Amery Hill School Newsletter July 2016
Amery Hill School Newsletter July 2016
Amery Hill School Newsletter July 2016
Summer term 2016
Students travel
in style as new minibus arrives
Mrs Wylie
As we near the end of the summer term we have much to top students and it was with great admiration that I and
give thanks for and to celebrate. First of all, I would like to other senior members of staff joined with all staff and
thank all staff who contributed to our successful Easter students in selecting those for the top positions of
School and series of Master Classes to help our students responsibility. It was with great pride that we announced
prepare for their GCSE examinations. I know the students our new top team (pictured below) who are already taking
found the extra sessions worthwhile and I have received on their roles excellently.
many positive comments from parents who have
appreciated the support staff have provided during what Head Boy – Giles Hartley
is always a challenging time! I look forward to sharing Head Girl – Lucy Bayliss
news with you in August when we can celebrate their Deputy Head Boy – Francis Searle
results. I would also like to thank parents who have Deputy Head Girl – Bria Ferne
volunteered to help in school this term; their support has Senior Prefect – Lily Wilson
enabled us to continue with our outreach work at Alton Senior Prefect – Jamie Walker
Community Hospital and supported students with library Senior Prefect – Josh Gabriola
studies and sporting initiatives. Senior Prefect – Emily Coates
This year’s service for our leaving Year 11 at Our school continues to go from strength to strength and
St Lawrence Church was an excellent way to celebrate student voice is one aspect we are developing further. In
this time with Orange Year. They were finishing their response to a need to improve our facilities, we would like
exams and looking forward to a wonderful evening at to launch our “Sponsor a Bench” project for next term.
their Prom. They have been a credit to our school and We are looking to increase social spaces and allow
should be very proud of the way they have worked students more opportunities to sit outside with their
through this difficult time. We are all sure their results will friends. If you, or your company, would like to donate any
reflect this. amount towards a seat for our students, please do
contact our Development Officer, Amanda Denton, on
Appointing our new Prefects and Senior Prefects is for more
another part of the cycle of school life which brings the information.
greatest of joy. Applications were made by some of our
Blue Year News
Mrs Elliott, Year 7 Progress Leader
A selection of the Year 7
sacred spaces creations
Dr Ranj said “Anyone can learn first aid at any age and
First aid for all that’s why I’m supporting St John Ambulance’s Big First
Year 7 students took part in the St John Aid Lesson Live. I’m excited to be hosting this year, as I
Ambulance’s Big First Aid Lesson Live know the lesson will help enrich the next generation with
session last month. Hosted by TV medic, Dr Ranj, the the confidence and knowledge to save a life.”
interactive hour-long programme was filmed in front of a
History Department
Mr Colley, Head of History
was a long thin room that was lit only by very high sky
Berlin Visit lights. We were meant to walk the length of the chasm-
GCSE History students replaced their text books with a like room, but on the floor were hundreds of jagged faces
trip to Berlin over the Easter weekend. Head Girl Sarah cut out from industrial metal. Each step would create a
Williamson described the trip as “so interesting” and loud clanking sound that would echo around, breaking the
clearly valued the chance to see “all aspects of Berlin silence. It was very surreal.”
from the museums on the Holocaust and the Cold War to
commemorative art installations and smaller museums On their last day students visited the Blindwerkstaff
focused on individual survival stories”. museum which is a tribute to Berlin’s Oscar Schindler,
who protected people with disabilities and Jews in Nazi
The students visited many of the key sights in Berlin, Germany. The final stop was Gendarmenmarkt to visit
including the Reichstag, the Sachsenhausen Fassbender and Rausch, probably one of the best
concentration chocolate shops in the world. A fitting end to a school trip
camp and the “We were put in over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend!
