Automatic Generation Control of Multi-Area Electric Energy Systems Using Modified GA
Automatic Generation Control of Multi-Area Electric Energy Systems Using Modified GA
Automatic Generation Control of Multi-Area Electric Energy Systems Using Modified GA
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
between exploration and exploitation of search space to • Case-B Four-area interconnected reheat thermal system
find global optimum in less number of generations. with governor dead band nonlinearity.
• The proposed GA along with decomposition technique as The physical connection of four-area interconnected power
developed has been used to obtain the optimum megawatt system has been depicted in Fig. 2. A typical block diagram of
frequency control of multi-area electric energy systems. a single area (kth area) perturbation model is shown in Fig. 3.
Time-domain simulations are conducted with trapezoidal
A. Sub System Model of Multi-Area Reheat Thermal System
integration along with decomposition technique.
• Since decomposition technique is used, there are no A mathematical model is to be developed to study the load
limitations in number of areas interconnected. The frequency dynamics of multi area interconnected reheat
solutions of state equations are found by trapezoidal thermal electric energy system using decomposition technique
integration method, which is more tolerant towards a [12].
large integration time interval. Therefore, there is a
considerable saving in computational time and core
• In this technique, care has been taken in the model to
include nonlinearity due to governor deadband.
This paper is organized as follows. The system model is
discussed in section two. In section three, trapezoidal
integration with decomposition technique is described. In
section four, an overview of proposed Genetic Algorithm for
function optimization is given. Then the results of simulation
study for four-area reheat thermal power station with and
without consideration nonlinearity due to governor deadband
are in section five. Finally some conclusions are drawn and
future works are suggested in section six. Fig. 3 Block Diagram of Single Area (kth Area) Perturbation
Model with Nonlinearity (Considering Deadband)
Here the tie-line power deviations ΔPTiek can be assumed as
The system under consideration is exposed to small change
in load during its normal operation; so a linear model is an additional power disturbance to any area k. Accordingly,
sufficient for its dynamic representation. Fig. 1 shows the using decomposition technique the area wise sub system
transfer function model for single area representation of reheat equations are derived considering small load change as
thermal system. follows:
X1 = ΔF, X 2 = ΔX E , X 3 = ΔPG , X 4 = X 3 , X 5 = ΔPTie , X 6 = ΔPC .
Referring to Figure 3 of kth area, we can write
Δ P D (t )
. 1
X 1 = − X 1 + X 3 − X 5 −
. 1 1
X 2 = A 21 X 1 + X 2 + X 6
Tg Tg
Fig. 1 Transfer Function Model of Singe-Reheat Thermal System
X 3 = X 4
X 4 = A41 X 1 + A42 X 2 + A43 X 3 + A44 X 4 + A46 X 6
. M M
X 5 = 2π ∑ Tki X 1 − 2π ∑ Tki ΔFi
i =1 i =1
i≠K i≠ K
X 6 = − K Ik BX 1 − K Ik X 5
Referring to Figure 3 (a) for any area k, the above equations
can be written as:
Fig. 2 Physical Connection of Four-Area System
⎡ . ⎤
⎢⎣ X ⎥⎦ = [ A ]k [ X ]k + [U ]k (1)
In this case, the proposed algorithm is applied to the following
two cases: where
• Case-A Four-area interconnected reheat thermal system.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
⎡ . ⎤ ⎡ . . . . . .
⎤ which makes the system non-linear. The proposed method is
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ = ⎢⎣ X 1 X 2 X3 X 4 X 5 X 6⎥ applied to investigate the effect of dead band on the dynamic
k ⎦k
performance. The magnitude of dead band is taken as 0.06 %.
For cases presented here the initial position of dead band is
⎡ 1 K p K p ⎤ selected so that the entire dead band of each area has to be
⎢ − 0 0 − 0 ⎥
⎢ T p Tp Tp ⎥ traversed before a response is secured. The system can be
⎢ 1 1 ⎥ anywhere within the dead band. The block diagram of single-
A − 0 0 0
⎢ Tg ⎥
Tg area (kth area) perturbation model with governor deadband is
⎢ ⎥
[ A ]k = ⎢ 0 0 0 1 0 0 ⎥ depicted in Figure 3.
