MA - I P - III Research Methodology Study
MA - I P - III Research Methodology Study
MA - I P - III Research Methodology Study
M.A. Education, Part‐I
Paper III : Research Methodology in Education
M.A. Education, Part‐I
Paper III : Research Methodology in Education
Course Objectives:
• To develop an understanding about the meaning of research and its application in the field of
• To enable students to prepare a research proposal.
• To enable students to understand different types of variables, meaning and types of hypothesis,
sampling techniques and tools and techniques of educational research.
• To develop an understanding about the different types of research methodology of educational
• To enable students to understand quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques.
Module I: Educational Research and Its Design
1. Educational Research :
(a) Sources of Acquiring Knowledge: Learned authority, tradition, experience, scientific method.
(b) Meaning, steps and scope of educational research.
(c) Meaning, steps and assumptions of scientific method. Aims and characteristics of research as a
scientific activity.
(d) Ethical Considerations in Educational Research.
(e) Paradigms of educational research: Quantitative and Qualitative.
(f) Types of research Fundamental, Applied and Action.
2. Research Design
(a) Meaning, definition, purposes and components of research design.
(b) Difference between the terms research method and research methodology.
(c) Research Proposal : Its Meaning and Need.
i) Identification of a research topic : Sources and Need
ii) Review of related literature
iii) Rationale and need of the study
iv) Definition of the terms : Real, nominal and Operational.
v) Variables.
vi) Research questions, aims, objectives and hypotheses,
vii) Assumptions, if any.
viii) Methodology, sample and tools.
ix) Scope, limitations and delimitations.
x) Significance of the study.
xi) Techniques of data analysis and unit of data analysis.
xii) Bibliography.
xiii) Time Frame.
xiv) Budget, if any.
xv) Chapterisation.
Module II: Research Hypotheses and Sampling
3. Variables and Hypotheses
(a) Variables :
i) Meaning of Variables
ii) Types of Variables (Independent, Dependent, Extraneous, Intervening and Moderator)
(b) Hypotheses :
i) Concept of Hypothesis
ii) Sources of Hypothesis
iii) Types of Hypothesis (Research, Directional, Non‐directional, Null, Statistical and Question‐
iv) Formulating Hypothesis
v) Characteristics of a good hypothesis
vi) Hypothesis Testing and Theory
vii) Errors in Testing of Hypothesis
4. Sampling :
(a) Concepts of Universe and Sample
(b) Need for Sampling
(c) Characteristics of a good Sample
(d) Techniques of Sampling
i) Probability Sampling
ii) Non‐Probability Sampling
Module III: Research Methodology, Tools and Techniques
5. Research Methodology
(a) Descriptive Research
i) Causal – Comparative
ii) Correlational
iii) Case Study
iv) Ethnography
v) Document Analysis
vi) Analytical Method
(b) Historical Research : Meaning, Scope of historical research, Uses of history, Steps of doing
historical research (Defining the research problem and types of historical inquiry, searching for
historical sources, Summarizing and evaluating historical sources and Presenting pertinent facts
within an interpretive framework.) Types of historical sources, External and internal criticism of
historical sources.
(c) Experimental Research
i) Pre‐Experimental Design, Quasi – Experiemental Design and True – Experimental Designs,
ii) Factorial Design / Independent Groups and repeated measures.
iii) Nesting Design
iv) Single – subject Design
v) Internal and External Experimental Validity
vi) Controlling extraneous and intervening variables.
6. Tools and Techniques of Research
(a) Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory of Test Construction.
(b) Steps of preparing a research tool.
i) Validity (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting validity)
ii) Reliability (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting reliability)
iii) Item Analysis (Discrimination Index, Difficulty index)
iv) Index of Measurement Efficiency
v) Standardisation of a tool.
(c) Tools of Research
i) Rating Scale,
ii) Attitude Scale,
iii) Opinionnaire
iv) Questionnaire
v) Aptitude Test
vi) Check List
vii) Inventory
viii) Semantic Differential Scale
(d) Techniques of Research
i) Observation
ii) Interview
(Tools to be used for collecting data using these techniques to be discussed in detail.)
Module IV: Data Analysis and Report Writing
7. Data Analysis
(a) Types of Measurement Scale (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio)
(b) Quantitative Data Analysis
i) Parametric Techniques
ii) Non‐Parametric Techniques
iii) Conditions to be satisfied for using parametric techniques
iv) Descriptive data analysis (Measures of central tendency, variability, fiduciary limits and
graphical presentation of data)
v) Inferential data analysis
vi) Use of Excel in Data Analysis
vii) Concepts, use and interpretation of following statistical techniques : Correlation, t‐test, z‐test,
ANOVA, Critical ratio for comparison of percentages and chi‐square (Equal probability and
Normal Probability Hypothesis).
viii) Testing of Hypothesis
(c) Qualitative Data Analysis
i) Data Reduction and Classification
ii) Analytical Induction
iii) Constant Comparison
8. Research Reporting
(a) Formal, Style and Mechanics of Report Writing with Reference to
i) Dissertation and Thesis and
ii) Paper
(b) Bibliography
(c) Evaluation of Research Report
1. Best, J.W. and Kahn, J (1997) Research in Education (7th Ed) New Delhi: Prentice‐Hall of India Ltd.
2. Borg. B.L. (2004) Qualitative Research Methods. Boston: Pearson.
3. Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. (1998) Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory
and Methods. Boston MA: Allyn and Bacon.
4. Bryman, A. (1988) Quantity and Quality in Social Science Research. London: Routledge.
5. Charles, C.M. and Merton, C.A.(2002) Introduction to Educational Research. Boston: Allyn and
6. Cohen, L and Manion, L. (1994) Research Methods in Education. London: Routledge.
7. Creswell, J.W. (2002) Educational Research. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River.
8. Creswell, J.W. (1994) Research Design. London: Sage Publications.
9. Denzine, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S.(Eds) (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research London, Sage
10. Diener, E. and Crandall, R. (1978) Ethics in Social and Behavioural Research. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
11. Dillon, W.R. and Goldstein, M. (1984) Multivariate Analysis Methods and Applications. New York,
John Wiley and Sons.
12. Gay, L.R. and Airasian, P. (2003) Educational Research. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River.
13. Husen, T. and Postlethwaite, T.N. (eds.) (1994) The International Encyclopaedia of Education. New
York: Elsevier Science Ltd.
14. Keeves J.P. (ed.) (1988) Educational Research, Methodology and Measurement: An International
Handbook Oxford, Pergamon.
15. McMillan, J.H. and Schumacher, S. (2001) Research In Education. New York: Longman.
Unit Structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Sources Acquiring Knowledge
1.3 Meaning, Steps and Scope of Educational Research
1.4 Scientific Method, aims and characteristics of research as a scientific activity
1.5 Ethical considerations in Educational Research
1.6 Paradigms of Educational research
1.7 Types of Research
1.7.a Fundamental
1.7.b Applied Research
1.7.c. Action Research
Research purifies human life. It improves its quality. It is search for knowledge. If shows how to
Solve any problem scientifically. It is a careful enquiry through search for any kind of Knowledge. It is a
journey from known to unknown. It is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge in any kind of
discipline. When it Seeks a solution of any educational problem it leads to educational research.
Curiosity, inquisitiveness are natural gifts secured by a man. They inspire him to quest, increase his
thirst for knowledge / truth. After trial and error, he worked systematically in the direction of the desired
goal. His adjustment and coping with situation makes him successful in his task. Thereby he learns
something’s, becomes wise and prepares his own scientific procedure while performing the same task for
second time. So is there any relationship among science, education and educational Research?
“Research is the voyage of discovery”. It is the quest for answers to unsolved problems.
Research is required in any field to come up with new theories or modify, accept, or nullify the
existing theory. From time immemorial it has been seen so many discoveries and inventions took place
through research and world has got so many new theories which help the human being to solve his
problems. Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, JC Bose, John Dewey, Skinner, Piaget Research like have given
us theories which may cause educational progress research needs expertise.
From the time we were born and the present day, each one of us has accumulated a body of
knowledge. Curiosity, the desire to learn about one’s environment and the desire to improve one’s life
through problem-solving is natural to all human beings. For this purpose, human beings depend on several
methods / sources of acquiring knowledge as follows:
1. Learned Authority : Human beings refer to an authority such as a teacher, a parent or the boss or an
expert or consultant and seek his / her advice. Such an authority may be based on knowledge or
experience or both. For example, if a child has difficulty in learning a particular subject, he / she may
consult a teacher. Learned authority could also be a book / dictionary / encyclopaedia / journal / web-
site on internet.
2. Tradition : Human beings easily accept many of the traditions of their culture or forefathers. For
example, in matters of food, dress, communications, religion, home remedies for minor ailments, the
way a friend will react to an invitation, one relies on family traditions. On the other hand, students, in
case of admission criteria and procedures, examination patterns and procedures, methods of
maintaining discipline, co-curricular activities, acceptable manner of greeting teachers and peers rely
on school traditions. Long established customs or practices are popular sources of acquiring
knowledge. This is also known as tenacity which implies holding on to a perspective without any
consideration of alternatives.
Educational Research as nothing but cleansing of educational Research is nothing but cleansing of
educational process. Many experts think Educational Research as under-
According to Mouly, “Educational Research is the systematic application of scientific method for
solving for solving educational problem.”
Travers thinks, “Educational Research is the activity for developing science of behavior in
educational situations. It allows the educator to achieve his goals effectively.”
According to Whitney, “Educational Research aims at finding out solution of educational problems
by using scientific philosophical method.”
Thus, Educational Research is to solve educational problem in systematic and scientific manner, it
is to understand, explain, predict and control human behaviour.
- It is highly purposeful.
- It deals with educational problems regarding students and teachers as well.
- It is precise, objective, scientific and systematic process of investigation.
- It attempts to organize data quantitatively and qualitatively to arrive at statistical inferences.
- It discovers new facts in new perspective. i. e. It generates new knowledge.
- It is based on some philosophic theory.
- It depends on the researchers ability, ingenuity and experience for its interpretation and conclusions.
- It needs interdisciplinary approach for solving educational problem.
- It demands subjective interpretation and deductive reasoning in some cases.
- It uses classrooms, schools, colleges department of education as the laboratory for conducting
The various steps involved in the research process can be summarised as follows ;
The researcher, on the basis of experience and observation realises that some students in the class
do not perform well in the examination. So he / she poses an unanswered question : “Which factors are
associated with students’ academic performance?”
Step 2 : Identifying the Antecedent / Causes
On the basis of experience, observation and a review of related literature, he / she realises that
students who are either very anxious or not at all anxious do not perform well in the examination. Thus he
/ she identifies anxiety as one of the factors that could be associated with students’ academic performance.
The researcher uses appropriate tools and techniques to measure anxiety and academic performance
of students, selects a sample of students and collects data from them.
He / she now uses appropriate statistical techniques to verify and test the hypotheses of the study
stated in Step 4.
He / she interprets the findings in terms of whether the relationship between anxiety and academic
performance is positive or negative, linear or curvilinear. He / she finds that this relationship is curvilinear
i.e. when a student’s anxiety is either very low or very high, his / her academic performance is found to be
low. But when a student’s anxiety is moderate, his / her academic performance is found to be high.
He / she now tries to explain this finding based on logic and creativity.
At this step, the researcher tries to find out whether his / her conclusions match those of the prior
researches or not. If not, then the researcher attempts to find out why conclusions do not match with other
researches by analysing prior studies further.
Step 9 : Modifying Theory
On the basis of steps 7 and 8, the researcher speculates that anxiety alone cannot influence
academic performance of students. There could be a third factor which influences the relationship between
anxiety and academic performance of students. This third factor could be study habits of students. For
instance, students who have very low level of anxiety may have neglected their studies through out the
year and hence their academic performance is poor. On the other hand, students who have very high level
of anxiety may not be able to remember what they have learnt or cannot concentrate on studies due to
stress or may fall sick very often and hence cannot study properly. Hence their academic performance is
poor. However, students with a moderate level of anxiety are motivated enough to study regularly and
systematically all through the year and hence their academic performance is high.
Thus, the loosely structured theory on students’ academic performance needs to incorporate one
more variable, namely, study habits of students. In other words, it needs to be modified.
Do study habits and anxiety interact with each other and influence academic performance of
students? i.e. we can now start with a fresh topic of research involving three variables rather than two.
4. Name the places which can act as lab oratory for conducting Education Research..
Name of Educational Research changes with the gradual development occurs with respect to
knowledge and technology, so Educational Research needs to extend its horizon. Being scientific study of
educational process, it involves :
It discovers facts and relationship in order to make educational process more effective. It relates
social sciences like education.
It includes process like investigation, planning (design) collecting data, processing of data, their
analysis, interpretation and drawing inferences.
- Educational Research is systematic application of scientific method for solving educational problems,
regarding students and teachers as well.
- Results democratic education are slow and sometimes defective. So it needs Educational Research to
solve educational problems.
- Educational Research involves individuals like teachers / students and educational institutions. It
covers areas from formal education to nonformal education.
- Educational Research solves educational problems, purifies educative process and generates new
(v) Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, History, Economics.
(vi) Since it imparts knowledge
(vii) It explains working of human mind/growth, educational program
(viii) Nonformal education, educational technology.
(ix) Curriculum, textbooks, teaching methods.
(x) Teachers, Students, Educational managers, Parents.
(xi) School, college, research-institutes.
(xii) Updated knowledge, imagination, insight, scientific attitude.
(xiii) to generate new knowledge.
Science helps to find out the truth behind the phenomenon. It is an approach to gathering of
knowledge rather than mere subject matter. It has following two main functions:
- to develop a theory.
Scientist uses an empirical approach for data collection and rational approach for development of
the theory.
Research shows a way to solve life – problems scientifically. It is a reliable tool for progress of
knowledge. Being systematic and methodological, it is treated as a science. It also helps to derive the truth
behind the knowledge. It offers methods of improving quality of the process and the product as well.
Ultimately, Science and research go hand in hand to find out solution of the problem.
Since Philosophy offers a sound basis to education, Education is considered as an art. However,
Scientific progress makes education inclining towards a science rather than an art.
Science belongs to precision and exactness. It suffers hardly from any variable. But education as a
social science suffers from many variables, so goes away from exactness. Educational Research tries to
make educative process more scientific. But education is softening from multivariable, so it can’t be as
exact as physical sciences. If the study is systematically designed to achieve educational goals, it will be an
educational research. Let us summaries this discussion with Good’s thought –
“If we wish wisdom, we must expect science. If we wish in increase in wisdom, we must expect research”
Knowledge is educator’s need. Curiosity and thirst for search makes him to follow scientific way
wisely. Indirectly, he plays a role of educational researcher. Ultimately he is able to solve the educational
problem and generate new knowledge. All the three aspects. (Science, education and educational research)
have truth as a common basis, More or less, they need exactness and precision. While solving a problem.
An enquiry is a natural technique for a search. But when it’s used systematically and scientifically,
it takes the form of a method. So scientific enquiry is also known as Scientific Method.
Bacon’s inductive method contributes to human knowledge. It is difficult to solve many problems
either by inductive or by deductive method. So Charles Darwin seeks happy blending of inductive and
deductive method in his scientific method. In this method, initially knowledge gained from previous
knowledge, experience, reflective thinking and observation is unorganized. Later on it proceeds
inductively from part to whole and particular to general and ultimately to meaningful hypothesis.
Thereafter, it proceeds deductively from whole to part, general to particular and hypothesis to logical
This method is different from the methods of knowledge – generation like trial and error,
experience, authority and intuition. It is a parallel to Dewey’s reflective thinking; because the researcher
himself is engrossed in reflective thinking while conducting research.
Identification and definition of the problem: The researcher states the identified problem in such a
manner that it can b solved through experimentation or observation.
Formulation of hypothesis: It allows to have an intelligent guess for the solution of the problem.
Implication of hypothesis through deductive reasoning : Here, the researcher deduces the implications
of suggested hypothesis, which may be true.
Collection and analysis of evidence: The researcher is expected here to test the deduced implications of
the hypothesis by collecting concerned evidence related to them through experimentation and observation.
Verification of the hypothesis: Later on the researcher verifies whether the evidence support hypothesis.
If it supports, the hypothesis is accepted, if it doesn’t the hypothesis is not accepted and later on it is
modified if it is necessary.
A peculiar feature of this method is not to prove the hypothesis as an absolute truth but to conclude
that the evidence does or doesn’t support the hypothesis.
- Scientific enquiry / Scientific method is happy blending of Inductive and deductive method. Initially it
proceeds from part to whole to state meaningful hypothesis. Later on it proceeds from whole to part and
hypothesis to logical conclusion.
It can e refined and modified as factual knowledge. It is developed on the basis of results of
scientific method.
1) Best – Kahn, (1995), Research in education. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
2) Ebel R.L. (1969), ‘Encyclopedia of Educational Research,’ London, The Macmillan Co.
3) Kaul L. (1984), ‘Methodology of Educational Research,’ New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House.
Research exerts a significant influence over educational systems. Hence a researcher needs to
adhere to an ethical code of conduct. These ethical considerations are as follows :
• While a researcher may have some obligations to his / her client in case of sponsored research
where the sponsoring agency has given him / her financial aid for conducting the research, he / she
has obligations to the users, the larger society, the subjects (sample / respondents) and professional
colleagues. He / she should not discard data that can lead to unfavourable conclusions and
interpretations for the sponsoring agency.
• The researcher should maintain strict confidentiality about the information obtained from the
respondents. No information about the personal details of the respondents should be revealed in any
of the records, reports or to other individuals without the respondents’ permission.
• The researcher should not make use of hidden cameras, microphones, tape-recorders or
observers without the respondents’ permission. Similarly, private correspondence should not be used
without the concerned respondent’s permission.
• In an experimental study, when volunteers are used as subjects, the researcher should explain the
procedures completely (eg. the experiment will go on for six months) along with the risks involved
and the demands that he / she would make upon the participants of the study (such as the subjects will
be required to stay back for one hour after school hours etc.). If possible, the subjects should be
informed about the purpose of the experiment / research. While dealing with school children (minors)
or mentally challenged students, parents’ or guardians’ consent should be obtained. This phenomenon
is known as ‘informed consent’.
• The researcher should accept the fact that the subjects have the freedom to decline to participate
or to withdraw from the experiment.
• In order to ensure the subjects’ inclusion and continuation in the experiment, the researcher
should never try to make undue efforts giving favourable treatment after the experiment, more
(additional marks) in a school subject, money and so on.
• In an experimental research which may have a temporary or permanent effect on the subjects,
the researcher must take all precautions to protect the subjects from mental and physical harm, danger
and stress.
• The researcher should make his / her data available to peers for scrutiny.
• The respondents / subjects / participants should be provided with the reasons for the
experimental procedures as well as the findings of the study if they so demand.
• The researcher should give due credit to all those who have helped him / her in the research
procedure, tool construction, data collection, data analysis or preparation of the research report.
• If at all the researcher has made some promise to the participants, it must be honoured and
The idea of social construction of rationality can be pursued by considering Kuhn’s idea of
scientific paradigm. Thomas Kuhn, himself a historian of science, contributed to a fruitful development in
the philosophy of science with his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” published in 1962. It
brought into focus two streams of thinking about what could be regarded as ‘scientific’, the Aristotelian
tradition with its teleological approach and the Galilean with its causal and mechanistic approach. It
introduced the concept of ‘paradigm’ into the philosophical debate.
“Paradigm” derives from the Greek verb for “exhibiting side by side”. In lexica it is given with the
translations “examples” or table of changes in form and differences in form. Thus, Paradigms are ways of
organizing information so that fundamental, abstract relationships can be clearly understood.
The idea of paradigm directs attention to science as having recognized patterns of commitments,
questions, methods, and procedures that underlie and give direction to scientific work. Kuhn focuses upon
the paradigmatic elements of research when he suggests that science has emotional and political as well as
cognitive elements. We can distinguish the underlying assumptions of a paradigm by viewing its
discourse as having different layers of abstractions. The layers exists simultaneously and are
superimposed upon one another.
The concept of paradigm provides a way to consider the divergence in vision, custom, and tradition.
It enables us to consider science as having different sets of assumptions, commitments, procedures and
theories of social affairs.
A paradigm determines the criteria according to which one selects and defines problems for inquiry
and how one approaches them theoretically and methodologically.
A paradigm could be regarded as a cultural man made object, reflecting the dominant notions about
scientific behaviour in a particular scientific community, be it national or international, and at a particular
pointing time. Paradigms determine scientific approaches and procedures which stand out as exemplary to
the new generation of scientists – as long as they do not oppose them.
A “revolution” in the world of scientific paradigms occurs when one or several researchers at a
given time encounter anomalies or differences, for instance, make observations, which in a striking way to
not fit the prevailing paradigm. Such anomalies can give rise to a crisis after which the universe under
study is perceived in an entirely new light. Previous theories and facts become subject to thorough
rethinking and revaluation.
Educational research faces a particular problem, since education, is not a well defined, unitary
discipline but a practical art. Research into educational problems is conducted by scholars with many
disciplinary affiliations. Most of them have a background in psychology or other behavioural sciences, but
quite a few of them have a humanistic background in philosophy and history. Thus, there cannot be any
prevailing paradigm or ‘normal science’ in the very multifaceted field of educational research. However,
when empirical research conducted by behavioural scientists, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon countries, in
the 1960’s and early 1970’s began to be accused of dominating research with a positivist quantitatively
oriented paradigm that prevented other paradigms of a humanistic or dialectical nature being employed,
the accusations were directed at those with a behavioural science background.
During twentieth century two main paradigms were employed in researching educational problems.
The one is modeled on the natural sciences with an emphasis on empirical quantifiable observations which
lend themselves to analyses by means of mathematical tools. The task of research is to establish causal
relationships, to explain. The other paradigm is derived from the humanities with an emphasis on holistic
and qualitative information and interpretive approaches.
The two paradigms in educational research developed historically as follows. By the mid-nineteenth
century, when August come \91798-1857) developed positivism in sociology and John Stuart Mill (1806-
1873) empiricism in psychology. They came to serve as models and their prevailing paradigm was taken
over by social scientists, particularly in the Anglo Saxon countries. In European Continent there was
another from German idealism and Hegelianism. The “Galilean” mechanistic conception became the
dominant one particularly with mathematical physics as the methodological ideal.
There are three strands for the other main paradigm in educational research. According to the first
strand, Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) maintained that the humanities had their own logic of research and
pointed out that the difference between natural sciences and humanities was that the former tried to
explain, whereas the latter tried to understand the unique individual in his or her entire, concrete setting.
The second strand was represented by the phenomenological philosophy developed by Edmund
Husserl in Germany. It emphasized the importance of taking a widened perspective and of trying to “get to
the roots” of human activity. The third strand in he humanistic paradigm consists of the critical
philosophy, which developed with certain amount of neo-Marxism.
The paradigm determines how a problem is formulated and methodologically handled. According to
the traditional positivist conception, problems related to, for example, to classroom behviour should be
investigated primarily in terms of the individual actor, either the pupils, who might be neurotic, or the
teacher who might be ill prepared for this her job. The other conception is to formulate the problem in
terms of the larger setting, that of the school, or rather that of the society at large. By means of such
mechanisms as testing, observation and the like, one does not try to find out why the pupil or the teacher
deviates from the normal. Rather an attempt is made to study the particular individual as a goal directed
human being with particular and unique motives.
One can distinguish between two main paradigms in educational research planning and with
different basis of knowledge. On one hand there is functional- structural, objective – rational, goal-
directed, manipulative, hierarchical, and technocratic approach. On the other hand, there is the
interpretivist, humanistic, consensual, subjective, and collegial one.
The first approach is derived from classical positivism. The second one, more popular now, partly
derived from the critical theory of the Frankfurt school, particularly from Habermas’s theory of
communicative action. The first approach is “linear” and consists of a straight forward rational action
toward preconceived problem. The second approach leaves room for reinterpretation and reshaping of the
problem during the process of dialogue prior to action and even during action.
Keeves (1988) argues that the various research paradigms employed in education, the empirical-
positivist, the hermeneutic or phenomenological, and the ethnographic-anthropological are complementary
to each other. He talks about the “unity of educational research,” makes a distinction between paradigms
and approaches, and contends that there is, in the final analysis, only one paradigm but many approaches.
For example, the teaching-learning process can be observed and /or video recorded. The
observations can be quantified and the data analyzed by means of advanced statistical method. Content can
be studied in the light of national traditions, and the philosophy underlying curriculum constructions. Both
the teaching-learning process and its outcomes can be studied in a comparative, cross-national perspective.
Depending upon the objective of a particular research project, emphasis is laid more on the one or
on the error paradigm. Thus qualitative and quantitative paradigms are more often than not
complementing each other. For example, it is not possible to arrive at any valid information about a
school or national system concerning the level of competence achieved in, for instance, science by visiting
a number of classrooms and thereby trying to collect impressions. Sample surveys like one collected by
IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) would be an important
tool. But such surveys are not much useful if it comes to accounting for factors behind the differences
between school systems. Here the qualitative information of different kinds is required.
Policymakers, planners, and administrators want generalizations and rules which apply to a wide
variety of institutions with children of rather diverse backgrounds. The policymaker and planner is more
interested in collectivity than in the individual child. They operate from the perspective of the whole
system. Whereas, the classroom practitioners are not very much helped by generalizations which apply
“on the whole” or “by and large” because they are concerned with the timely, the particular child here and
The behavioural sciences have equipped educational researchers with a store of research tools, such
as observational methods and tests, which helps them to systematize observation which would otherwise
would not have been considered in the more holistic and intuitive attempts to make, for instance, informal
observations or to conduct personal interviews.
Those who turn to social science research in order to find the “best” pedagogy or the most
“efficient” methods of teaching are in a way victims of traditional science which claimed to be able to
arrive at generalizations applicable in practically every context. But, through critical philosophy
researchers have become increasingly aware that education does not take place in a social vacuum.
Educational researchers have also begun to realize that educational practices are not independent of the
cultural and social context in which they operate. Nor they are neutral to educational policies. Thus the
two main paradigms are not exclusive, but complementary to each other.
Fundamental Research is a basic research which is for the sake of knowledge. Applied research to
solve an immediate practical problem. Action research seeks effective way to solve a problem of the
concerned area without using a particular methodology / paradigm. Paradigm of research is way to select,
define and solve the problem methodically.
References :
Thomas H. Popkewitz, Paradigms and Ideologies of Research in Education.
John W. Best and James V. Kahn (1996) Research in Education
L. R. Gay (1990) Research in Education
It is basic approach which is for the sake of knowledge. Fundamental research is usually carried on
in a laboratory or other sterile environment, sometimes with animals. This type of research, which has no
immediate or planned application, may later result in further research of an applied nature. Basic
researches involve the development of theory. It is not concerned with practical applicability and most
closely resembles the laboratory conditions and controls usually associated with scientific research. It is
concerned establishing generally principles of learning.
For example, much basic research has been conducted with animals to determine principles of
reinforcement and their effect on learning. Like the experiment of skinner on cats gave the principle of
conditioning and reinforcement.
According to Travers, basic research is designed to add to an organized body of scientific knowledge and
does not necessarily produce results of immediate practical value. Basic research is primarily concerned with the
formulation of the theory or a contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Its major aim is to obtain and use the
empirical data to formulate, expand or evaluate theory. This type of research draws its pattern and spirit from the
physical sciences. It represents a rigorous and structured type of analysis. It employs careful sampling procedures
in order to extend the findings beyond the group or situations and thus develops theories by discovering proved
generalizations or principles. The main aim of basic research is the discovery of knowledge solely for the sake of
Another system for classification is sometimes used for the research dealing with these who types
of questions. This classification is based on goal or objective of the research. The first type of research,
which has its aim obtaining the empirical data that can be used to formulate, expand or evaluate theory is
called basic research. This type of study is not oriented in design or purpose towards the solution of
practical problem.
Its essential aim is to expand the frontiers of knowledge without regard to practical application. Of
course, the findings may eventually apply to practical problems that have social value.
For example, advances in the practice of medicine are dependent upon basic research in
biochemistry and microbiology. Likewise, progress in educational practices has been related to progress
in the discovery of general laws through psychological, educational, sociological research.
The second type of research which aims to solve an immediate practical problem, is referred to as
applied research. According to Travers, “applied research is undertaken to solve an immediate practical
problem and the goal of adding to scientific knowledge is secondary.”
It is research performed in relation to actual problems and under the conditions in which they are
found in practice. Through applied research, educators are often able to solve their problems at the
appropriate level of complexity, that is, in the classroom teaching learning situations. We may depend
upon basic research for the discovery of more general laws of learning, but applied research much is
conducted in the order to determine how these laws operate in the classroom. This approach is essential if
scientific changes in teaching practice are to be effected. Unless educators undertake to solve their own
practical problems of this type no one else will. It should be pointed out that applied research also uses the
scientific method of enquiry. We find that there is not always a sharp line of demarcation between basic
and applied research. Certainly applications are made from theory to help in the solution of practical
problems. We attempt to apply the theories of learning in the classroom. On the other hand, basic
research may depend upon the findings of the applied research to complete its theoretical formulations. A
classroom learning experiment can throw some light on the learning theory. Furthermore, observations in
the practical situations serve to test theories and may lead to the formulation of new theories.
Most educational research studies are classified at the applied end of the continuum; they are more
concerned with “what” works best than with “why”. For example, applied research tests the principle of
reinforcement to determine their effectiveness in improving learning (e.g. programmed instruction) and
behaviour (e.g. behaviour modification). Applied research has most of the characteristics of fundamental
research, including the use of sampling techniques and the subsequent inferences about the target
population. Its purpose, however, is improving a product or a process – testing theoretical concepts in
actual problem situations. Most educational research is applied research, for it attempts to develop
generalizations about teaching – learning processes and instructional materials.
The applied research may also be employed a university or research institute or may be found in
private industry or working for a government agency. In the field of education such a person might be
employed by a curriculum publishing company, a state department of education, or a college of education
at a university. Applied researches are also found in the settings in which the application or practitioner’s
role is primary. This is where the teachers, clinical psychologists, school psychologists, social workers
physicians, civil engineers, managers, advertising specialists and so on are found. Many of theses people
receive training in doing research, and they use this knowledge for two purpose.
(1) To help practitioners understand, evaluate, and use the research produced by basic and applied
researches in their own fields and,
(2) To develop a systematic way of addressing the practical problems and questions that arise as they
practice their professions.
For example, a teacher who notices that a segment of the class is not adequately motivated in
science might look at the research literature on teaching science and then systematically try some of the
findings suggested by the research.
Some of the recent focus of applied educational research have been grading practices, collective
bargaining for school personnel, curriculum content, instructional procedures, educational technology, and
assessment of achievement. The topics have been investigated with an applied research because the
questions raised in these areas generally have limited or no concrete knowledge of theory we can draw
upon directly to aid in decision making.
Research designed to uncover effective ways of dealing with problems in the real world can be
referred to as action research. This kind of research is not confined to a particular methodology or
paradigm. For example, a study of the effectiveness of training teenage parents to care for their infants.
The study is based on statistical and other evidence that infants of teenage mothers seemed to be exposed
to more risks than other infants. The mother and children were recruited for participation in the study
while the children were still in neonate period. Mothers were trained at home or in an infant nursery. A
controlled group received no training. The mothers trained at home were visited at 2-weeks interval over a
12-month period. Those trained in nursery setting attended 3-days per week for 6 months, were paid
minimum wage, and assisted as staff in centre. Results of the study suggested that the children of both
group of trained mothers benefited more in terms of their health and cognitive measures than did the
controlled children. Generally greater benefits were realized by the children of the mothers trained in the
nursery that with the mothers trained at home.
Thus the study shows that such researches have direct application to real world problems. Second,
elements of both quantitative and qualitative approaches can be found in the study. For example,
quantitative measure of weight, height, and cognitive skills were obtained in this study. However, at the
start itself from the personal impressions and observations without the benefit of systematic quantitative
data, the researches was able to say that the mother in the nursery centre showed some unexpected
vocational aspirations to become nurses. Third, treatments and methods that are investigated are flexible
and might change during the study in response to the results as they are obtained. Thus, action research is
more systematic and empirical than some other approaches to innovation and change, but it does not lead
to careful controlled scientific experiments that are generalizable to a wide variety of situations and
The purpose of action research is to solve classroom problems through the application of scientific
methods. It is concerned with a local problem and is conducted in a local setting. It is not concerned with
whether the results are generalizable to any other setting and is not characterized by the same kind of
control evidence in other categories of research. The primary goal of action research is the solution of a
given problem, not contribution to science. Whether the research is conducted in one classroom or many
classrooms, the teacher is very much a part of the process. The more research trainings the teacher
involved have had, the more likely it is that the research will produce valid, if not generalizable research.
The value of action research is confined primarily to those who are conducting it. Despite its
shortcomings, it does represents a scientific approach to the problem solving that is considerably better
than changed based on the alleged effectiveness of untried procedures, and infinitely better than no
changes at all. It is a means by which concerned school personnel can attempt to improve the educational
process, at least within their environment. Of course, the true value of action research to true scientific
progress is limited. True progress requires the development of sound theories having implications for
many classrooms, not just one or two. One sound theory that includes ten principles of learning may
eliminate the need of hundreds of would – be action research studies. Given the current status of
educational theory, however, action research provides immediate answers to problem that can not wait for
theoretical solutions.
As John Best puts it, action research is focused on immediate applications. Its purposes is to
improve school practices and at the same time, to improve those who try to improve the practices, to
combine the research processes, habits of thinking, ability to work harmoniously with others, and
professional spirit.
If most classroom teachers are to be involved in research activity, it will probably be in the area of
action research. Many observers have projected action research nothing more than the application of
common sense or good management. Whether or not it is worthy of the term research it does not apply
scientific thinking and methods to real life problems and represents a greater improvement over teachers’
subjective judgments and decision based upon stereotype thinking and limited personal experience.
The concept of action research under the leadership of Corey has been instrumental in bringing
educational research nearer to educational practitioners. Action research is research undertaken by
practitioners in order that they may attempt to solve their local, practical problems by using the method of
Unit Structure:
2.0 Objectives
2.2 (B) Difference between the terms research method and research methodology.
On completion of this unit, you will be able to :
Meaning of Research Design : Before starting a research, the investigator will look for problem, he will
read books, journals, research reports and other related literature. Based on this, he will finalise the topic
for research. During this process, he will be in close contact with his guide. As soon as the topic is
decided, first task is to decide about design.
Research design is a blue print or structure with in which research is conducted. It constitutes the
blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. According to Gay and Airasian (2000), “A
design is general strategy for conducting a research study. The nature of the hypothesis, the variables
involved, and the constraints of the “real world” all contribute to the selection of design.” Kothari (1988)
says, “Decisions regarding WHAT?, WHERE?, WHEN?, HOW MUCH?, by WHAT? means concerning
an inquiry or a research study constitute research design.
Thus, it can be said that research design is an outline of what the researcher will do from writing of
objectives, hypotheses and its operational implications to find analysis of data. Research design should be
able to convey following :
In short, any efficient research design will help the researcher to carry out the study in a systematic
• A research design helps the investigator to obtain answers to research problem and issues involved in
the research, since it is the outline of entire research process.
• Design also tells us about how to collect data, what observation are to be carry out, how to make them,
how to analyse the data.
• Design also guides investigator about statistical techniques to be used for analysis.
• Design also guides to control certain variables in experimental research.
Thus, design guides the investigator to carry out research step by step in an efficient way. The
design section is said to be complete / adequate if investigator could carry out his research by following
the steps described in design.
While preparing the design of the study, it is necessary to think of research method. It is simply the
method for conducting research. Generally, such methods are divided into quantitative and qualitative
methods. Such quantitative methods include descriptive research, evaluation research and assessment
research. Assessment type of studies include surveys, public opinion polls, assessment of educational
achievement. Evaluation studies include school surveys, follow up studies. Descriptive research studies
are concerned with analysis of the relationships between non manipulated variables. Apart from these
quantitative methods, educational research also includes experimental and quasi experimented research,
survey research and causal-comparative research.
Thus, the researcher should mention about methods of research used in his research with proper
justification for its use.
The term ‘methodology’ seems to be broader, in the sense it includes nature of population, selection
of sample, selection / preparation of tools, collection of data and how data will be analysed. Here the
method of research is also included.
Preparing the research proposal is an important step because at this stage, entire research project
gets a concrete shape. Researcher’s insight and inspiration are translated into a step by step plan for
discovering new knowledge.
Proposal is more than research design. Research design is a subset of proposal. Ordinarily research
design will not talk much about heoretical frame work of the study. It will be also silent about the review
of related studies. A strong rationale for conducting research is also not part of research design. At the
stage of writing proposal, the entire research work shapes into concrete form. In the proposal, the
researcher demonstrates that he is familiar with what he is doing.
• The proposal is like the blue print which the architect designs before construction of a house. It
conveys the plan of entire research work along with justification of conducting the same.
• The proposal is to be presented to funding agency or a departmental research committee. Now
presentation of research proposal is compulsory before the committee as per U.G.C. guidelines of July
2009. In such a committee, a number of experts participate and suggest important points to help and
guide researcher. In fact, this is a very constructive activity. In C.A.S.E., a research proposal is
presented on three occasions. First, in the researcher’s forum on Saturday, second in Tuesday seminar
and finally before the committee consisting of Dean, Head, Guide and other experts. Such fruitful
discussion helps in resolving many issues. When such presentation is there, it always brings
seriousness on the part of researcher and guide also. During such presentation, strengths and
limitations of proposal will be come out. Funding agency also provides funds based on strength and
quality of proposal.
• Research proposal serves as a plan of action. It conveys researcher and others as to how study will be
conducted. There is indication of time schedule and budget estimates in the proposal which guides
researcher to complete the task in time with in sanctioned budget.
• The proposal approved by committee serves as a bond of agreement between researcher and guide.
Entire proposal becomes a mirror for both to execute the study further.
(iv) Its presentation before experts provide further rethinking on the entire work.
