Interactive Physics Curriculum Workbook: Instructor Edition
Interactive Physics Curriculum Workbook: Instructor Edition
Interactive Physics Curriculum Workbook: Instructor Edition
Curriculum Workbook
Instructor Edition
c 2006-2010 Design Simulation Technologies, Inc.
Portions Copyright
c 2005 MSC.Software Corporation
6 Newton’s Law for motion along a line 57
6.1 Force, mass, and acceleration - Newton’s apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.2 Force, mass, and acceleration - rocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.3 Acceleration, force, and mass (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.4 Acceleration, force, and mass (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.5 Acceleration, force, mass, and friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.6 Force, mass, acceleration, and air resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.7 Force, mass, acceleration, and horizontal springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.8 Force, mass, acceleration, and vertical springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7 Potential and kinetic energy 73
7.1 Gravitational potential energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.2 Potential energy in a spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.3 Kinetic energy and mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.4 Kinetic energy and speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8 Conservation of energy 81
8.1 Potential and kinetic energy in a pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.2 Conservation of energy in a roller coaster (Windows only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
8.3 Conservation of energy for a snowboarder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.4 Conservation of energy in a spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
8.5 Conservation of energy for a bungee jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.6 Energy loss due to friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
9 Temperature and heat 92
9.1 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
9.2 Heat capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
9.3 Phase change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
9.4 Thermal Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
10 Heat transfer 98
10.1 Heat transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
10.2 Conduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
10.3 Convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
10.4 Radiation (Windows only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
11 Wave and sound 104
11.1 Wave motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
11.2 Wave speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
11.3 Speed of sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
11.4 Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
11.5 Doppler effect (Windows only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
12 Intermolecular attractions 113
12.1 Hydrogen bonding between water molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
12.2 Interaction of water molecules and a sodium ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
12.3 Interaction of water molecules and a chloride ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
12.4 Interaction of water with non-polar and polar molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
12.5 Investigating the strength of hydrogen bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
13 Discovery Learning 124
Why Interactive Physics?
Physics is a challenging and rewarding subject to teach and learn. The laws of physics shed
light on mysteries in the universe. Interactive Physics was specifically created to promote
inquiry learning and discovery learning for younger scientists while introducing tools
used by university researchers and by professionals in industries such as automotive, aerospace,
machines, cameras, printers, and medical devices.
A successful physical science classroom motivates students to explore their physical world
and ask “why” and “what if ” questions while introducing calculator and graphing skills. An
ideal high school physics program continues the conceptual exploration of physics and connects
mathematics with the laws of physics. College physics and engineering serve a dual purpose. In
addition to coupling advanced conceptual learning with higher mathematics, good university
programs prepare students for research and professional careers with school-to-work skills.
Level Value Interaction
Middle School Introductory principles Interact with physics experiments
High School Conceptual learning & basic math Explore “what if” scenarios
University Advanced concepts & mathematics Build physics experiments
Research Validate motion theories Simulate reality
Professional Virtual prototyping Design real equipment
Why Simulation?
Simulation provides insights through interaction. Textbooks are useful for providing struc-
tured curriculum, line drawings, and pictures. Classroom demonstrations together with com-
puter and laboratory experiments provide an interactive, effective way to teach physical con-
cepts and motivate students. Instructors appreciate Interactive Physics because it provides
cost-efficient experiments that are safe, dependable, and time-effective. Students who
learn with Interactive Physics appreciate the visually appealing, fast-paced, interactive exper-
iments that provide a comprehensive understanding of real physical systems and allows them
to move past a concept to test new theories.
Paul Mitiguy, Ph.D.
From Milton, Massachusetts, Paul completed his bachelor’s degree in 1986
at Tufts University and later received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering at Stanford University. As a consulting associate professor
at Stanford, Paul uses physics to teach dynamics and dynamic systems,
researches and publishes in physics simulation, and reviews journal articles.
Since 1990, Paul has been developing motion simulation software, including the physics program
Autolev. After working at M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory and NASA Ames, Paul developed educa-
tional and professional motion software at Knowledge Revolution and MSC.Software, including
Interactive Physics, Working Model 2D/3D/4D, and MSC.visualNastran 4D.
Experiments on energy, temperature, and heat were created by Benjamin Reineman, a Mechan-
ical Engineer in energy research in the Thermosciences Division at Stanford University.
The graphics in some experiments were created by Ellen Chong and Victor Orozco. Ellen is an
artist, educator, and a member of the Interactive Physics team. Victor is an artist, educator,
and mechanical engineer from Stanford University..
General Instructions for Using Interactive Physics (IP) Curriculum
You must have installed a recent full or homework edition of Interactive Physics with
curriculum.1 If you do not own Interactive Physics, visit
Running an IP Curriculum experiment (simulation)
1. On a Windows PC, simply click on StartCurriculum.html and follow the on-screen
directions. Alternately, to open an experiment, browse to the IPCurriculum folder, then
browse to the appropriate topic folder, and double-click on a file.2
2. Click to run the experiment and click to reset the experiment to the beginning.
3. Experiments contain sliders, check-boxes, or buttons. To select
a value with a slider, click and drag the slider up and down (or left
and right). The value is displayed in the box adjoining the slider.
4. After moving the slider, click to re-run the experiment with the new value.
5. Observe the experiment and answer the related question(s).
6. Repeat steps 2-6 and answer all the questions pertaining to that experiment.
7. If necessary, click the or button to rewind or advance one or more frames.
Windows computers will automatically install the curriculum with the Interactive Physics program.
To install curriculum on a Macintosh, insert the Interactive Physics CD into your CD drive, browse to your
CD drive, and copy (drag) the IPCurriculum folder to your computer’s desktop or to a convenient location (e.g.,
to the folder where Interactive Physics was installed).
If you have difficulty opening an Interactive Physics file on Windows, click to the Windows Start Menu, click
on Programs, then InteractivePhysics, and then InteractivePhysics again. This opens a blank Interactive
Physics document. With Interactive Physics open, click on the File menu and then click Open . . . , then browse
to the IPCurriculum folder that was copied to your computer, and double-click on the appropriate folder and
experiment to open it.
Chapter 1
Speed is a measure of the distance an object travels in a certain amount of time. Average
speed is calculated by dividing the distance an object travels by the time it takes to travel that
distance. The equation below relates average speed to distance traveled and elapsed time1 .
AverageSpeed = DistanceTraveled
Courtesy of MSC.Software
Each symbol in the equation is explicitly spelled out. Many textbooks use shorter symbols, e.g., using t in
place of ElapsedTime and v in place of AverageSpeed.
1.1 Distance, speed, and time (A)
The distance that a car travels depends on the car’s average speed and travel time (elapsed
time). In mathematical terms,
1. Suppose the car has an average speed of 100 km/h (the abbreviation km/h stands for kilometers
per hour) and the car travels for 2 hours. How many kilometers has the car traveled?
100 km
∗ 2 hours = 200 km
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button. Look at the meter that measures
the distance traveled by the car and verify that the value reported by Interactive Physics matches the value
you calculated with the formula above. When you are finished, click the button.
2. Suppose the car has an average speed of 100 km/h and the car travels for 3 hours.
How many kilometers has the car traveled?
100 km
∗ 3 hours = 300 km
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button (if necessary) and click and drag
the slider that controls the car’s travel time so that its value is 3 hours. Then, click the button.
After the simulation stops, verify that the value reported by Interactive Physics matches the value you
calculated with the formula above. Click the button when you are finished.
100 km
∗ 1 hour = 100 km
Click the button, change the slider to 1 hour, and click the button. Verify that your calcu-
lations match those reported by Interactive Physics. When you are finished, click the button.
4. Suppose the car has an average speed of 100 km/h and the car travels for 2.5 hours.
How many kilometers has the car traveled?
100 km
∗ 2.5 hours = 250 km
Courtesy of MSC.Software
1. Suppose the car has an average speed of 100 km/h (the abbreviation km/h stands for kilometers
per hour) and the car travels for 3 hours. How many kilometers has the car traveled?
100 km
∗ 3 hours = 300 km
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button. Look at the meter that measures
the distance traveled by the car and verify that the value reported by Interactive Physics matches the value
you calculated with the formula above. When you are finished, click the button.
50 km
∗ 3 hours = 150 km
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button (if necessary) and click and drag
the slider that controls the car’s average speed so that its value is 50 km/h. Then, click the button.
After the simulation stops, verify that the value reported by Interactive Physics matches the value you
calculated with the formula above. Click the button when you are finished.
75 km
∗ 3 hours = 225 km
Click the button, change the slider to 75 km/h, and click the button. Verify that your cal-
culations match those reported by Interactive Physics. When you are finished, click the button.
4. Suppose the car’s average speed is 25 km/h. How many kilometers does the car travel in
3 hours?
25 km
∗ 3 hours = 75 km
5. A car whose average speed is 75 km/h travels a shorter/ longer (circle one) distance
in 3 hours than a car whose average speed is 25 km/h.
100 km
∗ 9 hours = 900 km
Courtesy of MSC.Software
AverageSpeed = DistanceTraveled
200 km = 100 km
2 hours hour
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button and then click and drag the slider
so its value is 200 km. Next, click the button. After the simulation stops, verify that your calcu-
lations match those of Interactive Physics. When you are finished, click the button.
3. The car that travels 100 km in 2 hours has a smaller /larger (circle one) average
speed than a car that travels 200 km in 2 hours.
300 km = 150 km
2 hours hour
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button and then set the distance traveled
slider to 300 km. Next, click the button and verify that the average speed displayed by Interactive
Physics matches your calculations. When you are finished, click the button.
6. The distance between two toll-booths on a highway is 200 km. It was 2:00 p.m. when the
driver took the ticket at the first toll-booth. It was 4:00 p.m. when the driver reached the
second toll-booth. What was the average speed of the car between the two toll-booths?
200 km = 100 km
2 hours hour
7. A truck driver is driving on the highway and looks at her odometer when she enters a
toll-booth. (The odometer measures how far the car has been driven since it was new.)
