection of the companies follow the below rules :1.In order to reduce the
distraction of the data from new IPO companies, only companies listed before Dec 31th,2003 are enrolled into the
study.(2).All the companies that been marked as ‘ST’ during the period are removed from the sample to avoid
confusion. As a result, the final sample set consists of a balanced panel of 92 firms. And the 92 companies left includes
17 from Shenzhen A share,50 from Shanghai A shares,18 from SMB shares ,5 from the Third shares, one from
Shenzhen B shares and one from Shanghai B share. The 92 companies cover the four major sub-industries of IT
industry which are Telecommunication and Equipment manufacturer; Computer and related manufacturer;
Telecommunication service industry including telecommunication service and other communication service ;Computer
based Application service.
2.2 Sample characteristics
2.2.1 Overall features of the descriptive statistics over the samples.
Insert Table 1 here
As we can see from the table 1, the debt ratio of the 92 corporations in the four years’ period are 43.5287%(2004),
44.3584%(2005), 45.7696%(2006) and 43.9847%(2007) with the average at 44.4104% which is lower than the average
of all the listed companies in Chinese Security Market. We can also know that the ratio maintain a medium level
variation during the 4 years’ period.
2.2.2 The stability of the overall features in the listed companies.
To have a better understanding of the stability of debt ratio of the sample during the four years of the IT industry as a
whole and the four sub-industries, a illustration are drawn as below.
Insert Figure 1 here
As we can see from this figure, the IT industry as a whole has remained relatively stable and all the sub-industries also
keep a similar stability with the maximum deviation less than 5 percent. Among the four sub-industries, the most stable
one is the telecommunication & equipment manufacturer and Computer and related manufacturer.
2.3 Regression models and variables
Since the sample contains data across firms and over time, the panel data method is employed. This thesis adopts a
method with one-time access and multiple analysis. We will wipe off some variable according to the result and
economic meaning until the model can be checked out from perspective of statistics and economics. The model is as
Y C aX 1 bX 2 cX 3 dX 4 eX 5 fX 6 (1)
Vol. 4, No. 8 International Journal of Business and Management
X2: Profitability with earnings before interest and tax(EBIT)scaled by total assets as the index. In contrast to theoretical
studies, most empirical studies show that leverage is negatively related to profitability. Friend and Lang (1988),and
Titman and Wessels(1988)obtain such findings from US firms. Kester (1986) finds that leverage is negatively related to
profitability in both the US and Japan. More recent studies using international data also confirm this finding (Rajan and
Zingales(1995),and Wald(1999)for developed countries).Long and Maltiz (1985)find leverage to be positively related to
profitability,but the relationship is not statistically significant. Wald (1999)even claims that “profitability has the largest
single effect on debt/asset ratios.”
X3: Tangibility with capital asset and stocks ratio as the index. Tangible assets are likely to have an impact on the
borrowing decisions of a firm because they are less subject to informational asymmetries and usually they have a
greater value than intangible assets in case of bankruptcy. Additionally, the moral hazard risks are reduced when the
firm offers tangible assets as collateral, because this constitutes a positive signal to the creditors who can request the
selling of these assets in the case of default. As such, tangible assets constitute a good collateral for loans.
X4: Liquidity using the Liquidity ratio as the index. Using liquidity ratio as an indicator, Wang Juan and Fenglin Yang
(2002) confirmed a trade-off relationship between the collateral value of assets and debt ratio.Their finding is almost
contrary to the pecking order pattern of financing. They argued that even if listed firms in China are capable of repaying
their debts, they would still prefer to employ equity finance.
X5: Growth potential with the profit growth rate after tax as the index. The agency theory states that the growth
potential is negatively correlated with debt asset ratio. This theory assumes that firms with a high growth potential are
more flexible with regard to their options for future investment projects. In the case of a large number of debt obliga-
tions, these firms may have to relinquish potentially beneficial projects that in turn may lead to insufficient investments.
X6: Growth opportunity with the rate of main operation growth as the index. For companies with growth opportunities,
the use of debt is limited as in the case of bankruptcy, the value of growth opportunities will be close to zero. Jung et
al.(1996)show that firms should use equity to finance their growth because such financing reduces agency costs
between shareholders and managers, whereas firms with less growth prospects should use debt because it has a
disciplinary role(Jensen,1986; Stulz,1990).
3. Regression results
Table 2 report the sample correlation coefficients between all the variable and capital structure. Table 3 report the
sample correlation coefficients between all the variable and capital structure after wiping off the constant. Table 4
represent the result that wiped off the net assets and the main operation growth rate.
From the model, we can see that the coefficient of determination is 0.923 and it shows that the model can ideally fit the
sample data. With F equal to 263.512,it means that all the independent variables and the dependent variable have a
significant linear correlation. With D-W equal to 2.182 and dL=1.59,dU=1.73 when N = 92 and K =4(the number of
variables),we can see no self-correlation. Meanwhile, as all VIF is less than 10,we see no multiple collinear. Residuals
Distribution show no heteroscedasticity.