Following components are generally included in the research proposal. It is not necessary to follow
this list rigidly. It should provide useful outline for writing of any research proposal.
Normally, a research proposal begins with an Introduction, this gives clearly the background or
history of the problem selected. Some also calls this as a theoretical / conceptual framework. This will
include various theories / concepts related to problem selected. Theoretical frame work should have
logical sequence. Suppose researcher wants to study the achievement of class IX students in mathematics
in particular area, then conceptual frame may include:
All these points can be put into sequence logically. Whenever needed theoretical support be given.
This is an important step in research proposal. Generally any proposal begins with this type of
As discussed earlier, researcher will spell out as to how the problem emerged, its social and
educational context and its importance to the field. Some researchers name this caption as background of
the study or Theoretical / Conceptual frame work of the study. In short, here the entire topic of the
research is briefly introduced along with related concepts and theories in the field.
In this section, one presents what is so far known about the problem under investigation. Generally
theoretical / conceptual frame work is already reported in earlier section. In this section researcher
concentrates on studies conducted in the area of interest. here, a researcher will locate various studies
conducted in his area and interest. Try to justify that all such located studies are ‘related ‘to your work.
For locating such studies one will refer following documents / sources.
• Surveys of research in education (Edited earlier by Prof. M. B. Buch and Later on by NCERT, New
• Ph. D. Theses available in various libraries.
• Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
• Dissertation Abstract International (DAI)
• Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) by U.S. office of education.
• Various national / International journals, Internet resources (For detail see Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., and
Razavih A. (1972). Introduction to Research in Education N. Y. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ING pp
55 – 70)
In research proposal, the review of studies conducted earlier is reported briefly. There are two was
of reporting the same. One way could be all such related studies be reported chronologically in brief
indicating purpose, sample, tools and major findings. Of course, this will increase the volume of research
proposal. Second studies with similar trends be put together and its important trend/s be highlighted. This
is bit difficult, but innovative. Normally in review the surname of author and year in bracket is mentioned.
There is also a trend to report studies conducted in other countries separately. It is left to guide and
researcher whether such separate caption is necessary or not.
At the end of review, in research proposal, there should be conclusion. (Of course a separate
caption like conclusion be avoided.)
Here, the researcher shares the insights he has gained from the review. Also, on the basis of review
he will justice the need of conducting present study. The researcher should conclude with following points
Rationale should answer the question – ‘why’ this study is conducted? It ‘why’ is answered
properly, then rationale a strong one. For strong rationale, the earlier section of review will be of much
help. Identified research gaps will convey as to why this study is conducted. Suppose the investigator
wants to study the following problem : ‘Development and Try out of CAI in Teaching of Science for Class
VIII in Mumbai”.
Here, the researcher should try to answer why CAI only? Why it is in Science teaching only? Why
it is for class VIII only? Why it is in Mumbai only?
If these questions are answered adequately, then rationale becomes strong. Here one has to identify
gaps in the area of Science teaching especially with reference to CAI. Apart from this, the need for
conducting the present study be justified.
D. Definition of Terms :
Every research study involves certain key or technical terms which have some special connotation
in the context of study; hence it is always desirable to define such key words. There are two types
definitions, (i) Theoretical / constitutive and (ii) Operational.
A constitutive definition elucidates a term and perhaps gives some more insight into the phenomena
described by the terms. Thus, this definition is based on some theory. While an operational definition is
one which ascribes meaning to a concept by specifying the operations that must be performed in order to
measure the concept, e.g. the word ‘achievement’ has many meanings but operationally it can be defined
as, “the scores obtained by the students in English test constructed by researcher in 2009. Here it is clear
that achievement in English will be measured by administering to test constructed by Mr. So and So in
2009. Apart from operational definitions, one can define some terms which have definite meaning with
reference to particular investigation. The terms like Lok Jumbish, Minimum Levels of Learning,
Programmed Learning etc. can be define in particular context of research.
E. Variables :
Variables involved in the research need to be identified here. Their operational definitions should
be given in the research proposal. Especially in study where experimental research is conducted, variables
be specified with enough care. Their classification should be done in terms and dependent variables,
independent variables, intervening variables, extraneous variables etc. Controlling of some variables need
to be discussed at an appropriate stage in proposal.
While reading the statement of the problem, there may be bit confusion to avoid such confusions
there is a need to have specification of a research problem. This specification can be done by writing
research questions, objectives, hypotheses, by writing operational definitions thus, objectives give more
clarity to researchers and reactors objectives are the foundations of the research, as they will guide the
entire process of research. List of objectives should not be too lengthy not ambiguous. The objectives we
stated clearly to indicate what the researcher is trying to investigate.
While conducting any research, researcher would definitely aim at assuring certain questions. The
researcher should frame such questions in a praise way. Some researchers simply put the objectives in the
question form, which is just duplication of objectives, which be avoided.
Depending on the nature of study, the researcher would formulate hypotheses, The proposition of a
hypothesis is derived from theoretical constructs, previous researches on earlier researches, the researcher
can write research or will hypothesis will be more suitable however as per evidences from previous
researches one can decide the nature of hypothesis.
Formulation of hypothesis is an indication that researcher has sufficient knowledge in the area and
it also gives direction for data collection and analysis. A hypothesis has to be :
(I) testable, (ii) have explanatory power, (iii) state expected relationship between variables. (iv) consistent
with existing body of knowledge.
G. Assumptions:
Best and Kahn (2004) assumptions are statements of what the researcher believes to be facts
but cannot verify. If the researcher is proceeding with certain assumptions, then same need to be reported
in the research proposal.
In any research, it is not possible to cover all aspects of the area of interest, variables, population
and so on. Thus, a study has always certain limitations. Limitations are those conditions beyond the control
of the researcher that may play restriction on conclusions. Sometimes, the tool used is not revalidated. This
itself becomes limitation of the study. Thus limitation is a broad term, but delimitation is a narrow term. It
indicates boundaries of the study. The study on achievement in English can be delimited to only grant-in-
aid school, which includes schools who follow Maharashtra State Board, so here beyond this conclusion
can not be extended. This can be made more specific by specifying the population and sample.
Sample : You might have already studied about sampling in details. This section of research proposal will
mention about selection of sample. First, the researcher should mention about would like to in for. One
must describe the population along with total size. This is especially needed in case of randomization and
stratification. Researcher should mention about probability non probability sampling design. Accordingly
selection of sample need to be detailed out along with its justification. Many researchers write about
randomization without mentioning size of population. the researcher also writes about stratified sampling
without details of various strata along with its size. As from the sample statistics, population parameter is
to be estimated, solution of sample be done with enough care.
Tools : You have already shared about various tools of data collection. In this section of proposal selection
and description of tool is for be reported with proper justification. Steps of construction of particular tool
need to be reported in brief. If readymade tools are used then its related details need to be reported. Details
like author of the tool, its reliability, validity, and norms, along with scoring procedure need to be reported.
It has been found that many researchers fail to report the year when tool was constructed. As far as
possible, very old tools need to be avoided. In case of readymade tools, always look for which population
it was desirable to use valid and reliable tools.
If we have already reported strong rationale then, hardly there is any need to go for significance. In
rationale part, one must describe as to how this study will contribute to the field of education. How the
findings / results of particular research will influence educational process in general need to be reported in
the rationale only.
(Note : There are various models for writing research proposal. It differs from university to university.
Many funding agencies have their own format for proposal.)
L. Bibliography :
During preparation of proposal, researcher consults various sources like books, journals, reports,
Ph.D. theses etc. All such primary / secondary sources need to be reported in the bibliography. Generally
American Psychological Association – Publication Manual be followed to write references. All authors
quoted in proposal need to be listed in bibliography. Authors who are not quoted but they are useful for
further reading be also listed. Consistency and uniformity be observed in reporting references.
M. Time Frame :
The proposal submitted for M.Phil or Ph.D. degrees, generally do not require time frame in all
universities, but there is a fixed limit for these courses. It is always advisable to give detailed schedule if
research work, as it helps to keep researcher alert. Proposals to be submitted to funding agency definitely
ask for time frame. Time frame need to be reported keeping following points in view. Time / duration
mentioned by funding agency be properly dividend.
N. Budget :
The proposal submitted to the funding agency needs details regarding financial estimates. It may
include expected expenditure keeping various budget needs. Following budget needs be kept in view
along with amount.
• Remuneration for project team, i.e. principal investigator and project team.
• Remuneration for secretarial staff like clerk, data entry operator, accountants, helpers etc.
• Remuneration for appointing project fellow, field investigators etc.
• Expenditure towards purchase of books, journals, tools etc.
• Expenditure towards printing, xeroxing, stationery etc.
• Expenditure for data entry, tabulation and analysis of data.
• Expenditure for field work, travel for monitoring purpose etc.
• Expenditure for preparing final report.
While preparing budget, examine the guidelines given by particular funding agency.
O. Chapterisation :
(a) Select one topic for research in education and write a various steps of research proposal at length.
Suggested Readings :
1) Best, J.W. and Kahn, J.V. (2004), Research in Education, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
2) Gay, L.R. and Airasian, P. (2000), Educational Research : Competencies for Analysis and Application,
New Jersey : Mersil.
3) Kothari, R.C. (1985), Research Methodology, New Delhi : Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning of variables
3.3 Types of variables (independent, dependent, Extraneous, Intervening and Moderator)
3.4 Concept of hypothesis
3.5 Sources of hypothesis
3.6 Types of hypothesis (Research, Directional, Non Directional, Null, Statistical and question form
3.7 Formulating hypothesis
3.8 Characteristics of a good hypothesis
3.9 Hypothesis testing and theory
3.10 Errors in testing of hypothesis
3.11 Summary
After reading this unit you will be able to:
• Define variables
• Identify the different types of variables
• Show the relationship between the variables
• Explain the concept of hypotheses
• State the sources of hypotheses
• Explain different types of hypothesis
• Identify types of hypothesis
• Frame hypotheses skillfully
• Describe the characteristics of a good hypothesis
• Explain the significance level in hypothesis testing
• Identify the errors in testing of hypothesis
Each person/thing we collect data on is called an observation (in our research work these are
usually people/subjects). Observation (participants) possess a variety of characteristics. If a characteristic
of an observation (participant) is the same for every member of the group i.e. it does not vary, it is called
a constant. If a characteristic of an observation (participant) differs for group members it is called a
variable. In research we do not get excited about constants (since everyone is the same on that
characteristic); we are more interested in variables.
A variable is any entity that can take on different values. So what does that mean? Anything that
can vary can be considered a variable. For instance, age can be considered a variable because age can take
different values for different people or for the same person at different times. Similarly, country can be
considered a variable because a person's country can be assigned a value.
A variable is a concept or abstract idea that can be described in measurable terms. In research,
this term refers to the measurable characteristics, qualities, traits, or attributes of a particular
individual, object, or situation being studied.
Variables are properties or characteristics of some event, object, or person that can take on different
values or amounts.
Variables are things that we measure, control, or manipulate in research. They differ in many
respects, most notably in the role they are given in our research and in the type of measures that can
be applied to them.
By itself, the statement of the problem usually provides only general direction for the research
study; it does not include all the specific information. There is some basic terminology that is extremely
important in how we communicate specific information about research problems and about research in
Let us analyse an example; if a researcher is interested in the effects of two different teaching
methods on the science achievement of fifth‐grade students, the grade level is constant, because all
individuals involved are fifth‐graders. This characteristic is the same for everyone; it is a ‘constant’
condition of the study. After the different teaching methods have been implemented, the fifth‐graders
involved would be measured with a science achievement test. It is very unlikely that all of the fifth‐
graders would receive the same score on this test, hence the score on the science achievement test
becomes a variable, because different individuals will have different scores; at least, not all individuals
will have the same scores. We would say that science achievement is a variable, but we would mean,
specifically, that the score on the science achievement test is a variable.
There is another variable in the preceding example – the teaching method. In contrast to the
science achievement test score, which undoubtedly would be measured on a scale with many possible
values, teaching method is a categorical variable consisting of only two categories, the two methods.
Thus, we have different kinds of variables and different names or classifications for them.
A concept which can take on different quantitative values is called a variable. As such the
concepts like weight, height, income are all examples of variables. Qualitative phenomena (or the
attributes) are also quantified on the basis of the presence or absence of the concerning attributes(s).
Age is an example of continuous variable, but the number of male and female respondents is an example
of discrete variable.
There are many classification systems given in the literature the names we use are descriptive;
they describe the roles that variables play in a research study. The variables described below by no
means exhaust the different systems and names that exist, but they are the most useful for
communicating about educational research.
3.3.1 Independent variables:
Independent variables are variables which are manipulated or controlled or changed. In the
example “a study of the effect of teacher praise on the reading achievement of second‐graders”, the
effect of praise, the researcher is trying to determine whether there is a cause‐and‐effect relationship, so
the kind of praise is varied to see whether it produces different scores on the reading achievement test.
We call this a manipulated independent variable (treatment variable). The amount and kind of praise is
manipulated by the researcher. The researcher could analyze the scores for boys and girls separately to
see whether the results are the same for both genders. In this case gender is a classifying or attributes
independent variable. The researcher cannot manipulate gender, but can classify the children according
to gender.
3.3.2 Dependent variables:
Dependent variables are the outcome variables and are the variables for which we calculate
statistics. The variable which changes on account of independent variable is known as dependent
Let us take the example, a study of the effect of teacher praise on the reading achievement of
second‐graders; the dependent variable is reading achievement. We might compare the average reading
achievement scores of second‐graders in different praise conditions such as no praise, oral praise, written
praise, and combined oral and written praise.
The following example further illustrates the use of variables and constants. In a study conducted
to determine the effect of three different teaching methods on achievement in elementary algebra, each
of three ninth‐grade algebra sections in the same school, taught by the same teacher, is taught using one
of the methods. Both boys and girls are included in the study. The constants in the study are grade level,
school, and teacher. (This assumes that, except for method, the teacher can hold teaching effectiveness
constant.) The independent variables in the study are teaching method and gender of the student.
Teaching method has three levels that arbitrarily can be designated methods A, B, and C; gender of the
student, of course, has two levels. Achievement in algebra, as measured at the end of the instructional
period, is the dependent variable.
The terms dependent and independent variable apply mostly to experimental research where
some variables are manipulated, and in this sense they are "independent" from the initial reaction
patterns, features, intentions, etc. of the subjects. Some other variables are expected to be "dependent"
on the manipulation or experimental conditions. That is to say, they depend on "what the subject will do"
in response. Somewhat contrary to the nature of this distinction, these terms are also used in studies
where we do not literally manipulate independent variables, but only assign subjects to "experimental
groups" based on some pre‐existing properties of the subjects. . Independent variables are those that are
manipulated whereas dependent variables are only measured or registered.
Consider other examples of independent and dependent variables:
Example 1: A study of teacher‐student classroom interaction at different levels of schooling.
Independent variable: Level of schooling, four categories – primary, upper primary, secondary and
junior college.
Dependent variable: Score on a classroom observation inventory, which measures teacher – student
Example 2: A comparative study of the professional attitudes of secondary school teachers by gender.
Independent variable: Gender of the teacher – male, female.
Dependent variable: Score on a professional attitude inventory.
3.3.3 Extraneous variable:
Independent variables that are not related to the purpose of the study, but may affect the
dependent variable are termed as extraneous variables. Suppose the researcher wants to test the
hypothesis that there is a relationship between children’s gains in social studies achievement and their
self‐concepts. In this case self‐concept is an independent variable and social studies achievement is a
dependent variable. Intelligence may as well affect the social studies achievement, but since it is not
related to the purpose of the study undertaken by the researcher, it will be termed as an extraneous
variable. Whatever effect is noticed on dependent variable as a result of extraneous variable(s) is
technically described as an ‘experimental error’. A study must always be so designed that the effect
upon the dependent variable is attributed entirely to the independent variable(s), and not to some
extraneous variable or variables.
E.g. Effectiveness of different methods of teaching Social Science.
Here variables such as teacher’s competence, Teacher’s enthusiasm, age, socio economic status
also contribute substantially to the teaching learning process. It cannot be controlled by the researcher.
The conclusions lack incredibility because of extraneous variables.
3.3.4 Intervening variables:
They intervene between cause and effect. It is difficult to observe, as they are related with
individuals feelings such as boredom, fatigue excitement At times some of these variables cannot be
controlled or measured but have an important effect upon the result of the study as it intervenes
between cause and effect. Though difficult, it has to be controlled through appropriate design.
Eg. “Effect of immediate reinforcement on learning the parts of speech”.
Factors other than reinforcement such as anxiety, fatigue, and motivation may be intervening
variables. They are difficult to define in operational, observable terms however they cannot be ignored
and must be controlled using appropriate research design.
3.3.5 Moderator:
A third variable that when introduced into an analysis alters or has a contingent effect on the
relationship between an independent and a dependent variable. A moderator variable is an independent
variable that is not of primary interest that has levels, which when combined with the levels of the
independent variable of interest produces different effects.
For example, suppose that the researcher designs a study to determine the impact of the lengths
of reading passages on the comprehension of the reading passage. The design has three levels of
passage length: 100 words, 200 words, and 300 words. The participants in the study are fourth‐fifth‐ and
sixth‐graders. Suppose that the three grade levels all did very well on the 100‐word passage, but only the
sixth‐graders did very well on the 300‐word passage. This would mean that successfully comprehending
reading passages of different lengths was moderated by grade level.
Check your progress:
1. What is a Variable?
2. Identify the variables in this example “Teaching effectiveness of secondary school teachers in relation
to their presage characteristics”.
Hypothesis is usually considered as the principal instrument in research. The derivation of a
suitable hypothesis goes hand in hand with the selection of a research problem. A hypothesis, as a
tentative hunch, explains the situation under observation so as to design the study to prove or disprove
it. What a researcher is looking for is a working or positive hypothesis. It is very difficult, laborious and
time consuming to make adequate discriminations in the complex interplay of facts without hypothesis.
It gives definite point and direction to the study, prevents blind search and indiscriminate gathering of
data and helps to delimit the field of inquiry.
3.4.1 Meaning:
The word hypothesis (plural is hypotheses) is derived from the Greek word – ‘hypotithenai’
meaning ‘to put under’ or ‘to suppose’ for a hypothesis to be put forward as a scientific hypothesis, the
scientific method requires that one can test it. Etymologically hypothesis is made up of two words,
“hypo” (less than) and “thesis”, which mean less than or less certain than a thesis. It is the presumptive
statement of a proposition or a reasonable guess, based upon the available evidence, which the
researcher seeks to prove through his study.
According to Lundberg, “A hypothesis is a tentative generalisation, the validity of which remains to
be tested. In its most elementary stage, the hypothesis may be any hunch, guess, imaginative idea, which
becomes the basis for action or investigation.
Goode and Hatt have defined it as “a proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity”.
A hypothesis is a statement temporarily accepted as true in the light of what is, at the time, known about a
phenomenon, and it is employed as a basis for action in the search of new truth.
A hypothesis is a tentative assumption drawn from knowledge and theory which is used as a guide
in the investigation of other facts and theories that are yet unknown.
It is a guess, supposition or tentative inference as to the existence of some fact, condition or
relationship relative to some phenomenon which serves to explain such facts as already are known to
exist in a given area of research and to guide the search for new truth.
Hypotheses reflect the research worker’s guess as to the probable outcome of the experiments.
A hypothesis is therefore a shrewd and intelligent guess, a supposition, inference, hunch,
provisional statement or tentative generalization as to the existence of some fact, condition or
relationship relative to some phenomenon which serves to explain already known facts in a given area of
research and to guide the search for new truth on the basis of empirical evidence. The hypothesis is put
to test for its tenability and for determining its validity.
In this connection Lundberg observes: Quite often a research hypothesis is a predictive statement,
capable of being tested by scientific methods, that relates an independent variable to some dependent
variable. For example, consider statements like the following ones: “Students who receive counselling
will show a greater increase in creativity than students not receiving counseling” or “There is a positive
relationship between academic aptitude scores and scores on a social adjustment inventory for high
school students”
These are hypotheses capable of being objectively verified and tested. Thus, we may conclude
that a hypothesis states what we are looking for and it is a proposition which can be put to a test to
determine its validity.
3.4.2 Importance of the Hypotheses:
The importance of hypotheses is generally recognized more in the studies which aim to make
predictions about some outcome. In experimental research, the researchers is interested in making
predictions about the outcome of the experiment or what the results are expected to show and
therefore the role of hypotheses is considered to be of utmost importance. In the historical or descriptive
research, on the other hand, the researcher is investigating the history of a city or a nation, the life of a
man, the happening of an event, or is seeking facts to determine the status quo of some situation and
thus may not have a basis for making a prediction of results. A hypothesis, therefore, may not be
required in such fact‐finding studies. Hillway (1964) too is of the view that “when fact‐finding alone is the
aim of the study, a hypothesis may not be required.”
Most historical or descriptive studies, however, involve not only fact‐finding but interpretation of
facts to draw generalizations. If a researcher is tracing the history of an educational institution or making
a study about the results of a coming assembly poll, the facts or data he gathers will prove useful only if
he is able to draw generalizations from them. Whenever possible, a hypothesis is recommended for all
major studies to explain observed facts, conditions or behaviour and to serve as a guide in the research
process. The importance of hypotheses may be summarized as under.
1. Hypotheses facilitate the extension of knowledge in an area. They provide tentative explanations of
facts and phenomena, and can be tested and validated. It sensitizes the investigator to certain
aspects of situations which are relevant from the standpoint of the problem in hand.
2. Hypotheses provide the researcher with rational statements, consisting of elements expressed in a
logical order of relationships which seek to describe or to explain conditions or events, that have not
yet been confirmed by facts. The hypotheses enable the researcher to relate logically known facts
to intelligent guesses about unknown conditions. It is a guide to the thinking process and the
process of discovery. It is the investigator’s eye – a sort of guiding light in the work of darkness.
3. Hypotheses provide direction to the research. It defines what is relevant and what is irrelevant. The
hypotheses tell the researcher specifically what he needs to do and find out in his study. Thus it
prevents the review of irrelevant literature and the collection of useless or excess data. Hypotheses
provide a basis for selecting the sample and the research procedures to be used in the study. The
statistical techniques needed in the analysis of data, and the relationships between the variables to
be tested, are also implied by the hypotheses. Furthermore, the hypotheses help the researcher to
delimit his study in scope so that it does not become broad or unwieldy.
4. Hypotheses provide the basis for reporting the conclusions of the study. It serves as a framework
for drawing conclusions. The researcher will find it very convenient to test each hypothesis
separately and state the conclusions that are relevant to each. On the basis of these conclusions, he
can make the research report interesting and meaningful to the reader. It provides the outline for
setting conclusions in a meaningful way.
Hypothesis has a very important place in research although it occupies a very small pace in the
body of a thesis. It is almost impossible for a research worker not to have one or more hypotheses
before proceeding with his work.
The derivation of a good hypothesis demands characteristic of experience and creativity. Though
hypothesis should precede the gathering of data, a good hypothesis can come only from experience.
Some degree of data gathering, the review of related literature, or a pilot study must precede the
development and gradual refinement of the hypothesis. A good investigator must have not only an alert
mind capable of deriving relevant hypothesis, but also a critical mind capable of rejecting faulty
What is the source of hypotheses? They may be derived directly from the statement of the
problem; they may be based on the research literature, or in some cases, such as in ethnographic
research, they may (at least in part) be generated from data collection and analysis. The various sources
of hypotheses may be:
♦ Review of similar studies in the area or of the studies on similar problems;
♦ Examination of data and records, if available, concerning the problem for possible trends, peculiarities
and other clues;
♦ Discussions with colleagues and experts about the problem, its origin and the objectives in seeking a
♦ Exploratory personal investigation which involves original field interviews on a limited scale with
interested parties and individuals with a view to secure greater insight into the practical aspects of
the problem.
♦ Intuition is often considered a reasonable source of research hypotheses ‐‐ especially when it is the
intuition of a well‐known researcher or theoretician who “knows what is known”
♦ Rational Induction is often used to form “new hypotheses” by logically combining the empirical
findings from separate areas of research
♦ Prior empirical research findings are perhaps the most common source of new research hypotheses,
especially when carefully combined using rational induction
♦ Thus hypothesis are formulated as a result of prior thinking about the subject, examination of the
available data and material including related studies and the council of experts.
Check your progress:
1. Define hypothesis.
2. Hypothesis is stated in researches concerned with
3. What are the sources of hypotheses?
3.6.1 Research hypothesis: When a prediction or a hypothesized relationship is to be tested by scientific
methods, it is termed as research hypothesis. The research hypothesis is a predictive statement
that relates an independent variable to a dependent variable. Usually a research hypothesis must
contain, at least, one independent and one dependent variable. A research hypothesis must be
stated in a testable form for its proper evaluation. As already stressed, this form should indicate a
relationship between the variables in clear, concise, and understandable language. Research
hypotheses are classified as being directional or non‐directional.
3.6.2 Directional hypothesis: The hypotheses which stipulate the direction of the expected differences
or relationships are terms as directional hypotheses. For example, the research hypothesis:
“There will be a positive relationship between individual’s attitude towards high caste Hindus and
his socio‐economic status,” is a directional research hypothesis. This hypothesis stipulates that
individuals with favourable attitude towards high cast Hindus will generally come from higher
socio‐economic Hindu families and therefore it does stipulate the direction of the relationship.
Similarly, the hypothesis: “Adolescent boys with high IQ will exhibit low anxiety than adolescent
boys with low IQ” is a directional research hypothesis because it stipulates the direction of the
difference between groups.
3.6.3 Non‐directional hypothesis: A research hypothesis which does not specify the direction of
expected differences or relationships is a non‐directional research hypothesis. For example, the
hypotheses: “There will be difference in the adaptability of fathers and mothers towards rearing of
their children” or “There is a difference in the anxiety level of adolescent girls of high IQ and low
IQ” are non‐directional research hypotheses. Although these hypotheses stipulate there will be a
difference, the direction of the difference is not specified. A research hypothesis can take either
statistical form, declarative form, the null form, or the question form.
3.6.4 Statistical hypothesis: When it is time to test whether the data support or refute the research
hypothesis, it needs to be translated into a statistical hypothesis. A statistical hypothesis is given in
statistical terms. Technically, in the context of inferential statistics, it is a statement about one or
more parameters that are measures of the populations under study. Statistical hypotheses often
are given in quantitative terms, for example: “The mean reading achievement of the population of
third‐grade students taught by Method A equals the mean reading achievement of the population
taught by Method B.” Therefore we can say that statistical hypotheses are, concerned with
populations under study. We use inferential statistics, to draw conclusions about population
values even though we have access to only a sample of participants. In order to use inferential
statistics, we need to translate the research hypothesis into a testable form, which is called the
null hypothesis. An alternative or declarative hypothesis indicates the situation corresponding to
when the null hypothesis is not true. The stated hypothesis will differ depending on whether or
not it is a directional research hypothesis.
3.6.5 Declarative hypothesis: When the researcher makes a positive statement about the outcome of the
study, the hypothesis takes the declarative form. For example, the hypothesis: “The academic
achievement of extroverts is significantly higher than that of the introverts,” is stated in the
declarative form. In such a statement of hypothesis, the researcher makes a prediction based on
his theoretical formulations of what should happen if the explanations of the behaviour he has
given in his theory are correct.
3.6.6 Null hypothesis: In the null form, the researcher makes a statement that no relationship exists.
The hypothesis, “There is no significant difference between the academic achievement of high
school athletes and that of non athletes,” is an example of null hypothesis. Since null hypotheses
can be tested statistically, they are often termed as statistical hypotheses. They are also called the
testing hypotheses when declarative hypotheses are tested statistically by converting them into
null form. It states that even where it seems to hold good it is due to mere chance. It is for the
researcher to reject the null hypothesis by showing that the outcome mentioned in the declarative
hypothesis does occur and the quantum of it is such that it cannot be easily dismissed as having
occurred by chance.
3.6.7 Question form hypothesis: In the question form hypothesis, a question is asked as to what the
outcome will be instead of stating what outcome is expected. Suppose a researcher is interested
in knowing whether programmed instruction has any relationship to test anxiety of children.
• The declarative form of the hypothesis might be: “Teaching children through the programmed
instruction material will decrease their test anxiety”.
• The null form would be: “teaching children through programmed instruction material will have
no effect on their test anxiety.’ This statement shows that no relationship exists between
programmed instruction and test anxiety.
• The question form puts the statement in the form: “Will teaching children through
programmed instruction decrease their test anxiety?”
Hypotheses are guesses or tentative generalizations, but these guesses are not merely accidents.
Collection of factual information alone does not lead to successful formulation of hypotheses.
Hypotheses are the products of considerable speculation and imaginative guess work. They are based
partly on known facts and explanations, and partly conceptual. There are no precise rules for formulating
hypotheses and deducing consequences from them that can be empirically verified. However, there are
certain necessary conditions that are conducive to their formulation. Some of them are:
• Richness of background knowledge. A researcher may deduce hypotheses inductively after making
observations of behaviour, noticing trends or probable relationships. For example, a classroom
teacher daily observes student behaviour. On the basis of his experience and his knowledge of
behaviour in a school situation, the teacher may attempt to relate the behaviour of students to his
own, to his teaching methods, to changes in the school environment, and so on. From these observed
relationships, the teacher may inductively formulate a hypothesis that attempts to explain such
Background knowledge, however, is essential for perceiving relationships among the variables
and to determine what findings other researchers have reported on the problem under study. New
knowledge, new discoveries, and new inventions should always form continuity with the already
existing corpus of knowledge and, therefore, it becomes all the more essential to be well versed with
the already existing knowledge.
Hypotheses may be formulated correctly by persons who have rich experiences and academic
background, but they can never be formulated by those who have poor background knowledge.
• Versatility of intellect: Hypotheses are also derived through deductive reasoning from a theory. Such
hypotheses are called deductive hypotheses. A researcher may begin a study by selecting one of the
theories in his own area of interest. After selecting the particular theory, the researcher proceeds to
deduce a hypothesis from this theory through symbolic logic or mathematics. This is possible only
when the researcher has a versatile intellect and can make use of it for restructuring his experiences.
Creative imagination is the product of an adventure, sound attitude and agile intellect. In the
hypotheses formulation, the researcher works on numerous paths. He has to take a consistent effort
and develop certain habits and attitudes. Moreover, the researcher has to saturate himself with all
possible information about the problem and then think liberally at it and proceed further in the
conduct of the study.
• Analogy and other practices. Analogies also lead the researcher to clues that he might find useful in
the formulation of hypotheses and for finding solutions to problems. For example, suppose a new
situation resembles an old situation in regard to a factor X. If the researcher knows from previous
experience that the old situation is related to other factors Y and Z as well as to X, he reasons that
perhaps a new situation is also related to Y and Z. The researcher, however, should use analogies
with caution as they are not fool proof tools for finding solutions to problems. At times, conversations
and consultations with colleagues and expert from different fields are also helpful in formulating
important and useful hypotheses.
Hypothesis must possess the following characteristics:
i) Hypothesis should be clear and precise. If the hypothesis is not clear and precise, the inferences
drawn on its basis cannot be taken as reliable.
ii) Hypothesis should be capable of being tested. Some prior study may be done by researcher in
order to make hypothesis a testable one. A hypothesis “is testable if other deductions can be
made from it which, in turn, can be confirmed or disproved by observation.”
iii) Hypothesis should state relationship between variables, if it happens to be a relational hypothesis.
iv) Hypothesis should be limited in scope and must be specific. A researcher must remember that
narrower hypotheses are generally more testable and he should develop such hypotheses.
v) Hypothesis should be stated as far as possible in most simple terms so that the same is easily
understandable by all concerned. But one must remember that simplicity of hypothesis has
nothing to do with its significance.
vi) Hypothesis should be consistent with most known facts i.e. it must be consistent with a substantial
body of established facts. In other words, it should be one which judges accept as being the most
vii) The hypotheses selected should be amenable to testing within a reasonable time. The researcher
should not select a problem which involves hypotheses that are not agreeable to testing within a
reasonable and specified time. He must know that there are problems that cannot be solved for a
long time to come. These are problems of immense difficulty that cannot be profitably studied
because of the lack of essential techniques or measures.
viii) Hypothesis must explain the facts that gave rise to the need for explanation. This means that by
using the hypothesis plus other known and accepted generalizations, one should be able to
deduce the original problem condition. Thus hypothesis must actually explain what it claims to
explain, it should have empirical reference.
Check your progress:
1. What are the different types of hypothesis?
2. List the characteristics of hypothesis.
When the purpose of research is to test a research hypothesis, it is termed as hypothesis‐testing
research. It can be of the experimental design or of the non‐experimental design. Research in which the
independent variable is manipulated is termed ‘experimental hypothesis‐testing research’ and a research
in which an independent variable is not manipulated is called ‘non‐experimental hypothesis‐testing
Let us get acquainted with relevant terminologies used in hypothesis testing.
Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis:
In the context of statistical analysis, we often talk about null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis. If we are to compare method A with method B about its superiority and if we proceed on the
assumption that both methods are equally good, then this assumption is termed as the null hypothesis.
As against this, we may think that the method A is superior or the method B is inferior, we are then
stating what is termed as alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is generally symbolized as H0 and
the alternative hypothesis as Ha. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are chosen before
the sample is drawn. Generally, in hypothesis testing we proceed on the basis of null hypothesis, keeping
the alternative hypothesis in view. Why so? The answer is that on the assumption that null hypothesis is
true, one can assign the probabilities to different possible sample results, but this cannot be done if we
proceed with the alternative hypothesis. Hence the use of null hypothesis (at times also known as
statistical hypothesis) is quite frequent.
a) The level of significance: This is very important concept in the context of hypothesis testing. It is
always some percentage (usually 5%) which should be chosen with great care, thought and reason. In
case we take the significance level at 5 per cent, then this implies that H0 will be rejected when the
sampling result (i.e. observed evidence) has a less than 0.05 probability of occurring if H0 is true. In
other words, the 5 percent level of significance means that researcher is willing to take as much as a 5
percent risk of rejecting the null hypothesis when it (H0) happens to be true. Thus the significance
level is the maximum value of the probability of rejecting H0 when it is true and is usually determined
in advance before testing the hypothesis.
b) The criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis may differ. Sometimes the null hypothesis is rejected
only when the quantity of the outcome is so large that the probability of its having occurred by mere
chance is 1 time out of 100. We consider the probability of its having occurred by chance to be too
little and we reject the chance theory of the null hypothesis and take the occurrence to be due to a
genuine tendency. On other occasions, we may be bolder and reject the null hypothesis even when
the quantity of the reported outcome is likely to occur by chance 5 times out of 100.Statistically the
former is known as the rejection of the null hypothesis at 0.1 level of significance and the latter as the
rejection at 0.5 level. It may be pointed out that if the researcher is able to reject the null hypothesis,
he cannot directly uphold the declarative hypothesis. If an outcome is not held to be due to chance, it
does not mean that it is due to the very cause and effect relationship asserted in the particular
declarative statement. It may be due to something else which the researcher may have failed to
c) Decision rule or test of hypothesis: Given a hypothesis H0 and an alternative hypothesis Ha we make
a rule which is known as decision rule according to which we accept H0 (i.e. reject Ha) or reject H0 (ie.
accept Ha). For instance, if H0 is that a certain lot is good (there are very few defective items in it)
against Ha that the lot is not good (there are too many defective items in it), then we must decide the
number of items to be tested and the criterion for accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. We might
test 10 times in the lot and plan our decision saying that if there are none or only 1 defective item
among the 10, we will accept H0 otherwise we will reject H0 (or accept Ha). This sort of basis is known
as decision rule.
d) Two‐tailed and One‐tailed tests: In the context of hypothesis testing, these two terms are quite
important and must be clearly understood. A two‐tailed test rejects the null hypothesis if, say, the
sample mean is significantly higher or lower than the hypothesized value of the mean of the
population. Such a test is appropriate when the null hypothesis is some specified value and the
alternative hypothesis is a value not equal to the specified value of the null hypothesis. In a two‐
tailed test, there are two rejection regions, one on each tail of the curve which can be illustrated as
If the significance level is 5 per cent and the two‐tailed test is to be applied, the probability of the
rejection area will be 0.05 (equally divided on both tails of the curve as 0.025) and that of the acceptance
region will be 0.95
But there are situations when only one‐tailed test is considered appropriate. A one‐tailed test
would be used when we are to test, say, whether the population mean is either lower than or higher than
some hypothesized value. We should always remember that accepting H0, on the basis of sample
information does not constitute the proof that H0, is true. We only mean that there is no statistical
evidence to reject it.
Type I and Type II errors: in the context of testing of hypotheses, there are basically two types of
errors we can make. We may reject H0 when H0 is true and we may accept H0 when in fact H0 is not true.
The former is known as Type I error and the latter as Type II error. In other words, Type I error means
rejection of hypothesis which should have been accepted and Type II error means accepting the
hypothesis which should have been rejected. Type I error is denoted by (alpha) known as (alpha) error,
also called the level of significance of test; and Type II error is denoted by ß (beta) known as ß error. In a
tabular form the said two errors can be presented as follows:
Table 3.1 Decision
Accept H0 Reject H0
H0 (true) Correct decision Type I error (alpha error)
2. What are the two types of error in the testing of the hypothesis?
It is important for the researcher to formulate hypotheses before data are gathered. This is
necessary for an objective and unbiased study. It should be evident from what you have read so far that
in order to carry out research; you need to start by identifying a question which demands an answer, or a
need which requires a solution. The problem can be generated either by an initiating idea, or by a
perceived problem area. We also studied that there are important qualities of hypotheses which
distinguish them from other forms of statement. A good hypothesis is a very useful aid to organizing the
research effort. It specifically limits the enquiry to the interaction of certain variables; it suggests the
methods appropriated for collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data; and the resultant confirmation
or rejection of the hypothesis through empirical or experimental testing gives a clear indication of the
extent of knowledge gained. The hypothesis must be conceptually clear. The concepts utilized in the
hypothesis should be clearly defined – not only formally but also if possible, operationally. Hypothesis
testing is the often used strategy for deciding whether a sample data offer such support for a hypothesis
that generalization can be made. Thus hypothesis testing enables us to make probability statements
about population parameter(s).