The odometer displays 7,800 km. Two hours later, she reaches a second toll-booth and
the odometer displays 7,950 km. What was the average speed of the car between the two
150 km = 75 km
2 hours hour
100 km = 50 km
2 hours hour
240 km = 120 km
2 hours hour
Suppose you are a toll-booth operator and a driver hands you a ticket
from a toll booth located 320 km away. The time stamped on the ticket
from the other toll-booth is 9:45 a.m. The current time on your watch
is 11:45 a.m. Was the driver speeding? Yes /No (circle one). What
was the driver’s average speed?
320 km = 160 km
2 hours hour
AverageSpeed = DistanceTraveled
300 km = 100 km
3 hours hour
Click the button and verify that the value you calculated with the formula above matches the one
in the Interactive Physics speed meter. When you are finished, click the button.
300 km = 50 km
6 hours hour
Click and then click and drag the slider to 6 hours. Next, click and verify that the speed
displayed by Interactive Physics matches your calculations. When you have finished, click .
3. A car that travels 300 km in 3 hours has a smaller/ larger (circle one) average speed
than a car that travels 300 km in 4 hours.
4. What is the average speed of a car that travels 300 km in 2 hours?
300 km = 150 km
2 hours hour
300 km = 75 km
4 hours hour
6. A driver enters a toll-booth and looks at her odometer and her watch. The odometer
displays 3,600 km and the watch displays 10:30 a.m. At 1:30 p.m. she reaches a second
toll-booth and the odometer displays 3,900 km. What was the average speed of the car
between the two toll-booths?
300 km = 100 km
3 hours hour
7. Suppose you are a toll-booth operator and a driver hands you a ticket from a toll booth
located 300 km away. The time stamped on the ticket from the other toll-booth is 12:45
p.m. You look at your watch and see that the current time is 2:45 p.m. Was the driver
exceeding 100 km/h? Yes /No (circle one). What was the driver’s average speed?
300 km = 150 km
2 hours hour
25 km = 50 km
0.5 hours hour
ElapsedTime = DistanceTraveled
1. How long does it take a car whose average speed is 25 km/h to travel 300 km?
300 km = 12 hours
25 km/h
2. How long does it take a car whose average speed is 100 km/h to travel 300 km?
300 km = 3 hours
100 km/h
4. Notice that the numbers on the first line of the previous table are 25 and 12, and that
there is an X on the graph below at the location (25,12), i.e., 25 in the horizontal direction
and 12 in the vertical direction.
Similarly, there is a second X on the graph below whose location corresponds to the
numbers on the second line of the previous table, i.e., 50 in the horizontal direction and
6 in the vertical direction.
Continue until there are six Xs on the graph (one for each line of the table). Then draw
a line connecting the first X to the second X and so on, until each X is connected to the
next X.
Time to travel 300 km (hours)
25 50 75 100 125 150
Speed (km/h)
300 km = 3 hours
100 km/h
5 km
∗ 60 laps = 300 km ⇒ 300 km = 2 hours
lap 150 km/h
AverageSpeed = DistanceTraveled
1. Click and watch the number inside the box on the right-hand side of the gray car.
Since the number does not change, the gray car has a constant /variable speed.
60 km = 30 km
2 hours hour
km km km
30 h
30 h
30 h
Green car
km km km
0 h
100 h
50 h
Red car
km km km
0 h
200 h
50 h
Blue car
km km km
50 h
50 h
50 h
8. When a car’s speed is constant, its average speed is different than its maximum or mini-
mum speed. True/ False (circle one)
9. When a car’s speed varies, its average speed is different than its maximum or minimum
speed. True /False (circle one)
AverageAcceleration =
Each symbol in the equations are explicitly spelled out. Many textbooks use shorter symbols, e.g., using t
in place of ElapsedTime and a in place of AverageAcceleration.
2.1 Change in speed, acceleration, and time
The change in the speed of a boat depends on the boat’s average acceleration and the
amount of time the boat is accelerating (elapsed time). In mathematical terms,
1. Suppose the boat has an average acceleration of 15 km/h/sec (the abbreviation km/h/sec
stands for kilometers per hour per second) and the boat accelerates for 5 seconds. What is the
change in the boat’s speed?
15 km/h
∗ 5 sec = 75 km/h
2. Suppose the boat has an average acceleration of 10 km/h/sec and the boat accelerates for
5 seconds. What is the change in the boat’s speed?
10 km/h
∗ 5 sec = 50 km/h
A. Suppose the boat has an initial speed of 20 km/h and an average acceleration of 10 km/h/sec.
What is the boat’s speed at 5 seconds?
ChangeInSpeed = 10 km/h
∗ 5 sec = 50 km/h
CurrentSpeed = 50 km/h + 20 km/h = 70 km/h
B. Suppose the boat’s initial speed is 20 km/h and it has an average acceleration of 10 km/h/sec.
What is the boat’s speed at 5 seconds?
10 km/h
∗ 5 sec + 20 km/h = 70 km/h
C. Suppose the boat’s initial speed is 60 km/h and it slows down with an average accelera-
tion of -10 km/h/sec. What is the boat’s speed at 2 seconds?
-10 km/h
∗ 2 sec + 60 km/h = 40 km/h
1. What is a car’s average acceleration when it increases its speed by 100 km/h in 5 seconds?
2. What is a car’s average acceleration when it increases its speed by 100 km/h in 4 seconds?
3. What is a car’s average acceleration when it increases its speed by 100 km/h in 2 seconds?
4. What is a car’s average acceleration when its speed changes from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in
5 seconds?
40 km/h km/h
= 20
2 seconds sec
30 km/h km/h
= 5
6 seconds sec
Courtesy of MSC.Software
AverageAcceleration =
1. Suppose the car accelerates from 0 to 50 km/h in 5 seconds. What is the average accel-
eration of the car?
50 km/h km/h
= 10
5 seconds sec
2. What is the average acceleration of a car that accelerates from 0 to 75 km/h in 5 seconds?
75 km/h km/h
= 15
5 seconds sec
3. What is the average acceleration of a car that accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 5 seconds?
80 km/h km/h
= 20
4 seconds sec
Courtesy of MSC.Software
AverageAcceleration =
1. Click the button and watch the number inside the box on the right-hand side of the
gray boat. Since the number does not change, the gray boat has a constant /variable
(circle one) acceleration.
5. Because the gray boat’s acceleration is constant, it is easy to see that it has a mini-
mum acceleration of 20 km/h/sec and a maximum acceleration of 20 km/h/sec. Since it
changes its speed by 100 km/h in five seconds, what is average acceleration?
8. Determine the minimum, maximum, and average acceleration of the blue boat.
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button and then click on the arrow
that is on the furthest right and bottom part of the screen. Each click will step the simulation forward.
Observe the acceleration reported by the blue boat and record the smallest and largest values as you step
the simulation until the end. When you are finished, click the button.
km/h km/h
Minimum acceleration = -62.7 sec
Maximum acceleration = +62.7
0 km/h km/h
Average acceleration = = 0
5 seconds sec
9. When a boat’s acceleration is constant, its average acceleration is different than its
maximum or minimum acceleration. True/ False (circle one)
10. When a boat’s acceleration varies, its average acceleration is different than its maximum
or minimum acceleration. True /False (circle one)
1. Suppose the average acceleration due to gravity is 20 m/sec2 (the abbreviation m/sec2 stands
for meters per second squared). Assuming the sky diver jumps from a plane with an initial
speed of 0, how fast is the sky diver falling at 5 seconds?
20 m
∗ 5 sec = 100 m
2. Suppose the average acceleration due to gravity is 15 m/sec2 . Assuming the sky diver
jumps from a plane with an initial speed of 0, how fast is the sky diver falling at 5 seconds?
15 m
∗ 5 sec = 75 m
3. For each value of gravity in the following table, determine how fast a sky diver falls at
5 seconds (assuming an initial speed of 0). After completing the table, mark the location
on the graph of each pair of numbers with an X and then complete the graph by con-
necting the Xs.
10 50
15 75 25
20 100
0 5 10 15 20
Gravity (m/sec )
4. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
Suppose the sky diver is falling at 20 m/sec and the average acceleration due to gravity
is 10 m/sec2 . How fast is the sky diver falling 5 seconds later?
20 m
+ 10 m
∗ 5 sec = 70 m
20 m
+ 9.8 m
∗ 10 sec = 118 m
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
1. Suppose the average acceleration due to gravity is -10 m/sec2 and the baseball’s initial
speed is 30 m/sec. What is the baseball’s speed at 5 seconds?
ChangeInSpeed = -10 secm2 ∗ 5 sec = m
-50 sec
m m m
CurrentSpeed = 30 sec
+ -50 sec
= -20 sec
2. Suppose the average acceleration due to gravity is -10 m/sec2 and the baseball’s initial
speed is 20 m/sec. What is the baseball’s speed at 5 seconds?
ChangeInSpeed = -10 m
∗ 5 sec = -50 m
m -50 m -30 m
CurrentSpeed = 20 sec
+ sec
= sec
3. For each value of the baseball’s initial speed in the following table, determine the baseball
speed at 5 seconds (assume the average acceleration due to gravity is -10 m/sec2 ). After
completing the table, mark the location on the graph of each pair of numbers with an X
and then complete the graph by connecting the Xs.
30 -20
0 10 20 30 40
Initial baseball speed (m/sec)
6. A ball is thrown upward with an initial speed of 30 m/sec. Determine the ball’s speed at
each value of time in the following table (assume the average acceleration due to gravity
is -10 m/sec2 ). After completing the table, complete the graph.
0 30 10
1 20
2 10
3 0 -10
4 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (sec)
Chapter 1 showed that speed is related to distance and time. Chapter 2 showed that acceler-
ation is related to speed and time. By combining these relationships, it is possible to relate
acceleration to speed and distance as shown in the following equations.
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
3.1 Free fall - how far?
When an object falls (without air resistance), it has a constant acceleration, its speed changes,
and the distance it falls depends on the amount of time it is falling. In mathematical terms,
1. Suppose the acceleration (due to gravity) is 20 m/sec2 and the initial speed of the sky
diver is 0 m/sec. How far does the sky diver fall in 5 seconds?
0 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ 20 m
∗ 52 sec2 = 250 meters
Gravity Distance
(m/sec2 ) (meters)
2. Suppose a sky-diver jumps from a plane with an 5 62.5
initial speed of 0 and falls for 5 seconds. Deter- 10 125
mine how far the sky-diver falls for each value 15 187.5
of gravity in the table.
