Pearson: Fast Fin Ishers Activities
Pearson: Fast Fin Ishers Activities
Pearson: Fast Fin Ishers Activities
ISBN: 9789876154246
@I Pearson
• Who...?
1. helps somebody living near his / her house 3. receives help Lo help others
2. uses an instrument tu help others 4. helps people in the morning
"I go to school in the afternoon, so I have free time in "I'm a taxi driver and I don't have a fixed working
the morning. I'm good at playing the Quitar and I like schedule. Once a week, usually on Soturday
singing. I visit children in hospital twice a week and afternoon, I take my neighbour Fernando for a drive.
sing for them. llave seeíng their happy faces when She is 15, and she can't walk. I love hearing 2 her laugh
they see me." when we drive around the town."
timando, 14 Teresa, 26
"I don't have much free time because I have lessons "I'm quite old. I walk very slowly ond I can't walk long
both in the morning and in the afternoon. On distances. I can't drive. I'm retired but I'm always
Sundays, I play football with my friends. I don't like busy. I read books and record them for the blind. My
sleeping in the morning, so I visit some nice elderly grandson takes the CDs Lo 3them. 1 help others and I
people in a house near the club on Saturdays. I get help myself because I feel good doing 4this."
up at 9:00, go Lo their place and read the news for Augusto, 78
1 them. We talk for a while and I come [Dock home
happy." Do you have coy more ideas? Send sus your message.
Joaquín, 12
• Find words or expressions meaning: O Write about something you like doing for
other people.
1. Free
• When do you do it?
2. I do something welt • How do you feel?
3. Past the middle age
1. thern
2. her
3. them _
4. this
5. u s
1. wife
2. cooperation
3. part-time
4. rnessy
5. dirty
Movies are very glamorous, but living. But all she wanted was to write International, where she worked. She
sometimes they start in very strange novels. understood that -we don't need magíc
places. In the case of the Harry Potter She entered Exeter University, but she to change the world, we carry alt the
series they begin with the books by wrote stories at the canteen and didn't power we need inside ourselves: we
J.K. Rowling, and her life was not go to alt her ctasses. Finally, she have the power to imagine better. -
always glamorous! graduated when she was 21 years old. J.K. Rowling took her daughter for a
In June 2008, J.K. Rowting delivered Compared lo other people, seven walk every evening. They stopped al
her Commencement Address - The years after her graduation her tife cafés and she wrote Harry Potter while
Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the was a complete failure. She divorced, the little girl slept. In 1995, Rowling
lmportance of fmagination" at the didn't have a job and had a daughter to finished her manuscript of -Harry
graduation ceremony at Harvard educate. And she was peor! Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
University. But faiture was not bad for J.K. and her life changed comptetely. Now
She started with a joke and then Rowling. It gave her the opportunity she is a world best-setter, ene of the
reflected on her own Life experience. to start her writing career. She had richest women in England, and the
Her life was not easy, but she coutd nothing, so she did not risk anything. Harry Potter movies have millions of
fínd her way. She discovered wonderfut friends. She viewers. She is married again, loo.
She was born in a working-class found a way lo survive. Success carne out of failure.
family. Her parents were not wealthy, Imagination helped her understand She closed her speech saying: is a
so they told her to take a vocational people better, and she used that tale, so is life: not how long ít is, but how
course. She needed to earn her to hetp refugees at Amnesty good it is, is what matters."
O Read the text. According to the author, are these sentences true or false?
1. Stress is healthy. o
2. There are many different sources of stress. o
3. Eating well can fight stress. o
4. Mistakes are usefut. o
What is stress?
Stress is the body's reaction to events. Our blood circulates fast and our arms and legs shake nervously.
We have to stop this feeling or we might fall
O Find adverbs in the text modifying the O Complete the pieces of advice from the
following actions: text with should 1 shouldn't.
1. many extracurricular activities. • Describe the place: where it is, what it is tike.
2, positively. • Describe what students and teachers do there.
3. a hobby. • Give some lips about the things they should /
4. good friends. shouldn't do al school / in your town.
What is vegetarianism?
O Read the text and decide if these sentences are true or false.
Vegetarians are people who don't eat dairy products or meat [red meat, poultry and seafoodl. Some very
O Read the text again and find phrases that You are taking part in a marathon next
explain why these people are vegetarian. month. Write about your diet:
1. María says: - My skin is beher now thal I'm • What should you cal?
vegetarían. - • What can't you cal?
• How healthy is your regular diel? What
2. Indira asserts: - Cows are sacred. We can't eat
di yuu diariyaup
their meat. -
O What do the following numbers refer to? O Choose the correct option.
