Zwe Lee Gaing
Zwe Lee Gaing
Zwe Lee Gaing
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1 author:
Zwe-Lee Gaing
Kao Yuan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Zwe-Lee Gaing on 04 February 2014.
Abstract—In this paper, a novel design method for determining Many random search methods, such as genetic algorithm
the optimal proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller pa- (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) [2]–[9], have recently
rameters of an AVR system using the particle swarm optimization received much interest for achieving high efficiency and
(PSO) algorithm is presented. This paper demonstrated in detail
how to employ the PSO method to search efficiently the optimal searching global optimal solution in problem space. The GA
PID controller parameters of an AVR system. The proposed method is usually faster than the SA method because the GA
approach had superior features, including easy implementation, has parallel search techniques, which emulate natural genetic
stable convergence characteristic, and good computational effi- operations. Due to its high potential for global optimization,
ciency. Fast tuning of optimum PID controller parameters yields GA has received great attention in control systems such as the
high-quality solution. In order to assist estimating the perfor-
mance of the proposed PSO-PID controller, a new time-domain search of optimal PID controller parameters. Although GAs
performance criterion function was also defined. Compared with have widely been applied to many control systems, its natural
the genetic algorithm (GA), the proposed method was indeed genetic operations would still result in enormous computational
more efficient and robust in improving the step response of an efforts [5], [6]. In order to overcome the disadvantages, the
AVR system. use of real-value representation in the GA is proposed to offer
Index Terms—AVR system, optimal control, particle swarm op- a number of advantages in numerical function optimization
timization, PID controller. over binary encoding because there is no need to convert
chromosomes to binary type [3]–[5], [15].
I. INTRODUCTION Though the GA methods have been employed successfully to
solve complex optimization problems, recent research has iden-
controller to search optimal PID parameters. This controller is The amplifier model is represented by a gain and a
called the PSO-PID controller. time constant ; the transfer function is
The integral performance criteria in frequency domain were
often used to evaluate the controller performance, but these cri- (2)
teria have their own advantages and disadvantages [5], [6]. In
Typical values of are in the range of 10 to 400. The
this paper, a simple performance criterion in time domain is pro-
amplifier time constant is very small ranging from 0.02 to
posed for evaluating the performance of a PSO-PID controller
0.1 s.
that was applied to the complex control system.
• Exciter model.
The generator excitation system maintains generator voltage
The transfer function of a modern exciter may be rep-
and controls the reactive power flow using an automatic voltage
resented by a gain and a single time constant
regulator (AVR) [18]. The role of an AVR is to hold the terminal
voltage magnitude of a synchronous generator at a specified (3)
level. Hence, the stability of the AVR system would seriously
affect the security of the power system. In this paper, a practical Typical values of are in the range of 10 to 400. The
high-order AVR system with a PID controller is adopted to test time constant is in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 s.
the performance of the proposed PSO-PID controller. • Generator model.
In this paper, besides demonstrating how to employ the PSO In the linearized model, the transfer function relating
method to obtain the optimal PID controller parameters of an the generator terminal voltage to its field voltage can be
AVR system, many performance estimation schemes are per- represented by a gain and a time constant
formed to examine whether the proposed method has better per-
formance than the real-value GA method in solving the optimal (4)
PID controller parameters.
These constants are load dependent, may vary be-
tween 0.7 to 1.0, and . between 1.0 and 2.0 s from full
load to no load.
A. PID Controller • Sensor model.
The PID controller is used to improve the dynamic response The sensor is modeled by a simple first-order transfer
as well as to reduce or eliminate the steady-state error. The function, given by
derivative controller adds a finite zero to the open-loop plant
transfer function and improves the transient response. The inte- (5)
gral controller adds a pole at the origin, thus increasing system is very small, ranging from of 0.001 to 0.06 s.
type by one and reducing the steady-state error due to a step
function to zero. The PID controller transfer function is C. AVR System With PID Controller
The above models provide an AVR system compensated with
a PID controller block diagram, which is shown in Fig. 1.
ITSE performance criterion can overcome the disadvantage The PSO concept consists of, at each time step, changing
of the ISE criterion, the derivation processes of the analytical the velocity of each particle toward its and loca-
formula are complex and time-consuming [6]. The IAE, ISE, tions. Acceleration is weighted by a random term, with separate
and ITSE performance criterion formulas are as follows: random numbers being generated for acceleration toward
and locations.
(6) For example, the th particle is represented as
in the -dimensional space. The best
(7) previous position of the th particle is recorded and represented
as . The index of
best particle among all of the particles in the group is repre-
sented by the . The rate of the position change (velocity)
for particle is represented as .
In this paper, a new performance criterion in the time domain
The modified velocity and position of each particle can be
is proposed for evaluating the PID controller. A set of good con-
calculated using the current velocity and the distance from
trol parameters , , and can yield a good step response
to as shown in the following formulas:
that will result in performance criteria minimization in the time
domain. These performance criteria in the time domain include
the overshoot , rise time , settling time , and steady-state
error . Therefore, a new performance criterion is de- (10)
fined as follows:
(9) (11)
where is the maximum number of iterations (genera- of the four performance criteria in the time domain,
tions), and is the current number of iterations. namely , , , and .
Step 3) Calculate the evaluation value of each individual in
IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF A PSO-PID CONTROLLER the population using the evaluation function given
by (13).
In this paper, a PID controller using the PSO algorithm was
Step 4) Compare each individual’s evaluation value with its
developed to improve the step transient response of AVR of a
. The best evaluation value among the is
generator. It was also called the PSO-PID controller. The PSO
denoted as .
algorithm was mainly utilized to determine three optimal con-
Step 5) Modify the member velocity of each individual
troller parameters , , and , such that the controlled system
according to (14)
could obtain a good step response output.
Fig. 11. Terminal voltage step response of an AVR system with different
controllers (Example VI, = 1:5, generations = 150).
Fig. 14. Convergence tendency of both and of evaluation values using
both methods (Example IV, = 1:5, generations = 150).
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The authors acknowledge the technical support from Taiwan
Power Company.
Zwe-Lee Gaing (M’02) received the Ph.D. degree from National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1996.
REFERENCES Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Kao-Yuan
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