Power-Management Strategies For A Grid-Connected PV-FC Hybrid System

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This paper presents a method to operate a grid connected hybrid system. The hybrid
system composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
(PEMFC) is considered. Two operation modes, the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the
feeder-flow control (FFC) mode, can be applied to the hybrid system. In the UPC mode,
variations of load demand are compensated by the main grid because the hybrid source output is
regulated to reference power. Renewable energy is currently widely used. One of these resources
is solar energy. The photovoltaic (PV) array normally uses a maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) technique to continuously deliver the highest power to the load when there are
variations in irradiation and temperature. The disadvantage of PV energy is that the PV output
power depends on weather conditions and cell temperature, making it an uncontrollable source.
Furthermore, it is not available during the night.

In order to overcome these inherent drawbacks, alternative sources, such as PEMFC,

should be installed in the hybrid system. By changing the FC output power, the hybrid source
output becomes controllable. Therefore, the reference value of the hybrid source output must be
determined. In the FFC mode, the feeder flow is regulated to a constant, the extra load demand is
picked up by the hybrid source, and, hence, the feeder reference power must be known. he
system can maximize the generated power when load is heavy and minimizes the load shedding
area. When load is light, the UPC mode is selected and, thus, the hybrid source works more
stably. The changes in operating mode only occur when the load demand is at the boundary of
mode change; otherwise, the operating mode is either UPC mode or FFC mode. Besides, the
variation of hybrid source reference power is eliminated by means of hysteresis. The proposed
operating strategy with a flexible operation mode change always operates the PV array at
maximum output power and the PEMFC in its high efficiency performance band, thus improving
the performance of system operation, enhancing system stability, and decreasing the number of
operating mode changes.

Renewable energy is currently widely used. One of these resources is solar energy. The
photovoltaic (PV) array normally uses a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to
continuously deliver the highest power to the load when there are variations in irradiation and
temperature. The disadvantage of PV energy is that the PV output power depends on weather
conditions and cell temperature, making it an uncontrollable source. Furthermore, it is not
available during the night. In order to overcome these inherent drawbacks, alternative sources,
such as PEMFC, should be installed in the hybrid system. By changing the FC output power, the
hybrid source output becomes controllable. However, PEMFC, in its turn, works only at a high

efficiency within a specific power range .

The hybrid system can either be connected to the main grid or work autonomously with
respect to the grid-connected mode or islanded mode, respectively. In the grid-connected mode,
the hybrid source is connected to the main grid at the point of common coupling (PCC) to deliver
power to the load. When load demand changes, the power supplied by the main grid and hybrid
system must be properly changed.
The power delivered from the main grid and PV array as well as PEMFC must be
coordinated to meet load demand. The hybrid source has two control modes: 1) unit-power
control (UPC) mode and feeder-flow control (FFC) mode. In the UPC mode, variations of load
demand are compensated by the main grid because the hybrid source output is regulated to

reference power. Therefore, the reference value of the hybrid source output must be
determined. In the FFC mode, the feeder flow is regulated to a constant, the extra load demand is

picked up by the hybrid source, and, hence, the feeder reference power must be known.
The proposed operating strategy is to coordinate the two control modes and determine the
reference values of the UPC mode and FFC mode so that all constraints are satisfied. This
operating strategy will minimize the number of operating mode changes, improve performance
of the system operation, and enhance system stability.

Distributed generation, also called on-site generation, dispersed generation, embedded

generation, decentralized generation, decentralized energy or distributed energy
generates electricity from many small energy sources. Currently, industrial countries generate
most of their electricity in large centralized facilities, such as fossil fuel (coal, gas
powered) nuclear or hydropower plants. These plants have excellent economies of scale, but
usually transmit electricity long distances and negatively affect the environment.

Most plants are built this way due to a number of economic, health & safety, logistical,
environmental, geographical and geological factors. For example, coal power plants are built
away from cities to prevent their heavy air pollution from affecting the populace. In addition,
such plants are often built near collieries to minimize the cost of transporting
coal. Hydroelectric plants are by their nature limited to operating at sites with sufficient water
flow. Most power plants are often considered to be too far away for their waste heat to be used
for heating buildings.

Low pollution is a crucial advantage of combined cycle plants that burn natural gas. The
low pollution permits the plants to be near enough to a city to be used for district heating and

Distributed generation is another approach. It reduces the amount of energy lost in

transmitting electricity because the electricity is generated very near where it is used, perhaps
even in the same building. This also reduces the size and number of power lines that must be
constructed. Typical distributed power sources in a Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme have low
maintenance, low pollution and high efficiencies. In the past, these traits required dedicated
operating engineers and large complex plants to reduce pollution. However, modern embedded
systems can provide these traits with automated operation and renewables, such as sunlight, wind
and geothermal. This reduces the size of power plant that can show a profit.
Distributed energy resource

Distributed energy resource (DER) systems are small-scale power generation

technologies (typically in the range of 3 kW to 10,000 kW) used to provide an alternative to or
an enhancement of the traditional electric power system. The usual problems with distributed
generators are their high costs.

