Constitutive Relations and Conditions For Reciprocity in Bianisotropic Media (Macroscopic Approach)

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Constitutive relations and conditions for reciprocity in

bianisotropic media
(Macroscopic approach)
Department of Physics, Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication,
Technicka 8, 616 00 Brno,

Abstract: - The paper deals with reciprocity relations in bianisotropic electromagnetic materials. Different
forms of material constitutive relations are discussed and reciprocity conditions for different approaches to their
derivation are considered.

Key-Words: - Reciprocity principle, bianisotropic electromagnetic media, constitutive relations, reciprocal


1 Introduction material reciprocity conditions (in linear scope).

For any electromagnetic materials, including the Some misunderstandings are connected with the
wide class of so called bianisotropic (BA) materials derivation of condition for material reciprocity.
it is important to consider in what extent may be Even nowdays one can see in the literature the
some general physical ideas helpfull in material different points of view (Sec.4.2) on this problem.
research. In the phenomenological electromagnetics For appreciate the medium to be reciprocal or not,
there are three general restrictions imposed on the the symmetry properties of field equations and of
material parameters. These are: material relations are important. One must consider
- restriction following from Onsager-Casimir the symmetry with respect to time inversion (which
principle expresses the symmetry of kinetic decides on the validity of reciprocity principle) and
coefficients (expressed as so called Onsager- the space-symmetry properties (parity) which dictate
Casimir reciprocity relations), the structure of the material tensors.
- restrictions which follow from spatial symmetry
of medium structure,
- restriction prescribed from the energy con- 2 Constitutive relations in
servation principle. electromagnetic field
Some problems are connected with the choise of
constitutive relation for BA media form. Present
author (in Sec. 2) prefer the so called E-B
2.1 Different forms of the constitutive
representation which is more suitable from physical relations
point of view, namely for understanding the The relations between fields vectors in dielectric
connection between microscopic and macroscopic and/or magnetic media can be expressed as
treatment to material properties. The application od functional dependence in the form
reciprocity principle known from electromagnetic ur ur ur uur ur ur ur uur
field theory is based on the time-reversal symmetry D = D( E , H ) , B = B( E , H ) (1)
of electromagnetic field equations. Then Onsager or
reciprocity relations and/or Onsager-Casimir ur ur ur ur uur uur ur ur
D = D( E , B) , H = H ( E , B) . (2)
reciprocity relations (Sec. 3) well-known from linear
non-equilibrium thermodynamics, allowed express
the macroscopic consequences of microscopic
reversibility and may be used for derivation of

ISSN: 1109-9445 Issue 9, Volume 4, September 2007


ur uur
In the first approach are E and H considered as field modelled by coupling between the electric and
ur ur magnetic fields in the constitutive relations.
vectors (so called primary fields) while D and B The media for them the constitutive relations (3) –
as excitation vectors (so called induction fields). We (4) are valid are generally named bianisotropic
will prefer here the approach (2) in which are E media (BA media).
and B considered as field vectors (primary fields)
ur uur
while D and H as excitation vectors (induction 2.2 Conection between E-B and E-H
fields), e.g. [1, 2]. Both approaches are used by approach
many authors and for using each of them are in In modern E-B concept of microphysical basis of
macroscopic treatment acceptable arguments. From electromagnetism the macroscopic field is
macroscopic point of view are both forms conceived as piecewise homogeneous entities not
applicable. The approach (2) is more varying continuously in spacetime. In contrast, the
convenient/worth from physical point of view (see E-H concept is essentially macroscopic. The present
e.g. [3]) namely for understanding the connection electromagnetism is a microscopic science, even
between microscopic and macroscopic treatment of though it is mostly used in its macroscopic form. In
material properties description. In this case the microscopic approach are the following two
constitutive relations we can write in the form (in (primitive) fields: the electric field E and the
the frequency domain)
magnetic field B and both vary extremely rapid as
ur ur ur uur ur ur function of position x and time t. Their sources are
D = ε E + α B , H = β E + µ −1 B , (3a,b) r
the microscopic charge density c( x, t ) and the
r r
ur uur microscopic current density j ( x, t ) . Macroscopic
where the field D and H are expressed as linear
ur ur measuring devices average over relatively large
functions of the fields E and B . The constitutive spatial and temporal intervals. By means of
relations are named E-B (or Boys-Post) r
macroscopic charge density ρ ( x, t ) and current
representation. The tensors ε and µ represent ur r
density J ( x, t ) is possible formulate macroscopic
the medium permittivity and permeability and the
Maxwell equations (in which are the free charge and
tensors α and β describe the cross coupling free current densities considered as sources) [4, 5].
ur uur
between the electric and magnetic fields (so called For induced fields D and H the following well-
magnetoelectric crosscoupling). All named tensors known relations are valid
are functions of electromagnetic field frequency ω.
The four 3 x 3 tensors of the second rank in the most ur ur ur uur ur uur
general form contain 36 independent parameters. D = ε 0 E + P , H = µ0 −1 B − M , (5)
The relations (3) describe a broad class of media ur uur
with spatial and frequency dispersion. If ε , α , β where P and M are electric polarization and
and µ are scalars, the medium is called biisotropic
Note that constitutive relations (3) may be 3 Reciprocity relations
written in a cartesian coordinate system as
3.1 Onsager reciprocity relations (ORR) and
D j = ∑ ε jk o Ek + α jk o Bk , Onsager - Casimir reciprocity relations
k =1 (OCRR)
(4a,b) In two seminal papers published in 1931 [6] L.
H j = ∑ β jk o Ek + µ −1
jk o Bk . Onsager derived, with the assumption of
k =1 microscopic reversibility, (i.e. reversibility at the
microscopic scale) a set of reciprocity relations
Here operation o indicates a temporal evolution applicable to proper and coupled linear phenomena
operation in the time domain and means simple which are valid at macroscopic length scale, in
multiplication in the frequency domain. variety of situations.
There are several classes of materials that In 1945 H.B. Casimir [7] improved the
manifest magnetoelectric behavior and which are foundations of the ORR and formulated generalized

