Electrical & Electronic Systems: Analysis of Power Reduction Techniques Used in Testing of VLSI Circuits
Electrical & Electronic Systems: Analysis of Power Reduction Techniques Used in Testing of VLSI Circuits
Electrical & Electronic Systems: Analysis of Power Reduction Techniques Used in Testing of VLSI Circuits
ical Elect
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Journal of Jadeja et al., J Electr Electron Syst 2015, 4:2
urna l of E l
ic Systems
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0796.1000148
ISSN: 2332-0796
Research Article
Research Article OpenAccess
Open Access
One of the most important parameter over the past decade in VLSI design is the Power dissipation during
manufacturing test, as the circuit consume much more power during test than functional mode of operation. This paper
presents analysis of low power testing techniques by which Power optimized test patterns are obtained. The compaction
technique has been validated using benchmark examples, and it has been shown that average 33% of test patterns
have been reduced by which power is minimized. Evaluation of various techniques under consideration in this paper is
carried out by open source tool ATALANTA for test pattern generation and MATLAB for optimization.
Keywords: Test pattern; BIST (Built in Self-Test); Test data reordering; the information about number of primary inputs, number of primary
Test data compression outputs, number of gates, logic level of circuit, fault coverage and
numbers of test patterns.
Generated test pattern undergoes two different techniques which is
Testing is a process which ensures that the response of each test pattern compaction technique and test pattern reordering technique
fabricated circuit is acceptable. Production of authentic VLSI circuits to obtain power optimized test patterns. Test pattern compaction
depends strongly on testing which eliminates various faults caused by technique removes the test cubes which are identical and reduces the
the fabrication processes. Switching activity increases during testing test pattern volume whereas test pattern reordering technique reduces
of different circuits compared to the normal operation of the circuit the switching between two patterns therefore the number of transition
which raises the power dissipation and hence may lead to lower circuit reduces. At the end compression bits are measured in percentage in the
manufacturing yield and reliability [1]. Different prominent approaches section IV.
for low power VLSI testing which are well proven and widely used
are discussed in. Combining compaction and test vector ordering Test Pattern Compaction Technique
technique reduces power dissipation during testing of combinational The aim of test compaction is to cut down the number of final
and sequential VLSI circuits. Experimental results, using compact and test vectors. Test power reduction can also be achieved through test
non-compact test sets, have shown that compact test sets have similar pattern compaction. Compaction is the work of combining multiple
power dissipation during testing different circuits with reduction in test cubes into one if they are compatible. Two test cubes, c1 and c2,
testing time and computational time when compared to non-compact are said to be compatible if two corresponding bits in c1 and c2 do
test sets. not have opposite logic values [4]. Conventionally, compaction is
Test Pattern Generation
Test pattern generation is an important part of the VLSI testing
flow that offers many possibilities that can be explored for reducing
test power dissipation. The most significant advantage of reducing test
power through low power test pattern generation is that this approach
causes neither circuit overhead nor performance degradation. ATALANTA
However, low-power test pattern generation is a technical field, in
which many important factors in addition to the effect of test power
reduction has to be considered. Such factors include test vector count
inflation, potential fault coverage loss, increased test pattern generation
time, compatibility with compressed scan testing and test generation
flow modification as discussed in. Low power Automatic Test Pattern
Figure 1: Atalanta Results.
Generation (ATPG) is an advanced class of ATPG that targets.
Test power reduction in addition to fault sensing during test cube
generation [2]. General test generation targets combinational and
sequential circuits. The goal of general low-power test generation is *Corresponding author: Shaktisinh Karnubha Jadeja, Marwadi Education
Foundation, Electronics and Communication, 9 Neels Bungalow, Near Saurastra
to create a sequence of test vectors that cause a minimal number of University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India, Tel: + 91-8460235938; E-mail: jadeja87@gmail.com
transitions at inputs between any two consecutive cycles.
Received May 13, 2015; Accepted June 09, 2015; Published June 25, 2015
The Table 1 represents various benchmark circuits, taken from Citation: Jadeja SK, Patel R, Popat J (2015) Analysis of Power Reduction
ISCAS’85 benchmark suite, used in this research work (Figure 1). Techniques used in Testing of VLSI Circuits. J Electr Electron Syst 4: 148.
Atalanta [3] is an open source tool used for Automatic Test pattern doi:10.4172/2332-0796.1000148
generation and Fault simulator. Test pattern generation results include Copyright: © 2015 Jadeja SK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
circuit structure, ATPG parameters, test pattern and fault simulation. the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
Table 1 shows result of test pattern generation which includes source are credited.
Page 2 of 3
Benchmark Number of Primary Number of Primary Number of Logic Level Fault Coverage Number of
Circuit Inputs Output Gates of Circuit In % Test Patterns
C17 5 2 6 3 100 7
C432 36 7 160 17 99.237 69
C499 41 32 201 11 98.945 85
C880 60 26 383 24 100 98
C1355 41 32 546 24 99.492 110
Arrange the
Test Pattern
Compaction using
ATALANTA Reordered test patterns
(a) (b)
conducted to reduce the final test vector count, it can also reduce test
Figure 4: Test patterns (A) Original Sequence (b) Reordered Sequence.
power if power is considered when compatible test cubes are merged.