⎢ A 41 A 42 A 43 A 44 0 A 46 ⎥ The factor ΔF varies rather slowly with time and so if the
⎢ M ⎥
⎢2π∑ T 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ integration time interval is chosen sufficiently small, one can
⎢ i =1
⎥ reasonably assume that during any particular time interval
⎢ i≠ k ⎥
each area operates entirely in side the dead band or outside it.
⎣⎢ − K I B 0 0 0 − K I 0 ⎦⎥ k
Therefore the system to be considered becomes essentially a
⎡ ⎤ piecewise linear system when governor dead band is included.
⎢ Kp M
[U] = ⎢− ΔPD (t) U2 (t) 0 U4 (t) − 2π∑TkiΔFi 0⎥⎥
For each area there will be two [A] Matrices, one for operation
Tp i=1
inside the dead band region and the other for operation outside
⎣⎢ i≠k ⎦⎥k it. They are derived as follows.
For linear model the value for A’s and U’s are as follows: Nonlinear model (Considering dead band DB)
1 , Kr ,
A21 = − A41 = − (i) Operation inside Dead Band:
RT g RT g Tt
There will be no signal proportional to frequency
⎛ 1 Kr ⎞ deviation. Therefore values of A’s and U’s are as
A 42 = ⎜ − ⎟
⎜TT T ⎟ below:
⎝ t r g Tt ⎠
A21 = 0, A41 = 0, U 2 (t ) = 0,
1 (T r + Tt ) , Kr U 4 (t ) = 0
A43 = − , A44 = − A46 = other A’s remain same as the values in linear case.
TrTt T r Tt T g Tt
U 2 (t ) = 0,U 4 (t ) = 0 (ii) Operation outside Dead Band:
When frequency deviation greater than the DB the
System equation for last area can be obtained as follows: signal will be proportional to ( ΔF -
B. Subsystem Model of Mutli-Area Reheat Thermal System III. TRAPEZOIDAL INTEGRATION WITH DECOMPOSITION
with Deadband Nonlinerity TECHNIQUE
The speed governor dead band has a great effect on the Applying trapezoidal integration technique to the equation:
dynamic performance of electric energy system. For more
⎡ . ⎤
realistic analysis the governor dead band has to be included ⎢⎣ X ⎥⎦ = [ A ][ X ] + [U ]
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
(t + Δt )
forming a mating pool. In a simple GA approach this is
termed as reproduction. And the strings are selected into the
On simplification, from equation (4), we obtain mating pool by simple Roulette wheel selection. In this
proposed algorithm, the following modifications are applied
⎡ Δt ⎤ ⎡ Δt ⎤ [U(t + Δt)] +[U(t)] Δt
⎢I − A 2 ⎥[X(t + Δt)] = ⎢I + A 2 ⎥[X(t)] +
for the selection of parents so that the strings with large values
of fitness are copied more into the mating pool.
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ 2
• The first parent in each reproduction is the string having
[X (t + Δt )] = [SM ][Y ] (6)
the best fitness value. The second parent is selected from
the ordered population using normal selection technique.
where • At the ith reproduction, first parent is the best string of the
⎡ Δt ⎤ population arranged in the order of fitness values. Second
[SM ] = ⎢I − A 2 ⎥ parent is selected from the ordered population using
⎣ ⎦
normal selection technique.
Δt ⎤
[X (t )] + [U (t + Δt )] + [U (t )] Δt
⎡ B. Proposed Crossover
and [Y ] = I + A
⎢ ⎥ Crossover is an algorithm for artificial mating of two
⎣ 2⎦ 2
individual chromosomes with an expectation that a
combination of genes of individuals of high fitness value may
When equation (6) is used with the decomposition technique,
produce an offspring with even higher fitness. It represents a
the procedure becomes iterative. The equation (6) can be
way of moving in the solution space based on the information
written as:
derived from the existing solutions. This makes exploitation
and exploration of information encoded in genes.
