Gravity and Low Pressure Die Casting of Aluminium

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Gravity and Low pressure die casting of aluminium alloys: A technical and
economical benchmark

Article · June 2005


24 2,483

4 authors, including:

Franco Bonollo
University of Padova


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Gravity and low pressure die casting
of aluminium alloys:
a technical and economical benchmark
F. Bonollo, J. Urban, B. Bonatto, M. Botter

Among the innovative and conventional foundry processes for Aluminium alloys, low pressure die
casting is characterised by several advantages, including high yield, excellent control of operative
parameters, good metallurgical and technological quality. This process is often (and incorrectly)
associated only to the production of automotive wheels, while it is improving its potential both towards
other automotive components and non-automotive parts. The paper is aimed at showing the potential
of low pressure die casting for the production of safety boxes, to be employed in chemical, petrol
and off-shore plants. This potential is examined both in technical and economical terms,
and is compared with that offered by other conventional Aluminium foundry processes,
such as permament mould gravity diecasting.
Keywords: aluminium alloys, foundry, low pressure die casting, defects, materials characterisation, equipments

INTRODUCTION again towards the furnace. The various parts of the die are
then separated, and the casting is finally extracted.
The increasing number of applications and of products is the Specific attention has to be paid to the design of the die, to
best proof of the success of Aluminium alloys foundry. This control by means of proper cooling circuits, the solidifica-
is probably one of the most dynamic fields inside manufac- tion path of the alloy. The massive region of the casting has
turing and engineering. The well-known advantages asso- to be the last one to solidify and must be placed near to the
ciated to the use of Aluminium alloys (light weight, good
mechanical behaviour, good corrosion resistance, etc.) con-
stitute the driving force for the introduction, on one hand, of a
new applications and design and, on the other hand, for the
development of new processing solutions. Various processes
are now competing, to achieve both economically and tech-
nologically advantageous production of Aluminium alloys
castings. The general scenario is described in a quite wide li-
terature [1-10] and is schematically shown in Figures 1a
(part-process-weight chart) and 1b (process vs quality – in
terms of gas entrapment – chart).
Among the most interesting processes, low pressure die ca-
sting is certainly worth mentioning, thanks to its peculiari-
ties, allowing, in several cases, an excellent compromise
between quality, costs, productivity, geometrical feasibility.
Even if such a process is quite old (the first patent, concer-
ning casting of lead alloys, was deposited in England in
1910), its significant industrial application started thirty b
years ago [8]. Nowadays, it is adopted for casting Alumi-
nium- and Magnesium-based alloys. The principle of this
process is quite simple: the permanent die and the filling sy-
stem are placed over the furnace containing the molten alloy
(Fig. 2) [1-6]. The filling of the cavity is obtained by forcing
(by means of a pressurized gas, typically ranging from 0.3 to
1.5 bars) the molten metal to rise into a ceramic tube (which
is called stalk), which connects the die to the furnace (Fig.
3). Generally speaking, the pressure used is roughly equiva-
lent to 2 meters of an Aluminum column.
Once the die cavity is filled, the overpressure in the furnace
is removed, and the residual molten metal in the tube flows

Fig. 1 – Field of convenience of foundry processes as a function of

F. Bonollo, J. Urban production rate and casting weight (a); comparison of foundry
DTG - University of Padova, Vicenza – Italy ( processes in terms of gas content in castings (b).
B. Bonatto - LPM, Padova – Italy
Fig. 1 – Campi di convenienza dei processi di fonderia in funzione
M. Botter - Elfit, Villesse (GO) – Italy della produzione richiesta e del peso dei getti (a); confronto tra i
processi di fonderia in termini di contenuto di gas nei getti (b).

la metallurgia italiana 23

Fig. 2 – General scheme of


the low pressure die casting

Fig. 2 – Schema di principio
del processo di colata in
bassa pressione.

