Water Supply Cross-Connection Control
Water Supply Cross-Connection Control
Water Supply Cross-Connection Control
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
Control Manual
Office of Water (4606M)
EPA 816-R-03-002
February 2003 Printed on Recycled Paper
Control Manual
United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
First Printing 1973
Reprinted 1974, 1975
Revised 1989
Reprinted 1995
Technical Corrections 2003
American Water Works Association Policy on Cross-Connections . . . . . . . iv 11 Valved connection between potable water and sanitary sewer . . . . . . 15
12 Air gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chapter 13 Air gap in a piping system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1. Purpose & Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Barometric loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2. Public Health Significance of Cross-Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 15 Atmospheric vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. Theory of Backflow and Backsiphonage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 16 Atmospheric vacuum breaker typical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4. Methods and Devices for the Prevention of Backflow and 17 Atmospheric vacuum breaker in plumbing supply system . . . . . . . . . 17
Backsiphonage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 Hose bibb vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Testing Procedures for Backflow Preventers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 19 Typical installation of hose bibb vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6. Administration of a Cross-Connection Control Program . . . . . . . . . . 30 20 Pressure vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7. Cross-Connection Control Ordinance Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 21 Typical agricultural and industrial application of
pressure vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Appendixes 22 Double check valve with atmospheric vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A. Partial list of plumbing hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 23 Residential use of double check with atmospheric vent . . . . . . . . . . . 19
B. Illustrations of backsiphonage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 24 Double check valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
C. Illustrations of backflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 25 Double check valve detector check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
D. Illustrations of air gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 26 Residential dual check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
E. Illustrations of vacuum breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 27 Residential installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
F. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 28 Copper horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
G. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 29a Reduced pressure zone backflow preventer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
H. Sample cross-connection survey form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 29b Reduced pressure zone backflow preventer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
I. Sample cross-connection test form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 30 Reduced pressure zone backflow preventer principle of operation . . . 22
31 Plating plant installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Illustrations 32 Car wash installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Human blood in the water system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 33 Typical by-pass configuration, reduced pressure principle devices . . . 23
Burned in the shower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 34 Typical installation, reduced pressure principle device,
Heating system anti-freeze into potable water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 horizontal illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Salty drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 35 Typical installation, reduced pressure principle device,
Paraquat in the water system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 vertical installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Propane gas in the water mains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 36 Typical installation, double check valve, horizontal and vertical
Chlordane and heptachlor at the Housing Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Boiler water enters high school drinking water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 37 Typical installation, residential dual check with straight
Pesticide in drinking water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 set and copper horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Car wash water in the water main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 38 Pressure vacuum breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Shipyard backflow contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 39 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer, Step 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chlordane in the water main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 40 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer, Step 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hexavalent chromium in drinking water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 41 Double check valve assemblies, Method 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Employee health problems due to cross-connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 42 Double check valve assemblies, Method 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dialysis machine contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 43 Cross-connection protection, commercial, industrial and residential . 30
Creosote in the water mains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 44 Backsiphonage, Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Kool aid laced with chlordane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 45 Backsiphonage, Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
46 Backsiphonage, Case 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 47 Backsiphonage, Case 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1 Pressure exerted by one foot of water at sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 48 Backsiphonage, Case 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2 Pressure exerted by two feet of water at sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 49 Backsiphonage, Case 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3 Pressure on the free surface of a liquid at sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 Backflow Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4 Effect of evacuating air from a column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 51 Backflow Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5 Pressure relationships in a continuous fluid system at 52 Backflow Case 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
the same elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 53 Backflow Case 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6 Pressure relationships in a continuous fluid system at 54 Air gap to sewer subject to backpressure—force main . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
different elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 55 Air gap to sewer subject to backpressure—gravity drain . . . . . . . . . . 41
7 Backsiphonage in a plumbing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 56 Fire system makeup tank for a dual water system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8 Negative pressure created by constricted flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 57 Vacuum breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
9 Dynamically reduced pipe pressure(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 58 Vacuum breaker arrangement for an outside hose hydrant . . . . . . . . . 41
10 Valved connection between potable water and nonpotable fluid . . . . 15
Cross Connections The water purveyor shall To reduce the risk private
assure that effective backflow plumbing systems pose to the
dopted by the Board of prevention measures commen- public water distribution
A Directors Jan. 26, 1970,
revised June 24, 1979, reaf-
surate with the degree of
hazard, are implemented to
system, the water purveyor’s
backflow prevention program
firmed June 10, 1984 and ensure continual protection of should include public education
revised Jan. 28, 1990 and Jan. the water in the public water regarding the hazards backflow
21, 2001. distribution system. Customers, presents to the safety of
The American Water together with other authorities drinking water and should
Works Association (AWWA) are responsible for preventing include coordination with the
recognizes water purveyors contamination of the private cross connection efforts of local
have the responsibility to plumbing system under their authorities, particularly health
supply potable water to their control and the associated and plumbing officials. In areas
customers. In the exercise of protection of the public water lacking a health or plumbing
this responsibility, water system. enforcement agency, the water
purveyors or other respon- If appropriate back-flow purveyor should additionally
sible authorities must prevention measures have not promote the health and safety
implement, administer, and been taken, the water purveyor of private plumbing systems to
maintain ongoing backflow shall take or cause to be taken protect its customers from the
prevention and cross- necessary measures to ensure hazards of backflow.
connection control programs that the public water distribu-
to protect public water tion system is protected from
systems from the hazards any actual or potential
originating on the premises backflow hazard. Such action
of their customers and from would include the testing,
temporary connections that installation, and continual
may impair or alter the water assurance of proper operation
in the public water systems. and installation of backflow-
The return of any water to prevention assemblies, devices,
the public water system after and methods commensurate
the water has been used for with the degree of hazard at the
any purpose on the service connection or at the
customer’s premises or point of cross connection or
within the customer’s piping both. If these actions are not
system is unacceptable and taken, water service shall
opposed by AWWA. ultimately be eliminated.
Purpose about
Public health officials have
long been concerned
It might be assumed that
steps for detecting and elimi-
standard backflow prevention
devices and methods that may
Chapter Two
Human Blood in
the Water System
Significance of
a funeral home located in a using a hydraulic aspirator to
large southern city, after it was drain fluids from the bodies of
determined that human blood human “remains” as part of the
Normal flow
Water main
Curb stop with stop
and waste drain
Water main
break and
Salty Drinks Paraquat in the
Water System
Recommended installation of
backflow preventer
Boiler Water Pesticide in Car Wash Water
Enters High School Drinking Water in the Water Main
Drinking Water Street
pesticide contaminated a his car wash cross-
Water cooler
A North Carolina water
system in April, 1986, prompt-
T connection and back-
pressure incident, which
High School
ing the town to warn residents occurred in February, 1979,
of 23 households not to drink in the state of Washington,
the water. The residents in the resulted in backflow chemical
affected area were supplied contamination of approximately
drinking water from a tank 100 square blocks of water
Bubbler truck parked in the parking lot mains. Prompt response by the
Recommended installation of a downtown office building water department prevented a
Street of backflow preventer Leaky check valves until the condition could be potentially hazardous water
cleared up. Residents com- quality degradation problem
plained of foul smelling water without a recorded case of
but there were no reports of illness.
