DAT Neonatal

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Pediatrics and Neonatology (2015) 56, 256e260

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Importance of Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT)

in Cord Blood: Causes of DAT (D) in a Cohort
Serena Valsami a,*, Marianna Politou a, Theodora Boutsikou b,
Despina Briana b, Milena Papatesta b, Ariadne Malamitsi-Puchner b

Blood Transfusion Department, Aretaieion Hospital, Athens University Medical School, Athens,
Neonatal Division, 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aretaieion Hospital, Athens
University, Medical School, Athens, Greece

Received May 30, 2014; received in revised form Aug 25, 2014; accepted Nov 7, 2014
Available online 24 December 2014

Key Words Background: The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) is the cornerstone of the diagnosis of hemolytic
ABO incompatibility; disease of the newborn (HDN). The aim of this study was to review the incidence and causes of
direct antiglobulin positive DAT in cord blood in relation to development of HDN.
test (DAT); Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all results of DAT, which is routinely performed in cord
hyperbilirubinemia; blood samples, along with the laboratory and infants’ medical records.
maternal Results: DAT was positive in 70/2695 (2.59%) cases. In 64/70 (91.43%) cases, DAT positivity was
alloimmunization; attributed to ABO incompatibility. There were 50/218 (22.93%) DAT (þ) cases in the A/O group
phototherapy and 13/97 (13.40%) cases in the B/O group (p Z 0.0664). Two DAT (þ) cases were attributed to
maternal alloimmunization (anti-Fya and anti-JKb, respectively), and one to maternal IgG au-
toantibodies that developed after methyldopa treatment. Among the 70 DAT (þ) cases, 30
(42.86%) cases required phototherapy with no difference between the A/O and B/O groups.
The duration of phototherapy in the B/O group was significantly longer than in the A/O group
(p Z 0.024). There was a trend of correlation of increasing strength of DAT positivity with
phototherapy need. No false positive DAT case was detected.
Conclusions: Although ABO incompatibility remains the main reason of DAT (þ), other causes
(e.g., alloimmunization, drugs) should also be explored. The relevant impact of DAT (þ) on
HDN development should be considered.
Copyright ª 2015, Taiwan Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights

* Corresponding author. Blood Transfusion Department, Aretaieion Hospital, Athens University Medical School, V. Sofias 76, 11528 Athens,
E-mail address: serenavalsami@yahoo.com (S. Valsami).

1875-9572/Copyright ª 2015, Taiwan Pediatric Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
Direct antiglobulin test in cord blood 257