Fig. 3 – Working sequence in

the LPDC process [8].
Fig. 3 – Sequenza operativa
del processo di colata in
bassa pressione [8].

stalk, which acts as a “virtual” feeder and allows to avoid In this paper, the potential of low pressure die casting for the
the use of conventional feeders, thus improving the yield of production of safety boxes, to be employed in chemical, pe-
the process, which becomes significantly high. The low trol and off-shore plants, will be illustrated, both in technical
injection velocity and the relatively high cycle time lead to a and economical terms. The information presented will allow
good control of the fluid-dynamics of the process, avoiding a comparison with other conventional Aluminium foundry
the defects originated by turbulence phenomena. Castings processes, such as permament mould gravity casting.
up to 70 kg weight can be produced, with tolerances of 0.3-
0.6 %.
The die can be design for the production of a single casting THE COMPONENTS INVESTIGATED
or for multiple castings, according to the size required and
to the characteristics of the machine. The components selected for the presented study are safety
The advantages of low pressure die casting process are seve- boxes and covers (Fig 5) produced by ELFIT SpA by means
ral: of different processes. The boxes are obtained by low pres-
- the high yield achievable (typically over 90%) sure (LPDC) and gravity die casting (GDC), while the co-
- the reduction of machining costs, thanks to the absence of vers are obtained also by sand casting (SC) and high pressu-
feeders, re diecasting (HPDC). The composition of castings depends
- the excellent control of process parameters which can be basically on the processes adopted; in detail
obtained, with a high degree of automation, - the alloy EN AB-43000 (AlSi10Mg) has been used for
- the good metallurgical quality, thanks to a homogeneous LPDC;
filling and a controlled solidification dynamics, resulting - the alloy EN AB-44100 (AlSi13) has been used for GDC;
in good mechanical and technological properties of the ca- - the alloy EN AB-47100 (AlSi12) has been used for

stings. HPDC;
The applications of low pressure die casting in the automoti- - the alloy EN AB-42000 (AlSi7) has been used for SC.
ve field are several, even if this process is often (and reduc- On the castings, radiographic examinations, hardness tests
tively) associated only to the production of wheels (Fig. 4a). and microstructural investigations (light microscopy and
Some examples of low pressure die casting products are image analysis) have been carried out, to achieve an exten-
collected in Fig. 4b. ded comparison among their characteristics.

24 la metallurgia italiana

Fig. 4 – Examples of castings produced by means of the LPDC process [16].
Fig. 4 – Esempi di getti prodotti mediante colata in bassa pressione [16].

a b

Fig. 5 – The components investigated in the present paper: safety box (a) and safety covers (b).
Fig. 5 – I componenti oggetto del presente lavoro: contenitore di sicurezza (a) coperchi di sicurezza (b).

RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS is quite homogeneous, but there is a strong effect due to the
process. The ranking of radiographic quality is the fol-
Radiographic Inspection lowing:
For what concerns the boxes, the most critical zone, in the SC = LPDC > GDC > HPDC.
case of LPDC, has been individuated to be the corner, with
some clustered porosity; on the other side, the content of po- The sectioning of the covers (Fig. 9) confirms, without any
rosity in the walls is quite low. In the case of GDC, the cor- doubts, this ranking.
ners typically present relatively big cavities, even if in a
lower number with respect to LPDC; the walls evidenced Microstructural investigations
some cavities. Various kinds of microstructural investigations have been
The radiographic quality of boxes and covers is described in carried out:
Figs. 6-8. For this kind of casting, the distribution of defects - metallographic observation,



Fig. 6 – Radiographs of the boxes. Fig. 7 – Radiographs of the covers.

Fig. 6 – Radiografia delle scatole di sicurezza. Fig. 7 – Radiografia dei coperchi di sicurezza.

la metallurgia italiana 25



Fig. 8 – Radiographs of the covers.

Fig. 8 – Radiografia dei coperchi di sicurezza.

Fig. 9 – Macroscopic examinations of the covers after sectioning.

Fig. 9 – Esame macroscopico dei coperchi dopo il sezionamento.

