Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Every part is included into the active part making a component request and thus an
assembly. The component will be the child of the active part and then it will be the active
part. Hence an instance of the actual part is applied; it revises automatically if the
archived part is edited by activating.
Bottom up Hierarchy
The ‘bottom up’ assembly design hierarchy of the basic assembly is shown in
figure 4.2. All the parts exist prior to Part1. When Part1 is generated, it becomes the
active. It would utilize the menu sequence to add Bracket and it becomes the active part.
As per example shown in figure 4.2., ‘Bracket’ is a child of Part1. The dashed
line represents that ‘Bracket’ exists in the 3D file Parts Z3. The dotted line represents
that ‘Bracket’ is inserted into Part-1. After Bracket is
added, Part1 is redefined. Bolt and Washer are then added the same process and Part-
1 is reactivated again.
Subassembly Module is generated like the Bracket, Bolt, and Washer again will
be a child of Part1. But, Module Subassembly remains active when seal is developed.
Seal will be the active part and by default also exists in File-1 but is inserted into Module
Subassembly hence it was active at the time of seal was created. Subassembly Module
is then reactivated and Module is generated like a Seal.