Points - / 24 Percentage - %: Third Grade Rubric For Writing
Points - / 24 Percentage - %: Third Grade Rubric For Writing
Points - / 24 Percentage - %: Third Grade Rubric For Writing
Assignment- _________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Strong Stronger than Weak Weaker than Strong Weak
Writer creates text Writer creates text Writer creates text Even with help, the
(possibly (possibly (possibly reader cannot
illustrations) so that illustrations) so that illustrations) so that understand the text
the reader does not the reader may need the reader may (possibly
need help to help to understand. needs a considerable illustrations).
understand. Some details are amount of help to No details are added
Ideas Many details are added to improve understand. to improve the story.
added to improve the story. The writer Few details are The writer does not
the story. The writer somewhat stays added to improve stay focused on the
stays focused on the focused on the main the story. The writer main idea.
main idea. idea. is barely focused on
the main idea.
The writing is clear, The writing is mostly The writing is rarely The writing is
original, and clear and concise. clear and concise. unclear and vague.
concise. Writer Writer uses some Writer has few visual There is no use of
uses many visual visual and sensory and sensory words. visual or sensory
and sensory words. words. words.
The writing conveys The writing creates a The writing creates The writing creates
a strong emotion or reaction in me. almost no reaction no reaction in me. It
feeling. There is some in me. has no life or
It is full of life and it emotion and life. It has little life and emotion.
makes me feel does not hold my
something. attention.
The length of the The length of the The length of The length of
sentences varies. sentences sentences rarely sentences never
When read aloud it sometimes varies. varies. It is difficult varies. It is very
Sentence sounds natural and When read aloud it to read aloud due to difficult to read
Fluency flows well. sounds somewhat rambling, unclear, aloud due to choppy
natural and flows and confusing and awkward
OK. sentences. sentences.