• 1976 1. An ninternship programrne - is
• lUtt
a. a programme to tearn
• 12
b. a programme lo gel in-service training
•suwnio3 qpni
• s,Jalq6nep Áw
jo j!emod @JIU e apew --- 19allS V
. ÁlinjJapuom
Dpewai e si anng
91 u5!sn
Gl 6
Bu os
«xoq ato wali spJom ul!AA sueq aui ii!J «pleup at.IT alaldwoj O
uosJeada 9 l!url a)!Peid eil.x3
noÁ 6umawos •
Jay qUM op o 6ulob ays si leym
- 011..1M
. 1uawow
ji .ÁepJalsaÁ v ue oiJoBaJg
e S 11 1101 1,uoa
. 1uawow aLp 4e uo!leJqalaD e (as!ue6J0) am
- sunouwd al!uqapu! alaidwoj
. 5pom 51Jomasnaq
4oqw E 11...1@AUI 01 a51!1 pi -y
. Jaluied snowej
aas 7¿?6 op 14,9.1eD 9100,19q
oue!cl eq (Áed) uep!snw 0111 ivals! -] • L
U0SiRed© 9 1!un aDlpleid J1X3 ZZ
( - ol 5u!ob as,am pue uffluj Eup6 ar,am) . suo!luolu! pue sueld 1noqe >gel 04 •
( - uy./ OJ 5u!o5 s,j/) enirij aq4 p!paJd
Dt16!u )se) >per jaw i) . suope 1sed paqs!uq1noqe U4 04 4sed eLII •
ceba a)in .JaisisJaq sano, aqs) . sBuilagi 1noqe >riel 04 aldwis aLil •
upuariaam ay] U aleiew op 1) - sau!Tna.1 pue sl!qey inoqe >HUI 04 0 111 •
pfepinjes pcau Xped e 5upley au,amj . sueid aJnTru }nage miel 04 snonupuoD •
rojoqd fluideeis tu,i) . soloqd aqupsap 01 11.19SOJd aql •
cmou fiupioo3 tiedesj
•6upleads ae am luawow aul le suaddeq leumlnoqe >fiel 04 aln. •
asn am
e 6u!pea..! s,aqs
¿9U0OWOS auoÁue 6un!s!Á noÁ aJv auoÁue Das -Luop buu1l03 auoawos peaLl 1
,:.6u!LiTawos 6u!Li4Áue mou51 ans 6u!LI4Áue puu Lupino -) 011 pp.:11 u IC)1`. Ul , 6umlawas
sunouoid afluwepui
ruotileJew ay) u! aladwo3oj ¿fiu!u!eil
noX ale Átimj .iftim imm suonsanb Jamsue 04 .
pfped ay.) ol Jay aimui 0 7 /Gepv ,
•cio( poob e la6 pue itauow enes oi
pauotici 1)•uope ue lo asod_ind eq Lueidxa o; .
asodind ;o anmumy ay; asn am ¿,1.1Gio. ItleM nok op Áq
esochnd 4o em.pu!jui
idVINVW1:10 3111
12 apPeid e-1 1x3 9 l!un uosieado
pue waux
sul tu e
'ilJobaleD 6u!puodsano3
ato Japun xoq ato ul spooj ato alpm
° C
• 1,
• 1, 6u!puodsanoD
ato topsn sainp!d ato laqe -1
uosiead© win aapeid 01 4X3 OZ
. 9 aspJax3 uonetwoju!
ieq eleioDoip pue ennr
to!nn wato pue Aped Áepqp!ci
•luane luepodtui
dn 1nd / pan1V •£
sn41 eieneleDo (awol spueyi
30113VIM dVIMAIVd0
33n3ei ci e.n.x3 g vun
lieuu!p pue
ualem ot )1u!-IP
1 puv - awos Isnr • 6 oN :epuewv
¿l!ruj LisaJj
. ;anD e uo wi :epuewv
jo e Áuew
30110Vdd dViA1lAlVd9
uosJeado 9 11ur1 0) !Peid e-fix3 jl
pfepinjes uo aie /iota -MCWOW01 6LINICO si am - alep JO popad / awp atilam6 Állensn 3M.
