00 - Intro To Wat Res
00 - Intro To Wat Res
00 - Intro To Wat Res
1. Precipitation
2. Runoff
3. Storage
4. Evapotranspiration
Precipitation occurs when atmospheric moisture becomes too great to
remain suspended in clouds. It denotes all forms of water that reach the
earth from the atmosphere, the usual forms being rainfall, snowfall, hail,
frost and dew.
Rainfall is the predominant form of precipitation and its distribution over the
world and within a country.
Runoff is the water that flows across the land surface after a
storm event. As rain falls over land, part of that gets infiltrated
the surface as overland flow.
As the flow bears down, it notches out rills and gullies which
combine to form channels. These combine further to form
streams and rivers.
Ground water storage is the water infiltrating through the soil cover of a land
surface and traveling further to reach the huge body of water underground. As
mentioned earlier, the amount of ground water storage is much greater than
that of lakes and rivers.
However, living near an ocean does not necessarily imply more Rainfall.
Transpiration is the process by which water molecules leaves the body
of a living plant and escapes to the atmosphere. The water is drawn up
by the plant root system and part of that is lost through the tissues of
plant leaf (through the stomata).
However, transpiration in dry areas varies greatly with the root depth.
Evapotranspiration, therefore, includes all evaporation from water and
land surfaces, as well as transpiration from plants.
Due to its multiple benefits and the problems created by its excesses, shortages and
quality deterioration, water as a resource requires special attention. Requirement of
technological/engineering intervention for development of water resources to meet
the varied requirements of man or the human demand for water, which are also
unevenly distributed, is hence essential.
Technological intervention in the form of providing sewerage system for all urban
conglomerates, low cost sanitation system for all rural households, water treatment plants
for all industries emanating polluted water, etc. has to be made.
To promote human health, there is urgent need to prevent contamination of ground water
and also promote and develop cost-effective techniques for purifying contaminated
ground water for use in rural areas like solar stills.
2. Water being used for many purposes and the demands vary in
time and space.