- evaluation of porosity characteristics and content,

- evaluation of Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing (SDAS). Fig. 10 – Definition of the regions to be investigated in the safety
The investigations have been performed in the most repre- box (a) and cover (b).
sentative zones of the castings, following the denomination Fig. 10 – Definizione delle regioni da analizzare nel recipiente (a)
shown in Fig. 10. e nel coperchio (b).
Metallographic observation allowed to qualitatively descri-
be the peculiarities of the different casting processes under
investigation and of the alloys employed. Fig. 11a is referred
to the low pressure die cast cover: a fine dendritic structure
(α-Al phase) can be observed, embedded into an Al-Si eu-
tectic “matrix”. In the case of gravity die casting (Fig. 11b),
the alloy solidifies into a mostly eutectic structure, even if
there is some evidence of primary Si and α-Al grains. The
size of such grains, however, is bigger than that found in low
pressure die cast material. The gravity sand cast alloy (Fig.
11c) presents a coarse microstructure, associated to longer
solidification times with respect to other processes. Big si-
zed Si needles are evident, together with α-Al grains. Final-
ly, the high pressure diecast alloy (Fig. 11d) shows a very fi-
ne structure, mainly constituted by the Al-Si eutectic; α-Al
dendrites can be detected, as well as spherical porosity, whi-
ch is typically due to gas entrapment phenomena occurring
during this process.
From the micrographic examinations, some aspects related

to the dynamics of solidification phenomena can be highli-

ghted. Let’s consider the low pressure diecast components.
The features of dendrites, and particularly their size, are an Fig. 11 – Typical microstructure in the safety covers, as a function
index of solidification time. Fig. 12 compares the dendrites of the alloy and of the process.
typically found in the most far region from the ingate (zone Fig. 11 – Microstruttura tipica nel coperchio di sicurezza, in
Z3) and in the closest (zone Z5) of the safety box. In low funzione della lega e del processo.

26 la metallurgia italiana

a b

Fig. 12 – Microstructure in LPDC safety box: region Z3 (a) and region Z5 (b).
Fig. 12 – Microstrutura nel contenitore colato in bassa pressione: regione Z3 (a) e regione Z5 (b).

a b

Fig. 13 – Microstructure in LPDC cover: region Z1 (a) and region Z3 (b).

Fig. 13 – Microstruttura nel coperchio colato in bassa pressione: regione Z1 (a) e regione Z3 (b).

pressure diecasting configuration, the ingate can be conside- Fig. 13 compares the microstructure in the external region
red as a “virtual” feeder: near to it, long solidification time (Z1) and in the central one (Z3), which is very close to the
is expected, leading to a coarse microstructure. ingate. The “qualitative” results of micrographs have been
Fine dendrites can be easily seen in regions far from the in- converted into quantitative information by means of SDAS
gate, in which solidification rate is certainly higher. Similar measurements. Table 1 collects the results.
considerations can be done for what concerns the covers. By means of image analysis, the average size of defects and

Table 1 – SDAS values for

LPDC components.
Tabella 1 – Valori del
parametro SDAS per i getti
colati in bassa pressione.

la metallurgia italiana 27

a b

Fig. 14 – Average area of pores (a) and porosity content (b) in safety box as function of process.
Fig. 14 – Area media dei pori (a) e contenuto di porosità (b) nel contenitore di sicurezza, in funzione del processo.

a b

Fig. 15 – Average area of pores (a) and porosity content (b) in safety cover as function of process.
Fig. 15 – Area media dei pori (a) e contenuto di porosità (b) nel coperchio di sicurezza, in funzione del processo.