I .Jauuip J0.1 5upaaw aje ami •sueid aanInjlnoqe o.
snonupuo) wasam ato asn am
/ann'oN/ Áaul noÁ / 3M sa,1/4
¿asaauD 6u8ea ÁaulinoÁ/ am angr . a1P10i0qJ ieqi / no), / am
- aqs / aq 'oN / 's! aqs/ au SaA
snonu!woo 4ueseid
11017W puo huow ijo o 'ñu° 'ewos - 1.191-1W MOH puo tiuow moH
Jejem jo apjoq e
LL 0314DeJd eax i T'un uosieado
0311CHNSH •
no rt os knunop leinTinDmnw e Si pueibuj
o sdp awos !Apene M alaH
apuei6u3 u! Áprus o 6u!uueld 'aun pea u! scpan oAm pu!d
samninD luaJajpo idane pinous •6u!daais s! Áqeq eq uaum Álpnoi leads no,
Jajjo Áatti Janaleqm lea o Apea., aq .e laaj J!aw, Lwm akipoo6 anem uatpi!uo
Jatuwns atn Joj °impon aqi alaidwo3 o ato alpmed .spJom panon! eql elan
UOSieado tj i!iin 0D!Peic1 e-nx3
. Ái!wej nslewel!qo aLp qu'y\ luads au sluawow si rfisieq au . asealcl ' jeedS 'S
asoul ne slaqwawat au •daais :LIAD 1 os
mou lne _talla] sem xaiv pue
Jel!n5 aul sÁeid Jnoqu6!au Áln! ' 47
61nuu!6aq etie 9 lig e sem
UJfl Jno Joj. !e/\/‘ O eneu
. spueu aleus , .uo!upe.4
am os 'anon b atp ui aidoad lo e ate 9..telu
asaueder aql Si lela lle
- Ápn sÁennie
Áaql 'o-nau mes Áa(l uaum . padsat jo ub!s e si
asneDaq saous s!L! „ au 'asnoq SI /JON\ siq os ' ¡(ion sawm xolv 'Z
- spJom ema aanii 0_1e aJaqi
'xoq aun. woJI spAom ill!An sluelq ato ivd e
.Jooll aui uo saLpop JnoÁ aneal
¿ aseaid pinoD noÁ uo!Isanb inoÁleada.,
. .1 ■ )/).A01.1` ,;
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30110Vdd aVIAJIAJVd9
9 eD!Peid eilx3 uosJeedn
>Lpepeoll e aney
SU0113120..1 anne6au asneD ueD siauuew /fipeg peg, - u_lowssep jo In° o6 o sluem offluefaly 7
- aJaudsowleMe.poiwoD/aiqepoiwo,), e alean
'MOJJOW01 wexa ue seq eiJem
01 ÁJ1 Áaql pue nam/poo6, noÁ GAI9DeJ aidoad
1,up?notis pinotis, noÁ '4wejmau e l!s!n noÁ uaqm 'saDualuas oi!JAA oj xoq ala
woJi sasend asn ¿op /tala pinoqs wqm
'11000 TDOJJOD 0111 0sooq3
Ápea paq o o6 u3-1131!1-10 •
- sewi paapuny e bu!ql awes ei •Bu!uJou_i BID dn alem Lue6 noÁ uaul
u!eldxa LTD OH A.,I@A si panly . 1011.11e sawe6 oapn Áeid no,
- y Lninn wexa Jaq passed etj . 1,umnotis pinotis tam sluelq aql u! 11!d
Á../e/1 qsli6u3 sleads eaJpuy
1JOAAe111011 Jay ql!nnJals!s JnoÁ diaq LueD no), .s 'WJOJ annebau JO anuewmie
aqi u! amieJaduu! am as n - asnal s,puepi
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33113Vdd dVIAIIAIVde
U OSJE9d C) ]iU fl 0)!IDeJd ei1x3
(supiied oN
- samleJadw! asn 1,uop ann 'suEls Driqnd u' .
•slsanbei amod alew 01 ,aseaid, asn .
iuonuane Áed_i
°pi 6umieds
Álpapad -4— papad . raseaml 'offieJ .9tp go tuni) - sIsanbai a)1ew 01 .
ifppinb 4 ›pylb . I . J.tnosme anaH) . 6uNlawosJejlo 01 •
:sanipaipe woJj scpenpe Isow LuJoj DM (•siemue ay; tpnal Luog) - 06u!Luem 0n16 01 •
iuotwaue Ale(' abed uo sooq _mol( uado( ssuopnilsu! am6 o .
[p.imop ps) •SJap..10 0/116 01 •
anileaadtui ato asn am
•s6um op aidoad moq aqinsap 01 .
