Pearson: Fast Fin Ishers Activities

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ISBN: 9789876154246



@I Pearson

• Who...?

1. helps somebody living near his / her house 3. receives help Lo help others
2. uses an instrument tu help others 4. helps people in the morning

He !p yourself helping others

Helping others can help you feel better. It can make your life meaningful and the world a better place. Some
people enJoy helping others. They use their sacre time to do things for people in need.
In this website, we share some ideas.

"I go to school in the afternoon, so I have free time in "I'm a taxi driver and I don't have a fixed working
the morning. I'm good at playing the Quitar and I like schedule. Once a week, usually on Soturday
singing. I visit children in hospital twice a week and afternoon, I take my neighbour Fernando for a drive.
sing for them. llave seeíng their happy faces when She is 15, and she can't walk. I love hearing 2 her laugh
they see me." when we drive around the town."
timando, 14 Teresa, 26

"I don't have much free time because I have lessons "I'm quite old. I walk very slowly ond I can't walk long
both in the morning and in the afternoon. On distances. I can't drive. I'm retired but I'm always
Sundays, I play football with my friends. I don't like busy. I read books and record them for the blind. My
sleeping in the morning, so I visit some nice elderly grandson takes the CDs Lo 3them. 1 help others and I
people in a house near the club on Saturdays. I get help myself because I feel good doing 4this."
up at 9:00, go Lo their place and read the news for Augusto, 78
1 them. We talk for a while and I come [Dock home
happy." Do you have coy more ideas? Send sus your message.
Joaquín, 12

• Find words or expressions meaning: O Write about something you like doing for
other people.
1. Free
• When do you do it?
2. I do something welt • How do you feel?
3. Past the middle age

O What do the following words refer to?

1. thern

2. her

3. them _

4. this

5. u s

II Extra Practice Unit 1 ()Pearson

Two is enough

O Read the article and suggest a title for it.

Chinese family structure is experiencing

a transition from "Extended family" (three
generations living under the same roof) to
DINK (Double Income - No Kids), a new choi-
ce that is popular with young couples. Pres-
sure and competition at work an.d a high cost
of life are the most important factors that
influence their decísions. Another reason is
that couples are starting their families at an
older age. They work full time and spend very little
Zhang, a 32-year-old seeretary, and her hus- time at home, so they share household cho-
band Zhou, a 35-year-old engineer, are what res. Zhang cooks dinner and Zhou lays the
we can call a DINK family.
table. Zhang usually takes out the rubbish
They enjoy going out a lot, so having a baby
because she doesn't like to wash the dishes.
is not in their plans. They also want to travel
Zhou does that. Together, they keep the flat
around the world and get a better position at
tidy a,nd clean. The first to arrive hoovers
work. the floor and they don't leave things in the
They live in a small flat in downtown Beijing.
There is only one bedroom and a small living wrong place.
Their life is very well organised at the mo-
room with a kitchenette and a bathroom in
ment... but are they going to change their
their house. They don't have space for a baby
and they don't want to get a bigger flat. minds in the Cuture?

O Answer. O Imagine your fannity in the future. Describe it.

• Are you going to be a DINK family or do you
1. How many members are there in a DINK
want tu have kids?
• Where are you going tu live? Describe your
2. Where are Zhang and Zhou from? future house.
3. Why don't they want to have kids? • How are you going Lo organise house chores?
4. What is their flat like?
5. What does the husband do for the house?

O Find the opposites.

1. wife
2. cooperation
3. part-time
4. rnessy
5. dirty

©Pearson Unit 2 Extra Practice III


Harry Potter. a case of resilience

O Read the text and choose the correct summary.

a. J.K. Rowling atways wanted lo be a successful writer. She studied al university, married, wrote popular
books and always had an easy life.
h. J.K. Rowling had a difficult life, and she could change it thanks lo good luck.
c. J.K. Rowling went lo university, had a difficult life and cota change it thanks to her imagination.

Movies are very glamorous, but living. But all she wanted was to write International, where she worked. She
sometimes they start in very strange novels. understood that -we don't need magíc
places. In the case of the Harry Potter She entered Exeter University, but she to change the world, we carry alt the
series they begin with the books by wrote stories at the canteen and didn't power we need inside ourselves: we
J.K. Rowling, and her life was not go to alt her ctasses. Finally, she have the power to imagine better. -
always glamorous! graduated when she was 21 years old. J.K. Rowling took her daughter for a
In June 2008, J.K. Rowting delivered Compared lo other people, seven walk every evening. They stopped al
her Commencement Address - The years after her graduation her tife cafés and she wrote Harry Potter while
Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the was a complete failure. She divorced, the little girl slept. In 1995, Rowling
lmportance of fmagination" at the didn't have a job and had a daughter to finished her manuscript of -Harry
graduation ceremony at Harvard educate. And she was peor! Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
University. But faiture was not bad for J.K. and her life changed comptetely. Now
She started with a joke and then Rowling. It gave her the opportunity she is a world best-setter, ene of the
reflected on her own Life experience. to start her writing career. She had richest women in England, and the
Her life was not easy, but she coutd nothing, so she did not risk anything. Harry Potter movies have millions of
fínd her way. She discovered wonderfut friends. She viewers. She is married again, loo.
She was born in a working-class found a way lo survive. Success carne out of failure.
family. Her parents were not wealthy, Imagination helped her understand She closed her speech saying: is a
so they told her to take a vocational people better, and she used that tale, so is life: not how long ít is, but how
course. She needed to earn her to hetp refugees at Amnesty good it is, is what matters."

O Read the text again and answer the 2. A "Commencement Address is

questions. a. a place
1. Who is J.K. Rowting? h. a tetter
2. Were her parents rich? c. a speech

3. Where did she study? 3. "Fringe benefits - are

4. How old was she when she divorced? a. reduced benefits

5. Why wasn't failure bad for her? h. additional benefits

6. When did she finish her first manuscript? c. unimportant benefits

7. What is she doing at the moment? 4. A "vocational course"

a. teaches a tot of theory
O Choose the correct option.
b. teaches how lo do something
1. "Resitience" means the capacity c. teaches where lo do something
a. to suffer bad experiences
O Write about a film you saw. Include the
b. to recover from bad experiences
title and type of film and your favourite
c. to enjoy bad experiences
IV Extra Practice Unit 3

Stress and you

O Read the text. According to the author, are these sentences true or false?

1. Stress is healthy. o
2. There are many different sources of stress. o
3. Eating well can fight stress. o
4. Mistakes are usefut. o

What is stress?
Stress is the body's reaction to events. Our blood circulates fast and our arms and legs shake nervously.
We have to stop this feeling or we might fall

What causes stress?

School demands and parents' expectations. Extracurricular activities are also important sources of stress.
Besides, problems with friends or dating failure can make us react stressfully. Family problerns such as
divorce or the death of a family member add to this feeling.

How can we fight stress?

A good way to face this process could be to keep a healthy diet, eat regularly and take time to eat
calmly. To avoid behaving anxiously, we could learn how to breathe deeply and think positively. Also,
practising a hobby can be relaxing. And saying what we want or need politely can be really helpful.
Learning that changes are a natural part of Life, that mistakes help us to do things well in the future
and that friends are always next to us when we need them is a good way to live comfortably.
Believing in our potential and following our instinct can help us enjoy Life and live healthily.

O Find adverbs in the text modifying the O Complete the pieces of advice from the
following actions: text with should 1 shouldn't.

1. shake 1. We stop stress.

2. eat 2. Parents have too many
3. breathe expectations about their kids.
4. say things 3. We eat fast.
5. I ve 4. We behave anxiously.
5. We betieve in our potentiat.
O Complete the orders with the
corresponding verbs in the affirmative or O Write a brochure welcoming a foreign
negative form. exchange student to your school.