1. Best J.W, Kahn J.V ;( 2009); Research in education, tenth edition, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi.
2. Wiersma W , Jurs S G;(2009); research methods in education an introduction, ninth edition, Pearson
education, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Kothari C.R; (2009) Research methodology methods and techniques, second edition, New Delhi, New
age international (P) Ltd publishers.
4. Gupta S; (2007); Research methodology and statistical techniques; New Delhi, Deep and Deep
publication Pvt Ltd.
5. McBurney, D.H; White T,L; (2007); Research methods, seventh edition; Delhi, Akash press.
6. Kaul, L; (2004); Methodology of educational research, third edition, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’
Distributors Pvt Ltd.
Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Concept of Universe sample and sampling
4.3 Need for sampling
4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of sampling
4.5 Characteristics of a good sample
4.6 Techniques of sampling
4.7 Types of probability sampling
4.8 Types of Non‐probability sampling
4.9 Let us sum up
After reading this unit the student will be able to :
• Define universe, sample and sampling
• State the need of sampling
• List the advantages and disadvantages of sampling
• State the characteristics of a good sample
• Differentiate between techniques of sampling
• Explain types of probability & Non‐ probability sampling
The researcher is concerned with the generalizability of the data beyond the sample. For studying
any problem it is impossible to study the entire population. It is therefore convenient to pick out a
sample out of the universe proposed to be covered by the study. The process of sampling makes it
possible to draw valid inferences or generalizations on the basis of careful observation of variables within
a small proportion of the population.
Universe or Population : It refers to the totality of objects or individuals regarding which
inferences are to be made in a sampling study.
It refers to the group of people, items or units under investigation and includes every individual.
First, the population is selected for observation and analysis.
Sample : It is a collection consisting of a part or subset of the objects or individuals of population which is
selected for the purpose, representing the population sample obtained by collecting information only
about some members of a population.
Sampling : It is the process of selecting a sample from the population. For this population is divided into
a number of parts called Sampling Units.
• Large population can be conveniently covered.
• Time, money and energy is saved.
• Helpful when units of area are homogenous.
• Used when percent accuracy is not acquired.
• Used when the data is unlimited.
Advantages of Sampling :
• Economical : Manageable sample will reduce the cost compare to entire population.
• Increased speed : The process of research like collection of data, analysis and Interpretation of data
etc take less time than the population.
• Greater Scope : Handling data becomes easier and manageable in case of a sample. Moreover
comprehensive scope and flexibility exists in the case of a sample.
• Accuracy : Due to limited area of coverage, completeness and accuracy is possible. The processing of
data is done accurately producing authentic results.
• Rapport : Better rapport is established with the respondents, which helps in validity and reliability of
the results.
Disadvantages of Sampling :
• Biasedness : Chances of biased selection leading to erroneous conclusions may prevail. Bias in the
sample may be due to faulty method of selection of individuals or the nature of phenomenon itself.
• Selection of true representative sample : It the problem under study is of a complex nature, it
becomes difficult to select a true representative sample, otherwise results will not be accurate & will
be usable.
• Need for specialized knowledge : The researcher needs knowledge, training and experience in
sampling technique, statistical analysis and calculation of probable error. Lack of those may lead to
serious mistakes.
• Changeability of units : If the units of population are not homogeneous, the sampling technique will
be unscientific. At times, all the individuals may not be accessible or may be uncooperative. In such a
case, they have o be replaced. This introduces a change in the subjects to be studied.
• Impossibility of sampling : Sometimes population is too small or too heterogeneous to select a
representative sample. In such cases ‘census study’ is the alternative (Information about each
member of the population) Sampling error also comes because of expectation of high standard of
A good sample should possess the following characteristics :
• A true representative of the population
• Free from error due to bias
• Adequate in size for being reliable
• Units of sample should be independent and relevant
• Units of sample should be complete precise and up to date
• Free from random sampling error
• Avoiding substituting the original sample for convenience.
Check Your Progress ‐ I
Q.1 Define the following
(a) Sample
(b) Sampling
Q.2 Write any three points for the following.
(a) Need for sampling
(b) Advantages of sampling
(c) Disadvantages of sampling
(d) Characteristics of a good sample
There are different types of sampling techniques based on two factors viz. (1) the representation
basis and (2) the element selection technique on the representation basis. The sample may be
probability sampling or it may be non‐probability sampling. On the element basis, the sample may be
either unrestricted or restricted. Here we will discuss about two types of sampling viz.
(a) Probability Sampling and
(b) Non‐Probability Sampling.
Difference between Probability and Non‐ Probability Sampling :
(1) A probability sample is one in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being
selected but in a non‐probability sample, a particular member of the population being chosen is
(2) In probability sampling, randomness is the element of control. In non‐probability sampling, it relies on
personal judgment.
Following are the types of probability sampling
1) Simple random sampling
2) Systematic sampling
3) Stratified sampling
4) Cluster sampling
5) Multi stage sampling
Simple Random Sampling : In this all members have the same chance (probability) of being selected.
Random method provides an unbiased cross selection of the population. For Example, we wish to draw a
sample of 50 students from a population of 400 students. Place all 400 names in a container and draw
out 50 names one by one.
Systematic Sampling : Each member of the sample comes after an equal interval from its previous
50 1
member. For Example, for a sample of 50 students, the sampling fraction is = i.e. select one
400 8
student out of every eight students in the population. The starting points for the selection is chosen at
Stratified Sampling : The population is divided into smaller homogenous group or strata by some
characteristic and from each of these strata at random members are selected. For Example, population is
Christian community of greater Mumbai region. It is divided into strata as professionals, skilled workers,
Labourers and Managers then from each strata sampling fraction. i.e.
Ѕample size
× Τotal No. in the strata is chosen. Finally from each stratum using simple random or
Τotal population
systematic sample method is used to select final sample.
There are 400 Christians in greater Mumbai. There are 100 professionals, 200 skilled workers, 80
labourers and 120 Managers. If the sample size is 80, then from each stratum sampling fraction is
Professionals = × 100 = 20
Skilled workers = × 100 = 50
Labourers = × 100 = 20
Managers = × 100 = 30
From each stratum select randomly or systematically.
Cluster Sampling (Area Sampling) : A researcher selects sampling units at random and then does
complete observation of all units in the group. For example, your research involves kindergarten
schools. Select randomly 15 schools. Then study all the children of 15 schools. In cluster sampling the
unit of sampling consists of multiple cases. It is also known as area sampling, as the selection of
individual member is made on the basis of place residence or employment.
Multistage Sampling : The sample to be studied is selected at random at different stages. For example,
we need to select a sample of middle class working couples in aharashtra state. The first stage will be
randomly selecting a specific number of districts in a state. The second stage involves selecting
randomly a specific number of rural and urban areas for the study. At the third stage, from each area, a
specific number of middle class families will be selected and at the last stage, working couples will be
selected from these families.
The following are techniques of non‐probability sampling :
a) Purposive Sampling
b) Convenience Sampling
c) Quota Sampling
d) Snowball Sampling
A) Purposive Sampling : In this sampling method, the researcher selects a "typical group" of individuals
who might represent the larger population and then collects data from this group. For example, if a
researcher wants to survey the attitude towards the teaching profession of teachers teaching students
from lower socio‐economic stratum, he or she might survey the teachers teaching in schools catering to
students from slums (more specifically, teachers teaching in Municipal schools) with the assumption that
since all teachers teaching in Municipal schools cater to students from the lower socio‐economic stratum,
they are representative of all the teachers teaching students from lower socio‐economic stratum.
B) Convenience Sampling : It refers to the procedures of obtaining units or members who are most
conveniently available. It consists of units which are obtained because cases are readily available. In
selecting the incidental sample, the researcher determines the required sample size and then simply
collects data on that number of individuals who are available easily.
C) Quota Sampling : The selection of the sample is made by the researcher, who decides the quotas for
selecting sample from specified sub groups of the population. Here, the researcher first identifies those
categories which he or she feels are important to ensure the representativeness of the population, then
establishes a sample size for each category, and finally selects individuals on an availability basis. For
example, an interviewer might be need data from 40 adults and 20 adolescents in order to study
students’ television viewing habits. He therefore, will go out and select 20 adult men and 20 adult
women, 10 adolescent girls and 10 adolescent boys so that they could interview them about their
students’ television viewing habits.
Snowball Sampling : In snowball sampling, the researcher identifying and selecting available respondents
who meet the criteria for inclusion in his/her study. After the data have been collected from the subject,
the researcher asks for a referral of other individuals, who would also meet the criteria and represent the
population of concern.
Check Your Progress ‐ II
Q.1) Differentiate between probability and non‐probability sampling.
Q.2) Discuss the types of probability sampling.
Q.3) Discuss the types of non‐probability sampling.
In this unit we discussed the concept of population, sample and sampling. Need of sampling
advantages and disadvantages of sampling were discussed and also Characteristics of a good sample are
elaborated. In the second part, the types of probability and non‐probability sampling were detailed.
References :
1) Kulbir Singh Siddhu (1992), Methodology of Research in Education, Sterling Publishers Private Limited
pg, 252.
2) C.R. Kothari (1991), Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques, wiley Eaetern Limited, pg 68.
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Meaning of Descriptive Research
5.2 Co relational Research
5.3 Causal-Comparative Research
5.4 Document Analysis
5.5 Ethnography
5.6 Case Study
5.7 Analytical Method.
The descriptive research attempts to describe, explain and interpret conditions of the present i.e.
“what is’. The purpose of a descriptive research is to examine a phenomenon that is occurring at a specific
place(s) and time. A descriptive research is concerned with conditions, practices, structures, differences or
relationships that exist, opinions held, processes that are going on or trends that are evident.
Types of Descriptive Research Methods
In the present unit, the following descriptive research methods are described in detail:
1. Correlational Research
2. Causal-Comparative Research
3. Case Study
4. Ethnography
5. Document Analysis
6. Analytical Method.
Correlational research describes what exists at the moment (conditions, practices, processes,
structures etc.) and is therefore, classified as a type of descriptive method. Nevertheless, these conditions,
practices, processes or structures described are markedly different from the way they are usually described
in a survey or an observational study.
Correlational research comprises of collecting data to determine whether, and to what extent, a
relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables. Correlational research uses numerical data
to explore relationships between two or more variables. The degree of relationship is expressed in terms of
a coefficient of correlation. If the relationship exists between variables, it implies that scores on one
variable are associated with or vary with the scores on another variable. The exploration of relationship of
the relationship between variables provides insight into the nature of the variables themselves as well as an
understanding of their relationships. If the relationships are substantial and consistent, they enable a
researcher to make predictions about the variables.
Correlational research is aimed at determining the nature, degree and direction of relationships
between variables or using these relationships to make predictions. Correlational studies typically
investigate a number of variables expected to be related to a major, complex variable. Those variables
which are not found to be related to this major, complex variable are omitted from further analysis. On the
other hand, those variables which are found to be related to this major, complex variable are further
analysed in a causal-comparative or experimental study so as to determine the exact nature of the
relationship between them.
In a correlational study, hypotheses or research questions are stated at the beginning of the study.
The null hypotheses are often used in a correlational study.
Correlational study does not specify cause-and-effect relationships between variables under
consideration. It merely specifies concomitant variations in the scores on the variables. For example, there
is a strong relationship between students’ scores on academic achievement in Mathematics and their scores
on academic achievement in Science. This does not suggest that one of these variables is the cause and the
other is the effect. In fact, a third variable, viz., students’ intelligence could be the cause of students’
academic achievement in both, Mathematics and Science.
1. Selection of a Problem: Correlational study is designed (a) to determine whether and how a set of
variables are related, or (b) to test the hypothesis of expected relationship between among the set of
two or more variables. The variables to be included in the study need to be selected on the basis of a
sound theory or prior research or observation and experience. There has to be some logical
connection between the variables so as to make interpretations of the findings of the study more
meaningful, valid and scientific. A correlational study is not done just to find out what exists: it is
done for the ultimate purpose of explanation and prediction of phenomena. If a correlational study
is done just to find out what exists, it is usually known as a ‘shot gun’ approach and the findings of
such a study are very difficult to interpret.
2. Selection of the Sample and the Tools: The minimum acceptable sample size should be 30, as
statistically, it is regarded as a large sample. The sample is generally selected using one of the
acceptable sampling methods. If the validity and the reliability of the variables to be studied are
low, the measurement error is likely to be high and hence the sample size should be large. Thus it is
necessary to ensure that valid and reliable tools are used for the purpose of collecting the data.
Moreover, suppose you are studying the relationship between classroom environment and academic
achievement of students. If your tool measuring classroom environment focuses only on the
physical aspects of the classroom and not its psycho-social aspects, then your findings would
indicate a relationship only between academic achievement of students and the physical aspects of
the classroom environment and not the entire classroom environment since the physical aspects of
the classroom environment is not the only comprehensive and reliable measure of classroom
environment. Thus the measurement instruments should be valid and reliable.
3. Design and Procedure: The basic design of a correlational study is simple. It requires scores
obtained on two or more variables from each unit of the sample and the correlation coefficient
between the paired scores is computed which indicates the degree and direction of the relationship
between variables.
(a) Relationship Studies: These attempt to gain insight into variables that are related to complex
variables such as academic performance, self-concept, stress, achievement motivation or creativity.
(b) Prediction Studies: These are conducted to facilitate decisions about individuals or to aid in
various types of selection. They are also conducted to determine predictive validity of measuring
tools as well as to test variables hypothesized to be predictors of a criterion variable.
Some questions that could be examined through correlational research are as follows:
1. How is job satisfaction of a teacher related to the extent of autonomy available in job?
2. Is there a relationship between Socio-Economic Status of parents and their involvement with the
3. How well do Common Entrance Test Scores for admission to B.Ed. reflect / predict teacher
It is a type of descriptive research since it describes conditions that already exist. It is a form of
investigation in which the researcher has no direct control over independent variable as its expression has
already occurred or because they are essentially non-manipulable. It also attempts to identify reasons or
causes of pre-existing differences in groups of individuals i.e. if a researcher observes that two or more
groups are different on a variable, he tries to identify the main factor that has led to this difference.
Another name for this type of research is ex post facto research (which in Latin means “after the fact”)
since both the hypothesised cause and the effect have already occurred and must be studied in retrospect.
Inferences about cause-and-effect relationships are made without direct intervention, on the basis of
concomitant variation of independent and dependent variables. The basic causal-comparative method starts
with an effect and seeks possible causes. For example, if a researcher observes that the academic
achievement of students from different schools. He may hypothesise the possible cause for this as the type
of management of schools, viz. private-aided, private-unaided, or government schools (local or state or any
other). He therefore decides to conduct a causal-comparative research in which academic achievement of
students is the effect that has already occurred and school types by management is the possible
hypothesised cause. This approach is known as retrospective causal-comparative research since it starts
with the effects and investigates the causes.
In another variation of this type of research, the investigator starts with a cause and investigates its
effect on some other variable. i.e. such research is concerned with the question ‘what is the effect of X on
Y when X has already occurred?’ For example, what long-term effect has occurred on the self-concept of
students who are grouped according to ability in schools? Here, the investigator hypothesises that students
who are grouped according to ability in schools are labelled ‘brilliant’, ‘average’ or ‘dull’ and this over a
period of time could lead to unduly high or unduly poor self-concept in them. This approach is known as
prospective causal-comparative research since it starts with the causes and investigates the effects.
However, retrospective causal-comparative studies are far more common in educational research.
Causal-comparative research involves two or more groups and one independent variable. The goal
of causal-comparative research is to establish cause-and-effect relationships just like an experimental
research. However, in causal-comparative research, the researcher is able to identify past experiences of
the subjects that are consistent with a ‘treatment’ and compares them with those subjects who have had a
different treatment or no treatment. The causal-comparative research may also involve a pre-test and a
post-test. For instance, a researcher wants to compare the effect of “Environmental Education” in the B.Ed.
syllabus on student-teachers’ awareness of environmental issues and problems attitude towards
environmental protection. Here, a researcher can develop and administer a pre-test before being taught the
paper on “Environmental Education” and a post-test after being taught the same. At the same time, the pre-
test as well as the post-test are also administered to a group which was not taught the paper on
“Environmental Education”. This is essentially a non-experimental research as there is no manipulation of
the treatment although it involves a pre-test and a post-test. In this type of research, the groups are not
randomly assigned to exposure to the paper on “Environmental Education”. Thus it is possible that other
variables could also affect the outcome variables. Therefore, in a causal-comparative research, it is
important to think whether differences other than the independent variable could affect the results.
Although the independent variable is not manipulated, there are control procedures that can be
exercised to improve interpretation of results.
The researcher selects two groups of participants, accurately referred to as comparison groups. These
groups may differ in two ways as follows:
(i) One group possesses a characteristic that the other does not.
(ii) Each group has the characteristic, but to differing degrees or amounts.
(iii) Definition and selection of the comparison groups are very important parts of the causal-
comparative procedure.
(iv) The independent variable differentiating the groups must be clearly and operationally defined,
since each group represents a different population.
(v) In causal-comparative research the random sample is selected from two already existing
populations, not from a single population as in experimental research.
(vi) As in experimental studies, the goal is to have groups that are as similar as possible on all
relevant variables except the independent variable.
(vii) The more similar the two groups are on such variables, the more homogeneous they are on
everything but the independent variable.
Control Procedures
• Lack of randomization, manipulation, and control are all sources of weakness in a causal-
comparative study.
• Random assignment is probably the single best way to try to ensure equality of the groups.
• A problem is the possibility that the groups are different on some other important variable
(e.g. gender, experience, or age) besides the identified independent variable.
• Matching is another control technique.
• If a researcher has identified a variable likely to influence performance on the dependent variable,
the researcher may control for that variable by pair-wise matching of participants.
• For each participant in one group, the researcher finds a participant in the other group with the same
or very similar score on the control variable.
• If a participant in either group does not have a suitable match, the participant is eliminated from the
• The resulting matched groups are identical or very similar with respect to the identified extraneous
• The problem becomes serious when the researcher attempts to simultaneously match participants on
two or more variables.
Comparing Homogeneous Groups or Subgroups
• To control extraneous variables, groups that are homogeneous with respect to the extraneous
variable are compared.
• This procedure may lower the number of participants and limit the generalisability of the findings.
• A similar but more satisfactory approach is to form subgroups within each group that represent all
levels of the control variable.
• Each group might be divided into two or more subgroups on the basis of high, average, and low
levels of ‘Independent variable’.
• Suppose the independent variable in the study is students’ IQ. The subgroups then will comprise of
high, average, and low levels of IQ. The existence of comparable subgroups in each group controls
for IQ.
• In addition to controlling for the variable, this approach also permits the researcher to determine
whether the independent variable affects the dependent variable differently at different levels of the
control variable.
• The best approach is to build the control variable right into the research design and analyze the
results in a statistical technique called factorial analysis of variance.
• A factorial analysis allows the researcher to determine the effect of the independent variable and the
control variable on the dependent variable both separately and in combination.
• It permits determination of whether there is interaction between the independent variable and the
control variable such that the independent variable operates differently at different levels of the
control variable.
The statistical techniques used to compare groups in a causal-comparative research include the t-test
when two groups are to be compared and ANOVA when more than two groups are to be compared. The
technique of ANCOVA may also be used in case some other variables likely to influence the dependent
variable need to be controlled statistically. Sometimes, chi square is also used to compare group
frequencies, or to see if an event occurs more frequently in one group than another.
Documentary Analysis is closely related to historical research since in such surveys we study the
existing documents. But it is different from historical research in which our emphasis is on the study of the
past; and in the descriptive research we emphasise on the study of the present. Descriptive research in the
field of education may focus on describing the existing school practices, attendance rate of the students,
health records, and so on.
The method of documentary analysis enables the researcher to include large amounts of textual
information and systematically identify its properties. Documentary analysis today is a widely used
research tool aimed at determining the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts.
Researchers quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts,
then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s), the audience and even the culture
and time of which these are a part. Documentary analysis could be defined as a research technique for the
objective, systematic, and quantitative description of manifest content of communications. It is a technique
for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages.
The technique of documentary analysis is not restricted to the domain of textual analysis, but may be
applied to other areas such as coding student drawings or coding of actions observed in videotaped studies,
analyzing past documents such as memos, minutes of the meetings, legal and policy statements and so on.
In order to allow for replication, however, the technique can only be applied to data that are durable in
nature. Texts in documentary analysis can be defined broadly as books, book chapters, essays, interviews,
discussions, newspaper headlines and articles, historical documents, speeches, conversations, advertising,
theater, informal conversation, or really any occurrence of communicative language. Texts in a single
study may also represent a variety of different types of occurrences.
Documentary analysis enables researchers to sift through large amount of data with comparative
ease in a systematic fashion. It can be a useful technique for allowing one to discover and describe the
focus of individual, group, institutional or social attention. It also allows inferences to be made which can
then be corroborated using other methods of data collection. Much documentary analysis research is
motivated by the search for techniques to infer from symbolic data what would be too costly, no longer
possible, or too obtrusive by the use of other techniques. These definitions illustrate that documentary
analysis emphasises an integrated view of speech/texts and their specific contexts. Document analysis is
the systematic exploration of written documents or other artefacts such as films, videos and photographs.
In pedagogic research, it is usually the contents of the artefacts, rather than say, the style or design, that are
of interest.
Why analyse documents?
• Student essays
• Exam papers
• Minutes of meetings
• Module outlines
• Policy documents
In some pedagogic research, analysis of relevant documents will inform the investigation. If used to
triangulate, or give another perspective on a research question, results of document analysis may
complement or refute other data. For example, policy documents in an institution may be analysed and
interviews with staff or students and observation of classes may suggest whether or not new policies are
being implemented. A set of data from documents, interviews and observations could contribute to a case
study of a particular aspect of pedagogy.
The content of documents can be explored in systematic ways which look at patterns and themes
related to the research question(s). For example, in making a case study of deep and surface learning in a
particular course, the question might be
'How has deep learning been encouraged in this course in the last three years?'
Minutes of course meetings could be examined to see whether or how much this issue has been
discussed; Student handouts could be analysed to see whether they are expressed in ways which might
encourage deep learning. Together with other data-gathering activities such as student questionnaires or
observation of classes, an action research study might then be based on an extended research question so
that strategies are implemented to develop deep learning.
In the example of deep learning, perhaps the most obvious way to analyse the set of minutes would
be to use a highlighting pen every time the term 'deep learning' was used. You might also choose to
highlight 'surface learning' a term with an implied relationship to deep learning. You might also decide,
either before starting the analysis, or after reading the documents, that there are other terms or inferences
which imply an emphasis on deep learning. You might therefore go through the documents again, selecting
additional references.
The levels of analysis will vary but a practitioner-researcher will need to be clear and explicit about
the rationale for, and the approach to, selection of content.
Robson (2002) points out the advantages and disadvantages of content analysis. An advantage is
that documents are unobtrusive and can be used without imposing on participants; they can be checked and
re-checked for reliability.
A major problem is that documents may not have been written for the same purposes as the research
and therefore conclusions will not usually be possible from document analysis alone.
Ethnographic studies are usually holistic, founded on the idea that human beings are best
understood in the fullest possible context, including the place where they live, the improvements they have
made to that place, how they make a living and gather food, housing, energy and water for themselves,
what their marriage customs are, what language(s) they speak and so on. Ethnography is a form of research
focusing on the sociology of meaning through close field observation of socio-cultural phenomena.
Typically, the ethnographer focuses on a community (not necessarily geographic, considering also work,
leisure, classroom or school groups and other communities). Ethnography may be approached from the
point of view of art and cultural preservation and as a descriptive rather than analytic endeavour. It
essentially is a branch of social and cultural anthropology. The emphasis in ethnography is on studying an
entire culture.The method starts with selection of a culture, review of the literature pertaining to the
culture, and identification of variables of interest - typically variables perceived as significant by members
of the culture. Ethnography is an enormously wide area with an immense diversity of practitioners and
methods. However, the most common ethnographic approach is participant observation and unstructured
interviewing as a part of field research. The ethnographer becomes immersed in the culture as an active
participant and records extensive field notes. In an ethnographic study, there is no preset limit of what will
be observed and interviewed and no real end point in as is the case with grounded theory.
Hammersley and Atkinson define ethnography as, "We see the term as referring primarily to a
particular method or sets of methods. In its most characteristic form it involves the ethnographer
participating, overtly or covertly, in people's lives for an extended period of time, watching what happens,
listening to what is said, asking questions—in fact, collecting whatever data are available to throw light on
the issues that are the focus of the research. Johnson defines ethnography as "a descriptive account of
social life and culture in a particular social system based on detailed observations of what people actually
Assumptions in an Ethnographic Research
A. Listening to conversations and interviewing. The researcher needs to make notes or audio-record
B. Observing behaviour and its traces, making notes and mapping patterns of behaviour, sketching of
relationship between people, taking photographs, video-recordings of daily life and activities and
using digital technology and web cameras.
According to Spradley, following are the steps of conducting an ethnographic study (However, all
research topics may not follow all the steps listed here) :
1. Locating a social situation. The scope of the topic may vary from the “micro-ethnography” of a
“single-social-situation” to “macro-ethnography” of a complex society. According to Hymes, there
are three levels of ethnography including (i) “comprehensive ethnography” which documents an
entire culture, (ii) the “topic-oriented ethnography” which looks at aspects of a culture and (iii)
“hypothesis-oriented ethnography” which beings with an idea about why something happens in a
culture. Suppose you want to conduct research on classroom environment. This step requires that
you select a category of classroom environment and identify social and academic situations in
which it is used.
2. Collecting data. There are four types of data collection used in ethnographic research, namely, (a)
watching or being part of a social context using participant and non-participant observation and
noted in the form of on observer notes, logs, diaries, and so on, (b) asking open and closed
questions that cover identified topics using semi-structured interviews, (c) asking open questions
that enable a free development of conversation using unstructured interviews and (d) using
collected material such as published and unpublished documents, photographs, papers, videos and
assorted artefacts, letters, books or reports. The problem with such data is that the more you have,
greater is the effort required to analyse. Moreover, as the study progresses, the amount of data
increases making it more difficult and sharp to analyse the data. Yet more data leads to better codes,
categories, theories and conclusions. What is 'enough' data is subject to debate and may well be
constrained by the time and resource the researcher has available. Deciding when and where to
collect data can be a crucial decision. A profound analysis at one point may miss others, whilst a
broad encounter may miss critical finer points. Several deep dives can be a useful method. Social
data can be difficult to access due to ethics, confidentiality and determination necessary in such
research. There is often less division of activity phases in qualitative research and the researcher
may be memoing and coding as he proceeds with the study. The researcher usually uses theoretical
and selective sampling for data collection.
3. Doing participant observation. Formulate open questions about the social situations under study.
Malinowski opines that ethnographic research should begin with “foreshadowed problems”. These
problems are questions that researchers bring to a study and to which they keep an open eye but to
which they are not enslaved. Collect examples of the classroom environment. Select research
tools/techniques. Spradley provides a matrix of questions about cultural space, objects, acts
activities, events, time, actors, goals and feelings that researchers can use when just starting the
4. Making an ethnographic record. Write descriptions of classroom environment and the situations in
which it is used.
6. Making domain analysis. Discover themes within the data and apply existing theories, if any, as
applicable. Domain analysis requires the researcher to first choose one semantic relationship such
as “causes” or “classes”. Second, you select a portion of your data and begin reading it and while
doing so, fill out a domain analysis worksheet where you list all the terms that fit the semantic
relationship you chose. Now formulate structural questions for each domain. Structural questions
occur less frequently as compared to descriptive questions in normal conversation. Hence they
require more framing. Types of structural questions include the following :
(i) Verification and elicitation questions such as (a) verification of hypotheses (Is the teacher-
student relationship a conducive?), (b) domain verification (Are there different types of
teacher-student relationships? What are the different types? (c) verification of included terms
(is teachers’ strike an illegal activity?) and (d) verification of semantic relationship (Is teaching
(ii) Frame substitution. This requires starting with real sentence like "you get a lot of brickbats in
administration". Then ask, can you think of any other terms that go in that sentence instead of
brickbats? You get a lot of _____ in administration. (This can be done systematically by
giving them list of terms to choose from).
(iii) Card sorts. Write phrases or words on cards. Then lay them out and ask the questions
mentioned above. The researcher can ask which words are similar. Testing hypotheses about
relations between domains and between domains and items. Like: "Are there different kinds of
classroom climates?" If yes, it is a domain. Then ask "what kinds of classroom climates are
there?” The final step in domain analysis is to make a list of all the hypothetical domains you
have identified, the relationships in these domain and the structural questions that follow your
8. Making a taxonomic analysis. Taxonomy is a scientific process of classifying things and arranging
them in groups or a set of categories (domains) organised on a single semantic relationships. The
researcher needs to test his taxonomies against data given by informants. Make comparisons of two
or three symbols such as word, event, constructs.
10. Making a componential analysis which is a systematic search fro the attributes or features of
cultural symbols that distinguish them from others and give them meaning. The basic idea in
componential analysis is that all items in a domain can be decomposed into combinations of
semantic features which combine to give the item meaning.
11. Discovering cultural themes. A theme is a postulate or position, explicit or implicit, which is
directly or indirectly approved and promoted in a society. Strategies of discovering cultural themes
include (i) in-depth study of culture, (ii) making a cultural inventory, (iii) identifying and analysing
components of all domains, (iv) searching for common elements across all domains such as gender,
age, SES groups etc., (v) identifying domains that clearly show a strong pattern of behaviour, (vi)
making schema of cultural scene and (vii) identifying generic (etic) codes usually functional such as
social conflict, inequality, cultural contradictions in the institutional social system, strategies of
social control, managing interpersonal relations, acquiring status in the institution and outside,
solving educational and administrative problems and so on.
Advantages of Ethnography
1. It provides the researcher with a much more comprehensive perspective than other forms of research
2. It is also appropriate to behaviours that are best understood by observing them within their natural
environment (dynamics)
Disadvantages of Ethnography
According to Odum, “The case study method is a technique by which individual factor whether it
be an institution or just an episode in the life of an individual or a group is analyzed in its relationship to
any other in the group.” Its distinguishing characteristic is that each respondent is (individual, family,
classroom, institution, cultural group) is taken as a unit and the unitary nature of individual case is the
focus of analysis. It seeks to engage with and report the complexity of social and/or educational activity in
order to represent the meanings that individual actors in the situation bring to that setting. It assumes that
social and/or educational reality is created through social interactions, situated in specific contexts and
histories and seeks to identify and describe followed by analysing and theorising. It assumes that things
may not be as they seem and involve in-depth analysis so as to understand a ‘case’ rather than generalising
to a larger population. It derives much of its philosophical underpinnings and methodology from
ethnography, symbolic interactionism, ethnomethodology and phenomenology. It follows the ‘social
constructivism’ perspective of social sciences.
Most case studies are usually qualitative in nature. Case study research excels at enabling us to
understand a complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known
through previous research. Case studies involve a detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of
events or conditions and their relationships. Social scientists have made a wide use of this qualitative
research method to examine contemporary real-life situations and provide the basis for the application of
ideas and extension of methods. Yin defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used.
However, some case studies can also be quantitative in nature especially if they deal with cost-
effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis or institutional effectiveness. Many case studies have been done by
combining the qualitative as well as the quantitative approaches in which initially the qualitative approach
has been used and data have been collected using interviews and observations followed by the quantitative
approach. The approach of case studies ranges from general field studies to interview of a single individual
or group. A case study can be precisely focused on a topic or can include a broad view of life and society.
For example, a case study can focus on the life of a single gifted student, his actions, behaviour, abilities
and so on in his school or it can focus on the social life of an individual including his entire background,
experiences, motivations and aspirations that influence his behaviour society. Examples of case studies
include a ‘case’ of curriculum development, of innovative training, of disruptive behaviour, of an
ineffective institution and so on.
Case studies can be conducted to develop a ‘research-based’ theory with which to analyse
situations: a theory of, for and about practice. It is essential to note that since most case studies focus on a
single unit or small number of units, the findings cannot be generalised to larger populations. However, its
utility can not be underestimated. A case study is conducted with a fundamental assumption that though
human behaviour is situation-specific and individualised, there is a predictable uniformity in basic human
A case study can be conducted to explore, to describe or to explain a phenomenon. It could be a
synchronic study in which data are collected at one point of time or it could be longitudinal in nature. It
could be conducted at a single site or it could be multi-site. In other words, it is inherently a very flexible
A case typically refers to a person, either a learner, a teacher, an administrator or an entity, such as a
school, a university, a classroom or a programme. In some policy-related research, the case could be a
country. Case studies may be included in larger quantitative or qualitative studies to provide a concrete
illustration of findings, or they may be conducted independently, either longitudinally or in a more
restricted temporal period. Unlike ethnographic research, case studies do not necessarily focus on cultural
aspects of a group or its members. Case study research may focus on a single case or multiple cases.
3. According to Cooley, case study deepens our perception and gives us a clear insight into life… It gets
at behaviour directly and not by an indirect or abstract approach.
4. Each case study needs to have a clear focus which may include those aspects of the case on which the
data collection and analysis will concentrate. The focus of a study could be a specific topic, theme,
proposition or a working hypothesis.
5. It focuses on the natural history of the unit under study and its interaction with the social world around
6. The progressive records of personal experience in a case study reveals the internal strivings, tensions
and motivations that lead to specific behaviours or actions of individuals or the unit of analysis.
7. In order to ensure that the case study is intensive and in-depth, data are collected over a long period of
time from a variety of sources including human and material and by using a variety of techniques such
as interviews and observations and tools such as questionnaires, documents, artefacts, diaries and so on.
8. According to Smith, as cited by Merriam, (1998), these studies are different from other forms of
qualitative of research in that they focus on a ‘single unit’ or a ‘bounded system’. A system is said to
be a bounded system if it includes a finite or limited number of cases to interviewed or observed within
a definite amount of time.
9. It may be defined as an in-depth study of one or more instances of a phenomenon- an individual, a
group, an institution, a classroom or an event- with the objective of discovering meaning, investigating
processes, gaining an insight and an understanding of an individual, group or phenomena within the
context in such a way that it reflects the real life context of the participants involved in the phenomena.
These individuals, groups, institutions, classrooms or events may represent the unit of analysis in a
case study. For example, in a case study, the unit of analysis may be a classroom and the researcher
may decide to investigate the events in three such classrooms.
10. According to Yin, case studies typically involve investigation of a phenomenon for which the
boundaries between the phenomenon and its context are not clearly evident. These boundaries should
be clearly clarified as part of the case study. He further emphasises the importance of conducting a case
study in its real life context. In education, the classroom or the school is the real life context of a case
study as the participants of such a case study are naturally found in these settings.
11. There are two major perspectives in a case study, namely, the etic perspective and the emic perspective.
The etic perspective is that of the researcher (i.e. the outsider’s perspective) whereas the emic
perspective is that of the research participants including teachers, principals and students (i.e. the
insider’s perspective). This enables the researcher to study the local, immediate meanings of social
actions of the participants and to study how they view the social situation of the setting and the
phenomenon under study. A comprehensive case study includes both the perspectives.
13. Cases are selected on the basis of dimensions of a theory (pattern-matching) or on diversity on a
dependent phenomenon (explanation-building).
15. Conclusions are phrased in terms of model elimination, not model validation. Numerous alternative
theories may be consistent with data gathered from a case study.
16. Case study approaches have difficulty in terms of evaluation of low-probability causal paths in a model
as any given case selected for study may fail to display such a path, even when it exists in the larger
population of potential cases.
17. Acknowledging multiple realities in qualitative case studies, as is now commonly done, involves
discerning the various perspectives of the researcher, the case/participant, and others, which may or
may not converge.
Components of a Case Study Design
According to Yin, following are the five component elements of a case study design:
1. Study questions
2. Study propositions (if any are being used) or theoretical framework
3. Identification of the units of analysis
4. The logical linking of the data to the propositions (or theory)
5. The criteria for interpreting the findings.
The purpose of a case study is a detailed examination of a specific activity, event, institution, or
person/s. The hypotheses or the research questions are stated broadly at the beginning at the study. A
study’s questions are directed towards ‘how’ and ‘why’ considerations and enunciating and defining these
are the first task of the researcher. The study’s propositions could be derived from these ‘how’ and ‘why’
questions. These propositions could help in developing a theoretical focus. However, all case studies may
not have propositions. For instance, an exploratory case study may give only a purpose statement or
criteria that could guide the research process. The unit of analysis defines what the case study is focussing
on, whether an individual, a group, n institution, a city, a society, a nation and so on. Linkages between the
data and the propositions (or theory) and the criteria for interpreting the findings are usually the least
developed aspects of case studies (Yin, 1994).
Types of Case Study Designs
Yin (1994) and Winston (1997) have identified several types of case study designs. These are as
(A) Exploratory Case Study Design: In this type of case study design, field work and data collection
are carried out before determining the research questions. It examines a topic on which there is
very little prior research. Such a study is a prelude to a large social scientific study. However,
before conducting such an exploratory case study, its organisational framework is designed in
advance so as to ensure its usefulness as a pilot study of a larger, more comprehensive research.
The purpose of the exploratory study is to elaborate a concept, build up a model or advocate
(B) Explanatory Case Study Design: These are useful when providing explanation to phenomena
under consideration. These explanations are patterns implying that one type of variation observed
in a case study is systematically related to another variation. Such a pattern can be a relational
pattern or a causal pattern depending on the conceptual framework of the study. In complex studies
of organisations and communities, multivariate cases are included so as to examine a plurality of
influences. Yin and Moore (1988) suggest the use of a pattern-matching technique in such a
research wherein several pieces of information from the same case may be related to some
theoretical proposition.
(C) Descriptive Case Study Design: A descriptive case study necessitates that the researcher present a
descriptive theory which establishes the overall framework for the investigator to follow
throughout the study. This type of case study requires formulation and identification of a
practicable theoretical framework before articulating research questions. It is also essential to
determine the unit of analysis before beginning the research study. In this type of case study, the
researcher attempts to portray a phenomenon and conceptualize it, including statements that
recreate a situation and context as much as possible.