the porosity content have been detected for all the castings
Region Porosity LPDC GDC SC HPDC
under investigation. Figs 14 and 15 summarise the results.
For what concerns the safety box cast by LPDC, the most Micro 0,004 0,048 0,072 0,557
critical region is Z1, i.e. that of the corner: the amount of po- Z1 Macro 0,76 1,59
rosity is about 2%. In the other regions, the porosity is Total 0,004 0,81 0,072 2,15
always significantly lower than 0.3%. The porosity content
and the average area of pores are significantly higher in gra- Micro 0,005 0,002 0,108 0,232
vity diecast boxes. In fact, the amount of porosity ranges Z2 Macro 0,30 2,74
from 0.8 to 2.2%, according to the region considered. Apart Total 0,005 0,30 0,108 2,98
from region Z1, in which porosity size is similar between
Micro 0,055 0,061 0,069 0,534
LPDC and GDC, in all the other regions of the gravity die- Z3 Macro 0,50 1,80 1,86 3,24
cast box present cavities with size 10 to 25 times bigger than Total 0,56 1,86 1,92 3,78
those detected in low pressure diecast box. The averaging,
carried out on all regions, gives for LPDC a porosity content
Table 2 – Average porosity content in safety covers.
of 0,54% versus a porosity content of 1,72% for GDC.
Similar results have been achieved also for covers, showing Tabella 2 – Contenuto medio di porosità nei coperchi di sicurezza.
a quite good agreement with the results of radiographic in-
spections. In terms of porosity size, the most critical situa- and macro-porosity area has been fixed at 3000 µm2. Table 2
tion is that of GDC, followed by HPDC, SC and LPDC. In collects the results, showing that the quality of GDC and
terms of porosity amount, the most critical process, as ex- HPDC is strongly decreased by macro-porosity. LPDC typi-
pected, is HPDC (typically ranging fron 2 to 4%), followed cally presents micro-porosity, and in really low amount. The
by GDC, SC and LPDC. In detail, LPDC shows a porosity overall casting porosity is 0,19% for LPDC, 0,70% for SC,

content lower than 0,01% in Z1 and Z2. 0,99% for GDC and 2,97 % for HPDC.
It is also useful to consider in a deeper way the data. Poro-
sity can be “operatively” divided into two categories, i.e. Hardness tests
macro-porosity (intended as that detectable by stereographic Brinell hardness tests have been carried out in regions near
microscope) and micro-porosity (intended as that detectable (Z5 for the safety box, Z3 for the cover) to the ingate and far
only by optical microscopy). The threshold between micro- (Z3 for the safety box, Z1 for the cover) from it. Casting we-

28 la metallurgia italiana

microstructure achieved. HPDC presents the higher hard-

Casting Region HB
ness thanks to the high Si content of the alloy, together to
Z3 67 the fine structure deriving from high cooling rates. LPDC
Safety box - LPDC Z5 63 castings show hardness values ranging from 63 to 67 HB.

Z3 50
Z1 67 Through experimental analysis, the technical potential of
Cover - LPDC Z3 67 LPDC for the production of box and covers has been de-
Z1 79
monstrated. The further aspect to be investigated to the cost
Cover - HPDC Z3 65 of the quality of LPDC process, which is the key-point for
industrial feasibility.
Z1 53
Cover - SC Z3 54 Safety box: determination of Break-even Point
and structure of costs
Z1 58 First of all, it has to be determined the production rate that
Cover - GDC Z3 57 makes one process cheaper than the other, using the Break-
even analysis, under the hypothesis that a new casting ma-
Table 3 – Results of hardness tests. chine has to be acquired, choosing between LPDC and
Tabella 3 – Risultati delle prove di durezza. GDC. This means that the analysis considers two alternati-
ves with identical aim and equal service life. The data used
re tested in as-cast conditions, i.e. without any heat treat- for the Break-even analysis are shown in Table 4.
ment. The difference in hardness values (which are di- Analysing cost items, it clearly appears that the initial ex-
splayed in Table 3) are due to the alloy and to the different pense for LPDC (higher then GDC) corresponds to a higher
yield and a reduced production time. Stalk (rising tube) is a
cost item typical of low pressure technology, and can be
considered as a fixed cost. After the extraction from the die,
the casting follows different path, depending on the process.
The LPDC casting is loaded on an automatic work centre
that removes the ingate in 1 minute, with an estimated cost
of 0,90 €. This operation requires 1 minute of workman to
load and unload the piece. The GDC casting is subjected to a
manual machining, consisting of a cutting of the riser and a
subsequent deburring. These operations require 5 minute of
workman in total. The item “recycled Al value” represents a
deduction in the calculation concerning the GDC solution. It
consists in the scrap material (solidified risers and feeders)
resold to remelting and refining companies. An interest rate
of 5% is used in Break-even analysis.
The output of such analysis is reported in Fig. 16, showing
the Break-even point, for the safety box under study, at 2143
The formula used in the calculation of Break-even point is (1):