1. many extracurricular activities. • Describe the place: where it is, what it is tike.
2, positively. • Describe what students and teachers do there.
3. a hobby. • Give some lips about the things they should /
4. good friends. shouldn't do al school / in your town.

.1 '-arson Unit 4 Extra Practice


What is vegetarianism?

O Read the text and decide if these sentences are true or false.

1. You can be a vegetarian and eat meat. o

2. Lacto-vegetarians eat cheese and cream. o
3. Ovo-vegetarians can't eat an omelette. o
4. Labels on products describe the ingredients used to make them. o

Vegetarians are people who don't eat dairy products or meat [red meat, poultry and seafoodl. Some very

strict vegetarians clon't eat animal-derived food either.

Peopte choose vegetarianism for many different reasons, e.g. health, religious, aesthetic, economic, etc.]
diet rejects all animal products. An ovo-
That is why there are many varieties of diets. A vegan
lacto-vegetarian diet admits dairy products but
vegetarian diet inctudes eggs but not dairy products, a
diet inctudes both eggs ad dairy products.
not eggs, and an ovo-lacto-vegetarian
Some foods contain unfamitiar animal ingredients. Vegetarians say we should read the labets on

products before we consume them.

diets. They consume fish and poultry and only
Some people are not so strict and go on
diet, which includes fish but no rneat.
reject red meat. Stitt others follow a pescetarian
doesn't include any animal-derived product,
real vegetarian diet -
According to the Vegetarian Society, a -
not even eggs or milk.
Now you know all this, woutd you like to be a vegetarian?

O Read the text again and find phrases that You are taking part in a marathon next
explain why these people are vegetarian. month. Write about your diet:

1. María says: - My skin is beher now thal I'm • What should you cal?
vegetarían. - • What can't you cal?
• How healthy is your regular diel? What
2. Indira asserts: - Cows are sacred. We can't eat
di yuu diariyaup
their meat. -

3. Gregory complains: - My doctor doesn't [el me

eat a good barbccue. -
4. Eugenia comments: - Living alune has changed
my eating habits. Vegetables are much cheaper-
than meat. -

O Choose the correct option.

1. Strict vegetarians don't eat much / any
animal-derived food.
2. Peopte are vegetarians because oí
some I many reasons.
3 A pescetarian diet includes a lot of / no fish.
4 Not many I Not much people are - True
Vegetarians - .

VI Extra Practice Unit 5 ©Pearson


Aimee Mullins: model and athlete

O Read and tick Aimee's occupations.

teacher O motivational speaker O sportswoman o reporter o

model O soccer player o designer o actress o

Aimee Mullins was born in track team at Georgetown

Allentown, Pennsylvania, in University and at the 1996
1976. She studied at Parkland Paralympics in Atlanta. In her
High School in her hometown. class, she set unofficial world
Then, she graduated on history records in the 100-metres dash
and diplomacy from Georgetown (15.77 seconds) and the long
University in Washington D.C. jump (11'41/2"). She can also
Atter that, she won a place in ski and play baseball and soccer.
the Foreign Affairs internship She works as a model, too.
programme at the Pentagon. "People Magazine" named
Aimee is also a sportswoman. her one of the most beautiful compares prosthetic legs to
All this could be similar to the life women in the world. She is a eyeglasses and says: "In the
story of many other people. But member of the L'Oreal Team same way that people wear
she is not an ordinary woman: together with Jennifer Lopez. desígner eyeglasses, I have got
she doesn't have any lower She is also an actress, and designer legs" (she has got 12
legs. Doctors amputated them appeared in Cremaster and in pairs of prosthetic legs). She
below the knee when she was World Trade Centre, where she asserts that attitude is what
one year old. But she never sat played the role of a reporter. She can make a change. She is
on a wheelchair, and learned would like to be a Bond Girl. meeting people and talking
how to walk on artificial limbs. At the moment, she is a to them to help them find
She competed in the women's motivational speaker. She "a silver lining in their clouds".

O What do the following numbers refer to? O Choose the correct option.
• 1976 1. An ninternship programrne - is
• lUtt
a. a programme to tearn
• 12
b. a programme lo gel in-service training

O Answer. c. a programme to teach in-service

2. - Prosthetic Lego - are ....
1. What did she study al Georgetown University?
a. permanent tegs
2. Why did she work al The Pentagon?
b. artificial lego
3. What sports can she do'?
c. new Lego
4. Who does she work with al L'Oreal?

5. What vvould she like lo do as an actress?

6. What is she cloing al the moment?

O Find out about someone who is special
and write his / her biography.

©Pearson Unit 6 Extra Practice VII

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. 9 aspJax3 uonetwoju!
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- awoD uipev\I •ry

•luane luepodtui
dn 1nd / pan1V •£
sn41 eieneleDo (awol spueyi

1.01 V 'suoolieq at.11 (Ano)

* auer pue
.sapimpues 3q1 alew pue led •z
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(alew) ewpueJ9 'Áeppd uo -ÁpeeJ r It?.3 sJpe JL eAlJp / cuy •L

aJe suelap u uy .Áep,inTes Ixau ÁlJed ilepqmq
- sueld Inoqe annebanaiu! pue (y)
15.111 S,UlnbeOr teleJcialeo) am
amiebau d (r) annewlje ato u! saDualuas
- snonunuop al!im pue Isn Jaq4e looi -Áep_inles Ixau
luasam ato u! slalpen sq.lan ato lnd 6u!dweD 6u!06 9_1E' spuapjJaq pue encifiv

30113VIM dVIMAIVd0
33n3ei ci e.n.x3 g vun

•epuewv 'itepuoini uo la!p Áw pels 11 . 1 :eJpues

lieuu!p pue

ypuni aJojaq auo Isnr • zi :epuewv

¿lea noÁ op s4aams MOH :enues

ualem ot )1u!-IP
1 puv - awos Isnr • 6 oN :epuewv

¿saeq ieaJap 8 T2El noÁ oci

•LiDnw AJOA o>1111,uop 1

asnepaq 't_pnw oN • Tea 1 :epuewv

9 lea no/1 oc :enues

•waul ano] •sJead

pue saidde , lea •seÁ :epuewv

¿l!ruj LisaJj

lea noÁ 00 ¿Arul Inoqe pu 25

. sayielaban lea 1 laam

El sleals 0M1 JO auo Isnr • :epuewv


noÁ op jan ti2t7LU t MON — aas :eipues

. ;anD e uo wi :epuewv

jOJO noÁ mis moH •epuewv oilaH teipues

Áuew ou pnw )ou Auew •1,

uallo Átiet.0 yanw •LL

jo e Áuew

upnw 0U Áuew IOU Áuew .6

Áue ipnw Áuew •8

awos Lpnw lo] e

awos Áuew Áue '9

lo lo 4 01 e Áue • M11-131199'0 L aS333H '9
Lpnw Áuew awos • ÁlY1010H • I, ISV-1 •
V1dVS 'O L 0011V1A1 'V
1131111.1 j0 101 e lo] e .c
01Hd '6 kIllY1 'E
Lpnw ou Áuew 1 01 2 • JU) '8 11031371 •
Áue Áuew 143nw INOON 'L /l1518d315VM

- uwnioD 6u!puodsamoD ala u!