Toxic rust inhibitor and illness from ingesting the water Numerous complaints of
defoamant containing that had been contaminated grey-green and “slippery” water
sodium dichromate
with a pesticide containing were received by the water
chlordane and heptachlor. department coming from the
Authorities stated that the same general area of town. A
problem occurred when a water sample brought to the water
High school boilers
main broke at the same time department by a customer
that a pest control service was confirmed the reported problem
filling a pesticide truck with and preliminary analysis
water. The reduction in pressure indicated contamination with
high school in New No students or faculty
A Mexico, was closed for
several days in June 1984 when
were known to have consumed
any of the water; however, area
caused the pesticide from inside
the tank to be sucked into the
what appeared to be a deter-
gent solution. While emergency
building’s water main. The crews initiated flushing opera-
a home economics teacher physicians and hospitals advised
pesticide contaminated the tions, further investigation
noticed the water in the potable that if anyone had consumed
potable water supply of the within the contaminated area
system was yellow. City those high levels of chromium,
office building and neighbor- signaled the problem was
chemists determined that the symptoms would be nausea,
hood area. probably caused by a car wash,
samples taken contained levels diarrhea, and burning of the
of chromium as high as 700 mouth and throat. Fortunately,
parts per million, “astronomi- the home economics teacher,
cally higher than the accepted who first saw the discolored
levels of .05 parts per million.” water before school started,
The head chemist said that it immediately covered all water
was miraculous that no one was fountains with towels so that
seriously injured or killed by the no one would drink the water.
high levels of chromium. The Investigation disclosed
chemical was identified as that chromium used in the
sodium dichromate, a toxic heating system boilers to inhibit
form of chromium used in corrosion of metal parts entered
heating system boilers to inhibit the potable water supply
corrosion of the metal parts. system as a result of backflow
through leaking check valves Recommended installation
on the boiler feed lines. of hose bibb vacuum breaker
backflow preventer
water supply
Chlordane in the Hexavalent
Water Main Chromium in
Drinking Water
n July, 1982, a well meaning and intestinal sickness.
I n October, 1979, approxi-
mately three gallons of
chlordane, a highly toxic
end of a garden hose that was
connected to an outside hose
bibb tap in a barrel of diluted
I maintenance mechanic, in
attempting to correct a fogging
Maintenance crews working
during the plant shutdown
insecticide, was sucked back pesticide. During the water lens in an overcooled laser were able to eliminate the cross-
(back-siphoned) into the water service interruption, the machine, installed a tempering connection and thoroughly
system of a residential area of chlordane solution was back- valve in the laser cooling line, flush the potable water system,
a good sized eastern city. siphoned from the barrel and inadvertently set the stage thereby preventing a serious
Residents complained that the through the house and into the for a backpressure backflow health hazard from occurring.
water “looked milky, felt greasy, water mains. incident that resulted in The incident occurred as
foamed and smelled,” and as Following numerous hexavalent chromium contami- follows:
one woman put it, “It was complaints, the water depart- nating the potable water of a • Laser machine lenses
similar to a combination of ment undertook an extensive large electronic manufacturing were kept cool by circulating
kerosene and Black Flag program of flushing of the company in Massachusetts chilled water that came from a
pesticide.” water mains and hand delivered employing 9,000 people. large refrigeration chiller. The
The problem developed letters telling residents to flush Quantities of 50 parts per water used in the chiller was
while water department their lines for four hours before million hexavalent chromium treated with hexavalent
personnel were repairing a using the water. Until the water were found in the drinking chromium, a chemical additive
water main. A professional lines were clear of the contami- water which is sufficient to used as an anticorrosive agent
exterminator, meanwhile, was nant, water was hand-hauled cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and an algicide. As a result, the
treating a nearby home with into homes, and people went chilled water presented a toxic,
chlordane for termite elimina- out of their homes for showers, non-potable substance unfit for
tion. The workman for the meals and every other activity Hexavalent human consumption but very
exterminator company left one involving potable water. added to
Fortunately, due to the obvious chilled water
bad taste, odor and color of the
contaminated water, no one Main plant cooling line
consumed a sufficient quantity Laser
to endanger health. machine
chiller Circulating
feed pump pumps
Recommended installation of
backflow preventer
Tempering wa
Hot water
heater To washrooms
Backpressure backflow path
To plant bubblers
Dialysis Machine Creosote in the
Contamination Water Mains
thylene glycol, an anti- potable supply line and fed faucet, which in turn dropped reosote entered the water
E freeze additive to air
conditioning cooling tower
through a manually operated
control valve. With this valve
the pressure in the potable
supply line to the air condition-
C distribution system of a
southeastern county water
water, inadvertently entered the open, or partially open, potable ing holding tank. Since the authority in Georgia, in
potable water supply system in make-up water flowed slowly manually operated fill valve was November, 1984, as a result of
a medical center in Illinois in into the glycol/water mixture in partially open, this allowed the cross-connection between a
September, 1982, and two of the holding tank until it filled glycol/water mixture to enter ¾-inch hose that was being
six dialysis patients succumbed to the point where the pressure the medical center potable used as a priming line between
as a direct or indirect result of in the closed tank equaled the pipelines and flow into the a fire service connection and the
the contamination. pressure in the potable water dialysis equipment. The dialysis suction side of a creosote pump.
The glycol was added to supply feed line. As long as the filtration system takes out trace The hose continually supplied
the air conditioning water, and potable feed line pressure was at chemicals such as those used in water to the pump to ensure
the glycol/water mix was stored least equal to, or greater than, the city water treatment plant, the pump was primed at all
in a holding tank that was an the holding tank pressure, no but the system could not times. However, while repairs
integral part of the medical backflow could occur. The stage handle the heavy load of were being made to a private
center’s air conditioning cooling was set for disaster, however. chemicals that it was suddenly fire hydrant, the creosote back-
system. Pressurized make-up It was theorized that subjected to. siphoned into the water mains
water to the holding tank was someone in the medical center The effect upon the dialysis and contaminated a section of
supplied by a medical center flushed a toilet or turned on a patients was dramatic: patients the water distribution system.
became drowsy, confused and Detailed investigation of
Glycol/water fell unconscious, and were the cause of the incident
pressurized promptly removed to intensive disclosed that the wood
holding tank
Air conditioning units care where blood samples were preservative company, as part of
taken. The blood samples their operation, pumped
Submerged inlet revealed a build-up of acid and creosote from collective pits to
cross-connection the medical director stated that, other parts of their operation.
“Something has happened in The creosote pump would
Recommneded installation dialysis.” Dialysis was repeated automatically shut off when the
Dialysis room of backflow preventer Slightly
open on the patients a second and creosote in the pit was lowered
manual third time. to a predetermined level. After
Dialysis valve
Tests of the water supply to the creosote returned to a
unit the filtration system quickly higher level, the pump would
determined the presence of “an restart. This pump would lose
undesirable chemical in the its prime quite often prior to
water purification system.” The the pit refilling, and to prevent
Operating room
partially open fill valve was the loss of prime, the wood
Autopsy then found that it had permit- preservative company would
ted the glycol water mix to connect a hose from a ¾-inch
Rest Intensive care
drain from the air conditioning hose bibb, located on the fire
holding tank into the medical service line, to the suction side
center’s potable supply lines of the pump. The hose bibb
and then into the dialysis remained open at all times in an
filtration system equipment. effort to continuously keep the
Washroom pump primed.
Backpressure backflow
Main water
Boiler supply
room Laundry facility
Recommended installation
of backflow preventer
Chapter Three
psia psia
11.5 '
above the level of the other. (See level, since atmosphere cannot shown that as a fluid acceler- FIGURE 9.
Dynamically reduced pipe
Fig. 6.) Since both containers support a column of water ates, as shown in Figure 8, the pressures.
are open to the atmosphere, the greater in height than 33.9 feet. pressure is reduced. As water
pressure on the liquid surfaces Figure 7 illustrates how flows through a constriction From pollution To fixture
in each container will remain at this siphon principle can be such as a converging section of source
14.7 psia. hazardous in a plumbing pipe, the velocity of the water
If it is assumed that a static system. If the supply valve is increases; as a result, the
state exists, momentarily, closed, the pressure in the line pressure is reduced. Under such
within the system shown in supplying the faucet is less than conditions, negative pressures
Figure 6, the pressure in the left the pressure in the supply line may be developed in a pipe. +50 psig
tube at any height above the to the bathtub. Flow will occur, The simple aspirator is based
free surface in the left container therefore, through siphonage, upon this principle. If this
can be calculated. The pressure from the bathtub to the open point of reduced pressure is psig
at the corresponding level in the faucet. linked to a source of pollution,
right tube above the free surface backsiphonage of the pollutant
in the right container may also can occur.
be calculated. Backsiphonage in a plumbing Booster pump
As shown in Figure 6, the system. FIGURE 8.
pressure at all levels in the left Negative pressure created by
tube would be less than at Valve open constricted flow.
corresponding levels in the right flow from the source of pollu-
tube. In this case, a static Submerged inlet
tion would occur when pressure
condition cannot exist because on the suction side of the pump
fluid will flow from the higher -10 psig is less than pressure of the
+30 psig +30 psig pollution source; but this is
pressure to the lower pressure;
the flow would be from the backflow, which will be discussed
right tank to the left tank. This below.
