Laporan Biodas Unit III
Laporan Biodas Unit III
Laporan Biodas Unit III
Known by,
Lecturer Laboratory
Something that very complited constituent is a living creature. In both human
living beings, animals and plants consists of organ that constituate it. And the
organs itself composed of tissue that constituate it. Organ in living beings choose
a role that is vital for the living being it self because if one of the links on living
things don’t work according to its function, it may be said that living being are not
Both genetic and environmental factors influence the shape of plants and
animals, but environmental effects are greater in plants. as a result in a plant
species there is usually more variety than animals. basic plant organ namely
Roots, stems and leaves. the basic morphology of most vascular plants reflects its
evolutionary history as a land-based organization that inhabits and exploits the
resources of two very different environments. Roots, are multicellular organs that
tether vascular plants into the soil, Stems are organs composed of alternating
systems, Leaves vary but usually consist of a flat helix with one petiole.
Tissue on plant divided into parts, namely meristems tissue and adult tissue.
Meristim is a tissue that still young and always actively dividing or embryonic
while adult tissue that is no longer able to divide or differentiate. Miristem tissue
be differentiated into primary meristem tissue and secunder meristim tissue.
The existing tissue in animals is the epithelial tissue comprising the cell
structure of adjacent cells and joined by intercular substance. Epithelium on one
side has a free surface and on the other side is bordered with epithelial lin form
tissue ie flat epithelium, cubic epithelium, cylindrical epithelium. epithelial plated
and multiple.
In animal tissue is also known layer of institution eksoderm, endoderm and
mesoderm. which is the outer layer, gastrointestinal tract or tissue in the animal
muscle. So, the network is a collection of body cells with inter-cell material that it
produces. the cells of the body do not have to be the same, while the intercellular
material they produce is the base material (matrix) and fibers.
B. Purpose
After do the experiment, the collect students are expected to explain the
structure and the various networks that make up the organs of plants and animals.
C. Benefit
The benefits of this lab work are:
1. with microscopic observation experiment can determine the structure and
the various tissue that make up the organs of animals.
2. Can see clearly those parts of the animal tissues through intermediaries a
A. Observation
1. Plant Tissue
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
1 2 3 4
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
Source: Self Documentation
c. Monocotyl Stem (Zea mays S.)
Obsevation picture Description
1. Mestom
2. Fan Cell
3. Floem
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
123 1 2 3
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
1 2 1 2
Source: deskripsi-anatomi-pada-
Source: Self Documentation
e. Dicotyl Leaf ( Ficus elastica L.)
Obsevation picture Description
1. Epiderm
2. Clorofil
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
1 2 1 2
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
1 1
Source: Self Documentation
2. Animal Tissue
a. Heart muscle tissue of goat
Obsevation picture Description
1. Cell Nucleus
2. Fiber muscle
Magnification 10x10
12 1 2
Source: http://www.histology-
Source: Self Documentation
b.Fiber muscle tissue of goat
Obsevation picture Description
1. Collagen matrix
2. Chondrocytes
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1 2 1 2
Magnification 10x10
Preparation Picture Comparison picture
12 1 2
Magnification 10x10
1 2 1 2
Source: http://www.histology-
Source: Self Documentation
B. Pembahasan
1.Struktur Pada Tubuh Tumbuhan
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, pada daun monokotil dan dikotil didapatkan
perbedaan antara daun monokotil dan dikotil yaitu:
b. Otot polos
Jaringan otot polos berbentuk seperti selendang yang panjangnya antara
30-300 milimikron. Inti sel berjumlah satu dan terletak dibagian tengah,
kontraksinya tidak dibawah kesadaran dan lambat. Otot polos banyak
ditemukan pada organ tubuh bagian dalam seperti sistem pencernaan,
hati, ginjal, lambung, dan lain-lain.
c. Otot lurik
Otot lurik terdiri atas berkas-berkas sel yang sangat panjang, yang
memperlihatkan garis-garis melintang.Serabut ototnya mempunyai
banyak nukleus yang terletak di tepi.
A. conclusion
1. The epithelial tissue lies in the outer cavity, which serves as an outer organ
lining and outer body cavity. The connective tissue lies within the epithelial tissue
that serves to attach the construction between tissues, wrap the organs, produce
energy, produce the immune system, and fill the cavities between the organs.
Blood tissue serves as a binding tissue against three types of blood cells, namely
erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes
(blood clots). Then nerve cells play a role in receiving and continuing stimulation
from one part of the body to another body part.
2. The nerve cell is unique in shape, with a long, elongated cytoplasm. As well
as muscle tissue consisting of smooth (smooth) muscle that lines the hollow organ
wall of the body, such as the intestines and blood vessels. The contraction shrinks
the size of the organ cavity, the striated muscle (skeleton) consisting of long fibers
whose concentration leads to motion of movement as well as other gestures,
cardiac muscle (heart), which forms the heart.
B. Suggestion
1. In this practice this time is better apprentice more accurate and be patient in
observing preparation of simple preset to get result of expected image
2 . For the assistant it may provide clear guidelines and limits on each
Observation activity to minimize errors made by apprentice during the
3. For laboratories in order to facilitate again with good facilities in the
apprentice activities of both tools and materials so that a practican be good