. syluem Lual! luala . swal! pool 6 u!m011 01
aql u! 114 04 uondo palIOD aql asoou aLp pele] o]. JapJo sJallal LJ4 Trld O

30110Vdd dViA1lAlVd9
uosJeado 9 11ur1 0) !Peid e-fix3 jl

(sasn alow i0j vu(1 - 1 1ana7 eas)

pfepinjes uo aie /iota -MCWOW01 6LINICO si am - alep JO popad / awp atilam6 Állensn 3M.
I .Jauuip J0.1 5upaaw aje ami •sueid aanInjlnoqe o.
snonupuo) wasam ato asn am

/ann'oN/ Áaul noÁ / 3M sa,1/4
¿asaauD 6u8ea ÁaulinoÁ/ am angr . a1P10i0qJ ieqi / no), / am
- aqs / aq 'oN / 's! aqs/ au SaA

¿OSOOLID aqs aq •ale)oDoLp &mea 1,us! 11 / aL1S / D1-1

'jou w,i 'ON 1

¿osoaLp Une° 1 wv . alclopoLp 1

snonu!woo 4ueseid

poij ipnw wJq ,b5„) Áuew

, IUDJI? :15 1

ODInf Áue Tus! aiagi Jaiennjo samoq Áue Drai 1

- 11 jo lo] e - aJayi . sayoead jo 101 e o lo(i

• anno awos si aJaq± •sJead awos I

ON JqT 'SaA waL11 oN

¿>11!W Ale alai] si ¿sa6ueuo Áue eJeU1 ,)P,/

1ol e/OWoS OJOLII e awos anij. GJOLL

qpnw moH ¿aiow ole ‹.-;nueurci ÁLIPW AAOH


. 1JELID OLfl alaldwop pue omasqo

11017W puo huow ijo o 'ñu° 'ewos - 1.191-1W MOH puo tiuow moH

sunou leJrlTd aJojay UEJO e asn OU op


Jejem jo apjoq e

11 'nos lo jared e '>1) .1U1 JO uome9 e :asn DM wayl lunop o'

pajem 'pes 5iiiuu) w..toils-asiewoi 'saiddei leJnid e pue loiew

. oj e j
- LuJoi ieJnid e aneg 0U op /tau_ . waql lunoplouueD am 'oxide ue) Jeln6u!s e arseil Áaqi . walp lunop UED OM
., .

sunou eÑol.unooun puo eicpplunoo

LL 0314DeJd eax i T'un uosieado

. awn. 6uoi e Jalle

laaw Áaq4 uaqm Áliensn spuayd '9

- pueq awn s!t4 «ni\ ,aÁqpoo6,

!DT 6u!Lueal s! Aqeq aui
pSels inoÁ Áofuj
. »,(16!Lt
noi( wow JÇW uaLim eACI -I
p006, W
OS 'spiew anetl Ailensn 1,uop sa!!!wej. qs!lpg -41-4
'SJ@UURUJ poo6 seq pue
no)( wato ql!m bunealou sÁemie aus . 9D!u ÁJeA s! ep6e1A1
ai,noX}! pue —9 no), .saplunop
iaLpo ueLp Ja!pea Tea samwei 101J eLIT
pos Áaql aJojaq sJalq64 owns
tirq 1,uop pue ilipuapj we
. flO/
•. ollau, ¡tes o spueq
itatp asnepaq no),•awou
aidoad 'suo!Tem!s iew_iol u!
slad aneu Áaqrsiew!ue 9A0I DK:load qsnug
„ no), 'saEsuelp
loop O wn. anal Áliensn 1,uop ¡Cal!'
kiessapau aqiae saDualuas
os Sawou ap!slno >pom uawom
alaidwoD z aspJaxi woJj spom asn
.1!al.p)100D sanlinD lualajjlp woi}sa!!!wed J7ISVSIH51 *E

0311CHNSH •
no rt os knunop leinTinDmnw e Si pueibuj
o sdp awos !Apene M alaH
apuei6u3 u! Áprus o 6u!uueld 'aun pea u! scpan oAm pu!d

hnumi Lis rli e

9213.rtffluvr1 aounimS

wat]] pinoLis . Áfinja.t eD Onyp

aidoad asneDaq s4LiappDe JeD ÁLIew GJB 9JauJ_ •1
Ál!wel e Lwm ÁmelJojunD anq .6
- Ánnu e ui ate am uaqm Á1t)A01S kleA ',nem am '9
>i_tomasnou &pu pinoqs
.5 1:1 51 J!'-11
eei an!..ue Lupinous ol aÁqpoo6 ¡(es o moq sJaulow 'eunitaLiv u!
stegw umo JnoÁ andatcl pinotts . Áddeq ate noÁ ualim auws JeAeU noA
wauj jo puje aq Lumnous - suopenl!s leuuJoi. /Can u! 6nq spua!Jd

samninD luaJajpo idane pinous •6u!daais s! Áqeq eq uaum Álpnoi leads no,

Jajjo Áatti Janaleqm lea o Apea., aq .e laaj J!aw, Lwm akipoo6 anem uatpi!uo

saseJud ill!An ainmsui aberibuei 43e-IJOD saDualuas

Jatuwns atn Joj °impon aqi alaidwo3 o ato alpmed .spJom panon! eql elan

UOSieado tj i!iin 0D!Peic1 e-nx3

Áliew alann Áaqi •6u!daais

. Ái!wej nslewel!qo aLp qu'y\ luads au sluawow si rfisieq au . asealcl ' jeedS 'S
asoul ne slaqwawat au •daais :LIAD 1 os
mou lne _talla] sem xaiv pue
Jel!n5 aul sÁeid Jnoqu6!au Áln! ' 47
61nuu!6aq etie 9 lig e sem
UJfl Jno Joj. !e/\/‘ O eneu
. spueu aleus , .uo!upe.4
am os 'anon b atp ui aidoad lo e ate 9..telu
asaueder aql Si lela lle
- Ápn sÁennie
Áaql 'o-nau mes Áa(l uaum . padsat jo ub!s e si
asneDaq saous s!L! „ au 'asnoq SI /JON\ siq os ' ¡(ion sawm xolv 'Z

aq4 le pamne aq uaum .kwej Isoq asaueder

e LIPA^ ,a1-1 - awweJ6aJd se eq sayswil OH '1U@5M011.11 i(JOA 911 "L

96ueuDxa ue t x 91V SOCC ul

'epa/Te ue tp!esn saDualuas et alaiciwoa O

¡npapuom oiciepoiwoaun llo >10o)

5-ue..ils o5uedls paifels pajed.iprped
nAGLI Aldey /(pddeti Áipuer_li pamoci

- spJom ema aanii 0_1e aJaqi
'xoq aun. woJI spAom ill!An sluelq ato ivd e

o •aie no/1 aJaH 'e_ins *a °Z

o . ÁJaneq ou seu II kuos w . !

o - Áepol Tool un w . 1 •AJ.JOS W . I ')

o ¿woJj no/ ate ataum •a_ms .q *1

o aul anal Luop 1 .ÁiJos w . ! .e

'Llsor Joj su0nsa66ns 9..10W aa_an ppv
'SJOAASUE 6L11M01104 ato
(pm 01 aspJax3 sTsanbai aqi uipievi
• osamaus uo slooq JnoÁ daal

uado aqm aisedulool OLflanew!