[X ( i +1)
(t + Δt )] = [SM]⎡⎢[X1(t )] + [U (i+1) (t + Δt ) + U (t )] Δt ⎤⎥
(7) In this proposed algorithm, the following modifications
⎣ have been proposed with an intuition to have better trade-off
where between exploration of unknown solution space and
⎡ Δt ⎤ exploitation of already known knowledge of solution to find
X 1(t ) = ⎢ I + A [X (t )]
⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ the global optimum in less number of generations. In this
work, one point crossover also called Holland crossover is
and i denotes the iteration count.
Pc ∈ [0.6, 0.95] with
From equation (7) it can be seen that X (t + Δt ) consists
(i +1) adopted with a probability
modifications in exchange of chromosomal materials.
of two parts, one is a fixed part and another is a variable part, In a binary coded chromosome if the value of right most
which varies in every iteration. Equation (7) can be written as:
bits is changed [1 → 0, 0 → 1] , the search point in the
[X 3( i +1 )
(t + Δ t )] = [SM ][U (i +1 ) (t + Δ t )] Δ t .
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
Therefore, it is evident that the exploitation of already V. If the search goal is achieved, or an allowable generation
known region or exploration of unknown region in the search is attained, stop and return, else go to third step (III).
space is relatively depending upon the position of the bit in
the chromosome whose value changes. In a chromosome // Procedure Proposed Crossover
change in the bits towards the right from the middle position // n Æ population size
contribute more towards the exploitation of already known // cs Æ crossover site
region. Similarly, change in the bits towards the left from the // l Æ length of chromosome
middle position contributes more towards exploration of new // midl Æ midpoint of chromosome length
region in the search space. This is shown in the Fig. 4(a).
Thus the positional dependency of crossing site in respect begin
of middle point of the chromosome helps to maintain diversity //Selection of two chromosomes
of the search point as well as improve the value of already Chromo (cn) = best chromo of pop(n)
known optimum value. Chromo (cn-1) = Roulette wheel pop(n-1)
Here the mechanism of crossover is not same as that of one for i=1 to 2 do
point crossover. In this proposed scheme, the exchange of begin
chromosomal material between two parents is made //Selection of crossover site
cs → rand (1,l)
considering the position of crossover site with respect to the
mid point of the chromosome. If the crossover site falls
if (cs towards right midl)
towards the right of the mid point of the chromosome, the
offspringm = chromo (cn) upto cs + chromo (cn-1)
right side chromosomal material from the crossover site of the
after cs
fitter parent is replaced with that of other parent to form one
offspring. If the crossover site falls towards the left of the else
offspring = chromo (cn-1) upto cs +chromo (cn)
middle position of the chromosome, the left side chromosomal
material from the crossover site of the fitter parent is replaced after cs
with the other parent to form one offspring. end
Fig. 4(b) shows an example of crossover procedure. Thus by end
generating one random number, only one offspring is Fig. 4 (c) The Pseudo Code for the Proposed Crossover
produced by crossover. For each pair of parent, two random
numbers are generated to produce two offspring. The pseudo V. SIMULATION RESULTS
code for the proposed crossover is shown in Fig. 4(c). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm,
some simulations have been carried out for a four-area
interconnected AGC power system structured as in Fig. 2.
