Poetry Rubric
Poetry Rubric
Poetry Rubric
Name: ________________________________
Not Within Expectations Approaching Expectations Exceeding Expectations
(very minimal) (logical & thorough) (sophisticated & insightful)
Rhyme Scheme Poetic devices are used The poems attempt to The poem evokes
& Imagery minimally or not at all. create emotion and images emotion in the reader by
& Poetic Devices The poems do not follow in the reader by using using rhyming patterns,
a rhyme scheme or descriptive words. More rhythm, poetic devices
rhythm and no emotion attention to rhythm or and language to create a
or images are created rhyme scheme is needed. vivid image. Rhyme
due to limited scheme is followed.
expressions. Poems
struggle to follow a form.
Mechanics Poems are hindered by a Few grammar, spelling or No grammar, spelling or
lack of grammar, spelling word choice errors. Proof word choice errors.
and word choice. The reading would be
poems are disorganized beneficial.
and use simple
Quantity Poems are not Poems are partially Poems are all completed.
completed. completed.
Presentation Limited effort is put into The poems and booklet are The poems and booklet
the organization, organized, neat, and are organized, neat, and
neatness or legibility. legible. legible.
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