Slavery in Ancient India
Slavery in Ancient India
Slavery in Ancient India
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Slavery was probably not much in evidence in India in the 4th century
B C, or the treatment of slaves in India was so good that a foreign
observer like Megasthenes accustomed to the treatment of slaves in
Greece thought that there was no slavery.6
Tilak was, as were the other leaders of the national movement, a
political representative of the Indian industrial class. His biographer N C
Kelkar records that Tilak started a ginning factory at Latur in Maharashtra
in about 1889.7 Tilak hailed from a Khot landlord family and he wrote
a series of articles in defence of Khot landlordism in 1899.8 These semi-
feudal affiliations made him a staunch champion of Hindu orthodoxy and
led him to offer stiff opposition to the Age of Consent Bill which intended
to prohibit child marrige by raising the minimum marriageable age limit
of girls.9 Hence, it is no wonder that the political philosophy of these
national leaders and their scholarly followers attempted to present exploita-
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". .. Firuz indulged in production for himself, with the help of slaves.
"The Sultan Firuz was very diligent in providing slaves, and he
carried his care so far as to command his great fief-holders and officers to
capture slaves wherever they went at war, and to pick out the best for
the service of the court . . . When they were in excess, the Sultan sent
them to ... all the ... feudal dependencies .... Some (slaves) were
placed under tradesmen and were taught mechanical arts, so that about
12,000 slaves became artisans (Kasih) of various kinds .... The institution
(of slavery) took root in the very centre of the land, and the Sultan
looked upon its due regulation as one of his incumbent duties .... There
was no occupation in which the slaves of Firuz Shah were not employed.
None of the Sultan's predecessors had ever collected so many slaves. The
late Sultan Alauddin had drawn together about 50,000 slaves, but after
him no sultan had directed his attention to raising a body of them until
Sultan Firuz adopted the practice ....
"Slavery was thus an attempt on the part of the Sultan to become
less dependent upon his vassals. The bondsman helped run his private
plantations whose produce not only supplied the palace but was also sold
in the open market, as were the rugs and fabrics woven by his slave
factories. Fifty thousand slaves were guards in royal equipages or palaces.
The total number of these imperial slaves (bandagan-i-khas) was 80,000
.... When we consider that most of the abler previous emperors of
Delhi had been slaves, it is clear that this sort of slavery was not essential
to the productive mode ..... In general, feudal slaves were mostly house-
hold servants, for independence from local retainers who might, in a
crisis, show loyalty to their own caste or community. For smaller land-
holders, particularly soldiers pensioned off, the slave was often the heir,
actually so adopted, who would care for the age and disabled master
during his life time".18
Kosambi thinks that slavery increased in the Mughal period and the
increase was dueto the Mughal policy of breaking the age-old village
communes :
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Great Britain.
The real cause of increase in commodity production was the collec-
tion of land revenue in cash instead of in kind which, according to Irfan
Habib, came into vogue in the thirteenth century:
The peasant of Northern India or, at least, of the central regions,
paid his revenue in cash as early as the 13th century. In the Mughal
period the methods of assessment, chiefly used in Hindustan, namely,
the Zabt and the form of J\asaq based upon it, involved the direct
statement of the revenue demand in terms of cash. No provision is on
record for allowing a commutation of cash into kind in any circum-
stances. On the other hand, when the methods of crop-sharing and
Kankut, both of which set the demand in terms of the produce, were
used, commutation into cash was permitted at market prices ....21
But, the Arabs were not the innovators of this system, though their
monopoly of foreign trade contributed to its rise. Internal trade was
stimulated by the resurgence of foreign trade. R S Sharma observes:
On the whole in the 11th and 12th centuries Northern India witnessed
an expansion of commercial activities, which seemed to have declined
during the four centuries following the collapse of the Gupta rule.