.Jooll aui uo saLpop JnoÁ aneal
¿ aseaid pinoD noÁ uo!Isanb inoÁleada.,
. .1 ■ )/).A01.1` ,;

gAeg noÁJ9Tje Jooll aul kip '47

¿ ueD uad JnoÁ mo_uoq
- uado iod Je6ns aul aneei 'E

6 / pino) / aseaid nort awou 0W an!ip

oneq noÁ _Ione dnD JnoÁ qsem 'Z

¿ pinoD / Joop aw aseaid uado noÁ 7 - 96p!Jj at_n lo In° slu! lp anea]

'op Lupinotis pinoqs qsor s6u!tp

¿ ueD auqow JflÜA / 1 / 00
jo Isn atp, alaidwoj -Ápflun AJOA, si IISOr
• sp_tom ato lnd
e 5111 Áeis oj usar pal!Au! pacnv

30110Vdd aVIAJIAJVd9
9 eD!Peid eilx3 uosJeedn

>Lpepeoll e aney

SU0113120..1 anne6au asneD ueD siauuew /fipeg peg, - u_lowssep jo In° o6 o sluem offluefaly 7

- aJaudsowleMe.poiwoD/aiqepoiwo,), e alean
'MOJJOW01 wexa ue seq eiJem
01 ÁJ1 Áaql pue nam/poo6, noÁ GAI9DeJ aidoad

asneDaq apru aq 1,upinocis pinoys, no), new6 uuldse ue asiej

pieti Áprns ÁdJos ade no/Xcs
ie aldoed 'ifiemod/apiod c TaaJ6 noÁ uaqm . sJoop
oialsooq eui o? o5 uoissillmad Joi yse
suado sitemie .inogs/allwsz y - ap!u sÁennie aq

1,up?notis pinotis, noÁ '4wejmau e l!s!n noÁ uaqm 'saDualuas oi!JAA oj xoq ala
woJi sasend asn ¿op /tala pinoqs wqm
'11000 TDOJJOD 0111 0sooq3
Ápea paq o o6 u3-1131!1-10 •
- sewi paapuny e bu!ql awes ei •Bu!uJou_i BID dn alem Lue6 noÁ uaul
u!eldxa LTD OH A.,I@A si panly . 1011.11e sawe6 oapn Áeid no,

ni u! asen all6eJj 0Z:01, le sIJ els

O s! aJaw asneDaq xoq aip uado wexa aql 00 . 0 CA!JJC CM •C
'SS21D UI paq itels noA

su-10gs sÁennle aH U0pUEJ9 nno o6 no A - moD e 106 aA . noA 7

uawabol awp poob e aneq iiC Cm - woo.issep
e Jeam no), .pioD ÁJGA S . 11 • L
Áw jo aiaudsoLwe aqi Aofue 1

- y Lninn wexa Jaq passed etj . 1,umnotis pinotis tam sluelq aql u! 11!d
Á../e/1 qsli6u3 sleads eaJpuy

0spJ0x3 peq) am noÁ uaqm . nort luew, Áes '8

WOJJ spioArk qwn saDualuas aql alaldwoj O . amen jeep o waw

leaw eq ai1 noÁ '9

Állue!wd )1.111

9 injaleD aney noÁ auto\ amow Jnor( °5

dpiu •wetj o leads noÁ uaqm
kialnod 9
•waw 01 padsal °E
- pueq S . JGLej
peq pue JallOW eq / SIL] 7
poo6 Áu-?s
noÁ uaum sluaied iaq / sal ol •L
• auuew lo q_lanpe JO ampaípe
130_1103 0q4 qi!m peqDoq alaidwo3 O OST1 Opt,C15. MOCIS 4170 LIS
a>letis Xes ssm d?ety

1JOAAe111011 Jay ql!nnJals!s JnoÁ diaq LueD no), .s 'WJOJ annebau JO anuewmie
aqi u! amieJaduu! am as n - asnal s,puepi
. looq qsq6u3 mau e paau uaipilqD aqi e in l!s!A IsJu ala ioj savu ala aiaidwo3 11)

33113Vdd dVIAIIAIVde
U OSJE9d C) ]iU fl 0)!IDeJd ei1x3

puejsiapun /pop ./CDos L11,1/ 7 .1 buffleai Jals.ts "

Ápv .kuosi . uosea., e an!B Isnw CM' . ou . Áes CMuaym
•.saA . /tes 01 /3sino.3 10
mins ÁL-; aA,\ •pinop .to Lle.) asn tuop sJamsue ay],
iino HaLVMj

- 1sanbai elnod e alew

•Bumawos op 01 uoiss!wJad iojlse o] .

pina)/ uep asn Cm
juoouane Aedi

kpeg oi snijflC I pinol/si - ap!npe J01>ise 0 •

¿ pul o] ureidxa pino3
i'dopop e aas pinogs nom - ap!Ápe am6 01 •
¿ yooq ino/( modioq ueo Eupinoqg pue pinoqg asn am

pinos uoj .311 Ji awoD pinoys

jSej -41(— 1Sej •

nam -4-- poo5 .
:Jein6a.ui °Je scpanpe awos

Áycldeq kldeti iflizginb jamb

,(/!0 00 -4-- Asea xi ls A4019

(supiied oN
- samleJadw! asn 1,uop ann 'suEls Driqnd u' .
•slsanbei amod alew 01 ,aseaid, asn .
iuonuane Áed_i
°pi 6umieds
Álpapad -4— papad . raseaml 'offieJ .9tp go tuni) - sIsanbai a)1ew 01 .
ifppinb 4 ›pylb . I . J.tnosme anaH) . 6uNlawosJejlo 01 •
:sanipaipe woJj scpenpe Isow LuJoj DM (•siemue ay; tpnal Luog) - 06u!Luem 0n16 01 •
iuotwaue Ale(' abed uo sooq _mol( uado( ssuopnilsu! am6 o .
[p.imop ps) •SJap..10 0/116 01 •
anileaadtui ato asn am
•s6um op aidoad moq aqinsap 01 .
Jauuew jo spianpy asn

ÁJJ Luop 'aseaid aseJici 'Dinlqu_i e Ilem

sÁa>i Jnoil anea] Luou awoo
'Aufman3 S>1.10M allaUUV
s 511em uew Plu al I

JOUUOW j.o scpenpv emloiedwi

IdVIMANde •1/)31:1 S,131

EL ap!peld e.ux3 E l'un U 0 S..1 e d C)

. eweup eq4 u! 1! lee aidoed '9

- 144 eql u! Jolse luepodw! lsow aq1 'S

uo tulq. aqi lsefaid Áaqi_ 7

' I

W114 e ui uosJed ieuo!ls!d •C

ay] Bu!uslem eidoad 'Z

9 J.0 H
aiy si.a)isq eql Ánq noA

aql04 Bunmone spaom aun alaylwo3


•1811 1 -1 41 'IP
. uoipv '2

. uousq aDUalDS


O .Jebuep ui uewom e penssai Áds y s

O - asnow 6u!liel e se m JaiseJeqs u!ew ala 97

O .Aij pinos siea •E swig ;o spum arload etuatn)

1.1a1SUOW eiqpioq e sem eJeq± .z
- buimJCtrfl uweini jo eig p101 II • L
O ain u! L aspJaxi u! spuom 911.1M 42)

la-e) swiq lO
spupi aqi 04 (g-L) suoncippsap aLli qpielAL
21 13 flU01 d 1 dH 11

- sJels 4o 5401 eigAA aJaqi OAd I V i VIS d 1

lie B p006 Lusem Iliq6noql 1 '9 13N AJAN° 113 V1

3 1 I 3 >I 31S
iu-1 111 at-11 Pa111 Állea-1 1 'S
1vhisritiliNs I V
. Áuunj ÁlieeJ sem II *Y
21 1111 21 1-1 1 El H S 21
. poo6 1 . uaJa/v‘ sisaba iepeds qj 'E 1:1 1H13N
iluenpiq sem 11 7 ai10 3 51 1(11A1 1-1
rime sem 511I4DE eta NEI AA YO A 01H03

lanne6au) - loa -1 . ewaup

pue (ann!socl) + :suo!ssaicka aq ÁL!ssem In!An papauuop SpJOAA alow uanala pu!A
UOSJE9dC) E l!un ap!pud eipc3