ISSN: 1109-9445 Issue 9, Volume 4, September 2007


reciprocity relations (OCRR). ORR and OCRR were ε iε j = 1 (Onsager), ε iε j = −1 (Casimir) (9)
initially considered as applicable to purely
instantaneous phenomena or, at least, in processes
and we can speak about symmetric ORR when (7)
when time lag may be neglected. Later were
is valid and about antisymmetric OCRR when
reciprocity relations (RR) widened in their scope as
a result of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem by
Lij = -Lji (10)
H.B. Callen and R.F. Green (1952) and then for
time-harmonic phenomena by H.B.Callen, M.L.
holds. When among f independent parameters the
Barash and J.L. Jackson (1952) [8, 9].
number of α-parameters is 1,2,……m and the
number of β-parameters is m+1, m+2, …f, so
OCRR have the form
3.2 Onsager´s approach
Onsager derived the relations between so-called Lij = Lji (i,j = 1, 2, …, m) (Onsager)
thermodynamic fluxes Ji and thermodynamic forces
Xi. He obtained the relations (see e.g. [6]) Liγ = -Lγi
(Casimir) (11)
(i = 1, 2, …, m ; γ = m+1, …, f)
J i = ∑ L ij X j (i, j = 1, 2, ... , f) (6)
Lγλ = Lλγ (γ,λ = m+1, m+2, …, f) (Onsager)
L ij = L ji . (7) From (9) it follows that even (only even) or odd
(only odd) variables are coupled by a symmetric
The phenomenological coefficients Lij are constant, matrix and even and odd variables (mixed) are
i.e. independent on Xj . Coefficients of type Lij (i = j) coupled by an antisymmetric matrix.
are called proper and these of type Lij (i ≠ j) are If an external magnetic field is acting, it must be
r r
called mutual or cross coefficients. reverse not only all the velocities ( vi → − v i ) but
Let we note that ORR cannot be obtained from r r
also the magnetic field orientation ( B → − B ).
purely macroscopic arguments alone, but only with
the help of supplementary hypotheses, such as the Only then the particles retrace their former path –
time reversal symmetry of equilibrium correlation this is a consequence of the expression of the
functions and linear regression of fluctuations. In Lorentz force. The reciprocity relations (8) have
macroscopic approach ORR must be postulated. now to be replaced by
r r
L ij (B) = ε i ε j (−B) . (12)
3.3 Casimir´s approach
We can here remember that ORR were derived The same reasoning can be applied for processes
for α-type parameters which are the even functions taking place in non-inertial frames rotating with an
of particles velocities. Casimir gave a modification r
angular velocity ω . This is the consequence of the
of ORR for so-called β-type parameters, which are form of the Coriolis force. Here not only the
the odd functions of particle velocities. velocities of particles but also orientation of angular
The general form of OCRR include both r r
velocity ( ω → − ω ) of system must be reversed.
mentioned situations, e.g. [7, 10]. In the scalar form
L ij = ε i ε j L ji (i, j = 1, 2, ... , f) , (8)
4 Reciprocity in electromagnetic field
where f is the number of independent scalar fluxes
and (in this time) forces which are present in this 4.1 Electromagnetic reciprocity – general
linear constitutive equations. Here εi = εj = 1 for The application of reciprocity principle in
the case that coefficients Lij deal with crosseffects electromagnetic (EM) field is based on the time-
which can be described by only α-type or only by reversal symmetry of electromagnetic field
β-type parameters. equations. ORR and/or OCRR allow express the
In mixed (combined) case εi = 1 and εj = -1. It macroscopic consequences of microscopic
means that reversibility in linear electromagnetic materials (see
e.g. [10, 11]). Reciprocity relations may be e.g.
applied to the constitutive relations (3) of linear