Valve open One of the common The preceding discussion
arrangement will be recognized
occurrences of dynamically has described some of the
as a siphon. The crest of a Closed supply
reduced pipe pressures is found means by which negative
siphon cannot be higher than
on the suction side of a pump. pressures may be created and
33.9 feet above the upper liquid
In many cases similar to the one which frequently occur to
illustrated in Figure 9, the line produce backsiphonage. In
FIGURE 6. The siphon actions cited supplying the booster pump is addition to the negative
Pressure relationships in a have been produced by reduced
continuous fluid system at undersized or does not have pressure or reversed force
different elevations. pressures resulting from a sufficient pressure to deliver necessary to cause
difference in the water levels at water at the rate at which the backsiphonage and backflow,
two separated points within a pump normally operates. The there must also be the cross-
continuous fluid system. rate of flow in the pipe may be connection or connecting link
8.2 psia 10.3 psia Reduced pressure may also increased by a further reduction between the potable water
be created within a fluid system in pressure at the pump intake. supply and the source of
as a result of fluid motion. One This often results in the creation pollution. Two basic types of
of the basic principles of fluid of negative pressure at the connections may be created in
10 '
mechanics is the principle of pump intake. This often results piping systems. These are the
conservation of energy. Based
15 '
of the water in the line. Actu-
ally, in the illustration shown,
Sanitary sewer
1See formal definition in the glossary of
the appendix
Chapter Four
Hose Bibb FIGURE 19. Pressure industrial applications are
Typical installation of hose bibb
Vacuum Breakers vacuum breaker. Vacuum Breakers shown in Figure 21.
Again, these devices may
These small devices are a This device is an outgrowth of be used under constant pressure
specialized application of the the atmospheric vacuum but do not protect against
atmospheric vacuum breaker. breaker and evolved in response backpressure conditions. As a
They are generally attached to to a need to have an atmospher- result, installation must be at
sill cocks and in turn are ic vacuum breaker that could be least 6- to 12-inches higher
connected to hose supplied utilized under constant pressure than the existing outlet.
outlets such as garden hoses, and that could be tested in line. A spill resistant pressure
slop sink hoses, spray outlets, A spring on top of the disc and vacuum breaker (SVB) is
Hose bibb vacuum breaker
etc. They consist of a spring float assembly, two added gate available that is a modification
loaded check valve that seals valves, test cocks, and an to the standard pressure
against an atmospheric outlet additional first check, provided vacuum breaker but specifically
when water supply pressure is the answer to achieve this designed to minimize water
turned on. Typical construction device. See Figure 20. spillage. Installation and
is shown in Figure 18. These units are available in hydraulic requirements are
When the water supply is the general configurations as similar to the standard pressure
turned off, the device vents to shown in Figure 20 in sizes vacuum breaker and the
atmosphere, thus protecting ½-inch through 10-inch and devices are recommended for
against backsiphonage condi- have broad usage in the internal use.
tions. They should not be used agriculture and irrigation
as backpressure devices. Manual market. Typical agricultural and
drain options are available,
together with tamper-proof
versions. A typical installation is FIGURE 20.
Pressure vacuum breaker
shown in Figure 19.
Hose bibb vacuum breaker. Test cock
Gate Valve
Test cock
Gate Valve
Hose bibb
At least 6 "
Process tanks
Double Check Detector to insure proper operation of Residential Dual Check It is sized for ½-, ¾-, and
Check both the primary checks and
The need to furnish reliable and
1-inch service lines and is
the bypass check valve. In the installed immediately down-
This device is an outgrowth of event of very low fire line water inexpensive backsiphonage and stream of the water meter. The
the double check valve and is usage, (theft of water) the low backpressure protection for use of plastic check modules
primarily utilized in fire line pressure drop inherent in the individual residences resulted in and elimination of test cocks
installations. Its purpose is to bypass system permits the low the debut of the residential dual and gate valves keeps the cost
protect the potable supply line flow of water to be metered check. Protection of the main reasonable while providing
from possible contamination or through the bypass system. In a potable supply from household good, dependable protection.
pollution from fire line chemical high flow demand, associated hazards such as home photo- Typical installations are shown
additives, booster pump fire with deluge fire capability, the graph chemicals, toxic insect in Figures 27 and 28.
line backpressure, stagnant main check valves open, and garden sprays, termite
“black water” that sits in fire permitting high volume, low control pesticides used by
lines over extended periods of restricted flow, through the two exterminators, etc., reinforced,
time, the addition of “raw” large spring loaded check a true need for such a device.
water through outside fire valves. Figure 26 shows a cutaway of
pumper connections (Siamese the device.
outlets), and the detection of
any water movement in the fire
line water due to fire line Residential dual check.
leakage or deliberate water
theft. It consists of two, spring
loaded check valves, a bypass
assembly with water meter and
double check valve, and two
tightly closing gate valves. See
Figure 25. The addition of test
cocks makes the device testable
Double check detector check.
Water meter
dual check
Water meter
The principles of operation the pressure increases down- relief valve 3 should remain hazard installations such as
of a reduced pressure principle stream from the device, tending fully open to the atmosphere to plating plants, where they
backflow preventer are as to reverse the direction of flow, discharge any water which may would protect against primarily
follows: check valve 2 closes, preventing be caused to backflow as a backsiphonage potential, car
Flow from the left enters backflow. Because all valves result of backpressure and washes where they would
the central chamber against the may leak as a result of wear or leakage of check valve 2. protect against backpressure
pressure exerted by the loaded obstruction, the protection Malfunctioning of one or conditions, and funeral parlors,
check valve 1. The supply provided by the check valves is both of the check valves or relief hospital autopsy rooms, etc.
pressure is reduced thereupon not considered sufficient. If valve should always be indi- The reduced pressure principle
by a predetermined amount. some obstruction prevents cated by a discharge of water backflow preventer forms the
The pressure in the central check valve 2 from closing from the relief port. Under no backbone of cross-connection
chamber is maintained lower tightly, the leakage back into circumstances should plugging control programs. Since it is
than the incoming supply the central chamber would of the relief port be permitted utilized to protect against high
pressure through the operation increase the pressure in this because the device depends hazard installations, and since
of the relief valve 3, which zone, the relief valve would upon an open port for safe high hazard installations are the
discharges to the atmosphere open, and flow would be operation. The pressure loss first consideration in protecting
whenever the central chamber discharged to the atmosphere. through the device may be public health and safety, these
pressure approaches within a When the supply pressure expected to average between devices are installed in large
few pounds of the inlet pres- drops to the minimum differen- 10 and 20 psi within the quantities over a broad range of
sure. Check valve 2 is lightly tial required to operate the normal range of operation, plumbing and water works
loaded to open with a pressure relief valve, the pressure in the depending upon the size and installations. Figures 31 and 32
drop of 1 psi in the direction of central chamber should be flow rate of the device. show typical installations of
flow and is independent of the atmospheric. If the inlet Reduced pressure principle these devices on high hazard
pressure required to open the pressure should become less backflow preventers are installations.
relief valve. In the event that than atmospheric pressure, commonly installed on high
1 2
of flow
Reversed direction
of flow
Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer er mai
Car wash installation.
Reduced pressure
Reduced pressure Air gap principle device
principle device
12 " min. 30 " max.
Air gap
Drain Typical installation reduced
pressure principle device vertical
Note: Devices to be set a min. of 12 " and a max. of 30 " from the floor and 12 " from any wall. illustration.