. 1sejlealq peq Rau

•aa14.0D loq pue siseo'
•11s!; 51y

"Pal!es 4111
. ÁepunS u0

*9 buuns pue ILLICM Acmgam (f M uatim • L

moH P!P 4M P!P hin

4111 o6 t_leAP eql dn uo gas
jeqo eJaqM 1D 1 P IBLIM P!P ¿Áuuns
PU) IrLIM Áaqi ¿,o6 uolsBuN IJ

«sJamsue Bu!Anonoj ala Joj suousanb puu O

- Ávwei 1j J0J aDuayadxa

•Lisu e 1u6nes BElan
snoilakiew e (aq] - o j cy, oz 5!ci e
(t_plea) .7:14g■nelT) é GL1S (A0W)
ueD e pail uols6uN mAl •6 poi s. iaLpoiAl Ueqj :mol] ue (waas) Li
arinumi IlDe3 luaddeiranya-~„ BumoN

Áfiwej s!LI eno.ip uoisbuN *..11/1 •8 •aw!1 awos JOJ (uemi \ rr C YAv Áatii
liielstszwyCa , ainluaÁpe 1113"meiaAp eq), dn

(1!es) 10\\,40 ci /tau spo 6u!qsq awos pue

•pes aiaM 6 6aie pue Bei/ •L
lepq e lai!qi UE JaAy Lfl 01
wayl (l' an!ip) yryv-vt„ uo1s6u!y1 J'A( •pnDxa
unlow Jt PgfieD eqS . 9
ki gA lle,( 9 q) . 41 -11*ÁBID Lie-1014!P e
ene4,91 Ál!wej eqi (ai!Au!) uoisBuN
•aiciel ay uo ezz!cl e mes alls s pue Jeifle6oi isepiewq (aney) g

-11 e 4 41 . weql u!of 01 la) uemsiNs

•Ái6ue sem uolsBuim •sitAi •ry kleais ay]. pue uaysm oiTtaJ9-"" pue Bevj mes)
9 e gs e q e4 aul uo gallos loq Bq]. pue
aqi (ees) ujitu_aum Áddeu
Jeuuip paJedeid uolsBuN
,zSIV(V\ uois6uN, .S.111 'Ávw aq1
Iséplean ieJede_diRbikatoy4--„ pue 4!ea
eel dn alom u01s6u151JLAJ.z
AJeÁ dn (eJem) -y-rvs, uosI5ui> jj Áuuns
pue WJEM gen4 4.! 4,u9em P 'oN pue LUJEAA lerl) 9 " ialneam eq Áepuns
*Álliei se m Áepuns 1se1 *1
. Áepuns Tse] p!p
uoneuu oju! 6u!An0n0i suols6u!yi ala lewinmoulo uuoi apiw!s
aqi paJJOD pue u!eBe p<al aql pead lsed aq4 slia513EiCi U( sepan atll lnd

LL !Pe-ld EJ1X3 C l!un 1.10SJBO Í ICi",

leRacts aun I V.

pue looci OLj DI luann uuv "9

otls DU0L1 °O. . 9

pue doys eqj ü uem am
JE91D 11.0U)
•wi!J uo!pe ue am 'Áepseni uo "E
8 ¡tau] nq 'lsep aln uo
'.1.01EM 10 0..1111 e
S:11_11JdJe6Ulj CUJOS aJaqi
eqs ley Álsi!!_u os sem es!i 7
¿JaJap.inw eq aqs
- M0.1 51•31-rJel .31_111.11 1'9 L14 0 9 Pue MAI •

.£ aspi9x3 WO..14 SW.J0j lsed . sieumpp OLII (ou) 41-11

aul 40 awos uum saDualuas aul alaidwoj 'OJILJOD 6u!ddokis

gull le Ápel Bunor( eq

- Álls_ieniun suos atu
Jeq OLfi e gem Jouo!suod OLII

- aq oj cpan aul jo upoi ised aun

mbno- my- n- alaidwoD pe 1s!1 s,uosjem ampalaa
mooi -ilevalsart 91111..0 e sem aleta O
005 LLIIMS /Íes >p./Ti
tipleD .sfupp Ánq

. utuniOD rtrij/o
pe_LIOD ala xoq ato u! scpan ala jo
4.eppur 4e
SW..101 'sed aul ajpm 'SW.101 aidms ised (00./ JeJ Du»1 pexe III? IV

maul Jevms ale sepan Jein6an! awos O jAepsoupam uoj laam ow, lo skp
usnbry uoj seiep NO
/Qui ti!) Árp III 10 Ç1 inrI
*S [91 oz uri
pa]uyz u!) -.;1113`..;1:W_i
psntinv '.l 10001 Ni

"Z 01111440 SUORISOdeJd

atue9 •L
10111 /M2[31.101/1 /
Ised apinbau ised Jein6am isei
pliC)HOM )100PA / 111110111 / .112 ,JÁ
bu!uJow s!tu.
>pONI jUrem >,lem puis o>few o) In
MOWI 0,i/AZ.J ./ . aney 06 an.r5 ,341.103 u (Jou J-)1J / 1)11111Jo u ÁepalsaÁ
. uwnioD paLIOD ato u! waqi aipm ¿xoq
aul u! sqJan aul jo aidw!s Ise d aql s! ieum 020 gUOISSOJd X0 OWI4 4S0d

d0110Vad 1:1VIAJINVd9
uosJe LI d C Hun a 3 Peid e-14x3 O L

Mepialsait sawp aadqj pauotid 1) )4sed atil u! suonge paleada noq e >fiel .
(•>/aam Ise) )spuep 9Lfl O])uam 1) • ised aql p.aqs!up uorpe uelnoqe fiC o.
aldw!s ;sed asn am

papintl iÇj iiii. palso!w) ¿o 1/1 PaItrq IP 1 1 , poi,,Lue 3A1.1 ir?

pawny; ¿pino paÁc Áeid paddous deus lio.>1!1 05111 poiur.m.

pa- + lueuosuoD
pa- + 014-- a6ueqa pa- + qian amnop 1141nn qJOA p- + qJatx pa- + qian

sepan Join6a, pot eidw!s isod eqi. Jol eini 6uweds

- peaq iqluJeal aq o aneq /lata 'sopan lou in 41— 1,upw Joj taioninj aq± - Tuawnpop
Jein6a.ui o sujol aidms se JO ap -u ou s! aJaqi JO lewiej UI st.inoi pape_nuoD esn 1 ) UeD no!„
paqwawaa ¡Janwatuati

1,LIP!P ann Áaql aqs aq / nort /1
/ P!P 'SO),

¿nue! alpm Áeid am //Sag] / / eqs noÁ

•10011 e alpnn Lupw iieqijo-r; Áeid upip 0 M/A0 L11/11/aLIS/eHin 0A/1

. A.Jois e alcum / Áq5n paiteid aM/ Á0 L11 /11/ 0 qS/all n 0Ál 1

scpen Join6en! puo Join6ei - eidums 4.sod

pfddeq pou alam /ata noA amjlou aiann 4— 1,uaJann

aq o sed pJOM -t//1/1
(•qnp Qui je Jou sem n /aus/a)//I)lou sem -4— Lusem
¿noÁ OJOM OJOLIM :J0 .1 WJOJ fln all
. swouinDop JO SJO 1101 lewaoi u! sunol pape.nuoD 19511 -1,tteD no),
¡uonuane Aedj

/:)101-11 A )1-11 OLIO!] e LuaJam . qnr, le

. ON aleM Á0111 '50Á

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OAA 'ON . a_laM CM 53]

'oN ¿amui 1i sem 11 . qnp 0I 10 11

aqs ;mis Cl017.1 ,9111 senn

4,usem aqs 'oN/
'obj / sem aq 'SDA .31.1ioq le Lusenn CH 0111

1-10Á 'ON 1-10Á 'SO] onqi itoA ejem . 0111011 le1,uaJann 00] - rinp 0111 2„1,

'ON . SPM 1 t C131.11 1 . .-.Edoti 5 Lusenn .gni).)., 0111 11? sem!

