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Conversation is a dialogue using all the possibilities mentioned. The purpose is to reach
highest degree of communication, understanding, and, where necessary agreement.
Disputes may occur, but they have only the purpose of classification. The leading
purpose must be mutual understanding and, in some cases, the attempt to reach
agreements if possible and to create pragmatics solutions for conflicts in case of
disagreement. (Anindita Niyogi Balslev, cross – cultural conversation, pp 166 – 167).

As we know, conversation is communication between two or more people. It is a social

skill that is not difficult for most individuals. Conversations are the ideal form of
communication in some respects, since they allow people with different views on a topic
to learn from each other. A speech, on the other hand, is an oral presentation by one
person directed at a group. For a successful conversation, the partners must achieve a
workable balance of contributions.

The subject matter of a dialogue has influence on its formal structure. There are some
fields in which disputation and argument will be an essential part of the argument, and
in which procedures for compromising are most lawgiving binding all partners involved.
(Anindita Niyogi Balslev, cross-cultural conversation, pp167).

Starting conversation is difficult or easy?And what we should do to start conversation?

Depending on each culture, we have a different way to start conversation.

Therefore, our group decided to choose topic “differences in starting conversation

between Vietnamese and American”. From this, we hope that people can have their
ways to start effective conversation to create relationship.

The conversation:
A: bạn Æ¡i cho mình hỏi mấy giỏ rồi?

B: 8h15

A: uh. Cảm Æ¡n. A mà bạn tên gì váºy?

B: mình tên Thảo. còn bạn?

A: mình tên Quyên. Thế bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?

B: mình 21 tuổi. bạn là sinh viên a? hổc trưổng nào thế ?

A: mình hỏc ngoại ngữ. năm 2. Thế bạn ?

B : mình cÅ©ng hổc ngoại ngữ. Váºy chúng ta cùng trưỏng rồi.

Vietnamese people often start conversation by asking the opposite person about
questions related families, personal information questions. For example, “How old are
you?”, “How many people are there in your family?”, “Did you get married?”. For
Vietnamese people, getting to know another person is very important. Because
Vietnamese people think that when someone asks them personal questions, it means
someone cares of them. Therefore, that way is considered a normal one when starting
conversation. Moreover, in the first meeting, Vietnamese people can tell each other
everything and talk about any topic that they are interested in.

Vietnam is an Eastern country, so its culture reflects the collective and the close culture
of Eastern agriculture. Researchers from Michigan University (in a observation of the eye
movements of students) say, “Asian people live in a network of social relationships with
the complex social role of compulsory nature”. Therefore, Vietnam is not an exception.
The social lifestyle may play an important role in these differences in conversation.
Vietnamese people like finding out, observing, and valuing. Therefore, Vietnamese
people often start a conversation by asking about the personal information of yourself
and your relationships, such as age, birth -place, level of education, social position,
family status…This is the result of the village community. Because of that, Vietnamese
think they are responsible for caring the others, and it is necessary for them to know the
other’s circumstance (Tráºn Ngỏc Thêm, CÆ¡ sở văn hóa Việt nam). On the other
hand, due to the discrimination clearly among social relationships, a communication has
each address, so if there is not enough information, they could choose the way to
address appropriate.

Therefore, Vietnamese people often like conversation before getting down business. To
Vietnamese people, starting a conversation by asking the personal questions is polite
and shows the cares for the others. They want to make close to the opposite people. If
someone does not ask about the other’s family, we can think that he/ she is “cold”

A: It’s hot today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Uh, where are you going?

B: To Germany. I’m going home.

A: Oh, are you German?

B: Yes, you’re English, aren’t you?

A: Yes, I am.

As you can see in that conversation, American people start a conversation by asking
another person about the weather, current news, interests, music, fashion, etc…For
example, “It’s hot today, isn’t it?”, or “Did you watch football match last night?” Besides,
American people avoid asking personal questions like “How old are you?”, “How much
can you earn per month?” or “Did you get married?” and they may consider that these
questions are impolite and ignore to answer them.

Besides, try to avoid conversation breaker like polities, religion, philosophy or death and
other hardcore topics. Most people do not like to talk about religion and they see you
as some religious person who tries to push your views on them, so a religious topic is
strictly No -No for a conversation with strangers.

America is a Western country. Therefore, its culture reflects the individualism and the
open culture of Western culture. American people do not want to say much when
starting a conversation. On the other hand, American people do not live in a network of
social relationships with these complex social roles of compulsory like Vietnamese
people. As a result, relationship is not concerned much when living in a network of
society in America. It is different from the other cultures especially the eastern culture, in
general, American appreciate the freedom and individualism and family, community,
region or organization are minor.

III> conclusion:
In general, we have just told you about the differences in starting conversation between
Vietnamese and American. The differences in choosing topics and the ways of starting
conversation between the two countries are seen clearly, when we communicate each
other. What can the study of conversation tell us about the shapes and meanings of
cultural worlds? In turn, what can the study of cultural worlds tell us about the shapes
and meanings of conversation? As Michael Noerman (1988) wrote, “in every moment of
talk, people are experiencing and producing their cultures, their roles, their
personalities” (p, xi). How can we understand these moments of talk, as means of
producing roles, personalities and cultures, that is, as ways of designing ourselves and
ways of living together? (“culture in conversation”, pp 01).

A successful conversation includes mutually interesting connections between the

speakers or things that the speakers know. For this to happen, those engaging in
conversation must find a topic on which they both can relate to in some sense. Those
engaging in conversation naturally tend to relate the speakers’ statements to
themselves. They may insert aspects of their lives into their replies, to relate to the other
person’s opinions or points of conversation. If we have more time, we will give you some
advices to avoid conflicts when communicating with foreign people and give you how
to communicate efficiently.

Here are some advices for you to have an effective conversation that we complied from
the book “How to talk to anyone in 30 seconds or less” (pp75-76) of Chris Gottschalk at
Atlantic Publishing Company. There are some tips for you to have an effective

As you know, talking with people from a different culture can sometimes prove a huge
obstacle to conversation.

So, when you meet someone, remember that a handshake is considered polite in many
countries other than United States. We give you some customs around the world:

In Niger, people in the Kanuri ethnic group say “Wooshay!” which means “hello”, while
shaking one first at head level

In New Zealand, members of the Maori close their eyes and touch their noses together.

In Jamaica, greet someone informally by saying “Waapun”, a word that is a

condensation of the phrase “what’s happening?”