Reduced pressure
principle device
Siamese Air gap
Siamese Alarm check
fitting Drain
Double check
Water meter
Fire pipe
Typical installation double check Typical installation residential dual
valve horizontal and vertical check with straight set and
installation. copperhorn.
dual check
(unit to be set at a height
that permits ready access
for testing and service)
¾ " K-copper
Testing Procedures
for Backflow
rior to initiating a test of connections existed which 5. Shut off the downstream
P any backflow device, it is
recommended that the follow-
would contaminate the building
water supply system. In order
(number 2) shut-off valve. (Ref.
Item (1) above.)
ing procedures be followed: to address this situation, it is 6. Wait several moments prior
recommended that the owner to hooking up the test kit hoses
1. Permission be obtained from
caution the inhabitants of the when testing a reduced pressure
the owner, or his representative,
building not to use the water principle device. If water exits
to shut down the water supply.
until the backflow test is the relief valve, in all likelihood,
This is necessary to insure that
completed and the water the first check valve is fouled
since all testing is accomplished
pressure restored. Additional and it is impractical to proceed
under no-flow conditions, the
options available to the building with the testing until the valve
owner is aware that his water
owner would be the installation is serviced. This waiting period
supply will be temporarily shut
of two backflow devices in is not necessary when testing
off while the testing is being
parallel that would enable a double check valves.
performed. Some commercial
protected bypass flow around
and industrial operations 7. Hook up the test kit hoses in
the device to be tested. Also, if
require constant and uninter- the manner appropriate to the
all water outlets are protected
rupted water supplies for device being tested and the
within the building with
cooling, boiler feed, seal pump specific test being performed.
“fixture outlet protection”
water, etc. and water service Test personnel are cau-
backflow devices, cross-
interruption cannot be tolerat- tioned to be aware and follow
connections would not create a
ed. The water supply to local municipal, county, and
problem in the event of
hospitals and continuous state testing requirements and
potential backsiphonage
process industries cannot be guidelines as may be dictated
conditions occurring while
shut off without planned and by local authority. The follow-
devices are tested, or for any
coordinated shut downs. The ing test procedures are guide-
other reason.
request to shut down the water lines for standard, generally
supply is therefore a necessary 2. Determine the type of device
acceptable test procedures
prerequisite to protect the to be tested i.e., double check
but may be amended, superced-
customer as well as limit the valve or reduced pressure
ed, or modified by local
liability of the tester. principle device.
Concurrent with the 3. Determine the flow direc-
request for permission to shut tion. (Reference directional flow
off the water, it is advisable to arrows or wording provided by
point out to the owner, or his the manufacturer on the
representative, that while the device.)
water is shut off during the test 4. Number the test cocks, bleed
period, any inadvertent use of them of potential debris, and
water within the building will assemble appropriate test cock
reduce the water pressure to adapters and bushings that may
zero. Backsiphonage could be required.
result if unprotected cross-
Test Equipment
number 2 shut-off valve, standard field test for a reduced
No val
leave the hoses hooked up pressure principle backflow
co ut o
the same as at the conclu- preventer. Before removal of the
sion of Step 2 above, and test equipment, the tester
then close test cock should insure that he opens
number 2. This stops the number 2 shut-off valve
supply of any high pressure thereby reestablishing flow.
water downstream of check Also, the test kit should be
Bleed needle valves
valve number 2. If the thoroughly drained of all water
differential pressure gauge to prevent freezing by opening
High side Low side reading holds steady, the all control needle valves and
hose hose number 2 shut-off valve is bleed needle valves.
recorded as being tight. If All test data should be
the differential pressure recorded on appropriate forms.
gauge drops to zero, the (Ref: sample Page 45)
Bypass hose number 2 shut-off valve is
Control Note: The steps outlined above may
recorded as leaking. vary in sequence depending upon local
valves With a leaking number 2 regulations and/or preferences.
Double Check Valve FIGURE 41.
(Figure 41)
Some field test procedures for
testing double check valve
assemblies require that the
number 1 shut-off valve be
closed to accomplish the test.
This procedure may introduce
debris such as rust and tubercu- Bleed needle valves
lin into the valve that will
High side hose Low side hose
impact against check valve
number 1 or number 2 and
compromise the sealing quality.
This potential problem should
be considered prior to the Bypass hose
selection of the appropriate test Control
method. needle
Two test methods, one valves
requiring closing of the number
1 shut-off valve, and one
without this requirement are 7. Record the differential To check tightness of 7. The differential gauge
presented below: gauge pressure reading. number 2 shut-off valve, both pressure should read a
It should be a minimum the check valves must be tight minimum of 1 psid.
Method 1 of 1 psid. and holding a minimum of 8. Open the high side control
Utilizing the differential 1 psid. Also, little or no needle valve and the bypass
pressure gauge and not 8. Disconnect the hoses.
fluctuation of inlet supply hose control needle valve
shutting off number 1 shut-off Step 2 Checking check valve pressure can be tolerated. on the test kit. (This
valve. Figure 41) number 2. The testing is performed as supplies high pressure
Step 1 checking check valve 1. Connect the high hose to follows: water downstream of check
number 1 test cock number 3. 1. Connect the high hose to valve number 2).
1. Verify that the number 1 2. Connect the low hose to number 2 test cock. 9. Close test cock number 2.
shut-off is open. Shut off test cock number 4. 2. Connect the low hose to (This stops the supply of
number 2 shut-off valve. 3. Open test cocks number 3 number 3 test cock. any high pressure water
2. Connect the high hose to and 4. downstream of number 2
3. Connect the bypass hose to
test cock number 2. check valve), If the
4. Open high side bleed number 4 test cock.
3. Connect the low hose to differential pressure gauge
needle valve on test kit 4. Open test cocks numbers
test cock number 3. holds steady, the number 2
bleeding the air from the 2, 3, and 4. shut-off valve is recorded as
4. Open test cocks 2 and 3. high hose. Close the high
5. Open high side bleed being tight. If the differen-
5. Open high side bleed side bleed needle valve.
needle valve on test kit tial pressure gauge drops to
needle valve on test kit 5. Open low side bleed needle bleeding the air from the zero, the number 2 shut-off
bleeding the air from the valve on test kit bleeding high hose. Close the high valve is recorded as leaking.
high hose. Close the high the air from the low hose. side bleed needle valve.
side bleed needle valve. Close the low side bleed
6. Open low side bleed needle
6. Open low side bleed needle needle valve.
valve on test kit bleeding
valve on test kit bleeding 6. Record the differential the air from the low hose.
the air from the low hose. gauge pressure reading. Close the low side bleed
Close the low side bleed It should be a minimum needle valve.
needle valve. of 1 psid.
7. Disconnect the hoses.
hose at test cock number 3,
ut lower the pressure in the
assembly about 10 psi
below normal line
5. Simultaneously open both
needle valves. If the check
Individual Bourdon gages mounted on a board valve is holding tight the
Duplex gauge high pressure gauge will
begin to drop while the
low pressure gauge will
Bypass hose Bypass hose increase. Close needle
valves. If the gauge shows
that a small (no more than
High side hose Low side hose 5 psi) backpressure is
High side hose Low side hose
created and held, then the
check valve is reported as
tight. If the check valve
leaks, a pressure differential
With a leaking number 2 Method 2 Step 2 checking check valve is not maintained as both
shut-off valve, the device is, in Utilizing “Duplex Gauge” or number 2. gauges tend to equalize or
most cases, in a flow condition, individual bourdon gauges, Proceed exactly the same move back towards each
and the previous test readings requires closing number 1 test procedure as in Step other, then the check valve
taken are invalid. Unless a non- shut-off. (Figure 42) number 1, except that the is reported as leaking.
flow condition can be achieved, high hose is connected to test With both needle valves
Step 1 checking check valve
either through the operation of cock number 3 and the low open enough to keep the
number 1
an additional shut-off down- hose connected to test cock needles on the gauge
stream, or the use of a tempo- 1. Connect the high hose to number 4. stationary, the amount of
rary compensating bypass hose, test cock number 2. leakage is visible as the
Step 3
accurate test results will not be 2. Connect the low hose to discharge from the
achieved. test cock number 3. 1. Open shut-off valve upstream needle valve.