One popular source is solar panels on the roofs of buildings. The production cost is $0.99 to
2.00/W (2007) plus installation and supporting equipment unless the installation is Do it
yourself (DIY) bringing the cost to $6.50 to 7.50 (2007). This is comparable to coal power plant
costs of $0.582 to 0.906/W (1979), adjusting for inflation. Nuclear power is higher at $2.2 to
$6.00/W (2007).[4] Some solar cells ("thin-film" type) also have waste disposal issues, since
"thin-film" type solar cells often contain heavy-metal electronic wastes, such as Cadmium
telluride (CdTe) and Copper indium gallium selenide (CuInGaSe), and need to be recycled. As
opposed to silicon semi-conductor type solar cells which is made from quartz. The plus side is
that unlike coal and nuclear, there are no fuel costs, pollution, mining safety or operating safety
issues. Solar also has a low duty cycle, producing peak power at local noon each day. Average
duty cycle is typically 20%.

Another source is small wind turbines. These have low maintenance, and low pollution.
Construction costs are higher ($0.80/W, 2007) per watt than large power plants, except in very
windy areas. Wind towers and generators have substantial insurable liabilities caused by high
winds, but good operating safety. In some areas of the US there may also be Property Tax costs
involved with wind turbines that are not offset by incentives or accelerated depreciation. Wind
also tends to be complementary to solar; on days there is no sun there tends to be wind and vice
versa. Many distributed generation sites combine wind power and solar power such as Slippery
Rock University, which can be monitored online.

Distributed cogeneration sources use natural gas-fired micro turbines or reciprocating

engines to turn generators. The hot exhaust is then used for space or water heating, or to drive
an absorptive chiller for air-conditioning. The clean fuel has only low
pollution. Designs currently have uneven reliability, with some makes having excellent
maintenance costs, and others being unacceptable.

Co-generators are also more expensive per watt than central generators. They find favor
because most buildings already burn fuels, and the cogeneration can extract more value from the

Some larger installations utilize combined cycle generation. Usually this consists of a gas
turbine whose exhaust boils water for a steam turbine in a Rankin cycle. The condenser of the
steam cycle provides the heat for space heating or an absorptive chiller. Combined cycle plants
with cogeneration have the highest known thermal efficiencies, often exceeding 85%.

In countries with high pressure gas distribution, small turbines can be used to bring the
gas pressure to domestic levels whilst extracting useful energy. If the UK were to implement this
countrywide an additional 2-4 GWe would become available. (Note that the energy is already
being generated elsewhere to provide the high initial gas pressure - this method simply
distributes the energy via a different route.)

Future generations of electric vehicles will have the ability to deliver power from the
battery into the grid when needed. This could also be an important distributed generation
resource. Recently interest in Distributed Energy Systems (DES) is increasing, particularly onsite
generation. This interest is because larger power plants are economically unfeasible in many
regions due to increasing system and fuel costs, and more strict environmental regulations. In
addition, recent technological advances in small generators, Power Electronics, and energy
storage devices have provided a new opportunity for distributed energy resources at the
distribution level, and especially, the incentive laws to utilize renewable energies has also
encouraged a more decentralized approach to power delivery.

There are many generation sources for DES: conventional technologies (diesel or natural
gas engines), emerging technologies (micro turbines or fuel cells or energy storage devices), and
renewable technologies (small wind turbines or solar/photovoltaic’s or small hydro turbines).
These DES are used for applications to a standalone, a standby, a grid-interconnected, a
cogeneration, peak shavings, etc. and have many advantages such as environmental-friendly and
modular electric generation, increased reliability, high power quality, uninterruptible service, cost
savings, on-site generation, expandability, etc. So many utility companies are trying to construct
small distribution stations combined with several DES available at the regions, instead of large
power plants.
Basically, these technologies are based on notably advanced Power Electronics because
all DES require Power Converters, interconnection techniques, and electronic control units. That
is, all power generated by DES is generated as DC Power, and then all the power fed to the DC
distribution bus is again converted into an AC power with fixed magnitude and frequency by
control units using Digital Signal Processor (DSP). So improved power electronic technologies
that permit grid interconnection of asynchronous generation sources are definitely required to
support distributed generation resources

The research works in the recent papers about DES focus on being utilized directly to a
standalone AC system or fed back to the utility mains. That is, when in normal operation or main
failures, DES directly supply loads with power (standalone mode or standby mode), while, when
DES have surplus power or need more power, this system operates in parallel mode to the mains.
Therefore, in order to permit to connect more generators on the network in good conditions, a
good technique about interconnection with the grid and voltage regulations should overcome the
problems due to parallel operation of Power Converter for applications to DES.