In Greece, you will slap someone’s back as often you shake hands.

In Grenada, handshakes between friends are replaced by a fist bump.

Outside of the greeting, there is the issue of personal space, which can be even more
intimidating to people than figuring out how to shake someone’s hand. In Italy and
South America, for instance, personal space only extends out about 1 foot. On the
opposite end of spectrum is Japan, where everyone gets 3 feet of personal space to

The best way to handle this is to stand about 2 feet away from someone who is from a
different culture when talking to them. If you are an American, that is just a step away
and it lets you easily adjust your distance, depending on the culture you are dealing

And if you are a visitor to Asian countries, don’t to angry or hate anyone because they
ask you some questions about your personal information.

Those are our presentation. Thank you for your attention


certify my authority of the Study Project Report submitted entitled A
CONVERSATIONAL DISTANCES In fulfilmentfulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Master of Arts Le Thi Huyen
Acknowledgements I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, M.A
Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, without whose valuable comments and
guidance, my thesis would not have been accomplished. My special
thanks go to my colleagues from Haiphong Water Supply Company,
those who helped me fill in my survey questionairequestionnaire and
give me constructive suggestions in completing this thesis. And I am
immensely grateful to my former teacher, Ms. Stacy Thompson, who is
living and working in the United States. She has helped me conduct my
survey in the United States. I owe my family great attitude for theirMy
family: my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law and my boyfriend have
been a constant source of love, support and encouragement. Finally, I
should acknowledge my indebtedness to all my friends for their
assistance during the process of preparing for this research. Le Thi
Huyen ABSTRACTIn the abstract, summary of the findings should be
presented. Even the best verbal communication skills are not enough to
create and sustain successful relationships. Good relationships, both at
home and at work, require the ability to communicate with emotional
intelligence. Part of our culture involves an unspoken rule that people
should ignore nonverbal elements– as if the injunction were, "hear what
I say, and don't notice the way I say it." These elements are often
ignored in school or overridden by parents, so the task of incorporating
conscious sensitivity to nonverbal communications is made more
difficult. Thus, this thesis is an attempt to provide a cross-cultural
comparison of common conversational distances, their frequency used in
American and Vietnamese cultures and factors affecting conversational
distances. Special emphasis is given to : - classification and usage of
conversational distances as well as and their usage - factors affecting
conversational distances. Rewrite to make it one sentence The
implications are suggested and recommendations provided for avoidance
of culture shock and cross-cultural communication breakdown.Summary
of the findings and implications/recommendations should be presented
in the abstract For instance, American people tend to use close phase of
intimate distance when showing intimate emotion with mothers more
than Vietnamese. Besides, there is not much difference whether between
brothers or sisters in keeping intimate distance when showing intimate
emotion in American, whereas, Vietnamese people tend to keep closer
distance with their sister than brother. It is also concluded that if two
Americans of opposite sex informants are conversing, they find close
phase easier, freer and more conventional , however, it is applied for
every case that if the communicative partners are of the same sex then
closer distance is more popular with Vietnamese informants.
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 1: Percentage of verbal and
nonverbal communication in common use Diagram 1: Classification of
nonverbal communication Table 1: Further clarification of nonverbal
communication Table 2: Sub-distances of intimate distance and their
communicators Table 3: Sub-distances of personal distance and their
communicators Table 4: Sub-distances of social distance and their
communicators Table 5: Sub-distances of public distance and their
communicators Table 6: Interactions among messages, tones of voice
and distances between faces Table 7: Figures on using conversational
distances by informants with their mother Table 8: Figures on using
conversational distances by informants with their father Table 9: Figures
on using conversational distances by informants with their brother Table
10: Figures on using conversational distances by informants with their
sister Table 11: Figures on using conversational distances by informants
with their same-sex close friend (two male friends) Table 12: Figures on
using conversational distances by informants with their same-sex close
friend (two female friends) Table 13: Figures on using conversational
distances by informants with their opposite-sex close friend Table 14:
Figures on using conversational distances by informants with their same-
sex acquaintance Table 15: Figures on using conversational distances by
informants with their opposite-sex acquaintance Table 16: Figures on
using conversational distances by informants with their same-sex
colleague Table 17: Figures on using conversational distances by
informants with their opposite-sex colleague Table 18: Figures on using
conversational distances by informants with their boss Table 19: Figures
on using conversational distances by informants between 20 and 40
years old Table 20: Figures on using conversational distances by
informants above 40 years old Table 21: Figures on using conversational
distances by male informants Table 22: Figures on using conversational
distances by female informants Table 23: Figures on using
conversational distances by informants living in rural areas Table 24:
Figures on using conversational distances by informants living in urban
areas Table 25: Figures on using conversational distances by informants
with teamwork occupation Table 26: Figures on using conversational
distances by informants with independent work occupation
TABLE OF CONTENTSPlease reformate chapter 2 Appendices
References??? Appendices??? PART A: INTRODUCTION I. Rationale
Stated briefly, how something is expressed may carry more significance
and weight than what is said, the words themselves. Accompanied by a
smile or a frown, said with a loud, scolding voice or a gentle, easy one,
the contents of our communications are framed by our holistic
perceptions of their context. Those sending the messages may learn to
understand themselves better as well as learning to exert some greater
consciousness about their manner of speech. Those receiving the
messages may learn to better understand their own intuitive responses–
sometimes in contrast to what it seems "reasonable" to think. The use of
physical space by individuals in their interactions with others can be
considered as one of the most critical signals of nonverbal
communication as this use of physical space seems to be different from
culture to culture; thus, ways of interpretation of the same space
message are also various. In the 1950's, American anthropologist
Edward T. Hall pioneered proxemics to describe set measurable
distances between people as they interact. Like gravity, the influence of
two bodies on each other is inversely proportional not only to the square
of their distance but possibly even the cube of the distance between them
(Hall, 1966). Hall notes that different cultures maintain different
standards of personal space. In Latin cultures, for instance, those relative
distances are smaller, and people tend to be more comfortable standing
close to each other; in Nordic cultures the opposite is true. Realizing and
recognizing these cultural differences improves cross-cultural
understanding, and helps eliminate discomfort people may feel if the
interpersonal distance is too large ("stand-offish") or too small
(intrusive). Comfortable personal distances also depend on the culture,
social situation, gender, and individual preference. In this thesis, we will
discuss conversational distances and its effects on human
communication. Additionally, we will compare and contrast the way
Vietnamese and American informants apply conversational distances
with certain subjects. It is expected that the findings will, to a certain
extent, raise readers’ awareness of the importance of nonverbal
communication and provide useful recommendations to Vietnamese
learners of English for avoidance of culture shock in conversational
distances when conducting face-to-face interactions with their
Anglophone partners. II. Aims of the study The aims of the study are: To
investigate types of conversational distances in human interactionsBy
Vietnamese and Americans? Please specify, otherwise it will be too
general. To compare and contrast types of conversational distances in
human interactions and the influence of the informants’ parameters on
conversational distances in the two cultures in order to clarify
similarities and differences in the way the Vietnamese and the American
apply conversational distances. To provide recommendations to the
Vietnamese learners of English for avoidance of culture shock in
conversational distances. In order to achieve the aims of the study, the
following research questions are to be addressed: What are the
conversational distances of the Vietnamese informants in given
situations? What are the conversational distances of the American
informants in given situations? What are the main similarities and
differences in conversational distances between Vietnamese and
American informants? What are the recommendations to the Vietnamese
learners of English for avoidance of culture shock in conversational
distances? III. Scope of the study The study stresses upon the nonverbal
communication. Extralinguistically, the study especially discusses the
conversational distances in the two cultures: Vietnamese and American.