One of the main causes of the increasing internal trade seems to have
been the revival of foreign trade . . . 22
If trade by itself had been the sole cause of the commutation of land
revenue in cash, then the system should have originated in Gupta
times itself. The spread and increase in the cultivation of cash crops and
the spurt in the caste-based crafts,23 entrance of Marwari and Gujarati
mercantile and money capital in internal and foreign trade, brisk activity
in Indian ship-building, all this taking place in the eleventh century, de-
notes a new and higher stage in feudal production in India.24 These are
the factors taken in their totality that necessitated the commutation of land
revenue from kind to cash. R S Sharma gives concrete instances of this
important change in the Indian revenue system:
We have, however, a very important piece of evidence from Central
India which shows that revenue was assessed in cash and not in kind,
as was the case in earlier times in various parts of the country. A
record of the early thirteenth century (12.3) informs us that a business
document executed apparently by the Mahamandalika Pamparaja,
probably a feudatory of the Kalacuris of Ratanpur, fixed the revenue
of the village Jaipura at 130 Sarahgadama-achus as previously
settled and 140 Vijayaraja-tankas. It also states that the revenue of
another village was fixed at 150 Vijayaraja-tankas .... This need not
be attributed to Muslim influence, for the Delhi Sultanate established
in 1206 hardly covered this part of the country. On the other hand
the existence of the practice under the Sultanate should be taken as a
culmination of the process that had begun in North India in the 1 Ith
and 12th centuries.25
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The feudal mode of production is generated and developed within the
framework of the old tribal society. It is not generated and developed
within the framework of an imaginary society divided between slaves
and slave-owners. In the Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State,
Engels shows how among different tribal communities the transition
to feudalism takes place. True, there were many slaves in Athens
and Rome. But that does not prove that Athenian and Roman socie-
ties were divided between slaves and slave-owners or that these were
prefeudal societies. In fact before man can be bought and sold like
commodities, the means to buy and sell them-money-should be
sufficiently developed, the mode of production should be developed in
order to utilise their labour power, there must be a market in which
to sell the fruits of their labour, etc. Engels described precisely this
kind of economic activity at Athens in connection with the growth of
slavery there.36
In order to buttress his theory that slave society is an illusion
(maya) and feudal society is the only reality, he puts in the mouth of
Marx and Engels his own formulation that the main conflict in Greek
and Roman societies was not between slaves and slave-owners, but between
the poor and the rich of the free sections of these societies:
The main contradiction in this society is still between the rich and the
poor Athenians; it is these sections of the pauperised people who drag
down with them the whole of the Athenian state.
Things were not materially different in Rome. On March 8, 1855,
Marx wrote to Engels: 'A little time ago I went through Roman
history (ancient) again up to the Augustan era. The internal history
simply resolves itself into the struggle of small versus large landed pro-
perty, specifically modified, of course, by slave conditions.' Here again
the main contradiction is between big and small proprietors.37
The methodology of Marxist scholars like Ram Bilas Sharma
attempts to prove exactly what the bourgeois revivalist scholars had
directed all their efforts to accomplish. Was the proportion of slaves in
Greek and Roman societies so negligible as R B Sharma makes it out to
be? Let us see what Engels himself has to say about it.
. .. When Athens was at the height of prosperity the total number of
free Athenian citizens, women and children included, amounted to
about 90,000; the slaves of both sexes numbered 365,000, and the
dependents-immigrants and freed slaves-45,000. Thus, for every
adult male citizen there were at least eighteen slaves and more than
two dependents. The large number of slaves is explained by the
fact that many of them worked together in manufactories with large
rooms under overseers ... 33
Even before the reforms of Solon (B C 594), slaves outnumbered
free Athenians.39 As for the Romans, their main industry, agriculture,
was exclusively worked by slaves.
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then under a democracy, was that the island had a large slave popu-
lation. When the Persians conquered Ionia the citizens of Samos
sailed away to Sicily, where they seized the Greek city of Zankle.
This they did with the support of Hippokates, tyrant of Gela, who in
return for his assistance took half the slave population, together with
the majority of the citizens, for work in his chain gangs. When the
Persians invaded Greece, they were under orders to enslave the in-
habitants of Eretria and Athens and despatch them to Sousa. They
were able to carry out the order in respect of Eretrians, who were
eventually settled near the Persian capital; but the Athenians eluded
them. ... It seems that even at this period there already existed in
Anatolia large landed estates worked by slave labour; for, when
Xerxes entered Phrygia at the head of his army, he was entertained
by one Pythios, reputed to be the wealthiest of his subjects, who
bestowed on him vast sums in gold and silver, adding that he still had
plenty to live on from his farms and slaves.