Jauuew jo spianpy asn
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aiy si.a)isq eql Ánq noA
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•11s!; 51y
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4.eppur 4e
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(•>/aam Ise) )spuep 9Lfl O])uam 1) • ised aql p.aqs!up uorpe uelnoqe fiC o.
aldw!s ;sed asn am
pa- + lueuosuoD
pa- + 014-- a6ueqa pa- + qian amnop 1141nn qJOA p- + qJatx pa- + qian
- peaq iqluJeal aq o aneq /lata 'sopan lou in 41— 1,upw Joj taioninj aq± - Tuawnpop
Jein6a.ui o sujol aidms se JO ap -u ou s! aJaqi JO lewiej UI st.inoi pape_nuoD esn 1 ) UeD no!„
paqwawaa ¡Janwatuati
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O laiou e le Áeis o 6u!o6 a,Áaqi
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.JeD Ág -a
. sJaisis m'AA •p
suonualu! JO sueid tp!m4X0 ata alaidwo3
O • ezopueiÁi o oB o 6um6 s,aus i,e!engsrl oj / Ali / '6
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u! sampa[pe ato 40 wiol anuevadns
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J abbo i
- xoq ato u! sampa[pe ato
40 two4 annepadns ato pue anneJedwoD
ato 6u!sn saDualuas alpm -q - 4Jelp ato alaidwo3 O
33113Vdd 11VIAMV1:10
U0SJI.20,j0 uun appeJd eJlx3 9
•ueD J>,io!up i . uop
110 . e.ap! poo6 os n o y Álu cyl aiunD
1 . I1PD1'11JOS liI . 1
. ).10 SuÁ
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flupe asn am
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. s6uNIJO suosJad Jallo aJow JO OMI ql!An 6u!ql JOUOSJOCI auo atedwoa o] 010 •
. 96111111J0 suosJad onni. aiedwoa 01 sartpaí. pe joUL1J0j 01-11 •
asn am
lsarlpuu.i.ri iflpuopi
jsar;)->) Ágpa /fS1,2,9
Jsa- PPe Ja- pot,
jsapp kip pue!-- ot /1. °huello
- Ja! IP por? / 01 Á- J6uel,r3
ÁJOA S . 11 Inq *a
. snoJaBuep sy asnepaq
5uNs!) *q
aleJel 06 .9
5u!Duep •p asnpeid
@UI1U0 *q peolumop •
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- Hee] «r ÁD
Bu nD ylc
aleJ -6 iod
sDuseu wims
snal •e emes
6u1 -p pu
Bu!pJeoq oloyd
buiw - q AelioÁ
ÁydeJ6 .e wÁB
loodajou JnoÁ saDuawas
alajdwoD avim 'uaqi . (j-e) s6u!qj pue ped pumas e
ajdoad aqj ql!m (9-1) sepan aun lidjelim puu (01-1) ÁvAnDe ue jo p ed siij pea ...10d
uosJeado Jalad uun aau3eAd e..nx3
5nH B!ci
10011DS JnoÁ i.noqe aw umpue ypeq alpm
noÁ op J0 ¿meJel JO e5oÁ 91 noÁ oa
¿loolps JnoÁ sqnp leuo!Ido anal noÁ Al LIDlem '8
. slod inpepuom elew am pue sÁep!..0 uo 'leem
e < laew em esoolp uep
ewaulp o5 •L
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unj lo lo] e pue apuep moy
3!snw D uesi 9
am . sluawanow Áuunj ÁJan awos sn
9 a] os liam ÁJOA maJouy puaul
- 3e663J pue doy d!y am - sÁepsJnyi spods op s
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cinp DisnLAJ aql laaw am
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bu!pu ob s!udal amel Aeld
motu pSIA
30113Vad 1:1VININVI:19
E an. 3e-Icl e-1 1x3 L ilun
¿Bun3Á3 o6 uaqm .6
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o op i looLps Jailv
. pep pue
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. isellean
*q ›pom/s)mom g 1 pue serpms »„ 1 . aw aaJi
Lionw oca] aney .1,useop eiseq jpop c os luapnls
131 '6
>laann /Liana slualedpued5 sjrspi aH
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4sJamun Te s! uaum
'sp!lewsoo *)
sawp Jrioi
Jaula6ollno Bu!og •ti
sawp aaJw
. 1,useop 'ON •C
Jeart e / knuow e 6u!wow / qiuow
laam e iitep e ano laam Aep /ruana
'SJOAASUC 6u!mouoj ato 04
z 0spJ0x3 u! suonsanb ato jo uanas tplehi O
]0110\11:Id aVIAMAJVI:19
UOSJeadO pun ap!ipeJd em3 Z
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bur- + emm
iuopuane Ad
en) buweds
¿ilam s!uuai sAeid s oqm ins ¿,e6oÁ aspDeJel als saop uauo moH
oualaann at.n. ie 6u!op ayi ays saop iUM ¿>ped ay]. u! UflJ 1! saop UDIJM
suouserto qm-
• uop Áaqj 'oN Áotli 's.GA ¿ijam umms ICLfl oci 'ÁlPecl
• 9AA 'ON . op 9/V1 'SDA ?1,119AA CM - Álpeq wpAs 4,uop CM
kleinqeDoA EL AJeinqeDoA
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33113Vlid V111X3
. sepenqnd ap salepolwa se) ap A seno seAanu
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