Thermodynamics Answers

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Thermodynamics Answers

1. Heat power 33. Quasi-state or 61. Ideal gas

2. Lord Kelvin quasi- equilibrium temperature scale
3. First law of process 62. Constant-volume
Thermodynamics 34. Control mass gas thermometer
4. Second law of 35. Control volume 63. Coulomb
Thermodynamics 36. Thermal, phase, repulsion
5. Classical mechanical and 64. Constant-volume
thermodynamics chemical gas thermometer
6. Statistical 37. Cycle 65. Triple point of
thermodynamics 38. Isothermal water
7. System process 66. Pressure
8. Conservation of 39. Isobaric process 67. N/m^2
energy 40. Isochoric or 68. 14.223 psi
9. Surroundings isometric process 69. Pa
10. Boundary 41. Remains constant 70. 10^5
11. Closed system 42. No change with 71. 101,325
12. Isolated system time 72. Absolute pressure
13. Open system 43. No change with 73. Vacuum pressure
14. All of the above location 74. Gage
15. Control surface 44. Steady-flow 75. Pitot tube
16. Property process 76. Barometer
17. Intensive and 45. Internal energy 77. 760
extensive 46. Microscopic form 78. Pascal’s Law
18. Intensive of energy 79. Bourdon pressure
property 47. Macroscopic form gage
19. Extensive of energy 80. Heat
property 48. Thomas Young 81. Joule
20. Mass 49. Translational 82. Kg ∙ m^2/s^2
21. Density energy 83. 4.184
22. Specific 50. Rotational kinetic 84. 10^-7
properties energy 85. Law of
23. Thermal 51. Spin energy conservation of
24. Mechanical 52. Sensible energy energy
25. Phase 53. Latent energy 86. Thermodynamics
26. Chemical 54. Chemical energy 87. Enthalpy
27. State postulate 55. Nuclear energy 88. Heat capacity
28. Kj 56. Heat transfer and 89. Molar heat
29. Simple work 90. Specific heat
compressible 57. Zeroth law of 91. Hess’s Law
30. Process thermodynamics 92. Entropy
31. Path 58. R.H. Fowler 93. Joule/Kelvin
32. 2 59. Kelvin scale 94. Enthalpy
60. Rankine scale 95. Compressed or
Thermodynamics Answers

96. Saturated 130. Conservation of 155. Energy

97. Saturated mass principle efficiency rating
98. Superheated 131. PV = nRT 156. Second law of
99. Pure 132. Both heat thermodynamics
100. Saturation transfer = 0; 157. Clausius
temperature isentropic: reversible statement
101. Saturation 133. PV = nRT 158. Perpetual-
pressure 134. Thermal motion machine
102. Heat of fusion conductivity 159. Perpetual-
103. Heat of 135. Greenhouse motion machine of
vaporation effect the first kind
104. Latent heat 136. Boundary work 160. Perpetual
105. 333.7 kJ/kg 137. 0.1 to 100 µm motion machine of
106. 2257.1 kJ/kg 138. Emissive power the second kind
107. Maximum point 139. Kirchhoff’s 161. 1824
108. Sublimation radiation law 162. Sadi Carnot
109. Kilocalorie 140. Black body 163. 4
110. BTU 141. Gray body 164. Two isothermal
111. 1054 142. Less than and two adiabatic
112. Heat 143. It is 165. Carnot
113. Quality independent with the efficiency
114. Pressure, surface condition of 166. Carnot heat
temperature and the material engine
specific volume 144. 1 167. Carnot principle
115. Gas constant 145. 1 168. Second law of
116. Universal gas 146. Stefan- thermodynamics
constant to molar Boltzmann law 169. Isentropic
mass 147. Conservation of 170. True
117. 8.314 energy principle 171. Internally
118. Molar mass 148. Energy balance reversible, adiabatic
119. Specific heat 149. Mass and process
120. Specific heat energy content of the 172. Third law of
capacity control volume thermodynamics
121. 4185 150. Network output 173. Third law of
122. J/kg∙ °C to total heat input thermodynamics
123. Specific volume 151. Second law of 174. Entropy balance
of density thermodynamics relation
124. Adiabatic 152. Kelvin-Planck 175. Second law of
125. Not to be statement thermodynamics
passed 153. Combustion 176. Heat
126. All of the above efficiency 177. It is always zero
127. Radiation 154. Overall 178. Its saturated
128. Convection efficiency vapor pressure
129. Conduction
Thermodynamics Answers