Following up the victory over Persia, the Athenians captured Eion in
Thrace and sold the inhabitants into slavery; then they sailed to
Skyros, enslaved the inhabitants, and replaced them with planters
from Athens. Meanwhile Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, had kidnapped
the common people of Magara Hyblaia and Euboia, two Greek colo-
nies in Sicily, and sold them for export. In 430 B C, at the outbreak
of the Peloponnesian War, the Athenians captured Argos Amphilo-
chikon and sold the inhabitants into slavery. In 427 B C Thebans
stormed the neighbouring city of Plataiai, executed 200 of the men
and enslaved the women and children. In 421 B C the Athenians
captured Torone and Skione. At Torone they despatched the men to
Athens and enslaved the women and children, and resettled the
territory with planters of Plataiai. In 416 B C they subjugated Melos,
massacred the men, enslaved the women and children, and resettled
the island with planters from Athens. During the campaign in Sicily
an Athenian squadron sailing along the north coast put in at Hykkava,
kidnapped the inhabitants, and sold them at Katane. After the rout
of the Athenians, not less than 7000 prisoners, Athenians and their
allies, were thrown into the quarries, where many of them perished,
and the survivors were sold into slavery.42
This is the account of the Greeks enslaved by the Greeks. As for
alien peoples enslaved by the Athenians, Thomson observes:
We learn from Aristophanes and other Attic sources of his time that
the slave population of Athens was drawn from countries as distant
as Illyria, Thrace, Scythia, the Caucasus, Cappadocia, Phrygia, Lydia,
Caria, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia.43
The industries of Athens ran on slave labour and huge profits were
made by slave-owners by hiring out their slaves.
The same author (Thucydides) records that in 413 B C over 20,000
slaves deserted to the Spartans, who had occupied Dekeleia, most of
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The truth is that, just because they were based on small-scale produc-
tion, the Greek city-states, having grown up in conformity with the
new developments in the productive forces, especially iron-working
and coinage, were able, under the democracy, to insinuate slave
labour surreptitiously into all branches of production, and so to
create the illusion that it was something ordained by nature. It was
then that 'slavery seized on production in earnest'. This was the
culminating point in the evolution of ancient society.52
The only scholar who has gone to the root of the problem of
slavery in ancient India, pressing into his service his vast erudition,
neglecting no source of information available on that subject, was the
late Dr Dev Raj Chanana. The most significant contribution he makes
to our understanding of ancient Indian society is as follows:
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6 N C Kelkar, op. cit., pp 77-78; V Pavlov, The Indian Capitalist Class, pp 273-275,
299, 304 if.
" E M S Namboodiripad, Kerala : resterday, Today, and Tomorrow, pp 115-116.
12 Ibid., p 2.
'" B R Ambedkar, Who were the Shudras ?, p XXI.
14 Ibid., pp XIV-XV.
Is S A Dange, India: From Primitive Communism to Slavery, pp XI-XII.
16 Ibid., p XVI.
17 D R Chanana, Slavery in Ancient India, p 3.
18 D D Kosambi, An Introduction to the Study of Indian History, pp 348-349.
't Ibid., p 350.
20 Ibid.
21 Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India, pp 233-237.
22 R S Sharma, Indian Feudalism: c. 300-1200, pp 248-249.
g3 Ibid., pp 251-253.
24 Ibid., pp 246-247, 249-250, 269.
25 Ibid., pp 258-259.
2a D D Kosambi, op. cit., p 350.
27 Irawati Karve, Kinship Organisation in India, p 366.
28 0 R Ehrenfels, Mother-right in India, p 61.
2t Irawati Karve, op. cit., p 11.
?2 Ibid., p 366.
t1 Padmanabha Menon, History of Kerala, Vol II, pp 272-273.
s2 Irfan Habib, op. cit., pp 73-74.
23 J Kashyap, (Ed.), Majjhima-nikaya-pali, II 43-1-3.
34 J Kashyap, (Ed.), Vinaya-pitaka, Mahavagga-pali, VI, 18-30; The Sacred Books of the
East, Vol XXII, p 106.
35 J Kashyap (Ed.), Anguttara-nikaya-pali, I. 14-6.
BB R B Sharma, "Feudalism, Varna, Caste and Nationality", Marxist Miscellany, p 188;
also his Bhasa aur Samaja (Hindi), pp 133, 211-212.
27 Ibid., p 119.
38 F Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, p 117.
39 Ibid., p 112.
40 Ibid., p 146.
41 Ibid., p 117.
42 G Thomson, Studies in Ancient Greek Society, Vol II, pp 197-200.
48 Ibid., p 200.
44 Ibid., p 201.
e5 Ibid., pp 201-202.
46 J G Frazer, Adonis Attis Osiris, Vol I, p 74.
47 An Outline of Social Development, Part I, p 62.
48 Ibid.
4' Ibid,, p 109.
50 R B Sharma, op. cit., p 119.
&1 Ibid.
52 G Thomson, op. cit., Vol II, pp 204-205.
58 D R Chanana, op. cit., pp 23, 43-44.
4 R S Sharma, Light on Early Indian Society and Economy, p 35.
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