Today, new advances in technology and new directions in electricity regulation encourage a
significant increase of distributed generation resources around the world. As shown in Fig. the
currently competitive small generation units and the incentive laws to use renewable energies
force electric utility companies to construct an increasing number of distributed generation units
on its distribution network, instead of large central power plants. Moreover, DES can offer
improved service reliability, better economics and a reduced dependence on the local utility.
Distributed Generation Systems have mainly been used as a standby power source for critical
businesses. For example, most hospitals and office buildings had stand-by diesel generation as an
emergency power source for use only during outages. However, the diesel generators were not
inherently cost-effective, and produce noise and exhaust that would be objectionable on anything
except for an emergency basis.
Fig. A large central power plant and distributed energy systems

Meanwhile, recently, the use of Distributed Energy Systems under the 500 kW level is
rapidly increasing due to recent technology improvements in small generators, power electronics,
and energy storage devices. Efficient clean fossil fuels technologies such as micro-turbines and
fuel cells, and environmentally friendly renewable energy technologies such as solar/photo
voltaic, small wind and hydro are increasingly used for new distributed generation systems.
These DES are applied to a standalone, a standby, a grid-interconnected, a cogeneration, peak
shavings, etc. and have a lot of benefits such as environmental-friendly and modular electric
generation, increased reliability, high power quality, uninterruptible service, cost savings, on-site
Expandability, etc. The major Distributed Generation technologies that will be discussed in this
section are as follows: micro-turbines, fuel cells, solar/photovoltaic systems, and energy storage
Micro-turbines, especially the small gas fired micro turbines in the 25-100 kW that can be
mass-produced at low cost have been more attractive due to the competitive price of natural gas,
low installation and maintenance costs. It takes very clever engineering and use of innovative
design (e.g. air bearing, recuperation) to achieve reasonable efficiency and costs in machines of
lower output, and a big advantage of these systems is small because these mainly use high-speed
turbines (50,000-90,000 RPM) with air foil bearings. Therefore, micro turbines hold the most
promise of any of the DES technologies today. Fuel cells are also well used for distributed
generation applications, and can essentially be described as batteries which never become
discharged as long as hydrogen and oxygen are continuously provided.
The hydrogen can be supplied directly, or produced from natural gas, or liquid fuels such
as alcohols, or gasoline. Each unit ranges in size from 3 – 250 kW or larger MW size. Even if
they offer high efficiency and low emissions, today’s costs are high. Phosphoric acid cell are
commercially available in the range of the 200 kW, while solid oxide and molten carbonate cell
are in a pre-commercial stage of development.
The possibility of using gasoline as a fuel for cells has resulted in a major development
effort by the automotive companies. The recent research work about fuel cells is focused towards
the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Fuel cells in sizes greater than 200 kW, hold
promise beyond 2005, but residential size fuel cells are unlikely to have any significant market
impact any time soon.
Mixed micro-turbine and fuel cell systems will also be available as a distributed
generation source. Recently, a solid oxide fuel cell has been combined with a gas micro-turbine
creating a combined cycle power plant. It has expected electrical efficiency of greater than 70 %,
and the expected power levels range from 250 kW to 2.5 MW. Solar/photovoltaic systems may
be used in a variety of sizes, but the installation of large numbers of photovoltaic systems is
undesirable due to high land costs and in many geographic areas with poor intensity and
reliability of sunlight.
In general, almost one acre of land would be needed to provide 150 kW of electricity, so
solar/photovoltaic systems will continue to have limited applications in the future. Energy
storage devices such as ultra capacitors, batteries, and flywheels are one of the most critical
technologies for DES. In general, the electrochemical capacitor has high power density as well as
good energy density. In particular, ultra capacitors have several benefits such as high pulse power
capacity, long lifetime, high power density, low ESR, and very thin and tight.
In contrast, batteries have higher energy density, but lower power density and short
lifetime relative to ultra-capacitor. So hybrid Power System, a combination of ultra-capacitor and
battery, is strongly recommended to satisfy several requirements and to optimize system
performance. Recently storage systems are much more efficient, cheaper, and longer than five
years ago. In particular, flywheel systems can generate 700 kW for 5 seconds, while 28-cell ultra
capacitors can provide up to 12.5 kW for a few seconds.
In the past, the electric utility industry did not offer various options that were suited for a
wide range of consumer needs, and most utilities offered at best two or three combinations of
reliability-price. However, the types of modern DES give commercial electric consumers various
options in a wider range of reliability-price combinations. For these reasons, DES will be very
likely to thrive in the next 20 years, and especially, distributed generation technologies will have
a much greater market potential in areas with high electricity costs and low reliability such as in
developing countries

DES technologies have very different issues compared with traditional centralized power
sources. For example, they are applied to the mains or the loads with voltage of 480 volts or less;
and require power converters and different strategies of control and dispatch. All of these energy
technologies provide a DC output which requires power electronic interfaces with the
distribution power networks and its loads. In most cases the conversion is performed by using a
voltage source inverter (VSI) with a possibility of pulse width modulation (PWM) that provides
fast regulation for voltage magnitude.
Power electronic interfaces introduce new control issues, but at the same time, new
possibilities. For example, a system which consists of micro-generators and storage devices
could be designed to operate in both an autonomous mode and connected to the power grid. One
large class of problems is related to the fact that the power sources such as microturbines and
fuel cell have slow response and their inertia is much less. It must be remembered that the
current power systems have storage in generators’ inertia, and this may result in a slight
reduction in system frequency. As these generators become more compact, the need to link them
to lower network voltage is significantly increasing.
However, without any medium voltage networks adaptation, this fast expansion can
affect the quality of supply as well as the public and equipment safety because distribution
networks have not been designed to connect a significant amount of generation. Therefore, a new
voltage control system to facilitate the connection of distributed generation resources to
distribution networks should be developed.
In many cases there are also major technical barriers to operating independently in a
standalone AC system, or to connecting small generation systems to the electrical distribution
network with lower voltage, and the recent research issues includes:

1. Control strategy to facilitate the connection of distributed generation resources to distribution

2. Efficient battery control.
3. Inverter control based on only local information.
4. Synchronization with the utility mains.
5. Compensation of the reactive power and higher harmonic components.
6. Power Factor Correction.
7. System protection.
8. Load sharing.
9. Reliability of communication.
10. Requirements of the customer.