IV. Methodology As the study dwells largely on the practical aspects of
cross-cultural communication, the main method employed in the study is
quantitative with due reference to qualitative method. Besides,
contrastive analysis is also used. Therefore, all considerations,
comments and conclusions in this thesis are largely based on: Reference
to relevant home and foreign publication in both primary and secondary
research; Survey questionairesquestionnaires; Statistics, descriptions and
analysis of the collected and selected data; Personal observations and
experience; Consultations with supervisors; Discussions with
Vietnamese and foreign teacherscolleagues V. Design of the study The
study falls into three main parts: PART A: INTRODUCTION: Rationale
Aims of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the
study PART B: DEVELOPMENT: Chapter 1: Background concepts
Chapter 2: Conversational distances as nonverbal communication
Chapter 3: Data analysis and discussion PART C: CONCLUSION
reviewBACKGROUND CONCEPTSShould we have a short
introduction to this chapter before Section 1? May be a summary of this
chapter should be given at the beginning to guide the readers through the
chapter? In this chapter, definition and types of communication will be
presented. Simultaneously, definition of nonverbal communication will
be given out and significance of nonverbal communication shall also be
taken into consideration in order to emphasize its role in human
interactions. 1. What is communication? 1.1 Definition of
communication There have been many definitions of “communication”
with various emphasis on different factors. According to Nguyen Quang
(F:27), they can be classified withinto: Emphasis on the hearer:
According to Ronald B. Alder & George Rodman (1998), “:
Ccommunication refers to the process man being responding to the face-
to-face symbolic behaviour of other persons”. Emphasis on both the
speaker and the hearer: This point of view is shared by Ronald B. Alder
& George Rodman (1998) and Levine and Adelman (1993). If Ronald B.
Alder & George Rodman (1998) supposed that “: Ccommunication
refers to the process man being responding to the face-to-face symbolic
behaviour of other persons”, . Levine and Adelman (1993) described it
as: T “the process of sharing meaning through verbal and nonverbal
behaviour”. Emhasis on the meaning of the intended message: If
Zimmerman et al. (1991: 4) mentioned this when illustrating
communcation as: T “the process in which persons assign meanings to
events and especially to the behaviour of other persons”, . Verderber
(1989: 4) had another approach: “Communication may be defined as the
transactional process of creating meaning. A transactional process is one
in which those persons communicating are mutually responsible for
what occurs”. Emphasis on the message conveyed: Saville-Troike
(1986) identified that: C “communication is [...] considered the process
of sharing and exchanging information between people both verbally
and nonverbally”. Emphasis on the information, concept, attitude and
emotion of the message conveyed: It is clarified in the definition of
Hybels, S. and Weaver, R. (1992: 5) that: “c Communication is any
process in which people share information, ideas and feelings that
involve not only the spoken and written words but also body language,
personal mannerisms and style, the surrounding and things that add
meaning to a message”. In the lead in sentence, you said that Nguyen
Quang classified these factors, however, in the content you just use
quotations from other experts. It is advisable that you rewrite this section
and also add your personal comments rather than simply listing the
quotations. Among the definitions above-mentioned aboveEither use
“the above-mentioned definitions” or “the definition mentioned above” ,
the one proposed by Hybels & Weaver (1992) is the most sufficient and
convincing since they have, according to Nguyen Quang (F: 29), -
pointed out the action, interaction and transaction nature of
communication; - specified the characteristics of communication ,-
specified the means to carry out communication and - specified different
levels of communication. Should rewrite into one paragraph rather than
using bullet point. And use italic format the highlight (if you want to
emphasize) 1.2 Types of communication Hybels, S. and Weaver, R II
(1992: 14) explain that there are different kinds of communication,
among which the most frequently used ones areoften used kinds are:
intrapersonal, interpersonal, interviews, small group and public
communication. Intrapersonal communication Intrapersonal
communication is communication that occurs within us. It involves
thoughts, feelings and the way we look at ourselves. Because
intrapersonal communication is centered in the self, you are the only
sender-receiver. The message is makde up of your thoughts and feelings.
The channel is your brain, which processes what you are thinking and
feeling. There is feedback in the sense that as you talk to yourself, you
discard certain ideas and replace them with others. Interpersonal
communication Interpersonal communication occurs when we
communicate on a one-to-one basis - usually in an informal,
unstructured setting. This kind of communication occurs mostly between
two people, though it may include more than two. Interpersonal
communication uses all the elements of the communication process. In a
conversation between friends, for example, each brings his or her
background and experience to the conversation. During the conversation
each functions as sender-receiver. Their messages consist of both verbal
and nonverbal symbols. The channels they use the most are sight and
sound. Because interpersonal communication is between two (or a few)
people, it offers the greatest opportunities for feedback. The persons
involved in the conversation have many chances to check that the
message is being perceived correctly. Interpersonal communication
usually takes place in informal and comfortable settings. Interview An
interview is a series of questions and answers, usually involving two
people whose primary purpose is to obtain information on particular
subject. One common type is the job interview, in which the employer
asks the job candidate questions to determine whether he or she is
suitable for the job. Another type is an information interview where the
interviewer tries to get information about a particular subject. In
interviewing, the sender-receivers take turns talking - one person asks a
question and the other responds. Both persons, however, are
continuously and simultaneously sending nonverbal messages. Because
interviews usually take place face to face, a lot of nonverbal information
is exchanged. Feedback is very high in an interview. Since the interview
has a specific purpose, the communication setting is usually quite
formal. Small group communication Small group communication occurs
when a small number of people meet to solve a problem. The group
must be small enough so that each member in the group has a chance to
interact with all other members. Because small groups are made up of
several sender-receivers, the communication process is more
complicated than in interpersonal communication. With so many more
people sending messages, there are more chances for confusion.
Messages are also more structured in small group because the group is
meeting together for a specific purpose. Small groups use the same
channels as interpersonal communication, however, and there is also a
good deal of opportunity for feedback, and the settings are also more
formal. Public communication In public communication the sender-
receiver (speaker) sends a message (the speech) to an audience. The
speaker usually delivers a highly-structured message, using the same
channels as interpersonal communication and small-group
communication. In public communication, however, the channels are
more exaggerated than in interpersonal communication. The voice is
louder and the gestures are more expeansiveDo you mean “expressive”?
because the audience is bigger. Generally, the opportunity for verbal
feedback in public communication is limited. In most public
communication the setting is formal. 2. What is nonverbal
communication? 2.1 Definition of nonverbal communication Even if
someone decides to say nothing, they are still communicating. So in fact,
how is the information conveyed? Today, many researchers are
concerned with the information sent by communication that is
independent of and different from verbal information; namely, the
nonverbal communication. Verbal communication is organized by
language; nonverbal communication is not. Communication is the
transfer of information from one person to another. Most of us spend
about 75 percent of our waking huorshours communicating our
knowledge, thoughts and ideas to others. However, most of us fail to
realize that a great deal of our communication is a nonverbal form as
opposed to the oral and written forms. Nonverbal communication
includes facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and
motions, and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we
wear our clothes or the silence we keep. One study done by Albert
Mehrabian (1972) in the United States showed that in the
communication of attitude, 93 percent of the message was transmitted by
the tone of the voice and by facial expressions, whereas only 7 percent
of the speaker’s attitude was transmitted by words. Apparently, we
express our emotions and attitudes more nonverbally than verbally. Thus
the way a person uses voice, body movement (for example eye contact,
facial expression, gesture, and posture), clothing and body appearance,
space, touch and time is an essential part of every message that he or she
sends. You should add caption to this pie chart. Figure 1: Percentage of
verbal and nonverbal communication in common use Nonverbal
communication expresses meaning or feeling without words. Universal
emotions, such as happiness, fear and sadness are expressed in a similar
nonverbal way throughout the world. There are, however, nonverbal
differences across cultures that may be a source of confusion for
foreigners. For example, feelings of friendship exist everywhere but
their expression varies. It may be acceptable in some countries for men
to embrace each oth