equals to the 206. thermal stress 240. control mass

atmospheric pressure 207. Internal Energy 241. control volume
179. 0 degree Celsius 208. Specific Heat 242. -256
and one atmosphere Capacity 243. heat enters the
180. Zero 209. Equilibrium substance.
181. Boyle’s Law Vapor Pressure 244. 15
182. V1/T1=V2/T2 210. temperature 245. shape of the
183. Thickness of 211. Phase diagram object
material/ thermal 212. Internal Energy 246. metals
conductivity of 213. calorie 247. glass
material 214. temperature 248. increases
184. 186,000 215. Zero-Point 249. Kelvin
miles/second Energy temperature
185. Eff = 1 – 216. 10 K 250. reduced by half
(T2/T1) 217. Helmholtz free 251. it increases by a
186. EER = 3.42 COP energy factor of square root
187. Absorbed heat 218. 0.67 m of 2
and work required 219. 0.18 in 252. entropy
188. Law of Dulong 220. 1400 J 253. Isochoric
and Petit 221. Gibbs free process
189. Avogadro’s energy 254. isobaric
190. Perfect gas 222. heat 255. increases
191. All of the above 223. relative 256. Closed system
192. Amagat’s law humidity 257. normal boiling
193. Throttling 224. Sublimation point
process 225. Convection 258. wet steam
194. Joule-Thomson 226. change 259. flash steam
coefficient 227. three times 260. dryness fraction
195. Sink reservoir 228. increases 261. thermopile
196. Isentropic flow 229. no pressure 262. any holes in the
197. Ignition 230. the relative object expand as well
temperature humidity decreases 263. one BTU
198. Dalton’s law 231. convection 264. pressure
199. Joule’s law current 265. Sir James
200. An ideal gas is a 232. blackbody Dewar
gas that is not a 233. Conduction 266. Isobaric
superheated vapor 234. gram-mole 267. raising the temp
201. movement of 235. Maxwell speed and lowering the
heat Distribution temp
202. Kelvin 236. Forced 268. the second law
203. heat Convection of thermodynamics
204. latent heat 237. point function 269. Clausius
205. thermal 238. path function statement
expansion 239. boundary 270. mean free path
Thermodynamics Answers

271. 9.86 x 10^4 308. 1.1577 347. T2=1.620ºR,

N/m^2 BTU/lbm-˚R ▲H = 122.83 Btu
272. 6 x 10^15 tons 309. 15.7 BTU 348. 70.658 kpa
273. standard 310. 0.179 K/s 349. 900,000
atmospheric pressure 311. 4474.23 N lb/hr;625 ft/s
274. Pascal’s law 312. 2474.23 N 350. 11,772 N-m and
275. Gauge Pressure 313. 42.41 ft^3 6.26m/s
276. 62.4 lb 314. 28.6 psia 351. 10m/s
277. surface tension 315. 108 hp 352. 217.17 kpa
278. Torricelli’s 316. W = mRTln 353. 796.32 L
Theorem (V2/V1) 354. 7.85
279. diffusion 317. 1124 cal 355. 375 kg/s
280. 1948 318. -364 BTU/lbm 356. 87°C
281. dew point 319. 12 kJ 357. 0.085 m³/min
282. cycle 320. 0.02 ft^3/lbm 358. 24m/s
283. Bulk Properties 321. 66 kgf 359. 33.9 ft
284. Joule-Thomson 322. 1000 kgf/m3 360. 625 fpm
process 323. 286 361. 50 lbm
285. Otto Cycle 324. Both a & b 362. 33.9 ft
286. 24.6 J/K 325. 209 psia 363. 1.38
287. conservation of 326. 416 364. -420Btu
energy 327. 999 K 365. 7.9 °C
288. 1700 J 328. 3800 366. 1.3 x 108 J
289. 12 kJ 329. 1620 °R 367. -540 J
290. 17.66 % 330. 0.2148 lb 368. 0.77 kg liter-1
291. Sensible heat 331. 121 369. 11,120N
292. Joseph Black 332. 100 370. 5.18 l
293. Latent Heat 333. 125 J 371. 18 kg
294. Third Law of 334. 443 kPa 372. 111 psi
thermodynamics 335. 48.75 N 373. 1214Btu / lb
295. 1/860 W.h 336. 4875 j 374. 394 lb
296. Polytropic 337. 300 kJ 375. –1664 kJ/min
process 338. 1 376. 7.849 ft3
297. steady flow 339. 485 377. 1.356
298. Carnot Cycle 340. 672 378. 339.4 K
299. 733.33 kPa 341. 298.645 379. 1620°R
300. Sadi Carnot 342. 65.23 psi 380. 710°R
301. 13.33 ft^3/lbm 343. 70 381. 265.4°C,
302. 3300 lbf-ft/lbm 344. 450 N 430.7kJ/kg,
303. 24.9 ft^3 345. 71.4kJ/kg,
304. z = pV/ RT 900,000lb/hr;625 1.0327kJ/(kg)(K),50
305. 1.79 kJ/ kg-˚C ft/s981 N 2.1 kJ/kg
306. 2 x10^6 kJ 346. 981 N 382. 204.2°C, -703.2
307. 3.16 kg kJ/kg, -84.15 kJ/kg, -
Thermodynamics Answers