DES offers significant research and engineering challenges in solving these problems.
Moreover, the electrical and economic relationships between customers and the distribution
utility and among customers may take forms quite distinct from those we know today. For
example, rather than devices being individually interconnected in parallel with the grid, they may
be grouped with loads in a semi-autonomous neighborhood that could be termed a micro grid is a
cluster of small sources, storage systems, and loads which presents itself to the grid as a
legitimate single entity. Hence, future research work will focus on solving the above issues so
that DES with more advantages compared with tradition large power plants can thrive in electric
power industry.
These new distributed generations interconnected to the low grid voltage or low load voltage
cause new problems which require innovative approaches to managing and operating the
distributed resources. In the fields of Power Electronics, the recent papers have focused on
applications of a standby generation, a standalone AC system, a combined heat and power
(cogeneration) system, and interconnection with the grid of distribution generations on the
distribution network, and have suggested technical solutions which would permit to connect
more generators on the network in good conditions and to perform a good voltage regulation.
Depending on the load, generation level, and local connection conditions, each generator can
cause the problems described in the previous chapter. The main goals which should be achieved
will thus be: to increase the network connection capacity by allowing more consumers and
producer customers connection without creating new reinforcement costs, to enhance the
reliability of the systems by the protections, to improve the overall quality of supply with a best
voltage control.

A. Configurations for DES

1) Case I: A Power Converter connected in a Standalone AC System or in Parallel with the
Utility Mains
Fig. show a distributed power system which is connected to directly load or in parallel with
utility mains, according to its mode. This system consists of a generator, an input filter, an
AC/AC power converter, an output filter, an isolation transformer, output sensor (V, I, P), and a
DSP controller. In the Figures, a distributed generator may operate as one of three modes: a
standby, a peak shaving, and a standalone power source. In a standby mode shown in Fig. a
generator set serves as a UPS system operating during mains failures. It is used to increase the
reliability of the energy supply and to enhance the overall performance of the system. The static
switch SW 1 is closed in normal operation and SW 2 is open, while in case of mains failures or
excessive voltage drop detection SW 1 is open and SW 2 is simultaneously closed.
In this case, control techniques of DES are very similar to those of UPS. If a transient
load increases, the output voltage has relatively large drops due to the internal impedance of the
inverter and filter stage, which frequently result in malfunction of sensitive load. Fig.
Can serves as a peak shaving or interconnection with the grid to feed power back to
mains. In both modes, the generator is connected in parallel with the main grids. In a peak
shaving mode, this generator is running as few as several hundred hours annually because the
SW 1 is only closed during the limited periods.
Meanwhile, in an interconnection with the grid, SW 1 is always closed and this system
provides the grid with continuous electric power. In addition, the converter connected in parallel
to the mains can serve also as a source of reactive power and higher harmonic current
components. In a standalone AC system shown in Fig. the generator is directly connected to the
load lines without being connected to the mains and it will operate independently. In this case,
the operations of this system are similar to a standby mode, and it serves continuously unlike a
standby mode and a peak shaving mode.

Fig. Block diagram of a standby mode

Fig. Block diagram of a peak shaving mode

Fig. Block diagram of a standalone mode

As shown in Fig. the output voltage of the generator is fed to a DC/AC converter that
converts a DC output of the generator to be fixed voltage and frequency for utility mains or
loads. The DSP controller monitors multiple system variables on a real time basis and executes
control routines to optimize the operation of the individual subsystems in response to measured
variables. It also provides all necessary functions to sense output voltages, current, and power, to
operate protections, and to give reference signals to regulators.
The output power of the converter is controlled according to the reference signal of the
control unit. As described above, in order to compensate for reactive power and higher harmonic
components or to improve power factor, the active power (P) and reactive power (Q) should be
controlled independently. Moreover, the above system needs over-dimensioning some parts of
the power converter in order to produce reactive power by the converter at rated active power.
Because a power converter dimensioned for rated current can supply reactive power only if the
active component is less than rated. Therefore, a control strategy easy to implement is required to
ensure closed loop control of the power factor and to provide a good power quality. In case that a
generator is used for distributed generation systems, the recent research focuses are summarized
as follows:
1. Control strategy which permits to connect more generators on the network
2. Compensation of the reactive power and higher harmonic components
3. An active power (P) and a reactive power control (Q) independently
4. Power factor correction
5. Synchronization with the utility mains
6. System protections
2) Case II:
Power Converters supplying power in a standalone mode or feeding it back to the utility
mains Fig. shows a block diagram of multiple power converters for a standalone AC system or
feeding generated powers back to the utility mains. If all generators are directly connected to the
loads, the systems operate as a standalone AC system. Meanwhile, if these are connected in
parallel to the mains, these provide the utility grids with an electric power. Each system consists
of a generator, an input filter, an AC/AC power converter, an output filter, an isolation
transformer, a control unit (DSP), a static switch (SW 1) and output sensors (V, I, P). The
function of the static switch (SW 1) is to disrupt the energy flow between the generator and
mains or loads in the case of disturbances in the mains voltage. As shown in Fig., this
configuration is very similar to parallel operation of multiple UPS systems except that the input
sources of inverters are independent generation systems such as micro turbines, fuel cells, and
photo voltaic, etc. instead of utility mains.
In case of parallel operation of UPS systems, a recent critical research issue is to share
linear and nonlinear load properly by each unit. In general, the load sharing is mainly influenced
by non uniformity of the units, component tolerance, and line impedance mismatches. Another
issue is a proper control scheme without any control interconnection wires among inverters
because these wires restrict the location of the inverter units as well as these can act as a source
of the noise and failure. Moreover, in three-phase systems they could also cause unbalance and
draw excessive neutral currents.
Even if conventionally passive L-C filters were used to reduce harmonics and capacitors
were employed to improve the power factor of the ac loads, passive filters have the demerits of
fixed compensation, large size, and resonance. Therefore, the injected harmonic, reactive power
burden, unbalance, and excessive neutral currents definitely cause low system efficiency and
poor power factor. In particular, a power factor can be improved as AC/AC power converters
function a complete active filter for better power quality and the above problems should be
overcome by a good control technique to assure the DES to expand increasingly around the
Fig.Block diagram of power converters connected in parallel