- peto a11 pue aruasqo _ eq 0 1 - eidw!s 4.sod


idVVVINVI:10 31:1 S.131

6 931 13e-lici eJ4x3 UOSJeGde

S(19311/13SS AMI '9

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vidcar og>lVddA "Z
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A 9 9I c1031114N1S
VSH9 SN311SINV »xoq
ON01331VNOVIIAI atp WOJI. asooqj ¿L asp...!ax3 WOJI sparqo
atp puu noÁ op asnoq e u! SWOOJ letyvi 450
_,.ooj alenbs
p.10AA u! saAppaípe OJOW uanas puu
bop aui •LL
paq — '01
us!qqnJ '6
Jauu!p 941 -8

eqe 91-11

p!us e '9
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Jooi4 elfl "7 'S °Z
W00.1 ÁW
JeD 9111 •Z

'ODUO UU." OJOW sqJan awos

asn •saiotp plogasnoq atp alaidwoD
01 E aSIDJOX3 WOJI sq.Jan ato asn moN



81.10JOA dios jopo] atippi

Jrelp poq

'SOJOlp plogasnoq -moyaq sainp!d

Jai swan wioi 01 sJapal alp a6ueneall Bill imm xoq alp u! spafqo atp qpieinj

U0SJe9d() ~Cid eiTX3

ipualoam Áw moqe oium

- )pomawoq Áw O

spuapj JO Ápwe noÁ qi!m_laciwaDea u! s pu e [isa_q , Aepuns LID

. ÁlJed e (DAN)
6u!u3n3 3Lfl UI•uooweije ni u! 6u!cicious
pualaam nije edpueJ6 ewpueJ6 JnoÁ qiim
(05) uaui pue awou
upurii (aneq] 9I
spuayj inoÁ qi!m Áeprims ixau •c OOOL speis upiew ay' 'sluual
„ am pue Áep.mies uo

awoq je 6u!umw MOJJOLUO1 *Z

Ápea idn ia61 am - asnou
Álu le 11169 aqi (Jeis)
puapi. iseq Áw 'uaul . sadv aqijo mueid [pie"
Jaqiow JnoÁ Joi 6uluana s!qi •L
am •spuay pi GWOS

E (OGS) Of TSwei 1 1 11 5 !u ÁePPJ u0

U -0 1)
6u!o6 noÁ ale leqm ¿noÁ inoqe leqm e . pue>iaam s!ui .101 pauueid sBuNi io mi e io6

O laiou e le Áeis o 6u!o6 a,Áaqi
sq_JaA atp jo Wi0j pallOD aun 6u!sn
.JeD Ág -a
. sJaisis m'AA •p
suonualu! JO sueid tp!m4X0 ata alaidwo3
O • ezopueiÁi o oB o 6um6 s,aus i,e!engsrl oj / Ali / '6

O - spuepi maw o 6u!o6 eJ,Áaqi

ipawwns Áeplioq oB noÁ
»slamsue 6u!mopol
atp 01 8 0spJ0x3 suopsanb qe
o Aepoi aneal •L

¿anyl bp /1eLim .9 puwiaam Áped GWOD 10U / Ápuv .9

Repuns anDaq_Jeq aneu s

¿Áeis 6u01 moH s

Jalei spuapj / iaaw .47

6 Áeis 9.1911M

MO_IJOW0i llemooj iteid Áaqi -c

¿qi!m ob ola •E

1.16!uo1 / wiq./ piem am 7

¿ianeJi moH
iepunies uo yeaq ar o6797
1. b`i~g
Áep.mir; / ipeaq o6 aus • I,
/ aieLim
buro5 6u!sn sueid aJnInj
- sueid s,ÁtJuar Tnoqe suonsanb >isv O asatpinoqe saDualuas alaidwoD alpm O

]0110Vdd MVV\IINVde
L 0311.)C d EAX3 win 1.10'.Urade?)

•1116» Jad 001$ slsop uorm atll

- jalo]] JelS-Jn0J 2 5111010H U01111-1 DLII

- SLIJOIDJ 001 sey 11 . 1aloH pJmanis

- sJamsue 6~04404
ato 04 17 0spJ0x3 suonsanb ato tpleini


s! LID!LIM *£

¿( 5 !cl)

s! 11~ •


"a/V9L1(1)W 4.9011,1 Li4. S! 1-1 3 ! 1-1AA

. 901011
. slaypeJci
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u! sampa[pe ato 40 wiol anuevadns
ato to!An suonsanb ato alaidwo3 •ssela DL]] mb OLII SI El lí31.15- s
- u!e6e 0spi0x3 petp ato le Noo -i
limpailp DL]] s! wyj aq] U0Sigd ola •7

liDeaq DL]] ot s! laloH •onhea] ay] u!

PJ ! (011 18 Di n11°H U01111-1 111201 ay] s! pal!uri Jalsoipueh Inq

t.peaq DL]] s! teÁod 'tc.tuas_iv yeti] - si loodJann lu!ln 1 t

0211,1 Si 211111196JV *z
s! 1 3.1 0 H u 0 1111 01-11 . 1a1 0 1-1
p_t!clanig aun uetli s! leÁom ay" . pj.tom 1J1.10,11.1 4_921.101 ni uozewv au • L

loloN p.nuonia ola loloN

W..104 1DeliOD
uoll!H at]] SI 101011 leÁnd atn.
ato u! 1, aspJax3 WOJ4 sampafpe ato
1.sadeaq9 JO auo to!An saDuawas ato a4aidwo3 O
<.>1 lajoH p.nciantll otu stalovi leÁod DL]]

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050j.) dec-9449 6rq

J abbo i
- xoq ato u! sampa[pe ato
40 two4 annepadns ato pue anneJedwoD
ato 6u!sn saDualuas alpm -q - 4Jelp ato alaidwo3 O

33113Vdd 11VIAMV1:10
U0SJI.20,j0 uun appeJd eJlx3 9

•ueD J>,io!up i . uop
110 . e.ap! poo6 os n o y Álu cyl aiunD
1 . I1PD1'11JOS liI . 1
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t¿aw dial/ o] fiwob noX ait rspaq DI]] wiew oj .61.14 wdi . suo!Tualtii pulo sud inoge Ile] o] .
flupe asn am

ÁD111 'ON / - Aoy] 'SO), ¿LIMO) III Áaq) 'timo] o! oq ol 6u!o6 lou 9J,Á0111 . LAMO] Ul

•Luale Dm 'oN / 'aje anA '50Á i,unt,ot ui DM •11M01 Ul °AA •umoi aq oi 6u!o6 ai,am

IUSI 11 'ON / 'SI •1I '50,1, ¿IlM01111 1! •11M01111 li 1 tv; C 1 111 11

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noÁ 'oN / noÁ 'saA ¿I1M0) U1 aq o 6uio6 noA aiv 'LIMO] UI (ley\ •umoi (.11 aq o 6u!o6

• ou w 'oN 6~01111 aq o Buio6 1 wy "Uf.A01 Ul 11,M01

'1...1eip amo alaidwoD pue azdasqo _o eutoo

i - dnoi6 atp --.