1. Introduction Cord blood was collected by puncturing the umbilical

vein with needle and a syringe to avoid Wharton’s jelly
The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) is a screening test for contamination. DAT was carried out using an automated
antibodies present in an individual’s red cells and is used to method (BIOVUE INNOVA Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, High
diagnose autoimmune hemolytic anemias as well as the Wycombe, UK) according to the manufacturer’s instructions
hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).1 A positive DAT in and was characterized as negative, weak (equal to 0.5þ),
a newborn results from the transplacental transfer of IgG 1þ, 2þ, 3þ, and 4þ. Blood group typing was performed
antibodies, which are present in maternal serum and using standard blood bank techniques (slide or tube test).
directed against antigens on fetal and neonatal red blood Statistical analysis was performed using the t test for
cells (RBCs). Such antibodies may cause destruction of ne- continuous data, and Fisher’s exact test or the chi-square
onates’ RBCs and shorten their life span, leading to clinical test for categorical data as appropriate. Data were
manifestations of HDN and various degrees of hyper- analyzed with the SPSS.16 software. A p value of 0.05 or
bilirubinemia and anemia.1 less was considered statistically significant.
The factors that can lead to a positive DAT in neonates
are mainly the ABO incompatibility between the newborn
and the mother, maternal alloimmunization, and very 3. Results
seldom maternal autoimmune hemolytic anemia.1 ABO in-
compatibility with a positive DAT is considered a major risk Among the 2695 neonates born between January 2011 and
factor for the development of severe hyperbilirubinemia December 2012, 1074 (39.85%) neonates were of group A,
and neurotoxicity.2,3 By contrast, some studies report that 407 (15.10%) of group B, 1105 (41.00%) of group O, and 109
the positive DAT has only a poor predictive value for severe (4.04%) of group AB. ABO incompatibility between neonates
hyperbilirubinemia.4e8 and mothers was found in 481 (17.85%) cases. Of these, 218
This study aimed to explore in a cohort of newborns the neonates of group A and 97 of group B were born to group O
incidence of DAT positivity, evaluate its strength, identify mothers (A/O, 218; B/O, 97). The remaining ABO incom-
its causes, and examine its association with hyper- patible cases identified were B/A, 38 cases; AB/A, 48 cases;
bilirubinemia, need for phototherapy, and transfusion for A/B, 43 cases; and AB/B, 37 cases. The ABO neonatal/
the newborns. maternal compatibility status could not be determined in
296 cases (208 neonatal group A, 11 neonatal group AB, and
77 neonatal group B), as the study was retrospective and
2. Methods data matching mothers and infants of different surnames
was lacking. All the remaining 1918 (71.17%) cases were
Following the guidelines of the Ethics Committee, at considered ABO compatible (A/A, 537; A/AB, 68; AB/AB,
admittance to the Aretaieion University Hospital, all par- 13; B/AB, 38; B/B, 157; O/A, 223; O/B, 111; O/O, 539; O/
turients sign an informed consent for indispensable labo- unknown maternal ABO group, as stated above, 232).
ratory tests to be performed, including ABO/Rhesus D group DAT was found to be positive in 70/2695 (2.59%) cases. In
and DAT in cord blood. In this respect, we retrospectively 64/70 (91.43%) cases, DAT positivity was attributed to ABO
reviewed all results of DAT, which was routinely performed incompatibility. There were 50/218 (22.93%) DAT positive
in cord blood samples of all infants born between January cases in the A/O group, 13/97 (13.40%) in the B/O group,
2011 and December 2012. and 1/38 (2.63%) in the B/A group. The incidence of DAT
During this period, a total of 2695 cord blood samples positivity was higher (although it did not reach statistical
were analyzed. From the Blood Bank records, the following significance) in the A/O group as compared to the B/O
data were evaluated: DAT results, strength of DAT positiv- group (p Z 0.0664).
ity, infant/maternal ABO and Rhesus D group, antibody In two cases, DAT positivity was the result of maternal
screening, and antibody identification in cases of maternal alloimmunization. The first case of alloimmunization was a
alloimmunization. A retrospective review of the charts of mother para 1 (B RhD positive), compound heterozygote for
infants with a positive cord blood DAT was also performed. sickle cell anemia and beta thalassemia. She had a history
The following characteristics were recorded: sex, gesta- of alloimmunization with anti-Fya and anti-JKb owing to
tional age, mode of delivery, relevant antenatal and de- past transfusions, of which only anti-Fya was still detect-
livery data, (maternal medical history) treatment with able. The titer of anti-Fya never exceeded 64 during
phototherapy (duration), peak serum total bilirubin (STB), pregnancy. The neonate (B RhD positive), delivered by ce-
and transfusion history. The bilirubin level was plotted to sarean section at 33 weeks of gestation, was Fya antigen
the hour-specific bilirubin nomogram based on Bhutani positive and had a DAT positive (1þ) result. The presence of
et al9 as referred by Schutzman et al.10 The risk zone on the anti-Fya, as the cause of DAT positivity, was confirmed via
nomogram was characterized as follows: zone a, low risk: an elution test. The neonate did not suffer hemolysis and
<40th percentile; zone b, low-intermediate risk: 40e75th was discharged on Day 7 in good health.
percentile; zone c, high-intermediate risk: 76e95th The second case of alloimmunization was a mother para
percentile; and zone d, high risk: >95th percentile. Photo- 3 (A RhD positive) without history of past transfusions, who
therapy was implemented according to the guidelines of uneventfully delivered a male infant. The neonate (O RhD
the neonatal department, based on the 2004 American positive) had a strong positive DAT (4þ). An antenatal
Academy of Pediatrics along with the revised 2011 Amer- antibody screening test of the mother was not available and
ican Academy of Pediatrics criteria, for the management of the one performed at labor was positive. The alloantibody
hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.2,11 identified had anti-Jkb specificity. The neonate was Jkb
258 S. Valsami et al