20 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ 10 m
∗ 52 sec2 = 225 meters
1. Suppose the acceleration (due to gravity) is -10 m/sec2 and the initial upward speed of
the baseball is 30 m/sec. How far does the ball travel in 5 seconds?
30 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ -10 m
∗ 52 sec2 = 25 meters
Note: To answer this question mathematically, substitute 30 for InitialSpeed, substitute 5 for Elapsed-
Time, and substitute -10 for AccelerationConstant in the formula for DistanceTraveled above.
2. Suppose the acceleration (due to gravity) is -10 m/sec2 and the initial upward speed of
the baseball is 20 m/sec. How far does the ball travel in 5 seconds?
20 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ -10 m
∗ 52 sec2 = -25 meters
Note: The distance traveled by the ball is a negative number. This number represents the distance below
(rather than above) the initial position of the ball.
10 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ -10 m
∗ 52 sec2 = -75 meters
4. If the ball is upward launched with an initial speed of 30 m/sec, it reaches its maximum
height when its speed is zero. True /False (circle one)
5. If the ball is upward launched with an initial speed of 20 m/sec or 10 m/sec, it reaches
its maximum height when its speed is zero. True /False (circle one)
50 m
∗ 5 sec + 1
∗ -10 m
∗ 52 sec2 = 125 meters
0 0
1 25 20
2 40 10
3 45 0
4 40 -10
5 25 -20
6 0 -30
7 -35 -40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (seconds)
Estimate how far the ball travels in 5.5 seconds: 13.75 meters
Estimate how far the ball travels in 8 seconds: -80 meters
-(InitialSpeed2 )
MaximumHeight =
2 ∗ AccelerationConstant
1. The acceleration due to gravity near sea level on Earth is -9.8 m/sec2 . When a basket-
ball player jumps upward with an initial speed of 4 m/sec, what is the maximum height
between the player’s feet and the floor?
-(42 ) m2 /sec2
= 0.82 meters
2 ∗ -9.8 m/sec2
2. What is the maximum height a basketball player can jump when the player leaps upward
with an initial speed of 5 sec ? Assume the acceleration due to gravity is -9.8 secm2 .
-(52 ) m2 /sec2
= 1.28 meters
2 ∗ -9.8 m/sec2
3. The basketball player’s upward speed is zero when the player reaches maximum height.
True /False (circle one)
2 0.20 0.6
3 0.46 0.4
4 0.82 0.2
5 1.28 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Initial speed (seconds)
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
1. The acceleration due to gravity near sea level on Earth is -9.8 m/sec2 . What must be a
basketball player’s initial vertical speed to jump a maximum height of 1.5 meters?
-2 ∗ -9.8 m/sec2 ∗ 1.5 m = 5.42 m
3. When a basketball player needs to jump very high, he/she should jump with a low vertical
speed. True/ False (circle one)
1. Assuming the rocket sled starts from rest (0 m/sec), how much time does the rocket sled
take to travel 200 meters when it accelerates at a constant rate of 5 m/sec2 ?
2 ∗ 200 m = 8.94 sec
5 m/sec2
2. How much time does it take for the rocket sled to travel 200 meters when it accelerates
from rest at a constant rate of 10 m/sec2 ?
2 ∗ 200 m = 6.32 sec
10 m/sec2
Acceleration Time 8
15 5.16 6
20 4.47
25 4.0 4.5
5 10 15 20 25
Acceleration (m/sec2)
4. The higher the acceleration, the shorter /longer (circle one) it takes for the rocket
sled to travel 200 meters.
Courtesy of MSC.Software
1. What is the speed of a rocket sled that accelerates from rest (0 m/sec) at a constant rate
of 5 m/sec2 for a distance of 200 meters?
02 sec2
+ 2∗5 m
∗ 200 m = 44.72 m
2. What is the speed of a rocket sled that accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 10 m/sec2
for a distance of 200 meters?
02 sec2
+ 2 ∗ 10 m
∗ 200 m = 63.25 m
3. What is the speed of a rocket sled that accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 15 m/sec2
for a distance of 200 meters?
02 sec2
+ 2 ∗ 15 m
∗ 200 m = 77.46 m
102 sec2
+ 2 ∗ 20 m
∗ 200 m = 90 m
102 sec2
+ 2 ∗ 25 m
∗ 200 m = 100.50 m
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
DistanceTraveled = -
2 ∗ AccelerationConstant
For the questions that follow, use AccelerationConstant= -5 m/sec2 (this valued is based on an
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study of passenger cars).
m m miles
1. How far does it take to stop a car traveling at 10 sec
? (10 sec
is approximately 22 hour
102 m2 /sec2
-2 ∗ -5 m/sec2 = 10 meters
m m miles
2. How far does it take to stop a car traveling at 20 sec
? (20 sec
≈ 45 hour
202 m2 /sec2
-2 ∗ -5 m/sec2 = 40 meters
4. Using the previous table, plot the car’s stopping distance versus its initial speed.
Stopping distance (meters)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Initial car speed (m/sec)
8. Using the graph, estimate the maximum speed the milk-truck can have if it is to stop
before the accident 100 meters ahead: 32 m/sec
For the first three questions, use AccelerationConstant= -5 m/sec2 (this valued is based on an
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study of passenger cars).
1. Suppose a sports car traveling at 20 m/sec (approximately 45 miles/hour) brakes to avoid hit-
ting another car 40 meters away. How fast is the car moving when it hits the other car?
202 sec2
+ 2 ∗ -5 m
∗ 40 m = 0 m
2. Suppose a sports car traveling at 30 m/sec (approximately 67 miles/hour) brakes to avoid hit-
ting another car 40 meters away. How fast is the car moving when it hits the other car?
302 sec2
+ 2 ∗ -5 m
∗ 40 m = 22.4 m
402 sec2
+ 2 ∗ -5 m
∗ 40 m = 34.6 m
Impact speed (m/sec)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Initial speed (m/sec)
m km
Note: Life-threatening injuries occur when a car’s impact speed is greater than 15 sec
(50 h
In everyday language, the words weight and mass are frequently used interchangeably. In
physics, weight and mass are different. The mass of an object such as a book, spaceship,
or person does not depend on the object’s location. Alternately, weight depends on an
object’s location. For example, your weight on Earth is different from your weight on the
Moon or on Mars, but your mass is the same.
The equation that relates weight to mass is Weight = Mass ∗ Gravity where Gravity1
is related to the force caused by a very large object such as a planet2 on a much smaller object
such as a human, animal, or aircraft carrier.
Experiments were done in September 2002 by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory to determine the
speed of gravity. The results agree within 20% of an assumption made by Albert Einstein that gravity moves
at the speed of light (approximately 300,000 km per second ). Edward Formalout, one of the researchers said
that “Gravity is not well understood” and more accurate measurements need to be made.
Recent discoveries of planet-like objects in the outer fringes of the solar system have generated controversy
about the definition of a planet. Many astronomers regard the solar system as having nine planets, but Pluto,
discovered in 1930, may be one of the larger objects in the Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt, first detected in
1992, may have as many as 70,000 objects measuring more than 100 kilometers in diameter. By comparison,
the Earth’s diameter is approximately 12,800 km, the moon’s diameter is 3,500 km, Pluto’s is 2,300 km, and
the recently discovered Quaoar’s is 1,200 km.
4.1 Weight and mass
Mass and weight are different. Mass is the measure of how much matter an object has. Weight
depends on mass and gravity. The units of mass and weight are also different. In SI units,
mass is measured in kilograms (kilograms is abbreviated kg) and weight is measured in newtons.3
In mathematical terms,
Weight = Mass ∗ Gravity
5 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 49 newtons
3 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 29.4 newtons
In all countries other than the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar, SI units (International System of
Units) are used to measure mass, weight, length, area, temperature, etc.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 45 Chapter 4: Weight, mass, and gravity
4. How much does 2 kg of fruit weigh on Earth?
2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 newtons
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
1 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 9.8 newtons
4 kg ∗ 1.67 m
= 6.7 newtons Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
5 kg ∗ 1.67 m
= 8.4 newtons
5 kg ∗ 9.8 secm2
= 5.87
5 kg ∗ 1.67 secm2
2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 newtons Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
2 kg ∗ 1.67 m
= 3.34 newtons
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
2 kg ∗ 24.81 m
= 49.62 newtons
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
5. Use the previous table to create a bar chart of the fruit’s weight versus planet.
Jupiter Neptune Saturn Earth Venus Uranus Mars Mercury Moon Pluto
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
Mass = Gravity
50 newtons = 5 kg
10 m/sec2
30 newtons = 3 kg
10 m/sec2
20 newtons = 2 kg
10 m/sec2
40 newtons = 23.95 kg
1.67 m/sec2 Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
50 newtons = 29.94 kg
1.67 m/sec2
C. What is the mass of fruit on Earth that weighs 30 newtons on the Moon?
Assume Moon’s gravity is 1.67 m/sec2 and Earth’s gravity is 10 m/sec2 .
30 newtons = 17.96 kg
1.67 m/sec2
D. What is the weight of fruit on Earth that weighs 30 newtons on the Moon?
Assume Moon’s gravity is 1.67 m/sec2 and Earth’s gravity is 10 m/sec2 .
E. What is the weight of fruit on the Moon that weighs 30 newtons on the Earth?
Air resistance
In a vacuum or on a planet without an atmosphere, all objects fall at the same rate. In other
words, a feather falls as quickly as a cannon ball. On Earth, the way an object falls depends
on air resistance. For example, on Earth a feather falls more slowly than a cannon ball.
When an object moves through air, it collides with a huge number of air molecules. The
net effect of all the collisions is a force on the object. Depending on how the air and object are
moving, the force usually slows the object down, resisting the object’s motion. Since the force
of air usually resists an object’s motion, it is called air resistance. Scientists and engineers
have found uses for these air forces, e.g., keeping a plane up in the air.
Sometimes, the force of air resistance on a falling object can be ignored - particularly when
the object is heavy and falls for a short distance. In other cases, the air resistance force has
a major effect on how an object falls, particularly when the object is light or falls for a long
It is very difficult to write an exact equation for the air-resistance force on an object because
it depends on many factors, including
Two equations that approximate Fair , the air resistance force on an object moving in a
straight line in still air, are given below.