Compaction technique selects a target fault in such a manner that the
risk of violating capture power limits is minimized [5]. hamming includes following steps which are demonstrated with
Compaction of test patterns is done on different benchmark example of C17 benchmark circuit (Figure 3).
circuits using ATALANTA tool. Table 2 shows number of test patterns Steps of Reordering [5,6] are given in Figure 4.
before and after compaction for each benchmark circuit.
The example in Figure 4 shows the reduction in transition with the
Using test pattern compaction the average reduction of 33% in test help of reordering. Test pattern of C17 benchmark circuit are reorder
patterns is observed. Test pattern reordering is done on compacted test to minimize switching between test patterns.
vectors for reducing switching activity (Figure 2).
As power is directly proportional to the switching activity as show
Test Pattern Reordering Technique in Equation, Power can be reduce by reducing switching (transition)
Test pattern reordering technique minimizes the number of between patterns.
transition between all the patterns. Reordering can be done using Pα CV 2 (1)
different algorithms like Shortest Path Algorithm, Traveling Salesman
Problem (TSP), Simulated Annealing (SA), Hamming Distance, Where
Genetic Algorithm (GA) [6], and Ant Colony Optimization [3]. ∝ is Switching activity
In this paper Hamming distance based ordering is done for C is capacitance
minimization of transition between test patterns. Reordering using
Page 3 of 3
Benchmark Number of Transition Reduction (Table 4). Test stimulus compression should be an information lossless
circuit test pattern in procedure with respect to the specified (care) bits in order to preserve
Before After ordering (%) the fault coverage of the original test cubes. After decompression, the
ordering resulting test patterns shifted into the scan chains should match the
C17 5 13 9 30.77 original test cubes in all the specified (care) bits.
C432 46 2961 1832 38.13
C499 53 1052 754 28.50 Conclusion
C880 57 7638 5498 28.02
In this paper we have presented different power reduction
C1355 84 16535 12457 24.66
techniques used during testing of VLSI circuits. This techniques is
Table 3: Results for reordering technique. applied on test pattern to minimize test data volume and switching
activity. Combining the different technique like compaction and test
Benchmark circuit Compressed Bits vector ordering technique, reduction in Power dissipation during
C17 10 testing combinational and sequential circuits. The proposed techniques
C432 828 better compression with no penalty in area and time. This techniques
C499 1312 can be easily adopted for power reduction.
C880 2460
C1355 1066
1. Girard P (2000) “Low Power Testing of VLSI Circuits: Problems and Solutions”,
Table 4: compressed bits of different circuits. Quality Electronic Design, IEEE First International Symposium.
2. Moorthy P, Bharathy SS (2013) “An efficient test pattern generator for high
V is Supply Voltage
fault coverage in built-in-self-test applications” Fourth International Conference
After reordering the transitions of above test patterns are reduced on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) 1-4.
from 13 to 9. Column wise ordering of test patterns is done in given 3. Wang J, Shao J, Li Y, Huang Y (2009) “Using Ant Colony Optimization for
example of Figure 4. Table 3 shows the experimental results of Test Vector Reordering”, 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ISIEA 2009) 4-6.
reordering technique applied on combinational benchmark circuits.
Result shows that average reduction in transition is found 30%. 4. Wu PH, Chen TT, Li WL, Rau JC (2008) “An Efficient Test-Data Compaction for
Low Power VLSI Testing”, Electro/Information Technology, IEEE International
Test Pattern Compression Conference.
5. Wu PH, Chen TT, Li WL, Rau JC (2008) “An efficient test-data compaction for
Test data compression technique is used to handle the problem of low power VLSI testing” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information
increased test data volume. The test data volume for manufacturing Technology 237-241.
test of modern devices is increasing rapidly [7]. This is due to the facts 6. Mehta US, Devashrayee NM, Dasgupta KS (2010) “Hamming distance based
that the transistor count for these chips is increasing exponentially and 2D reordering with power efficient don’t care bit filling: Optimizing the test
the use of advanced technology introduces new physical and timing data compression method.” International Symposium on System-on-Chip
Proceedings, SoC 1-7.
related defects, which require new types of test. It is well known that
power consumption during test is much higher than in the functional 7. Hashempour H, Lombardi F (2004) “Compression of VLSI test data by
mode due to increased switching activity in test mode. Therefore, arithmetic coding.” IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault
Tolerance in VLSI Systems, DFT 2004. Proceedings: 150-157.
efficient techniques that minimize both test data volume and test power
consumption are required. Techniques such as test data compression 8. Roy S, Gupta I, Pal A (2208) “Artificial intelligence approach to test vector
reordering for dynamic power reduction during VLSI testing.” IEEE Region 10
and built-in-self-test (BIST) are used commonly to handle the problem Conference 1-6.
of increased test data volume.
Test compression call for compressing the number of test data (both
input and response) that must be stored on automatic test equipment
(ATE) for testing with a settled test set. This is done by adding some
additional on-chip hardware before the scan chains to decompress
the test stimulus coming from the ATE and after the scan chains to
compress the response going to the ATE. This reduces amount of
memory in ATE and even more importantly reduces test time because
less data has to be transferred across the limited bandwidth between
the ATE and the chip [8]. Moreover, test compression methodologies
are easy to adopt in industry because they are compatible with the
conventional design rules and test generation owns used for scan testing