CỨU Tôi chứng nhận thẩm quyền của tôi về Báo cáo dự án nghiên cứu
được gửi với tên là TIẾNG VIỆT - NGHIÊN CỨU VĂN HÓA CỦA
CÁC KHOẢN VĂN HÓA ĐẠI DIỆN Tôi đã hoàn thành các yêu cầu
đối với bằng cấp của tôi. người giám sát của tôi, MA Nguyễn Thị Thanh
Hương, nếu không có những nhận xét và hướng dẫn có giá trị, luận án
của tôi sẽ không được thực hiện. Tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn các đồng
nghiệp của tôi từ Công ty Cấp nước Hải Phòng, những người đã giúp tôi
điền vào bảng câu hỏi khảo sát của tôi và cho tôi những gợi ý mang tính
xây dựng trong việc hoàn thành luận án này. Và tôi vô cùng biết ơn cô
giáo cũ của mình, cô Stacy Thompson, người đang sống và làm việc tại
Hoa Kỳ. Cô ấy đã giúp tôi tiến hành khảo sát tại Hoa Kỳ. Tôi nợ gia
đình tôi thái độ tuyệt vời cho gia đình của họ: bố mẹ tôi, anh trai tôi, chị
dâu và bạn trai của tôi là nguồn yêu thương, hỗ trợ và khuyến khích
không ngừng. Cuối cùng, tôi nên thừa nhận sự mắc nợ của mình với tất
cả bạn bè vì sự giúp đỡ của họ trong quá trình chuẩn bị cho nghiên cứu
này. Lê Thị Huyền TÓM TẮT Trong bản tóm tắt, tóm tắt các phát hiện
nên được trình bày. Ngay cả những kỹ năng giao tiếp bằng lời nói tốt
nhất cũng không đủ để tạo và duy trì các mối quan hệ thành công. Các
mối quan hệ tốt, cả ở nhà và tại nơi làm việc, đòi hỏi khả năng giao tiếp
với trí tuệ cảm xúc. Một phần trong văn hóa của chúng tôi liên quan đến
một quy tắc bất thành văn rằng mọi người nên bỏ qua các yếu tố phi
ngôn ngữ, như thể lệnh cấm là "hãy nghe những gì tôi nói và đừng để ý
cách tôi nói". Các yếu tố này thường bị bỏ qua trong trường học hoặc bị
phụ huynh ghi đè, vì vậy nhiệm vụ kết hợp sự nhạy cảm có ý thức với
giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ trở nên khó khăn hơn. Do đó, luận án này là một
nỗ lực nhằm đưa ra một so sánh đa văn hóa về khoảng cách đàm thoại
phổ biến, tần số của chúng được sử dụng trong văn hóa Mỹ và Việt Nam
và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khoảng cách đàm thoại. Đặc biệt nhấn
mạnh đến: - phân loại và sử dụng khoảng cách đàm thoại cũng như việc
sử dụng chúng - các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khoảng cách đàm thoại. Viết
lại để làm cho nó một câu Ý nghĩa được đề xuất và các khuyến nghị
được cung cấp để tránh sốc văn hóa và phá vỡ giao tiếp đa văn hóa.
Tổng hợp các phát hiện và hàm ý / khuyến nghị nên được trình bày trong
bản tóm tắt Ví dụ, người Mỹ có xu hướng sử dụng giai đoạn gần khoảng
cách thân mật khi thể hiện tình cảm thân mật với mẹ nhiều hơn người
Việt. Bên cạnh đó, không có nhiều khác biệt cho dù giữa anh chị em
trong việc giữ khoảng cách thân mật khi thể hiện tình cảm thân mật ở
Mỹ, trong khi đó, người Việt có xu hướng giữ khoảng cách gần với em
gái hơn anh trai. Cũng có kết luận rằng nếu hai người Mỹ có thông tin
khác giới đang trò chuyện, họ thấy giai đoạn gần dễ dàng hơn, tự do hơn
và thông thường hơn, tuy nhiên, nó được áp dụng cho mọi trường hợp
nếu các đối tác giao tiếp cùng giới tính thì khoảng cách gần hơn sẽ phổ
biến hơn với người cung cấp thông tin tiếng Việt.
DANH MỤC CÁC BẢNG VÀ HÌNH Hình 1: Tỷ lệ giao tiếp bằng lời
nói và phi ngôn ngữ được sử dụng phổ biến Sơ đồ 1: Phân loại giao tiếp
phi ngôn ngữ Bảng 1: Làm rõ thêm về giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ Bảng 2:
Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách thân mật và giao tiếp của họ Bảng 3:
Khoảng cách phụ về khoảng cách cá nhân và người giao tiếp của họ
Bảng 4: Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách xã hội và người giao tiếp của
họ Bảng 5: Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách công cộng và người giao
tiếp của họ Bảng 6: Tương tác giữa các tin nhắn, âm giọng nói và
khoảng cách giữa các mặt Bảng 7: Số liệu về cách sử dụng Khoảng cách
trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với mẹ của họ Bảng 8: Số liệu
về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin
với cha của họ Bảng 9: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện
của người cung cấp thông tin với anh trai của họ Bảng 10: Hình về cách
sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với chị họ
Bảng 11: Hình về việc sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung
cấp thông tin với người bạn thân cùng giới của họ (hai ma le friends)
Bảng 12: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người
cung cấp thông tin với người bạn thân cùng giới (hai người bạn nữ)
Bảng 13: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người
cung cấp thông tin với người bạn thân khác giới của họ Bảng 14: Số liệu
về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện bởi những người cung cấp
thông tin với người quen cùng giới của họ Bảng 15: Số liệu về việc sử
dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với người
quen khác giới của họ Bảng 16: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò
chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với đồng nghiệp cùng giới với
đồng nghiệp khác giới của họ Bảng 18: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng
cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với ông chủ của họ Bảng
19: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp
thông tin từ 20 đến 40 tuổi Bảng 20: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng
cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin trên 40 tuổi