ISSN: 1109-9445 Issue 9, Volume 4, September 2007


ur ur ur ur
homogeneous BA materials, in which E and B are
ur uur α jk ( B 0 ) = − β kj (− B 0 ) ,
considered as the primary fields while D and H or (13c)
are the induction fields presented a response in/of ur ur
material. In the same time must be respect that α ( B 0 ) = − β T (− B 0 ) .
ur ur uur ur
vectors D and E are even and H and B are odd uur
with respect to time reversal. Here B0 is the time odd parameter, namely an
The symmetry properties of field equations and external magnetic (magnetostatic) field and
of material relations are very important in
symbol T note the transpose matrix.
electromagnetic media knowledge. In particular,
symmetries with respect to time inversion define We can see that the tensors α and β
whether a particular material is reciprocal or not. (magnetoelectric coupling) are mutual anti-
Space symmetry dictates the structure of the symmetric.
material tensors. Form (13) it follows, that isotropic media are
There are many attempts to generalize the reciprocal and anisotropic media with symmetrical
reciprocity principle (RP) for BA media. Gyrotropic permitivity and permeability tensors are also
(i.e. gyromagnetic and/or gyroelectric) media with reciprocal. Bianisotropic media that satisfy (13a)
non-symmetrical constitutive tensors caused by an and (13b) and in the same time condition
applied dc magnetic field ( B0 ) have been called α = β + are reciprocal if α and β are purely
nonreciprocal because the usual reciprocity theorem imaginary matrices.
(RT) as Lorentz, Rayleigh-Carson or Feld-Tai Interesting is the approach of Lakhtakia and
reciprocity does not apply to them (more about see Depine [17] which consider the (linear) CR for
e.g. [12]). The quantity „reaction“ introduced by ur uur
Rumsey [13] made possible to derive the reciprocity electric polarization P and magnetization M as a
ur ur
theorem and so called „modified RT“ [14]. linear functions E and B . Using the OCRR (11)
and (12), they obtained the relations

4.2 Macroscopic conditions for medium ur ur

ε ( B 0 ) = ε T (− B 0 ) , (14a)
reciprocity ur ur
Macroscopic conditions of reciprocity for linear µ −1 ( B 0 ) = µ −1T (− B 0 ) , (14b)
homogeneous BA medium one can obtain as direct ur ur
consequence of Maxwell equations and of known α ( B 0 ) = β T (− B 0 ) , (14c)
constitutive relation (CR) e.g. in the form (3). If we
know (or define) what electrodynamic system is
Still open is the question how to clarify the different
reciprocal (with help of mentioned notion
results (13c) and (14c). Note that Onsager in his
„reaction“), so from Maxwell equations with using
papers considered the motion od microscopic
of considered CR we obtain the reciprocity
particles e.g. in heat conduction, diffusion flows and
conditions for the medium parameters. Following
related transport processes. In this sense are the
authors [12, 15, 16] we can obtain, with using of
Onsager fluxes directly concerned with particular
OCRR (11), the conditions for medium reciprocity
motion. In dielectric and magnetic materials
in the form
corresponds to these processes the transport of
ur ur electric charges in processes of electric polarization
ε jk ( B 0 ) = ε kj (− B 0 ) and magnetization. Thus, in order to correctly
or exploit the OCR in electromagnetics, one must
(13a) ur ur
ur ur consider E and B as primitive fields and isolate
ur uur
ε ( B 0 ) = ε T (− B 0 ) , those parts of D and H , which indicate the
ur ur presence of a material, because the mentioned
µ jk −1 ( B 0 ) = µ kj −1 (− B 0 ) , microscopic processes cannot occur in vacuum. The
or (13b) quantities represent corresponding parts of D and
ur ur uur ur uur
µ ( B 0 ) = µ −1T (− B 0 ) ,
H are P and M , i.e. electric polarization and
magnetization (see eq. (5)). In this sense the
condition (14c) corresponds with Onsager symmetry
relations (7).

ISSN: 1109-9445 Issue 9, Volume 4, September 2007


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