So the above issues can be applied to distributed power systems similarly, and the recent research
focuses are summarized as follows:
1. Standardized DES modeling using the software tools
2. Equal load sharing such as the real and reactive power, the load harmonic current among the
parallel connected inverters.
3. Connection capability of more DES to the utility mains in best conditions
4. Independent P, Q control of the inverters
5. Power factor correction
6. Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD).

Distributed Generation (DG) is commonly defined as electric power generation facilities

that are not directly connected to a bulk power transmission system. They cover a multitude of
energy sources, fuels, and conversion methods to produce electricity through photovoltaic (PV)
arrays, wind turbines, fuel cells, microturbines, liquid and gas-fueled reciprocating engines, etc.
Given the wide variety of sources, it is natural that specific impacts associated with DG would
vary with type and application. However, there are many common threads on how DG benefits
the customers they serve and society at large. This is demonstrated in this paper through several
examples, giving testimonials of the positive impact these installations have.
Case 1 – Emergency/Temporary Power Application
In mid-November 2007, the town of Chester, California, was preparing to undergo a 72-
hour power shutdown. This was required to improve the service reliability in Chester after past
sustained outages due to circuit configuration, condition and exposure. For that reason, Pacific
Gas and Electric (PG&E) would replace 41 power poles and their cross-arms on its Hamilton
Branch transmission line. This line serves the Chester community with 1,652 electric meters
within, and accounting for a combined electrical demand in the range of 1.9 MW to 2.4 MW.
Given PG&E’s commitment to customer satisfaction, and to maintaining their service uptime
percentage as high as possible, a prolonged outage was really not a viable option.
The solution was a temporary DG installation consisting of two 2 MW diesel generator
sets operated through a parallel configuration with the PG&E power supply (see Fig. 1). With
this configuration, only two brief electrical clearances, totaling less than 30 seconds, were
necessary. Over 2,378,880 outage minutes were avoided for PG&E customers. Chester’s lights
remained on and the aging poles were replaced. PG&E avoided the combination of lost power
sales during any outage, and the added expense and safety concerns of having to work crews
around the clock for 72 hours to replace all the poles.

Fig. - Cat XQ2000 Power Modules in Chester

Case 2 – Open-Market Price Hedging
The volatility in the energy market was greatly affecting the power department budget in
the city of Hurricane, Utah. Its population surged from 8,250 in 2000 to 12,084 in 2006 – an
increase of 46.5 percent. That growth put stress on the municipal power system, operated by
Hurricane City Power, especially in the summer when temperatures can exceed 110°F. This
demand, coupled with high prices on the energy market, forced the city to dip into budgetary
reserves to pay for power a few years in a row .In order to diversify its electric supply options,
Hurricane turned to natural gas generator sets.
The city’s new generator sets would have to meet Hurricane’s needs – load following,
summer peaking and open market price-hedging strategies. Hurricane also needed to boost end-
of-line voltage and frequency for distribution system enhancement over a period of three years,
six Cat® G3520C natural gas generator sets with Cat Oxidation Catalysts were installed (see Fig.
2). The catalysts lower emissions of carbon monoxide by 93% and decrease hydrocarbons by
more than 40%, greatly reducing the generator sets’ environmental impact. One of these units
serves the nearby city of Washington and is used when supplemental power is needed there. The
generator sets are rated at 1,940 ekW at 1800 rpm, in 115°F temperature and at an elevation of
3,000 feet.
They operate together with paralleling switchgear at 12,470 V. This power is connected
directly to the adjacent substation’s distribution buss. The reliability and cost-effectiveness of
this power solution earned Hurricane City Power and Washington City Power a joint award in
2007 for the “Most Improved System of the Year” from the Utah Associated Municipal Power
Systems (UAMPS). The city has been able to save as much as $10,000 to $12,000 a day because
of their ability to react to market prices quickly, and run their generators instead of buying power
on the market when the cost is high. In addition to cost savings for the city, the gensets provide
peak power production support and backup power in case of a citywide blackout. Three area
blackouts have occurred in the three years since this system has been in place, and the gensets
have provided the power needed to get the city up and running with no outside power available.
Fig. - DG in Hurricane City Power Plant