Fair = CoefficientOfLowSpeedAirResistance ∗ CrossSectionalAreaOfObject ∗ VelocityOfObject
Fair = CoefficientOfHighSpeedAirResistance ∗ CrossSectionalAreaOfObject ∗ VelocityOfObject2
5.1 Air resistance and falling objects - concepts
It is very difficult to accurately predict how an object falls with air resistance. It is significantly
easier to predict how objects move in a vacuum (there is no air or air resistance in a vacuum).
1. A rock and a feather are released from rest from the same height with air resistance on.
Do they hit at the same time? Yes/ No (circle one)
2. A rock and a feather are released from rest from the same height with air resistance off.
Do they hit at the same time? Yes /No (circle one)
3. A rock and a feather are released from rest from the same height with air resistance on.
Determine the time and the speed that each object hits the ground. Repeat this exercise
with air resistance off.
4. A rock falls fastest when there is no air resistance. True /False (circle one)
5. A feather falls fastest when there is no air resistance. True /False (circle one)
6. Without air resistance, a rock and a feather fall at the same speed. True /False
7. With air resistance, a rock and a feather fall at the same speed. True/ False
1. Complete the table and graph the terminal velocity for each of the following parachutists.
Parachutist Terminal
Terminal velocity (km/h)
weight velocity 26
(N) (km/h) 24
400 17.5 23
800 24.8 21
1200 30.3 19
400 600 800 1000 1200
Parachutist weight (N)
2. A heavier object has a higher terminal velocity. True /False (circle one)
3. Without air resistance, the parachutist reaches a terminal velocity. True/ False
With air resistance, the parachutist reaches a terminal velocity. True /False
4. With air resistance, a 400 N and 1200 N parachutist fall at the same speed. True/ False
5. In a vacuum, a 400 N and a 1200 N parachutist fall at the same speed. True /False
6. Estimate the terminal velocity of a 600 N parachutist: 21.0 km/h.
Estimate the terminal velocity of a 1600 N parachutist: 34.3 km/h.
1. At the instant a 800 N (N is an abbreviation for newtons) parachutist starts to fall, the grav-
ity force on the parachutist is 800 N and the air-resistance force on the parachutist
is 0 N. After the parachutist reaches terminal velocity, the gravity force on the
parachutist is 800 N and the air-resistance force on the parachutist is 800 N.
2. At the instant a 1200 N parachutist starts to fall, the gravity force on the parachutist is
1200 N and the air-resistance force on the parachutist is 0 N. After the parachutist
reaches terminal velocity, the gravity force on the parachutist is 1200 N and the air-
resistance force on the parachutist is 1200 N.
3. When a 400 N parachutist starts to fall, the gravity force on the parachutist is 400 N
and the air-resistance force on the parachutist is 0 N. After the parachutist reaches
terminal velocity, the gravity force on the parachutist is 400 N and the air-resistance
force on the parachutist is 400 N.
4. The parachutist reaches terminal velocity when the downward gravitational force on the
parachutist is less than/ equal to /greater than (circle one) the upward air resis-
tance force on the parachute.
5. There is a larger gravitational force on a heavier parachutist. True /False (circle one)
6. It takes less/the same/ more (circle one) air resistance force to balance the gravita-
tional force of a heavier parachutist.
7. With the same parachute, a lighter/ heavier parachutist will hit the ground harder.
With the baseball’s Speed at 50 m/sec, Angle at 45 deg, and Air resistance OFF, click .
9. Use the previous table to complete the graph below. Use Xs for the curve that represents
distance traveled by a baseball without air resistance. Use Os for the curve that represents
distance traveled by a baseball with air resistance.
Horizontal distance traveled (m)
25 30 35 40 45 50
Launch angle (degree)
10. Without air resistance, the ball travels farthest when the launch angle is about 45 deg.
11. With air resistance, the ball travels farthest when the launch angle is about 40 deg.
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
6.1 Force, mass, and acceleration - Newton’s apple
The legend is that Newton discovered the important law of physics
Force = Mass ∗ Acceleration
when he was struck by an apple falling from an apple tree. By studying the motion of the apple,
Newton determined its acceleration. By knowing the mass of the apple and its acceleration,
Newton could determine the resultant vertical force on the apple.
1. Using time-motion studies, the acceleration of a 0.1 kg apple is determined to be 9.8 m/sec2 .
What is the resultant vertical force on the apple?
0.1 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 0.98 newtons
0.2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 1.96 newtons
3. What is the resultant force on a 0.3 kg apple that accelerates at 9.8 m/sec2 ?
0.3 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 2.94 newtons
0.4 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 3.92 newtons
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
By videotaping the motion of a 400 kg rocket sled, its acceleration can be determined. Calculate
the resultant horizontal force that caused the motion.
1. Suppose the 400 kg rocket has an acceleration of 5 m/sec2 (the abbreviation m/sec2 stands for
meters per second squared). What is the resultant horizontal force on the rocket?
400 kg ∗ 5 secm2 = 2000 newtons
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button and verify that the meter that
measures the resultant horizontal force matches the value you calculated with the formula above.
2. What is the resultant horizontal force on a 400 kg rocket whose acceleration is 10 sec2
400 kg ∗ 10 m
= 4000 newtons
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click the button (if necessary) and click and drag
the slider so that its value is 10 m/sec . Then, click the button, and verify that the meter that
measures the resultant horizontal force matches the value you calculated with the formula above.
3. What is the resultant horizontal force on the rocket if it has an acceleration of 15 sec2
400 kg ∗ 15 m
= 6000 newtons
400 kg ∗ 20 m
= 8000 newtons
5. What is the resultant horizontal force on the rocket if it has an acceleration of 25 sec2
400 kg ∗ 25 m
= 10,000 newtons
6. A rocket that has a larger acceleration requires a larger force. True /False (circle one)
7. Bonus Questions - answer without Interactive Physics.
15 m/sec2
= 1.5 g s
10 m/sec2
25 m/sec2
= 2.5 g s
10 m/sec2
Acceleration = Force
1. A rocket applies a horizontal force of 1000 newtons to a 400 kg rocket sled that slides on
smooth tracks. What is the acceleration of the rocket sled?
1000 newtons m
= 2.5 sec2
400 kg
2. A rocket applies a 6000 newton horizontal force to a 400 kg rocket sled that slides on
smooth tracks. What is the rocket sled’s acceleration?
6000 newtons = 15 m
400 kg sec2
Force Acceleration
(newtons) (m/sec2 ) 15
Acceleration (m/sec2)
0 0
1000 2.5 10
2000 5.0
4000 10.0
5000 12.5
8000 20.0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Force (newtons)
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
Acceleration = Force
1200 newtons = 12 m
100 kg sec2
1200 newtons = 3 m
400 kg sec2
3. A 1200 newton force produces a smaller /larger (circle one) acceleration on a 400 kg
rocket sled than on a 100 kg rocket sled.
Mass Acceleration 10
Acceleration (m/sec2)
(kg) (m/sec2 )
100 12.0 8
200 6.0
300 4.0 6
400 3.0
500 2.4 4
600 2.0
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Mass (kg)
Courtesy of MSC.Software
Acceleration = Force
1. A rocket applies a horizontal force of 1000 newtons to a 400 kg rocket sled that slides on
rough tracks. The friction force between the sled and the tracks is 400 newtons.
Determine the resultant horizontal force on the rocket sled and its acceleration.
2. A rocket applies a horizontal force of 2000 newtons to a 400 kg rocket sled that slides on
rough tracks. The friction force between the sled and the tracks is 400 newtons.
Determine the resultant horizontal force on the rocket sled and its acceleration.
4. A rocket applies a horizontal force of 6000 newtons to a 400 kg rocket sled that slides on
rough tracks. The friction force between the sled and the tracks is 400 newtons,
Determine the resultant horizontal force on the rocket sled and its acceleration.
6. A rocket sled accelerates more slowly/ quickly (circle one) when there is no friction.
Courtesy of MSC.Software
• Although it is known that the upward force on the parachutist from air resistance depends
on the size of the parachute, the parachutist’s speed, air pressure, etc., it is difficult to
write an equation for the forces due to air resistance. One way to exactly calculate the air
resistance forces is to do time-motion studies on the parachutist and then use Newton’s
law which relates the sum of all forces acting on the parachutists with the parachutist’s
mass and acceleration, i.e.,
1. What is the resultant upward force on a 100 kg parachutist due to air resistance if the
parachutist’s acceleration is 0?
100 kg ∗ 9.8 secm2 + 100 kg ∗ 0 secm2 = 980 newtons
100 kg ∗ 9.8 m
+ 100 kg ∗ -1.4 m
= 840 newtons
3. What is the resultant upward force on a 100 kg parachutist due to air resistance if the
parachutist has an acceleration of -4.2 m/sec2 ?
100 kg ∗ 9.8 m
+ 100 kg ∗ -4.2 m
= 560 newtons
4. What is the resultant upward force on a 100 kg parachutist due to air resistance if the
parachutist has an acceleration of -7.0 m/sec2 ?
100 kg ∗ 9.8 m
+ 100 kg ∗ -7.0 m
= 280 newtons
5. What is the resultant upward force on a 100 kg parachutist due to air resistance if the
parachutist has an acceleration of -9.8 m/sec2 ?
100 kg ∗ 9.8 m
+ 100 kg ∗ -9.8 m
= 0 newtons
6. Determine the upward force on a 100 kg parachutist due to air resistance when the
parachutist is falling at a constant speed.