Check Point
Charlie Museum uncomfortable, thought-
where students provoking situations”
were able to learn
about the Berlin
Lizzie Bull, talking about the
Wall and various, Jewish Museum
s o m e t i m e s
ingenious, methods people used to escape from East
Berlin. For student Francesco Tesolin, his personal
highlight was to see the Berlin Wall and the Brandenbug
Gate. The sombre mood from the excursion to
Sachsenhausen lifted as the group crossed the Glienicke
Green Year News
Miss Keen, Year 10 Progress Leader
This final half term of Year 10 sees Green Year 'stepping Congratulations to Rebecca Male and Alf Hamer for
up' to their place as senior students in our school in being nominated for the Southampton Schools Physicist
preparation for the rigour and challenge of Year 11. The of the Year Awards 2016. We are looking forward to
prefect process has been a huge focus for our year group the award ceremony at the University of Southampton
over the past few months with 63 students assuming later this month.
roles of prefects. We marked this with a special
assembly where the senior prefect team was announced. As we move forward towards the end of this academic
The whole prefect body has made a strong start and is year, Green Year will be continuing to think about careers
leading by example. and 'next steps'. The final few days of this term will take
the form of 'Infinity Week' where Year 10 will take part in
Careers interviews have been taking place this term and workshops covering areas such as CV writing, personal
many of the students are being encouraged to think finance management and how the government works.
carefully about their next steps in tutor time ahead of The students will undergo mock interviews and compete
applications in the Autumn term. In September we hope against one another in a 'Dragons Den' competition to
to run trips to BCoT and Sparsholt College and this term strengthen their team work and innovation skills. We are
we are running a trip to Winchester University for forty very pleased to announce that there will be a 'driving
students. experience' and an Army run 'Obstacle Day'. Infinity
week will be hosted by Alton College.
The area that continues to be a challenge for Green Year
is attendance. The year group are constantly reminded
about the paramount importance of attendance in KS4 in
order to achieve well at GCSE. Attendance is crucial for
progress to be made. Green Year data analysis shows
that students who are attending 95% of the time or more
are averaging a B grade at GCSE whilst students with
attendance scores of 85% and below, average a D grade.
Well done to all those students who are at 95% and
above! Please be reminded that the legal guidance for
school attendance is set at 95% as a minimum. At Amery
Hill we work very hard to ensure every student has the
opportunity to realise their potential but that relies on
students attending to access their education. I thank all
of you at home for the work you do to ensure your
children are in school and I ask that you continue to
support this vital area of improvement for Year 10.
Student Voice
their views on topics ranging from Brexit to Pokemon’s
BBC School Report 20th Anniversary. The finished articles are all available on
The school hosted its third annual the school’s VLE and we have included two of them later
BBC School report event earlier this in this newsletter. (Look out for the BBC School Report
year with around 30 Year 9 and 10 logo.)
students experiencing what it is like to
be a journalist for the day. As a spin off to the day, many of the students have
continued to build their journalism skills, with the first
The students worked in small groups and had the chance edition of ‘The Amery Quill’, the student newspaper,
to research some really meaty topics as well an learn the coming off the press at the start of the term. We look
techniques of constructing and conducting a good forward to the next edition of their thought-provoking
interview. Students and staff had a chance to express newspaper.
Year 11 Prom
Maths Department News
Mr Eacott, Head of Maths
students learned various skills and tools in an attempt to
UK Mathematics Trust Success locate it. The challenge is based on the real life
This year students in all years took part in the Junior and investigation into this missing masterpiece which took
Intermediate Maths Challenges which were run by the UK place in Italy.
Mathematics Trust (UKMT). The Challenges involved
answering problem-solving questions which are designed
to stimulate interest in Mathematics. This is a national Students compete in Regional
competition and Gold awards are given to the top 7% of
entries nationally. We are very proud of the following UKMT Final
students who achieved just that: Lewis Jones-Ayres In March, Miss Joyner took a team of students to
(Yr 11), Lucy Bayliss (Yr 10), Ben Williams (Yr 9), Josh St Swithun’s School to take part in the Regional Final of
Hedley, Ethan Aspinwall, Catherine Groom, Oliver Brice, the UKMT Team Challenge. Our team of Year 8 and
Joanna Hughes, Ariana Hawkins, Sam Bridger and Ioan
Whomsley (Yr 8). Congratulations to all who took part
and received a Bronze, Silver or Gold award; particularly
Josh, Ben, Lucy and Lewis who went through to the next
‘Kangaroo’ round - it is a fantastic achievement!