CỨU Tôi chứng nhận thẩm quyền của tôi về Báo cáo dự án nghiên cứu
được gửi với tên là TIẾNG VIỆT - NGHIÊN CỨU VĂN HÓA CỦA
CÁC KHOẢN VĂN HÓA ĐẠI DIỆN Tôi đã hoàn thành các yêu cầu
đối với bằng cấp của tôi. người giám sát của tôi, MA Nguyễn Thị Thanh
Hương, nếu không có những nhận xét và hướng dẫn có giá trị, luận án
của tôi sẽ không được thực hiện. Tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn các đồng
nghiệp của tôi từ Công ty Cấp nước Hải Phòng, những người đã giúp tôi
điền vào bảng câu hỏi khảo sát của tôi và cho tôi những gợi ý mang tính
xây dựng trong việc hoàn thành luận án này. Và tôi vô cùng biết ơn cô
giáo cũ của mình, cô Stacy Thompson, người đang sống và làm việc tại
Hoa Kỳ. Cô ấy đã giúp tôi tiến hành khảo sát tại Hoa Kỳ. Tôi nợ gia
đình tôi thái độ tuyệt vời cho gia đình của họ: bố mẹ tôi, anh trai tôi, chị
dâu và bạn trai của tôi là nguồn yêu thương, hỗ trợ và khuyến khích
không ngừng. Cuối cùng, tôi nên thừa nhận sự mắc nợ của mình với tất
cả bạn bè vì sự giúp đỡ của họ trong quá trình chuẩn bị cho nghiên cứu
này. Lê Thị Huyền TÓM TẮT Trong bản tóm tắt, tóm tắt các phát hiện
nên được trình bày. Ngay cả những kỹ năng giao tiếp bằng lời nói tốt
nhất cũng không đủ để tạo và duy trì các mối quan hệ thành công. Các
mối quan hệ tốt, cả ở nhà và tại nơi làm việc, đòi hỏi khả năng giao tiếp
với trí tuệ cảm xúc. Một phần trong văn hóa của chúng tôi liên quan đến
một quy tắc bất thành văn rằng mọi người nên bỏ qua các yếu tố phi
ngôn ngữ, như thể lệnh cấm là "hãy nghe những gì tôi nói và đừng để ý
cách tôi nói". Các yếu tố này thường bị bỏ qua trong trường học hoặc bị
phụ huynh ghi đè, vì vậy nhiệm vụ kết hợp sự nhạy cảm có ý thức với
giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ trở nên khó khăn hơn. Do đó, luận án này là một
nỗ lực nhằm đưa ra một so sánh đa văn hóa về khoảng cách đàm thoại
phổ biến, tần số của chúng được sử dụng trong văn hóa Mỹ và Việt Nam
và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khoảng cách đàm thoại. Đặc biệt nhấn
mạnh đến: - phân loại và sử dụng khoảng cách đàm thoại cũng như việc
sử dụng chúng - các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến khoảng cách đàm thoại. Viết
lại để làm cho nó một câu Ý nghĩa được đề xuất và các khuyến nghị
được cung cấp để tránh sốc văn hóa và phá vỡ giao tiếp đa văn hóa.
Tổng hợp các phát hiện và hàm ý / khuyến nghị nên được trình bày trong
bản tóm tắt Ví dụ, người Mỹ có xu hướng sử dụng giai đoạn gần khoảng
cách thân mật khi thể hiện tình cảm thân mật với mẹ nhiều hơn người
Việt. Bên cạnh đó, không có nhiều khác biệt cho dù giữa anh chị em
trong việc giữ khoảng cách thân mật khi thể hiện tình cảm thân mật ở
Mỹ, trong khi đó, người Việt có xu hướng giữ khoảng cách gần với em
gái hơn anh trai. Cũng có kết luận rằng nếu hai người Mỹ có thông tin
khác giới đang trò chuyện, họ thấy giai đoạn gần dễ dàng hơn, tự do hơn
và thông thường hơn, tuy nhiên, nó được áp dụng cho mọi trường hợp
nếu các đối tác giao tiếp cùng giới tính thì khoảng cách gần hơn sẽ phổ
biến hơn với người cung cấp thông tin tiếng Việt.
DANH MỤC CÁC BẢNG VÀ HÌNH Hình 1: Tỷ lệ giao tiếp bằng lời
nói và phi ngôn ngữ được sử dụng phổ biến Sơ đồ 1: Phân loại giao tiếp
phi ngôn ngữ Bảng 1: Làm rõ thêm về giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ Bảng 2:
Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách thân mật và giao tiếp của họ Bảng 3:
Khoảng cách phụ về khoảng cách cá nhân và người giao tiếp của họ
Bảng 4: Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách xã hội và người giao tiếp của
họ Bảng 5: Khoảng cách phụ của khoảng cách công cộng và người giao
tiếp của họ Bảng 6: Tương tác giữa các tin nhắn, âm giọng nói và
khoảng cách giữa các mặt Bảng 7: Số liệu về cách sử dụng Khoảng cách
trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với mẹ của họ Bảng 8: Số liệu
về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin
với cha của họ Bảng 9: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện
của người cung cấp thông tin với anh trai của họ Bảng 10: Hình về cách
sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với chị họ
Bảng 11: Hình về việc sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung
cấp thông tin với người bạn thân cùng giới của họ (hai ma le friends)
Bảng 12: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người
cung cấp thông tin với người bạn thân cùng giới (hai người bạn nữ)
Bảng 13: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người
cung cấp thông tin với người bạn thân khác giới của họ Bảng 14: Số liệu
về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện bởi những người cung cấp
thông tin với người quen cùng giới của họ Bảng 15: Số liệu về việc sử
dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với người
quen khác giới của họ Bảng 16: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò
chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với đồng nghiệp cùng giới với
đồng nghiệp khác giới của họ Bảng 18: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng
cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin với ông chủ của họ Bảng
19: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp
thông tin từ 20 đến 40 tuổi Bảng 20: Số liệu về cách sử dụng khoảng
cách trò chuyện của người cung cấp thông tin trên 40 tuổi

