GRADE 10 Cirteria For Jingle
GRADE 10 Cirteria For Jingle
GRADE 10 Cirteria For Jingle
Criteria for rating Jingle
Jingle Rubric
Criteria 3 2 1 TOTAL
Composition The composition was easy to The composition was The composition was
understand and included at least somewhat creative. At incomplete, and very
five concepts about gas laws. It also least three concepts difficult to understand.
include at least one application of regarding gas laws were Less than three concepts
gas laws in our daily lives. included. about gas laws were
Content All the information and concepts Some information and None of the concepts and
about gas laws used in the jingle concepts about gas laws information presented were
were accurate and correct used in the jingle were correct
Melody The melody used was very catchy The melody was good and The choice of melody was
and fits the lyrics perfectly somehow matches the inappropriate or did not
lyrics of the jingle match the lyrics of the
Execution and The group executed their jingle There is attempt at There is no evidence of
Creativity perfectly. Creativity was evident creativity during their creativity in the students’
during their performance. Props and presentation. Some effort presentation. The delivery
costumes were used. was evident in the was bland and lacks
production excitement.
Criteria for rating Jingle
Jingle Rubric
Criteria 3 2 1 TOTAL
Composition The composition was easy The composition was The composition was
to understand and included somewhat creative. At least incomplete, and very
at least five concepts about three concepts regarding difficult to understand.
gas laws. It also include at gas laws were included. Less than three concepts
least one application of gas about gas laws were
laws in our daily lives. included.
Content All the information and Some information and None of the concepts and
concepts about gas laws concepts about gas laws information presented were
used in the jingle were used in the jingle were correct
accurate and correct inaccurate.
Melody The melody used was very The melody was good and The choice of melody was
catchy and fits the lyrics somehow matches the lyrics inappropriate or did not
perfectly of the jingle match the lyrics of the
Execution and The group executed their There is attempt at creativity There is no evidence of
Creativity jingle perfectly. Creativity during their presentation. creativity in the students’
was evident during their Some effort was evident in presentation. The delivery
performance. Props and the production was bland and lacks
costumes were used. excitement.
Criteria for rating Jingle
Jingle Rubric
Criteria 3 2 1 TOTAL
Composition The composition was easy to The composition was The composition was
understand and included at least somewhat creative. At incomplete, and very
five concepts about gas laws. It also least three concepts difficult to understand.
include at least one application of regarding gas laws were Less than three concepts
gas laws in our daily lives. included. about gas laws were
Content All the information and concepts Some information and None of the concepts and
about gas laws used in the jingle concepts about gas laws information presented were
were accurate and correct used in the jingle were correct
Melody The melody used was very catchy The melody was good and The choice of melody was
and fits the lyrics perfectly somehow matches the inappropriate or did not
lyrics of the jingle match the lyrics of the
Execution and The group executed their jingle There is attempt at There is no evidence of
Creativity perfectly. Creativity was evident creativity during their creativity in the students’
during their performance. Props and presentation. Some effort presentation. The delivery
costumes were used. was evident in the was bland and lacks
production excitement.