(D) Evaluative Case Study Design : Often, in responsive evaluation, quasi-legal evaluation and
expertise-based evaluation, a case study is conducted to make judgments. This may include a deep
account of the phenomenon being evaluated and identification of most important and relevant
constructs, themes and patterns. Evaluative case studies can be conducted on educational
programmes funded by the Government such as “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” or Orientation
Programmes and Refresher Courses conducted by Academic Staff Colleges for college teachers or
other such programmes organised by the State and Local Governments for secondary and primary
school teachers.
1. To grasp the meanings that events, situations, experiences and actions have for participants in the
study which is part of the reality that the researcher wants to understand.
2. To understand the particular context within which the participants are operating and its influence on
their actions, in addition to the context in which one’s research participants are embedded.
Qualitative researchers also take into account the contextual factors that influence the research
3. To identify unanticipated phenomena and influences that emerge in the setting and to generate new
grounded theories about such aspects.
4. To grasp the process by which events and actions take place that lead to particular outcomes.
5. To develop causal explanations based on process theory (which involves tracing the process by
which specific aspects affect other aspects), rather than variance theory (which involves showing a
relationship between two variables as in quantitative research).
6. To generate results and theories that are understandable and experientially credible, both to the
participants in the study and to others.
7. To conduct summative evaluations designed to improve practice rather than merely to assess the
value of a final programme or product.
The second step in case study research is to establish a research focal point by forming questions
about the situation or problem to be studied and determining a purpose for the study. The research
objective in a case study is often a programme, an entity, a person or a group of people. Each objective is
likely to be connected to political, social, historical and personal issues providing extensive potential for
questions and adding intricacy to the case study. The researcher attains the objective of the case study
through an in-depth investigation using a variety of data gathering methods to generate substantiation that
leads to understanding of the case and answers the research questions. Case study research is usually
aimed at answering one or more questions which begin with "how" or "why." The questions are concerned
with a limited number of events or conditions and their inter-relationships. In order to formulate research
questions, literature review needs to be undertaken so as to establish what research has been previously
conducted. This helps in refining the research questions and making them more insightful. The literature
review, definition of the purpose of the case study and early determination of the significance of the study
for potential audience for the final report direct how the study will be designed, conducted and publicly
Step 3 : Determining the unit of sampling and the number of units. Select the cases.
Sampling Strategies in a Case Study : In a case study design, purposeful sampling is done which has
been defined by Patton as “selecting information-rich cases for study in-depth.” a case study research,
purposeful sampling is preferred over probability sampling as they enhance the usefulness of the
information acquired from small samples. Purposive samples are expected to be conversant and
informative about the phenomenon under investigation.
A case study requires a plan for choosing sites and participants in order to start data collection. The
plan is known as an ‘emergent design’ in which research decisions depend on preceding information. This
necessitates purposive sampling, data collection and partial, simultaneous analysis of data as well as
interactive rather than distinct sequential steps.
During the phase of designing a case study research, the researcher determines whether to use single
or multiple real-life cases to examine in-depth and which instruments and data collection techniques to
use. When multiple cases are used, each case is treated as a single case. Each case/s conclusions can then
be used as contributing information to the entire study, but each case remains a single case for collecting
data and analysis. Exemplary case studies carefully select cases and carefully examine the choices
available from among many research tools available so as to enhance the validity of the study. Careful
selection helps in determining boundaries around the case. The researcher must determine whether to study
‘unique cases’, or ‘typical cases’. He also needs to decide whether to select cases from different
geographical areas. It is necessary at this stage to keep in mind the goals of the study so as to identify and
select relevant cases and evidence that will fulfil the goals of the study and answer the research questions
raised. Selecting multiple or single cases is a key element, but a case study can include more than one unit
of embedded analysis. For example, a case study may involve study of a single type of school (Fro
example, Municipal School) and a school belonging to this type. This type of case study involves two
levels of analysis and increases the complexity and amount of data to be gathered and analyzed. Multiple
cases are often preferable to single cases, particularly when the cases may not be representative of the
population from which they are drawn and when a range of behaviours/profiles, experiences, outcomes, or
situations is desirable. However, including multiple cases limits the depth with which each case may be
analyzed and also has implications for the structure and length of the final report.
Sources of Data in a Case Study : A case study method involves using multiple sources and techniques
in the data collection process. The researcher determines in advance what evidence to collect and which
techniques of data analysis to use so as to answer the research questions. Data collected is normally
principally qualitative and soft data, but it may also be quantitative also. Data are collected from primary
documents such as school records and databases, students’ records, transcripts and results, field notes, self-
reports or think-aloud protocols and memoranda. Techniques used to collect data can include surveys,
interviews, questionnaires, documentation review, observation and physical artefacts. These multiple tools
and techniques of data collection add texture, depth, and multiple insights to an analysis and can enhance
the validity or credibility of the results.
Case studies may make use of field notes and databases to categorize and reference data so that it is
readily available for subsequent re-interpretation. Field notes record feelings and intuitive hunches, pose
questions, and document the work in progress. They record testimonies, stories and illustrations which can
be used in reporting the study. They may inform of impending preconceptions because of the detailed
exposure of the client to special attention or give an early signal that a pattern is emerging. They assist in
determining whether or not the investigation needs to be reformulated or redefined based on what is being
observed. Field notes should be kept separate from the data being collected and stored for analysis.
According to Cohen and Manion, the researcher must use the chosen data collection tools and
techniques systematically and properly in collecting the evidence. Observations and data collection
settings may range from natural to artificial, with relatively unstructured to highly structured elicitation
tasks and category systems depending on the purpose of the study and the disciplinary traditions associated
with it.
Case studies necessitate that effective training programmes be developed for investigators, clear
protocols and procedures be established in advance before starting the field work and conduct a pilot study
in before moving into the field so as to eliminate apparent obstacles and problems. The researcher training
programme need to cover the vital concepts of the study, terminology, processes and methods and need to
teach researcher/s how to apply the techniques being used in the study accurately. The programme should
also be aimed at training researcher/s to understand how the collection of data using multiple techniques
strengthens the study by providing opportunities for triangulation during the analysis phase of the study.
The programme should also include protocols for case study research including time deadlines, formats for
narrative reporting and field notes, guidelines for collection of documents, and guidelines for field
procedures to be used. Investigators need to be good listeners who can hear exactly the words being used
by those interviewed. Qualities of effective investigators also include being able to ask good questions and
interpret answers. Effective investigators not only review documents looking for facts but also read
between the lines and pursue collaborative evidence elsewhere when that seems appropriate. Investigators
need to be flexible in real-life situations and not feel threatened by unexpected change, missed
appointments or lack of space. Investigators need to understand the goals of the study and comprehend the
issues and must be open to contrary findings. Investigators must also be aware that they are going into the
world of real human beings who may be threatened or unsure of what the case study will bring.
After investigators are trained, the final advance preparation step is to select a site for pilot study
and conduct a pilot test using all the data collection tools and techniques so that difficult and tricky areas
can be uncovered and corrected. Researchers need to anticipate key problems and events, identify key
people, prepare letters of introduction, establish rules for confidentiality, and actively seek opportunities to
revisit and revise the research design in order to address and add to the original set of research questions.
Throughout the design phase, researchers must ensure that the construct validity, internal validity,
external validity, and reliability of the tools and the research method are adequate. Construct validity
requires the researcher to use the suitable measures for the concepts being studied. Internal validity
(especially important in explanatory or causal studies) demonstrates that certain conditions/events (causes)
lead to other conditions/events (effect/s) and necessitates the use of multiple sets of evidence from multiple
sources to reveal convergent lines of inquiry. The researcher makes efforts to ascertain a series of
substantiation forward and backward. External validity reflects whether findings are generalisable beyond
the immediate case/s. The more variations in places, people and procedures a case study can withstand and
still yield the same findings, the more will be its external validity. Techniques such as cross-case
examination and within-case examination along with literature review help in ensuring external validity.
Reliability refers to the stability, accuracy and precision of measurement. Exemplary case study design
ensures that the procedures used are well documented and can be repeated with the same results over and
over again. Establishing a trusting relationship with research participants, using multiple data collection
procedures, obtaining sufficient pertinent background information about case participants and sites and
having access to or contact with the case over a period of time are, in general, all decidedly advantageous.
The case study research generates a huge quantity of data from multiple sources. Hence systematic
organisation of the data is essential in prevent the researcher from losing sight of the original research
purpose and questions. Advance preparation assists in handling huge quantity of largely soft data in a
documented and systematic manner. Researchers prepare databases for categorizing, sorting, storing and
retrieving data for analysis. The researcher examines raw data so as to find linkages between the research
object and the outcomes with reference to the original research questions. Throughout the evaluation and
analysis process, the researcher remains open to new opportunities and insights. The case study method,
with its use of multiple data collection methods and analysis techniques, provides researchers with
opportunities to triangulate data in order to strengthen the research findings and conclusions. According to
Creswell, analysis of data in case study research usually involves an iterative, spiralling or cyclical process
that proceeds from more general to more specific observations. According to Miles and Huberman, data
analysis may commence during interviews or observations and continue during transcription, when
recurring themes, patterns and categories become apparent. Once written records are available, analysis
involves the coding of data and the identification of prominent points or structures. Having additional
coders is highly desirable, especially in structural analyses of discourse, texts, syntactic structures or
interaction patterns involving high-inference categories leading ultimately to the quantification of types of
items within categories. Data reduction may include quantification or other means of data aggregation and
reduction, including the use of data matrices, tables, and figures.
The strategies used in analysis require researchers to move beyond initial impressions to improve
the likelihood of precise and consistent findings. Data need to be consciously sorted in many different
ways to expose or create new insights and will deliberately look for contradictory data to disconfirm the
analysis. Researchers categorize, tabulate and recombine data to answer the initial research questions and
conduct cross-checking of facts and incongruities in accounts. Focused, short, repeated interviews may be
essential to collect supplementary data to authenticate key observations or check a fact.
Precise techniques that could be used for data analysis include placing information into arrays,
creating matrices of categories, creating flow charts or other displays and tabulating frequency of events.
Researchers can use quantitative data to substantiate and support the qualitative data so as to comprehend
the raison d'être or theory underlying relationships. Besides, multiple investigators could be used to gain
the advantage provided when diverse perspectives and insights scrutinize the data and the patterns. When
the multiple observations converge, reliability of the findings enhances. Inconsistent discernments, on the
other hand, necessitate the researchers to inquire more intensely. Moreover, the cross-case search for
patterns, keeps investigators from reaching untimely conclusions by requiring that investigators look at the
data in diverse ways. Cross-case analysis divides the data by type across all cases investigated. One
researcher then examines the data of that type carefully. When a pattern from one data type is substantiated
by the evidence from another, the result is stronger. When substantiation conflicts, deeper probing of the
variation is necessary to identify the cause/s or source/s of conflict. In all cases, the researcher treats the
evidence reasonably to construct analytic conclusions answering the original "how" and "why" research
Case studies report the data in a way that transforms a multifarious issue into one that can be
understood, permitting the reader to question and examine the study and reach an understanding
independent of the researcher. The objective of the written report is to depict a multifaceted problem in a
way that conveys an explicit experience to the reader. Case studies should present data in a way that leads
the reader to apply the experience in his or her own real-life situation. Researchers need to pay exacting
consideration to displaying adequate evidence to achieve the reader’s confidence that all avenues have
been explored, clearly communicating the confines of the case and giving special attention to conflicting
In general, a research report in a case study should include the following aspects:
1. It involves detailed, holistic investigation of all aspects of the unit under study.
2. Case studies data are strong in reality.
3. It can utilise a wide range of measurement tools and techniques.
4. Data can be collected over a period of time and is contextual.
5. It enables the researcher to assess and document not just the empirical data but also how the subject
or institution under study interacts with the larger social system.
6. Case study reports are often written in non-technical language and are therefore easily understood
by laypersons.
7. They help in interpreting similar other cases.
1. The small sample size prevents the researcher from generalising to larger populations.
2. The case study method has been criticised for use of a small number of cases can offer no
grounds for establishing reliability or generality of findings.
3. The intense exposure to study of the case biases the findings.
4. It has also been criticised as being useful only as an exploratory tool.
5. They are often not easy to cross-check.
Yet researchers continue to use the case study research method with success in carefully
planned and crafted studies of real-life situations, issues, and problems.
(c) Explain the steps of case study research.
It involves the identification and interpretation of data already existing in documents, pictures and
artefacts. It is a form of research in which events, ideas, concepts or artefacts are examined through
analysis of documents, records, recordings or other media. Here, contextual information is very essential to
for an accurate interpretation of data. Historical research comprises of systematic collection and analysis of
documents, records and artefacts with the objective of providing a description and interpretation of past
events or persons. Its application lies in a range of research methods such as historical research which
could use both quantitative and qualitative data, legal analysis which focuses on selected laws and court
decisions with the objective of understanding how legal principles and precedents apply to educational
practices, concept analysis which is carried out to understand the meaning and usage of educational
concepts (eg. school-based reforms, ability grouping, affective teacher education) and content analysis
which is carried out to understand the meaning and identify properties of large amounts of textual
information in a systematic manner.
Characteristics of Analytical Research
1. It does not ‘create’ or ‘generate’ data through research tools and techniques.
2. The topic of analytical research deals with the past.
3. It reinterprets existing data.
4. It predominantly uses primary sources for collecting data.
5. Internal and external criticism is used as a technique while searching for facts and providing
interpretative explanations.
6. It uses documents, relics and oral testimonies for collecting data.
Objectives Analytical Research
Suggested Readings
Auberbach, C. F. and Silverstein, L. B. Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Coding and Analysis. New
York: New York University Press. 2003.
Brewer, M. (2000). Research Design and Issues of Validity. In Reis, H. & Judd, C. (eds) Handbook of
Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology. Cambridge:Cambridge University
Cohen, L and Manion, L. Research Methods in Education. London :
Routledge, 1989.
Creswell, J. W. Educational Research, Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative
Research, University of Netvaska : Merrill Prentice Hall, 2002,
Creswell, J. W. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Traditions. Sage
Publications, Inc. 1998.
Unit Structure:
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Meaning
6.3 The purpose of Historical Research
6.4 Characteristics of Historical Research
6.5 Scope of Historical Research in Education
6.6 Approaches to the study of History
6.7 Steps in Historical Research
6.8 Problems and Weaknesses to be avoided in Historical Research.
6.9 Criteria of Evaluating Historical Research.
After reading this unit the student will be able to:
• Define the meaning of historical research, its purposesnad characteristics, scope and approaches to
the study of history.
• Explain the steps of historical research.
• State the Weaknesses to be avoided in Historical Research.
History usually refers simply to an account of the past of human societies. It is the study of what
“can be known…(to the historian)… through the surviving record.” Gottschalk referred to this as ‘history
as record’, He further stated that “The process of critically examining and analyzing the records and
survivals of the past is … called historical method. The imaginative reconstruction of the past from the
data derived by that process is called historiography (the writing of history)”.
Historical research has been defined as the systematic and objective location, evaluation and
synthesis of evidence in order to establish facts and draw conclusions about past events. It involves a
critical inquiry of a previous age with the aim of reconstructing a faithful representation of the past. In
historical research, the investigator studies documents and other sources that contain facts concerning
the research theme with the objective of achieving better understanding of present policies, practices,
problems and institutions. An attempt is made to examine past events or combinations of events and
establish facts in order to arrive at conclusions concerning past events or predict future events. Historical
research is a type of analytical research. Its common methodological characteristics include (i) identifying
a research topic that addresses past events, (ii) review of primary and secondary data, (iii) systematic
collection and objective evaluation of data related to past occurrences with the help of techniques of
criticism for historical searches and evaluation of the information and (iv) synthesis and explanation of
findings in order to test hypotheses concerning causes, effects or trends of these events that may help to
explain present events and anticipate future events. Historical studies attempt to provide information
and understanding of past historical, legal and policy events. The historical method consists of the
techniques and guidelines by which historians use historical sources and other evidences to research and
then to write history.
Conducting historical research in education can serve several purposes as follows:
1. It enables educationists to find out solutions to contemporary problems which have their roots in the
past. i.e. it serves the purpose of bringing about reforms in education. The work of a historical
researcher sometimes sensitizes educators to unjust or misguided practices in the past which may
have unknowingly continued into the present and require reform. A historical researcher studies the
past with a detached perspective and without any ego‐involvement with the past practices. Hence it
could be easier for educationists to identify misguided practices thus enabling them to bring about
2. It throws light on present trends and can help in predicting future trends. If we understand how an
educationist or a group of educationists acted in the past, we can predict how they will act in future.
Similarly, studying the past enables a researcher to understand the factors / causes affecting present
trends. In order to make such future predictions reliable and trustworthy, the historical researcher
needs to identify and clearly describe in which ways the past differs from the present context and
how the present social, economic and political situations and policies could have an impact on the
present and the future.
3. It enables a researcher to re‐evaluate data in relation to selected hypotheses, theories and
generalizations that are presently held about the past.
4. It emphasizes and analyzes the relative importance and the effect of the various interactions in the
prevailing cultures.
5. It enables us to understand how and why educational theories and practices developed.
These are as follows:
1. It is not a mere accumulation of facts and data or even a portrayal of past events.
2. It is a flowing, vibrant report of past events which involves an analysis and explanation of these
occurrences with the objective of recapturing the nuances, personalities and ideas that influenced
these events.
3. Conducting historical research involves the process of collecting and reading the research material
collected and writing the manuscript from the data collected. The researcher often goes back‐and‐
forth between collecting, reading, and writing. i.e. the process of data collection and analysis are
done simultaneously are not two distinct phases of research.
4. It deals with discovery of data that already exists and does not involve creation of data using
structured tools.
5. It is analytical in that it uses logical induction.
6. It has a variety of foci such as issues, events, movements and concepts.
7. It records and evaluates the accomplishments of individuals, agencies or institutions
1. General educational history of specific periods such as (a) ancient India, (b) A during British rule, (c)
Independent India etc.
2. History of specific levels of education (a) primary education, (b) secondary education, (c)
tertiary education etc. in India.
3. History of specific types of education such as (a) adult education, (b) distance education, (c)
disadvantaged education, (d) women’s education in India.
4. Historical study of specific educational institutions such as (i) University of Mumbai, (ii) Aligarh Muslim
University and so on.
5. History of the role of the teacher in ancient India.
6. History of specific components of education such as (a) curriculum, (b) text‐books, (c) teaching‐
learning methods, (d) aims and objectives of education, (e) teacher‐student relationships, (f)
evaluation process and so on.
7. History of national education policies in India.
8. History of admission processes in professional / technical courses (medicine, engineering,
management) in India.
9. History of teacher education.
10. Historical biographies of major contributors to education such as Mahatma Gandhi, Maharshi Karve,
Maharshi Phule, Shri Aurobindo, Gurudev Tagore and so on.
11. History of educational administration.
12. History of public financing of education.
13. History of educational legislation in India.
14. History of educational planning.
15. History of contemporary problems in India.
16. Historical study of the relationship between politics and education in India.
17. Historical study of the impact of the British rule in India.
18. Comparative history of education in India and some other country / countries.
19. Historical study of the system of state‐sponsored inspection in India.
20. Historical study of education in specific Indian states such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Madhya
Pradesh, Rajasthan etc.
In other words, historical research in education may be concerned with an individual, a group, an
idea a movement or an institution.
If a historical study focuses on an entire country / society / system, i.e. if it is broad in scope, it is
said to be a macro‐level historical research. On the other hand, if its focus is narrow and includes a
selective set of people or events of interest, it is said to be a micro‐level historical research.
According to Monaghan and Hartman, there are four major approaches to the study of the past:
a. Qualitative Approach : This is what most laypersons think of as history: the search for a story inferred
from a range of written or printed evidence. The resultant history is organised chronologically and
presented as a factual tale: a tale of a person who created reading textbooks, such as a biography of
William Holmes McGuffey (Sullivan, 1994) or the Lindley Murray family (Monaghan, 1998) in the
Western context. The sources of qualitative history range from manuscripts such as account books,
school records, marginalia, letters, diaries and memoirs to imprints such as textbooks, children’s books,
journals, and other books of the period under consideration.
b. Quantitative Approach : Here, rather than relying on “history by quotation,” as the former approach
has been negatively called, researchers intentionally look for evidence that lends itself to being counted
and that is therefore presumed to have superior validity and generalisability. Researchers have sought
to estimate the popularity of a particular textbook by tabulating the numbers printed, based on
copyright records. The assumption is that broader questions such as the relationship between education
and political system in India or between textbooks and their influence on children can thus be
addressed more authoritatively.
c. Content Analysis : Here the text itself is the focus of examination. This approach uses published works
as its data (in the case of history of textbooks, these might be readers, or examples of the changing
contents of school textbooks in successive editions) and subjects them to a careful analysis that usually
includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Content analysis has been particularly useful in
investigating constructs such as race, caste, etc.
d. Oral History : Qualitative, quantitative, and content approaches use written or printed text as their
database. In contrast, the fourth approach, oral history, turns to living memory. For instance, oral
historians interested in women’s education could ask their respondents about their early experiences
and efforts in women’s education.
These four approaches are not, of course, mutually exclusive. Indeed, historians avail themselves of
as many of these as their question, topic, and time period permit. This integration is possible because the
nature of historical research cuts across a variety of approaches, all of which commence with the
recognition of a topic and the framing of a question. In other words, a historical study may be quantitative
in nature, qualitative in nature or a combination of the approaches.
Its purpose can be mainly descriptive, aiming to understand some specific development in a
particular period of time in a particular culture; or it could be explanatory, trying to test and accept /
reject widely held assumptions.
A historical investigation is conducted with objectivity and the desire to minimize bias, distortion
and prejudice. Thus, it is similar to descriptive method of research in this aspect. Besides, it aims at
describing all aspects of the particular situation under study (or all that is accessible) in its search for the
truth. Thus, it is holistic, comprehensive in nature and is similar to the interpretive approach. Though it is
not empirical in nature (does not collect data through direct observation or experimentation), it does
make use of reports (all the available written and/or oral material), it definitely qualifies to be a scientific
activity. This is because it requires scholarship to conduct a systematic and objective study and
evaluation and synthesis of evidence so as to arrive at conclusions. In other words, historical research is
scientific in nature.
Moreover, any competent researcher in other types of empirical studies reviews the related
literature so as to find out prior researches and theoretical work done on a particular topic. This requires
studying journals, books, encyclopedias, unpublished theses and so on. This is followed by interpretation
of their significance. These steps are common to empirical research and historical research. i.e. to some
extent, every researcher makes use of the historical method in his/her research.
However, it should be mentioned here that historical researcher in education “discovers” already
existing data from a wide range of historical sources such as documents, relics, autobiographies, diaries
or photographs. On the other hand, in other types of educational studies, the researcher “creates” data
through observations, measurement through tests and experimentation. To this extent, historical
research differs from descriptive and experimental researches.
Check Your Progress ‐ I
Q.1 Define the following
(a) Characteristics of historical research in education.
(b) Purposes of historical research.
Q.2 (a) Give examples of research topics in historical research
(b) Explain the approaches to historical research.
The essential steps involved in conducting a historical research are as follows:
A. Identify a topic/subject and define the problems/questions to be investigated.
B. Search for sources of data.
C. Evaluate the historical sources.
D. Analyze, synthesize and summarize interpreting the data / information.
E. Write the research report.
Since most historical studies are largely qualitative in nature, the search for sources of data,
evaluating, analyzing, synthesizing and summarizing information and interpreting the findings may not
always be discreet, separate, sequential steps i.e. the sequence of steps in historical research is flexible.
Let us now look at each of these steps in details.
A. Identify a Topic and Define the Problem
According to Borg, “In historical research, it is especially important that the student carefully
defines his problem and appraises its appropriateness before committing himself too fully. Many
problems are not adaptable to historical research methods and cannot be adequately treated using this
approach. Other problems have little or no chance of producing significant results either because of the
lack of pertinent data or because the problem is a trivial one.”
Beach has classified the problems that prompt historical inquiry into five types:
1. Current social issues are the most popular source of historical problems in education. e.g. Rural
education, adult and continuing education, positive discrimination in education etc.
2. Histories of specific individuals, histories of specific educational institutions and histories of
educational movement. These studies are often conducted with “the simple desire to acquire
knowledge about previously unexamined phenomena”.
3. A historical study of interpreting ideas or events that previously had seemed unrelated. For example,
history of educational financing and history of aims of education in India may be unrelated. But a
person reviewing these two researches separately may detect some relationship between the two
histories and design a study to understand this relationship.
4. A historical study aimed at synthesizing old data or merge them with new historical facts discovered
by the researcher.
5. A historical inquiry involving reinterpretation of past events that have been studied by other historical
researchers. This is known as revisionist history.
On the other hand, in order to identify a significant research problem, Gottschalk recommends
that four questions should be asked:
(i) Where do the events take place?
(ii) Who are the persons involved?
(iii) When do the events occur?
(iv) What kinds of human activity are involved?
The scope of the study can be determined on the basis of the extent of emphasis placed on the
four questions identified by Gottschalk i.e. the geographical area included, the number of persons
involved, the time span included and the number and kinds of human activities involved often, the exact
scope and delimitation of a study is decided by a researcher only after the relevant material has been
obtained. The selection of a topic in historical research depends on several personal factors of the
researcher such as his/her motivation, interest, historical knowledge and curiosity, ability to interpret
historical facts and so on. If the problem selected involves understanding an event, an institution, a
person, a past period, more clearly, it should be taken up for a research.
The topic selected should be defined in terms of the types of written materials and other
resources available to you.
This should be followed by formulating a specific and testable hypothesis or a series of research
questions, if required. This will provide a clear focus and direction to data collection, analysis and
interpretation. i.e. it provides a structure to the study.
According to Borg, without hypotheses, historical research often becomes little more than an
aimless gathering of facts.
B. Search for Sources of Data
Historical research is not empirical in that it does not include direct observation of events or
persons. Here, the researcher interprets past events on the basis of traces they have left. He uses the
evidence of past acts and thoughts. Thus, through he/she does not use his/her own observation but on
other people’s observations. The researcher’s job here is to test the truthfulness of the reports of other
people’s observations. These observations are obtained from several sources of historical data. Let us
now try to discuss various sources of historical data.
Sources of Historical Data
These sources are broadly classified into two types:
(a) Primary Sources: Gottschalk defines a primary data source as “the testimony of any eyewitness, or of
a witness by any other of the senses, or of a mechanical device like the Dictaphone – that is, of one who
… was present at the events of which he tells. A primary source must thus have been produced by a
contemporary of the events it narrates.” In other words, primary sources are tangible materials that
provide a description of an historical event and were produced shortly after the event happened. They
have a direct physical relationship to the event being studied. Examples of primary sources include new
paper report, letters, public documents, court decisions, personal diaries, autobiographies, artifacts and
eyewitness’s verbal accounts. These primary sources of data can be divided into two broad categories as
(i) The remains or relics of a given historical period. These could include photographs, coins, skeletons,
fossils, tools, weapons, utensils, furniture, buildings and pieces of art and culture (object d’ art). Though
these were not originally meant for transmitting information to future generations they could prove very
useful sources in providing reliable and sound evidence about the past. Most of these relics provide non‐
verbal information.
(ii) Those objects that have a direct physical relationship with the events being reconstructed. This
includes documents such as laws, files, letters, manuscripts, government resolutions, charters,
memoranda, wills, news‐papers, magazines, journals, films, government or other official publications,
maps, charts, log‐books, catalogues, research reports, record of minutes of meetings, recording,
inscriptions, transcriptions and so on.
(b) Secondary Sources: A secondary source is one in which the eyewitness or the participant i.e. the
person describing the event was not actually present but who obtained his/her descriptions or narrations
from another person or source. This another person may or may not be a primary source. Secondary
sources, thus, do not have a direct physical relationship with the event being studies. They include data
which are not original. Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, biographies, encyclopedias,
reference books, replicas of art objects and paintings and so on. It is possible that secondary sources
contain errors due to passing of information from one source to another. These errors could get
multiplied when the information passes through many sources thereby resulting in an error of freat
magnitude in the final data. Thus, wherever possible, the researcher should try to use primary sources of
data. However, that does not reduce the value of secondary sources.
In conclusion, the various sources of historical information‐both primary and secondary can be
summarized as follows:
Sources of Historical Information
Visual objects)
It must be mentioned here that the branch of historical research using all or some types of oral
records is known as oral history.
It should also be mentioned here that some objects can be classified as documents or relics
depending on the how they are used in a historical study. For example, in a research study on how a
historical figure (a politician, a freedom fighter or a social reformer) is presented in textbooks of different
periods, the textbook will be classified as a document as the emphasis here is on analyzing its content‐
matter given in a verbal form. On the other hand, in a research study on printing methods in the past, the
textbook can be used as a relic as the focus here is not on analyzing its contents but on its physical,
outward characteristics or features.
Searching for Historical Data
The procedure of searching for historical data should be systematic and pre‐planned. The
researcher should know what information he needs so as to identify important sources of data and
provide a direction to his search for relevant data. Using his knowledge, imagination and resourcefulness,
he needs to explore the kinds of data required, persons involved, institutions involved. This will help him
to identify the kinds of records he require and whom he should interview. Since a historical research is
mainly qualitative in nature all the primary and secondary sources cannot be identified in advance. It is
possible that as one collects some data, analyzes and interprets it, the need for further pertinent data
may arise depending on the interpretive framework. This will enable him to identify other primary or
secondary sources of data.
The search for sources of data begins with wide reading of preliminary sources including published
bibliographies, biographies, atlas, specialized chronologies, dictionaries of quotations and terms. Good
university and college libraries tend to have a great deal of such preliminary materials. This will enable a
researcher to identify valuable secondary sources on the topic being studied such books on history
relating to one’s topic. For extensive materials on a subject, the researcher may need to go to a large
research library or a library with extensive holdings on a specific subject. Such secondary materials could
include other historian’s conclusions and interpretations, historical information, references to other
secondary and primary sources. The historical researcher needs to evaluate the secondary sources for
their validity and authenticity. Now the researcher should turn his attention to the primary sources.
These are usually available in the institution or the archives especially if the source concerns data
pertaining to distant past or data pertaining to events in which the chief witnesses are either dead or
inaccessible. In case of data concerning the recent past, the researcher can contact witnesses or
participants themselves in order to interview them and/or study the documents possessed by them.
However, it is not possible for a historical researcher to examine all the material available.
Selecting the best sources of data is important in a historical study. In a historical study the complete
“population” of available data can never be obtained or known. Hence the sample of materials examined
must always be a purposive one. What it represents and what it fails to represent should be considered.
The researcher needs to identify and use a sample that should be representative enough for wider
c) Evaluation of the Historical Sources
The data of historical sources is subject to two types of evaluation. These two types are: (i)
external evaluation or criticism and (ii) internal evaluation or criticism. Let us now look at these in detail.
(i) External Criticism of Data:
This is sometimes also known as lower criticism of data. External criticism regards the issue of
authenticity of the data from the psychological attitude of the researcher in that it is primarily concerned
with the question, is the source of data genuine? External criticism seeks to determine whether the
document or the artifact that the researcher is studying is genuinely valid primary data. It is possible to
get counterfeit documents or artifacts. External criticism of the sources of data is of paramount
importance in establishing the credibility of the research. Although, theoretically, the main purpose of
external criticism is the establishment of historical truth, in reality its actual operation is chiefly restricted
to the negative role i.e. to identity and expose forgeries, frauds, hoaxes desertions and counterfeits. In
order to identify such forgeries, researcher needs to look at problems pertaining to plagiarism,
alterations of document, insertions, deletions or unintentional omissions. This will reveal whether the
historical source of data is authentic or not. Establishing authenticity of documents may involve
carbondating, handwriting analysis, identification of ink and paper, vocabulary usage, signatures, script,
spelling, names of places and writing style and other considerations. In other words, it examines the
document and its external features rather than the statements it contains. It tries to determine whether
(a) the information it contains was available at the time the document was written? (b) this information
is consistent with what is known about the author or the period from another source?
In other words, external criticism is aimed at answering questions about the nature of the
historical source such as who wrote it? Where? When? Under which circumstances? Is it original? Is it
genuine? and so on.
ii) Internal Criticism of Data :
Having established the authenticity of the source of historical data, the researcher now focuses
his/her attention on the accuracy and wroth of the data contained in the document. Internal criticism is
concerned with the meaning of the written material. It is also known as higher criticism of data. It deals
answering questions such as what does it mean? What was the author attempting to say? What thought
was the author trying to convey? Is it possible that people would act in the way described in the
document? Is it possible that events described occurred so quickly? What inferences or interpretations
could be extracted from these words? Do the financial data / figures mentioned in the document seem
reasonable for that period in the past? What does the decision of a court mean? What do the words of
the decision convey regarding the intent and the will of the count? Is there any (unintended)
misinformation given in the document? Is there any evidence of deception? and so on here, the
researcher needs to be very cautious so that he does not reject a statement only because the event
described in the document appears to be improbable.
In addition to answering these questions, internal criticism should also include establishing the
credibility of the author of the document. According to Travers, the following questions could be
answered so as to establish the author’s credibility : Was he a trained or untrained observer of the
event? i.e. How competent was he? What was his relationship to the event? To what extent was he
under pressure, from fear or vanity resulting in distortion or omission of facts? What was the intent of
the writer of the document? To what extent was he an expert at recording the particular event? Were
the habits of the author such that they might interfere with the accuracy of recording? Was he too
antagonistic or too sympathetic to give a true picture? How long after the event did he record his
testimony? Was he able to remember accurately? Is he in agreement with other independent
These questions need to be answered for two reasons :
i) Perceptions are individualized and selective. Even if eyewitnesses are competent and truthful, they
could still record different descriptions of the events they witnessed or experienced.
ii) Research studies in Psychology indicate that eye witnesses can be very unreliable, especially if they
are emotionally aroused or under stress at the time of the event. (e.g. at the time of demolition of
Babri Masjid or at the time of Gujarat riots in 2002.
This brings us to the question of bias especially when life histories or communal situations are
being studied. According to Plummer, there are three possible sources of bias as follows :
Source One : The Life History Informant
Is misinformation (unintended) given?
Has there been evasion?
Is there evidence of direct lying and deception?
Is a ‘front’ being presented?
What may the informant ‘take for granted’ and hence not reveal?
How far is the informant ‘pleasing you’?
How much has been forgotten?
How much may be self‐deception?
Source Two : The Social Scientist Research
Could any of the following be shaping the outcome?
(a) Attitudes of researcher : age, gender, class, race etc.
(b) Demeanour of researcher : dress, speech, body language etc.
(c) Personality of researcher : anxiety, need for approval, hostility, warmth etc.
(d) Attitudes researcher: religion, politics, tolerance, general assumptions
(e) Scientific role of researcher: theory held etc. (researcher expectancy)
Source Three : The Interaction
The joint act needs to be examined. Is bias coming from
(a) The physical setting – ‘social’ space
(b) The prior interaction?
(c) Non‐verbal communication?
(d) Vocal behavior?
Often, internal and external criticism are interdependent and complementary processes. The
internal and external criticism of data require a high level of scholarship.
D. Analysis, Synthesis, Summarizing and Interpretation of Data :
We have seen how data can be located and evaluated. Let us now look at how to collect and
control the data so that the greatest return from the innumerable hours spent in archives, document
rooms and libraries can be reaped. The research should not only learn how to take notes but also learn
how to organize the various notes, note cards, bibliography cards and memoranda so as to derive useful
and meaningful facts for interpretation. Hence before beginning historical research, the researcher
should have a specific and systematic plan for the acquisition, organization, storage and retrieval of the
data. Following are some suggestions that may help you in systematizing your research efforts.
(i) Note cards and Bibliography Cards :
It would be convenient for you to prepare bibliography cards of size 3 × 5 inches for taking down
bibliographical notes. A bibliography card is valuable not only for gathering and recording of information
but also for locating it again at a future date, if necessary, without going back to the library again and
again. Such a card contains the essential information concerning a bibliographical source. Keep plenty of
such cards with you when you go to the library so that you can report very valuable references
encountered unexpectedly. You can also note down the document’s relation to your research. A sample
of a bibliographic reference card could be as follows :
Serial No. __________
Author(s) : ___________
Title of the Document : ______________________________________
Name of the Journal : _______________________________________
Vol. _____ No. _____ Month ______ Year ______ Page No.(s) _____
Place of publication, Name of Publisher, Edition, Year, Page (in case of a
book : ________________________________________________
Library where information is obtained : _________________________
You can ideally have two copies of such a bibliographic card. One copy can be arranged according
to the authors’ names alphabetically whereas the other copy can be can be arranged as per serial
number of the card.
On the other hand, a note card can be of size 4 × 6 or 5 × 7 inches for substantive notes. It is
advisable to place only one item of information on each card. Each card can be given a code so as to
indicate the place / question / theme / period / person to which the note relates. These cards then can
be arranged as per the question, theme, period, place or person under study so as to make analysis
easier. In other words, note cards can be kept in multiple copies. (e.g. in triplicate or quadruplicate)
depending on the ultimate analysis of the data. Given here is a sample note card.
Main Heading : __________________________ Card No.
Sub – Heading : __________________________________________
Source : Author : _________ Year : _________ pp._________
Title : __________ Bibliography card No. __________
In this card, one can mention the bibliography card no. which can be referred to for further
information it required. The reverse of the card can be used if the space is found to be insufficient for
necessary information.
(ii) Summary of Quantitative Data :
Usually historical studies are chiefly qualitative in nature since the data obtained includes verbal
and / or symbolic material from an institution, society or culture’s past. However, when the study
involves quantitative data pertaining to the past events, you need to think carefully about the relevance
of the data to your research. This is because recording and analysis of quantitative data is time‐
consuming and sometimes expensive. Examples of quantitative data in historical research include
records of students’ and teachers’ attendance rates, examination results, financial information such as
budgets, income and expenditure statements, salaries, fees and so on. Content analysis is one of the
methods involving quantitative data. The basic goal of content analysis is to take a verbal, non‐
quantitative document and transform it into quantitative data.