antigen positive, and the eluate obtained from neonatal

Table 1 Number of neonates in the low-risk zone (zone
red cells confirmed the diagnosis of HDN due to anti-Jkb. It
a), the low-intermediate risk zone (zone b), the high-
was the only 4þ DAT case in our cohort. The neonate
intermediate risk zone (zone c), and the high risk zone
developed hemolysis and jaundice and responded well to
(zone d) of the nomogram in relation to the strength of DAT
positivity, and cases that met phototherapy criteria.
One additional DAT positive case was an A RhD negative
male infant born to an AB RhD positive mother with a his- Risk zone DAT positivity DAT Cases meeting
tory of methyldopa treatment, owing to hypertension. Both distribution 0.5þ 1þ 2þ 3þ 4þ positive phototherapy
the mother and the neonate had a DAT positive result (3þ), cases (%) criteria (%)
and the eluate obtained in both cases revealed a nonspe- a 6 18 8 1 0 33 (47.14) 0 (0)
cific reaction. The neonate developed hemolysis and b 1 3 2 1 1 8 (11.43) 5 (62.5)
jaundice and responded well to phototherapy. c 1 6 5 0 0 12 (17.14) 11 (91.66)
As for the remaining three DAT positive cases, in two d 1 6 6 2 0 15 (21.43) 14 (93.33)
cases concerning neonates of group A, the ABO status of the No data* 0 0 2 0 0 2* (2.86) 3*
mother was not available, whereas in the other A/A case Total 9 33 23 4 1 70 (100) 30 (42.86)
DAT positivity could not be attributed to any kind of
* Three infants were transferred at birth to Referral Centers
alloimmunization because of missing data of the mother. No
as they presented severe congenital heart disease (2 cases: risk
case of HDN due to maternal anti-D alloimmunization was zone distribution and phototherapy unknown) and severe
identified in our study. dermatological problems (1 case: risk zone distribution d,
Among the 70 DAT positive cases, the strength of DAT phototherapy unknown).
positivity was distributed as follows: 0.5þ, 9/70 (12.86%);
1þ, 33/70 (47.14%); 2þ, 23/70 (32.86%); 3þ, 4/70 (5.71%);
4þ, 1/70 (1.43%). The strength of DAT positivity in the A/O
and the B/O groups was similar. No case with DAT 4þ pos- phototherapy (mean hours) per neonate (DPPN) and DAT
itivity was detected in the ABO incompatibility group. positivity strength (p < 0.05 both for intercept and slope,
Among the 70 DAT positive cases, applying all to neo- and R2 Z 93.04%), specifically DPPN Z 9.20 þ DAT  5.46.
nates with gestational age >36 weeks, 30 (42.86%) met the
criteria and received phototherapy treatment. Twenty-two
of 50 (44%) infants belonged to the A/O group and six of 13 4. Discussion
(46.2%) belonged to the B/O group, with the difference not
being significant (p Z 1). However, the duration of photo- In this study, we retrospectively analyzed all DAT results
therapy in the B/O group (mean  SD, 34.42  45.49 hours) routinely performed in cord blood samples of all infants
was significantly longer than in the A/O group (mean  SD, born at the Aretaieion Hospital and explored the reasons
14.56  19.34 hours; p Z 0.024). The two additional cases that led to DAT positivity, as well as its impact on neonatal
that received phototherapy were the newborns with HDN outcome.
due to anti-JKb and to maternal autoantibodies as a result The ABO incompatibility between neonate and mother
of methyldopa treatment of the mother. None of these was 17.85%, in accordance with previous reports.12 The
cases required an exchange transfusion or intravenous higher frequency of A/O versus B/O incompatibility was
immunoglobulin. also in accordance with the ABO group distribution in
Fifteen out of seventy (15/70, 21.43%) infants with a Greece.13
positive DAT developed clinically significant jaundice with
an STB value > 95th percentile for hour of life (high-risk,
zone d). The two subgroups, A/O (11/50) and B/O (4/13),
did not differ in terms of development of hyper-
bilirubinemia (p Z 0.7191).
The strength of DAT positivity in relation to the risk zone
(according to STB percentile for hour of life) and cases that
met the phototherapy criteria are depicted in Table 1.
There was a trend of correlation of increasing DAT pos-
itivity strength with increasing need for phototherapy as
shown in Figure 1. Further analysis revealed a linear rela-
tion between the percentage of phototherapy-treated ne-
onates (PPTN) and the DAT positivity strength:
PPTN Z 0.19 þ DAT  0.20 (p < 0.05 both for intercept and
slope, and R2 Z 98.31%). There was also a trend of corre-
lation of increasing DAT positivity strength with increased
duration of phototherapy (mean values). The duration of
phototherapy (mean hours) was 11.89 hours in the 0.5þ DAT
group, 15.09 hours in the 1þ DAT group, 21.31 hours in the
2þ DAT group, 22.00 hours in the 3þ DAT group, and 33.00
hours in the 4þ DAT group. For those data, there was a Figure 1 Direct antiglobulin test (DAT) positivity (DAT 0.5þ,
statistically significant relation between the duration of 1þ, 2þ, 3þ, 4þ) in relation to need for phototherapy.
Direct antiglobulin test in cord blood 259

