Teamsters, The Face of Many Companies
Teamsters, The Face of Many Companies
Teamsters, The Face of Many Companies to Labor E5
staff writer things have been good, he
Members of Local 135
lot of
what are a part of one of the
hap- That guy who largest Teamsters unions
pens is out making in the country and like
in our the delivery in Local 710, it covers multi-
lives ple states, he said.
many cases that “We are Local 135, we
n’t have been done with- is the face of are 15,000 to 16,000
out those in the Coca-Cola. strong and we’re in 57
International Brotherhood Most of the counties in Indiana, seven
of Teamsters. counties in Michigan and
Teamsters are the face
citizens and the
three counties in Illinois,”
of many companies. These merchants there he said. “We are a big
MAKING DELIVERY — Coca-Cola’s Gary Trent unloads his truck to restock Kmart’s
shelves. He has worked with Coke for nearly 30 years.
faces may end up making don’t know who local. We are probably the Perspective photo / Peter Adelsen
a person smile. If a person I am. They don’t second of third largest
is waiting for a delivery local in the country.”
from UPS, that delivery know me. They
Being a larger union
man is a Teamster. If a per- know the guy does have its advantages,
son is going to the grocery that’s delivering he said.
store to pick up some soft
drinks, it was a Teamster
their product to “The upper echelon of
them. That’s Mr. the Teamsters listens be-
who delivered the bever-
cause we are a big local.”
age to the store and placed Coca-Cola to Those in the Teamsters
it on the shelf. them.
“That guy who is out are out in the public every
making the delivery in day, unlike their white-
many cases that is the face collar counterparts and
of Coca-Cola,” said Craig Craig those in many other
Severns, general manager unions.
at Coca-Cola Bottling of
Severns “The Teamsters are out
Kokomo. “Most of the cit- general there doing it day in and
izens and the merchants manager day out,” Adams said.
there don’t know who I “The management people
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
am. They don’t know me. really don’t see the rank-
of Kokomo
They know the guy that’s in-file customer where the
delivering their product to Teamsters are. They see
them. That’s Mr. Coca- Coca-Cola Bottling of
these people day in and
Cola to them.” Kokomo serves about a
week out. The manage-
Severns continued say- 35-mile radius around
Kokomo and includes the ment doesn’t see this that
ing that the delivery man often. The Teamsters are
even does more than his cities of Logansport, Peru,
Tipton, Elwood and Del- on a first-name basis with
title. the representative compa-
“That’s the guy they see phi.
Throughout Kokomo, nies (like Kroger) and they
and takes care of whatever
the Teamsters from Coke do a good job.”
their needs might be,” he
said. “That route man is may be the most likely to
not only delivering the be seen by the majority of
product merchandise, if the public, but there is far
they see a vending ma- more this union represents.
chine out there that is not Teamsters Local 135
working properly, he will represents employees at
get that word back to us, IMI (Irving Materials,
so we can dispatch some- Inc.), Wonder Bread, E&B
body to get it fixed.” Paving, Highway Materi-
At the Coke bottling als Inc., Speedway Con-
plant, Teamsters union crete and Waste
members work as ware- Management.
house workers, drivers, “I have a good relation-
hourly delivery, cooler re- ship with all of them,” said
pair and mechanics. Chico Adams, Teamsters
Between Coke and the Local 135 business agent.
Teamsters union there has Another local company,
been a partnership that has UPS, is also represented
lasted for a long time. by the Teamsters, but not
“Neither side is trying to the Local 135. It is instead
get one better than the represented by Teamsters
other,” said Tim Know- Local 710 out of Chicago.
land, Coca-Cola Bottling However, UPS in Marion
of Kokomo sales manager. and Anderson is repre-
“It’s both of us trying to sented by 135, he said.
exist together and for the Adams’ job as a busi-
betterment of the company ness agent is to come in
long term, which is pretty and settle all the disputes
good job security.” between the members and
Kokomo Perspective Oct. 20, 2010
E6 to Labor
MOVING THE PRODUCT — Coca-Cola warehouse forklift-operator Leonard Harris moves Coca-Cola products so
they can be ready for delivery.