I ur /foq jsallej ain s! oppjed rssep ur lueprqs juabmajw jsow atfi sr euv) •sampo[pe annepadns aiopq Dl]] 0917om
revaieDepv uew/1-ipuapi alOW 57 eJpues fsagdepv uew Jamo si uetil - anipatpe an!leiedwoo e Jalle mil asn /(pensn am .

. s6uNIJO suosJad Jallo aJow JO OMI ql!An 6u!ql JOUOSJOCI auo atedwoa o] 010 •
. 96111111J0 suosJad onni. aiedwoa 01 sartpaí. pe joUL1J0j 01-11 •
asn am

JSJOM peq asJom peq

jsaq poo6 Jajjaq [9006

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lsarlpuu.i.ri iflpuopi
jsar;)->) Ágpa /fS1,2,9
Jsa- PPe Ja- pot,
jsapp kip pue!-- ot /1. °huello
- Ja! IP por? / 01 Á- J6uel,r3

ISGUIJ111) '411111) JGULI .1111•11'

jsa- ppo pilo JO- ppe
Isa561q 41— 51(/ pienosuoD alp alguno Ja6b!q 41— 5/q inpoosoop -,lcinop

J53391 .0E— 3.7lti Jo OJO 00,10

450)e 3121 15- ppo J3w7 -4— aje? PPe seml3arpe potis
jsamou MOL/ ..1GMOU MOU
lamenAs su°
lsaneuis fiews Isa - PPP Janetus -4— news pp6

sempefpo 40 wio4 enRopedns puo enu.oiodwoo

g eJlx3 1 4!un uosJeado

ÁJOA S . 11 Inq *a

•Bu!xelai si! mnq •p

. anneaJD si asnepaq 'D

. snoJaBuep sy asnepaq

. 5u!IsaJalu! ÁJOA sy asneDaq •e

o 'yPnw ÁJOA 61.11WW1/V\S 951111,U0p 1 s

o yonw ÁJaÁ ÁJallod Áayl

o Bupis alml . uop am .0

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o SSi 1 D aln 1 SSelp Bu!Áeld

5uNs!) *q

la-e) ped puoDas e

pu! (g- 1) aDualuas e jo ped pea Jod au!zeBew e 5u!peaJ •

gpua!,ij Ino 6u!Sueq /

aleJel 06 .9

soap!Á .a lis!A 'S

5u!Duep •p asnpeid

spueu4 ql!m ino .) lego t

@UI1U0 *q peolumop •

sluaJedpueJ5 .e Buey •L

•san!AnDe aqj umm sa_mnd aqj upleini O

- Hee] «r ÁD


Bu nD ylc

aleJ -6 iod

sDuseu wims

snal •e emes

6u1 -p pu

Bu!pJeoq oloyd

buiw - q AelioÁ

ÁydeJ6 .e wÁB
loodajou JnoÁ saDuawas
alajdwoD avim 'uaqi . (j-e) s6u!qj pue ped pumas e
ajdoad aqj ql!m (9-1) sepan aun lidjelim puu (01-1) ÁvAnDe ue jo p ed siij pea ...10d

uosJeado Jalad uun aau3eAd e..nx3
5nH B!ci
10011DS JnoÁ i.noqe aw umpue ypeq alpm
noÁ op J0 ¿meJel JO e5oÁ 91 noÁ oa
¿loolps JnoÁ sqnp leuo!Ido anal noÁ Al LIDlem '8
. slod inpepuom elew am pue sÁep!..0 uo 'leem
e < laew em esoolp uep
ewaulp o5 •L
'A1!IDn1 isp 1.191 1-11e 01 eicoJoilW ue pws
ÁJOA 's!pnoJIN 'Jeupeel Jno . suossal 3,1
unj lo lo] e pue apuep moy
3!snw D uesi 9
am . sluawanow Áuunj ÁJan awos sn
9 a] os liam ÁJOA maJouy puaul
- 3e663J pue doy d!y am - sÁepsJnyi spods op s
pue sÁepsan± 'sÁepuoini uo laam e sÁep
cinp DisnLAJ aql laaw am
luaJallip aJe aJayi looyos mau Áw W'501 II loolps Jalo spuaujnoÁ laGui *y

J,uop apuo ayel looq e pe .c

oa ~al op
saDuep /feld 7ballod
aneti aaJtil satpeal 5pom3wo1.i JnoiS op •
-le leuopdo
ueal9 siWie
•xoq aun waij sinom esn LI1031 JnoÁ uuap • I,

Tauo spuas Jalad j!ewa aun amdwoo O - aDualuas e alpm ¿san!AnDe

Bu!mojjoi aun op noit op ualjo moH O
•031U ÁJOA 8 . SUIIVvi :5111.111.1j

¿lpeOD noil s! :noA

'0 L
3W03 noÁ aun ÁJaÁa 0[$
¿Áed noÁ Isnw :noA
- laam e saw!1 aaJy± '8

¿aspDeucl noÁ op :noA •L

„ 'ON :).1UEJd
¿Áep ÁJ9A3 asupeJd noÁ :noA
. qnip poyos aqi TV lueJj
noÁ op :noA
• ecualseq as!peJd 1 . mueJ j 'C

¿looips Jelle op noÁ op :no, ▪z


.mapuaiu! eL alaidwo3 o - Áep e ■

q7 144 pua!Jsjoq Jai sauoqdllieg

J03 spi gsem ssalp Áeid smau 0111 qalem o6uel 9.7)111, r)

bu!pu ob s!udal amel Aeld
motu pSIA

usliBui (peal 1.1om O 319Á3 pualIV,orl Jati ountid

"SaDUOTUOS ajpm pue 4Jelp aqj je >jou-1 moH

30113Vad 1:1VININVI:19
E an. 3e-Icl e-1 1x3 L ilun

¿Jauu!p Jelle op ieqm .9 Áek-11 rieLIM

¿Bun3Á3 o6 uaqm .6
¿Bu!op / ieum s

¿ilas wnw leym •8

op uaqm •ry

6 0 P Ja-Pel / IELIM 'L

¿upurii aneq aJaqm .£

¿sluand Jiaqi diaq Áaul / Áum .9

¿,100q3S noÁ aApp oqm •

¿ aleD lauJalui aql Ja].S1S s'y uaqm .g
¿dn 4aS no7 op atun. I.eqm
¿do la6 aw eqm • L
oiJom aJaqm
•u0i16 spuom ato 05fi

•eue!n!E! ma!malu! 04 suonsanb g aTpm

e ¿Ápnis / leqm *e

o Ja;Jenb e1Jels suossal •(

.spua!J} Áw uw+A uaalueD
¿awy eCJ / aneH 7

¿ttieU 9!t,1 9,4240

o looyDs eq e _puni anal 1 ¿aLUeU 5111 /eLM •1

o . awoq 1 .1em 1 '}eql Jaiiv

maJpuy noqe suonsenb msy
0 •uanas 'sed iieuie do Te5 1

o op i looLps Jailv
. pep pue
¡Jaula6ollno 6u!ob ayry sa%, DM •pualaam

klana BunDÁD o5 sao5, 1 ose am inq pieq S>IJON1

o wnw qum Jauu!p 6u!Áey aly 1 *e V_IOM EI DM '53119(11SW SflOS lIDS zt wnw Aw pue

o Moio!Ei s! paí. qns al!..mone} Álni

•loolps O Jais!s Áw pue

SJeDd!eda sijeclei Jelpej ÁlAJ - yD!Jj,uop 1,uade 0i
DM asnepaq sTuaJed Jno sdpc din, am ./11!sJan!un

o aw sam.ip Jaglej Aw 'uaqi *,

•spuayi Aw ql!m adÁ>is uo

o o6/sao68 1 uaqm 91E3 DUJDUI aql
. 91eD
we, aqs
. aw ql!m s)ponAppom,Jals!s

o etpÁliensn 'iauu!p Janv

. isellean
*q ›pom/s)mom g 1 pue serpms »„ 1 . aw aaJi
Lionw oca] aney .1,useop eiseq jpop c os luapnls

o luess!on e pue ajelODOLp aney 1 • aewe 1 .maJpuv we

BupiJom e aweu Ainj

- aunnw syue!lim "Mai puv

Inoqe Anotni04 Japn saDualuas ato Trld
o Tnoqe pea.' 04 uoodo paLIOD ato a1J..!!3
80 0 000 0