100 kg ∗ 9.8 m
+ 100 kg ∗ 0 m
= 980 newtons
Courtesy NASA
If a block on a smooth horizontal table is attached to a spring and the spring is stretched, the
block will slide on the table in a manner predicted by Newton’s law
1. A linear spring has a spring constant of 50 N/m (abbreviation N/m means newtons per meter).
Determine the magnitude and direction of the initial spring force on the block and the
magnitude and direction of the initial acceleration of the 2 kg block for the following
spring stretches and spring compressions.1
Spring Stretch Initial Initial Direction of Initial
or Compression Spring Force Acceleration Force or Acceleration
(m) (newtons) ( secm2 ) (circle one)
0.5 (stretch) 50 N
∗ 0.5 m = 25 25 newtons = 12.5 to the right/ left
m 2 kg
1.0 (stretch) 50 N
∗ 1.0 m = 50 50 newtons = 25 to the right/ left
m 2 kg
0.5 (compression) 50 N
∗ 0.5 m = 25 25 N = 12.5 to the right /left
m 2 kg
1.0 (compression) 50 N
∗ 1.0 m = 50 50 N = 25 to the right /left
m 2 kg
A spring that has a negative stretch is said to be in compression.
c 2006-2010 DST. Portions Copyright
Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 70 Chapter 6: Newton’s Law for motion along a line
6.8 Force, mass, acceleration, and vertical springs
The resultant force on a block that is suspended by a spring is the difference between two forces,
namely the downward force due to Earth’s gravitational pull and the force due to the spring.
The downward gravitational force on the block is equal to the mass of the block multiplied
by Earth’s gravitational constant, 9.8 m/sec2 , i.e.,
The upward force on the block from the linear spring depends on the spring constant and
the stretch in the spring, i.e.,
1. A linear spring with a spring constant of 50 m
is stretched downward 0.5 meters.
Determine the following quantities:
GravityForce = 2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 N up/ down
2. Answer the same questions when the spring is stretched 1.0 meter.
InitialSpringForce = 50 N
∗ 1.0 m = 50 N up /down
GravityForce = 2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 N up/ down
3. Answer the same questions when the spring is compressed 0.5 meters.
InitialSpringForce = 50 N
∗ 0.5 m = 25 N up/ down
GravityForce = 2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 N up/ down
4. Answer the same questions when the spring is compressed 1.0 meters.
InitialSpringForce = 50 N
∗ 1.0 m = 50 N up/ down
GravityForce = 2 kg ∗ 9.8 m
= 19.6 N up/ down
Energy exists in many forms, including mechanical, chemical, electromagnetic, and nuclear,
and can be converted from one form to another. For example, putting gasoline in a car adds
chemical energy, which is converted during combustion into the mechanical energy required to
move the engine’s pistons, and ultimately, the wheels and the car. At the same time, the engine
runs the alternator, generating electrical energy to run the radio and the headlights.
This chapter focuses on the mechanical energy associated with the position (potential
energy) or movement (kinetic energy) of objects. Total mechanical energy of a system is
the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy in the system. Two specific types of potential
energy are gravitational potential energy and spring potential energy.
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
7.1 Gravitational potential energy
Gravitational potential energy is energy associated with an object’s height and is related to
gravity and the object’s mass. In mathematical terms,
1. Find the gravitational potential energy of the block when it is 1 m above the ground.
10 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 1 m = 98 newtons ∗ m = 98 joules
To answer this question with Interactive Physics, click and verify that the value in the potential
energy meter when the block’s height is 1 m matches the value you calculated with the formula above.
2. Find the gravitational potential energy of the block when it is 2 m above the ground.
10 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 2m = 196 joules
3. The higher the block, the more potential energy it has. True /False
4. If the block is on the ground, its gravitational potential energy is zero. True /False
5. If the block is below the ground, its gravitational potential energy is negative. True /False
6. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
Find the gravitational potential energy of a 20 kg block 4 m above the ground.
20 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 4m = 784 joules
For the following questions, assume the spring has a spring constant of 50 mN .
3. Find the potential energy in a spring that is compressed 1.0 m (i.e., stretched -1.0 m).
1 ∗ 50 N
∗ (-1.0 m)2 = 25 joules
2 m
Potential energy in spring (joules)
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Spring stretch (m)
This problem neglects the rotational kinetic energy associated with the car’s spinning wheels.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 77 Chapter 7: Potential and kinetic energy
4. Using your previous answers and additional calculations, fill in the table and complete
the following graph. Assume the car’s speed is 5 m/sec.
5 62.5
10 125.0
15 187.5
20 250.0
0 5 10 15 20
Mass of car (kg)
Courtesy of MSC.Software
This problem neglects the rotational kinetic energy associated with the car’s spinning wheels.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 79 Chapter 7: Potential and kinetic energy
4. Using your previous answers and additional calculations, fill in the table and complete
the following graph. Assume the car’s mass is 10 kg.
Speed Kinetic energy 400
(m/sec) (joules)
10 500 50
0 2 4 6 8 10
Speed of car (m/s)
The car’s speed is 4 ∗ -1, which is not physically meaningful (it is an imaginary number).
Conservation of energy
Potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy and vice versa. For example, a bungee
jumper on the platform before a jump is at rest and has potential energy and no kinetic energy.
Once he jumps, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as he falls towards the
river. When he bounces back up, the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.
Sometimes, the mechanical energy in the system is conserved, i.e. the sum of the initial
potential energy and initial kinetic energy is the same as the final sum. However, when non-
conservative forces such as friction and air resistance act on the system, total mechanical energy
is not conserved.
For example, a book sliding on a flat frictionless floor will have a constant speed and constant
mechanical energy. On the other hand, a book sliding on a real floor (with friction) loses speed
and loses mechanical energy in the form of heat. With high-precision temperature sensors, you
can measure an increase in temperature in both the book and the floor.
Lubricants are used to decrease friction and energy loss in machines. It takes less effort
(energy) to ride a bicycle with well-oiled gears and chain than one with rusty components. The
same is true for a car, lawn-mower, scissors, or sliding books.
8.1 Potential and kinetic energy in a pendulum
When a pendulum swings back and forth, there is an exchange between potential and kinetic
energy. At the highest part of its swing, it moves most slowly, while at the lowest part of its
swing, it moves most quickly.1
1. The potential energy is largest when the pendulum is at the top /bottom of its swing.
When the potential energy is largest, the kinetic energy is smallest /largest .
2. The kinetic energy is largest when the pendulum is at the top/ bottom of its swing.
When the kinetic energy is largest, the potential energy is smallest /largest .
3. When the pendulum swings down, potential/ kinetic energy increases and
potential /kinetic energy decreases.
4. When the pendulum swings up, potential /kinetic energy increases and potential/ kinetic
energy decreases.
5. The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy is constant (does not change). True /False
6. With air resistance set to 1.0 (set the value in the air resistance slider to 1.0) , the sum of
potential energy and kinetic energy is constant. True/ False
Similarly, in an idealized setting with no friction, a pendulum clock does not require winding. However, in
the real world, air resistance and friction cause the clock to slow down and lose energy.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 82 Chapter 8: Conservation of energy
8.2 Conservation of energy in a roller coaster (Windows only)
As a free-moving roller coaster moves up and down, there is an exchange between potential and
kinetic energy. The cart slows down as it goes higher and speeds up as it goes lower.2
Click , and observe the cart’s speed and height as it moves along the track.
1. The higher the cart is, the more potential /kinetic energy it has.
The faster the cart moves, the more potential/ kinetic energy it has.
2. As the cart moves uphill, potential /kinetic energy increases and potential/ kinetic
energy decreases. Alternately, as the cart moves downhill, potential/ kinetic energy
increases and potential /kinetic energy decreases.
3. Calculate the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy of the 150 kg cart at the bottom
of the track (where the height is 0 m), when its speed is 15 sec . Verify your calculations with
the results from Interactive Physics.
PotentialEnergy = 150 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 0.0 m = 0 joules
∗ 150 kg ∗ (15 sec
KineticEnergy = m 2
) = 16, 875 joules
PotentialEnergy + KineticEnergy = 16, 875 joules
This problem assumes no energy loss due to air resistance or friction along the track. In reality, these can
be important factors when designing a roller coaster.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 83 Chapter 8: Conservation of energy
Use the meter information in Interactive Physics for cart height and speed at the top of the track.
4. Calculate the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the 150 kg cart at the
top of the track, where the height is 9.0 m and the speed is 6.971 m/sec. Verify your
calculations with Interactive Physics.3
PotentialEnergy = 150 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 9.0 m = 13, 230 joules
5. The sum of the cart’s potential energy and kinetic energy at the top and bottom of the
track are equal. True /False
6. Using Interactive Physics, determine which speed(s) give the cart enough kinetic energy
to reach the top of the track: 10/12.5/ 15 sec .
7. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
Use conservation of energy to calculate the minimum kinetic energy the cart needs at the
bottom of the track in order to reach the top of the track.
Hint: One way to write conservation of energy is
where the initial potential energy and initial kinetic energy are calculated when the cart is at the bottom
of the track, and final potential energy and final kinetic energy are calculated when the cart is at the top.
The first step to solve this problem is to calculate the following quantities:
InitialPotentialEnergy = 0 joules
FinalPotentialEnergy = 150 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 9.0 m = 13, 230 joules
FinalKineticEnergy = 0 joules
Now you are ready to plug in to the conservation of energy equation:
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = FinalPotentialEnergy + FinalKineticEnergy
0 joules + InitialKineticEnergy = 13, 230 joules + 0 joules
InitialKineticEnergy = 13, 230 joules
1. Calculate the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the 50 kg snowboarder
whose initial height is 10 m. Verify your calculations with Interactive Physics.4
InitialPotentialEnergy = 50 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 10.0 m = 4900 joules
∗ 50 kg ∗ (0 sec
InitialKineticEnergy = m 2
) = 0 joules
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = 4900 joules
Click , and note the snowboarder’s height and speed at the bottom.
2. Calculate the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the 50 kg snowboarder
when he reaches the bottom of the slope. Verify your calculations with Interactive Physics.
FinalPotentialEnergy = 50 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 0.0 m = 0 joules
FinalKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 50 kg ∗ (14.0 m 2
) = 4900 joules
2 sec
InitialKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 50 kg ∗ (0.0 m 2
) = 0 joules
2 sec
B. Calculate the potential energy of the 50 kg snowboarder when he reaches the bottom
of the slope (height = 0 m).
FinalPotentialEnergy = 50 kg ∗ 9.8 m
∗ 0.0 m = 0 joules
where the initial potential energy and kinetic energy are calculated when the snowboarder is at the top,
and final potential energy and kinetic energy are calculated when he is at the bottom.
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = FinalPotentialEnergy + FinalKineticEnergy
7350 joules + 0 joules = 0 joules + FinalKineticEnergy
FinalKineticEnergy = 7350 joules
SpringPotentialEnergy = ∗ SpringConstant ∗ SpringStretch2
KineticEnergy = ∗ Mass ∗ Speed2
With the initial spring stretch set to 2.0 m, click and watch the block move back and forth.