Fig. 16 – Graphic
determination of Break-even LPDC GDC
point for safety boxes.
Investment (€) 200000 100000
Fig. 16 – Determinazione
grafica del Break-even point Die cost (€) 16000 16000
per i contenitori di sicurezza. Stalk (rising tube) (€) 1500 -
Aluminium cost* (€/kg) 1,58 1,58
Weight of casting (kg) 13 13
Yield 0,99 0,73
Production time (h/pc) 0,088 0,15
Scrap 0,03 0,05
Cost of labour (€/h) 15 15
Melting in gas furnace, Melting in gas furnace,
Preliminary treatments TiB grain refinement, degassing, TiB grain refinement, degassing,
electric furnace maintenance electric furnace maintenance

Table 4 – Data for Break-even Riser removal (€/pc) (carried out on automatic
work centre) (riser cutting and deburring)
analysis for safety boxes.
Tabella 4 – Dati per la Break- Downstream working Sand-blasting Sand-blasting
even analysis relativa al Recycled Al value (€/kg) - 0,70
contenitore di sicurezza.

la metallurgia italiana 29

in which:
Case Box weight Break-even point
CF = fixed costs
S = scrap A 6,9 3558
W = weight of casting B 13,0 2143
C 21,5 1034
CAl = Aluminium cost (raw material)
D 35,0 725
Y = yield
PT = production time Table 5– Break-even Point as a function of safety box weight.
Cl = cost of labour Tabella 5– Andamento del Break-even point in fuzione del peso del
VAl = recycled Al value contenitore di sicurezza.
RR = riser removal
Fixed costs of LPDC option are reckoned as follows: LPDC GDC
• Machine allowance, for 10 years of lifetime, interest rate Casting weight (kg) 6 6
of 5%, null final value of the machine (at most it is consi-
derable the value of recycling the steel that build up the Yield 0,99 0,80
machine) Product time (h/pc) 0,067 0,15
• Die allowance, for 10 years of lifetime, interest rate of Riser removal (€/pc) 0,80 Manual
5%, null final value of the die
• Stalks consumption. Table 6 – Data for Break-even Analysis for safety covers.
Fixed costs of GDC solution are reckoned with the same Tabella 6 – Dati per la Break-even Analysis relativa al coperchio
method of LPDC, except for the last item, which obviously di sicurezza.
is not considered. The value “1/12” in (1) takes into account
the time (expressed in hours) needed for manual operations lected in Table 5: as casting weight increases, the value of
of cutting and deburring, as well for the value “1/60” con- balance is reduced, because of the advantageous yield of
cerning LPDC. LPDC with respect to GDC.
From the production data representing the Break-even point
(in this way the absolute value of unit cost is the same for Safety cover: determination of Break-even Point
both techniques), the cost structure can be determined, and and structure of costs
is shown in Fig. 17. It can be seen that raw material cost in A similar approach can be adopted to evaluate the potential
LPDC has lower relevance with respect to GDC (59% in- of LPDC in the production of covers. The different data
stead of 76%), thanks to the better process yield. On the used in this Break-even analysis (with respect to the pre-
other hand, machine allowance represents a significant part vious one) are shown in Table 6. Main difference lies in the
of total cost in LPDC (35% versus 15%), due the higher ini- yield of GDC safety cover, which is higher than for GDC sa-
tial investment. Difference in cost of labour amount is the fety box, because cover is smaller and more geometrically
result of a different production time: LPDC production time simple than box, so it needs smaller risers. Fig. 18 shows the
is 41% lower than GDC. graphic determination of Break-even point, which has been
However, safety boxes can be produced in different size, calculated to be 4531 pcs/year, by using equation (1). Also
and it is interesting to see the effect of this parameter on the in this case, the Break-even point decreases as the casting
definition of the Break-even Point. Some examples are col- weight increases (Table 7).

