Observation of Plant Tissue and Animal Tissue: Unit 3
Observation of Plant Tissue and Animal Tissue: Unit 3
Observation of Plant Tissue and Animal Tissue: Unit 3
Tissue 3
A. Background
Tissue is a tissueular organizational level intermediate between tissues and a
complete organism. A tissue is an ensemble of tissues, not necessarily identical, but from
the same origin, that together carry out a specific function. Organs are then formed by the
functional grouping together of multiple tissues.
The study of tissue is known as histology or, in connection with disease,
histopathology. The classical tools for studying tissues are the paraffin block in which
tissue is embedded and then sectioned, the histological stain, and the optical microscope.
In the last couple of decades, developments in electron microscopy, immunofluorescence,
and the use of frozen tissue sections have enhanced the detail that can be observed in
tissues. With these tools, the classical appearances of tissues can be examined in health
and disease, enabling considerable refinement of clinical diagnosis and prognosis
(Anonymous a, 2011).
The tissue is a collection of cells that have the same form and function. Tissue in
plants and animals are different. This time we learned in advance of plant tissue. The
types of tissue in plants, among others: meristem, parenchyma tissue, epidermal tissue,
tissue klorenkim, kolenkim tissue, tissue sklerenkim, xylem tissue, and phloem tissue
(Anonymousb, 2010).
B. Tools and Materials
1. Observing animal tissues
a. Tools:
1. Microscope
2. Object glass
3. Deck glass
4. Pipette drops
5. Surgical Board
6. Surgical tool
7. Razor Blade
b. Materials:
1. Heart Rana cancanivora
2. Physiological solution (NaCl 0.9%)
C. Work Procedure
Observe animal tissues
1. Put Rana cancanivora surgery on a surgical board, then lift the heart
2. Heart was slice with using razor blade
3. Take one small slice from that heart
4. Add some physiological solution (NaCl 0.9%) with drop pipette
5. Cover with glass deck glass
6. Observe the shape and the parts under a microscope
Observe Plant Tissues
1. Prepared the branch of Hibiscus tiliaceus
2. Then sliced to crosswise that Hibiscus tiliaceus stem slightly
3. Put the result slice on the glass object
4. Then sufficient water drops
5. After it closed with a deck glass
6. Observed the parts under the microscope
D. Result of Observation
Comparing with anonymous picture
E. Discussion
In this experiment we can not see the tissue clearly. The microscope has used limited
to observe the tissue and has damage at 40x 100 and 100x 100 enlargement, so we just see
the tissue of animal specially heart of Rana cancarivora and plant specially branch of
Hibiscus tiliaceus with 10x 100 enlargement. In this case so we just see the tissue of
The solution of of this falid of experiment, preferably before doing lab work should
first check the device to be used in this case the microscope carefully examined in the lens,
and how cutting the material, for sliced as thinly as possible, for a tissue that will be seen
more clearly observed.
In this experiment at animal tissue with used heart of Rana cancarivora because this
is innovation that different with the past observation, that usually use preserve preparate with
hearth, muscle of animal so this chance used wet preparate made by ourself. While at plant
tissue usually use Allium cepa tissue, but in this chance we used branch of Hibiscus tiliaceus
to observe the plant tissue.
According to Anonym (2011),in order to carry out their daily activities, frogs depend
upon three types of muscle; striated (skeletal), cardiac (heart), and smooth. Striated muscles
are composed of elongated fibers and are used for actions such as hopping. As indicated by
the name, the tissue exhibits striped or striated patterns when examined under a microscope.
Smooth muscle cells, on the other hand, are usually smaller than striated ones and have a
distinctly different appearance. Allied with autonomic or involuntary systems, smooth
muscle tissues can be found in the digestive system, the blood vessels, and a large number of
the internal organs. Cardiac muscle, however, is a highly specialized component of the heart,
which appears similar to striated muscle, but functions involuntarily in a manner comparable
to smooth muscle.
Tissue is a group of cells that have the origin, structure and function sama. pada early
plant development, all cells do the division itself. Basically, cell division can also take place
on other networks besides meristem as in the stem cortex, but thethe number of
pembelahannya very terbatas.Sel - meristem cells will grow and have the ability to divide
this diri.jaringan called adult tissues
F. Conclusion and Suggestion
1. Conclusion
Based on the purpose, so concluded that the different organ that has animal tissue
and plant tissue is animal tissues have, Membrane core , Actin filaments and Microvilli,
while Plant tissue has: The cell walls, Chloroplasts and Vacuole.
2. Suggestion
Better active done lab work and disclipe when doing practical work also save the
clean of Laboratory.
H. Bibliography
Anonymousa. 2010. Plant tissue vs Animal tissue. http://1_plant_tissues_vs_animal_tissues
_files /menu65.js. Accessed on January 20th 2010 in Makassar.