1. Calculate the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy when the spring is stretched
2.0 m. (Note: The spring has a spring constant of 50 N/m.)
InitialPotentialEnergy = ∗ 50 mN ∗ (2.0 m)2 = 100.0 joules
InitialKineticEnergy = ∗ 10 kg ∗ (0 sec
m 2
) = 0 joules
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = 100.0 joules
2. The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy (as shown in Interactive Physics)
increases/decreases/ remains the same .
3. The spring potential energy is largest when the spring stretch is 2.0 m or -2.0 m.
The kinetic energy is largest when the spring stretch is 0.0 m.
4. Use conservation of energy to calculate the kinetic energy of the 10 kg block when it is
at the middle of its travel (spring stretch = 0.0 m).
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = FinalPotentialEnergy + FinalKineticEnergy
100.0 joules + 0
joules = 0 joules + FinalKineticEnergy
FinalKineticEnergy = 100.0 joules
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 87 Chapter 8: Conservation of energy
5. Bonus Question.
Using your results from the previous question, calculate the maximum speed of the 10 kg
block that is initially stretched 2.0 m.
100.0 joules
= m
4.47 sec
1 ∗ 10 kg
To verify this result with Interactive Physics, click the button, then
click on the arrow that is on the furthest right and bottom part of the
screen. Each click will step the simulation forward. Observe the block’s
speed and record the largest value.
6. Bonus Question.
Calculate the maximum speed of a 10 kg block that is initially stretched 1.0 m. Verify
your results with Interactive Physics.
InitialPotentialEnergy = 12 ∗ 50 m
∗ (1.0 m)2 = 25.0 joules
InitialKineticEnergy = 1
∗ 10 kg ∗ (0 m 2
) =
0 joules
FinalPotentialEnergy = 1
∗ 50 N
∗ (0.0 m)2 = 0 joules
7. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
A 10 kg block is attached to a spring with a spring constant of 50 N/m. The block is
observed to have a speed of 9.0 m/sec when the spring is unstretched. Determine the
maximum stretch of the spring.
InitialPotentialEnergy = 12 ∗ 50 m ∗ (0.0 m) = 0 joules
N 2
InitialKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 10 kg ∗ (9.0 m 2
) = 405 joules
2 sec
FinalKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 10 kg ∗ (0.0 m 2
) = 0 joules
2 sec
Click and watch the bungee jumper bounce up and down a few times.
1. The gravitational potential energy is largest when the jumper is at the top /middle/bottom,
and smallest when she is at the top/middle/ bottom .
2. When the bungee jumper is at the top, there is no stretch in the bungee cord. Therefore,
the spring potential energy is smallest /largest . At the bottom, the bungee cord is
highly stretched, and the spring potential energy is smallest/ largest .
3. The kinetic energy seems to be highest when the jumper is at the top/ middle /bottom
of a bounce. At this point, her speed is smallest/ largest .
4. The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy (as shown in Interactive Physics)
increases/decreases/ remains the same .
5. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
Complete the following table. Each row represents a different bungee jumper height.
SpringPotentialEnergy = ∗ SpringConstant ∗ SpringStretch2
KineticEnergy = ∗ Mass ∗ Speed2
1. Calculate the sum of the initial potential energy and initial kinetic energy when the spring
is stretched 2.0 m. (Note: The spring has a spring constant of 50 N/m.)
InitialPotentialEnergy = ∗ 50 mN ∗ (2.0 m)2 = 100.0 joules
InitialKineticEnergy = ∗ 10 kg ∗ (0 sec
m 2
) = 0 joules
InitialPotentialEnergy + InitialKineticEnergy = 100.0 joules
2. With no friction or air resistance, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy (as
shown in Interactive Physics) increases/decreases/ remains the same .
3. With friction, calculate the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy at 2.50 seconds.
FinalPotentialEnergy = 1 ∗ 50 N ∗ (1.01 m)2 = 25.5 joules
2 m
FinalKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 10 kg ∗ (2.17 m 2
) = 23.5 joules
2 sec
This sum is less than /greater than/equal to the sum of the initial potential energy
and kinetic energy.
4. Over time, friction causes the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy to
increase/ decrease .
Click . Uncheck the Friction box and check the Air resistance box. Click , then click when
the timer reads 5.00 sec. You may need to use the or arrows to rewind or advance the simulation. Record
the spring stretch and block speed at 5.00 sec.
5. With air resistance, calculate the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy at 5.00 seconds.
FinalPotentialEnergy = 1 ∗ 50 N ∗ (0.13 m)2 = 0.4 joules
2 m
FinalKineticEnergy = 1 ∗ 10 kg ∗ (2.42 m 2
) = 29.3 joules
2 sec
This sum is less than /greater than/equal to the sum of the initial potential energy
and kinetic energy.
6. Over time, air resistance causes the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy to
increase/ decrease .
7. Bonus Question.
With air resistance ON, the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy decrease most
quickly in Interactive Physics when the block is moving slowly/ quickly .
Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an object is. Common tools for measuring
temperature are alcohol, mercury, electronic, liquid crystal, and infrared thermometers.
Two common scales used in measuring temperature are the Fahrenheit temperature scale
and the Celsius temperature scale. In the Fahrenheit scale, developed by German physicist
Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), water freezes at 32 ◦ F and boils at 212 ◦ F. The Celsius scale,
in which water freezes at 0 ◦ C and boils at 100 ◦ C, is named after Swedish astronomer Anders
Celsius (1701-1744). Until the 1970’s, the Fahrenheit scale was widely used in English-speaking
countries. Today, most countries in the world use the Celsius scale.
Another temperature scale widely used in science named after British physicist William
Kelvin (1824-1907). Kelvin (K) is the official unit of temperature measurement in the metric
system. The most famous reference point in the Kelvin scale is 0 K, also known as absolute
zero. Absolute zero (approximately -459.69 ◦ F or -273.16 ◦ C) is the lowest temperature possible
theoretically. At absolute zero, atoms have no kinetic energy and no molecular motion.
9.1 Temperature
Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an object is. For a gas, temperature is directly
related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules.1
Set the gas temperature to Cold, click . After observing the movement of the molecules, slide the tempera-
ture to Hot and notice how the change in temperature affects the motion of the molecules. Slide the temperature
to Cold and again notice the change in the motion of the molecules.
1. At higher temperatures, the average speed of the gas molecules
increases /decreases/stays constant.
2. At lower temperatures, the average speed of the gas molecules
increases/ decreases /stays constant.
3. The Fahrenheit scale (◦ F) and the Celsius scale (◦ C) are related as followed.
9 ◦
F = ∗ C + 32
C = ∗ (◦ F − 32)
Complete the following table.
◦ ◦
Description F C
Water freezes at 32 0
Water boils at 212 100
Normal body temperature is about 98.6 37
The surface of the sun is about 10832 6000
Paper burns at 451 232.8
Absolute zero2 -459.4 -273
The temperature of an ideal gas is related to its average kinetic energy by T = 3 kB 2
m v2 where
kB = 1.38 x 10 23 joules
is the Boltzmann’s constant and 1
m v is the average translational kinetic energy of the
K 2
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9.2 Heat capacity
Specific heat is a measure of how much heat is required to change the temperature of an
object with a specified mass and material. In mathematical terms3
With the Mass set to 0.25 kg, click . Observe the 80 ◦ C temperature change over 10 sec.
1. Calculate the heat added to 0.25 kg of water (which has a specific heat of 4180 kg ∗ ◦ C
when the candle changes the water’s temperature by 80 ◦ C.
0.25 kg ∗ 4180 kgjoules
∗ ◦C
∗ 80 ◦ C = 83, 600 joules
The temperature change in the 0.50 kg of water is less than /greater than/equal to
the temperature change in the 0.25 kg of water. The heat added to the 0.50 kg of water
is less than/greater than/ equal to the heat added to the 0.25 kg of water.
3. Calculate the heat added to 1.00 kg of water (which changes the temperature by 20 ◦ C).
1.00 kg ∗ 4180 kgjoules
∗ ◦C
∗ 20 ◦ C = 83, 600 joules
A positive value of heat means that heat flows into the object and its temperature increases. A negative
value of heat means that heat flows out of the object and its temperature decreases.
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4. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
How much heat must be added to 1.0 kg of water to raise its temperature by 80 ◦ C?
1.00 kg ∗ 4180 kgjoules
∗ ◦C
∗ 80 ◦ C = 334, 400 joules
Click . Press and hold the Add heat button until the ice begins to melt. Observe the temperature change.
1. Before the ice begins to melt, its temperature increases /decreases/stays constant.
2. The ice begins to melt at 0 C.
3. While the ice is melting, the temperature increases/decreases/ stays constant.
4. While the ice is melting, the ice and liquid water are at the same temperature. True /False
Press and hold the Add heat button until the water begins to boil. Observe the temperature change.
5. Before the water begins to boil, the temperature increases /decreases/stays constant.
6. The water begins to boil at 100 C.
One reason that Earth is unique in our solar system is that water is naturally found in three phases - solid
ice, liquid water, and gaseous water vapor.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 96 Chapter 9: Temperature and heat
9.4 Thermal Expansion
As temperature increases, the molecules in a material tend to move farther apart from each
other. The resulting expansion is known as thermal expansion. With few exceptions, all
solids, liquids, and gases expand as temperature increases.5 For a solid, the amount of thermal
expansion is calculated with the following equation
1. The brass strip and the iron strip start at the same length. True /False
Slide the temperature to Medium and then Hot and observe how the brass and iron strips change length.
Water has the uncommon property that it is most dense at 4 ◦ C, (39 ◦ F) and is actually less dense as a
solid than as a liquid. This is why ice floats in a cup of water. If ice did not float on oceans and lakes, earth’s
ecosystem would be dramatically different.
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Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 97 Chapter 9: Temperature and heat
Chapter 10
Heat transfer
Heat transfer is the flow of energy from a warm object to a colder one. Heat is transfered
from the warm object to the cold one until both objects are the same temperature. Heat may
be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation.