The incidence of a positive DAT in newborns was 2.59%, a The incidence and the severity of hyperbilirubinemia
percentage similar to that (2.3%) reported by Dillon et al14 between A/O and B/O subgroups differs among published
but lower than that (3.5%) of Hershel et al.15 Both studies studies, with many investigators suggesting that clinical
applied the same methodology as the current study.14,15 In severity of HDN does not differ in the two subgroups, and
accordance with previous studies, the current one pre- others proposing that B/O infants are at increased risk for
sented ABO incompatibility in 91.43% of positive DAT HDN and in need of intense treatment. In our study, similar
cases,15 and the incidence of DAT positivity was slightly proportions of A/O and B/O infants met the criteria and
higher in neonates of group A/O (22.93%) when compared received phototherapy or developed clinically significant
to group B/O (13.40%; p Z 0.0664).6,16 jaundice (STB >95th percentile for hour of life). However,
In our cohort, two cases of DAT positivity resulted from the duration of phototherapy (hours) received by neonates
alloimmunization of the mother: one B/B case was due to in the B/O group was higher than in the A/O group
anti-Fya and one O/A case was due to anti-JKb. The preva- (p Z 0.024). This finding could possibly suggest a slight
lence of anti-Fya alloantibody in pregnant women is very low difference in clinical severity of HDN in the B/O group, but
(ranging from 0.01% to 5.4%), and although the neonate in cannot definitively document that B/O heterospecific neo-
our study did not suffer hemolysis, there is a potential to nates are at higher risk than their A/O counterparts.16,25e28
cause significant fetal and newborn hemolysis.17 Most of the The role of DAT screening in predicting HDN has been
few case reports of anti-Jkberelated HDN described in the debated over the past years.6,8,29,30 The predictive value of
literature developed a mild clinical course, as in our case, the DAT positivity was not assessed in this retrospective
but rare cases with severe HDN have also been reported.18,19 study, because only the DAT positive cases were taken into
One additional A/AB case was attributable to maternal consideration. However, it was found that among the DAT
IgG autoantibodies that developed during pregnancy as a (þ) cases, a trend of increasing DAT positivity strength with
result of methyldopa treatment. Methyldopa can lead to a increasing need for phototherapy might exist as shown in
positive DAT in about 20% of treated patients, but autoim- Figure 1. In addition, a similar trend of increasing DAT
mune hemolytic anemia develops in only 2% of patients.20 positivity strength with increased duration of phototherapy
However, IgG autoantibodies against RBCs can cross the may also exist. The main limitation of this result is related
placenta and cause HDN. This case is, to our knowledge, the to the small number of cases encountered with 3þ and 4þ
second in the literature.21 DAT.
In our study, no case of positive DAT was attributed to In conclusion, although several reports have proposed
anti-D passive or immune alloimmunization of the mother. that routine cord blood DAT testing is not necessary, ac-
In the A/O group with a positive DAT, there were four cases cording to our current retrospective study, its impact on
of Rhesus D positive infants born to Rhesus D negative the newborn cannot be overlooked. Nevertheless, DAT
mothers. All four mothers had a negative screening test testing cannot replace STB measurements early in life.
result during pregnancy and at labor, and no history of Furthermore, although ABO incompatibility accounts for
prenatal Rhesus immune globulin administration. Thus, DAT the majority of DAT positive cases, other causes should be
positivity was attributed to ABO incompatibility, and this also considered. Maternal screening tests and a careful look
was also confirmed by elution tests. It has been shown that at the history of drug administration during pregnancy
the introduction of routine antenatal Rhesus immune could identify other important but rare causes of DAT
globulin prophylaxis led to an increase of false positive DAT positivity, aiding maternal and neonatal management.
results in cord blood samples that were poorly predictive of Finally, prospective studies including costebenefit ones
subsequent hyperbilirubinemia.14,22 with defined end points would be helpful.
However, there were three DAT positive cases in which
DAT positivity could not be explained owing to a lack of
data regarding the mother. We do not regard these cases as Conflicts of interest
false positives but as true positive ones, where the cause of
DAT positivity could not be clarified. In our study, no false The authors declare that they have no financial or nonfi-
positive DAT cases were detected.22,23 All weak positive nancial conflicts of interest related to the subject matter or
DAT cases (0.5þ) were attributed to ABO incompatibility materials discussed in the manuscript.
and had relevant clinical impact. Additionally, it is worth
mentioning that DAT accuracy could be constrained owing
to a degree of subjectivity in the observer’s judgment. The
use of fully automated microtube gel methods could over-
come such problems along with technical pitfalls that could The authors acknowledge Dr A. Pouliakis, Department of
result in a false positive DAT.24 Cytopathology, University of Athens, Greece, for contrib-
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>95th percentile for hour of life) and 30/70 (42.86%) cases References
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