Case 3 – Combined CHP and Standby Power for Hospital

A cost effective combined heat and power (CHP) and standby power generation package
was required for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital being built by Octagon Healthcare in the
United Kingdom. In addition, tariff quality metering was necessary to qualify the CHP as eligible
for payment under the Climate Change Levy “Good Quality CHP” scheme. Rather than the usual
basement plant room, a stand-alone energy center was built to give better access for servicing
and supplies.
The CHP system prime mover is a Cat G3516 leanburn gas engine. Heat is recovered
from the engine exhaust, jacket water and oil cooler circuits, to provide 1314 kW. It is
used heat the returning medium-pressure hot water before it re-enters the boiler, so the CHP acts
as lead boiler. When thermal demand is low excess heat is dumped to a remote radiator. A Cat
SR4 generator directly linked to the engine provides 400 volts at 50 Hz. This feeds a
synchronizing circuit breaker inside a control panel, in turn connected to the hospital’s HV line
via a step-up transformer. The complete system is displayed on a graphical overview; a simple
touch of the screen is all that is required for an operator to interact with the system.
The standby generation system comprises four 2250 kVA (1800 kW) Caterpillar 3616B
diesel generator sets guarding against utility failures. Generators work in an “n+1” configuration
so that full coverage of the hospital power requirements continues if one set is unavailable; say
due to servicing at the time of power failure. The generators are connected to the hospital heating
and ventilation power feed via a HV switchboard. Like the CHP system, the master control panel
provides a graphical overview of the system. Restoration to utility power, once service has been
deemed to be back to normal, is fully automatic. The system is tested monthly with a real
disconnection from the utility supply.

Case 4 – Landfill Applications

Landfill-gas-to-energy embodies the ideal solution to an environmental problem: it turns

nuisance waste into a product with a practical use and economic value. It is an important and
growing component of North America’s power generation mix. Generation from municipal solid
waste and landfill gas is projected to increase to about 31 billion kilowatt-hours by 2025.
Although the U.S. leads in this category, landfill gas is globally available as the chart below

Fig. - Estimated Global Landfill Methane Emissions

Landfill gas (LFG) is produced naturally as organic waste decomposes in landfills. LFG
is composed of about 50 percent methane, about 50 percent carbon dioxide and small amounts of
non-methane organic compounds. At most municipal solid-waste landfills, the methane and
carbon dioxide are destroyed in a gas collection and control system or utility flare. However, to
use LFG as an alternative fuel, the gas is extracted from landfills using a series of wells and a
vacuum system. Pipes are inserted deep into the landfill to provide a point of release for the
landfill gases. A slight vacuum is then applied in the pipe to draw the gases into and through it to
a central point, where it can be processed and treated for use in generating electricity, replacing
the need for conventional fossil fuels. Here are a few examples from around the world of how
LFG is used to produce electric power through engine generator sets in landfill configurations.

Fig.- Landfill Gas Engine Generator Set

Seneca Meadows Landfill, Seneca Falls, New York This energy system, owned by
Innovative Energy Systems of Oakfield, NY, began operation in 1996 and has been expanded
three times to its current 11.2 MW capacity. The system (see Fig.) uses fourteen Cat® G3516
generator sets that have been modified for landfill use. Overall energy plant NOx emissions are
compliant with local air-quality standards.
Fig. - Seneca Meadows Landfill, Seneca Falls, NY

Hartland Landfill in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada The landfill receives municipal
solid waste from a population of roughly 400,000. Until the power generating system went
online, the landfill gas had been flared. Independent power producer Maxim Power Corporation
of Calgary, Alberta, installed the land-fill-gas-to-energy system (see Fig. 6). The electric energy
output (continuous duty at 1.6 MW) is being sold to BC Hydro for that company’s Green Power

Fig. Harland Landfill, Victoria, BC, Canada

South East New Territories Landfill, Hong Kong This site operated by Green Valley
Landfill Ltd., installed two Cat G3516 landfill generator sets in 1997. Each unit is rated at 970
kW, providing 1.9 MW of continuous power for the landfill infrastructure and an on-site
wastewater treatment plant (see Fig. 7). The units operate in parallel with the local utility,
exporting excess power to the grid. The generator sets have oversized radiators to compensate for
tropical heat and