(iii) Interpretation of Historical Data :
Once the researcher establishes the validity and authenticity of data, interpretation of the facts in
the light of the topic of research is necessary. This step requires caution, imagination, ingenuity, insight
and scholarliness. The scientific status of his study depends on these characteristics. The researcher
needs to be aware of his/her biases, values, prejudices and interest as these could influence the analysis
and interpretation of the data as well as the perceptions of the researcher. He needs to make sense out
of the multitude of data gathered which generally involves a synthesis of data in relation to a hypothesis
or question or theory rather than mere accumulation or summarization. In doing so, he / she should
avoid biases and unduly projecting his / her own personality onto the data. The data should be fitted
into a logically parsimonious structure. The researcher should be clear about the interpretative
framework so as to become sensitive towards bias in other historical researchers’ interpretations who
have conducted research on the same or similar topics.
In historical research, ‘causes’ are in the form of antecedents or precipitating factors. They are not
‘causes’ in the strictly scientific sense. Such antecedents are always complex and hence the researcher
should avoid over simplification while interpreting them. Past events are mainly in the form of human
behaviour. Therefore ‘causes’ in historical research could be interpreted in terms of motives of the
participants involved.
The researcher needs to identify the motives of the people involved in the event under study
while interpreting the data. These motives may be multiple in nature and interact with each other. This
makes interpretation of the data a difficult task. For example, a new government decides to change the
prevalent textbooks. The motives here could be many such as its political ideology does not match the
prevalent textbooks, it had a personal grudge against the authors of the prevalent textbooks or the
ministers concerned wanted to derive personal glory out of his actions. These reasons may influence
each other making the task of interpretation of data difficult.
Historical researchers can make use of concepts from other social and behavioural science
disciplines in analyzing interpreting data. Some examples of such concepts may be bureaucracy, role,
institution (from sociology), leadership, institutional effectiveness (From management), culture (from
anthropology), motive, personality attitude etc. (from psychology) and so on.
The researcher also can make use of the concepts of historical time and historical space white
interpreting the data.
The concept of historical time makes use of a chronology of events. i.e. the researcher needs to
identify the chain of events (chronology) of substantive history and then try to understand the meaning
of these events, the relationship among the events and the relationship of the events to the research
topic. The researcher is studying more than one set of chronological data within the same time frame
may gain increased insight into multiple events and their causes.
The concept of historical space deals with ‘where’ the event originated, spread or culminated.
This could provide a different insight into the meaning of the data.
The historical researcher can also use analogy as a source of hypothesis or as a frame of reference
for interpretation. i.e. He / she can draw parallels between one historical event and other events. Here,
one has to be aware of similarities, differences as well as exceptions while comparing two historical
events, otherwise, such an extrapolation will be unreliable. Also, it is risky to interpret an event by
comparing with another event in another culture at another time.
iv) Making Inferences and Generalizations in Historical Research:
in order to identify and explain the ‘cause/s’ of a historical event, the research must be aware of
his/ her assumptions which are then used in ascribing causation to subsequent events. Some examples
of such assumption could include (i) history repeats itself, or (ii) historical events are unique. The
researcher must make clear whether his / her analysis is based on the former assumption or the latter.
Some examples of ‘causes’ of historical events identified in prior researches include (i) strong
ideology (eg. Maharshi Karve’s ideology of women’s education) (ii) actions of certain key persons (e.g.
Mohamed Ali Jinnah’s actions for India’s partition), (iii) Advances in Science in technology (e.g. use of
computers in education), (iv) economic / geographical / psychological / sociological factors or a
combination of all these (e.g. privatization of education) etc.
The historian’s objective is not only to establish facts but also to determine trends in the data and
causes of events leading to generalizations i.e. he / she needs to synthesize and interpret and not merely
summarize the data. These data, as in other types of researches, are obtained not from the entire
population of persons, settings, events or objects pertaining to the topic, but from a small sample.
Moreover, this sample is selected from the remains of the past. It can not be selected from the entire
population of documents or relics that existed during the period under study. Such remains may not be
representative. This necessitates a very careful and cautious approach in locating consistency in different
documents and relics while making generalizations. Also, the researcher should not rely on only one
document pertaining to an individual from the past while making a generalization as it will not be known
whether the individual held a particular opinion about an educational issue consistently or had changed it
over a period of time. If he had changed his opinion, the researcher must find out when and how it was
changed, under what conditions and what were the consequences. This makes it imperative that the
researcher uses as many primary and secondary sources as possible on a topic. If the evidence is limited,
he needs restrict the generalizability of his interpretations to that extent.
E) Writing the Research Report :
This task involves the highest level of scholarship. In a historical research, data collection is
flexible. Besides, due to the relative lack of conclusive evidence on which valid generalizations can be
established, the writing of historical research has to be a little freer so as to allow subjective
interpretation of the data. (This by no means implies distortion of truth). Thus reports of historical
research have no standard formats. The presentation of data analysis, interpretations and the findings
depend on the nature of the problem.
There are several board ways of reporting historical investigation as follows :
i) The researcher can report the historical facts as answers to different research questions. Answer to
each question could be reported in a separate chapter.
ii) He / she can present the facts in a chronological order with each chapter pertaining to a specific
historical period chronologically.
iii) Report can also written in a thematic manner where each chapter deals with a specific theme / topic.
iv) Chapters could also deal with each state of India or each district of an Indian state separately.
v) Chapter could also pertain to specific historical persons separately.
vi) The researcher can also combine two or more of these approaches while writing the research report.
In addition, the report should contain a chapter each on introduction, methodology, review of
related literature, findings, the researcher’s interpretations and reflections on the interpretative process.
Check Your Progress – II
Q1. Explain how will you identify a research topic for studying the history of education?
2. What are the different sources of historical data? How will you evaluate these sources?
3. What care will you take in making inferences and generalizations in historical research?
4. How will you organize writing the research report?
The researcher needs to demonstrate his / her scholarship and grasp of the topic, his / her insights
into the topic, and the plausibility and clarity of interpretations. This requires creativity, ingenuity and
imagination so as to make the research report adequate and comprehensive.
Some of the weaknesses, problems and mistakes that need to be avoided in a historical research
are as follows :
1. The problem of research should not be too broad.
2. It should be selected after ensuring that sources of data are existent, accessible and in a language
known to the researcher.
3. Excessive use of easy‐to‐find secondary sources of data should be avoided. Though locating primary
sources of data time‐consuming and requires efforts, they are usually more trustworthy.
4. Adequate internal and external criticism of sources of historical data is very essential for establishing
the authenticity and validity of the data. It is also necessary to ascertain whether statements
concerning evidence by one participant have influenced opinions of other participant or witnesses.
5. The researcher needs to be aware of his/her own personal values, interests and biases. For this
purpose, it is necessary for the researcher to quote statements alongwith the context in which they
were made. Lifting them out of context shows the intention of persuading the readers. The researcher
also needs to avoid both‐extreme generosity or admiration as well as extreme criticism. The
researcher needs to avoid reliance on beliefs such as “old is gold” “new is always better” or “change
implies progress”. All such beliefs indicate researcher’s bias and personal values.
6. The researcher needs to ensure that the concepts borrowed from other disciplines are relevant to
his/her topic.
7. He/She should avoid unwarranted causal inferences arising on account of (i) oversimplification
(causes of historical event may be multiple, complex and interactive), (ii) Faulty interpretation of
meanings of words, (iii) inability to distinguish between facts, opinions and situations, (iv) inability to
identify and discard irrelevant or unimportant facts and (v) Faulty generalization based on inadequate
evidence, faulty logic and reasoning in the analysis of data, use of wrong analogy and faulty
comparison of events in unsimilar cultures.
8. The researcher needs to synthesize facts into meaningful chronological and thematic patterns.
9. The report should be written in a logical and scientific manner. It should avoid flowery or flippant
language, emotional words, dull and colourless language or persuasive style.
10. The researcher should avoid projecting current problems onto historical events as this is likely to
create distortions.
Mouly has provided the following criteria of evaluating historical research:
1. Problem: Has the problem been clearly defined? It is difficult enough to conduct historical research
adequately without adding to the confusion by starting out with a nebulous problem. Is the problem
capable of solution? Is it within the competence of the investigator?
2. Data: Are data of a primary nature available in sufficient completeness to provide a solution, or has
there been an overdependence on secondary or unverifiable sources?
3. Analysis: Has the dependability of the data been adequately established? Has the relevance of the
data been adequately explored?
4. Interpretation: Does the author display adequate mastery of his data and insight into their relative
significance? Does he display adequate historical perspective? Does he maintain his objective or does
he allow personal bias to distort the evidence? Are his hypotheses plausible? Have they been
adequately tested? Does he take a sufficiently broad view of the total situation? Does he see the
relationship between his data and other ‘historical facts’?
5. Presentation: Does the style of writing attract as well as inform? Does the report make a contribution
on the basis of newly discovered data or new interpretation, or is it simply ‘uninspired back work’?
Does it reflect scholarliness?
Check your Progress III
1. What care will you take to avoid weaknesses in conducting historical research?
2. State the criteria of evaluating historical research.
Suggested Readings:
Garraghan, G. J. A Guide to Historical Method. New York: Fordham University Press. 1946.
Gottschalk, L. Understanding History. New York : Alfred A. Knopf. 1951.
McMillan, J. H. and Schumacher, S. Research in Education : A Conceptual Introduction. Boston, MA :
Little, brown and Company. 1984.
Shafer, R. J. A Guide to Historical Method. Illinois : The Dorsey Press. 1974.
Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
72 Experimental Designs
a. Pre‐experimental design
b. Quasi‐experimental design
c. True experimental design
7.3 Factorial Design
7.4 Nested Design
7.5 Single Subject Design
7.6 Internal and External Experimental Validity
7.7 Controlling Extraneous and Intervening Variables
After going through this module, you will be able to:
(i) Conceptualize experimental method of Educational research;
(ii) Describe the salient features of experimental research; on
(iii) Conceptualize various experimental design
(iv) Conceptualize the internal and external experimental validity
(v) Conceptualize the process of controlling the intervening and extraneous variables; and
(vi) Apply experimental method for appropriate research problem.
The experimental method in educational research is the application and adaptation of the classical
method of experimentation. It is a scientifically sophisticated method. It provides a method of
investigation to derive basic relationships among phenomena under controlled condition or, more simply,
to identify the conditions underlying the occurrence of a given phenomenon. Experimental research is the
description and analysis of what will be, or what will occur, under carefully controlled conditions.
Experimenters manipulate certain stimuli, treatments, or environmental conditions and observe
how the condition or behaviour of the subject is affected or changed. Such manipulations are deliberate
and systematic. The researchers must be aware of other factors that could influence the outcome and
remove or control them in such a way that it will establish a logical association between manipulated
factors and observed factors.
Experimental research provides a method of hypothesis testing. Hypothesis is the heart of
experimental research. After the experimenter defines a problem he has to propose a tentative answer
to the problem or hypothesis. Further, he has to test the hypothesis and confirm or disconfirm it.
Although, the experimental method has greatest utility in the laboratory, it has been effectively
applied non‐laboratory settings such as the classroom. The immediate purpose of experimentation is to
predict events in the experimental setting. The ultimate purpose is to generalize the variable
relationships so that they may be applied outside the laboratory to a wider population of interest.
Characteristics of Experimental Method
There are four essential characteristics of experimental research: (i) Cool, (ii) Manipulationtrn, (iii)
Observation, and (iv) Replication.
Control : Variables that are not of direct interest to the researcher, called extraneous variables, need to
be controlled. Control refers to removing or minimizing the influence of such variables by several
methods such as: randomization or random assignment of subjects to groups; matching subjects on
extraneous variable(s) and then assigning subjects randomly to groups; making groups that are as
homogenous as possible on extraneous variable(s); application of statistical technique of analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA); balancing means and standard deviations of the groups.
Manipulation : Manipulation refers to a deliberate operation of the conditions by the researcher. In this
process, a pre‐determined set of conditions, called independent variable or experimental variable. It is
also called treatment variable. Such variables are imposed on the subjects of experiment. In specific
terms manipulation refers to deliberate operation of independent variable on the subjects of
experimental group by the researcher to observe its effect. Sex, socio‐economic status, intelligence,
method of teaching, training or qualification of teacher, and classroom environment are the major
independent variables in educational research. If the researcher, for example, wants to study the effect
of ‘X’ method of teaching on the achievement of students in mathematics, the independent variable here
is the method of teaching. The researcher in this experiment needs to manipulate ‘X’ i.e. the method of
teaching. In other words, the researcher has to teach the experimental groups using ‘X’ method and see
its effect on achievement.
Observation : In experimental research, the experimenter observes the effect of the manipulation of the
independent variable on dependent variable. The dependent variable, for example, may be performance
or achievement in a task.
Replication : Replication is a matter of conducting a number of sub‐experiments, instead of one
experiment only, within the framework of the same experimental design. The researcher may make a
multiple comparison of a number of cases of the control group and a number of cases of the
experimental group. In some experimental situations, a number of control and experimental groups,
each consisting of equivalent subjects, are combined within a single experiment.
Q.1) What are the characteristics of experimental research?
Experimental design is the blueprint of the procedures that enable the researcher to test hypotheses
by reaching valid conclusions about relationships between independent and dependent variables (Best,
1982, p.68). Thus, it provides the researcher an opportunity for the comparison as required in the
hypotheses of the experiment and enables him to make a meaningful interpretation of the results of the
study. The designs deal with practical problems associated with the experimentation such as: (i) how
subjects are to be selected for experimental and control groups, (ii) the ways through which variables are to
be manipulated and controlled, (iii) the ways in which extraneous variables are to be controlled, how
observations are to be made, and (iv) the type of statistical analysis to be employed.
Variables are the conditions or characteristics that the experimenter manipulates, controls, or
observes. The independent variables are the conditions or characteristics that the experimenter manipulates
or controls in his or her attempt to study their relationships to the observed phenomena. The dependent
variables are the conditions or characteristics that appear or disappear or change as the experimenter
introduces, removes or changes the independent variable. In educational research teaching method is an
example of independent variable and the achievement of the students is an example of dependent variable.
There are some confounding variables that might influence the dependent variable. Confounding variables
are of two types; intervening and extraneous variables. Intervening variables are those variables that
cannot be controlled or measured but may influence the dependent variable. Extraneous variables are not
manipulated by the researcher but influence the dependent variable. It is impossible to eliminate all
extraneous variables, but sound experimental design enables the researcher to more or less neutralize their
influence on dependent variables.
There are various types of experimental designs. The selection of a particular design depends upon
factors like nature and purpose of experiment, the type of variables to be manipulated, the nature of the
data, the facilities available for carrying out the experiment and the competence of the experimenter.
The following categories of experimental research designs are popular in educational research:
(i) Pre‐experimental designs – They are least effective and provide little or no control of extraneous
(ii) True experimental designs – employ randomization to control the effects of variables such as
history, maturation, testing, statistical regression, and mortality.
(iii) Quasi‐experimental designs – provide less satisfactory degree of control and are used only when
randomization is not feasible.
(iv) Factorial designs‐ more than one independent variables can be manipulated simultaneously. Both
independent and interaction effects of two or more than two factors can be studied with the help of
this factorial design.
Symbols used :
In discussing experimental designs a few symbols are used.
E – Experimental group
C – Control group
X – Independent variable
Y – Dependent variable
R – Random assignment of subjects to groups
Yb – Dependent variable measures taken before experiment / treatment (pre‐test)
Ya – Dependent variable measures taken after experiment/ treatment (Post‐test)
Mr – Matching subjects and then random assignment to groups.
a. Pre-Experimental design :
There are two types of pre‐experimental designs:
1. The one group pre‐test post‐test design :
This is a simple experimental research design without involvement of a control group. In this design
the experimenter takes dependent variable measures (Yb) before the independent variable (X) is
manipulated and again takes its measures (Ya) afterwards: The difference if any, between the two
measurements (Yb and Ya) is computed and is ascribed to the manipulation of X.
Yb X Ya
The experimenter, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of computer‐based instruction (CBI) in
teaching of science to grade V students, administers an achievement test to the whole class (Yb) before
teaching through CBI. The test is administered over the same class again to measure Ya. The means of Yb
and Ya are compared and the difference if any is ascribed to effect of X, i.e. teaching through CBI.
The design has the inherent limitation of using one group only. The design also lacks scope of
controlling extraneous variables like history, maturation, pre‐test sensitization, and statistical regression
2. The two groups static design :
This design provides some improvement over the previous by adding a control group which is not
exposed to the experimental treatment. The experimenter may take two sections of grade-V of one school
or grade-V of one school or grade-V students of two different schools (intact classes) as experimental and
control groups respectively and assume the two groups to be equivalent. No pre-test is taken to ascertain it.
Group Independent Variable Post‐test
E X Ya
C ‐ Ya
This design compares the post-test scores of experimental group (Ya E) that has received
experimental treatment (X) with that of control group (Ya C) that has not received X.
The major limitation of the design is that there is no provision for establishing the equivalence of
the experimental (E) and control (C) groups. However, since no pretest is used, this design controls for
the effects of extraneous variables such history, maturation, and pre‐testing.
Check your progress – 2
Q.2) What is pre‐experimental design?
b. Quasi‐Experimental Design :
Researchers commonly try to establish equivalence between the experimental and control groups,
the extent they are successful in doing so; to this extent the design is valid. Sometimes it is extremely
difficult or impossible to equate groups by random selection or random assignment, or by matching. In
such situations, the researcher uses quasi‐experimental design.
The Non-Equivalent Groups Design is probably the most frequently used design in social
research. It is structured like a pretest-posttest randomized experiment, but it lacks the key feature of the
randomized designs -- random assignment. In the Non-Equivalent Groups Design, we most often use intact
groups that we think are similar as the treatment and control groups. In education, we might pick two
comparable classrooms or schools. In community-based research, we might use two similar communities.
We try to select groups that are as similar as possible so we can fairly compare the treated one with the
comparison one. But we can never be sure the groups are comparable. Or, put another way, it's unlikely
that the two groups would be as similar as they would if we assigned them through a random lottery.
Because it's often likely that the groups are not equivalent, this designed was named the nonequivalent
group design to remind us.
Yb ‐ Ya (Control)
So, what does the term "nonequivalent" mean? In one sense, it just means that assignment to group
was not random. In other words, the researcher did not control the assignment to groups through the
mechanism of random assignment. As a result, the groups may be different prior to the study. This design
is especially susceptible to the internal validity threat of selection. Any prior differences between the
groups may affect the outcome of the study. Under the worst circumstances, this can lead us to conclude
that our program didn't make a difference when in fact it did, or that it did make a difference when in fact
it didn't.
The counterbalanced design may be used when the random assignment of subject to
experimental group and control group is not possible. This design is also known as rotation group design.
In counterbalanced design each group of subject is assigned to experimental treatment at different times
during the experiment. This design overcomes the weakness of non‐equivalent design. When intact
groups are used, rotation of groups provides an opportunity to eliminate any differences that might exist
between the groups. Since all the groups are exposed to all the treatments, the results obtained cannot
be attributed to the preexisting differences in the subjects. The limitation of this design is that there is
carry‐over effect of the groups from one treatment to the next. Therefore, this design should be used
only when the experimental treatments are such that the administration of one treatment on a group
will have no effect on the next treatment. There is possibility of boring students with repeated testing.
Check your progress – 3
How does pre‐experimental design differ from quasi experimental design?
c. True experimental design :
True experimental designs are used in educational research because they ascertain equivalence of
experimental and control groups by random assignment of subjects to these groups, and thus, control the
effects of extraneous variables like history, maturation, testing, measuring instruments, statistical
regression and mortality. This design, in contrast to pre-experimental design, is a better and used in
educational research wherever possible.
1. Two groups, randomized subjects, post‐test only design:
This is one of the most effective designs in minimizing the threats to experimental validity. In this
design subjects are assigned to experimental and control groups by random assignment which controls
all possible extraneous variables, e.g. testing, statistical regression, mortality etc. At the end of
experiment the difference between the mean post‐test scores of the experimental and control group are
put to statistical test –‘t’ test or analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the differences between the means are
found significant, it can be attributed to the effect of (X), the independent variable.
E X Ya
C ‐ Ya
The main advantage of this design is random assignment of subjects to groups, which assures the
equivalence of the groups prior to experiment. Further, this design, in the absence of pretest, controls the
effects of history, maturation and pre-testing etc.
This design is useful in the experimental studies at the pre‐primary or primary stage and the
situations in which a pre‐test is not appropriate or not available.
2. Two groups, randomized matched subject, post‐test only design :
This design, instead of using random assignment of subjects to experimental and control group, uses
the technique of matching. In this technique, the subjects are paired so that their scores on matching
variable(s), i.e. the extraneous variable(s) the experimenter wants to control, are as close as possible. One
subject of each pair is randomly assigned to one group and the other to the second group. The groups are
designated as experimental and control by random assignment (tossing a coin).
E X Ya
C ‐ Ya
This design is mainly used where “two groups randomized subjects, post-test only” design is not
applicable and where small groups are to be used. The random assignment of subjects to groups after
matching adds to the strength of this design. The major limitation of the design is that it is very difficult to
use matching as a method of controlling extraneous variables because in some situations it is not possible
to locate a match and some subjects are excluded from the experiment.
3.Two groups randomized subjects, pre‐test post‐test design :
In this design subjects are assigned to the experimental group and the control group at random and
are given a pre-test (Yb). The treatment is introduced only to the experimental group, after which the two
groups are measured on dependent variable. The difference in scores or gain scores (D) in respect of pre-
test and post-test (Ya – Yb = D) is found for each group and the difference in scores of both the groups (De
and Dc) is compared in order to ascertain whether the experimental treatment produced a significant
change. Unless the effect of the experimental manipulation is strong, the analysis of the differential score
is not advisable (Kerlinger, 1973, p-336). If they are analyzed, however, a ‘t’ or ‘F’ test is used.
The main advantages of this design include:
• Through initial randomization and pre‐testing equivalence between the two groups can be ensured.
• Randomization seems to control most of the extraneous variables.
But the design does not guarantee external validity of the experiment as the pretest may increase
the subjects’ sensitivity to the manipulation of X.
4. The Solomon three groups design :
This design, developed by Solomon seeks to overcome the difficulty of the design: Randomized
Groups, Pre-test Posttest Design, i.e. the interactive effects of pre-testing and the experimental
manipulation. This is achieved by employing a second control group (C2) which is not pre-tested but is
exposed to the experimental treatment (X).
E Yb X Ya
This design provides scope for comparing post‐tests (Ya) scores for the three groups. Even though
the experimental group has a significantly higher mean score as compared to that of the first control
group (YaE > Ya C1), one cannot be confident that this difference is due to the experimental treatment (X).
It might have occurred because of the subjects’ pre‐test sensitization. But, if the mean Ya scores of the
second control group is also higher as compared to that of the first control group (Ya C2 > Ya Cl), then one
can assume that the experimental treatment has produced the difference rather than the pre‐test
sensitization, since C2 is not pre‐tested.
5. The Solomon four group design :
This design is an extension of Solomon three group design and is really a combination of two two-
groups designs: (i) Two groups randomized subjects pre-test post-test design; and (ii) Two group
randomized subjects post-test only design. This design provides rigorous control over extraneous variables
and also provides opportunity for multiple comparisons to determine the effects of the experimental
treatment (X).
In this design the subjects are randomly assigned to the four groups. One experimental (E) and
three control (Cl, C2 and C3). The experimental and the first control group (E and C1) are pre‐tested
groups, and the second and third control groups (C2 and C3) are not pre‐tested groups. If the post‐test
mean scores of experimental group (Ya E) is significantly greater than the post‐test mean score of the first
control group (Ya C1); and also the post test mean score of the second control group (Ya C2) is significantly
greater than the post‐test mean score of the third control group (Ya C3), the experimenter arrives at the
conclusion that the experimental treatment (X) has effect.
E Yb X Ya
C1 Yb ‐ Ya
C2 ‐ X Ya
C3 ‐ ‐ Ya
This design is considered to be strong one as it actually involves conducting the experiment twice,
once with pre-test and once without pre-test. Therefore, if the results of these two experiments are in
agreement, the experimenter can have much greater confidence in his findings. The design seems to have
two sources of weakness. One is practicability as it is difficult to conduct two simultaneous experiments,
and the researcher encounters the difficulty of locating more subjects of the same kind. The other difficulty
is statistical. Since the design involves four sets of measures for four groups and the experimenter has to
make comparison between the experimental and first control group and between second and third control
groups there is no single statistical procedure that would make use of the six available measures
How does true experimental design differ from quasi experimental design?
Experiments may be designed to study simultaneously the effects of two or more variables. Such
an experiment is called factorial experiment. Experiments in which the treatments are combinations of
levels of two or more factors are said to be factorial. If all possible treatment combinations are studied,
the experiment is said to be a complete factorial experiment. When two independent factors have two
levels each, we call it as 2x2 (spoken "two‐by‐two”) factorial design. When three independent factors
have two levels each, we call it 2x2x2 factorial design. Similarly, we may have 2x3, 3x3, 3x4, 3x3x3,
2x2x2x2, etc.
Simple Factorial Design :
A simple factorial design is 2x2 factorial design. In this design there are two independent variables
and each of the variables has two levels. One advantage is that information is obtained about the
interaction of factors. Both independent and interaction effects of two or more than two factors can be
studied with the help of this factorial design.
In factorial designs, a factor is a major independent variable. In this example we have two factors:
methods of teaching and intelligence level of the students. A level is a subdivision of a factor. In this
example, method of teaching has two levels and intelligence has two levels. Sometimes we depict a
factorial design with a numbering notation. In this example, we can say that we have a 2 x 2 (spoken
"two‐by‐two”) factorial design. In this notation, the number of numbers tells us how many factors there
are and the number values tell how many levels. The number of different treatment groups that we have
in any factorial design can easily be determined by multiplying through the number notation. For
instance, in our example we have 2x2 = 4 groups. In our notational example, we would need 3 x 4 = 12
groups. Full factorial experiment is an experiment whose design consists of two or more factors, each
with discrete possible values or "levels", and whose experimental units take on all possible combinations
of these levels across all such factors. A full factorial design may also be called a fully‐crossed design.
Such an experiment allows studying the effect of each factor on the response variable, as well as the
effects of interactions between factors on the response variable.
For the vast majority of factorial experiments, each factor has only two levels. For example, with
two factors each taking two levels, a factorial experiment would have four treatment combinations in total,
and is usually called a 2×2 factorial design. The first independent variable, which is manipulated, has two
values called the experimental variable. The second independent variable, which is divided into levels,
may be called control variable. For example, there are two experimental treatments, that is, teaching
through co-operative learning and teaching through lecture method. It is observed that there may be
differential effects of these methods on different levels of intelligence of the students. On the basis of the
IQ score the experimenter divides the students into two groups: one high intelligent group and the other the
low intelligent group. There are four groups of students within each of the two levels of intelligence.
Since one of the objectives is to compare various combinations of these groups, the experimenter
has to obtain the mean scores for each row and each column. The experimenter can first study the main
effect of the two independent variables and the interaction effect between the intelligence level and
teaching method.
In a nested design, each subject receives one, and only one, treatment condition. In a nested design,
the levels of one factor appear only within one level of another factor. The levels of the first factor are
said to be nested within the level(s) of the second factor. When variables such as race, income and
education, etc. may be found only at a particular level of the independent variable, these variables are
called nested variables. In these studies the various nested variables are grouped for the study. For
example, a researcher is studying school effectiveness with academic achievement of students as the
indicator or criterion variable. In this type of research, school type can be nested within individual schools
which can be nested within classrooms. The major distinguishing feature of nested designs is that each
subject has a single score. The effect, if any, occurs between groups of subjects and thus the name
“Between Subjects” is given to these designs. The relative advantages and disadvantages of nested
designs are opposite those of crossed designs. First, carry over effects are not a problem, as individuals
are measured only once. Second, the number of subjects needed to discover effects is greater than with
crossed designs. Some treatments by their nature are nested. The effect of gender, for example, is
necessarily nested. One is either a male or a female, but not both. Religion is another example.
Treatment conditions which rely on a pre‐existing condition are sometimes called demographic or
blocking factors.
Crossed Design :
In a crossed design each subject sees each level of the treatment conditions. In a very simple
experiment, such as one that studies the effects of caffeine on alertness, each subject would be exposed to
both a caffeine condition and a no caffeine condition. For example, using the members of a statistics class
as subjects, the experiment might be conducted as follows. On the first day of the experiment, the class is
divided in half with one half of the class getting coffee with caffeine and the other half getting coffee
without caffeine. A measure of alertness is taken for each individual, such as the number of yawns during
the class period. On the second day the conditions are reversed; that is, the individuals who received coffee
with caffeine are now given coffee without and vice-versa. The size of the effect will be the difference of
alertness on the days with and without caffeine.
The distinguishing feature of crossed designs is that each individual will have more than one score.
The effect occurs within each subject, thus these designs are sometimes referred to as ‘within subjects’
Crossed designs have two advantages. One, they generally require fewer subjects, because each
subject is used a number of times in the experiment. Two, they are more likely to result in a significant
effect, given the effects are real.
Crossed designs also have disadvantages. One, the experimenter must be concerned about carry-
over effects. For example, individuals not used to caffeine may still feel the effects of caffeine on the
second day, even though they did not receive the drug. Two, the first measurements taken may influence
the second. For example, if the measurement of interest was score on a statistics test, taking the test once
may influence performance the second time the test is taken. Three, the assumptions necessary when more
than two treatment levels are employed in a crossed design may be restrictive.
Many experiments involve single treatment or variable with two or more levels. First, a group of
experimental subjects may be divided into independent groups, using a random method. Different
treatment may be applied to each group. One group may be a control group, a group to which no
treatment is applied. For meaningful interpretation of experiment, results obtained under treatment may
be compared with results obtained in the absence of treatment. Comparison may be made between
treatments and between treatment and a control.
Some single factor experiments involve a single group of subjects. Each subject receives
treatments. Repeated observations or measurements are made on the same subjects.
Some single factor experiments may consists of groups that are matched on one or more variables
which are known to be correlated with the dependent variable. For example IQ may be correlated with
An example of single factor Experiment :
It is believed that the amount of time a player warms up at the beginning will have a significant
impact on his game, lawn tennis. The hypothesis is that if he does not warm up at all or only for a brief
time (less than 15 minutes), he will be stiff and his score will be poor. However, if he warms up too much
(over 40 minutes), he will be tired and his game score will also suffer. He needs to choose levels of
warming up to test this hypothesis that are significantly different enough. The levels he will test are
warming up for 0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes.
Validity of experimentation :
An experiment must have two types of validity: internal validity and external validity (Campbell
and Stanley, 1963):
Internal validity :
Internal validity refers to the extent to which the manipulated or independent variables actually have
a genuine effect on the observed results or dependent variable and the observed results were not affected
by the extraneous variables. This validity is affected by the lack of control of extraneous variables.
External validity :
External validity is the extent to which the relationships among the variables can be generalized
outside the experimental setting like other population, other variables. This validity is concerned with the
generalizability or representativeness of the findings of experiment, i.e. to what population, setting and
variables can the results of the experiment be generalized.
Factors affecting validity of experimentation :
History : The variables, other than the independent variables, that may occur between the first and the
second measurement of the subjects (Pre‐test and post test).
Maturation : The changes that occur in the subjects over a period of time and confused with the effects
of the independent variables.
Testing : Pre‐testing, at the beginning of an experiment, may be sensitive to subjects, which may produce
a change among them and may affect their post‐test performance.
Measuring Instruments : Different measuring instruments, scorers, interviewers or the observers used at
the pre and post testing stages; and unreliable measuring instruments or techniques are threats to the
validity of an experiment.
Statistical regression : It refers to the tendency for extreme scores to regress or move towards the
common mean on subsequent measures. The subjects who scored high on a pre‐test are likely to score
relatively low on the retest whereas the subjects who scored low on the pre‐test are likely to score high
on the retest.
Experimental mortality : It refers to the differential loss of subjects from the comparison groups. Such
loss of subjects may affect the findings of the study. For example, if some subjects in the experimental
group who received the low scores on the pre‐test drop out after taking the test, this group may show
higher mean on the post‐test than the control group.
Differential selection of subjects : It refers to difference between/among groups on some important
variables related to the dependent variable before application of the experimental treatment.
All experimental designs have one central characteristic: they are based on manipulating the
independent variable and measuring the effect on the dependent variable. Experimental designs result in
inferences drawn from the data that explain the relationships between the variables.
The classic experimental design consists of the experimental group and the control group. In the
experimental group the independent variable is manipulated. In the control the dependent variable is
measured when no alteration has been made on the independent variable. The dependent variable is
measured in the experimental group the same way, and at the same time, as in the control group.
The prediction is that the dependent variable in the experimental group will change in a specific
way and that the dependent variable in the control group will not change.
Controlling Unwanted Influences :
To obtain a reliable answer to the research question, the design should eliminate unwanted
influences. The amount of control that the researcher has over the variables being studied varies, from
very little in exploratory studies to a great deal in experimental design, but the limitations on control must
be addressed in any research proposal.
These unwanted influences stem from one or more of the following: extraneous variables, bias, the
Hawthorne effect, and the passage of time.
Extraneous Variables :
Extraneous variables are variables that can interfere with the action of the independent variable.
Since they are not part of the study, their influence must be controlled.
In the research literature, the extraneous variables also referred to as intervening variables, directly
affect the action of the independent variable on the dependent variables. Intervening variables are those
variables that occur in the study setting. They include economic, physical, and psychological variables.
Therefore, it is important to control extraneous variables to study the effect of independent variable on
dependent variable. We must be very careful to control all possible extraneous variables that might
intervene the dependant variable.
Randomization : Theoretically, randomization is the only method of controlling all possible
extraneous variables. The random assignment of subjects to the various treatment and control groups
means that the groups can be considered statistically equal in all ways at the beginning of the
experiment. It does not mean that they actually are equal for all variables.
However, the probability of their being equal is greater than the probability of their not being equal,
if the random assignment was carried out properly. The exception lies with small groups where random
assignment could result in unequal distribution of crucial variables. If this possibility exists, the other
method would be more appropriate. In most instances, however, randomization is the best method of
controlling extraneous variables.
A random sampling technique results in a normal distribution of extraneous variables in the sample;
this approximates the distribution of those variables in the population. The purpose of randomization is to
ensure a representative sample.
Randomization comes into play when we randomly assign subjects to experimental and control
groups, thus ensuring that the groups are as equivalent as possible prior to the manipulation of the
independent variable. Random assignment assures that the researcher is unbiased. Instead, assignment is
predetermined for each subject.
Homogeneous Sample : One simple and effective way of controlling an extraneous variable is not to
allow it to vary. We may choose a sample that is homogenous for that variable. For example, if a
researcher believes that gender of the subject might affect the dependant variable, he/she could select
the subjects of the desired gender only. If the researcher believes that socioeconomic status might
influence the dependant variable, he/she would select subject from a particular range of socio
economic status. After selecting students from a homogenous population the researcher may assign the
subjects to experimental and control group randomly.
Matching : When randomization is not possible, or when the experimental groups are too small and
contain some crucial variables, subjects can be matched for those variables. The experimenter chooses
subjects who match each other for the specified variables. One of these matched subjects is assigned to
the control group and the other to the experimental group, thus ensuring the equality of the groups at
the outset.
The process of matching is time consuming and introduces considerable subjectivity into sample
selection. Therefore, it should be avoided whenever possible. If we use matching, limit the number of
groups to be matched and keep the number of variables for which the subjects are matched low. Matching
with more than five variables becomes extremely cumbersome, and it is almost impossible to find enough
matched partners for the sample. Matching may be used in all research designs when we are looking at
certain outcomes and want to have as much control as possible.
Building Extraneous Variables into the Design : When extraneous variables cannot be adequately
controlled by randomization, they can be built into the design as independent variables. They would
have to be added to the purpose of study and tested for significance along with other variables. In this
way, their effect can be measured and separated from the effect of the independent variable.
Statistical Control : In experimental designs, the effect of the extraneous variables can be subtracted
statistically from the total action of the variables. The technique of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
may be used for this purpose. Here, one or more extraneous variables are measured along with the
dependant variables. This method adds to the cost of the study because of the additional data collection
and analysis required. Therefore, it should be used only as a last resort.
1. As an experimenter, how will you control the effect of extraneous and intervening variables?
References :
Campbell, D. T. & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research..
Chicago: Rand McNally.
Fisher, R. A. (1959). Statistical Methods & Scientific Inference. New York: Hafner Publishing.
Gay, L.R. (1987). Educational Research, Englewood Cliffs NJ: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Kerlinger, F.N. (1964) : Foundations of Behavioural Research (2nd Ed.), Surjeet Publications, New Delhi.
Koul, L. (1984): Methodology of Educational Research (2nd Ed.), Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
Stockburger, David W. (1998): Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications, (2nd Ed),
Unit Structure
8.0 Steps of Preparing a Research Tool
8.1 Types of Validity
8.2 Factors affecting validity
8.3 Reliability
8.4 The methods of Estimating Reliability
8.5 Item Analysis
8.6 Steps involved in Item – Analysis
The first step in preparing a research tool is to develop a pool of item. This is followed by item
analysis which involves computing difficulty index and discrimination index of each item. This is followed
by ascertaining the validity of the tool.
(i) Validity : Validity is the most important consideration in the selection and use of any testing
procedures. The validity of a test, or of any measuring instrument, depends upon the degree of
exactness with which something is reproduced/copied or with which it measures what it purports to
The validity of a test may be defined as “the accuracy with which a test measures what it attempts
to measure.” It is also defined as “The efficiency with which a test measures what it attempts to
measure”. Lindquist has defined validity – “As the accuracy with which it measures that which is intended
to as the degree to which it approaches infallibility in measuring what it purports to measure”.