Fig. 17 – Unit cost structure of LPDC and GDC safety boxes.

Fig. 17 – Struttura unitaria dei costi per i contenitori di sicurezza prodotti per colata in bassa pressione e in gravità.

30 la metallurgia italiana

1) The LPDC process allows the achievement of castings

Case Box weight Break-even point
with very good soundness and metallurgical quality. Insi-
A 3,2 6077 de the group of components studied, the ranking of qua-
lity is LPDC > SC > GDC > HPDC
B 6 4531
2) LPDC is characterised by a high yield, leading to an opti-
C 12 2637 mal use of the alloy and consequently in relevant cost sa-
D 16,7 2112 vings.
3) With specific reference to LPDC and GDC, which have
Table 7 – Break-even Point as a function of safety cover weight. been deeply investigated from the economical point of
Tabella 7 – Andamento del Break-even point in funzione del peso view, they present a different structure of the costs; in
del coperchio di sicurezza. particular, LPDC assures a strong decrease in costs asso-
ciated to raw material, needing, on the other side, higher
equipment costs.
4) The Break-even point, in terms of number of pieces/year
for which LPDC starts to become convenient with re-
spect to GDC, depends obviously on casting weight and
geometry; however, in the case studied, it can be set at
about 2000-2500 pieces/year for a 10 kg casting; it de-
creases to 1000-1500 pieces/year for a 20 kg casting.
From these consideration, it can be argued that LPDC really
presents a relevant potential, which can be exploited in new
and various field and applications.


[1] ASM Metals Handbook, 10th ed., vol. 15: “Casting”,

ASM - Metals Park, Ohio (1990).
[2] J. CAMPBELL, R. A. HARDING, “Casting Techno-
logy” in TALAT 2.0 cd-rom, EAA, Bruxelles (2000).
Fig. 18 – Graphic determination of Break-even point for safety [3] J. CAMPBELL, “Castings”, Butterworth, Oxford
covers. (1991).
Fig. 18 – Determinazione grafica del Break-even point per il nio Magazine, 4 (1998), pp 32-41.
coperchio di sicurezza.
[5] S. SCHLEG, D.P. KAMICKI, “Guide to casting and
moulding processes”, Engineered casting solutions, Te-
Likewise in the previous case, Fig. 19 shows unit cost per chnical articles (2000).
cent composition of safety covers, reckoned at balance out- [6] J.R. BROWN, “Non-ferrous foundryman’s handbook”,
put. Remarks done on Fig. 17 are still valid. It is evident that Butterworth, Oxford (1999).
the gap in terms of raw material cost becomes thinner, be- [7] G.S. COLE, A.M. SHERMAN, Materials Characteri-
cause the GDC cover yield is higher than the GDC box zation 35 (1995), pp. 3-9.
yield. [8] A.C. STREET, The diecasting book – 2nd edition,
Portcullis Press (1990)
FINAL CONSIDERATIONS J.G. CONLEY, SAE Technical Paper Series N° 920572
(1992), pp. 1-14
From the technical investigations and the economical eva- [10] F. BONOLLO, S. ODORIZZI, Numerical Simulation
luations carried out, some concluding remarks can be done. of Foundry Processes, SGE, Padova (2001)

Figure 19 – Unit cost structure of LPDC and GDC safety covers.