Compare and Contrast Essay between Vietnam and America
America and Vietnam are two distinctive countries with many differences. The two countries are on
different continents, and there is a wide difference between the two countries. The culture, beliefs
and practices of the people are different. However, as the world becomes more global, and as
people become more exposed to different cultures, the differences between them seem to be
narrowing. This is because of the willingness of the people to adopt different cultures, while at the
same time maintain some of the elements of their own culture. There are several similarities and
differences between America and Vietnam, specifically, in wedding ceremonies, food and the
education system.
Wedding ceremonies
Wedding ceremonies are significant for couples in both countries. The weddings in both countries
are organized, and there are certain rituals that the couple intending to get married has to observe,
before and during the wedding ceremony. In both countries, couples have engagement ceremonies
before holding a wedding ceremony. In both countries, the couples exchange rings during the
wedding. In both countries, the couple often holds a reception after the end of the wedding
ceremony. The wedding reception is a time for the couple to share one of the most important days in
their lives with their families and friends. In both countries, the couple often receives gifts from
friends and family. The wedding ceremonies in America and Vietnam are different in several ways.
The engagement ceremony in America involves the couple only and is often an intimate affair. The
couple’s decision to get married does not depend on the parents’ opinion. In Vietnam, the
engagement ceremony involves the couple and their families, since the couple has to ask for
permission to get married. The couple’s decision to get married depends of their parents’ opinion. If
the parents disapprove of the future spouse and does not approve of the marriage, then the couple
does not get married. Many American brides prefer a white wedding dress. This is different in
Vietnam, where red is the preferred color for the wedding dress, since it represents good luck and
fortune. American wedding ceremonies can take place almost anywhere, depending on what the
couple decides. This ranges from the church, government offices, beaches, gardens, among other
areas. This is different from Vietnamese weddings, since the ceremony has to begin in front of an
In America, the groom waits for the bride at the wedding venue. In Vietnam, the groom’s family has
to go to the bride’s house on the day of the wedding, and the bride’s parents have to give their
consent for the wedding to take place. In America, people such as religious and government leaders
have the authority of marrying the couple. In Vietnam, the couple’s parents can wed their children
legally. In America, the couple is free to choose the wedding reception of their choice. Some couples
choose to hold a simple wedding reception with very few friends and relatives. This is different in
Vietnam. The wedding reception is a grand affair, where the couple invites many people. In America,
the guests invited to the wedding can give their gifts at any time, including before the wedding. In
Vietnam, the couples receive gifts from the guests at the wedding reception. In America, the couple
decides which day their wedding will take place. In Vietnam, many couples seek the counsel of a
fortuneteller, to tell them the most appropriate day for their wedding.
Americans and Vietnamese enjoy having a wide variety of food options. People have the freedom to
eat what they please. Both cultures eat cooked foods and vegetables, and they add fruits to their
diets. They both use a variety of meat sources in their diet. In both countries, people eat three main
meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the day. Americans and Vietnamese use some culinary
items when eating. The food and food cultures in the two countries differ in different ways. Food in
the two countries differs by region. In America, southern foods are different from the foods cooked in
the other regions. This is the case in Vietnam, where the food in the northern parts differs from the
food in the southern regions, in the country. Several differences exist between the food and food
culture in Vietnam and America.
Food preparation in America can take remarkably little time, or no time at all in case people choose
to order. Some people buy precooked food, which takes little time to prepare. In Vietnam, the food
culture is different, as Vietnamese will spend a lot of time in food preparation. Americans enjoy
eating out at restaurants and ordering ready-made meals. Vietnamese prefer cooking their food and
eating in the home. Many Americans choose to buy their groceries once a week. This is different in
Vietnam, where many people buy groceries daily. Americans do not have a defined staple food.
Vietnamese consider rice their main staple food. They have different varieties of rice, which they
combine with other foods. Vietnamese consider a meal as incomplete with the absence of rice. Many
Americans use a lot of oil when cooking, because they eat many deep fried foods. Vietnamese use
oil sparingly when cooking. American food does not have many spices. This is unlike Vietnamese
food, which contains a wide variety of spices and herbs. Forks, spoons, and knives are the main
culinary items that Americans use when eating food. Vietnamese use forks, spoons, and knives
sparingly, and they prefer using chopsticks.
Desserts are one of the favorite options at meal times in American culture. Desserts are not included
in Vietnamese cooking, and one often takes a fruit at the end of the meal. Most American food
consists of artificial flavoring and other taste enhancers. Vietnamese food rarely adds any artificial
ingredient, as it consists mostly of fresh vegetables and herbs. Americans prefer having a light and
simple breakfast of cereals, pancakes, or bread and jam, accompanied by a drink such as milk or
juice. Breakfast is a serious affair in Vietnam. People take the time to prepare breakfast, and they
will often cook a variety of dishes. Americans like fast foods and packaged snacks, and they take
them at different times of day. Vietnamese rarely eat fast foods, and they often prepare their own
Americans rarely use sauces as accompaniments with their meals. Vietnamese use sauces a lot,
especially fish sauce, and a meal is never complete without the sauces. Noodles are not a main part
of American diet. Noodles are a major part of Vietnamese diet. Vietnamese make and eat noodles
from wheat, rice, or beans. People eat noodles at any time of day. They are a crucial inclusion in
many breakfast menus. Some people eat noodles for the three main meals of the day. Americans
idea of eating out is by going to restaurants, where they are served different types of meals.
Vietnamese idea of eating out is not at restaurants, rather than at street shops and stalls, where they
are served noodle soup and rice dishes. Americans consume a lot of meat, especially beef, in their
diets, and they often use meat as a main dish. Vietnamese do not consume little beef in their diet.
They usually add it as a condiment, rather than as the main part of their diet.
America and Vietnam place education highly, as they recognize its importance in shaping the
children’s future. In both countries, the students go through twelve years of basic education,
beginning at the kindergarten level. Both countries have put in place policies intended to improve the
education system, and to improve the students’ performance. Schools in both countries have set
regulations and rules which they expect the teachers and students to follow. In both countries, the
parents and the government invest a lot of money and other resources on education, and the literacy
rates are high. Both countries experience school dropouts at different levels. Both systems have
public and private education sectors. The education system in America and Vietnam differs in
different ways.
American education system places the students central, and it gears all efforts towards ensuring that
the students’ needs are met. In Vietnam, the teachers, rather than the students, have a central role.
In America, the level of interaction between the teachers and students is high. The students feel free
in the classroom, and they can air their opinion concerning different matters. In Vietnam, the level of
interaction between the teachers and students is low. Teachers rarely interact with the students. The
students do not feel free to question the teachers, and they do not air their opinions freely. In
America, teachers encourage students to apply critical thinking in different disciplines and conduct
their own research on different issues.
In Vietnam, teachers do not encourage critical thinking. The students do not conduct research, since
they do not have the means of doing so. Teachers usually apply lecture method when teaching. The
students go the classrooms and take notes. In America, students engage in other activities outside
the classroom. These include field trips and social activities. They engage in different games and
sports, journalism, music, and other activities. In Vietnam, the students do not engage in other social
activities outside the classroom, other than the normal play that children engage in during their
learning breaks. In America, there are many opportunities for students to get financial assistance
with their education, in the form of loans, grants, scholarships, and sponsorships. In Vietnam, there
are few opportunities for students to get financial assistance from the government.
In conclusion, there are several similarities and differences between America and Vietnam,
specifically, in wedding ceremonies, food and the education system. The engagement ceremony in
America involves the couple only and is often an intimate affair. The couple’s decision to get married
does not depend on the parents’ opinion. In Vietnam, the engagement ceremony involves the couple
and their families, since the couple has to ask for permission to get married. Food preparation in
America can take remarkably little time, or no time at all in case people choose to order. Some
people buy precooked food, which takes little time to prepare. In Vietnam, the food culture is
different, as Vietnamese will spend a lot of time in food preparation. Americans enjoy eating out at
restaurants and ordering ready-made meals. American education system places the students
central, and it gears all efforts towards ensuring that the students’ needs are met. In Vietnam, the
teachers, rather than the students, have a central role. The culture, beliefs and practices of the
people are different. However, as the world becomes more global, and as people become more
exposed to different cultures, the differences between them seem to be narrowing

