Chapter 2 - Mineralogy
Chapter 2 - Mineralogy
Chapter 2 - Mineralogy
Mineralogy is a branch of geology relates to the minerals, their physico-chemical
properties, mode of formation and occurrence in the environment.
Minerals occur generally in the form of natural aggregates known as rocks. So, rocks may be
defined as an aggregate of minerals.
(1) (2)
Silicate Non-silicate
rock-forming minerals rock-forming minerals
(e.g.: olivine, augite, feldspar, (e.g.: carbonates, sulphates,
micas, quartz etc.) oxides etc.)
Ferro-magnesian Non-ferro-magnesian
silicate minerals silicate minerals
(Fe & Mg dominant, (Al dominant with Ca,
hence, dark coloured) Na & K; light coloured)
Ores are the minerals or mineral aggregates (rocks) from which a valuable metal
constituent can be mined / extracted profitably. Therefore, such minerals having economical
importance are termed as economic minerals. Most of these belong to non-silicate rock
forming minerals.
E. g.: Native metals like copper, silver, gold and platinum; native non-metals like sulphur,
graphite and diamond.
More than 2000 minerals are known to occur in the crust of the earth.
Minerals are identified based on their physical, optical and chemical properties.
It is the appearance of any object in light that depends on the reflection and absorption
of visible portion of natural (the sun’s radiation) or artificial sources of light. The absorption /
reflection of light radiation is by virtue of the composition and atomic structure of minerals.
1) Refractive index
2) Absorption of light by the mineral
3) Nature of reflecting surface
Colourless and transparent minerals always give colourless streak. The coloured and opaque
minerals show characteristic streaks different from those of similarly looking minerals.
E.g.: Chromite (FeCr2O4) and magnetite (Fe3O4) although resemble, the streak of chromite is
brown and that of magnetite is black.
NOTE: Colour of the streak need not be same as that of the mineral.
1 Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
2 Gypsum CaSO4·2H2O
3 Calcite CaCO3
4 Fluorite CaF2
5 Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(OH–,Cl–,F–)
6 Orthoclase KAlSi3O8
7 Quartz SiO2
Mohs’ hardness Mineral Chemical formula Image
8 Topaz Al2SiO4(OH–,F–)2
9 Corundum Al2O3
10 Diamond C
Hardness of quartz and talc are 7 and 1 respectively; it does not mean that quartz is 7
times harder than talc.
Hardness may vary in different directions for a mineral. E.g.: Value of H for the mineral
Kyanite is 4.5 along the length and H = 6.5 across the mineral length.
It is the tendency of a crystallised mineral to break along certain definite directions
easily, resulting in smooth, plane surfaces. In other words, planes of easy breakage in
crystallised minerals are the cleavage planes.
In terms of perfection, the cleavage is described as: eminent, perfect, good, distinct
and indistinct. Mineral with eminent cleavage can be split easily; e.g. mica. Orthoclase and
calcite exhibit perfect cleavage.
It is the appearance of the broken surface of a mineral in a direction other than that of
Types of fractures:
Even: Where the fractured surface is smooth and flat. E.g. Chert.
Uneven: Fractured surface is irregular full of minute ridges and depression.
E.g. Fluorite.
Conchoidal: Fractured surface is characterised with concentric rings. E.g. quartz.
Splintry: Broken surface resembles rough wood fracture. Eg. Kyanite.
Hackly: Highly irregular fractured surface with sharp, fine pinching projections. E.g.
Native Copper
Earthy: Smooth, soft and porous fractured surface. E.g. Chalk.
It is the behaviour of a mineral towards the forces that tend to break, bend, cut or
Terms representing tenacity:
• SECTILE: Can be cut with knife
• DUCTILE: Stretched into thin wires
• MALLEABLE: Made into thin sheets
• BRITTLE: Breaks into fine grains
• ELASTIC: Returns to original shape
• PLASTIC: Looses original shape after a certain limit
Structure / form:
The physical shapes / characteristic body forms of minerals are termed as structures.
Structure suggests the characteristic shape in which a mineral is found in nature.
Common structural forms of minerals are (CHECK FOR SHAPES IN THE PPT FILE):
• Tabular: Like boxes of rectangular / square cross section. E.g.: Calcite, orthoclase,
• Elongated: Thin / thick elongated column-like. E.g.: Beryl
• Bladed: Like thin, flat, blade-like. E.g.: Kyanite
• Lamellar: Thick, flexible, leaf-like sheets. E.g.: Vermiculite
• Foliated: Similar to lamellar but sheets are relatively thinner (paper thin) and easily
be separated. E.g.: Muscovite (mica)
• Fibrous: Composed of fibres. E.g.: Asbestos
• Radiating: Found in minerals having needle like / fibrous crystals appeared to be
originating from a common point. E.g.: Iron pyrites
• Granular: Like densely packed mass of small grain-like crystals. E.g..: Magnetite,
Specific gravity:
It is the ratio of the density of a mineral to that of water at 4 oC; this can be
understood as a relative density. As specific gravity is calculated by a ratio, it does not have
unit. E.g.: Specific gravity of quartz is 2.65.