What Is The Meaning of Radarr
What Is The Meaning of Radarr
What Is The Meaning of Radarr
The word radar is derived from Radio Detecting and Ranging. Radar
systems operate on an echo principle: high-energy radio waves in pulse
form are directed in a beam toward a reflecting target. When a pulse of
energy strikes a target, which may be a mountain, rain clouds, it reflects
back and a portion of the pulse is may reach the originating antenna used
to receive the reflected energy back to the radar system.
Distance = 123.6 nm
Time required = x
123.6 nm × 12.36 µs
= 1527.70 µs.
4. If the time taken for a signal to hit a target and return in 1545
microseconds, what is the distance of the target?
Distance = Time
1 radar mile
= 1545 µs
12.36 µs
= 125 nm
In early types of radar systems, the display on the CRT was a horizontal
scale and was called an A scan. The time between the transmitted pulse
and the received pulse indicated the distance of the target from the
transmitter. With this type of scan, the direction of the target could not be
determined except by changing the direction in which the antenna was
• Peak power
• Pulse width
• Pulse interval
• Rest time
• Average power
• Fall time
• Rise time
Pulse width = 4 µs
Rest time = 16 µs
PRF = 1 / 4 µs + 16 µs
= 0.05 µs
A) Rapid triggering
B) Fast cooling
11. Why wave guide are used for wheather radar system and not
twin feeder or coaxial cable?
13. The wheather radar transceiver divided into 3 section, name and
explain the purpose?
Receiver :
Data processing :
The data processing circuits use the received Rf return signal to produce a
data signal encoding the range , bearing and target information for
display on the system indicator. These circuit decode the analogue Rf
return signal, example reflected from a target and then digitally encode
the information into a format, usually video that decoded by the indicator.
14. What colour used for wheather radar mode and map mode?
Radar mode :
Map modes:
Cyan : minimum detectable ground return.
STBY: When the button is push the system is energized to warm up the
magnetron and other circuits but there is no transmitter output.
CYC: When the button is push, the radar function as a normal weather
operation but with a flashing contour function. Example, it flash
on and off for the highest return.
MAP: When the button is push, the system operates in ground mapping
mode but usually only on the 10 NM and 25 NM ranges.
Range Control: The range switch selects the maximum selectable range of
the weather radar displays and has full scale selection of 10 ,
25 , 50 , 100 , 200 and 300 NM. There is a final TEST position,
which when selected produces a test patterns on the display.
With the majority of weather radar systems, when they are put
into their system test, they do not provide transmitted output but
scanner moves.
STAB Control: This switches the antenna stabilization in the pitch and roll
axis on and off.
TILT Control: This rotary knob controls the tilt angles of the scanner
between +- 15 degree.
FREEZE Control: When pressed the weather display is frozen and a flashing
HOLD annunciation alternates with the weather radar mode
indications. The first button press enables the function and the
second press disables it. The weather radar systems continues to
updated when this function is in operation so that the latest
information is available when it is deselected.
SEC Control: When selected this reduces the scan width by 50%,
typically from 120 degree to 60 degree doubling the normal scan
rate. This function is useful on short ranges when the weather
picture is changing quickly. The first button press enables the
function and the second press disables it.
With the flat-plate antenna, there is less signal loss to the sides of the
17. Where does the transceiver receive the pitch and roll
When the self test switch is initiated, it will produce a test pattern on the
display. All system have a self test feature which is usually initiated by a
switch on the indicator or a specific test switch on a convenient
instrument panel. Most system provide a 50 ft presentation when
activated, and if the DH value is set above 50ft, it will also test the DH
function. The indication that will normally show when testing radio
altimeter indicator using 7 segment digital display are : decision height ,
test altitude and 8888 (all the eights to ensure illumination of every
segment). The test altitude displayed will vary with the manufacturer.
Example, COLLIN ALL101 test altitude is 40 feet, the BENDEX 250 feet
and the TRT is 100 feet).
19. A cloud is painted on the PPI in red, green, and yellow.what does
these colour represent?
Red cloud- represents high moisture level at 8mm ~ 12mm, severe levels
of turbulence possible with lightening.
Range resolution - ability to separate individual target like storm cells with
respect to range. If the range resolution incorrect, the target will merge
therefore pulse width will be altered (narrower). The pulse width
measured in microseconds divided by the velocity of light.
22. What maximum range of radar altimeter and its purpose of this
Cabin indication.
24. If the DH is set to 200 feet and self test is activated. Explain the
The displays will show decision height, test altitude, and the ‘8888’ (‘all
eight’ to ensure illumination of every segment).
The typical frequency range for radio altimeter is at 4.35 GHz to 4.25 GHz
and operates with a carrier wave (CW).