This completes the number 1 to repressurize
3. Open test cocks number 2
standard field test for a double the assembly.
and number 3.
check valve assembly. Prior to 2. Loosely attach the bypass
4. Close number 2 shut-off
removal of the test equipment, hose to test cock number 1,
valve; then close number 1
the tester should insure that he and bleed from the gauge
shut-off valve.
opens number 2 shut-off valve through the bypass hose
thereby reestablishing flow. All 5. By means of the high side by opening the low side
test data should be recorded on needle valve, lower the needle valve to eliminate
appropriate forms and the test pressure at test cock trapped air. Close low side
kit drained of water. number 2 about 2 psi needle valve. Tighten
below the pressure at test bypass hose. Open test
cock number 3. If this cock number 1.
small difference can be
3. Close number 1 shut-off
maintained, then check
valve number 1 is reported
as “tight”. Proceed to Step
number 2. If the small
difference cannot be
maintained, proceed to
Step number 3.
Chapter Six
a Cross-Connection
1974, the Federal Government backflow devices and isolates
has established, through the the customer from the water
EPA (Environmental Protection main. It virtually insulates the
Control Program Agency), national standards of
safe drinking water. The states
customer from potentially
contaminating or polluting the
are responsible for the enforce- public water supply system.
ment of these standards as well While it is recognized that
as the supervision of public “containment” does not protect
water supply systems and the the customer within his
sources of drinking water. The building, it does effectively
water purveyor (supplier) is held remove him from possible
responsible for compliance to contamination to the public
the provisions of the Safe water supply system. If the
FIGURE 43. Drinking Water Act, to include water purveyor elects to protect
Air conditioning cooling tower
a warranty that water quality his customers on a domestic
provided by his operation is in internal protective basis and/or
conformance with the EPA “fixture outlet protective basis,”
standards at the source, and is then cross-connection control
OUTLET Post mix delivered to the customer protective devices are placed at
PROTECTIVE beverage Reduced pressure zone without the quality being internal high hazard locations as
DEVICES backflow preventer compromised as a result of its well as at all locations where
Backflow preventer INTERNAL delivery through the distribu- cross-connections exist at the
with intermediate PROTECTION tion system. As specified in the “last free-flowing outlet.” This
atmospheric vent DEVICES
Code of Federal Regulations approach entails extensive
Laboratory faucet double Reduced (Volume 40, Paragraph 141.2, cross-connective survey work on
check valve with pressure zone Section (c)) “Maximum contam- behalf of the water superinten-
intermediate vacuum breaker backflow
preventer inant level, means the maxi- dent as well as constant policing
mum permissible level of a of the plumbing within each
contaminant in water which is commercial, industrial and
Process tank delivered to the free flowing residential account. In large
Laboratory Sinks outlet of the ultimate user of a water supply systems, fixture
Reduced public water system, except in outlet protection cross-
Atmospheric pressure zone the case of turbidity where the connection control philosophy,
vacuum backflow Photo
breaker preventer developing maximum permissible level is in itself, is a virtual impossibility
equipment measured at the point of entry to achieve and police due to the
to the distribution system. quantity of systems involved,
Contaminants added to the the complexity of the plumbing
Hose Double check valve water under circumstances systems inherent in many
vacuum backflow
breaker preventer controlled by the user, except industrial sites, and the fact that
those resulting from corrosion many plumbing changes are
Slop sink kettle of piping and plumbing caused made within industrial and
by water quality, are excluded commercial establishments that
from this definition.” do not require the water depart-
Reduced pressure Reduced pressure Figure 43 depicts several ment to license or otherwise
Dedicated zone backflow zone backflow
line preventer preventer
options that are open to a water endorse or ratify when contem-
Boiler purveyor when considering plated or completed.
cross-connection protection to In addition, internal
Containment device commercial, industrial, and plumbing cross-connection
residential customers. He may control survey work is generally
elect to work initially on the foreign to the average water
purveyor and is not normally a nature of the facility and its complete cross-connection (5) Equip the water authority
portion of his job description or
duties. While it is admirable for
potential impact on the water
system (determine degree of
A control program requires a
carefully planned and executed
with backflow device test kits.
(6) Conduct meeting(s) with
the water purveyor to accept hazard], personally see actual initial action plan followed by the local plumbing inspection
and perform survey work, he cross-connections that could aggressive implementation and people, building inspectors, and
should be aware that he runs contaminate the water system, constant follow-up. Proper licensed plumbers in the area
the risk of additional liability in and take appropriate action to staffing and education of who will be active in the
an area that may be in conflict insure the elimination of the personnel is a requirement to inspection, installations and
with plumbing inspectors, cross-connection or the installa- insure that an effective program repair of backflow devices.
maintenance personnel and tion of required backflow devices. is achieved. A recommended Inform them of the intent of the
other public health officials. To assist the water purvey- plan of action for a cross- program and the part that they
Even where extensive or in the total administration connection control program can play in the successful
“fixture outlet protection,” of a cross-connection control should include the following implementation of the program.
cross-connection control program requires that all public characteristics:
(7) Prior to initiating a survey
programs are in effect through health officials, plumbing (1) Establish a cross-connection of the established commercial
the efforts of an aggressive and inspectors, building managers, control ordinance at the local and industrial installations,
thorough water supply cross- plumbing installers, and level and have it approved by prepare a list of these establish-
connection control program, maintenance men participate the water commissioners, town ments from existing records,
the water authorities should also and share in the responsibility manager, etc., and insure that it then prioritize the degree of
have an active “containment” to protect the public health and is adopted by the town or hazard that they present to the
program in order to address the safety of individuals from cross- private water authority as a water system, i.e., plating
many plumbing changes that connections and contamination legally enforceable document. plants, hospitals, car wash
are made and that are inherent or pollution of the public water
(2) Conduct public informative facilities, industrial metal
within commercial and industri- supply system.
meetings that define the finishing and fabrication,
al establishments. In essence,
proposed cross-connection mortuaries, etc. These will be
fixture outlet protection
control program, review the the initial facilities inspected for
becomes an extension beyond Dedicated Line local cross-connection control cross-connections and will be
the “containment” program.
Figure 43 also depicts the use ordinance, and answer all followed by less hazardous
Also, in order for the
of a “dedicated” potable water questions that may arise installations.
supplier of water to provide
line. This line initiates immedi- concerning the reason for the (8) Insure that any new
maximum protection of the
ately downstream of the water program, why and how the construction plans are reviewed
water distribution system,
meter and is “dedicated” solely survey will be conducted, and by the water authority to assess
consideration should be given to
for human consumption i.e., the potential impact upon the the degree of hazard and insure
requiring the owner of a
drinking fountains, safety industrial, commercial and that the proper backflow
premise (commercial, industrial,
showers, eye wash stations, etc. residential water customers. preventer is installed concurrent
or residential) to provide at his
It is very important that this Have state authorities and the with the potential degree of
own expense, adequate proof
piping be color coded through- local press and radio attend the hazard that the facility presents.
that his internal water system
out in accordance with local meeting.
complies with the local or state (9) Establish a residential
plumbing code(s). In addition, plumbing regulations, flow (3) Place written notices of the backflow protection program that
he may be required to install, direction arrows added, and the pending cross-connection will automatically insure that a
have tested, and maintain, all piping religiously policed to control program in the local residential dual check backflow
backflow protection devices that insure that no cross-connections newspaper, and have the local device is installed automatically at
would be required—at his own to other equipment or piping radio station make announce- every new residence.
expense! are made that could compro- ments about the program as a
mise water quality. In the event (10) As water meters are
The supplier of water public service notice.
that it is felt that policing of repaired or replaced at residen-
should have the right of entry (4) Send employees who will ces, insure that a residential
to determine degree of hazard this line cannot be reliably administer the program, to a
maintained or enforced, the dual check backflow preventer
and the existence of cross- course, or courses, on backflow is set with the new or reworked
connections in order to protect installation of a containment tester certification, backflow
device on this line should be a water meter. Be sure to have
the potable water system. By so survey courses, backflow device the owner address thermal
doing he can assess the overall consideration. repair courses, etc. expansion provisions.