Simulations for the proposed method are carried out on a
computer with following specifications: Pentium-4 processor,
1.89 GHz.. The system parameters are tabulated in the
Appendix-A. In this part of the study, a conventional AGC,
which is only integral is considered. The parameters involved
in the feedback are the integral controller (KIk) and the
frequency bias constant (Bk). The optimal values of these
parameters depend upon the cost function used for
optimization. Each individual in the initial population has an
associated performance index (PI) value. The performance
Fig. 4 (b) Example of Crossover Procedure indices [14] used here are of the form:
I. The integral of the square of the error criterion (ISE). It is
C. Algorithm Steps for Optimization of AGC Parameters given be
With the above descriptions, the procedure of a proposed ∞
⎛ M −1 M
genetic algorithm for power system AGC is given as follows: ISE = ∫ ⎜ ∑ ΔPTie2 k + ∑ Δf k2 ⎟dt
I. Generate randomly a population of parameter strings to 0 ⎝ k =1 k =1 ⎠ (9)
form parameter vector.
II. The integral of time-multiplied absolute value of the error
II. Using digital simulation of system model, to calculate the
criterion (ITAE). The criterion penalizes long-duration
fitness (ISE and ITAE) for each string in the population.
transients and is much more selective than the ISE. A
III. Create offspring strings by proposed GA operators: system designed by use of this criterion exhibits small
reproduction, crossover and mutation. overshoot and well damped oscillations. It is given by
IV. Evaluate the new strings and calculate the fitness for each ⎛ M −1 M
string. ITAE = ∫ t ⎜ ∑ ΔPTiek + ∑ Δf k ⎟dt
0 ⎝ k =1 k =1 ⎠ .. (10)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
To simplify the analysis, the four interconnected areas were obtaining optimal AGC parameters of interconnected power
considered identical. The optimal parameter value is such that system.
KI1=KI2=KI3=KI4=KI and B1 = B2 = B3 =B4 = B
The optimum values of the parameters KI and B for two 0.03
respectively. 0.00
time, s
Fig. 6 (a) Frequency deviation in Area-1
Parameter ISE ITAE
B 0.340 0.321 0.010
KI 0.861 0.640 0.008
1.0 0.002
t ra d it io n a l G A
0.9 p ro p o s e d G A -0.002
Objective Function (ISE)
with ITAE
0.8 -0.006
with ISE
0.7 -0.010
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
time, s
Fig. 6 (b) Frequency deviation in Area-3
0 10 20 30 40 50
G e ne ra ti o n num b e r 0.002
t ra d it io n a l G A
1.5 -0.004
p ro p o s e d G A
Objective Function (ITAE)
with ITAE
with ISE
1.4 -0.006
1.3 -0.008
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
tim e, s
Fig. 6 (c) Tie-line power deviation in Area-1
0 10 20 30 40 50
G e ne ra ti o n num b e r
tie-line power deviation, p.u.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
0.012 0 .0 3
0.010 0 .0 2
generated power deviation, p.u.
0 .0 0
-0 .0 1
with ITAE
with ISE -0 .0 2 w ith IS E
w ith IT A E
-0 .0 3
-0 .0 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
tim e , s
tim e, s
Fig. 6 (e) Generated power deviation in Area-1 Fig. 7 (a) Frequency deviation in area-1
w ith ITA E
generated power deviation, p.u.
0.002 w ith IS E
with ISE
with ITAE
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
tim e, s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 6 (f) Generated power deviation in Area-3 tim e, s
the solid curves show the responses with the performance with IS E
with ITA E
index ITAE. The response obtained when the parameters are -0.006
with ISE
corresponding to 0.0020
with ITAE
Area-3 0.011 Hz 0.010 Hz. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
0.008 that the performance of the system with the proposed GA has
been improved a lot.
0.002 with ISE
with ITAE
The application of the proposed method to the AGC
problem reveals that the system performance is highly
improved. The results of this proposed algorithm when
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
compared with the results of other investigators derived in
time, s different methods indicate its correctness and effectiveness in
Fig. 7 (e) Generated power deviation in area-1 finding the optimal AGC parameters of multi-area systems.
generated power deviation, p.u.
0.002 with IS E
with ITA E The nominal system parameters are
f = 60 Hz, Tg = 0.08 Sec, Tr = 10.0 Sec, Hk = 5.0 Sec, Kr=
0.5, Tt = 0.3 Sec, 2πTki = 0.05
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