Hence, we are confident that the equation is as follow:
Y 3.85 X 1 40.09 X 3 1.85 X 4 0.005 X 5 (2)
4. Conclusion
Through the empirical study of the 92 IT corporations, we find the result as follow:
The corporation size and capital structure have positive correlation but this kind of correlation is not significant. The
positive impact of size on leverage is consistent with the results of many empirical studies(Rajan and Zingales,1995;
Booth et al.2001; Frank and Goyal,2002).The larger a company’s scale is, the more stable its profitability will be as the
larger company has lower risk of bankrupt and it has a higher debted capability. Also large companies have easier
access to the bond markets. Although this kind of correlation is not significant and its effect on capital structure is as
distinct as those IT companies in developed countries, we can expect the correlation between scale and capital structure
will become more and more significant within Chinese IT corporations as the globalization are affecting Chinese
economics more deeply and more companies are participating in the international competitions.
The profitability and capital structure has negative correlation. Retained profit is the quickest and easiest source of
finance for most companies compared with new equity issuance due to the transaction costs associated with share
issuance and the restrictions on firms’ operating performance for applying for new equity issuance. Furthermore, since
the majority of new equity is issued through share allotments, new issues usually lead to a decline in the firm’s stock
price. Therefore retained profit is the preferred primary method of raising additional capital. Meanwhile, most of the
management of the Chinese listed companies prefers equity financing rather than debt financing because the former is
not binding as a company with higher profit are easily to obtain equity financing than those elsewise.
International Journal of Business and Management August, 2009
However, the relationship is not significant. The main reason is that Chinese companies pay more attentions to how to
get fund rather than which way is the most efficient way to obtain the funding. So we can easily understand when these
companies have the characteristics as follow:
--The indebted financing is high while equity capital is low.
--External financing is high while internal fund is low.
--Indirect fund is high while direct fund is low.
Asset value and capital structure has distinct positive correlation, it can be interpreted by the theory of agency costs,
bankruptcy theory and pecking order theory. And we can also get the same conclusion from the characters of capital
structure in IT corporations.
Liquidity and capital structure has negative correlation: if a company has more current assets, the fund can be used to
invest instead of external short-term indebted fund. And we see that this assumption is validated by the empirical study.
Development potential (measured by Profit growth rate)has negative correlation with capital structure, but it is not
significant. Development potential is the accumulation capability. Though the trade-off theory and pecking order theory
disagree on this point, both of them can explain the situation with IT corporations while the pecking order theory is
more suitable.
Growing opportunities and capital structure has negative correlation, but it is not significant.
According to the trade-off theory, firms holding future growth opportunities tend to borrow less than firms holding
more tangible assets because growth opportunities cannot be collateralised. Further, agency theory argues that firms
have a tendency to expropriate wealth from debt holders (Myers,1977; Jensen,1986). The high market capitalizations in
China may also indicate that the growth opportunities associated with listed firms have been recognized by the capital
market; therefore, banks are willing to assign higher valuations to highly levered firms and issue more long-term debt to
finance the firms’ growth opportunities.
From the result of the regression, we can see that the coefficient are big except the growth rate which mean that those
factor has significant affect over the capital structure. That imply that certain firm-specific factors that affect firms’
leverage in the Western countries also affect Chinese companies’ leverage. This has shown that Chinese-listed firms
have followed the basic rules of a market economy despite the state controlling ownership.
This research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ʋ70501010;by the Natural Science
Foundation of Beijing city under Grant ʋ9072009 ;by the elitist plan of Beijing under Grant ʋ20071D1600900432.
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Table 1. Overall features of the Descriptive statistics(Unit: %)
Sample Size Min Max Mean Standard dev.
2004 92 2.72 84.08 43.52 17.951
2005 92 0.35 86.87 44.35 17.394
2006 92 6.25 76.32 45.76 16.409
2007 92 7.04 72.01 43.98 15.052
Avg. 92 44.41
Table 2. First regression Coefficients(a)
Coefficients Std. Co. Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std.Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) 11.793 33.579 0.351 0.726
Logarithm of total asset 2.646 3.64 0.065 0.727 0.469 0.783 1.278
Profit rate of net assets -0.073 0.123 -0.072 -0.596 0.553 0.427 2.342
capital asset and stocks ratio 39.98 10.184 0.333 3.926 0 0.872 1.147
Liquidity -1.896 0.411 -0.415 -4.616 0 0.773 1.293
Profit growth rate after tax -0.004 0.002 -0.182 -1.521 0.132 0.439 2.278
Main operation growth rate -0.003 0.021 -0.012 -0.14 0.889 0.885 1.131
Table 3. Second regression Coefficients(a,b)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std.Error Beta t Sig.
Logarithm of total asset 3.915 0.446 0.759 8.782 0 0.12 8.364
Profit rate of net assets -0.067 0.121 -0.027 -0.553 0.581 0.379 2.642
Capital assets&stocks ratio 39.942 10.131 0.303 3.942 0 0.151 6.64
Liquidity -1.839 0.375 -0.184 -4.905 0 0.632 1.583
Profit growth rate after tax -0.004 0.002 -0.072 -1.634 0.106 0.456 2.194
Main operation growth rate -0.002 0.02 -0.003 -0.09 0.928 0.809 1.237
International Journal of Business and Management August, 2009