Control Survey
(11) Prepare a listing of all ross-connection control connection survey will be of (8) Review with the host what
testable backflow devices in the
community and insure that
C survey work should only
be performed by personnel
benefit to him. you have found and explain the
findings to him. Inform him
(3) Ask what processes are
they are tested by certified test knowledgeable about commer- involved within the facility and that he will receive a written
personnel at the time intervals cial and industrial potential for what purpose potable water report documenting the
consistent with the local cross- cross-connections as well as is used, i.e., do the boilers have findings together with a written
connection control ordinance. general industrial uses for both chemical additives? Are air recommendation for corrective
(12) Prepare and submit potable and process water. If conditioning cooling towers in action. Attempt to answer all
testing documentation of “containment” is the prime use with chemical additives? Do questions at this time. Review
backflow devices to the State objective of the survey, then they use water savers with the findings with the owner or
authority responsible for only sufficient time need be chemical additives? Do they manager if time and circum-
monitoring this data. spent in the facility to deter- have a second source of water stances permit.
mine the degree of hazard (raw water from wells, etc.) in (9) Document all findings and
(13) Survey all commercial and
inherent within the facility or addition to the potable water recommendations prior to
industrial facilities and require
operation. Once this is deter- supply? Does the process water preparing the written report.
appropriate backflow protection
mined, a judgment can be cross-connect with potentially Include as many sketches or
based upon the containment
made by the cross-connection hazardous chemical etching photos with the final report as
philosophy and/or internal
control inspector as to what tanks, etc.? possible. If the located cross
protection and fixture outlet
type of backflow protective connection(s) cannot be
protection. Follow up to insure (4) Request “as-built” engineer-
device will be needed at the eliminated, state the generic
that the recommended devices ing drawings of the potable
potable supply entrance, or type of backflow preventer
are installed and tested on both water supply in order to trace
immediately downstream of the required at each cross connec-
an initial basis and a periodic out internal potable lines and
water meter. In the event that tion found.
basis consistent with the cross- potential areas of cross-
the cross-connection control
connection control ordinance. connections. (10) Consider requiring or
program requires “total”
The surveys should be (5) Initiate the survey by recommending compliance of
protection to the last free
conducted by personnel starting at the potable entrance the survey findings within a
flowing outlet, then the survey
experienced in commercial and supply (the water meter in most definitive time frame. (if
must be conducted in depth to
industrial processes. The owners cases) and then proceed with appropriate authority is in
visually inspect for all cross-
or owners representatives, the internal survey in the event effect).
connections within the facility
should be questioned as to what and make recommendations that total internal protective
the water is being used for in and requirements for fixture devices and fixture outlet
the facility and what hazards outlet protective devices, protective devices are desired.
the operations may present to internal protective devices, and (6) Survey the plant facilities
the water system (both within containment devices. with the objective of looking for
the facility and to the water It is recommended that cross-connections at all potable
distribution system) in the consideration be given to the water outlets such as:
event that a backsiphonage or following objectives when Hose bibbs
backpressure condition were to performing a cross-connection Slop sinks
exist concurrent with a non- control survey: Wash room facilities
protected cross-connection. In
(1) Determine if the survey will Cafeteria and kitchens
the event that experienced
be conducted with a pre- Fire protection and
survey personnel are not
arranged appointment or Siamese outlets
available within the water
unannounced. Irrigation outlets
authority to conduct the survey,
(2) Upon entry, identify Boiler rooms
consideration should be given
yourself and the purpose of the Mechanical room
to having a consulting firm
visitation and request to see the Laundry facilities
perform the survey on behalf of
plant manager, owner, or (hospitals)
the water department.
maintenance supervisor in order Production floor
to explain the purpose of the (7) Make a sketch of all areas
visit and why the cross- requiring backflow protection
Chapter Seven
Prevention Program MODEL PROGRAM
III. Responsibility D.3 Barometric Loop
The Director of Municipal Services shall be responsible for the A fabricated piping arrangement rising at least thirty five (35)
protection of the public potable water distribution system from feet at its topmost point above the highest fixture it supplies. It is
contamination or pollution due to the backflow or backsiphonage utilized in water supply systems to protect against backsiphonage.
of contaminants or pollutants through the water service connec- D.4 Double Check Valve Assembly
tion. If, in the judgment of the Director of Municipal Services, an
An assembly of two (2) independently operating spring loaded
approved backflow device is required at the city’s water service
check valves with tightly closing shut off valves on each side of the
connection to any customer’s promises, the Director, or his
check valves, plus properly located test cocks for the testing of each
delegated agent, shall give notice in writing to said customer to
check valve.
install an approved backflow prevention device at each service
connection to his premises. The customer shall, within 90 days D.5 Double Check Valve with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent
install such approved device, or devices, at his own expense, and A device having two (2) spring loaded check valves separated
failure or refusal, or inability on the part of the customer to install by an atmospheric vent chamber.
said device or devices within ninety (90) days, shall constitute a D.6 Hose Bibb Vacuum Breaker
ground for discontinuing water service to the premises until such
A device which is permanently attached to a hose bibb and
device or devices have been properly installed.
which acts as an atmospheric vacuum breaker.
IV. Definitions D.7 Pressure Vacuum Breaker
A. Approved A device containing one or two independently operated spring
Accepted by the Director of Municipal Services as meeting an loaded check valves and an independently operated spring loaded
applicable specification stated or cited in this regulation, or as air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check or checks.
suitable for the proposed use. Device includes tightly closing shut-off valves on each side of the
check valves and properly located test cocks for the testing of the
B. Auxiliary Water Supply
check valve(s).
Any water supply, on or available, to the premises other than
D.8 Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer
the purveyor’s approved public potable water supply.
An assembly consisting of two (2) independently operating
C. Backflow
approved check valves with an automatically operating differential
The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances, relief valve located between the two (2) check valves, tightly
under positive or reduced pressure in the distribution pipes of a closing shut-off valves on each side of the check valves plus
potable water supply from any source other than its intended properly located test cocks for the testing of the check valves and
source. the relief valve.
D. Backflow Preventer D.9 Residential Dual Check
A device or means designed to prevent backflow or An assembly of two (2) spring loaded, independently operat-
backsiphonage. Most commonly categorized as air gap, reduced ing check valves without tightly closing shut-off valves and test
pressure principle device, double check valve assembly, pressure cocks. Generally employed immediately downstream of the water
vacuum breaker, atmospheric vacuum breaker, hose bibb vacuum meter to act as a containment device.
breaker, residential dual check, double check with intermediate
E. Backpressure
atmospheric vent, and barometric loop.
A condition in which the owners system pressure is greater
D.1 Air Gap
than the suppliers system pressure.
A physical separation sufficient to prevent backflow between
F. Backsiphonage
the free-flowing discharge end of the potable water system and any
other system. Physically defined as a distance equal to twice the The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into
diameter of the supply side pipe diameter but never less than one the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any
(1) inch. source other than its intended source caused by the sudden
reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system.
D.2 Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker
G. Commission
A device which prevents backsiphonage by creating an
atmospheric vent when there is either a negative pressure or The State of ( ) Control Commission.
subatmospheric pressure in a water system.
5. If the Department determines at any time that a serious VII.Degree of Hazard
threat to the public health exists, the water service will be termi- The Department recognizes the threat to the public water
nated immediately. system arising from cross-connections. All threats will be classified
6. The Department shall have on file, a list of Private by degree of hazard and will require the installation of approved
Contractors who are certified backflow device testers. All charges reduced pressure principle backflow prevention devices or double
for these tests will be paid by the Owner of the building or check valves.