Fig. 19 – Struttura unitaria dei costi per i coperchi di sicurezza prodotti per colata in bassa pressione e in gravità.

la metallurgia italiana 31


DI LEGHE DI ALLUMINIO: Le indagini microstrutturali (metallografia + analisi di im-
UN CONFRONTO TECNICO ED ECONOMICO magine) sono state effettuate nelle regioni indicate in Fig.
10. Le microstrutture tipiche dei getti sono illustrate nelle
Parole chiave: Figg. 11-13, mentre la Tab. 1 illustra i valori della spaziatu-
alluminio e leghe, difetti, fonderia, caratterizzazione materiali, ra dendritica secondaria (secondary dendrite arm spacing,
impianti e attrezzature SDAS) nelle varie regioni dei getti prodotti per LPDC.
Nelle Figg. 14-15 e in Tab. 2 viene invece riportata la sinte-
Tra i vari processi, convenzionali e innovativi, di fonderia si delle misure di porosità. Nei contenitori di sicurezza, si ha
dell’alluminio (Fig. 1), la colata in bassa pressione (low un valore medio pari allo 0,54% per il processo LPDC e
pressure die casting, LPDC), il cui principio di funziona- all’1,72% per il processo GDC. Nel caso dei coperchi, si ha
mento è descritto nelle Figg. 2 e 3, è caratterizzata da sva- un contenuto di porosità di 0,19% per LPDC, 0,70% per
riati vantaggi: SC, 0,99% per GDC e 2,97 % per HPDC.
- elevata resa, Sono state effettuate anche prove di durezza, i cui risultati
- eccellente controllo dei parametri operativi, sono raccolti in Tab. 3.
- buona qualità metallurgica e tecnologica dei getti. In termini economici sono stati invece determinati i valori di
Sono numerose le tipologie di getti ottenibili (Fig.4), anche produzione che rendono un processo più conveniente rispet-
se finora il processo è stato prevalentemente applicato al to all’altro, utilizzando la Break-even analysis, sotto l’ipote-
settore automobilistico. In questo lavoro viene illustrato il si voler confrontare LPDC e GDC dovendo acquistare una
potenziale tecnico ed economico della colata in bassa pres- nuova macchina. I dati di input dell’analisi sono raccolti
sione finalizzata alla produzione di contenitori e coperchi di nelle Tabb. 4 e 6. A fronte di un maggior investimento inizia-
sicurezza per l’industria chimica e petrolchimica (Fig. 5). le per la macchina LPDC, si ottengono con questo processo
Tali componenti sono prodotti da ELFIT SpA ricorrendo a una resa più elevata e tempi ciclo più brevi. Il Break-even
differenti processi. Oltre alla bassa pressione, nel caso dei point a vantaggio della LPDC, nel caso dei contenitori di si-
contenitori viene usata la colata in gravità in conchiglia curezza, si ha in corrispondenza ad una produzione di 2143
(gravity die casting, GDC). Per i coperchi, oltre ai due pro- pezzi/anno (Fig. 16), con la struttura unitaria dei costi de-
cessi citati, vengono usati anche la colata in sabbia (sand scritta in Fig. 17. Come illustrato in Tab. 5, il valore del
casting, SC) e la pressocolata (high pressure diecasting, Break-even point è funzione del peso del getto.
HPDC). Le leghe impiegate sono le seguenti Nel caso dei coperchi di sicurezza, il break-even point a fa-
- EN AB-43000 (AlSi10Mg) per il processo LPDC; vore del processo LPDC si ha a 4531 pezzi/anno (Fig. 18);
- EN AB-44100 (AlSi13) per il processo GDC; l’effetto del peso del getto è sintetizzato in Tab. 7, mentre in
- EN AB-47100 (AlSi12) per il processo HPDC; Fig. 19 è riportata la struttura dei costi.
- EN AB-42000 (AlSi7) per il processo SC. In definitiva, il potenziale del processo LPDC si presenta
Le indagini radiografiche e macrografiche (Figg. 6-9) han- davvero significativo, anche per la produzione di compo-
no dimostrato, per i coperchi di sicurezza, la seguente “gra- nenti per settori differenti da quello automobilistico.

32 la metallurgia italiana
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