Fig. - South East New Territories Landfill, Hong Kong

Case 5 – Biogas Applications

Biogas is produced through the natural anaerobic decomposition or fermentation of
organic waste, such as manure, municipal solid waste, biodegradable waste or any other
biodegradable feedstock within an anaerobic environment. Biogas consists primarily of methane
(50-80 percent) and carbon dioxide (20-50 percent). Biogas can be extracted for commercial use
from almost any of its sources. For example, some livestock farms or large feeder operations use
a lagoon to store the manure generated by their livestock.
Instead of releasing the methane and carbon dioxide generated by the decomposition of
this manure into the atmosphere, the methane can be extracted and burned at the farm in biogas-
fueled boilers, heaters or other gas consuming devices, including gas engines.
In addition to livestock farms, other agricultural operations afford opportunities for
biogas productions. For example, cassava-processing plants, which produce starch, are common
in China, India and Indonesia and may utilize biogas for electric power. By tapping their biogas
resources, these plants not only avoid the cost of purchasing heavy fuel oil and electricity but
also reclaim valuable land that would otherwise have to be used to purify the factory’s
wastewater, and virtually eliminating odor and pest issues caused by large-scale decomposition
of organic material.
As an example of this type of DG application, let us consider the Nong Rai Farm, in
Raying, Thailand. The farm partners with the CP Group, one of the largest food suppliers in
Thailand, and runs a feeder operation for more than 30,000 hogs. Nong Rai Farms consumes
approximately 200 kW of power for blowers, drying systems and other auxiliary needs
associated with its operations. The manure produced by its hogs is piped into a digester pond (see
Fig. 8), where it generates biogas that is used to fuel the generator sets, which produce sufficient
power for all of Nong Rai Farm’s electric power requirements.

Fig. - Buffer Tank and Digestion Process in Thailand

Case 6 – Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Gas Applications

The anthropogenic release of methane (CH4) into the environment and its global warming
potential continues to draw attention globally. Methane can be released into the atmosphere
through sources where it naturally occurs: landfill decomposition, agriculture, gas and oil
extraction systems, and coal mining activities. About 8% of total anthropogenic methane
emissions come from coal mines.
Globally, coal mines emit approximately 400 million metric tons or 28 billion cubic
meters of carbon dioxide equivalent annually. This amount is equivalent to consumption of 818
million barrels of oil or the carbon dioxide emissions of 64 million passenger cars. Between 1994
and 2005, a U.S. emission decreased by over 20%, in large part due to the coal mining industry’s
increased recovery and utilization of drained gas.
China leads the world in coal mine methane with about 14 billion cubic meters of CO2
emitted annually – a 2004 measurement estimated nearly 200 million metric tons were emitted
that year. Aside from the U.S. and China, other leading emitters include Ukraine, Australia,
Russia and India. Once methane is released into the atmosphere it remains in it for approximately
15 years. It is a greenhouse gas with an estimated global warming potential of 21. This means
that emissions of methane have an estimated effect on global warming equal to 21 times the
effect of carbon dioxide. Implementing methods to use CMM instead of emitting it to the
atmosphere will help mitigate global warming, improve mine safety, and productivity and
generate revenues and cost savings.
There are several options currently available for CMM mitigation, including
reciprocating gas engines, gas turbines, industrial boilers and furnaces, and chemical processing.
Other technologies like catalytic systems and fuel cells are also being developed. Two examples
of this type of DG application are described next, where CMM is sequestered and used as an
alternative fuel for reciprocating gas engine generator sets. This is a mature and proven
technology highly effective for greenhouse gas.


Basically each DG unit may have DC type or rectified generation unit (Fuel cell, solar
cell, wind turbine, micro turbine…), storage devices, DC-DC converter, DC-AC inverter, filter,
and transformer for connecting to loads or utility in order to exchange power. Model and
dynamic of each of this part may have influence in system operation. But here for simplification
it is considered that DC side of the units has sufficient storage and considered as a constant DC
source. Hence only DC-AC inverter modeling and control investigated in this paper.
A circuit model of a three-phase DC to AC inverter with LC output filter is further
described in Figure As shown in the figure, the system consists of a DC voltage source (Vdc), a
three- phase PWM inverter, an output filter (Lf and C with considering parasitic resistance of
filter- Rf). Sometimes a transformer may be used for stepping up the output voltage and hence Lf
can be transformer inductance.

Figure PWM inverter diagram

There are two ways for controlling an inverter in a distributed generation system

A. PQ Inverter Control
This type of control is adopted when the DG unit system is connected to an external grid
or to an island of loads and more generators. In this situation, the variables controlled by the
inverter are the active and reactive power injected into the grid, which have to follow the set
points Pref and Qref, respectively. These set points can be chosen by the customer or by a central
controller. The PQ control of an inverter can be performed using a current control technique in
qd reference frame which the inverter current is controlled in amplitude and phase to meet the
desired set-points of active and reactive power.
With the aim of Park transform and equations between inverter input and output, the
inverter controller block diagram for supplying reference value of Pref and Qref is as figures. For
the current controller, two Proportional-Integral (PI) regulators have been chosen in order to
meet the requirements of stability of the system and to make the steady state error be zero. With
this control scheme, it is possible to control the inverter in such way that injects reference value
of Pref, Qref into other part of stand-alone network.
When the output voltage is needed to be regulated, the PV control scheme that is similar
to PQ mode with feedback of voltage used to adjust Qref.