7. The Department will begin initial premise inspections to VIII. Permits
determine the nature of existing or potential hazards, following the The Department shall not permit a cross-connection within
approval of this program by the Commission, during the calendar the public water supply system unless it is considered necessary and
year ( ). Initial focus will be on high hazard industries and that it cannot be eliminated.
commercial premises. A. Cross-connection permits that are required for each
B. Owner backflow prevention device are obtained from the Department. A
fee of ( ) dollars will be charged for the initial permit and
1. The Owner shall be responsible for the elimination or
( ) dollars for the renewal of each permit.
protection of all cross-connections on his premises.
B. Permits shall be renewed every ( ) years and are
2. The Owner, after having been informed by a letter from
non-transferable. Permits are subject to revocation and become
the Department, shall at his expense, install, maintain, and test, or
immediately revoked if the Owner should so change the type of
have tested, any and all backflow preventers on his premises.
cross-connection or degree of hazard associated with the service.
3. The Owner shall correct any malfunction of the backflow
C. A permit is not required when fixture isolation is achieved
preventer which is revealed by periodic testing.
with the utilization of a non-testable backflow preventer.
4. The Owner shall inform the Department of any proposed
or modified cross-connections and also any existing cross- IX. Existing in-use backflow prevention devices.
connections of which the Owner is aware but has not been found Any existing backflow preventer shall be allowed by the
by the Department. Department to continue in service unless the degree of hazard is
5. The Owner shall not install a bypass around any backflow such as to supercede the effectiveness of the present backflow
preventer unless there is a backflow preventer of the same type on preventer, or result in an unreasonable risk to the public health.
the bypass. Owners who cannot shut down operation for testing of Where the degree of hazard has increased, as in the case of a
the device(s) must supply additional devices necessary to allow residential installation converting to a business establishment, any
testing to take place. (Ref. Fig. 33 page 23.) existing backflow preventer must be upgraded to a reduced
6. The Owner shall install backflow preventers in a manner pressure principle device, or a reduced pressure principle device
approved by the Department. (Ref. Figures 3 through 37, pages 23 must be installed in the event that no backflow device was present.
through 24.)
7. The Owner shall install only backflow preventers ap- X. Periodic Testing
proved by the Department or the Commission. A. Reduced pressure principle backflow devices shall be
8. Any Owner having a private well or other private water tested and inspected at least semi-annually.
source, must have a permit if the well or source is cross-connected B. Periodic testing shall be performed by the Department’s
to the Department’s system. Permission to cross-connect may be certified tester or his delegated representative. This testing will be
denied by the Department. The Owner may be required to install done at the owner’s expense.
a backflow preventer at the service entrance if a private water C. The testing shall be conducted during the Department’s
source is maintained, even if it is not cross-connected to the regular business hours. Exceptions to this, when at the request of
Department’s system. the owner, may require additional charges to cover the increased
9. In the event the Owner installs plumbing to provide costs to the Department.
potable water for domestic purposes which is on the Department’s D. Any backflow preventer which fails during a periodic
side of the backflow preventer, such plumbing must have its own test will be repaired or replaced. When repairs are necessary,
backflow preventer installed. upon completion of the repair the device will be re-tested at
10. The Owner shall be responsible for the payment of all fees owners expense to insure correct operation. High hazard situa-
for permits, annual or semi-annual device testing, retesting in the tions will not be allowed to continue unprotected if the backflow
case that the device fails to operate correctly, and second re- preventer fails the test and cannot be repaired immediately. In
inspections for non-compliance with Department or Commission other situations, a compliance date of not more than thirty (30)
requirements. days after the test date will be established. The owner is respon-
Appendix A Appendix B
Backsiphonage (Case 3).
A Dishwasher
High service
Low service
B B Main
Appendix C
be protected against backflow.
The main water service to the
pier should also be protected
against backflow by an air gap
The following presents FIGURE 51. or reduced pressure principle
Backflow (Case 2).
illustrations of typical plumbing backflow preventer.
installations where backflow
resulting from backpressure is
possible. Backflow
Case 4 (Fig. 53)
Backflow A A. Contact Point: A single-
valved connection exists
Case I (Fig. 50) between the public, potable
A. Contact Point: A direct Backflow water supply and the fire-
connection from the city supply Case 2 (Fig. 51) sprinkler system of a mill.
to the boiler exists as a safety B. Cause of Reversed Flow:
measure and for filling the A. Contact Point: Sewage The sprinkler system is nor-
system. The boiler water system seeping from a residential mally supplied from a nearby
is chemically treated for scale cesspool pollutes the private Backflow lake through a high-pressure
prevention and corrosion well which is used for lawn pump. About the lake are large
control. sprinkling. The domestic water Case 3 (Fig. 52)
numbers of overflowing septic
B. Cause of Reversed Flow: system, which is served from a A. Contact Point: A valve tanks. When the valve is left
The boiler water recirculation city main, is connected to the connection exists between the open, contaminated lake water
pump discharge pressure or well supply by means of a valve. potable and the non potable can be pumped to the public
backpressure from the boiler The purpose of the connection systems aboard the ship. supply.
exceeds the city water pressure may be to prime the well
B. Cause of Reversed Flow: C. Suggested Correction: The
and the chemically treated supply for emergency domestic
While the ship is connected to potable water supply to the fire
water is pumped into the use.
the city water supply system system should be through an air
domestic system through an B. Cause of Reversed Flow: for the purpose of taking on gap or a reduced pressure
open or leaky valve. During periods of low city water for the potable system, principle backflow preventer
C. Suggested Correction: As water pressure, possibly when the valve between the potable should be used.
minimum protection two check lawn sprinkling is at its peak, and nonpotable systems is
valves in series should be the well pump discharge opened, permitting contami- FIGURE 53.
provided in the makeup pressure exceeds that of the city nated water to be pumped into Backflow (Case 4).
waterline to the boiler system. main and well water is pumped the municipal supply.
An air gap separation or into the city supply through an
reduced pressure principle open or leaky valve. FIGURE 52.
Backflow (Case 3).
backflow preventer is better. C. Suggested Correction: The
connection between the well
water and city water should be Sprinkler
Backflow (Case 1). broken
main A A
To potable
A system
Chemical feeder
Illustrations of Illustrations of
Air Gaps Vacuum Breakers
The following illustrations describe methods of providing an FIGURE 57.
Vacuum breakers.
air gap discharge to a waste line which may be occasionally or
continuously subject to backpressure.
Vaccum closes gate
Brass inset
Air gap to sewer subject to
backpressure—force main.
Air enters here Air
preventing rise of
D Rubber sleeve contaminated liquids
Ball check in fixtures
Air gap to sewer subject to
backpressure—gravity drain.
Vacuum breaker arrangement for
2xD an outside hose hydrant.
Indirect waste
“A” “A”
Ball check
Support vanes
Horizontal waste
1" sleeve, sch. 40.
½ " or ¾"
Fire system makeup tank for a Hand wheel
gate valve
dual water system.
½" or ¾" building wall I.P.S. hose adapter
sch. 40. galv.
½" or ¾"
vacuum breaker
Nonpotable supply Float valves Potable supply ½" or ¾" Coupling M.I. galv.
2xD nipple galv.
½" or ¾" Ell. m. M. I. galv.
