Floor Auto Mesh Options: Click Here For An Example
Floor Auto Mesh Options: Click Here For An Example
Floor Auto Mesh Options: Click Here For An Example
During analysis, ETABS automatically meshes all shell objects that are used to model floors. Meshing helps distribute
loads realistically. In some cases, automatic meshing of a shell object into the analysis model may not be desired; click
here for an example. Use the Shell Assignment - Floor Auto Mesh Options form to alter the meshing of shell objects
to something other than the default settings. The use of Rectangular meshing for the default settings is specified using
the Analyze menu > Automatic Mesh Settings for Floors command.
1. Select the shell object(s) for which the mesh is to be revised or marked so as not to be meshed at all.
2. Click the Assign menu > Shell > Floor Auto Mesh Options command to access the Shell Assignment - Floor
Auto Mesh Options form.
Default option. This is the setting that will be used on all shell floor object meshing unless another choice is
specified on this form. Following are the three categories of shell objects used to determine the default settings �
which one to use depends upon the properties of the shell object and its orientation.
Horizontal decks and planks use the auto cookie cut at beams and walls meshing option. Because these
types of floor objects do not have out-of-plane stiffness, vertical loads are transformed from the floors onto
the beams and walls using tributary area algorithms.
Horizontal slabs and layered slabs use the automatic rectangular meshing as specified on the Automatic
Mesh Options (for Floors) form. For slabs with membrane behavior, vertical loads are transformed to
vertical supports using tributary area algorithms.
Inclined floors use the no auto meshing option, i.e., they are not internally meshed and remain as a single
element equivalent in size to the floor object.
For Defining Rigid Diaphragm and Mass Only (No Stiffness - No Vertical Load Transfer-Applies to
Horizontal Floors Only) option. No stiffness or vertical load transfer associated with these objects will be
considered during the analysis.
No Auto Meshing (Use Objects as Structural Elements) option. Tags the shell object to not be automatically
meshed by ETABS into the analysis model, thereby treating the object as a Structural Element.
Mesh Object into ___ by ___ Elements option. If the selected object has no curved edges and is defined by 3 or
4 nodes, this option can be used to mesh the selected shell object into a specified number of elements in the local
1 direction and a specified number of elements in the local 2 direction.
Auto Cookie Cut Object into Structural Elements option. Allows control of meshing according to the following:
Mesh at Beams and Other Meshing Lines (Applies to Horizontal Floors Only) option. Similar to the
default option for decks, planks and slabs with membrane behavior.
Mesh at Vertical/Inclined Wall Edges (Applies to Horizontal Floors Only) option. Meshes the selected
object at walls, thereby transferring loads, as appropriate, to and from walls. Similar to the default option for
decks, planks and slabs with membrane behavior.
Mesh at Visible Grids (Applies to Horizontal Floors Only) option. Meshes the selected objects at grid
lines used in the model.
Further Mesh Where Needed to Maximum Element Size of {specify value} option. Meshes the selected
object(s) using the specified maximum element size.
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3/15/2019 Floor Auto Mesh Options
Add Restraints on Edge if Corners have Restraints checkbox. Check this box to restrain the edges of the mesh
elements when the corners of the shell object are restrained.
Advanced - Modify/Show Auto Rectangular Mesh Settings button. Click the button to display the Automatic
Mesh Options (for Floors) form. Use the form to specify how and where the object will be meshed and the
approximate maximum size of the mesh when floor-type shell options use auto meshing.
When the Apply button is used, the Shell Assignment - Floor Auto Mesh Options form will remain open until it is
closed by clicking the Close button. This allows selection of another shell object(s), to which different assignments
can be made.
If only one assignment is being made to only one set of selected objects, the OK button can be used to both apply the
assignment and close the form.
The internal element mesh may be viewed by going to the View menu > Set Display Options command and checking
the Shell Analysis Mesh checkbox under Other Special Items on the General tab.
See also:
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