Radiation is the third means of heat transfer. Any object with a tem-
perature above absolute zero emits radiation continuously. This radiation
is absorbed and/or reflected by surrounding objects.a An object that ab-
sorbs more radiation than it emits becomes warmer while an object that
emits more radiation than it absorbs becomes cooler. When you stand
in the sun, radiation emitted by the sun is absorbed/reflected by you; at
the same time, radiation emitted by you is absorbed/reflected by the sun.
You become warmer because you absorb more radiation than you emit.
A black body is a theoretical object that absorbs 100% of the radiation that hits
it and emits the maximum amount of radiation possible at a given temperature.
10.1 Heat transfer
Heat flows from warmer objects to colder objects, and continues to flow until the objects are
at the same temperature. When you heat a pot of water on the stove, heat from the burner
flows into the pot and the water. When you place a cup of warm milk in the refrigerator, heat
flows from the milk to the cold surroundings.1
Initialize the thermometer by moving the slider to Cold. Set the temperature to Medium. Click to
bring the right hand in contact with the left hand.
1. The temperature of the right hand is less than/ equal to /greater than the temper-
ature of the left hand. Is there a net transfer of heat? Yes/ No
2. The temperature of the left hand increases/decreases/ stays constant .
3. The temperature of the cocoa mug is less than/equal to/ greater than that of the
hand. As heat flows from the cocoa mug /hand to the cocoa mug/ hand , the
temperature of the hand increases /decreases/stays constant .
4. The temperature of the ice is less than /equal to/greater than the temperature of
the hand. As heat flows from the ice/ hand to the ice /hand, the temperature of
the hand increases/ decreases /stays constant.
5. Heat always flows from a warmer /colder object to a warmer/ colder object.
For this problem, assume the object on the right has a fixed temperature.
c 2006-2010 DST. Portions Copyright
Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 99 Chapter 10: Heat transfer
10.2 Conduction
Conduction is the means by which heat flows between (or within) objects that are in direct
contact. Materials that conduct heat well are called heat conductors. Materials that conduct
heat poorly are called heat insulators.
Click so the hot iron is in contact with the steel rod. Observe how the temperature along the rod changes.
1. The steel rod starts at a uniform (all the same) temperature. The part of the rod in
contact with the hot iron increases its temperature most quickly. True /False
2. Heat flows along the rod to the left/ right , from where it is warmer /colder to where
it is warmer/ colder .
Click , bring the slider to Clay, and click . Observe how the temperature along the rod changes.
3. The clay rod starts at a uniform temperature. The part of the rod in contact with the
hot iron increases its temperature most quickly. True /False
4. Heat flows along the rod from where it is warmer /colder to where it is warmer/ colder.
5. Compared to the steel rod, the temperature of the clay changes more slowly /quickly .
6. Clay is a better heat conductor/ insulator . Steel is a better heat conductor /insulator.
1. The flame makes the bottom of the pot hottest near the center /sides.
2. Heat is transferred from the flame to the water at the bottom of the pot.2
The water becomes less /more dense and rises /sinks.
3. The water farthest from the flame is cooler /warmer than the water near the flame,
hence the water at the top of the pot is less/ more dense, which causes it to rise/ sink.
4. Convection allows water in different parts of the pot to quickly reach the same temperature
even though it is only being heated at the bottom. True /False
Assume the water’s temperature is above 4 ◦ C (39 ◦ F) and hence becomes less dense as it gets hotter.
c 2006-2010 DST. Portions Copyright
Copyright c 2005 MSC.Software 101 Chapter 10: Heat transfer
10.4 Radiation (Windows only)
Radiation is the means by which heat is transferred from one object to another without direct
contact or movement of molecules. All objects emit radiation, and warmer objects emit more
than cooler ones. When radiation hits an object, it is partly reflected and partly absorbed. The
part that is absorbed heats the object.
With the man inside the shelter during the day, click .
1. If the air temperature inside the shelter is the same as it is outside, the man feels
warmer/ cooler inside than he would outside because (circle one)
a. the shelter blocks some heat radiated by the sun.
b. the shelter blocks some of the heat radiated by the man.
Move the man out from the shelter by changing the bottom slider to Outside.
2. When the man is outside and exposed to the sun, more heat radiates from the man/ sun
to the man /sun, and the man feels hot /cold.
Change the top slider to Night, and keep the man Outside the shelter.
3. At night, when the man is outside the shelter, more heat radiates from the man /night
sky to the man/ night sky , and the man feels hot/ cold .
Bring the man back inside the shelter by changing the bottom slider to Inside.
4. At night, if the air temperature inside the shelter is the same as it is outside, the man
feels warmer inside /outside because
a. the shelter blocks some heat radiated by the night sky.
b. the shelter blocks some of the heat radiated by the man.
A wave is a disturbance that carries energy from one place to another with relatively small
disturbance to the medium through which it travels. Waves are characterized by their fre-
quency, wavelength, and amplitude. Water waves and sound waves are two common waves.
A pebble thrown into a lake generates a water wave. The wave begins at the impact point
where the pebble hits the water and spreads to other parts of the water, in increasingly larger
circles centered on the impact point. The speed at which the wave moves outward is called
wave speed. It is important to note that even though the wave is spread to a location far
away from the impact point, the water molecules are not displaced - they simply oscillate up
and down and forward and backward.1
Sound waves are important for human communication.2 Transmission of sound waves requires
a medium, such as air, water, or a string. The speed of sound is related to the elasticity and
density of the medium. For example, sound travels more quickly in warmer air than in cooler
air because air molecules are closer together in warmer air.
SpeedOfSound = DistanceTraveled
The oscillation of water waves is eventually damped out by friction and air resistance.
Sound waves that can be heard by humans have frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Ultrasonic waves
are above the audible range (above 20,000 Hz) and infrasonic waves are below the audible range (below 20 Hz).
11.1 Wave motion
The frequency of a wave is the number of cycles per unit time and is usually measured in
cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). The period of a wave is the amount of time required per cycle
and is equal to 1/frequency. The amplitude of an undamped wave is half the vertical distance
from the wave’s crest (its high point) to its trough (its low point).
3. A higher frequency means more cycles in a given amount of time. True /False
Click , set Frequency to 3 Hz, and click . Observe the amplitude of the wave.
5. What is the vertical distance between the crest and the trough? 2 m
4. At a given wave speed, an increase in frequency causes the wavelength to increase/ decrease.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
B 10 20 cycles
20 cycle
∗ 10 m
= 200 m
280 sec cycle m
C 7 m
7 cycle = 40 sec
280 sec
D 8 30 cycles
30 cycle
∗ 8 m
= 240 m
SpeedOfSound = DistanceTraveled
1. Determine the time it takes for the sound of a hammer strike to travel 1000 m in the
various substances listed below.
(a) What is the difference in the race-time recorded by the two officials?
100 mm = 0.29 sec
343 sec
(b) The correct race time is reported by the official who saw /heard the gun fired.
Determine the time difference reported by the various observers who see the lightning and
hear the thunder. Assume the air temperature is 20 ◦ C (68 ◦ F).
Click . Select the appropriate Altitude and Speed of the jet, and click .
1. Determine the Mach number of a jet traveling at the altitudes and speeds listed below.
3.3 ∗ 295 m
= 973.5 m
m ∗ 1 km ∗ 60 sec
973.5 sec = 58.41 km
1000 m 1 min min
As a sound source moves towards an observer (like a fire truck approaching you), the sound
frequency heard by the observer increases. As the sound source moves away from an observer, the
sound frequency heard by the observer decreases. The change in frequency due to the motion of either
the sound source (fire truck) or the observer (you) is an example of the Doppler Effect.
With Fire truck (source) velocity and Skateboarder (observer) velocity at 0.00 m/s, click .
1. When both the fire truck and the skateboarder are stationary, the siren frequency observed by
the skateboarder is the same as the source frequency. True /False
Click , set the Fire truck (source) velocity to -20.00 m/s, and click .
2. As the fire truck approaches the stationary skateboarder, the siren frequency observed by the
skateboarder is lower than/ higher than /equal to the source frequency. As the fire truck
moves away from the stationary skateboarder, the siren frequency observed by the skateboarder
is lower than /higher than/equal to the source frequency.
Click , set the Skateboarder (observer) velocity to 20.00 m/s, and click .
3. As the fire truck and the skateboarder approach each other, the siren frequency observed by
the skateboarder is lower than/ higher than /equal to the source frequency. As they move
away from each other, the siren frequency observed by the skateboarder is lower than /higher
than/equal to the source frequency.
Click , set the Fire truck (source) velocity to 0.00 m/s, and click .
4. As the skateboarder approaches the stationary fire truck, the siren frequency observed by the
skateboarder is lower than/ higher than /equal to the source frequency. As the skate-
boarder moves away from the stationary fire truck, the siren frequency observed by the skate-
boarder is lower than /higher than/equal to the source frequency.
Intermolecular attractions
A molecule is a collection of atoms held together by covalent bonds. Molecules make up the air
you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the homes you live in.
A molecule’s behavior is primarily determined by intermolecular attrac-
tions, i.e., a molecule’s ability to attract other molecules. Attractions be-
tween molecules create sugar crystals, snowflakes, and the double helix of
DNA. Intermolecular attractions also explain why salt dissolves in water
while oil does not.
In a polar bond, one of the bonding atoms is slightly positive as its electrons
are pulled away from it, while the other bonding atom is slightly negative
as it pulls electrons towards itself. The symbol δ+ describes the charge on
an atom that is slightly positive, while the symbol δ− describes the charge
on an atom that is slightly negative.
An ionic substance or salt is a collection of atoms held together by ionic bonds. An ionic bond
occurs when one atom takes one or more electrons from another atom (no sharing). The atom with
extra electrons is called a negative ion whereas the atom losing electrons is called a positive ion.
Summary of bonds
Type of bond/force and description Between Strength
Non-polar (pure) covalent bond atoms Strong
Electrons are equally shared
Polar covalent bond atoms Strong
Electrons are unequally shared (δ + and δ − )
Ionic bond atoms Strong
Electrons are transferred (no sharing)
Hydrogen bond polar molecules Weak (≈ 50x weaker than covalent bonds)
Attraction between δ + and δ − atoms
Van Der Waals (dispersion) force non-polar molecules Weaker than a hydrogen bond
Attraction between instantaneous dipoles
12.1 Hydrogen bonding between water molecules
Liquid water is the most common polar molecule on Earth. Its polar atoms enable water to attract
many other types of molecules. (which is why it is called the ”universal solvent”).