Perspective photo / Peter Adelsen to Labor E7
Administration grateful to have
good working relationship
with city unions
Goodnight said the ex-
by Tim Turner
digital media manager The last couple years tension really helped the have been very city plan for its budget.
difficult, and I have seen “The FOP was not even
h e n
Kokomo a lot of leadership in our scheduled to go into nego-
bargaining units in our tiations until next April,”
mayor Greg said Goodnight. “They
Goodnight city unions who have have extended their con-
FILES — Kokomo police officers Jeff Catt and Don
had to make the difficult understood the times we tract with a voluntary pay
Whitehead go over files.
decision to layoff firefight- are in. Perspective photo / Tim Turner
Greg freeze from now until the
ers a little more than a year
ago, the former union Goodnight end of 2012. I hope they
get the proper recognition.
leader didn’t think he mayor Jason Burton, John Web-
would be in the position he
ster, the rest of the FOP
is in today.
Goodnight enjoys a very I think we speak for every one leadership, and the rank
comfortable relationship of the taxpayers in the and file deserve thanks for
with the local unions, city of Kokomo when we recognizing and putting
the city’s interests ahead of
which have bought in to say thank you (to the their own personal interest.
his philosophy of finding FOP) so much for They deserve a lot of
ways to keep costs down agreeing to an extension. kudos for their leadership.”
and everyone employed. Hopefully things will get Goodnight said the at-
“The last couple years
have been very difficult,
better and some day we tention the national econ-
and I have seen a lot of Jim will be voting on a pay omy has received is why
increase. he felt that the contract ne-
leadership in our bargain- Brannon gotiations went so
ing units in our city unions smoothly.
controller CRIME LAB — Kokomo Police Department detective
who have understood the “Their leadership, and Sean Kinney and crime lab assistant Alisha Casler
times we are in,” said maybe their rank and file, process a firearm for fingerprints.
Goodnight. They have is very aware of the state Perspective photo / Tim Turner
helped us work through economy and the national
some things such as the economy,” said Goodnight. “Keep in mind when we first
Novia clinic.” came in office we had to start negotiations my first four
On Aug. 4, Jason Burton presented a proposal to the months in office. There was maybe a little bit of uncer-
Board of Works which would extend the current Frater- tainty what the country’s financial situation was. There
nal Order of Police Lodge 78 contract through 2012. The may have been a little mistrust and apprehension on their
contract is the same as the current contract and no one part, a little bit of uncertainty.”
would receive raises, but the union got a guarantee that Goodnight said a positive reflection on how his ad-
there would be no involuntary layoffs. ministration has worked with the unions is the lack of
BOW president and city controller Jim Brannon was grievances filed.
very thankful for the FOP’s decision. “Obviously we have had some cutbacks, but the griev-
“We appreciate the efforts of the FOP,” said Brannon. ances we have received have been minimal,” said Good-
“It is a clear indication that the FOP understands the sit- night. “I don’t think we have had an FOP grievance in
uation the city is in. We applaud your efforts. I think we three years. The only IAF grievances I think we have had
speak for every one of the taxpayers in the city of involved layoffs back a couple years ago. I am really
Kokomo when we say thank you so much for agreeing to happy with that.”
an extension. Hopefully things will get better and some Goodnight said he is proud of the work that has been
day we will be voting on a pay increase; not sure when done by all the union leadership in the city, and he hopes
that will be and I am not making any promises.” that they can continue to have a positive working rela- ON DUTY — Officers respond to a call of “shots fired.”
Earlier this year the Kokomo Professional Firefighters tionship. Perspective photo / Tim Turner
Local 396 also agreed to extend its contract.
Page E8 Kokomo Perspective Oct. 20, 2010