STEM Club Year 9 students competed with teams from other schools
In April, students were invited to attend the newly formed in our region; the activities tested mathematical dexterity,
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) teamwork and communication skills. Our team took part
Club. The idea is for students to experience how skills in four rounds, including a relay round against the clock
from these subject areas are used in the real world, in an which was the most popular. ‘There was a lot of tension
enjoyable and stimulating manner. There will be and these questions were hard. I really enjoyed
competitions along the way to enter too. The first activity/ myself’ (Ioan). Well done to Eleanor Austin and Ben
challenge involved using forensic analysis on Leonardo Williams in Year 9 and Ethan Aspinwall and Ioan
da Vinci’s famous painting The Battle of Anghiari. The Wormsley in Year 8 who took part.
painting has been missing for over five centuries and
Rounders Competition
Amery Hill put on a fantastic primary liaison competition
as pupils from Years 5 and 6 from nine local primary and
junior schools took part in a rounders tournament.
Teams representing Chawton, Selborne, Four Marks, St.
Lawrence, Binsted, Bentworth, Anstey, the Butts and
Medstead competed against each other in a quest for
local bragging rights!
Teams were organised into two separate mini leagues
with a total of sixteen fiercely contested and highly
charged matches. Anstey Juniors and St. Lawrence
advanced to the final in front of a growing audience filled
with family members cheering their respective teams on.
In a tight and thrilling contest, St. Lawrence batted first
and set a target of 3½ rounders for Anstey to chase. They
did so, chipping away at the deficit before snatching the
Year 9 students assume role of
lead in the dying moments to secure victory and win the teacher for Anstey pupils
tournament. The battle for third place ended in a tie as
the Butts and Binsted couldn't be separated with 2½ As part of Anstey Junior School’s Outdoor Education
rounders each. Week, 21 Year 9 German students went to Anstey Junior
School, fully prepared to teach the whole of Year 5 some
German. The students had organised themselves into
Year 5 taster days seven smaller groups and had prepared lesson plans to
cover a range of topics: numbers, the alphabet, colours,
We welcomed pupils from many local primary/junior
food, animals and jobs. During the afternoon all primary
schools this term for a fun-filled programme of activities; it
pupils rotated around these topics so that by the end of
sounds as if they had a great time at Amery.
the afternoon every student had experienced every topic.
Art with Mrs Miller
We have had the opportunity to work with several schools
on a number of art projects which have been fantastic
Year 4 St Lawrence
pupils working on
their Pop Art
pupils code breaking! Anstey Juniors with their stunning graffiti-themed t-shirts
Welcoming our new starters in September
Mr Board, Progress Leader for incoming Year 7
know and bond with other pupils in their year group, as
Transition activities begin well as getting to know their new teachers.
Over the last month, both Mrs Lee and I have visited a
number of primary schools. This was a hugely exciting Alongside the visits to primary schools Mrs Digby
time for me as it allowed me to meet and get to know the (SENCo) has run a series of transition sessions at Amery
pupils who will be joining Amery Hill School in Hill which involve pupils becoming familiar with staff,
September. It was also an opportunity to answer any school procedures and familiarisation of the school site.
questions that pupils had prior to joining Amery Hill. We hope that all the new pupils joining us in September
will have a smooth transition from primary to secondary
All the pupils were given information about general life at school and that all pupils make the most of the many
Amery Hill as well as being informed about the exciting fantastic opportunities available to them over the next five
residential trip to PGL Liddington, that is being run in years at Amery Hill School.