Section “A” “A”
Appendix F
Air gap The unobstructed Effective Opening The Plumbing The practice, Vacuum Breaker A device
vertical distance through minimum cross-sectional materials, and fixtures that permits air into a
the free atmosphere area at the point of water used in the installation, water supply distribution
between the lowest supply discharge, measured maintenance, extension, line to prevent
opening from any pipe or or expressed in terms of and alteration of all piping, backsiphonage.
faucet supplying water to a (1) diameter of a circle, or fixtures, appliances and Water Outlet A discharge
tank, plumbing fixture, or (2) if the opening is not appurtenances in connec- opening through which
other device and the flood- circular, the diameter of a tion with any of the water is supplied to a
level rim of the receptacle. circle or equivalent cross- following: sanitary fixture, into the atmo-
Backflow The flow of water or sectional area. drainage or storm drainage sphere (except into an open
other liquids, mixtures, or Flood-Level Rim The edge of facilities, the venting tank which is part of the
substances into the the receptacle from which system and the public or water supply system), to a
distributing pipes of a water overflows. private water-supply boiler or heating system, to
potable supply of water systems, within or any devices or equipment
Flushometer Valve A device
from any source or sources adjacent to any building, requiring water to operate
which discharges a prede-
other than its intended structure, or conveyance; but which are not part of
termined quantity of water
source. Backsiphonage is also the practice and the plumbing system.
to fixtures for flushing
one type of backflow. materials used in the
purposes and is actuated by Water Supply System The
installation, maintenance,
Backflow Connection Any direct water pressure. water service pipe, the
extension, or alteration of
arrangement whereby Free Water Surface A water water-distributing pipes,
storm water, liquid waste,
backflow can occur. surface that is at atmo- and the necessary connect-
or sewerage, and water-
Backflow Preventer A device spheric pressure. ing pipes, fittings, control
supply systems of any
or means to prevent valves, and all appurte-
Frostproof Closet A hopper premises to their connec-
backflow. Backflow nances in or adjacent to
with no water in the bowl tion with any point of
Preventer, Reduced the building or premises.
and with the trap and public disposal or other
Pressure Principle Type The water supply system
water supply control valve acceptable terminal.
An assembly of differential is part of the plumbing
located below frost line. Potable Water Water free
valves and check valves system.
Indirect Waste Pipe A drain from impurities present
including an automatically
pipe used to convey liquid in amounts sufficient to
opened spillage port to the
wastes that does not cause disease or harmful
connect directly with the physiological effects.
Backsiphonage Backflow drainage system, but which Its bacteriological and
resulting from negative discharges into the chemical quality shall
pressures in the distribut- drainage system through conform to the require-
ing pipes of a potable water an air break into a vented ments of the USEPA
supply. trap or a properly vented National Primary Drink-
Cross-Connection Any actual and trapped fixture, ing Water Regulations and
or potential connection receptacle, or interceptor. the regulations of the
between the public water public health authority
supply and a source of having jurisdiction.
contamination or pollution. Vacuum Any absolute pressure
less than that exerted by
the atmosphere.
Accepted Procedure and Practice in Canadian Plumbing Code 1980, Cross-Connection Control Program, Manual of Cross-Connection
Cross-Connection Control NRCC, No. 17305, Second State of Utah, Oct.1985, Travis Control Practices and Proce-
Manual, American Water Printing, Issued by the Black. dures, State of California, Health
Works Association, Pacific Associate Committee on the Cross-Connection Control, Water and Welfare Agency, July 1981.
Northwest Section, 4th Edition. National Building Code, Quality Division, Colorado Plumbing and Drainage Act
Nov. 1985. Natural Research Council of Department of Health. Revised Regulations, Alberta, as amended
American Backflow Prevention Canada, Ottawa. March 1983. Cross-Connection by Alberta Regulations (295/80).
Association, P.O. Box 1563 Control and Elimination of Cross- Control Survey, New England Regulations Relating To Cross-
Akron, Ohio 44309-1563. Connections, Panel Discussion, Water Works Association, Connections, excerpt from the
Angele, Gustave Cross-Connection Journal American Water Works August 1987. California Administrative Code,
and Backflow Prevention, Association, Vol.50, No.1, 1960. CSA Standards on Vacuum Breakers Title 17, Public Health, 1956.
American Water Works Cross-Connection Complications, and Backflow Preventers, B64 Saskatchewan Regulations 8/78,
Association. Supplementary The Capital’s Health, Vol. 11, Series 1976 Canadian Standards Regulations Governing
Reading library Series – No. No. 9, Dec. 1953, D.C. Dept. of Association, Dec.1976. Plumbing and Drainage
S106, New York 10016. Public Health, Washington, Dawson, F. M., and Kalinske, A. Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems and
A Revision of The Notional Plumbing D.C. A., Report on Cross-Connections the Water Purveyor, American
Code, ASA A40.8-1955, Report Cross-Connection Control, American and Backsiphonage Research, Water Works Association,
of the Public Health Service Water Works Association, Technical Bulletin No. 1, Pacific Northwest Section.
Technical Committee on British Columbia Section, National Association of
Springer, E. K., and Reynolds, K.
Plumbing Standards. Sept. 15, Second Edition, Jan.1980. Cross- Plumbing, Heating, Cooling
1962, Public Health Service, Connection Control and Backflow Contractors, Washington, D.C. C., Definitions and Specifications of
Double Check Valve Assemblies and
Washington 25, D.C. Prevention Device Testing, New Evaluation of Backflow Prevention Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow
AWWA Standard For Backflow England Water Works Associa- Devices—A State of the Art, (N B
tion, August 1987. Prevention Devices, University of
Prevention Devices - Reduced SIR 76-1070) U.S. Environmen- Southern California, School of
Pressure Principle and Double Cross-Connection Control and Backflow tal Protection Agency, Water Engineering Dept. 48-101, Jan.
Check Valve Types (C509-78), Prevention, Practice and Procedure Supply Division, Washington, 30, 1959.
American Water Works Manual, Administrative Manual, D.C., June 1976.
Taylor, F. B., and Skodje, M. T.,
Association, Denver, Colorado, City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hendrickson, Howard D. Cross- Cross-Connections, A Hazard in
Reaffirmed 1983. Backflow Third Edition, April 1980. Connection Control, Part 1 & 2,
Prevention and Cross-Connec- All Buildings, Modern Sanitation
Cross-Connection Control, Backflow August & September 1981 and Building Maintenance,
tion Control, AWWA Manual Prevention Device Tester issues of Reeves Journal. Vol.14, No.8, Aug. 1962.
M14, American Water Works Certification Training Course,
Association, Denver, Colorado How To Prevent Industrial Cross- Use of Backflow Preventers for
Public Drinking Water Connection Dangers, Water
1966. Cross-Connection Control, Joint
Program, Division of Environ- Works Engineering, Feb. 1962. Committee Report, Journal
Backflow Prevention and Cross- mental Quality, Department of Manitoba Plumbing Code 1981,
Connection Control, Ohio EPA, Natural Resources, State of American Water Works
Issued by the Department of Association, Vol. 50, No.12,
Office of Public. Water Supply. Missouri. Labour and Manpower of the Dec. 1958.
Second Edition, Revised Mar. Cross-Connection Control Manual, Province of Manitoba.
15, 1977. Backflow Prevention Division of Sanitary Engineer- Van Meter, R. O., Backflow
Manual of Cross-Connection Prevention Hardware, Water and
Devices—Selection, Installation, ing, Tennessee Dept. of Public Control, Dept. of Health and Wastes Engineering, Pt. 1, Sept.
Maintenance, and Field Testing, Health, 1975.
CSA Standard B64.10M1981. Hospitals, Denver, Colorado, 1970; Pt. 2, Oct. 1970.
Cross-Connection Control Regula- 1977.
Canadian Standards Association,
tion in Washington State, Manual of Cross-Connection
Washington State Dept. of Control, Foundation for Cross-
Backflow—The Manual of Cross- Social and Health Services, Connection Control and
Connection Prevention in Public Denver, Colorado, 1974. Second Hydraulic Research, University
Water Supplies, Missouri Dept. of Edition.
Natural Resources. of Southern California, 7th
Cross-Connection Control, New Editions, June 1985.
York State Dept. of Health,
Appendix H
Survey Form
Date: _______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Is process water in use, and if so, is it potable supply water or “Raw” water N/A
If so, where?
Appendix I
Attn: Cross-connection Control Section
The cross-connection control device detailed hereon has been tested and maintained as required by the
(rules or regulations) of (purveyor or regulatory agency) and is certified to comply with these (rules or
Make of device ________________ size ___________________________________
Model Number ________________ located at ______________________________
Serial Number ________________ ______________________________________
Repairs and
Materials Used