Western Vietnamese

1. Touching between people of the same It is quite acceptable. One can see two men or
sex is not acceptable women in the street holding hands
2. A man and a woman may hold hands or People rarely do this in public. It looks
touch in public “ridiculous”

3. A man can touch a woman (put an arm A man does not do this for affection or
around her shoulder, hold her arm, kiss her friendliness. It is insulting to a woman.
cheek, etc…)

4. Kissing (between husband and wife, It is not acceptable. It should be done in private
lovers) in public is acceptable quarters. No kissing in front of the children

5. Parents and children kiss each other Rarely, except small babies

1. Christmas and New Year holidays are the Tet (Lunar New Year) is the most important.
most important This date varies from year to year, between
January 15 and Feb. 20.

2. Americans celebrate birthdays. They give Vietnamese celebrate death days. They worship
presents and throw birthday parties ancestors. the prepare a big meal and invite
members of the family and relatives to get
together and talk about the good aspects of the
dead person. Birthday is also celebrate, but not
that big.

1. Pajamas are not acceptable in public They are quite acceptable in public, even in the

2. Shoes and slippers are used day and Slippers do not exist. People can walk in the
night streets with bare feet.

3. Americans wear leather shoes. Vietnamese wear wooden and rubber shoes
more often.

4. Men and women wear Western-style Men wear Western-style clothing but women
clothing dress in their “national” style.

5. Women wear socks or stockings with They do not wear socks or stockings.
shoes Vietnamese women go bare foot with their

Cooking and Eating

1. Americans do not spend much time in Vietnamese spend a lot of time in preparing
preparing food. food.

2. Grocery is bought once a week Grocery is bought everyday

3. Americans say “grace” before eating and Vietnamese children ask parents or elderly of
everybody starts eating after that the family to eat first, and they follow

4. Americans use napkins and drink during Vietnamese do not use napkins but wash their
meal hands and their faces before and after every
meal. They don’t drink during eating, they drink

5. Americans use knife, spoons, fork and Vietnamese use spoons, chopsticks and a bowl.
plates. They eat soup in a plate They eat soup in a bowl

6. Americans have one big dinner per day Vietnamese have two equally large meals per
day (lunch and dinner)

7. The smell of prepared food is weak The smell of Vietnamese food is strong

8. American food is less spicy Vietnamese use more spices

9. Potato or bread is the main starch Rice is the main starch

10. Meat is cooked in big pieces, they cut it Meat is cut into small pieces before cooking
during eating. because they never use knife during meal

11. Food is put in individual plates or on the The food is put on the table and individuals take
table. They tend to pass the whole plate of piece by piece. The parents get food for their
food around kids using their chopsticks, not by passing the
whole plate

12. All food is shared equally Preferred food is served to parents or the elderly

13. Americans do not make noise in Vietnamese sometimes make noise in

appreciating good food. appreciating good food, especially soup

14. Women eat equally like men (in Women have to eat small amounts (like cats)
quantity) and men in quantity (like tigers

Americans shake hands with the opposite sex Vietnamese do not shake hands with the
opposite sex. They do not shake hands with old
people or women unless they offer their hand
first. slightly bow the head and/or put the hands
in front of the chest in order to show more
respect. Two women do not shake hands.