September. We are hoping that a large number of pupils
will take this amazing opportunity where they can get to
RS Department
Miss Keen, Head of RS
It is with great pride that we announce that five of our and also interviewing Quaker attendees and members to
students have become members of the RE Council for gather their research. We are hugely proud of them and
England and Wales. They had to apply for the position their dedication to the role.
and now undertake projects from the council to raise
awareness of RE in schools and local communities. Our ‘Thunks Club’ continues to challenge and inspire young
RS ambassadors were invited to present their latest thinkers every Tuesday lunchtime. We ask difficult
project at the RE Council Conference in London on questions and respond to them from a variety of
6th June. The keynote speaker was Lord Winston. perspectives. We also ask silly questions and enjoy the
laughs at some of the answers! Come along to find out
They spoke in response to the question: 'How does more – we would be happy to welcome you.
being a Quaker equip a young person for life in modern
Britain?' Looking ahead to next year, we are excited to have
launched our trip to Poland next February and are very
As part of this assignment they visited the Alton Quaker happy to be taking a group of students that have opted
Meeting House, spending time in a Meeting for Worship for the RS GCSE and students from the current Year 10.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Mr Cross, DofE Co-ordinator
Aspinwall family giving a magnificent four guitar
Presentation Evening performance and there was also a short video
The school was the proud host of the East Hampshire presentation by the Treble Makers expedition team. Andy
Award Committee Presentation Evening recently when Morrish and Sarah Williamson read the citations. Our
Alton’s Town Mayor, Councillor Pam Jones, presented congratulations to them all.
certificates to local
youngsters, including a
number of current and DofE launched for Year 9
former Amery Hill It is difficult to believe that the DofE Award has been
students who had around for 60 years, which means that the first young
com pleted Bronze, people to achieve their Gold will now be in their late 70s.
Silver and Gold awards. Our involvement doesn’t go back quite that far but we
currently have three groups involved at different stages of
During the evening their Bronze award.
there was the
opportunity for some aspects of DofE to be showcased by Year 11 participants are finalising their on-line records
Amery Hill DofE participants with four members of the and will soon be qualifying for their Bronze awards. Year
Participant Award Level 10 are nearing the end of their expedition section and
having had a couple of practice events in May, all were
Rebekah Aspinwall Bronze out over two weekends in June on their final expeditions.
Hannah Gay Bronze This term has also seen the launch of the Bronze Award
for students in Year 9. They will be working on their
Francesca Lawrence Bronze
volunteering, physical activity and skill sections over the
Madeline Pither Bronze coming two terms with expedition training commencing in
the New Year.
Rachel Read Bronze
PE Department News
Mrs Haynes, Head of PE
Senior District Athletics
We were pleased to be co-hosting this year’s Senior
District Athletics with colleagues from Lord Wandsworth
College and Farnborough Hill School. The event was
held at Palmer Park, Reading with 17 schools
participating from across Hampshire and over 500
athletes competing throughout the day.
Raging War on Mental Health
By Willow
the child’s learning? She reported
A look on mental health and the saying it’s hard for a student to learn
when they are affected by mental illness. Her own
support given in schools opinion on mental health and support in schools was that
What do you know about mental health? Not a lot? there were not enough services to go around because of
Mental health is such a big topic yet no one seems to limited funds. I asked about whether more support should
know a lot about it. Even the people who suffer. It’s not be given to junior schools and younger children and Mrs
just as simple as depression and anxiety; more factors Underwood claimed that it should spread as far as junior
contribute to the illness. Yet, we live in an age where schools as it’s not only older people who are affected but
there’s support right around the corner, but it’s to the younger ones who don't know what is happening.
question if there’s enough.
If support could be offered at a young age, it could help
Statistically speaking, in the last twenty five years stop the progression of such depression or other mental
depression and anxiety has increased by 70%. It’s a health issue.
thought to ask: why? Maybe it’s due to the lack of
knowledge or maybe it’s the fact that our generation are Nearly 300,000 young Whilst that has been
finding the government’s ‘improvements’ such as the new said, there are so
GCSEs and other school work hard to cope with. people in the Britain many people who
have an anxiety disorder. want to help. There
It’s an increasing problem in schools, with more people Young Mind Statistic are a lot of charities
finding it hard to either speak out publicly or finding and other support
someone they trust enough to talk to. Talking to services which are
Mrs Underwood (the school’s Student Support Manager), open to children and teenagers, but they don't always
she mentions how there should be more awareness on know about them. One of the most popular and well
the subject of mental health and the fact that students known are ‘Childline’. They claim that no problem is too
and schools across the country don’t always get the help big or too small. ‘Young Minds’ is another website which
they need. focuses of giving help not only to the teenagers but also
to parents struggling to cooperate or understand. They
I asked Mrs Underwood what mental health illness was give advice and ways to help.