1.7505 kJ/(kg)(K),- 414. potential energy 449. kJ / kg.k

787.4 kJ/kg 415. elastic work 450. Zeroth Law
383. 95.20% 416. Gabriel Daniel 451. Charle’s Law
384. 95.56% Fahrenheit 452. Heat
385. 1378.7 kJ 417. Anders Celsius 453. Reversible
386. -1384.7 kJ 418. barometer 454. Natural
387. 96% 419. Momentum Environment
388. 97.6%,2713 420. all of the above 455. The change in
kJ/kg 421. Energy is a entropy is 0
389. 14026.5 m³ scalar quantity 456. kg
390. 126m³ 422. System 457. Surrounding
391. 54.60% 423. Flow rate 458. Control Volume
392. 190 in³ 424. Energy 459. Adiabatic
393. 217.7 kPa 425. Specific Heat 460. Isentropic
394. 62850 joules 426. Process
395. 419 000 joules Thermodynamics 461. Mass
396. 2238 watts 427. 1st Law of 462. Weight
397. 9 Newton’s Energy Conservation 463. mass is
398. 0.998 hp 428. Vector Quantity indestructible
399. 1.16 kcal 429. Internal Energy 464. Internal Energy
400. 440 cal 430. 1.60210 x 10- 465. Work
401. 19 coulomb 466. Heat
Thermodynamics 431. Boyle’s Law 467. Open System
402. Boyle’s Law 432. Barometer 468. Pa
403. 6.0225 x 10^23 433. Both a & b 469. Boyle’s Law
mol-1 434. Q is positive 470. Multistaging
404. all of the above when heat is rejected 471. Relative
405. isolated system by the body or Humidity
406. evaporation system 472. Internal
407. 1 gm/cm³ 435. All of the above Combustion Engine
408. when a body is 436. Entrophy 473. Humidity ratio
inversed in a fluid, 437. Newton’s Law 474. Adiabatic
the fluid exerts a 438. Density Saturation Process
upward force on the 439. Enthalpy 475. Fossil fuel
body whose 440. Closed System 476. Heating Value
magnitude is equal to 441. isometric 477. Specific Weight
the weight of the 442. specific heat 478. Manometer
displaced fluid. 443. torr 479. Process
409. solid 444. Cp – Cv 480. Heat Engine
410. V = C 445. Conservation of 481. Saturation
411. specific heat Energy Temperature
412. > 1 446. Isolated System 482. Sub cooled
413. Law of 447. Enthalpy Liquid
Conservation of Mass 448. Specific Gravity
Thermodynamics Answers

483. Compressed 516. high 544. Rankine cycle

Liquid temperature and low 545. Joule cycle
484. Saturated Liquid pressure 546. zero
485. Vapor 517. Boyle’s Law 547. properties
486. Saturated Vapor 518. Open system 548. Randomness or
487. Superheated 519. An energy disorder
Vapor transfer due to 549. Closed system
488. Wet Vapor temperature 550. Open system
489. Critical Point difference 551. viscosity
490. Sensible Heat 520. joule 552. zero
491. Latent Heat 521. the enthalpy of 553. enthalpy
492. momentum reactants is lower 554. Gasoline engine
493. °C = 5/9 (°F – than the enthalpy of 555. Carnot engine
32) products. 556. Isobaric
494. Kelvin 522. regelation expansion
495. Newton 523. when the gas 557. Thomas Young
496. Pascal expands adiabatically 558. Second law
497. Degrees of 524. zero 559. Mollier diagram
Superheat, °SH 525. Heat 560. Compressibility
498. Degrees of Sub 526. Becomes factor
cooled, °SB negative 561. Thermal pump
499. Quality, x 527. zero 562. Isochoric
500. Percent 528. quadruples process
Moisture, y 529. Adiabatic 563. Gasoline engine
501. 2 process 564. Zeroth Law of
502. zero 530. External Thermodynamics
503. Conservation of combustion engine 565. Latent Heat of
energy 531. in equilibrium Vaporization
504. Rankine cycle 532. Rudolf Clausius 566. isentropic
505. Phase 533. Steam point 567. A fixed region in
506. 1 534. adiabatic space
507. Extensive 535. Subcooled liquid 568. Ethylene glycol
property 536. Third law of 569. Adiabatic
508. Intensive thermodynamics 570. Ideal gas Law
properties 537. 84.6 571. Boiling
509. enthalpy 538. Some heat 572. Third Law of
510. entropy transfer occurs Thermodynamics
511. Steam point 539. process 573. increases
512. Triple point 540. path 574. Isothermal
513. Critical point 541. Change in 575. Sublimation
514. Sensible heat temperature is zero 576. All of these
515. Kilocalorie 542. Isolated system 577. Luminosity
543. Fixed region in 578. Charles’ Law
Thermodynamics Answers

579. Loschmidt
580. Kelvin
581. Black Body
582. Thermal
583. Kirchoff’s Law
584. Caloric Theory
585. Avogadro’s
586. Newton’s Law of
587. All of these
588. Second Law of
130.08 {(10atm)(10
590. Insolation
591. Isobaric
592. effusion
593. All of these
594. Conservation of
Energy Principle
595. Two-stroke
596. Thrust
597. Turbojet
599. Brayton Cycle
600. Second law

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