Clinicopathological Correlation in Diagnosis of Hansen's Disease: A Histopathologist's Perspective
Clinicopathological Correlation in Diagnosis of Hansen's Disease: A Histopathologist's Perspective
Clinicopathological Correlation in Diagnosis of Hansen's Disease: A Histopathologist's Perspective
Clinicopathological correlation
in diagnosis of Hansen’s disease:
A histopathologist’s perspective
Reshma Gopal Kini, Hemangini Choudhury
Department of Objectives: Hansen’s disease follows a chronic course and though curable causes considerable degree of
Pathology, Father Muller disability and deformity. Key to managing leprosy is its early diagnosis and treatment with multidrug regimen.
Medical College, Histopathological evaluation of skin biopsies plays crucial role in the correct diagnosis of clinically ambiguous
Mangalore, Karnataka, cases. Moreover, classifying lesions by the Ridley-Jopling (RJ) system gives personalized information about
India the immunological status of the individual and also aids in placing the patient in the correct treatment category.
Materials and Methods: Skin biopsies obtained from newly diagnosed cases of leprosy were included.
Paraffin-embedded sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Fite-Faraco were evaluated for features
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Reshma Gopal Kini,
confirming leprosy and further categorized as per the RJ system. Sensitivity, specificity, and concordance
Department of Pathology, rates were studied. Results: A total of 93 cases were studied after excluding those which had a component
Father Muller Medical of reaction. Among the clinically suspected cases, 93% of the biopsies were positive for leprosy. Sensitivity
College, Kankanady, of clinical diagnosis ranged from 60% for borderline (BB) to 100% for histoid leprosy. Specificity ranged from
Mangalore - 575 002, 84.5% for borderline tuberculoid (BT) to 100% for neuritic leprosy. The agreement between histopathological
Karnataka, India. and clinical diagnosis was more than 90% in all the subclasses except for BT which showed agreement in about
Phone: +91-9986287395. E-
82% of the cases. Two of the cases were categorized into multibacillary type of leprosy-based histopathological
mail: drreshmakini@gmail.
evaluation. Conclusion: Confirmation of leprosy by the examination of skin biopsy before starting the patient
on long-term multidrug therapy is invaluable. Experience of the leprologists and adherence to histopathological
criteria as per the RJ classification yield excellent concordance rates.
Received: July 17, 2016
Accepted: October 14, 2016
Published: December 31, 2016 KEY WORDS: Histopathology, leprosy, Ridley-Jopling classification
J48Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
and number of giant cells, and bacillary index. Based on these, Table 1: Distribution of cases in individual categories based on
the biopsies were categorized into five classes of RJ classification clinical and histopathologic criteria
system as tuberculoid (TT) leprosy, borderline tuberculoid (BT) Type of leprosy Clinical diagnosis Histopathological diagnosis
leprosy, mid-borderline leprosy (BB), borderline lepromatous TT 18 16
(BL), and lepromatous leprosy (LL) [4,5]. BT 33 30
BB 3 5
Data were analyzed by: BL 12 9
LL 5 7
i. Comparing the histopathological diagnoses with the clinical Histoid 8 6
impression. Neuritic 1 1
ii. Calculating the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive
and negative predicted values of clinical categorization for IL 13 12
Not leprosy - 7
individual subclasses. Total 93 93
iii. Evaluating the concordance of histopathological and clinical
TT: Tuberculoid, BT: Borderline tuberculoid, BB: Borderline,
diagnosis for each of the classes.
BL: Borderline lepromatous, LL: Lepromatous leprosy, IL: Indeterminate
TT-18 11 3 1 3
The age of the patients ranged from 7 to 72 years. Of the BT-33 4 22 1 2 2 2
93 cases diagnosed clinically, 7 were negative for features of BB-3 3
leprosy. The distribution of cases into individual subclasses by BL-12 5 7
LL-5 4 1
clinical and histopathological criteria is presented in Table 1 Neuritic1 1
and Figures1 and 2. Histioid-8 2 6
IL13 1 1 10 1
BT cases were the largest in number. The borderline groups Total-93 16 30 5 9 7 1 6 12 7
together constituted more than 50% of the cases. The TT: Tuberculoid, BT: Borderline tuberculoid, BB: Borderline,
histopathological diagnosis of the clinically categorized cases BL: Borderline lepromatous, LL: Lepromatous leprosy, IL: Indeterminate
with the sensitivity, specificity, and concordance is shown in leprosy
Tables 2 and 3.
Table 3: Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
Clinical diagnosis of TT was based on the presence of one or negative predictive value, and agreement of clinical diagnosis
very few well-demarcated hypoanesthetic patches of slightly for individual subclasses
raised plaques in asymmetrical distribution with neural Type of Sn (%) Sp (%) PPV (%) NPV (%) Agreement
thickening adjacent to the skin abnormalities. We identified leprosy
classic tuberculoid granulomas composed of epithelioid [Figure 4c and d]. Three cases had bacillary index of 1 and one
histiocytes with numerous well-developed Langhans’ type of had surprisingly high load 4. Neural involvement by granulomas
giant cells and dense lymphocytic infiltrate in 11 of the 18 cases considered a classic feature of BT was seen in 57.1% of the cases.