Water molecules (H2 O) are made from hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Although both hydrogen
and oxygen are gases at room temperature, water is a liquid at room temperature. Water molecules
are capable of forming strong intermolecular attractions known as hydrogen bonds. When hydrogen
bonds exists H2 O is in a liquid or solid state. These hydrogen bonds are what make water a liquid
instead of a gas at room temperature.
3. The oxygen atoms in one water molecule attract the oxygen/ hydrogen atoms in a neigh-
boring water molecule.
4. The term “hydrogen bond” describe the attraction between a polarized hydrogen (δ+ ) in one
molecule and a negatively polarized atom (δ− ) in a neighboring molecule. In this simulation,
which atom is negatively polarized? Oxygen /Hydrogen .
5. Circle the picture that best describes the hydrogen bonding between two water molecules. Note:
the three dots (. . . ) symbolize a hydrogen bond.
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 114 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
Turn Hydrogen Bonding OFF and click .
6. With hydrogen bonding OFF, the molecules show no attraction to each other and move off in
random directions. True /False .
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 115 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
12.2 Interaction of water molecules and a sodium ion
An atom with extra electrons is called a negative ion (anion) whereas an atom which lost electrons
is called a positive ion (cation). This experiment investigates how water molecules interact with a
positively charged sodium ion.
After making a hypothesis, click and then circle the correct statement above.
2. The oxygen in the water molecule is attracted to the sodium ion. True /False
The hydrogen in the water molecule is attracted to the sodium ion. True/ False
Circle the best reason for your answer.
• The positively charged sodium ion attracts the δ− polarized oxygen atom.
• The positively charged sodium ion attracts the δ+ polarized hydrogen atom.
• The sodium ion has more charge than water.
• Sodium and water are different substances.
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 116 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
The lower-left water molecule does not attach to the sodium ion. Click , use the slider to rotate the lower-
left water molecule, and click . If necessary, repeat this process until the lower-left water molecule attaches
to the sodium ion.
• Potassium ion (K + )
• Calcium ion (Ca2+ )
• Aluminum ion (Al3+ )
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 117 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
12.3 Interaction of water molecules and a chloride ion
An atom with extra electrons is called a negative ion (anion) whereas an atom which lost electrons
is called a positive ion (cation). This experiment investigates how water molecules interact with a
negatively charged chloride ion.
After making a hypothesis, click and then circle the correct statement above.
2. The oxygen in the water molecule is attracted to the chloride ion. True /False
The hydrogen in the water molecule is attracted to the chloride ion. True/ False
Circle the best reason for your answer.
• The negatively charged chloride ion attracts the δ− polarized oxygen atom.
• The negatively charged chloride ion attracts the δ+ polarized hydrogen atom.
• The chloride ion has more charge than water.
• Chloride and water are different substances.
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 118 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
The upper-middle water molecule does not attach to the chloride ion. Click , use the slider to rotate the
upper-middle water molecule, and click . If necessary, repeat this process until the upper-middle water
molecule attaches to the chloride ion.
• Neutral Al atoms
• Positively charged Al3+ ions
• Aluminum chloride AlCl3
• Pure aluminum metal, e.g., aluminum foil
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 119 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
12.4 Interaction of water with non-polar and polar molecules
Experiments 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3 show that water molecules are attracted to the positive and nega-
tive ions inherent to ionic substances (salts). There are many substances in the world that contain
molecules rather than charged ions. The interaction of water with these molecular substances
is greatly influenced by the polarity of the molecular substance. This experiment investigates how
water molecules interact with non-polar molecules and polar molecules.
After making a hypothesis about non-polar molecules, click and then circle the correct statement above.
2. Based on the behavior seen in this experiment, circle one of the following:
• Covalent bonds
• Hydrogen bonds
• Ionic bonds
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 120 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
Set the slider to Polar Molecule and click .
4. Circle the best description of the interaction of water molecules with a polar molecule.
5. In observing the interaction of the polar molecule, it seems that the pink atom is δ+ /δ− (circle
one) and the green atom is δ+ / δ− (circle one).
6. The behavior of this simulation suggests that the polar molecule is soluble /insoluble in
water. (Soluble means it dissolves, insoluble means it does not dissolve.)
• Hydrometer
• Hydraulic
• Hydrophobic
• Hydrolysis
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 121 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
12.5 Investigating the strength of hydrogen bonds
As summarized in the table at the beginning of this chapter, there are many types of bonds between
atoms and ions. By using a “bowling ball” to test the strength of various bonds, this simulation helps
you compare the strength of hydrogen bonds relative to covalent bonds. In general, strong bonds are
called stable (the bond is not easily broken). This simulation demonstrates how the stability of a
hydrogen bond depends on its surrounding temperature.
1. Circle the best description of the changes in bonding that occur when the bowling ball strikes
the water molecules.
Click . Set the bowling ball speed slider to Low and click .
Then, click , set the bowling ball speed slider to High and click .
2. Circle the statements that are true at low temperature (represented by a slow bowling ball).
• Hydrogen bonds are more likely to hold together (hydrogen bonds are more stable)
• Hydrogen bonds are less likely to hold together (hydrogen bonds are less stable)
• Temperature has no effect on the stability of hydrogen bonds
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 122 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
3. Bonus Question - answer without Interactive Physics.
On Earth, H2 O molecules exist in three states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam/water
vapor). Circle the state of H2 O with the most stable hydrogen bonds.
Solid H2 O (ice) Liquid H2 O (water) Gas H2 O (steam/water vapor)
• Hydrogen bonds
• Covalent bonds
• Both hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds
Portions Copyright
c 2006 by Steve Sogo (with permission) 123 Chapter 12: Intermolecular attractions
Chapter 13
Discovery Learning
In the previous chapters, you used Interactive Physics for inquiry learning. You answered questions
using formulae, calculations, and structured Interactive Physics experiments.
Although inquiry learning is excellent for a conceptual understanding of physics, scientific progress
is made through new discoveries. The most important feature in Interactive Physics is discovery
learning, where you create your own question and build experiments to answer them. With Interactive
Physics, the possibilities in building cars, airplanes, robots, pinball machines, humans, animals, etc.,
are limited only by your imagination.
This chapter shows you how to build an experiment. When you have finished, you can start the
exciting exploration of physics with the same tools used by professional scientists! Who knew learning
physics could be so much fun!
Starting Interactive Physics 4 Graphing the Pendulum’s Motion
1. Ensure that Interactive Physics is installed on your computer. 1. To graph the pendulum’s motion, click on the rectangle. Under the Measure
menu, select Position, then select Rotation Graph.
2. From the Windows menu, click on Programs and then Interactive Physics
and then Interactive Physics. This opens a new experiment. 2. To collect data, click . Note: Data can be displayed as a graph, bar chart,
or number, and can be changed while running the experiment. Click .
3. The graph shows the pendulum’s amplitude and frequency. To make the graph
1 Creating a Falling Block larger, click on the graph and drag its lower right-hand corner to the right.
1. The first simulation is Newton’s first experiment, dropping a block.
2. To draw a rectangle, click on the Rectangle tool, then click in the workspace and
draw a long thin rectangular block.
3. To run the experiment and see the block fall due to gravity, click .
4. Click to reset the experiment.
5 Changing Gravity
1. To change gravity, click on the World menu, select Gravity, slide the slider to the
top for the value 20 m/sec2, and click [OK].
2. Click and observe that, in agreement with theoretical and experimental
predictions, the pendulum has a higher natural frequency. Click .
Optional: To add a numerical value to the velocity vector (or its components), click
on the Define menu, select Vector Display, and check the Value box.
3 Making a Pendulum
1. To make a pendulum, click on the Pin joint tool and then click on the upper left-
hand corner of the rectangle.
2. Click and observe that the vector changes magnitude and direction as the
pendulum moves. Click . 6 Adding Air Resistance
1. Under the World menu, select Air Resistance, click on Low Speed, and accept
the default air resistance value of 0.3 kg/(m*s) by clicking [OK].
2. Click and observe the exponentially decaying oscillations. Click .
7 Adding a Spring 9 Collisions with a Circle
1. To add a spring, click on the Spring tool. Click on the upper right-hand corner of 1. To create a circle, click on the Circle tool, then click in the workspace and draw a
the block and stretch the spring up and to the right.
circle. (If your rectangle is high on the screen, click to zoom to extents.)
2. Click and observe the pendulum's higher natural frequency and new
2. Click to start the experiment and observe that the circle bounces and rolls
equilibrium position. Click . on top of the rectangle. Automatic collision and contact is a very useful feature in
Interactive Physics (even the elastic and frictional properties of objects may be
varied). Click .
11 Adding Sound 14 Running Demo Files
1. Click on the spaceman, select the Measure menu and choose Hear the Collision. Windows users:
2. Click to start the experiment and hear the sound when the spaceman 1. Under the Script menu, click on "Run All Demo Files."
2. Sit back and enjoy a series of demos on a variety of physics topics.
contacts the block. Click .
3. To quit, select the File menu and choose Exit.
Mac Users:
1. Browse to the For Demo Users folder installed with Interactive Physics.
12 Adding a Curved Slot Joint 2. Double-click on each of the files, then click Run.
3. To quit, select the File menu and choose Quit.
1. To add a Curved Slot Joint, click on the Curved Slot joint tool.
2. Click on the spaceman and then click on a couple of other places to the right of
the spaceman, and then double-click to complete the slot (see figure below).
3. Click to start the experiment and observe that the spaceman slides down
the curved slot. Click .
15 Curriculum Workbook
Supplementary workbooks with Interactive Physics exercises of varying difficulty
are available with purchase. To try the instructional curriculum:
Note: The Demo Edition can open only Demo files. The Full Edition must be
purchased to open the curriculum and additional 150+ physics experiments.
13 Adding a Force
1. To add thrust to the spaceman to overcome air resistance, click on the Force
tool, then click on the spaceman, then move the mouse to the left and click again.
2. Click to start the experiment and observe that the spaceman overcomes
air resistance and moves more quickly along the curved slot. Click .