On the basis of the preceding definitions, it is seen that
• Validity is a matter of degree. It maybe high, moderate or low.
• Validity is specific rather than general. A test may be valid for one specific purpose but not for
another Valid for one specific group of students but not for another.
(i) Content Validity : According to Anastasi (1968), “content validity involves essentially the systematic
examination of the text content to determine whether it covers a representative sample of the
bahaviour domain to be measured”. It refers to how well our tool sample represents the universe of
criterion behaviour. Content validity is employed in the selection of items in research tools. The
validation of content through competent judgments is satisfactory when the sampling of items is wide
and judicious.
(ii) Criterion‐related Validity : This is also known as empirical validity.
There are two forms of criterion‐related validity.
a) Predictive Validity : It refers to how well the scores obtained on the tool predict future criterion
b) Concurrent Validity : It refers to how well the scores obtained on the tool are correlated with present
criterion behaviour.
(iii) Construct Validity : It is the extent to which the tool measures a theoretical construct or trait or
psychological variable. It refers to how well our tool seems to measure a hypothesized trait.
The following points influence the validity of a test :
(I) Unclear Direction : If directions do not clearly indicate to the respondent how to respond to tool
items, the validity of a tool is reduced.
(II) Vocabulary : If the vocabulary of the respondent is poor, the he/she fails to respond to the tool
item, even if he/she knows the answer. It becomes a reading comprehension text for him/her, and
the validity decreases.
(III) Difficult Sentence Construction : If a sentence is so constructed as to be difficult to understand,
respondents would be confused, which will affect the validity of the tool.
(IV) Poorly Constructed Test Items: These reduce the validity of a test.
(V) Use of Inappropriate Items : The use of inappropriate items lowers validity.
(VI) Difficulty Level of Items : In an achievement test, too easy or too difficult test items would not
discriminate among students. Thereby the validity of a test is lowered.
(VII) Influence of Extraneous Factors: Extraneous factors like the style of expression, legibility,
mechanics of grammar, (Spelling, punctuation) handwriting, length of the tool, influence the validity
of a tool.
(VIII) Inappropriate Time Limit : In a speed test, if no time limit is given he result will be invalidated. In a
power test, an inappropriate time limit will lower its validity. Our tests are both power and speed
tests. Hence care should be taken in fixing the time limit.
(IX) Inappropriate Coverage : If the does not cover all aspects of the construct being measured
adequately, its content validity will be adversely affected due to inadequate sampling of items.
(X) Inadequate Weightage : Inadequate weightage to some dimensions, sub‐topics or objectives would
call into question the validity of tool.
(XI) Halo Effect : If a respondent has formed a poor impression about one aspect of the concept, item,
person, issue being measured, he/she is likely to rate that concept, item, person, issue poor on all
other aspects too. Similarly, good impression about one aspect of the concept, item, person, issue
being measured, he/she is likely to rate that concept, item, person, issue high on all other aspects
too. This is known as the halo‐effect which lowers the validity of the tool about one aspect of the
concept, item, person, issue being measured, he/she is likely to rate that concept, item, person,
issue poor on all other aspects too..
A test score is called reliable when we have reasons of believing the score to be stable and
trustworthy. If we measure a student s level of achievement, we hope that his score would be similar
under different administrators, using different scores, with similar but not identical items, or during a
different time of the day. The reliability of a test may be defined as‐
“The degree of consistency with which the test measures what it does measure”.
Anastasi (1968) “Reliability means consistency of scores obtained by same individual when re‐
examined with the test on different sets of equivalent items or under other variable examining
A psychological or educational measurement is indirect and is connected with less precise
instruments or traits that are not always stable. There are many reasons why a pupil’s test score may
vary –
a) Trait Instability : The characteristics we measure may change over a period of time.
b) Administrative Error : Any change in direction, timing or amount of rapport with the test
administrative may cause score variability.
c) Scoring Error : Inaccuracies in scoring a test paper will affect the scores.
d) Sampling Error : Any particular questions we ask in order to infer a person’s knowledge may affect
his score.
e) Other Factors : Such as health, motivation, degree of fatigue of the pupil, good or bad luck in
guessing may cause score variability.
The four procedures in common use for computing the reliability coefficient of a test
a) Test – Retest Method
b) The Alternate or Parallel Forms Method.
c) The Internal Consistency Reliability
d) The Inter‐rater Reliability
a) Test‐Retest (Repetition) Method (Co‐efficient of Stability) : In test – retest method the single form of
a test is administered twice on the same sample with a reasonable gap. Thus two set of scores are
obtained by administering a test twice. The correlation Co‐efficient is computed between the two set
of scores as the reliability index. If the test is repeated immediately, many subjects will recall their
first answers and spend their time on new material, thus tending to increase their scores. Immediate
memory effects, practice and the confidence induced by familiarity with the material will affect scores
when the test is taken for a second time. And, if the interval between tests is rather long, growth
changes will affect the retest score and tends to lower the reliability coefficient.
A high test – retest reliability or co‐efficient of stability shows that there is low variable error in the
sets of obtained scores and vice‐versa. The error variance contributes inversely to the coefficient of
b) Alternate or Parallel forms Method (Co‐efficient of Equivalence Reliability) : When alternative or
parallel forms of a test can be developed, the correlation between Form‐‘A’ and Form ’B’ may be
taken as a reliability index.
The reliability index depends upon the alikeness of two forms of the test. When the two forms are
virtually alike, reliability is too high, when they are not sufficient alike, reliability will be too low. The
two forms of the test are administered on same sample of subjects on the same day after a
considerable gap. Pearson’s method of correlation is used for calculating of correlation between the
sets of scores obtained by administering the two forms of the test. The co‐efficient of correlation is
termed as co‐efficient of equivalence.
d) The method of ‘Rational Equivalence (Co‐efficient of Internal Consistency) : The method of rational
equivalence stresses the inter correlations of items in the test and the correlations of the items with
the test as a whole. The assumption is that all items have the same or equal difficulty value, but not
necessary the same persons solve each item correctly.
Factors Influencing Reliability :
(i) Interval : With any method involving two setting testing occasions, the longer the interval of time
between two test administration, the lower the co‐efficient will tend to be.
(ii) Test Length : Adding equivalent items makes a test more reliable, while deleting them makes it less
A longer test will provide amore adequate sample of the behaviour being measured and the scores
are apt to be less influenced by chance factors.
Lengthening of a test by a number of practical considerations like time, fatigue, boredom, limited
stock of good items.
(iii) Inappropriate Time Limit : A test is considered to be a pure speed test if everyone who reaches an
item gets it right, but no one has the time to finish all the items. A power test is one in which
everyone has time to try all the items but, because of the difficulty level, no one obtains a perfect
(iv)Group Homogeneity : Other things being equal, the more heterogeneous the group, the higher the
reliability. The test is more reliable when applied to a group of pupils with a wide range of ability than
one with a narrow range of ability.
(v) Difficulty of the Items : Tests in which there is little variability among the scores give lower reliability
estimates that tests in which the variability is high. Too difficult or too easy tests for a group will tend
to be less reliable because the differences among the pupils in such tests are narrow.
(vi) Objectivity of Scoring : The more subjectively a measure is scored, the lower its reliability.
Objective‐type tests are more reliable than subjective/Essay type tests.
(vii) Ambiguous Wording of Items : When the questions are interpreted in different ways at different
times by the same pupils, the test becomes less reliable.
(viii) Inconsistency in Test Administration : Such as deviations in timing, procedure, instructions, etc.
fluctuations in interests and attention of the pupils, Shifts in emotional attitude make a test less
(ix) Optional Questions : If optional questions are given, the same pupils may not attempt the same
items on a second administration, thereby the reliability of the test is reduced.
Item analysis begins after the test is over. The responses of the examinees are to be analysed to
check the effectiveness of the test items. The teacher must come to some judgments regarding the
difficulty level, discriminating power and content validity of items. Only those items which are effective
are to be retained, while those which are not should either be discarded or improved. This is known as
the process of item‐analysis.
A test should be neither too easy nor too difficult; and each item should discriminate validity
among the high and low achieving students.
(i) The difficulty value of each item.
(ii) The discriminating power of each item.
(iii) The effectiveness of distracters in the given item.
(i) Arrange the response sheets from the highest score the lowest score.
(ii) From the ordered set of response sheets, make two groups. Put those with the highest scores in
one group (top 27%) and those with the lowest scores (lowest 27%) in the order group. The
responses of the respondents in the middle 46% of the group are not included in the analysis.
(iii) For each item (T/F, completion types) count the number of respondents in each group who
answered the item correctly. For alternate response type of items, count the number of students in
each group who choose each alternate.
A] Estimating Item Difficulty :
The difficulty of a test is indicated by the percentage of pupils who get the item right
R 100
Difficulty = ×
N 1
R – number of pupils who answered the item correctly
N – total number of pupils who attempted the item.
The higher the difficulty index, the easier the item. If an item is too difficult, it cannot discriminate
at all and adds nothing to test reliability or validity. An item having 0% or 100% difficulty index has no
discriminating value, Half of the items may have difficulty indices between 25% and 75%. One‐fourth of
the items should have a diificulty index greater than 0,75 and one‐fourth of the items should have a
diificulty index less than 0.25..
B] Estimating Discrimination Index :
The discriminating power of a tool item refers to the degree to which it discriminates between the
bright and the dull pupils in a group.
An estimate of an item’s discriminating power can be obtained by the formula:
Ru – RL
Discriminating power =
1 N
Ru – Number of correct responses from upper group.
RL – Number of correct responses from lower group.
N – Total number of pupils who attempted the item.
If all the respondents from the upper and lower group answer an item correctly or if all fail to
answer it correctly, the item has no validity, since in neither case does the item separate the good from
the poor respondents in the sample.
The item has a high discrimination power if the number of high scorers is greater in the upper
group as compared to the number of high scorers in the lower group.
Items have zero or negative validity need to be discarded.
The higher the discrimination index, the better the item.
Thus the results of item‐analysis help one judge the worth or quality of a tool and also help in
revising the tool items.
(v) Standardisation of a Tool : A tool is said to be standardized if it is constructed according to some 1)
well defined procedure; 2) administered according to definite instructions; 3) scored according to a
define plan and 4) that it provides a statement of norms.
A tool is standardized in respect of content; method of administration; method of scoring; and
setting up of norms.
Thus standardization is a process for refining a measuring instrument through scientific
Its steps are as follows :
1. Preparing a draft form of the tool and writing items as per the operational definition of the tool.
Items should be selected in such a way that the expected respondent behaviour in different
situations is reflected in the items.
2. Computing discrimination index and difficulty index (if it is a test) of the items. In other words,
conducting item analysis. Through this process, item validity is established.
3. Ascertaining content validity, face validity, construct validity and criterian validity as the case
may be.
4. Ascertaining the reliability of the tool.
5. Fixing the time limit. This includes recording the time taken by different individuals at the time
of the preliminary try out so as to fix the time limit for the final administration of the tool. It also
depends upon the purpose of the tool. Time allowances must always take into consideration the
age and ability of the respondents, the type of items used and the complexity of the learning
outcomes to be measured.
6. Writing the directions for administering the tool. Careful instructions for responding to
different type of items and for recording responses should be given/provided. The directions
should be clear, complete and concise so that each and every respondent knows what he/she is
expected to do. The respondent should be instructed how and where to mark the items, the time
allowed and reduction of errors, if any, to be made in scoring. Instructions for scoring are to be
given in the test manual.
7. Preparing a scoring key. To ensure objectivity in scoring, the scoring should be done in a pre‐
determined manner. In quantitative research, scoring key is prepared in advance.
9. Preparing manual of the tool. Every standardized tool should be accompanied by the tool
manual. The purpose of the manual is to explain what the tool is supposed to measure, how it
was constructed, how it should be administered and scored and how the results should be
interpreted and used. It should also explain the nature of the sample selected, the number of
cases in the sample and the procedure of obtaining the norms. The manual should display the
weaknesses as well as the strengths of the tool and should provide examples of ways in which the
tool can be used as well as warnings concerning limitations and possible misuse of the results.
Suggested Readings
1. Best, J. and Kahn, J. Research in Education (9 ed), New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
3. Garret, H. E. Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: Longmans Green and Co. 5th edition
Unit Structure :
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Rating scale
9.3 Attitude scale
9.4 Opinionnaire
9.5 Questionnaire
9.6 Checklist
9.7 Semantic Differentiate scale
9.8 Psychological Test
9.9 Inventory
9.10 Observation
9.11 Interview
9.12 Let us sum up
• State different types of tools and techniques used for data collection
• Distinguish the basic difference between tools and techniques.
• Describe concept, purpose and uses of various tools and techniques in research.
• State the tools coming under enquiry form, psychological test observation and Interview.
In the last chapter, you have studied about how to prepare a research tool. In this chapter we will
study what are those research tools, their concepts and uses in collection of data.
In every research work, if is essential to collect factual material or data unknown or untapped so far.
They can be obtained from many sources, direct or indirect. It is necessary to adopt a systematic
procedure to collect essential data. Relevant data, adequate in quantity and quality should be collected.
They should be sufficient, reliable and valid.
For checking new, unknown data required for the study of any problem you may use various
devices, instruments, apparatus and appliances. For each and every type of research we need certain
instruments to gather new facts or to explore new fields. The instruments thus employed as means for
collecting data are called tools.
The selection of suitable instruments or tools is of vital importance for successful research.
Different tools are suitable for collecting various kinds of information for various purposes. The research
worker may use one or more of the tools in combination for his purpose. Research students should
therefore familiarise themselves with the varities of tools with their nature, merits and limitations. They
should also know how to construct and use them effectively. The systematic way and procedure by which
a complex or scientific task is accomplished is known as the technique. Techniques is the practical
method, skill or art applied to a particulate task. So, as a researcher we should aware of both the tools and
techniques of research.
The major tools of research in education can be classified broadly into the following categories.
A. Inquiry forms
Rating Scale
Attitude Scale
B. Observation
C. Interview
D. Sociometry
E. Psychological Tests
Achievement Test
Aptitude Test
Intelligence Test
Interest inventory
Rating scale is one of the enquiry form. Form is a term applied to expression or judgment regarding
some situation, object or character. Opinions are usually expressed on a scale of values. Rating
techniques are devices by which such judgments may be quantified. Rating scale is a very useful device in
assessing quality, specially when quality is difficult to measure objectively. For Example, “How good was
the performance?” is a question which can hardly be answered objectively.
Rating scales record judgment or opinions and indicates the degree or amount of different degrees
of quality which are arranged along a line is the scale. For example: How good was the performance?
Excellent Very good Good Average Below average Poor Very poor
This is the must commonly used instrument for making appraisals. It has a large variety of forms
and uses. Typically, they direct attention to a number of aspects or traits of the thing to be rated and
provide a scale for assigning values to each of the aspects selected. They try to measure the nature or
degree of certain aspects or characteristics of a person or phenomenon through the use of a series of
numbers, qualitative terms or verbal descriptions.
• Paired comparison
• Ranking and
• Rating scales
The first attempt at rating personality characteristics was the man to man technique devised curing
World-war-I. This technique calls for a panel of raters to rate every individual in comparison to a standard
person. This is known as the paired comparison approach.
In the ranking approach every single individual in a group is compared with every other individual
and to arrange the judgment in the form of a scale.
In the rating scale approach which is the more common and practical method rating is based on the
rating scales, a procedure which consists of assigning to each trait being rated a scale value giving a valid
estimate of its status and then comparing the separate ratings into an over all score.
Rating scales have been successfully utilized for measuring the following:
• Teacher Performance/Effectiveness
• Personality, anxiety, stress, emotional intelligence etc.
• School appraisal including appraisal of courses, practices and programmes.
All taken three factors should be carefully taken care by you when you construct the rating scale.
1) The subjects or phenomena to be rated are usually a limited number of aspects of a thing or of a traits
of a person. Only the most significant aspects for the purpose of the study should be chosen. The
usual may to get judgement is on five to seven point scales as we have already discussed.
i) An instruction which names the subject and defines the continuum and
3) Any one can serve as a rater where non-technical opinions, likes and dislikes and matters of easy
observation are to be rated. But only well informed and experienced persons should be selected for
rating where technical competence is required. Therefore, you should select experts in the field as rater
or a person who form a sample of the population in which the scale will subsequently be applied.
Pooled judgements increase the reliability of any rating scale. So employ several judges, depending on
the rating situation to obtain desirable reliability.
Rating scales are used for testing the validity of many objective instruments like paper pencil
inventories of personality. They are also advantages in the following fields like :
The rating scales suffer from many errors and limitations like the following:
As you know that the raters would not like to run down their own people by giving them low
ratings. So in that case they give high ratings to almost all cases. Sometimes also the raters are included
to be unduly generous in rating aspects which they had to opportunity to observe. It the raters rate in
higher side due to those factors, then it is called as the generosity error of rating.
Some observes wants to keep them in safe position. Therefore, they rate near the midpoint of the
scale. They rate almost all as average.
Stringency Error :
Stringency error is just the opposite of generosity of error. These types of raters are very strict,
cautions and hesitant in rating in average and higher side. They have a tendency to rate all individuals
It is difficult to convey to the rater just what quality one wishes him to evaluate. An adjective or
Adverb may have no universal meaning. It the terms are not properly understood by the rater and he rates,
then it is called as the logical error. Therefore, brief behavioural statements having clear objectives should
be used.
Attitude scale is a form of appraisal procedure and it is also one of the enquiry term. Attitude scales
have been designed to measure attitude of a subject of group of subjects towards issues, institutions and
group of peoples.
The term attitude is defined in various ways, “the behaviour which we define as attitudinal or
attitude is a certain observable set” organism or relative tendency preparatory to and indicative of more
complete adjustment.”
- L. L. Bernard
“An attitude may be defined as a learned emotional response set for or against something.”
Opinion and attitude are used sometimes in a synonymous manner but there is a difference between
two. You will be able to know when we will discuss about opinionnaire. An opinion may not lead to any
kind of activity in a particular direction. But an attitude compels one to act either favourably or
unfavourably according to what they perceive to be correct. We can evaluate attitude through
questionnaire. But it is ill adapted for scaling accurately the intensity of an attitude. Therefore, Attitude
scale is essential as it attempts to minimise the difficulty of opinionnaire and questionnaire by defining the
attitude in terms of a single attitude object. All items, therefore, may be constructed with graduations of
favour or disfavour.
Purpose of Attitude Scale :
In educational research, these scales are used especially for finding the attitudes of persons on
different issues like:
• Co-education
• Religious education
• Corporal punishment
• Democracy in schools
• Linguistic prejudices
• International co-operation etc.
Two popular and useful methods of measuring attitudes indirectly, commonly used for research purposes
Thurstone Technique :
Thurstone Technique is used when attitude is accepted as a uni-dimensional linear Continuum. The
procedure is simple. A large number of statements of various shades of favourable and unfavourable
opinion on slips of paper, which a large number of judges exercising complete detachment sort out into
eleven plies ranging from the most hostile statements to the most favourable ones. The opinions are
carefully worded so as to be clear and unequivocal. The judges are asked not express tier opinion but to
sort them at their face value. The items which bring out a marked disagreement between the judges un
assigning a position are discarded. Tabulations are made which indicate the number of judges who placed
each item in each category. The next step consists of calculating cumulated proportions for each item and
ogives are constructed. Scale values of each item are read from the ogives, the values of each item being
that point along the baseline in terms of scale value units above and below which 50% of the judges placed
the item. It we’ll be the median of the frequency distribution in which the score ranges from 0 to 11.
The respondent is to give his reaction to each statement by endorsing or rejecting it. The median
values of the statements that he checks establishes his score, or quantifies his opinion. He wins a score as
an average of the sum of the values of the statements he endores.
You have got to have pull with certain people around 0.8
here to get ahead. An honest man fails in this company.
The Likert scale uses items worded for or against the proposition, with five point rating response
indicating the strength of the respondent’s approval or disapproval of the statement. This method removes
the necessity of submitting items to the judges for working out scaled values for each item. It yields scores
very similar to those obtained from the Thurstone scale. It is an important over the Thurstone method.
The first step is the collection of a member of statements about the subject in question. Statements
may or may not be correct but they must be representative of opinion held by a substantial number of
people. They must express definite favourableness or unfavourableness to a particular point of view. The
number of favourable and unfavourable statements should be approximately equal. A trial test maybe
administered to a number of subjects. Only those items that correlate with the total test should be retained.
The Likerts calling techniques assigns a scale value to each of the five responses. All favourable
statements are scored from maximum to minimum i. e. from a score of 5 to a score of one or 5 for strongly
agree and so on 1 for strongly disagree. The negative statement or statement apposing the proposition
would be scored in the opposite order . e. from a score of 1 to a score of 5 or 1 for strongly agree and so on
5 for strongly disagree.
The total of these scores on all the items measures a respondent’s favourableness towards the
subject in question. It a scale consists of 30 items, Say, the following score values will be of interest.
30 × 3 = 90 A neutral attitude
It is thus known as a method of summated ratings. The summed up score of any individual would
fall between 30 and 150. scores above 50 will indicate a favourable and scores below go an unfavourable
Scale on Morale
Responses Items
However, until more precise measures are developed, attitude scale remains the best device for the
purpose of measuring attitudes and beliefs in social research.
Q.2 What is attitude scale? Explain the methods of measuring attitudes in research.
Q.3 Define attitude. Explain Likerts scale to measure attitude.
“Opinion polling or opinion gauging represents a single question approach. The answers are
usually in the form of ‘yes’ or ‘no’. An undecided category is often included. Sometimes large number of
response alternatives if provided.”
- Anna Anastusi
The terms opinion and attitude are not synonymous, through sometimes we used it synonymously.
We have till now discussed that attitudes scale. We have also discussed that attitudes are impressed
opinions. You can now understand the difference between opinionnaire and attitude scale, when we
discuss of out opinionnaire, it is characteristics and purposes.
Opinion is what a person says on certain aspects of the issue under considerations. It is an outward
expression of an attitude held by an individual. Attitudes of an individual can be inferred or estimated
from his statements of opinions.
An opinionnaire is defined as a special form of inquiry. It is used by the researcher to collect the
opinions of a sample of population on certain facts or factors the problem under investigation. These
opinions on different facts of the problem under study are further quantified, analysed and interpreted.
Purpose :
Opinionnaire are usually used in researches of the descriptive type which demands survey of
opinions of the concerned individuals. Public opinion research is an example of opinion survey. Opinion
polling enables the researcher to forecast the coming happenings in successful manner.
Characteristics :
• The opinionnaire makes use of statements or questions on different aspects of the problem under
• Responses are expected either on three point or five point scales.
• It uses favourable or unfavourable statements.
• It may be sub-divided into sections.
• The gally poll ballots generally make use of questions instead of statements.
• The public opinion polls generally rely on personal contacts rather than mail ballots.
Sample Items of Opinionnaire :
The following statements are from the opinionnaire on the reforms in educational administration
introduced in A. P. during 1956-66.
Questionnaire rely on written information supplied directly by people in response to questions. The
information from questionnaires tends to fall into two broad categories – ‘facts’ and ‘opinions’. It is worth
stressing that, in practice, questionnaires are very likely to include questions about both facts and opinions.
Purpose :
The purpose of the questionnaire is to gather information from widely scattered sources. It is
mostly used in uses in cases where one can not readily see personally all of the people from whom he
desires responses. It is also used where there is no particular reason to see them personality.
Types :
Questionnaire can be of various type on the basis of it’s preparation. They are like:
The structured questionnaire contains definite, concrete and directed questions, where as non-
structured questionnaire is often used in interview and guide. It may consist of partially completed
The question that call for short check responses are known as restricted or closed form type. For
Example, they provide for marking a yes or no, a short response or checking an item from a list of
responses. Here the respondent is not free to wrote of his own, he was to select from the selected from the
supplied responses. On the other hand, increase of open ended questionnaire, the respondent is free to
response in his own words. Many questionnaire also included both close and open type questions. The
researcher selects the type of questionnaire according to his need of the study.
Fact and Opinion :
Incase of fact questionnaire, the respondent is expected to give information of facts without any
reference to his opinion or attitude about them.
But incase of opinion questionnaire the respondent gives the information about the facts with his
own opinion and attitude.
The successful use of questionnaire depends on devoting the right balance of effort to the planning
stage, rather than rushing too early into administering the questionnaire. Therefore, the researcher should
have a clear plan of action in mind and costs, production, organization, time schedule and permission
should be taken care in the beginning. When designing a questionnaire, the characteristics of a good
questionnaire should be kept in mind.
• Questionnaire should deal with important or significant topic to create interest among respondents.
• It should seek only that data which can not be obtained from other sources.
• It should be as short as possible but should be comprehensive.
• It should be attractive.
• Directions should be clear and complete.
• It should be represented in good Psychological order proceeding from general to more specific
• Double negatives in questions should be avoided.
• Putting two questions in one question also should be avoided.
• It should avoid annoying or embarrassing questions.
• It should be designed to collect information which can be used subsequently as data for analysis.
• It should consist of a written list of questions.
• The questionnaire should also be used appropriately.
Different methods are better suited to different circumstances and questionnaire are no exception to
it. Questionnaire are used at their most productive:
Designs of Questionnaire :
After construction of questions on the basis of it’s characteristics it should be designed with some
essential routines like:
Both from ethical and practical point of view, the researcher needs to provide sufficient background
information about the research and the questionnaire. Each questionnaires should have a cover page, on
which some information appears about:
• The sponsor
• The purpose
• Return address and date
• Confidentiality
• Voluntary responses and
• Thanks
It is very important that respondents are instructed to go presented at the start of the questionnaire
which indicate what is expected from the respondents. Specific instructions should be given for each
question where the style of questions varies through out the questionnaire. For Example – Put a tick mark
in the appropriate box and circle the relevant number etc.
Advantages of Questionnaire :
Questionnaire are economical. In terms of materials, money and time it can supply a considerable
amount of research data.
• It is easier to arrange.
• It supplies standardized answers
• It encourages pre-coded answers.
• It permits wide coverage.
• It helps in conducting depth study.
Disadvantages :
Irrespective of the limitations general consensus goes in favour of the use of questionnaire. It’s
quality should be improved and we should be restricted to the situations for which it is suited.
The serial number helps to distinguish and locate if necessary. It can also helps to identify the date
of distribution, the place and possibility the person.
Coding Boxes :
When designing the questionnaire , it is necessary to prevent later complications which might arise
at the coding stage. Therefore, you should note the following points:
• Locate coding boxes neatly on the right hand side of the page.
• Allow one coding box for each answer.
• Identify each column in the complete data file underneath the appropriate coding box in the
Besides these, the researcher should also be very careful about the length and appearance of the
questionnaire, wording of the questions, order and types of questions while constructing a questionnaire.
You can evaluate your questionnaire whether it is a standard questionnaire or not on the basis of the
following criteria:
Like all the tools, it also has some advantages and disadvantages based on it’s uses.
A checklist, is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential
limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consisting and completeness in carrying out a
task. A basic example is ‘to do list’. A more advanced checklist which lays out tasks to be done according
to time of a day or other factors.
The checklist consists of a list of items with a place to check, or to mark yes or no.
Purpose :
The main purpose of checklist is to call attention to various aspects of an object or situation, to see
that nothing of importance is overlooked. For Example, if you have to go for outing for a week, you have
to list what things you have to take with you. Before leaving home, if you will check your baggage with
the least there will be less chance of forgetting to take any important things, like toothbrush etc. it ensures
the completeness of details of the data. Responses to the checklist items are largely a matter of fact, not of
judgment. It is an important tool in gathering facts for educational surveys.
Uses :
Checklists are used for various purposes. As we have discussed that we can check our requirements
for journey, Birthday list, proforma for pass-port, submitting examination form or admission form etc. in
every case, it we will check before doing the work, then there is less chance of overlooking any, important
things. As it is useful in over daily life, it is also useful in educational field in the following way.
• Items in the checklist may be continuous or divided into groups of related items.
• Items should be arranged in categories and the categories in a logical or psychological order.
• Terms used in the items should be clearly defined.
• Checklist should be continuous and comprehensive in nature.
• A pilot study should be taken to make it standardized.
• Checklist can be constructed in four different ways by arranging items differently.
(1) In one of the arrangement all items found in a situation are to be checked. For Example, a subject may
be asked to check ( ) in the blank side of each activity undertaken in a school.
(2) In the second form, the respondent is asked to check with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or asked to encircle or
underline the response to the given item. For Example, (1) Does your school have a house system?
(3) In this form, all the items are positive statements with checks ( ) to be marked in a column of a right.
For Example, (1) The school functions as a community centre ( ).
(4) The periodical tests are held – fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, regularly.
The investigator has to select any one of the format appropriate to his problem and queries or the
combination of many as it requires.
The tabulation and quantification of checklist data is done from the responses. Frequencies are
counted, percentages and averages calculated, central tendencies, measures of variability and co-efficient
of correlation completed as and when necessary. In long checklists, where related items are grouped
together category wise, the checks are added up to give total scores for the category wise total scores can
be compared between themselves or with similar scores secured through other studies.
The conclusions from checklist data should be arrived at carefully ad judiciously keeping in view
the limitations of the tools and respondents.
Merits :
• Students can measure their own behaviour with the help of checklist.
• Easy and simple to use and frame the tools.
• Wanted and unwanted behaviours can be included.
• Personal - Social development can be checked.
Limitations :
Semantic differential is a type of a rating scale designed to measure the connotative meaning of
objects, events and concepts. The connotations are used to drive the attitude towards the given object,
event of concept.
Semantic Differential:
sweet bitter
falt unfalt
warm cold
beautiful ugly
meaningful meaningless
brave cowardly
bright dark
The Kanji characters in background stand for “God” and “Wind” respectively, with the compound
reading “Kamikaze”. (Adapted from Dimensions of Meaning. Visual Statistics Illustrated at
Osgood’s semantic differential was designed to measure the connotative meaning of concepts. The
respondent is asked to choose where his or her position lies, on a scale between two bipolar adjectives (for
example: “Adequate-Inadequate”, “Good-Evil” or “Valuable-Worthless”). Semantic differentials can be
used to describe not only persons, but also the connotative meaning of abstract concepts - a capacity used
extensively in effect control theory.
Theoretical Background
Theoretical underpinnings of Charles E. Osgood’s semantic differential have roots in the medieval
controversy between then nominalists and realists. Nominalists asserted that only real things are entities
and that abstractions from these entities, called universals, are mere words. The realists held that
universals have an independent objective existence either in a realm of their own or in the mind of God.
Osgood’s theoretical work also bears affinity to linguistics and general semantics and relates to
Korzybski’s structural differential.
Use of Adjectives :
The development of this instrument provides an interesting insight into the border area between
linguistics and psychology. People have been describing each other since they developed the ability to
speak. Most adjectives can also be used as personality descriptors. The occurrence of thousands of
adjectives in English is an attestation a of the subtleties in descriptions of persons and their behaviour
available to speakers of English. Roget’s Thesaurus is an early attempt to classify most adjectives into
categories and was used within this context to reduce the number of adjectives to manageable subsets,
suitable for factor analysis.
Osgood and his colleagues performed a factor analysis of large collections of semantic differential
scales and found three recurring attitudes that people use to evaluate words and phrases: valuation,
potency, and activity. Evaluation loads highest on the adjective pair ‘active-passive’ defines the activity
factor. These three dimensions off affective meaning were found to be cross-cultural universals in a study
of dozens of cultures.
This factorial structure makes intuitive sense. When our ancestors encountered a person, the initial
perception had to be whether that person represents a danger. Is the person good or bad? Next, is the
person strong or weak? Our reactions to a person markedly differ it perceived as good and strong, good
and weak, bad and weak, or bad and strong. Subsequently, we might extend our initial classification to
include cases of persons who actively threaten us or represent only a potential, danger, and so on. The
evaluation, potency and activity factors thus encompass a detailed descriptive system of personality.
Osgood’s semantic differential measures these three factors. It contains sets of adjective pairs such as
warm-cold, bright-dark, beautiful-ugly, sweet-bitter, fair-unfair, brave-cowardly, meaningful-meaningless.
The studies of Osgood and his colleagues revealed that the evaluate factor accounted for most of the
variance in scalings, and related this to the idea of attitudes.
Usage :
The semantic differential is today one of the most widely used scales used in the measurement of
attitudes. One of the reasons is the versatility of the items. The bipolar adjective pairs can be used for a
wide variety of subjects, and as such the scale is nicknamed “the ever ready battery” of the attitude
This is a seven point scale and the end points of the scale are associated with bipolar labels.
1 7
Unpleasant 2 3 4 5 6 Pleasant
Submissive Dominant
a. Unpleasant / Submissive
b. Pleasant / Dominant
Bi-polar means two opposite streams. Individual can score between 1 to 7 or 3 to 3. On the basis
of these responses profiles are made. We can analyse for two for three products and by joining these
profiles we get profile analysis. It could take any shape depending on the number of variables.
Profile Analysis
Mean and median are used for comparison. This scale helps to determine overall similarities and
differences among objects.
When Semantic Differential Scale is used to develop an image profile, it provides a good basis for
comparing images of two or more items. The big advantage of this scale is its simplicity, while producing
results compared with those of the more complex scaling methods. The method is easy and fast to
administer, but it is also sensitive to small differences in attitude, highly versatile, reliable and generally
Statistical Properties :
Five items, or 5 bipolar pairs of adjectives, have been proven to yield reliable findings, which
highly correlate with alternative measures of the same attitude.
The biggest problem with his scale is that the properties of the level of measurement are unknown.
The most statistically should approach is to treat it as an ordinal scale, but it can be argued that the neutral
response (i. e. the middle alternative on the scale) serves as an arbitrary zero point, and that the intervals
between the scale values can be treated as equal, making it an interval scale.
A detailed presentation on the development of the semantic differential is provided in the
monumental book, Cross-Cultural Universals of Affective Meaning. David R. Heise’s Surveying Cultures
provides a contemporary update with special attention to measurement issues when using computerized
graphic rating scales.
Among the most useful and most frequently employed tools of educational research psychological
tests occupy a very significant position. Psychological tests are described to describe and measure a
sample of certain aspects of human behaviour or inner qualities. They yield objective descriptions of some
psychological aspects of an individual’s personality and translate them in quantitative terms. As we have
mentioned earlier there are various kinds of psychological tests. In this unit we will discuss ‘Aptitude
tests’ and ‘Inventories’.
Aptitude Tests :
“Aptitude tests attempt to predict the capacities or the degree of achievement that may be expected
from individuals in a particular activity”.
Aptitude is a means by which one can find the relative knowledge of a person in terms of his
intelligence and also his knowledge in general.
Purpose :
The purpose of aptitude test is to test a candidate’s profile. Aptitude test helps to check one’s
knowledge and filters the good candidates. The ability of creativity and intelligence is proved by the
aptitude test. It always checks the intelligence and fastness of the person in performance.
Research data show that individually administered aptitude tests have the following qualities:
Aptitude tests are valuable in making programme and curricula decisions. In general they have
three major uses:
Instructional : Teacher can use aptitude test results to adopt their curricula to match the level of students
or to design assignments for students who differ widely.
Administrative : Result of Aptitude tests help in determining the programmes for college on the basis of
aptitude level of high-school. It can also be identify students to be accelerated or given extra attention, for
exampling and in predicting job training performance.
Guidance : result of aptitude tests help counsellors to help parents and students. Parents develop realistic
expectations for their Child’s performance and students understand their own strength and weaknesses.
Intelligence tests are also a kind of aptitude test as they describe and measure the general ability
which enters into the performance of every activity and thus predict the degree of achievement that may be
expected from individuals in various activities.
Aptitude test, however have proved of great value for research in educational and vocational
guidance, for research in selection of candidates for particular course of study or professional training and
for research of the complex causal relationship type.
Inventory is a list, record or catalog containing list of traits, preferences, attitudes, interests or
abilities used to evaluate personal characteristics or skills.
The purpose of inventory is to make a list about a specific trait, activity or programme and to check
to what extent the presence of that ability types of Inventories like
Interest Inventory :
Persons differ in their interests, likes and dislikes. Internets are significant element in the
personality pattern of individuals and play an important role in their educational and professional careers.
The tools used for describing and measuring interests of individuals are the internet inventories or interest
blanks. They are self report instruments in which the individuals note their own likes and dislikes. They
are of the nature of standardised interviews in which the subject gives an introspective report of his
feelings about certain situations and phenomena which is then interpreted in terms of internets.
The use of interest inventories is most frequent in the areas of educational and vocational guidance
and case studies. Distinctive patterns of interest that go with success have been discovered through
research in a number of educational and vocational fields. Mechanical, computational, scientific, artifice,
literary, musical, social service, clerical and many other areas of interest have been analysed informs of
activities. In terms of specific activities, a person’s likes and dislikes are sorted into various interest areas
and percentile scores calculated for each area. The area where a person’s percentile scores are relatively
higher is considered to be the area of his greatest interests, the area in which he would be the happiest and
the most successful.
One kind of instrument, most commonly used in interest measurement is known as Strong’s
Vocational Interest Inventory. It compares the subject’s pattern of interest to the interest patterns of
successful individuals in a number of vocational fields. This inventory consists of the 400 different items.
The subject has to tick mark one of the alternatives i. e. L(for like), I(indifference) or D(Dislike) provided
against each item. When the inventory is standardised, the scoring keys and percentile norms are prepared
on the basis of the responses of a fairly large number of successful individuals of a particular vocation. A
separate scoring key is therefore prepared for each separate vocation or subject area. The subject’s
responses are scored with the scoring key of a particular vocation in order to know his interest or lack of
interest or lack of interest in the vocation concerned. Similarly his responses can be scored with scoring
keys standardised for other vocational areas. In this way you can determine one’s areas of vocational
interest. Another well known interest inventories, there are also personality inventories to measure the
personality. You can prepare inventories of any ability to measure it.
Q.1 What are psychological tests? Explain the use of aptitude test as a tool of research.
Q.2 What are inventories? Explain it’s role in research with example.