[Figure 3a and b]. Bacillary index was uniformly 0 in all the cases Rest of the cases showed either absence of dermal nerves in the
of TT. Dermal fibrinoid necrosis, periadnexal, and perineural biopsy or only lymphocytic infiltrate around the nerve bundles
lymphocytes were additional points. of which two cases showed no granulomas.
J49Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
Cases that showed several ill-defined skin lesions with mild loss
of sensation and involvement of several nerves were classified
into BB of mid-borderline type. There was 100% concordance
between the clinical and histopathological diagnosis in BB.
J50Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
a b
c d
Figure 4: (a and b) A patient with clinical diagnosis of borderline
tuberculoid showing two well-defined erythematous dry scaly plaques
over the left arm and right elbow (a and b, respectively). The mark over
the lesion on the left arm represents the site from which the biopsy was
later taken, (c) histopathology revealed well-developed granulomas not
involving the epidermis. A few Langhans’ type of histiocytic giant cells
and lymphocytes can be discerned. Hematoxylin and eosin Original
magnification ×100, (d) classic tuberculoid granulomas comprised
exclusively of well-developed epithelioid histiocytes with lymphocytes
not forming a mantle. Hematoxylin and eosin. Original magnification
J51Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
a b
Figure 5: (a) Skin biopsy in borderline showing periadnexal granulomas
with scant lymphoid cells. Note the absence of giant cells which helps
in distinguishing it from a borderline tuberculoid lesion H and E
J52Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
a b
c d
Figure 7: (a) Classical case of lepromatous leprosy leprosy showing
infiltration of skin of forehead with madarosis, (b) patient had depressed
nasal bridge and mild ear lobe infiltration, (c and d) numerous plaques
and papules distributed symmetrically over the trunk and both upper limbs
a b
Figure 8: (a) Lepromatous leprosy granuloma composed of histiocytes,
many of them showing vacuolated cytoplasm. Granulomas lack
lymphoid infiltrate representing the second trough after borderline in
the degree of lymphoid population. Hematoxylin and eosin original
magnification ×400, (b) Fite stain revealed a bacillary index of 6.
Original magnification ×1000
J53Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
J54Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
Figure 9: Perineural lymphocytic infiltrate is a clue to leprosy in The advantage of distinguishing TT and BT histopathologically
otherwise indeterminate cases. Hematoxylin and eosin. Original is in the fact that it alerts the treating clinician to possibility of
magnification ×400
a b
Figure 10: (a) Skin biopsy from one of the nodules from a case of
histoid leprosy reveals a well-defined Grenz zone beneath which
there are sheets of histiocytes the spindle shape of which can just be
discerned. Hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) original magnification
×40, (b) section showing aggregates of spindle-shaped histiocytes H
and E original magnification ×400, (c) Fite stain reveals acid-fast bacilli
in classical sheaves of wheat arrangement. Original magnification
Tuberculoid Leprosy
J55Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
J56Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54 J Interdiscipl Histopathol 2017; 5(2): 48-54
Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
Table 5: Concordance rates for TT, BT BB, BL, LL, and IL in our study in comparison with other studies
Leprosy class Present study Jerath and Bhatia Nadkarni and Kar et al. [14] Kalla Moorthy Manandhar Shivaswamy
Desai [12] et al. [13] Rege [11] et al. [15] et al. [16] et al. [17] et al. [10]
TT (%) 92.4 74.5 50 97 87.5 76.7 46.15 24 56
BT (%) 82 64.7 77 95 60.9 44.2 66.6 63.15 64.1
BB (%) 97.8 53.8 25 89 54.5 37 50 0 50
BL (%) 92.6 28.5 43 87 53.8 43.7 70 57.4 73.3
LL (%) 96.8 61.5 91 98 71.4 75.6 80 57.1 84.2
IL (%) 93.8 88.8 35 - 81.2 20 0 50
BB: Borderline, BL: Borderline lepromatous, LL: Lepromatous leprosy, IL: Indeterminate leprosy
histiocytes and a high bacillary load, our case would belong to
the LL group [22].
a b
Figure 11: (a) Nerve biopsy from a case of neuritic leprosy showing
mildly edematous nerve. With infiltration of foamy histiocytes within
the nerve (arrow), (b) high power view of the nerve with collection
of histiocytes having vacuolated cytoplasm. Hematoxylin and eosin
original magnification ×400, (c) globi of lepra bacilli seen within the
foamy cells. Original magnification ×1000
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Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease Kini and Choudhury: A histopathologist’s perspective in Hansen’s disease
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