IATF 16949 Trainers Guide Sample
IATF 16949 Trainers Guide Sample
IATF 16949 Trainers Guide Sample
Process-Based Internal
Auditor Training
for the
Automotive Sector
Trainer’s Guide
The intent of this course is to provide the level of knowledge and base-level
proficiency required to conduct process-based internal auditing within the
automotive sector.
Only through the development of skills, training, education and experience an
auditor achieves competency.
This course is not intended to provide a working level knowledge and
proficiency in:
• Core Tools
• Basic Statistical Process Control Knowledge
• Customer Specific Requirements
• Disciplined Problem Solving
Participant Requirements:
We recommend that participants have successfully completed the Basic IATF 16949 Training prior
to engaging in this course and have had significant Core Tools training.
To successfully complete the requirements of this course, each participant is required to:
It is recommended that the first audit the student is involved with be under the guidance of a
lead auditor who has audit experience.
This course is to train people to be able to conduct your internal quality audits so you can meet
the internal audit requirements of the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
The training is introduced with a PowerPoint presentation titled “Guide to Internal Auditing”
designed for the participants:
The course itself is divided into four sections, each including a PowerPoint Presentation and
a Quiz. Quiz answers are at the end of this manual.
• This Section is designed to provide an overview of the key clauses of the Standard. The
trainer will provide sub-clause examples relative to your business and encourage
classroom discussions. A quiz at the end is geared towards internal auditing and
includes short answers and identification of conformity or non-conformity.
⇒ Based on the volume of knowledge required to understand and apply, along with
customer specific requirements, we recommend that you take specific and relevant
Core Tools training.
Sections 3 & 4 add team break-out sessions that provide actual auditing experience within the
classroom. The team breakout sessions include a Case Study on “USA Automotive Company”.
However, the trainer may elect to use its own organization’s documentation as a substitute for the
pre-designed case study.
• Copies of the IATF 16949 Standard (one copy for each two or three students)
Standards are available electronically from http://www.aiag.org/
Time Schedule
This course was designed to provide the trainer with flexibility when deciding what
knowledge will be delivered based on the participant’s level of competence.
Sections 1 & 2 are optional, but if skipped it is recommended that students complete
Quizzes 1 & 2 to demonstrate comprehension.
Time # of Team
Section (hrs: min) Breakouts
# of Quizzes
Course Overview
The primary Guide to Internal Auditing will allow the participants:
• To learn more about IATF 16949
• To be able to evaluate your own area and make improvements.
• To understand the audit process
• To be able to participate in the audit process
Course Overview