Americans exchange cheek-kisses to express Vietnamese never exchange cheek-kisses. It is

friendliness a shock to most married women.

Americans use “waving motion” to call people Waving motions are only used by adults to call
little children but not in other way.
To slap someone on the back (expressing It is insulting to the Vietnamese to be slapped
happiness)is acceptable on the back; especially to women

Americans can greet anyone in the family first A Vietnamese greets the head of a family or an
older person first, then the younger ones.

Homes have more rooms, space and Homes are small in cities and towns

Home are mostly constructed of wood or brick Homes, in the country side, are usually made of
bamboo trees, dry rice plants and mud. In the
cities, they are constructed of brick or cement.

 There are places for children to play  Children in the cities or towns play in the
inside streets
 More rooms are reserved for bedrooms  One room is reserved for an altar. This
 Everybody owns a bed, including is the sacred room where the worship
children ancestors
 Americans do not share a bed with  Not everyone owns a bed
same sex  Vietnamese can share a bed with the
 A double-bed sleeps only two people same sex. It is not abnormal for two
 A bed implies mattress and spring male or female friends or relatives to
board, bed sheets and bed spread share one bed.
 Children sleep in their own bedrooms  It can even sleep three or four people
 Americans sleep late on the week-ends  A bed is made of either wood or
 Americans do not take a siesta bamboo and covered by a reed mat.
(afternoon nap) (Many Vietnamese do not know ho to
make a be a American way)
 Children often sleep with their parents
 Vietnamese get up early and every day
 Vietnamese take siestas almost every

Differences between Western culture and Vietnamese

Date: March 24, 2016 By Tracy Do Categories: life of saigon Vietnam Travel Tips Vietnamese
Culture No comments
Vietnam is located in marine center. This is one of main reason making Viet Nam
affiliate with other countries easily. However, the differences still last. Understanding
them is a very important thing. It helps us avoid cultural shocks. Following is the list of
basic differences between Western culture and eastern culture as well as Vietnamese
1. How to show love?
The Western: Males and females can hold hands or kiss each other in public places. This
is very ordinary for surrounding people and nobody notices that. Close friends can kiss
on cheeks or kiss slightly on lips. A couple can also kiss in front of their children.
The Vietnamese: People rarely see male and female kiss each other in public places. If
they did so, they would face surrounding people’s looks. For male and female, touching
bodies each other is limited, even closest friends. People think that it results both of
friends love each other.
Parents do not also kiss each other in front of their children. They do not also kiss their
old children. However, they love and are faithful to each other.
2.How to celebrate parties and festivals?
The Western: Christmas and the lunar new year are the most important celebrations in a
year. Families usually go on a holiday far from home or only gather around together to
eat and drink.
For the Western people, birthday and wedding are the most important occasions in a
life. On these days, connected people gather to sing, dance, offer gifts and have a
snack party. On wedding days, the Western people usually organize a snack party.
They seldom receive lucky money.
The Vietnamese: The lunar new year holiday or Tet is the most important festival in a
year. This is time for families to clean and decorate their houses, and enjoy special
foods for Tet such as square sticky rice cakes, dried fruits. Family members who live
apart gather and celebrate Tet together.
In Viet Nam death anniversary is bigger than birthday. This is time when relatives gather
and enjoy meals together. They review memories of the dead, their good qualities. The
wedding ceremony is very finical, including many sections. There are usually two main
ceremonies: engaging and wedding. Engaging day is time when the groom’s family
brings the gold and trays of fruits, cakes, wine, tea to the bride’s family to ask for
wedding. Wedding day is a time when the groom’s family go to the bride’s family to
receive the bride. The people participating in the wedding party have to offer
congratulation money.
3.How to eat and drink?
The Western : The Western people, especially, don’t spend too much time for cooking.
They are usually buy some foods for the week because earning for living is hurry and
busy. Most of them are Christians, so they usually pray before eating.
The food doesn’t have a lot of condiments. Knives, spoons, forks are things which are
usually on the table. Most of foods are dry and cool. Soup is eaten using a plate and
spoon. American only have a main meal which is dinner when family gather around
dining table . Foods are divided equally to every family member. And they don’t cause
rustles while eating.
Popular foods show south eastern Asia’s cuisine culture.
The Vietnamese: Vietnamese people usually buy products at traditional markets or
supermarkets daily. Therefore, they always eat fresh foods. Cooks have to spend so
much time for processing because the food has a lot of condiments. It is usually acrid
and hot. This is common characteristic of South Eastern Asia and North Eastern Asia.
Vietnamese people usually eat with chopsticks. Spoons and food are put in plates and
large bowls and the same a tray. This shows the community culture of vietnamese
people having thousands years before. Before eating, the young have to invite the old.
The young aren’t eat until the old do. When eating people usually cause rustles
because the foods are acrid and hot.
4.How to greet?
The Western: Western people usually greet somebody with joined hands. Female can
also do, too. This shows equality between male and female. Close friends can kiss on
cheeks or kiss on lips slightly.
They wave hands to greet the others even the older. And clapping on the back slightly
to connected people is normal.
The Vietnamese: Male and female are rarely seen join hands each other. The young don’t
active in joining hands the old but wait this action from them. When joining hands they
only hold rather enough and not too long, using both hands and bend the head slightly.
Women don’t usually join hands each other.
Friends never give kisses to each other. The old can kiss young children. They can
wave hands to call young children And friends can also do so. Clapping on the back
slightly is only agreed for close friends. When go into the house of Vietnamese family,
you have to greet the oldest first, then greet from the old to the young.
Those are only some of the most basic differences in the spirit , feeling, eating and
drinking, greeting between Vietnamese and the Western people. Besides there are
many other differences. Understanding much about differences between the Western
culture and the Vietnamese culture helps us have many friends.

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