Observation offers the researcher a distinct way of collecting data. It does not rely on what people
say they do, or what they say they think. It is more direct than that. Instead, it draws on the direct
evidence of the eye to witness events first hand. It is a more natural way of gathering data. Whenever
direct observation is possible it is the preferable method to use.
Observation method is a technique in which the behaviour of research subjects is watched and
recorded without any direct contact. It involve the systematic recording of observable phenomena or
behaviour in a natural setting.
Purpose :
Characteristics :
It is necessary to make a distinction between observation as a scientific tool and the casual
observation of the man in the street. An observation with the following characteristics will be scientific
• Observation is systematic.
• It is specific.
• It is objective.
• It is quantitative.
• The record of observation should be made immediately.
• Expert observer should observe the situation.
• It’s result can be checked and verified.
Types of Observation :
In participant observation, the observer becomes more or less one of the groups under observation
and shares the situation as a visiting stranger, an attentive listener, an eager learner or as a complete
participant observer, registering, recording and interpreting behaviour of the group.
In non-participant observation, the observer observes through one way screens and hidden
microphones. The observer remains a look from group. He keeps his observation as inconspicuous as
possible. The purpose of non-participant observation is to observe the behaviour in a natural setting. The
subject will not shift his behaviour or the will not be conscious hat someone is observing his behaviour.
The advantages and disadvantages of participant and non-participant observation depend largely on
the situation. Participant observation is helpful to study about criminals at least participating with person
sometime. It gives a better in sight into the life. Therefore it has a built in validity test. It’s disadvantages
are that it is time consuming As he develops relationship with the members, there is a chance of lousing
his neutrality, objectivity and accuracy to rate things as they are:
Non-participant observation is used with groups like infants, children or abnormal persons. It
permits the use of recording instruments and the gathering of large quantities of data.
Therefore, some researchers feel that it is best for the observer to remain only a partial participant
and to maintain his status of scientific observer apart from the group.
• Planning
• Execution
• Recording and
• Interpretation
While planning to employ observation as a research technique the following factors should be taken
into consideration.
Execution :
A good observation plan lends to success only when followed with skill and expert execution.
Expert execution needs:
• Simultaneous
• Soon after the observation
Which methods should be used depend on the nature of the group? The type of behaviour to be
observed. Both the method has their merits and limitations. The simultaneous form of recording may
distract the subjects while after observation the observer may distract the subjects while after observation
the observer may fail to record the complete and exact information. Therefore for a systematic collection
of data the various devices of recording should be used. They are like – checklist, rating scale and score
card etc.
Interpretation can be done directly by the observer at the time of his observation. Where several
observers are involved, the problem of university is there. Therefore, in such instances, the observer
merely records his observations and leaves the matter of interpretation to an export that is more likely to
provide a unified frame of reference. It must of course, be recognized that the interpreter’s frame of
reference is fundamental to any interpretation and it might be advisable to insist on agreement between
interpreters of different background.
Limitations of Observation :
Advantages of Observation :
However, observation is a scientific technique to the extent that it serves a formulated research
purpose, planned systematically rather than occurring haphazardly, systematically recorded and related to
more general propositions and subjected to checks and controls with respect to validity, reliability and
Q.1 Explain the steps of observational techniques with it’s merit’s and limitations.
Interviews are an attractive proposition for the project researcher. Interviews are something more
than conversation. They involve a set of assumptions and understandings about the situation which are not
normally associated with a casual conversion. Interviews are also refered as an oral questionnaire by some
people, but it is indeed mush more than that. Questionnaire involves indirect data collection, whereas
Interview data is collected directly from others in face to face contact. As you know, people are hesitant to
wrote something than to talk. With friendly relationship and rapport, the interviewer can obtain certain
types of confidential information which might be reluctant to put in writing.
Therefore research interview should be systematically arranged. It does not happen by chance. The
interviews not done by secret recording of discussions as research data. The consent of the subject is taken
for the purpose of interview. The words of the interviews can be treated as ‘on the record’ and ‘for the
record’. It should not be used for other purposes besides the research purpose. The discussion therefore is
not arbitrary or at the whim of one of the parties. The agenda for the discussion is set by the researcher. It
is dedicated to investigating a given topic.
Importance of Interview :
Whether it is large scale research or small scale research, the nature of the data collection depends
on the amount of resources available. Interview is particularly appropriate when the researcher wishes to
collect data based on:
Structured Interview :
Structured interview involves fight control over the format of questions and answers. It is like a
questionnaire which is administered face to face with a respondent. The researcher has a predetermined
list of questions. Each respondent is faced with identical questions. The choice of alternative answers is
restricted to a predetermined list. This type of interview is rigidly standardised and formal.
Structured interviews are often associated with social surveys where researchers are trying to collect
large volumes of data from a wide range of respondents.
Semi-Structured Interview :
In semi-structures interview, the interviewer also has a clear list of issues to be addressed and
questions to be answered. There is some flexibility in the order of the topics. In this type of interviewee is
given chance to develop his ideas and speak more widely on the issues raised by the researcher. The
answers are open-ended and more emphasis is on the interviewee elaborating points of interest.
Unstructured Interview :
In case of unstructured interview, emphasis is placed on the interviewee’s thoughts. The role of the
researcher is to be as unintruisve as possible. The researcher introduces a theme or topic and then letting
the interviewee develop his or her ideas and pursue his or her train of thought. Allowing interviewees to
speak their minds is a better way of discovering things about complex issues. It gives opportunity for in
depth investigations.
Single Interview :
In case of group interview, more than one informant is involved. The numbers involved normally
about four to six people. Here you may think that it is difficult to get people together to discuss matters on
one occasion and how many voices can contribute to the discussion during any one interview. But the
crucial thing to bear in mind. Here is that a group interview is not an opportunity for the researcher to
questions to a sequence of individuals, taking turns around a table. ‘group’ is crucial here, because it tells
us that those present in the interview will interact with one another and that the discussion will operate at
the level of the group. They can present a wide range of information and varied view points.
According to Lewis –
“Group interviews have several advantages over individual interviews. In particular, they help to
reveal consensus views, may generate richer responses by allowing participants to challenge one another’s
views, may be used to verify research ideas of data gained through other methods and may enhance he
reliability of responses.”
The disadvantages of this type of interview is that the views of ‘quieter’ people does not come out.
Certain members may dominate the talk. The most disadvantage is that whatever opinions are expressed
are acceptable by the group irrespective of their opinions contrary to it. Private opinion does not given
This is an extremely popular form of interview technique. It consists of a small group of people,
usually between six and nine in number. This is useful for non-sensitive and non-sensitive and non-
controversial topics. The session usually revolve around a prompt, a trigger, some stimulus introduced by
the interviewer in order to ‘focus’ the discussion. The respondents are permitted to express themselves
completely, but the interviewer directs the live of thought. In this case, importance is given on collective
views rather than the aggregate view. It concentrates on particular event or experience rather than on a
general line of equality.
Advantages of Interview :
Depth Information :
Interviews are particularly good at producing data which deal with topics in depth and in detail.
Subjects can be probed, issues pursued lines of investigation followed over a relatively lengthy period.
Insights :
The researcher is likely to gain valuable insights based on the depth of the information gathered and
the wisdom of “key informants”.
Equipment :
Interviews require only simple equipment and build on conversation skills which researchers
already have.
Information Priorities :
Interviews are a good method for producing data based on informant’s priorities, opinions and
ideas. Informants have the opportunity to expand their ideas, explain their views and identify what regard
as their crucial factors.
Flexibility :
Interviews are more flexible as a method of data collection. During adjustments to the line of
enquiry can be made.
Validity :
Direct contact at the point of the interview means that data can be checked for accuracy and
relevance as they are collected.
Interviews are generally pre-arranged and scheduled for a convenient time and location. This
ensures a relatively high response rate.
Interviews can be a rewarding experience for the informant, compared with questionnaires,
observation and experiments, there is a more personal element to the method and people end to enjoy the
rather rare chance to talk about their ideas at length to a person whose purpose is to listen ad note the ideas
without being critical.
Disadvantages of Interviews :
Analysis of data can be difficult and time consuming. Data preparation and analysis is “end
loaded” compared with, for instance, questionnaires, which are preceded and where data are ready for
analysis once they have collected. The transcribing and coding of interview data is a major task for the
researcher which occurs after the data have been collected.
This method produce non-standard responses. Semi-structured and unstructured interviews produce
data that are not pre coded and have a relatively open format.
Less Reliability :
Consistency and objectivity are hard to achieve. The data collected are, to an extent, unique owing
to the specific content and the specific individuals involved. This has an adverse effect on reliability.
Interviewer Effect :
The identify of the researcher may affect the statements of the interviewee. They may say what
they do or what they prefer to do. The two may not tally.
Inhibitions :
The tape recorder or video recorder may inhibit the important. The interview is an artificial
situation where people are speaking for the record and on the record and this can be daunting for certain
kinds of people.
Invasion of Privacy :
Interviewing can be an invasion of Privacy and may be upsetting for the informant.
Resources :
The cost of interviewer’s fine, of travel and of transcription can be relatively high it the informants
are geographically widespread.
On the basis of the merits and limitations of the interview techniques it is used in many ways for
research and non-research purposes. This technique was used in common wealth teacher training study to
know the traits must essentials for success in teaching. Apart from being an independent data collection
tool, it may play an important role in the preparation of questionnaires and check lists which are to be put
to extensive use.
You would recall that we have touched upon the following learning items in this unit.
For the purpose of collecting new relevant data foe a research study, the investigator needs to select
proper instruments termed as tools and techniques.
The major tools of research can be classified into broad categories of inquiry form, observation,
interview, social measures and Psychological tests.
Among the inquiry forms, we have discussed in this unit are Rating scale, attitude scale,
opinionnaire, questionnaire checklist and semantic differential scale. Observation and Interview are
explained as the techniques of data collection. In psychological tests, Aptitude tests and inventories are
Attitude scale is the device by which the feelings or beliefs of persons are described and measured
indirectly through securing their responses to a set of favourable statements. Thurstone and Likert scale
are commonly adopted for attitude scaling.
Opinionnaire is a special form of inquiry. It is used by the researcher to collect the opinions of a
sample of population. It is usually used in descriptive type research.
Questionnaire is a tool which used frequently. The purpose is to gathered information from widely
scattered sources. Data collected in written form through this tool.
Checklist is a selected list of words, Phrases, Sentences and paragraphs following which an
observer records a check mark to denote a presence or absence of whatever is being observed. It calls for a
simple yes / no judgments. The main purpose is to call attention to various aspects of an object or
situation, to see that nothing of importance is overlooked.
Semantic Differential Scale is a seven point scale and the end points of the scale are associated with
bipolar labels. This scale helps o determine overall similarities and differences among objects.
Aptitude tests are psychological tests attempt to product the capacities or the degree of achievement
expected from individuals in a particular activity. The purpose is to test a candidate’s profile.
Inventory is a list, or record containing traits, preferences, attitudes interests or abilities used to
evaluate personal characteristics or skills. Strong’s vocational interest inventory is an example of interest
Observation method is a technical in which the behaviour research subjects is watched and recorded
without any direct contact. It deals with the overt behaviour of persons in controlled or uncontrolled
Interview is an oral type of questionnaire where the subject supplies the needed information in a
face to face situation. It is specially appropriate for dealing with young children, illiterates, dull and the
Reference Books :
• Siddhu Kulbir Singh (1992). Methodology of Research in Education, Sterling Publisher, New Delhi.
• Sukhia S. P. and Mehrotra P. V. (1983). “Elements of educational Research” Allied Publisher Private
Limited New Delhi
• Denscombe, Martyn (1999). “The Good Research Guide” Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi.
Unit Structure :
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Types of Measurement Scale
10.3 Quantitative Data Analysis
10.3.1 Parametric Techniques
10.3.2 Non- Parametric Techniques
10.3.3 Conditions to be satisfied for using parametric techniques
10.3.4 Descriptive data analysis (Measures of central tendency, variability, fiduciary limits and
graphical presentation of data)
10.3.5 Inferential data analysis
10.3.6 Use of Excel in Data Analysis
10.3.7 Concepts, use and interpretation of following statistical techniques: Correlation, t-test, z-test,
ANOVA, Critical ratio for comparison of percentages and chi-square (Equal Probability and
Normal Probability Hypothesis).
10.4 Testing of Hypothesis
Statistical data analysis depends on several factors such as the type of measurement scale used, the
sample size, sampling technique used and the shape of the distribution of the data. These will be described
in this unit.
The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the
attributes for a variable. It is important to understand the level of measurement as it helps you to decide
how to interpret the data from the variable concerned. Second, knowing the level of measurement helps
you to decide which statistical techniques of data analysis are appropriate for the numerical values that
were assigned to the variables.
Types of Scales of Measurement
There are typically four scales or levels of measurement that are defined :
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
a. Nominal Scale : It is the lowest level of measurement. A nominal scale is simply some placing of data
into categories, without any order or structure. A simple example of a nominal scale is the terms we
use. For example, religion as the names of religion are categories where no ordering is implied.. Other
examples are gender, medium of instruction, school types and so on. In research activities, a YES/NO
scale is also an example of nominal scale. In nominal measurement the numerical values just "name"
the attribute uniquely. The statistical techniques of data analysis which can be used with nominal scales
are usually non-parametric.
b. Ordinal Scale : An ordinal scale is next up the list in terms of power of measurement. In ordinal
measurement, the attributes can be rank-ordered. Here, distances between attributes do not have any
meaning. For example, on a survey you might code Educational Attainment as 0=less than High
School; 1=some High School; 2=High School; 3=Junior College; 4=College degree; 5=post-graduate
degree. In this measure, higher numbers mean more education. But is distance from 0 to 1 same as 3 to
4? Of course not. The simplest ordinal scale is a ranking. There is no objective distance between any
two points on your subjective scale. An ordinal scale only lets you interpret gross order and not the
relative positional distances. The statistical techniques of data analysis which can be used with nominal
scales are usually non-parametric statistics. These would include Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of
correlation and non-parametric analysis of variance.
c. Interval Scale : In interval measurement, the distance between attributes does have meaning. For
example, when we measure temperature (in Fahrenheit), the distance between 30 and 40 is same as
distance between 70 and 80. The interval between values is interpretable. Because of this, it makes
sense to compute an average of an interval variable, whereas it does not make sense to do so for ordinal
scales. The rating scale is an interval scale. i.e. when you are asked to rate your job satisfaction on a 5
point scale, from strongly dissatisfied to strongly satisfied, you are using an interval scale. This means
that we can interpret differences in the distance along the scale. There is no absolute zero in the interval
scale. For example, if a student gets a score of zero on an achievement test, it does not imply that his
knowledge/ability in the subject concerned is zero as on another, similar test in the same subject
consisting of another set of questions, the student could have got a higher score. Thus a score of zero
does not imply a complete lack of the trait being measured in the subject. When variables are measured
in the interval scale, parametric statistical techniques of data analysis can be used. However, non-
parametric techniques can also be used with interval and ratio data.
d. Ratio Scale : Finally, in ratio scale, there is always an absolute zero that is meaningful. This means
that you can construct a meaningful fraction (or ratio) with a ratio variable. Weight is a ratio variable.
In educational research, most "count" variables are ratio, for example, the number of students in a
classroom. This is because you can have zero students and because it is meaningful to say that "...we
had twice as many students in a classroom as compared to another classroom." A ratio scale is the top
level of measurement. When variables are measured in the ratio scale, parametric statistical techniques
of data analysis can be used.
It is important to recognise that there is a hierarchy implied in the level of measurement idea. In
general, it is desirable to have a higher level of measurement (e.g., interval or ratio) rather than a lower one
(nominal or ordinal).
Check Your Progress - I
Q.1 State the different types of measurement scale.
Q.2 Give three examples where you can use the following scales of measurement :
(a) Nominal Scale
(b) Ordinal Scale
(c) Interval Scale
(d) Ratio Scale
Measures of Variability : These include the standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. The standard
deviation indicates the deviation of each score from the Mean. Skewness indicates whether majority of the
scores lie to the left of the Mean (positively skewed), to the right of the Mean (negatively skewed) or bell-
shaped (normally distributed). Kurtosis indicates whether the distribution of the scores is flat (platykurtic),
peaked (leptokurtic) or bell-shaped (mesokurtic).
Fiduciary Limits : These indicates the interval (or the fiduciary limits) within which the Mean of the
population will lie at 0.95 or 0.99 levels of confidence. The fiduciary limits or the confidence interval of
the population Mean is estimated based on the sample mean. The sample Mean is known as the ‘Statistic’
and the population mean is known as the “parameter’. The computation of population Mean requires the
use of Standard Error of the Mean. Similarly, fiduciary limits or the confidence interval of the population
standard deviation is also computed.
Graphical Presentation of Data : This includes bar diagrams, pie charts and line graph. The line graph is
usually used to represent the distribution of the scores obtained on a variable with the objective of
indicating the shape of the distribution. The bar diagram are used for making comparisons of Mean scores
on the variable being studied in various sub-groups such as boys v/s girls, urban v/s rural, private-aided v/s
private-unaided v/s municipal schools, SSC v/s CBSE v/s ICSE v/s IGCSE schools and so on. Pie charts
are used to indicate proportion of different sub-groups in the sample or the variance of a specific variable
associated with another variable.
Q.2 State the conditions necessary for using parametric techniques of data analysis.
Q.3 Which are the measures of central tendency and variability? Why is it necessary to compute these?
Q. 4 You want to (i) compare the Mean Academic Achievement of boys and girls, (ii) show whether the
Academic Achievement scores of students are normally distributed or not and (iii) show the
proportion of boys and girls in the total sample. State the graphical techniques to be used in each
of these cases.
On the other hand, the findings of the inferential analysis can be generalised to larger population.
10.3.6 Use of Excel in Data Analysis : The MS-Excel is an excellent tool for analysing data using
statistical techniques descriptive statistics such as the Mean, Medial, Mode, SD, Skewness and Kurtosis
and inferential techniques including t-test, ANOVA, correlation. It also helps in presenting data
graphically through bar diagrams, line graph and pie chart.
A. Correlation : When the variables are in the interval or ratio scale, correlation and regression
coefficients are computed. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is a measure of linear
association between two variables in interval or ratio scale. The measure, usually symbolised by the
letter r, varies from –1 to +1, with 0 indicating no linear association. The word “correlation” is
sometimes used in a non-specific way as a synonym for “association.” Here, however, the Pearson’s
product-moment correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association computed for a specific set
of data on two variables. For example, if a researcher wants to ascertain whether teachers’ job
satisfaction is related to their school climate, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient could
be computed for teachers’ scores on these two variables.
Interpretation of “r” : This takes into account four major aspects as follows:
b. Magnitude of “r”: In general, the following forms the basis of interpreting the magnitude of the
c. Direction of “r”: The “r” could be positive, negative or zero. (i) A positive “r” signifies that the
relationship between two variables is direct i.e. if the value of one variable is high, the other is also
expected to be high. For example, if there is a substantial relationship between IQ and Academic
Achievement of students, it implies that higher the IQ of students. higher is likely to be their
Academic Achievement. (ii) A negative “r” signifies that the relationship between two variables is
inverse i.e. if the value of one variable is high, the other is also expected to be low. For example, if
there is a substantial relationship between Anxiety and Academic Achievement of students, it
implies that higher the Anxiety of students. lower is likely to be their Academic Achievement. (iii)
The relationship between two variables could be zero.
d. The Coefficient of Determination : It refers to the percentage of variability in one variable that is
associated with variability in the other variable. It is computed using the formula 100r2. The square
of the correlation coefficient i.e. 100r2 is another PRE (proportionate reduction in error) measure of
B. t-test : A t-test is used to compare the Mean Scores obtained by two groups on a single variable. It is
also used when F-ratio in ANOVA is found to be significant and the researcher wants to compare the
Mean scores of different groups included in the ANOVA. It can also be used to compare the Mean
Academic Achievement of two groups such as (i) boys and girls or (ii) Experimental and Control
groups etc. The t-test was introduced in 1908 by William Sealy Gosset, a chemist working in Ireland.
His pen name was "Student".
The assumptions on which the t-test is used are as follows:
(a) Data are normally distributed. This can be ascertained by using normality tests such as the Shapiro-
Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
(b) Equality of variances which can be tested by using the F-test or the more robust Levene’s test,
Bartlett’s test or the Brown-Forsythe test.
(c) Samples may be independent or dependent, depending on the hypothesis and the type of samples. For
the inexperienced researcher, the most difficult issue is often whether the samples are independent or
dependent. Independent samples are usually two randomly selected groups unrelated to teach other
such as boys and girls or private-aided and private-unaided schools in a causal-comparative research.
On the other hand, dependent samples are either two groups matched (or a "paired" sample) on some
variable (for example, IQ or SES) or are the same people being tested twice (called repeated
measures as is done in an experimental design).
Dependent t-tests can also used for matched-paired samples, where two groups are matched on a
particular variable. For example, if we examined the IQ of twins, the two groups are matched on genetics.
This would call for a dependent t-test because it is a paired sample (one child/twin paired with one another
child/twin). However, when we compare 100 boys and 100 girls, with no relationship between any
particular boy and any particular girl, we would use an independent samples test. Another example of a
matched sample would be to take two groups of students, match each student in one group with a student
in the other group based on IQ and then compare their performance on an achievement test. Alternatively,
we assign students with low scores and students with high scores in two groups and assess their
performance on an achievement test independently. An example of a repeated measures t-test would be if
one group were pre-tested and post-tested as is done in educational research quite often especially in
experiments. If a teacher wanted to examine the effect of a new set of textbooks on student achievement,
he could test the class at the beginning of the treatment (pre-test) and at the end of the treatment (post-test).
A dependent t-test would be used, treating the pre-test and post-test as matched variables (matched by
Types of t-test :
(a) Independent one-sample t-test : Suppose in a research, on the basis of past research, the researcher
finds that the Mean Academic Achievement of students in Mathematics is 50 with a SD of 12. If the
researcher wants to know whether this year’s students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics is
typical, he takes μo = 50 which is the population Mean and S = 12 where S is the population SD.
Suppose N = 36. In testing the null hypothesis that the population mean is equal to a specified value μ0,
one uses the statistic t the formula for which is follows:
t = [M - μo ] ÷ √S/N
where S is the population standard deviation and N is the sample size. The degrees of freedom used in
this test is N − 1.
(b) Independent two-sample t-test : This is of the following three types:
(i) Equal sample sizes, equal variance : This test is only used when both the samples are of the same size
i.e. N1 = N2 = N and when it can be assumed that the two distributions have the same variance. Its
formula is as follows:
Standard Error of the Difference between Means (SED)
= √ (σ21 + σ22) ÷ N )
t = (M1 – M2) ÷ SED
M1= Mean of Group 1
M2= Mean of Group 2
σ1= SD of Group 1
σ2= SD of Group 2
(ii) Unequal sample sizes, equal variance : This test is used only when it can be assumed that the two
distributions have the same variance. The t statistic to test whether the means are different can be
calculated as follows:
ANOVA : Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used for comparing more than two groups on a single
variable. It a collection of statistical models and their associated procedures, in which the observed
variance is partitioned into components due to different explanatory variables. In its simplest form
ANOVA gives a statistical test of whether the means of several groups are all equal, and therefore
generalizes Student’s two-sample t-test to more than two groups.
2. Random-effects model assumes that the data describe a hierarchy of different populations whose
differences are constrained by the hierarchy. Random effects models are used when the treatments
are not fixed. This occurs when the various treatments (also known as factor levels) are sampled
from a larger population. Because the treatments themselves are random variables, some
assumptions and the method of contrasting the treatments differ from ANOVA.
3. Mixed-effect model describes situations where both fixed and random effects are present.
(b) One-way ANOVA for repeated measures : It is used when the subjects are subjected to repeated
measures. This means that the same subjects are used for each treatment. Note that this method can
be subject to carryover effects. This technique is often used in experimental research in which we
want to compare three or more groups on one dependent variable which is measured twice i.e. as
pre-test and post-test.
(c) Two-way ANOVA : It is used when the researcher wants to study the effects of two or more
independent or treatment variables. it is also known as factorial ANOVA. The most commonly used
type of factorial ANOVA is the 2×2 (read as "two by two", as you would a matrix) design, where
there are two independent variables and each variable has two levels or distinct values. Two-way
ANOVA can also be multi-level such as 3×3, etc. or higher order such as 2×2×2, etc. but analyses
with higher numbers of factors are rarely done by hand because the calculations are lengthy.
However, since the introduction of data analytic software, the utilization of higher order designs
and analyses has become quite common. For example, a researcher wants to compare students’
attitude towards the school on the basis of (i) school types (SSC, CBSE and ICSE) and (ii) gender.
In this case, there is one dependent variable, namely, attitude towards the school and two
independent variables, viz., (i) school types including three levels, namely, SSC, CBSE and ICSE
schools and (ii) gender including two levels, namely, boys and girls. Here, the two-way ANOVA is
used to test for differences in students’ attitude towards the school on the basis of (i) school types
and (ii) gender. This is an example of 3×2 two-way ANOVA as there are three levels of school
types, namely, SSC, CBSE and ICSE schools and two levels of gender, namely, boys and girls. it is
known as two-way ANOVA as it involves comparing one dependent variable (attitude towards the
school) on the basis of two independent variables, viz., (i) school types and (ii) gender.
(d) MANOVA: When one wants to compare two or more independent groups in which the sample is
subjected to repeated measures such as pre-test and post-test in an experimental study, one may
perform a factorial mixed-design ANOVA i.e. Multivariate Analysis of Variance or MANOVA in
which one factor is a between-subjects variable and the other is within-subjects variable. This is a
type of mixed-effect model. It is used when there is more than one dependent variable.
(e) ANCOVA : While comparing two groups on a dependent variable, if it is found that they differ on
some other variable such as their IQ, SES or pre-test, it is necessary to remove these initial
differences. This can be done through using the technique of ANCOVA.
Critical Ratio for Comparison of Percentages : This technique is used when the researcher wants to
compare two percentages. Its formula is as follows :
(i) For uncorrelated percents :
CR = P1-P2 ÷ (SE of Percentage)
P1 = Percentage occurrence of observed behaviour in Group 1
P2 = Percentage occurrence of observed behaviour in Group 2
P = (N1P1 + N2P2) ÷ (N1+ N2)
P = Percent occurrence of observed behaviour
Q = 1=P
SE of difference between percentages = √ [PQ(1/ N1 + 1/ N2)]
(ii) For correlated percents :
CR = P1-P2 ÷ (SE of Percentage)
P1 = Percentage occurrence of observed behaviour in Group 1
P2 = Percentage occurrence of observed behaviour in Group 2
P = (N1P1 + N2P2) ÷ (N1+ N2)
P = Percent occurrence of observed behaviour
Q = 1=P
SE of difference between percentages
= √[(SE) P1+(SE) P2 - 2r(SE) P1 ×(SE) P2]
The obtained CR is compared with tabulated CR given in statistical table to test its significance.
Chi-square (Equal Probability and Normal Probability Hypothesis): A chi-square test (also chi-
squared or χ2 test) is any statistical test in which the test statistic has a chi-squared distribution when the
null hypothesis is true, or any distribution in which the probability distribution of the test statistic
(assuming the null hypothesis is true) can be made to approximate a chi-square distribution as closely as
desired by making the sample size large enough. Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to compare
observed data with data we would expect to obtain according to a specific hypothesis. For example, if a
researcher expects parents’ attitude towards sex education to be provided in schools to be normally
distributed, then he might want to know about the "goodness to fit" between the observed and expected
results i.e. whether the deviations (differences between observed and expected) the result of chance, or
whether they are due to other factors. The chi-square test tests the null hypothesis, which states that there
is no significant difference between the expected and observed result. If it is assumed that the expected
frequencies are equally distributed in all the cells, the chi-square test is known as equal distribution
hypothesis. On the other hand, if it is assumed that the frequencies are expected to be distributed normally,
the chi-square test is known as normal distribution hypothesis. The chi-square (χ 2) test measures the
alignment between two sets of frequency measures. These must be categorical counts and not percentages
or ratios measures.
(a) You want to find out the relationship between academic achievement and motivation of students.
(b) You want to compare the academic achievement of boys and girls :
(c) You are conducting a survey of teachers’ opinion about admission criteria for junior college
admissions and want to know whether their opinion is favourable or not :
(d) You want to compare the academic achievement of students from private-aided, private-unaided
and municipal schools.
(e) You want to compare whether the percentage of girls and boys enrolling for secondary school :
There are a number of ways in which the testing of the hypothesis may bear on a theory. According
to Wallace, it can
(i) Lend confirmation to the theory by not disconfirming it.
(ii) Modifying the theory by disconfirming it, but not at a crucial point; or
(iii) Overthrow the theory by disconfirming it at a crucial point in its logical structure, or in its
competitive value as compared with rival theories.
Methods of Testing of Hypothesis
There are three major methods of testing of hypothesis as follows:
1. Verification : The best test of a hypothesis is to verify whether the inferences reached from the
propositions are consistent with the observed facts. Verification is of two types as follows: (a) Direct
Verification by Observation or Experimentation and (b) Indirect Verification by deducing
consequences from the supposed cause and comparing them with the facts of experience. This
necessitates the application of the principle of deduction.
2. Experimentum Crucis : This is known as crucial instance or confirmatory test. When a researcher is
confronted with two equally competent but contradictory hypotheses, he needs one instance which
explains the phenomenon and helps in accepting any one of the hypotheses. When this is done through
an experiment, the experiment is known as ‘Experimentum Crucis’.
3. Consilience of Inductions : This refers to the power which a hypothesis has of ‘explaining and
determining cases of a kind different from those which were contemplated in the formation of
hypothesis’. In other words, the hypothesis is accepted and its value is greatly enhanced when it is
found to explain other facts also in addition to those facts which it was initially designed to explain.
Possible Outcomes
Accept H0 Reject H0
Possible H0 True Correct Decision Type I error
Situations (α error)
H0 False Type II error Correct Decision
(β error)
When the sample size N is fixed, if we try to reduce Type I error, the chances of making Type II error
increase. Both types of errors cannot be reduced simultaneously. More about this will be discussed in the
section on statistical analysis of data.
Check Your Progress – III
(a) What are the major methods of hypothesis testing ?
(b) What are the different types of errors in the hypothesis testing?
Suggested Readings
2. Best, J. and Kahn, J. Research in Education (9 ed), New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
3. Garret, H. E. Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York: Longmans Green and Co. 5th edition
Unit Structure:
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Qualitative Data Analysis
• Data Reduction and Classification
• Analytical Induction
• Constant Comparison
After reading this unit the student will be able to :
• Explain the meaning of qualitative data analysis.
• State the broad focus of qualitative research.
• State the specific research questions usually formulated in qualitative research.
• State the principles and characteristics of qualitative data analysis.
• Explain the strategies of qualitative data analysis.
Meaning: Qualitative data analysis is the array of processes and procedures whereby a researcher provides
explanations, understanding and interpretations of the phenomenon under study on the basis of meaningful
and symbolic content of qualitative data. It provides ways of discerning, examining, comparing and
contrasting and interpreting meaningful patterns and themes. Meaningfulness is determined by the specific
goals and objectives of the topic at hand wherein the same set of data can be analysed and synthesised
from multiple angles depending on the research topic. It is based on the interpretative philosophy.
Qualitative data are subjective, soft, rich and in-depth descriptions usually presented in the form of words.
The most common forms of obtaining qualitative data include semi-structured and unstructured interviews,
observations, life histories and documents. The process of analysing is difficult rigorous.
Broad Focus of Qualitative Research : These include finding answers to the following questions:
• What is the interpretation of the world from the participants’ perspective?
• Why do they have a particular perspective?
• How did they develop such a perspective?
• What are their activities?
• How do they identify and classify themselves and others?
• How do they convey their perspective of their situation?
• What patterns and common themes surface in participants’ responses dealing with specific items?
How do these patterns shed light on the broader study questions?
• Are there any deviations from these patterns? If so, are there any factors that might explain these
atypical responses?
• What stories emerge from these responses? How do these stories help in illuminating the broader
study questions?
• Do any of these patterns or findings suggest additional data that may be required? Do any of the
study questions need to be revised?
• Do the patterns that emerge substantiate the findings of any corresponding qualitative analysis that
have been conducted? If not, what might explain these discrepancies?
Specific Research Questions Usually Formulated in Qualitative
• What time did school start in the morning?
• What would students probably have to do before going to school ?
• What was the weather like in the month of data collection?
• How did the students get from home to school ?
• What were the morning activities ?
• What did the students do in the recess?
• What were the activities after recess?
• What was the classroom environment like?
• What books and instructional materials were used?
• At what time did the school got over?
• What would students probably have to do after school got over ?
• What kind of homework was given and how much time it required?
Before describing the process of qualitative data analysis process, it is necessary to describe the
terms associated with process.
Principles of Qualitative Data Analysis
These are as follows;
1 Proceeding systematically and rigorously (minimise human error).
2 Recording process, memos, journals, etc.
3 Focusing on responding to research questions.
4 Identifying appropriate level of interpretation suitable to a situation.
5 Simultaneous process of inquiry and analysis.
6 Seeking to explain or enlighten.
7 Evolutionary/emerging.
b. Recursive : The process is recursive because one part can call you back to a previous part. For
example, while you are busy collecting things, you might simultaneously start noticing new things to
c. Holographic : The process is holographic in that each step in the process contains the entire process.
For example, when you first notice things, you are already mentally collecting and thinking about those
According to Miles and Huberman, following are the major components of qualitative data
analysis :
(A) Data Reduction : "Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting,
and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcriptions." First, the mass of data has
to be organized and somehow meaningfully reduced or reconfigured. These data are condensed so as to
make them more manageable. They are also transformed so that they can be made intelligible in terms of
the issues being addressed. Data reduction often forces choices about which aspects of the accumulated
data should be emphasised, reduced or set aside completely for the purposes of the topic at hand. Data in
themselves do not reveal anything and hence it is not necessary to present a large amount of unassimilated
and uncategorized data for the reader's consumption in order to show that you are "perfectly objective". In
qualitative analysis, the researcher uses the principle of selectivity to determine which data are to be
singled out for description. This usually involves some combination of deductive and inductive analysis.
While initial categorizations are shaped by pre-established research questions, the qualitative researcher
should remain open to inducing new meanings from the data available. Data reduction should be guided
primarily by the need to address the salient question(s) in a research. This necessitates selective
winnowing/sifting which refers to removing data from a group so that only the best ones which are
relevant for answering particular research questions are left. This is difficult as not only qualitative data are
very rich but also because the person who analyses the data also often plays a direct, personal role in
collecting them. The process of data reduction starts with a focus on distilling what the different
respondents report about the activity, practice or phenomenon under study to share knowledge. The
information given by various categories of sample is now compared – such as the information given by
experienced and new teachers or the information given by teachers, principal, students and/or parents
about central themes of the research. In setting out these similarities and dissimilarities, it is important not
to so "flatten" or reduce the data that they sound like close-ended survey responses. The researcher should
ensure that the richness of the data is not unfairly and unnecessarily diluted. Apart from exploring the
specific content of the respondents' views, it is also a good idea to take note of the relative frequency with
which different issues are raised, as well as the intensity with which they are expressed.
(B) Data Display : Data display provides "an organized, compressed assembly of information that
permits conclusion drawing..." A display can be an extended piece of text or a diagram, chart or matrix
that provides a new way of arranging and thinking about the more textually embedded data. Data displays,
permits the researcher to extrapolate from the data enough to begin to identify systematic patterns and
interrelationships. At the display stage, additional, higher order categories or themes may emerge from the
data that go beyond those first discovered during the initial process of data reduction. Data display can be
extremely helpful in identifying whether a system is working effectively and how to change it. The
qualitative researcher needs to discern patterns of among various concepts so as to gain a clear
understanding of the topic at hand. Data could be displayed using a series of flow charts that map out any
critical paths, decision points, and supporting evidence that emerge from establishing the data for each site.
The researcher may (1) use the data from subsequent sites to modify the original flow chart of the first site,
(2) prepare an independent flow chart for each site; and/or (3) prepare a single flow chart for some events
(if most sites adopted a generic approach) and multiple flow charts for others.
(C) Conclusion Drawing and Verification : Conclusion drawing requires a researcher to begin to
decide what things mean. He does this by noting regularities, patterns (differences/similarities),
explanations, possible configurations, causal flows, and propositions. This process involves stepping back
to consider what the analysed data mean and to assess their implications for the questions at hand.
Verification, integrally linked to conclusion drawing, entails revisiting the data as many times as necessary
to cross-check or verify these emergent conclusions. Miles and Huberman assert that "The meanings
emerging from the data have to be tested for their plausibility, their sturdiness, their ‘confirmability’ - that
is, their validity". Validity in this context refers to whether the conclusions being drawn from the data are
credible, defensible, warranted, and able to withstand alternative explanations. When qualitative data are
used with the intension of identifying dimensions/aspects of a concept for designing/developing a
quantitative tool, this step may be postponed. Reducing the data and looking for relationships will provide
adequate information for developing other instruments.
Miles and Huberman describe several tactics of systematically examining and re-examining the data
including noting patterns and themes, clustering cases, making contrasts and comparisons, partitioning
variables and subsuming particulars in the general which can be employed simultaneously and iteratively
for drawing conclusions in a qualitative research. This process is facilitated if the theoretical or logical
assumptions underlying the research are stated clearly. They further identify 13 tactics for testing or
confirming findings, all of which address the need to build systematic "safeguards against self-delusion"
into the process of analysis.
2. Objectivist Coding : According to Seidel and Kelle, an objectivist approach treats code words as
“condensed representation of the facts described in the data”. Given this assumption, code words
can be treated as substitutes for the text and the analysis can focus on the codes instead of the text
itself. You can then imitate traditional distributional analysis and hypothesis testing for qualitative
data. But first you must be able to trust your code words. To trust a code word you need: 1) to
guarantee that every time you use a code word to identify a segment of text that segment is an
unambiguous instance of what that code word represents, 2) to guarantee that you applied that code
word to the text consistently in the traditional sense of the concept of reliability, and 3) to guarantee
that you have identified every instance of what the code represents. If the above conditions are met,
then: 1) the codes are adequate surrogates for the text they identify, 2) the text is reducible to the
codes, and 3) it is appropriate to analyze relationships among codes. If you fall short of meeting
these conditions then an analysis of relationships among code words is risky business.