the most common in schools. She reported how
depression seemed the most common one for various In general, the whole problem with teenage mental health
reasons. I asked whether friends and the surrounding issues is that not enough people are brave enough to
support network (friends and family) are affected. She speak out and demand more help for those who
answered by agreeing and explaining that it’s hard for desperately need it. To make a change to these statistics,
them to cope and sometimes they need support. there needs to be more than just money given. There
needs to be people willing to speak about it and be ready
This also leads to the next question; how does it affect to support those who need it.
GCSE Art Exhibition
Music Department News
Ms Worwood, Head of Music
Students perform with Alton Tea Party for the Queen
Concert Orchestra We were delighted to be invited by Alton Town Council to
On 23 April students were fortunate to have the perform at Alton's Tea Party held to celebrate the
opportunity to perform under the leadership of Graham Queen's 90th birthday. Opened by the recently appointed
Wili, Principal Conductor of the English Philharmonia Town Mayor, Councillor Matthew
Orchestra. Joined by Alton Concert Orchestra and Bayliss, the event was held in the
students from Eggar’s, parents and friends were Public Gardens with the Amery Hill
entertained with a diverse programme of pieces including Wind Band showcasing their talent
Bizet’s Habanera and Toreador, Mambo from West Side with a fun programme of well-known
Story, Shostakovich’s 10th Symphony and Grieg’s In the family favourites, including a medley of
Hall of the Mountain King. Disney classics and the Star Wars
theme tune. The audience was
treated to an afternoon of live music
and entertainment through the decades, with traditional
fete stalls from local community groups and charities.
Our final stop of the day was to the snail farm, where we
were given a talk about the life cycle of snails and how
they are kept. We also tasted snail pate, snails and
Amery Hill Development Update
This term sees the biggest (and possibly keenest) group with a group of targeted Year 8s. The individual attention
of Year 8 readers taking part in the Hampshire Book we can offer seems to be paying off and the students are
Award. We meet every other week and are enjoying enjoying reading more and are gaining in confidence.
really lively discussion about the six books we have to
read – opinions are sharply divided as to which book
should win. We have to wait until the end of June to The Muggles Book Group
make our final decision and to see what students in other The group continues to thrive, thanks to the enthusiastic
schools think! Our Reading Group continues on alternate leadership of Rachel Hughes in Year 8. We were also
Wednesday lunchtimes with a group of about twenty lucky enough to be given two large boxes of Manga
listening to a story while they eat their lunch. We are books by the
near the end of our current book, The Terrible Thing that parent of an ex-
Happened to Barnaby Brocket by John Boyne and I am student. These
interested to see what suggestions are made for the next are an amazingly
one. p o p u l a r
We have been running a very successful Breakfast Club loved by girls (in
which involved a number of specially selected Year 7s particular) of a
pairing up with a Year 9 student and reading with them, wide range of
fuelled by hot chocolate and toast of course. The Year 9s abilities.
have been a particularly conscientious and mature group
who have really taken their role seriously.
Extra-curricular Activities - Autumn
All activities are from 3:00pm to 4:00pm unless specified.
Homework Club takes place daily from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in SH1 and ICT2.
Teaching Assistants are on hand to help.
Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group -Yr 7 in SH1
Music: Lunchtime - Double Trouble
Brass Ensemble in MU2 all brass players welcome
GCSE Surgery in MU2
PE: Football - Girls Yrs 9, 10, 11
Football - Boys All years
Basketball - Yrs 7, 8
Netball - Yrs 7, 8
MFL: French & German Club, KS4 support group
Media: Amery Hill News Reporters Club
Library: Muggles Book Club (by invitation)
DofE: Year 11 Award Group Meeting - SCI 7
Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group - Yrs 9, 10 & 11 in SH1
Music: Lunchtime - Choir - in MU2, all welcome
Percussion Ensemble/Steel Pans in MU2 & MU3
PE: Netball - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Rugby - Boys All years
Football - Girls Yrs 7, 8
Badminton - Yrs 7, 8
Drama: Drama Club
RS: “Thunks” Philosophy Club - Yrs 7 & 8 (RS2); Yrs 9, 10 & 11 (RS1)
Maths: Advanced Board Games MA1
Year 10 Maths Drop-in
DofE: Year 11 Award Group Meeting - SCI 7
Student Hub From 8:15a.m - Handwriting Club - All Yrs - SH2
Music: Guitar Ensemble - 8am
Lunchtime - Liquorice Sticks Clarinet Choir
Orchestra Grade 4 upwards in MU2
4-5pm - Music Theory Group in MU2
PE: Badminton - Yrs 9, 10, 11
GCSE Revision
Library: Reading Group - Open to all (lunchtime)
Animé/Manga Club - lunchtime SH1 (by invitation)
MFL: Spanish Club
Student Hub 8:15a.m - Spelling Group - Yr 8
Drop in session - Student Hub
Afterschool drop in support session - open to all
Library: Animé/Manga Club - 8.30-9.05 SH1 (by invitation)
Music: Jazz / Wind Band Grade 4 upwards in MU2
3.15-4.30pm String Ensemble in MU1 (violin, viola, cello and double bass)
All welcome, Grade 1 & above (includes primary schools from 4pm)
PE: Basketball - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Hockey - Yrs 9, 10, 11
Cross Country - All years
RS: RS Ambassadors
Geog: Film Club - Yrs 7, 8 & 9
Student Hub 8:15a.m - Drop in session - Student Hub
Music: Lunchtime - Choir in MU1 - all welcome
Concert Orchestra Grade 1 to 4 in MU2
Tutti Flutie/Wacky Wind invite only in MU1
GCSE Aid in MU2/Office
PE: Cheerleading - Yrs 7, 8
Hockey - Yrs 7, 8
Fitness - All years
Amery Hill Association News
need to step down at this year’s Annual General Meeting
Interested in getting involved? in October, so we need some volunteers to come forward
As we come to the end of a busy school year the AHA for these roles. Jane and Ange will still be available for
has continued to support the school this term by making support and guidance for the next academic year. Our
refreshments for the teachers at parent consultation current Treasurer, Sue Bayliss, also needs to step down
evenings, organised the bar at the Spring and Summer after the next academic year as we all have older children
Concert and provided refreshments for almost 200 Year who will be moving on from Amery Hill. If the AHA is to
11 students and their parents on their last official day as continue to exist and support the school we need new
Amery Hill students after their Leavers’ Service. volunteers to come forward who are willing to take on
these roles as we are legally required to have an elected
We are looking forward to helping out at the new whole committee in order to exist as
school celebration, The Big Picnic, on Wednesday an association. It’s not a huge
14th July. The AHA will be funding and running a time commitment and we only
refreshment and ice cream stall during the picnic from plan to support events and
11:00am to 2:00pm. If this is something you would like to organise fundraising activities
help out with we’d love to hear from you! that we know we can
comfortably cover with the
Our next official meeting will be on Wednesday, 21st volunteers we have: no one is
September at 7:00pm in the Library at school. We will be ever pressurised into
outlining and finalising our calendar and commitments for something they don’t have the
the 2016/2017 school year and would love to see some time to do!
new faces and fresh ideas, especially for fundraising
activities. There will also be an informal meeting for Please contact me if you have any questions or would
drinks and a chat at the French Horn in Alton on like any further information about the AHA. I look forward
Wednesday, 6th July at 7pm. Please come along if you to seeing you at the next meeting.
would like to find out more about the AHA or are
interested in getting involved next year. Jane Isaac
Our current chair, Jane Isaac, and secretary, Ange Bray, or 07809 429002
School Calendar
Friday 1st July Yr 6 induction day
Tuesday 5th July 6:00pm to 9:00pm Open evening
Thurs 7th and Fri 8th July Yr 10 Geography trip to Thorpe Park
Thursday 8th September First day of autumn term for Years 8, 9, 10, 11