131 '6
>laann /Liana slualedpued5 sjrspi aH
. ee eueui ue
sleam e 03110 opní op
Áaq; asnepas •a
iuoilualle Aed
4sJamun Te s! uaum

'sp!lewsoo *)
sawp Jrioi
Jaula6ollno Bu!og •ti
sawp aaJw
. 1,useop 'ON •C
Jeart e / knuow e 6u!wow / qiuow
laam e iitep e ano laam Aep /ruana
'SJOAASUC 6u!mouoj ato 04
z 0spJ0x3 u! suonsanb ato jo uanas tplehi O

]0110\11:Id aVIAMAJVI:19
UOSJeadO pun ap!ipeJd em3 Z

1.,u5aop i / aq 'oN ¿fiwuun..1 ami - 6iquunJamp •6wwmms

•saop 1!/ aqs / aq Sa), i! ays saoa Lusaop aqs oH saln 1I/311S/ CH
Luop Áaqi/ am noA / 'oN efiwb6of ami - 61.4uuni - 6ufflem

op 3,m/ noÁ 's3Á Áaq I om / noÁ / 1 oa Luop Áuq 1 / M / O0Á / I a 31il j`‘ ,1 '11 1 , Wk

bur- + emm
iuopuane Ad

SOD1EM 319AA sÁeid Áuld

seq SeX!J XiJ sdaais daais
sa!prils sao6 06 sas;11 OI si - ,f3 105

U•45 OH Jeinfitits uoued PJ144 ¡gin JelliV

en) buweds

¿ilam s!uuai sAeid s oqm ins ¿,e6oÁ aspDeJel als saop uauo moH

oualaann at.n. ie 6u!op ayi ays saop iUM ¿>ped ay]. u! UflJ 1! saop UDIJM

¿sJoIndwoD >pom CM op aiaqm ¿qnp p!snw oqfl u! op no Á op leqm

suouserto qm-


poo6 si 6unp/(3) . arui sÁeNvie DIC eq spej Joj

(Ájapod &1101 I) 'sburiaaj J0j • )00LIDS 112 3.10M JOU saop Dqs

riootps atv iou saop Lusaop

Jeau ann Cm) - a6uetp o pacIxa 4,uop Cm sBu!Lil Joj . a9pDeid jou 0p /ato / noR em /
pl)nr qi6 uo /fea aguapuadapui iou op Luop
aienaiag ao .suo!semo ieloads uo op am s6u!ylJoj .
. sivawnoop
ruld 00'7 JO SJO1O1 Tewoi. u! stwoj pape.n.uop osn LueD no,k
qn79 pv ti) oj o5 n . op )(net-m(1cl Cm s6upli .
aldwl 4uaseid ato esn piaqwewau

• uop Áaqj 'oN Áotli 's.GA ¿ijam umms ICLfl oci 'ÁlPecl
• 9AA 'ON . op 9/V1 'SDA ?1,119AA CM - Álpeq wpAs 4,uop CM

ON 11 SeA ¿Dem 1! . Á1132c1 11

• @LIS 'ON 'Sa0p aLis 'se), eqs •Áipeq w!Ansi.usaop @LIS

- 4,useop eij 'oN 'saA ¿pm umms ei saoa 'ÁlPecl CH

noÁ 'oN •op no,( 'sa,k ¿llam noÁ •Áipeq winnsi,uop no), . 11am ni\
. i.uop 'oN 1 ¿ipm umms 1 oa Ápoq ')]CM WIMS 1

Tielp aqi alaidwoJ pue aniascio — eiclums 4.uesem



kleinqeDoA EL AJeinqeDoA

aollawd Jewwen 1. I aDnDexi JewweJo

kiewwen A/91/W.] sjai OL ¡Jewwan ma!Au_i

i6u!pueisng 9 l'un sawnmoqs urpd e men

ÁJeinqeDoA 6 Aieincitr:oA

EDI1DEJd Jewwen aDuDeJel JewuJeJo

i Jewwen nnainaJ s. ja 9 pewwáo AnavkaJ s jai

p(www, l!un awoq Aw 'asnot.1 ALAI pu n

ÁJeinqoA 9 Aielnqu,mt,

appeJal Jewwen E anDeJel JewweJg

jJPWWEJO nna!naJ s . 10 1 .1eu_w_ien MOIAEJ S . 10 I

". awoll uaqm 7 l!un awu aaJjJno aieqs sjal pun


33113Vlid V111X3
. sepenqnd ap salepolwa se) ap A seno seAanu
Jean ap saJolne sol ap pepwcpsod e) emoD eluale
anb 'son') ap eluan e ap awepodwi ue) u9pnums!p
eun eponon sonn ap e!dopoloi ei'opaia u3 - e..annsa
ei ap curun) ja eied eluasaJdaJ son) Je!clopoloj
anb ezeuawe e anos Jopai ie epale o5o) als3

zadói ianueN
!podeJJejni ue!wea uonpnpoid

cyJeoeJnH1913 0 1013 tib!sap Jano3

S/S880 9190 ()N
apJa!padxa ja Jod epeqoide anj A - c96 . 33 Aal - Nei ® 1-1 9De-inH 1DP 0 1013 u6!saa
leo saneJ1 E ieuopeN on!jnaaf3 Japod ia Jod eppaluelsa
lep!jo eijeJ6omeo el e ejsnre as uo!Denqnd apJasaid ei soptal OJDUOWIl
°I3 P"Plell e! 3 11V 29 2 1A1 uoneldepy
- s)mewapeJj paJals!6ai aJe 8)6009 '.1saramd
'etipny eipad 'aqnjnoÁ 'jurodiamod 'Jan/mi 'yooqaDed sariou6!A aNdos-auuv Jol!P3

. Ápunmoddolsaimea
apeffluv eJe -ij Jaysnqnd
auj je siql1D2JJOD oj paseaid aq mann ann 'pa6pa1nnouype
ÁllJeJJODUI uaaq set jeuaew ÁLJE 41 . J9ADMOH 9103 /1"q17' pliusoi IcienDdn uP305ui cp ) Jsei taidi
- sJaploq 11.161JÁdop aaa.0 oj 1J0jja ÁJEAG apew anetj am

loog 93IpeJd eJIY3 9 - '73'7 - 919 - L86 -8L6

uopeanp3 uosJead o sa6ew! Jaujo uy
9103 'Álnr
Áapinqr-s iiA . d sJaqs!ujd 'sed '1Jv - n8J8n3 ruad sa!qden/peno Aq nJad u! palupd
g - x3 9 pun 'tsioljoN J ÁtflowLL 'op!d 'Elpm 'uaslaN ebui €36 LI Aal e auod5ip anb opsodap la opaq epano
'uosdwoqj Álsmq3) L3 . d 1 . x3 g jiu n (medd 'noseueiv . suatisqqnd aqi vo!ssfwiad UanlJA1 JOlJd ato inocipm 'esptivalvo
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