3. Heuristic Coding : In a heuristic approach, code words are primarily flags or signposts that point to
things in the data. The role of code words is to help you collect the things you have noticed so you
can subject them to further analysis. Heuristic codes help you reorganize the data and give you
different views of the data. They facilitate the discovery of things, and they help you open up the
data to further intensive analysis and inspection. The burdens placed on heuristic codes are much
less than those placed on objective codes. In a heuristic approach code words more or less represent
the things you have noticed. You have no assurance that the things you have coded are always the
same type of thing, nor that you have captured every possible instance of that thing in your coding
of the data. This does not absolve you of the responsibility to refine and develop your coding
scheme and your analysis of the data. Nor does it excuse you from looking for “counter examples”
and “confirming examples” in the data. The heuristic approach does say that coding the data is
never enough. It is the beginning of a process that requires you to work deeper and deeper into your
data. Further, heuristic code words change and evolve as the analysis develops. The way you use
the same code word changes over time. Text coded at time one is not necessarily equivalent with
text coded at time two. Finally, heuristic code words change and transform the researcher who, in
turn, changes and transforms the code words as the analysis proceeds.
Bogdan and Biklen (1998) provide common types of coding categories, but emphasize that your
hypotheses shape your coding scheme.
Setting/Context codes provide background information on the setting, topic, or subjects.
1. Defining the Situation codes categorize the world view of respondents and how they see themselves
in relation to a setting or your topic.
2. Respondent Perspective codes capture how respondents define a particular aspect of a setting. These
perspectives may be summed up in phrases they use, such as, "Say what you mean, but don't say it
3. Respondents' Ways of Thinking about People and Objects codes capture how they categorize and
view each other, outsiders, and objects. For example, a dean at a private school may categorize
students: "There are crackerjack kids and there are junk kids."
4. Process codes categorize sequences of events and changes over times.
5. Activity codes identify recurring informal and formal types of behaviour.
6. Event codes, in contrast, are directed at infrequent or unique happenings in the setting or lives of
7. Strategy codes relate to ways people accomplish things, such as how instructors maintain students'
attention during lectures.
8. Relationship and social structure codes tell you about alliances, friendships, and adversaries as well
as about more formally defined relations such as social roles.
9. Method codes identify your research approaches, procedures, dilemmas, and breakthroughs.
(b) Which are the different types of codes used in qualitative research in education?
(c) What are the terms associated with qualitative data analysis?
(d) Explain the steps of qualitative data analysis.
B. Constant Comparison : Many writers suggest about the ways of approaching your data so that you
can do the coding of the data with an open mind and recognize noteworthy patterns in the data. Perhaps the
most famous are those made by the grounded theorists. This could be done through constant comparison
method. This requires that every time you select a passage of text (or its equivalent in video etc.) and code
it, you should compare it with all those passages you have already coded that way, perhaps in other cases.
This ensures that your coding is consistent and allows you to consider the possibility either that some of
the passages coded that way do not fit as well and could therefore be better codes as something else or that
there are dimensions or phenomena in the passages that might well be coded another way as well. But the
potential for comparisons does not stop there. You can compare the passage with those codes in similar or
related ways or even compare them with cases and examples from outside your data set altogether.
Previously coded text also needs to be checked to see if the new codes created are relevant. Constant
comparison is a central part of grounded theory. Newly gathered data are continually compared with
previously collected data and their coding in order to refine the development of theoretical categories. The
purpose is to test emerging ideas that might take the research in new and fruitful directions. In the case of
far out comparisons, the comparison is made with cases and situations that are similar in some respects but
quite different in others and may be completely outside the study. For example, still thinking about
parental help, we might make a comparison with the way teachers help students. Reflecting on the
similarities and differences between teaching and parental relationships might suggest other dimensions to
parental help, like the way that teachers get paid for their work but parents do not.
Ryan and Bernard suggest a number of ways in which those coding transcripts can discover new
themes in their data. Drawing heavily on Strauss and Corbin (1990) they suggest these include:
a. Word repetitions : Look for commonly used words and words whose close repetition may
indicated emotions
b. Indigenous categories (what the grounded theorists refer to as in vivo codes) : It refers to terms
used by respondents with a particular meaning and significance in their setting.
c. Key-words-in-context : Look for the range of uses of key terms in the phrases and sentences in
which they occur.
d. Compare and contrast : It is essentially the grounded theory idea of constant comparison. Ask,
‘what is this about?’ and ‘how does it differ from the preceding or following statements?’
e. Social science queries : Introduce social science explanations and theories, for example, to explain
the conditions, actions, interaction and consequences of phenomena.
f. Searching for missing information : It is essential to try to get an idea of what is not being done or
talked out, but which you would have expected to find.
g. Metaphors and analogies : People often use metaphor to indicate something about their key,
central beliefs about things and these may indicate the way they feel about things too.
h. Transitions : One of the discursive elements in speech which includes turn-taking in conversation
as well as the more poetic and narrative use of story structures.
i. Connectors : It refers to connections between terms such as causal (‘since’, ‘because’, ‘as’ etc) or
logical (‘implies’, ‘means’, ‘is one of’ etc.)
j. Unmarked text : Examine the text that has not been coded at a theme or even not at all.
k. Pawing (i.e. handling) : It refers to marking the text and eyeballing or scanning the text. Circle
words, underline, use coloured highlighters, run coloured lines down the margins to indicate
different meanings and coding. Then look for patterns and significances.
l. Cutting and sorting : It refers to the traditional technique of cutting up transcripts and collecting
all those coded the same way into piles, envelopes or folders or pasting them onto cards. Laying out
all these scraps and re-reading them, together, is an essential part of the process of analysis.
C. Triangulation ; According to Berg and Berg, triangulation is a term originally associated with
surveying activities, map making, navigation and military practices. In each case, there are three known
objects or points used to draw sighting lines towards an unknown point or object. Usually, these three
sighting lines will intersect forming a triangle known as the triangle of error. Assuming that the three lines
are equal in error, the best estimated place of the new point or object is at the centre of the triangle. The
word triangulation was first used in the social sciences as metaphor describing a form of multiple
operationalisation or convergent validation. Campbell and Fiske were the first to apply the navigational
term triangulation to research. The simile is quite appropriate because a phenomenon under study in a
qualitative research is much like a ship at sea as the exact description of the phenomenon in a qualitative
research is unclear. They used the term triangulation to describe multiple data collection strategies for
measuring a single concept. This is known as data triangulation. According to them, triangulation is a
powerful way of demonstrating concurrent validity, particularly in qualitative research. Later on, Denzin
introduced another metaphor, viz., ‘line of action’ which characterises the use of multiple data collection
strategies (usually three), multiple theories, multiple researchers, multiple methodologies or a combination
of these four categories of researcher activities. This is aimed at mutual confirmation of measures and
validation of findings. The purpose of triangulation is not restricted to combining different kinds of data
but to relate them so as enhance the validity of the findings.
Triangulation is an approach to research that uses a combination of more than one research
strategy in a single investigation. Triangulation can be a useful tool for qualitative as well as
quantitative researchers. The goal in choosing different strategies in the same study is to balance them
so each counterbalances the margin of error in the other.
Used with care, it contributes to the completeness and confirmation of findings necessary in
qualitative research investigations.
Choosing Triangulation as a Research Strategy
Qualitative investigators may choose triangulation as a research strategy to assure
completeness of findings or to confirm findings. The most accurate description of the elephant comes
from a combination of all three individuals' descriptions. Researchers might also choose triangulation
to confirm findings and conclusions. Any single qualitative research strategy has its limitations. By
combining different strategies, researchers confirm findings by overcoming the limitations of a single
strategy. Uncovering the same information from more than one vantage point helps researchers
describe how the findings occurred under different circumstances and assists them to confirm the
validity of the findings.
Types of Triangulation
1. Data Triangulation : Time, Space, Person
2. Method Triangulation : Design, Data Collection
3. Investigator Triangulation
4. Theory Triangulation
5. Multiple Triangulation. which uses a combination of two or more triangulation techniques in
one study.
Each of these are described in detail in the following paragraphs
1. Data Triangulation
According to Denzin (1989) there are three types of data triangulation: (a) time, (b) space, and (c)
(a) Time Triangulation : Here, the researcher/s collect data about a phenomenon at different points
in time. However, studies based on longitudinal designs are not considered examples of data
triangulation for time because they are intended to document changes over time. Triangulations of
data analysis in cross sectional and longitudinal research is an example of time triangulation.
(b) Space Triangulation : It consists of collecting data at more than one site. At the outset, the
researcher must identify how time or space relate to the study and make an argument supporting the
use of different time or space collection points in the study. By collecting data at different points in time
and in different spaces, the researcher gains a clearer and more complete description of decision
making and is able to differentiate characteristics that span time periods and spaces from
characteristics specific to certain times and spaces.
(c) Person Triangulation : According to Denzin, person triangulation has three levels, viz., aggregate,
interactive and collective. It is also known as combined levels of triangulation. Here researchers collect
data from more than one level of person, that is, a set of individuals, groups, or collectives. Researchers
might also discover data that are dissimilar among levels. In such a case, researchers would collect
additional data to resolve the incongruence. According to Smith, there are seven levels of ‘person
triangulation’ as follows :
i. The Individual Level.
ii. Group Analysis : The interaction patterns of individuals and groups.
iii. Organisational Units of Analysis : Units which have qualities not possessed by the individuals
making them up.
iv. Institutional Analysis : Relationships within and across the legal (For example, Court, School),
political (For example, Government), economic (For example, Business) and familial (For
example, Marriage) institutions of the society.
v. Ecological Analysis : Concerned with spatial explanation.
vi. Cultural Analysis : Concerned with the norms, values, practices, traditions and ideologies of a
vii. Societal Analysis : Concerned with gross factors such as urbanisation, industrialisation,
education, wealth, etc.
2. Methods Triangulation
Methods triangulation can occur at the level of (a) design or (b) data collection.
(a) Design Level Triangulation : Methods triangulation at the design level has also been called
betweenmethod triangulation. Design methods triangulation most often uses quantitative methods
combined with qualitative methods in the study design. There is simultaneous and sequential
implementation of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Theory should emerge from the
qualitative findings and should not be forced by researchers into the theory they are using for the
quantitative portion of the study. The blending of qualitative and quantitative approaches does not
occur during either data generation or analysis. Rather, researchers blend these approaches at the level
of interpretation, merging findings from each technique to derive a consistent outcome. The process of
merging findings "is an informed thought process, involving judgment, wisdom, creativity, and insight
and includes the privilege of creating or modifying theory”. lf contradictory findings emerge or
researchers find negative cases, the investigators most likely will need to study the phenomenon
further. Sometimes triangulation design method might use two different qualitative research methods.
When researchers combine methods at the design level, they should consider the purpose of the
research and make a logical argument for using each method.
(b) Data Collection Triangulation : Methods triangulation at the data collection level has been called
within-method triangulation. Using methods triangulation at the level of data collection, researchers use
two different techniques of data collection, but each technique is within the same research tradition. The
purpose of combining the data collection methods is to provide a more holistic and better understanding of
the phenomenon under study. It is not an easy task to use method triangulation; it is often more time
consuming and expensive to complete a study using methods triangulation.
3. Investigator Triangulation
Investigator triangulation occurs when two or more researchers with divergent backgrounds and
expertise work together on the same study. To achieve investigator triangulation, multiple
investigators each must have prominent roles in the study and their areas of expertise must be
complementary. All the investigators discuss their individual findings and reach a conclusion, which
includes all findings. Having a second research expert examine a data set is not considered investigator
triangulation. Use of methods triangulation usually requires investigator triangulation because few
investigators are expert in more than one research method.
4. Theory Triangulation
Theory triangulation incorporates the use of more than one lens or theory in the analysis of the
same data set. In qualitative research, more than one theoretical explanation emerges from the data.
Researchers investigate the utility and power of these emerging theories by cycling between data
generation and data analysis until they reach a conclusion.
5. Multiple Triangulation
It uses a combination of two or more preceding triangulation techniques in one study.
Reducing Bias in Qualitative Data Analysis:
Bias can influence the results. The credibility of the findings can be increased by:
a. Using multiple sources of data. Using data from different sources helps in cross-checking the
findings. For example, combine and compare data from individual interviews with data from focus
groups and an analysis of written material on the topic. If the data from these different sources point to
the same conclusions, the findings are more reliable.
b. Tracking choices. The findings of the study will be more credible if others understand how the
conclusions were drawn. Keep notes of all analytical decisions to help others follow the reasoning.
Document reasons for the focus, category labels created, revisions to categories made and any
observations noted concerning the data while reading and re-reading the text.
c. Document the process used for data analysis. People often see and read only what supports their
interest or point of view. Everyone sees data from his or her perspective. It is important to minimise
this selectivity. State how data was analysed clearly so that others can see how decisions were made,
how the analysis was completed and how the interpretations were drawn.
d. Involving others. Getting feedback and input from others can help with both analysis and
interpretation. Involve others in the entire analysis process, or in any one of the steps. Have several
people or another person review the data independently to identify themes and categories. Then
compare categories and resolve any discrepancies in meaning.
Drawbacks to be Avoided:
a. Do not generalise results. The goal of qualitative work is not to generalise across a population. Rather,
a qualitative data collection approach seeks to provide understanding from the respondent's perspective.
It tries to answer the question “why”. Qualitative data provide for clarification, understanding and
explanation, not for generalizing.
b. Choose quotes carefully. Use of quotes can not only provide valuable support to data interpretation but
is also useful in directly supporting the argument or illustrate success. However, avoid using people's
words out of context or editing quotes to exemplify a point. Use quotes keeping in mind the purpose for
including quotes. Include enough of the text to allow the reader to decide what the respondent is trying
to convey.
c. Respect confidentiality and anonymity when using quotes. Even if the person's identity is not noted,
others might be able to identify the person making the remark. Therefore, get people's permission to
use their words.
d. Be aware of, state and deal with limitations. Every study has limitations. Presenting the problems or
limitations encountered when collecting and analysing the data helps others understand the conclusions
more effectively.
(c) triangulation :
Bogdan R. B. and Biklen, S. K. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and
Methods. Third Edition. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 1998.
Katz, J. "Analytic Induction," in Smelser and Baltes, (eds) International Encyclopedia of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences. 2001.
Ragin, C. C. Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method. Pine Forge Press, 1994.
Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. Basics of Qualitative Research. Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques.
Newbury Park, CA : Sage. 1990.
Unit Structure:
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Types of Research Report
12.2.1 Format
12.2.2 Style
12.2.3 Mechanism of report writing with reference to Dissertation and thesis and papers.
12.3 Bibliography
12.4 Evaluation of Research Report
After reading this unit, the student will be able to
(a) Decide the style, format and mechanisms of writing a research report.
(b) Write down bibliography correctly and comprehensively.
(c) Explain how to write a research report.
Educational research is shared and communicated to others for dissemination of knowledge.
After completion of research activities, the researcher has to report the entire activities that are involved
in research process systematically in writing. For clear and easy understanding of readers, writing a good
research report requires knowledge of the types of research reporting, rules for writing and typing,
format and style of research reporting and the body of the report. However, scholarship, precision of
thought and originality of a researcher cannot be undermined in producing a good research report.
Research reports mainly take the form of a thesis, dissertation, journal article and a paper to be
prescribed at a professional meeting. Research reports vary in format and style. For example, there are
difference found in a research report prepared as a thesis or dissertation and a research report prepared
as a manuscript for publication.
The dissertation and thesis are more elaborate and comprehensive. While research papers
prepared for journal articles and professional meeting are more precise and concise.
12.2.1 Format :
Format refers to the general pattern of organisation and arrangement of the report. It is an
outline that includes sections and subsections or chapters and subchapters or headings and subheadings
followed to write research report. All research reports follow a format that is parallel to the steps
involved in conducting a study. The format of a research report is generally well spelled out in contents.
Different universities, institutions and organizations publishing professional journals follow style manual
prepared on their own. Some institutions follow by style manuals prepared by other professional bodies
like the American Psychological Associations, the University of Chicago and the Harvard Law Review
Association. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Chicago
Manual of Style, and A Uniform System of Citation (USC) published by Harvard Review Association are
some of the worth mentioning style manuals that are followed by researchers to follow format and style
while writing research reports.
The APA format is widely followed because it eliminates formal footnotes. It provides detailed
information about research format for all types of research reports on various behavioural and social
science disciplines. The CMC presents guidelines for use of quotations, abbreviations, names and terms
and distinctive treatment of words, numbers, tables, mathematics in type and writing footnotes. Some
historians and ethnographers prefer to use the CMC and USC.
The common format used to write research report of quantitative studies for a degree
requirement is as follows.
Preliminary pages
1. Title Page
a) Title
b) Degree requirement
c) University or institution’s name
d) Author’s name
e) Supervisor’s name
f) University Department
g) Year
2. Acknowledgements
3. Supervisor’s Certificate
4. Table of contents
5. List of Tables
6. List of Figures
Main Body the Report
1. Chapter – I : Introduction
a. Theoretical Framework
b. Rationale of the study
c. Statement of the problem
d. Definitions of terms
e. Objectives
f. Hypothesis
g. Scope and Delimitations of the study
h. Significance of the study
2. Chapter II : Review of Related Literature
3. Chapter III : Methodology and Procedures
a. Design and Research method
b. Population and sample
c. Tools and techniques of data collection
d. Techniques of data analysis
4. Data Analyses
5. Results and Discussions
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
7. Bibliography
8. Appendices
The common format followed for qualitative research including historical and analytical research is
different from the format followed in quantitative research. The common format used usually to write
research report of qualitative studies for degree requirements is as follows.
1. Preliminary pages (same as in quantitative research)
2. Introduction
a) General problem statement
b) Preliminary Research Review
c) Foreshadowed Problems
d) Significance of the study
e) Delimitations of the study
3. Design and Methodology
a) Site selection
b) Researcher’s Role
c) Purposeful / Theoretical Sampling
d) Data collection strategies
4. Qualitative Data analysis and Presentation
5. Presentation of Findings : An Analytical interpretation
6. Bibliography
7. Appendices
The common format followed for writing a research report as an article or a paper for a journal
and seminar is as follows :
1. Title and author’s name and address
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Method
a) Sample
b) Tools
c) Procedure
5. Results
6. Discussions
7. References
Check Your Progress‐I
1. What is the format of writing a dissertation?
12.2.2 Style :
Style refers to the rules of spelling, capitalization, punctuations and typing followed in preparing
the report. A researcher has to follow some general rules for writing and typing a research report. The
rules that are applicable both for quantitative and qualitative research report are as follows :
1. The research report should be presented in a creative, clear, concise and comprehensive style.
Literary style of writing is to be replaced by scientific and scholarly style reflecting precise thinking.
Descriptions should be free from bias, ambiguity and vagueness. Ideas need to be presented logically
and sequentially so that the reader finds no difficulty in reading.
2. The research report should be written in a clear, simple, dignified and straight forward style,
sentences should be grammatically correct. Colloquial expressions, such as ‘write up’ for report and
‘put in’ for insert should be avoided. Even great ideas are sometimes best explained in simple, short
and coherent sentences. Slang, flippant phrases and folksy style should be avoided.
3. Research report is a scientific document but not a novel or treatise. It should not contain any
subjective and emotional statements. Instead, it should contain factual and objective statements.
4. Personal pronouns such as I and me, and active voice should be avoided as far as possible. For
example, instead of writing I randomly selected 30 subjects, it is advisable to write thirty subjects
were selected randomly by the investigator.
5. Sexist language should be replaced by non‐sexist language while writing research report. Male or
female nouns and pronouns (he and she) should be avoided by using plurals. For example, write
children and their parents have been interviewed rather than child and his parents were interviewed.
6. Instead of using titles and first names of the cited authors, last name is needed. For example, instead
of writing Professor John Dewey, write Dewey.
7. Constructed forms of modal auxiliaries and abbreviations should be avoided. For example, shouldn’t,
can’t, couldn’t should not be used. However, abbreviations can be used to avoid repetition if the
same has been spelled out with the abbreviation in parentheses. For example, researcher can write
NCERT if he/she has used NCERT in parenthesis in his/her earlier sentences like National, Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT).There are few exceptions to this rule for well‐known
abbreviations such as IQ.
8. Use of tense plays an important role in writing a research report. Past tense or present perfect tense
is used for review of related literature and description of methodology, procedure results and findings
the study, Present tense is appropriate for discussing results and presenting research conclusions and
interpretations. Future tense, except in research proposals, is rarely used.
9. Economy of expression is important for writing a research report. Long sentences and long
paragraphs should be avoided. Short, simple words are better than long words. It is important that
thought units and concepts are ordered coherently to provide a reasonable progression from
paragraph to paragraph smoothly.
10. Fractions and numbers which are less than ten should be expressed in words For example, six schools
were selected or fifty percent of students were selected.
11. Neither standard statistical formula not computations are given in the research report.
12. Research report should not be written hurriedly. It should be revised many times before publication.
Even typed manuscripts require to be thoroughly proofread before final typing.
13. Typing is very important while preparing research report. Use of computer and word processing
programme has made the work easy. However, following rules of typography require to be followed.
i) A good quality of hand paper 8 , by 11 in size and 13 to 16 pound in weight should be used.
ii) Only one side of the sheet is used in typing.
iii) The left margin should be 1 inches. All other margins i.e. the top, the bottom and the right
should be 1 inch.
iv) All material should be double spaced.
v) Times New Roman or A Oldman Book Style with 12 size front can be used for typing words in
English and book titles can be italicized.
vi) Direct quotations not over three typewritten lines in length are included in the text and enclosed
in quotation marks. Quotations of more than three lines are set off from the text in a double –
spaced paragraph and indented five spaces from the left margin without quotation marks.
However, original paragraph indentations are retained. Page numbers are given in parentheses at
the end of a direct quotation.
Check Your Progress‐II
1. State the style in which a research report needs to be written.
12.2.3 Mechanisms of Writing Dissertation and Thesis :
In reality, the terms dissertation and thesis carry the same meaning. Thesis is an English (UK) term
whereas dissertation is an American term. However, in India, the term thesis is used to denote work
carried out for Ph.D. degree whereas the term dissertation is used to denote with work carried out for M.
Ed. and M.Phil. degrees especially in theacademic discipline of Education. Both format or outlines stated
earlier vendor format section. Thesis and dissertation should be complete and comprehensive. The main
sections of a dissertation and thesis are (i) Preliminary pages, (ii) Main body of the report and (iii)
i) Preliminary pages : The Preliminary pages include title page, supervisor’s certificate,
acknowledgement page, table of contents, list of tables and figures. The title page usually
includes the title of the report, the author’s name, the degree requirement, the name and
location of the college or university according the degree and the date or year of submission of
the report. Name, designation and institutional affiliation of the guide are also written. The
title of a dissertation and thesis should clearly state the purpose of the study. The title should
be typed in capital letters, should be centred, in an inverted pyramid form and when two or
more lines are needed, should be double spaced. An example of the title page is given in the
following box – 1.
Thesis submitted to the University of Mumbai
for the Degree of
As per the requirement of some universities and these include certificate of the supervisor under
whose guidance or supervision the research mark was completed.
Most theses and dissertations include an acknowledgement page. This page permits the
researcher to express appreciation of persons who have contributed significantly to the completion of
the report. It is acceptable to thank one’s own guide or supervisor who helped at each stage of the
research work, teachers, students or principals who provided data for the research and so on. Only these
persons who helped significantly for completion of research work should be acknowledged.
The table of contents is an outline of the dissertation or thesis which indicates page on which each
major section (chapter) and subsection beings.
The list of tables and figures are given in a separate page that gives number, title of each table and
figure and page on which it can be found. Entries listed in the table of contents should be identical to
headings and subheadings in the report, and table titles and figures, titles should be the same titles that
are given to the actual tables and figures in the main body of the report.
The main body of the report : The main body of the report includes introduction, review of related
literature, methodology and procedures, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations and
appendices. The introduction section includes a theoretical framework that introduce the problem,
significance of the study both from theoretical and practice points of view, description of the problem,
operational definition of the terms, objectives, statement of hypotheses with rationale upon which each
hypothesis is based and sometimes delimitations of the study. The problem requires to be stated in
interrogative statement or series of questions which answers are to be sought by the researcher through
empirical investigation. Abstract terms and variables used in the problem require to be operationally
defined. The problem should be stated that it should aim at finding the relationship between two
The hypotheses related should be supported by the rationale deduced from the previous research
studies or experiences with evidences. Hypothesis which is a tentative answer to the research question
should be stated concisely and clearly so that it can be tested statistically or logically with evidences. An
example of an hypothesis based on the rationale is given in the Box – 2.
Box – 2
Rationale – 1
Cognitive development possess through form successive stages from
Piagian perspective, namely, sensory – motor, pre‐operational, concrete
operational and formal operational stages. Each stage starts with specific
age and is characterised by the development of some specific concepts.
Hence, development of science concepts is related to age. It is assumed that
age plays vital role in the development of concepts. The hypothesis derived
from this rationale is :
The delimitation of the study should include such aspects as variables, sample, area or site, ratings
tools and techniques to which the study has been delimited.
The second chapter of the main body of the report includes review of literature. In this chapter,
the past research works relating to the present study under report should be described and analysed.
The description that includes last name of the previous researcher with year of study in parenthesis
includes mainly method and findings briefly and precisely. More description of studies and findings has
no meaning unless those descriptions and findings are analsed critically to find out research gaps to be
bridged by the present study. Therefore, it is required that after description of the previous research
work, the research report should contain a critical appraisal to find out significance the study.
The methodology and procedure section includes the description of subjects, tools and
instruments, design, procedures. The description of subjects includes a definition and description of
population from which sample is selected, description of the method used in selecting sample and size of
the sample, the description of population should indicate its size, major characteristics such as age, grade
level, ability level and socio‐ economic status. The method and sampling techniques used for selection of
sample requires to be described in detail along with the size of the sample.
The instruments and tools used for investigation require detailed description. The description
includes the functions of the instrument, its validity, reliability and searing procedures. If an instrument
is developed by the investigator, the descript needs to be more detailed that specifies the procedures
followed for developing the tools, steps used for determining validity and reliability, response categories,
scoring pattern, norms, if any, and guidelines for interpretations. A copy of the instrument with scoring
key and other pertinent information related to the instrument are generally given in appendix of the
dissertation and thesis but not given in the main body of the report.
The description of the design is given in detail. It also includes a rationale for selection of the
The results section describes the statistical techniques applied to data with justification,
preselected alpha levels and the result of each analysis. Analysis of data is made under subheadings
pertaining to each hypothesis. Tables and figures need to present findings (in summary form) of
statistical analysis in vertical columns and horizontal rows. Graphs are also given in the main body of the
report. Tables and figures enable the reader to comprehend and interpret data quickly. It is advisable to
use several tables rather than to use one table that is crowded. Good tables and figures are self –
explanatory. Each table should be presented on the same page. Large tables or graphs should be
reduced to manuscript page size either by Photostat on some other process of reproduction. The word
table or figure is centred between the page margins and typed in capital letters, followed by the table or
figure number in Arabic numerals. Tables and figures are numbered continuously but separately for each
chapter.. Title of the table and figure is placed in double space below the word table and figure. The title
of the table and figure should be brief and clear indicating the nature of table presented. Column
headings and row headings of a table should be clearly labeled. If no data is available for a particular cell,
indicate the lack by a dash (‐), rather than a zero (0).
Each table and figure is followed by description systematically in simple language with statistical or
mathematical language in parenthesis. An example in given in Box – 3.
Box – 3
The result emerged should be followed by discussion and interpretation. Each result is discussed
in terms of the original hypothesis to which it relates, and in terms of its agreement or disagreement with
previous results obtained by other researchers in other studies. Sometimes, researcher uses a separate
section titled ‘Discussions’ where all the results emerged are explained either individually or joined both
at micro level and macro level.
The conclusion and recommendation chapter includes description of the major findings, discussion
of the theoretical and practical implications of the findings and recommendations for future research or
future action. In this section, a researcher is free to discuss any possible revisions and additions to
existing theory and to encourages studies designed to test hypotheses suggested by the results. The
researcher may also discuss the implications of findings for educational practical and suggest studies that
can be replicated in other settings. The researcher may also suggest further studies to be designed for
investing different dimensions of the problem investigated.
The references of bibliography section of the dissertation and thesis consists of lists of all the
sources alphabetically by author’s lost names that mere cited in the report. Most of the authors’ names
were cited in the introduction and review of related literature, sections, Primary sources that are cited in
the body of the dissertation and thesis are only included in the references.
Appendices are necessary in thesis and dissertation reports. Appendices include information and
data pertinent to the study which are not important to be included in the main body of the report or are
too lengthy. Tests, questionnaire, career letters, raw data and data analysis sheet are included in the
appendices. Sometimes, subject index that includes important concepts used in the main body of the
report. The list of those concepts are given alphabetically with the page on which each can be found.
Appendices are named alphabetically followed with short title relating to the theme. (For example,
APPENDIX A Non‐verbal Text on concept attainment in Biology.)
Paper includes a research report prepared for publication in a journal or for presentation in
seminar and professional meeting. Paper prepared for journal and seminar follows the same mechanism
of writing, style and format. The main purpose of a paper is for sharing the ideas emerged with other
researchers, which is not possible through dissertation and thesis. The content and format of a paper
and a thesis are very similar except that the paper is much shorter. Lengthy thesis or dissertation may
once again be prepared of two papers or articles. The research paper follows the format given below.
1. Title
2. Author’s name
3. Abstract (About 100 to 120 words)
4. Introduction
5. Method
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Reference
Writing of the title of a research paper follows the same mechanism it is followed in dissertation
and thesis. Below the title, author’s name and address is given.
An abstract of the paper consisting of 100 to 120 words, and containing mainly objectives,
methods and findings are given before main body of the paper. Other preliminary pages of the
dissertation and thesis are not required in the research paper either to be published in a journal or
presented in a seminar.
The introduction section of a research paper consists of a brief description of theoretical
background, agreements and disagreement of previous researchers on findings related to the topic
center report, objective, hypotheses.
The method section deals with sample size and sampling, instruments and tools, design and
procedure of collecting data. In dissertation and thesis, detailed description is necessary, whereas, in
research paper the same is to be writing very precisely and comprehensively. The author has to exercise
judgment in determining which are the critical aspects of the study and which aspects require more in
depth description.
The result section of a research paper includes tables and figures including graphs. However, the
tables and figures require to be described in the light of the hypothesis for its acceptance and rejection.
The findings described should be supported by statistical values and alpha levels with mathematical signs
of less than (<) or greater than (>) etc. in parenthesis. For example, as it can be seen in table 1, high
creative and low creative teachers differed significantly on attitude towards class room teaching (t = 4.24;
df = 121; p<.01), child centred practices (t = 2.14; df = 131; p<.05), educational process (t = 3.38; df = 131;
p<.01) and pupils (t = 2.87; df = 131; p <.01) in favour of high creative teachers as mean attitude
towards class room teaching of high creative teachers is greater than their counterparts.
The discussion section is very important in a research paper. Each finding is discussed in the right
of its agreement and disagreement with the previous findings followed with justification based on
previous theory and existing body of knowledge. In this section, the researchers are free to give their
critical judgment for using new dimensions that were emerged out of the study in order to add
something new to the existing body of knowledge or for revision and modification of theory. Critical and
analytic description is highly essential in discussion.
Lastly, names of authors cited in the paper are given in alphabetical orders beginning with first
name in the reference.
Check Your Progress‐III
1. Explain the mechanisms of writing a dissertation.
A bibliography is list of all the sources which the researcher actually used for writing a research
report. Bibliography and references and sometimes used interchangeably, buy both are different from
each other. References consist of all documents including books, journal, articles, technical reports,
computer programmes and unpublished works that are cited in the main body of a research report. i.e.
dissertation, thesis, journal article, seminar paper, etc. References includes mainly primary sources. A
bibliography, in contrast, contains everything that is either cited or not cited in the body of the report but
are used by the researcher. It includes both primary and secondary sources. The common trend has
been to use bibliography in dissertation and thesis, and reference in journal articles and papers.
The American Psychological Association (APA) Publication, Manual, the Chicago Manual of Style
and Uniform System of Citation of Harvard Review Association are available that guide a researcher to
write bibliography. However, the APA style is widely used to write bibliography is educational research.
It provides guidelines for writing different types of sources such as boxes, journal articles, unpublished
dissertation and thesis, unpublished papers presented at the meeting and seminars, unpublished
manuscripts, technical reports etc.
Bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order by the last names of the first authors. When no
author is given, the first word of the title on sponsoring organisation is used to begin the entry. Each
entry in the bibliography starts at the left margin of the page, with subsequent lines double spread and
indented. Extra space is not given between the entries.
Following illustrations provide information for writing different type of entries in the bibliography.
1. Book :
Vaizey, J. (1967). Education in the modern world. New York : McGraw Hill.
2. Book with multiple authors :
Barzun, J. & Graff, H. F. (1977), The modern researcher, New York : Harcourt, Brace, Hovanovich.
3. Book in subsequent edition :
Hallahan, D.P. & Kauffman, J.M. (1982), Exceptional children (2nd ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice
4. Editor as author :
Mitchell, J. V., Jr (Ed.), (1985). Mental measurement yearbook (9th ed.), Highland Park, NJ : Gryphon
5. No author given :
Prentice – Hall author’s guide. (1978), Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall.
6. Corporate or association author
American Psychological Association, (1983), Publication manual (3rd ed.), Washington, DC : Author
7. Part of a series of books :
Terman, L.M. & Oden, M.H. (1947), Genetic studies of genius series : Vol. 4. The gifted child grows up.
Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press.
8. Chapter in an edited book :
Kahn, J.V. (1984), Cognitive training and its relationship to the language of profoundly related
children. In J.M. Berg (Ed.), Perspectives and progress in mental retardation. Baltimore : University
Park, 211 – 219.
9. Journal article :
Seltzer, M.M. (1984) Correlates of community opposition to community residences for mentally
retarded persons. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 89, 1 – 8.
10. Magazine article :
Meer, J. (1984, August), Pet theories, Psychology Today, pp. 60 – 67.
11. Unpublished paper presented at a meeting :
Schmidt, M., Khan, J.V. & Nucci, L. (1984, May), Moral and social conventional reasoning of trainable
mentally retarded adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association
on Mental Deficiency, Minneapolis, MN.
12. Thesis or dissertation (unpublished) :
Best, J.W. (1948), An analysis of certain selected factors underlying the choice of teaching as a
profession. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
13. Unpublished manuscripts :
Kahn, J.V., Jones, C., & Schmidt, M. (1984). Effect of object Preference on sign learnability by severely
and profoundly retarded children : A pilot study. Unpublished manuscript, University of Illionois at
Kahn, J.V., (1991). Using the Uzgiris and Hunt scales to understand sign usage of children with severe
and profound mental retardation, Manuscript submitted for publication.
14. Chapter accepted for publication :
Kahn, J.V. (in press), Predicting adaptive behavior of severely and profoundly mentally retarded
children with early cognitive measures. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research
15. Technical report :
Kahn, J.V., (1981) : Training sensorimotor period and language skills with severely retarded children.
Chicago, IL : University of Illinois at Chicago. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No. ED 204 941).
Evaluation of a research report is essential to find out major problems and shortcomings. Through
a critical analysis, the student may gain some ideas into the nature of research problem, methodology for
conducting research, the process by which data are analysed and conclusions are drawn, format of
writing research report, style of writing. The following questions are suggested to evaluate each
components of research report.
1. The Title and Abstract
• Are the tile and abstract clear and concise?
• Do they promise no more than the study can provide?
2. The problem
• Is the problem stated clearly?
• Is the problem researchable?
• Is background information on a problem presented?
• Is the significance of the problem given?
• Are the variables defined operationally?
3. The Hypothesis
• Are hypotheses testable and stated clearly?
• Are hypotheses based on sound rationale?
• Are assumptions, limitations and delimitations stated?
4. Review of Repeated Literature
• Is it adequately covered?
• Are most of the sources primary?
• Are important findings noted?
• Is it well organised?
• Is the literature given directly relevant to the problem?
• Have the references been critical analysed and the results of studies compared and constructed?
• Is the review well organised?
• Does it conclude with a brief summary and its implications for the problem investigated?
5. Sample
• Are the size and characteristics of the population studied described?
• Is the size of the sample appropriate?
• Is the method of selecting the sample clearly described?
6. Instruments and Tools
• Are data gathering instruments described clearly?
• Are the instruments appropriate for measuring the intended variable?
• Are validity and reliability the instruments discussed?
• Are systematic procedure followed if the instrument was developed by one researcher?
• Are administration, searing and interpretation procedures described?
7. Design and Procedure
• Is the design appropriate for testing the hypotheses?
• Are the procedures described in detail?
• Are control procedures described?
8. Results
• Is the statistical method appropriate?
• Is the level of significance given?
• Are tables and figures given?
• Is every hypothesis tested?
• Are the data in each table and figure described clearly?
• Are the results stated clearly?
9. Discussions
• Is each finding discussed?
• Is each finding discussed in term of its agreement and disagreement with previous studies?
• Are generalizations consistent with the results?
10. Conclusions and Recommendations
• Are theoretical and practical implications of the findings discussed?
• Are recommendations for further action made?
• Are recommendations for further research made?
11. Summary
• Is the problem restated?
• Are the number and type of subjects and instruments described?
• Are procedures described?
• Are the major findings and conclusions described ?
Check Your Progress‐IV
1. What are the criteria of evaluating a research report?
Suggested Readings
Turabian, K. Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. (7th ed.) Chicago: University
of Chicago Press. 2007.
Cardasco, F. and Gatner, E. (1958).Research Report Writing. New York : Barner and Noble.