Figure : PQ control scheme of inverter

B. Vf Inverter Control
This controller has to act on the inverter whenever the system is in stand-alone mode of
operation. In fact in this case it must regulate the voltage value at a reference bus bar and the
frequency of the whole grid. A regulators work in order to keep the measured voltages upon the
set points. Moreover the frequency is imposed through the modulating signals of the inverter
PWM control by mean of an oscillator. A simple PI controller can regulate bus voltage in
reference value with getting feedback of real bus voltage. Figure outlines this control strategy. In
this case it is obvious that the DG unit should have storage device in order to regulate the power
and voltage.
Figure: Vf control scheme of inverter



A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts a source fuel into an electrical current.
It generates electricity inside a cell through reactions between a fuel and an oxidant, triggered in
the presence of an electrolyte. The reactants flow into the cell, and the reaction products flow out
of it, while the electrolyte remains within it. Fuel cells can operate continuously as long as the
necessary reactant and oxidant flows are maintained.

Fuel cells are different from conventional electrochemical cell batteries in that they
consume reactant from an external source, which must be replenished a thermodynamically open
system. By contrast, batteries store electrical energy chemically and hence represent a
thermodynamically closed system. Many combinations of fuels and oxidants are possible. A
hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen as its fuel and oxygen (usually from air) as its oxidant. Other
fuels include hydro carbons and alcohols. Other oxidants include chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner.
They are made up of three segments which are sandwiched together: the anode, the electrolyte,
and the cathode. Two chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of the three different segments.
The net result of the two reactions is that fuel is consumed, water or carbon dioxide is created,
and an electrical current is created, which can be used to power electrical devices, normally
referred to as the load.

At the anode a catalyst oxidizes the fuel, usually hydrogen, turning the fuel into a
positively charged ion and a negatively charged electron. The electrolyte is a substance
specifically designed so ions can pass through it, but the electrons cannot. The freed electrons
travel through a wire creating the electrical current. The ions travel through the electrolyte to the
cathode. Once reaching the cathode, the ions are reunited with the electrons and the two react
with a third chemical, usually oxygen, to create water or carbon dioxide.


 The electrolyte substance. The electrolyte substance usually defines the type of fuel cell.
 The fuel that is used. The most common fuel is hydrogen.

 The anode catalyst, which breaks down the fuel into electrons and ions. The anode
catalyst is usually made up of very fine platinum powder.

 The cathode catalyst, which turns the ions into the waste chemicals like water or carbon
dioxide. The cathode catalyst is often made up of nickel.

A typical fuel cell produces a voltage from 0.6 V to 0.7 V at full rated load. Voltage decreases
as current increases, due to several factors:

 Activation loss
 Ohmic loss (voltage drop due to resistance of the cell components and interconnects)

 Mass transport loss (depletion of reactants at catalyst sites under high loads, causing rapid
loss of voltage).
To deliver the desired amount of energy, the fuel cells can be combined in series and parallel
circuits, where series yields higher voltage, and parallel allows a higher current to be supplied.
Such a design is called a fuel cell stack. The cell surface area can be increased, to allow stronger
current from each cell.

Types of fuel cells:

Proton exchange fuel cells:

In the archetypal hydrogen–oxygen proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)

design, a proton-conducting polymer membrane, (the electrolyte), separates the anode and
cathode sides. This was called a "solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell" (SPEFC) in the early 1970s,
before the proton exchange mechanism was well-understood. (Notice that "polymer electrolyte
membrane" and "proton exchange mechanism" result in the same acronym.)

On the anode side, hydrogen diffuses to the anode catalyst where it later dissociates into
protons and electrons. These protons often react with oxidants causing them to become what is
commonly referred to as multi-facilitated proton membranes. The protons are conducted through
the membrane to the cathode, but the electrons are forced to travel in an external circuit
(supplying power) because the membrane is electrically insulating. On the cathode catalyst,
oxygen molecules react with the electrons (which have traveled through the external circuit) and
protons to form water. The materials used in fuel cells differ by type. In a typical membrane
electrode assembly (MEA), the electrode–bipolar plates are usually made of metal, nickel or
carbon nano tubes, and are coated with a catalyst (like platinum, nano iron powders or
palladium) for higher efficiency. Carbon paper separates them from the electrolyte. The
electrolyte could be ceramic or a membrane.

Proton exchange membrane fuel cell design issues:

 Costs. In 2002, typical fuel cell systems cost US$1000 per kilowatt of electric power
output. In 2009, the Department of Energy reported that 80-kW automotive fuel cell
system costs in volume production (projected to 500,000 units per year) are $61 per

The goal is $35 per kilowatt. In 2008 UTC Power has 400 kW stationary fuel cells for
$1,000,000 per 400 kW installed costs. The goal is to reduce the cost in order to compete
with current market technologies including gasoline internal combustion engines. Many
companies are working on techniques to reduce cost in a variety of ways including
reducing the amount of platinum needed in each individual cell. Ballard Power Systems
have experiments with a catalyst enhanced with carbon silk which allows a 30%
reduction (1 mg/cm² to 0.7 mg/cm²) in platinum usage without reduction in performance.
Monish University, Melbourne uses PEDOT as a cathode.

 The production costs of the PEM (proton exchange membrane). The Nation membrane
currently costs $566/m². In 2005 Ballard Power Systems announced that its fuel cells will
use Sholapur, a porous polyethylene film patented by DSM.
 Water and air management (in PEMFCs). In this type of fuel cell, the membrane must be
hydrated, requiring water to be evaporated at precisely the same rate that it is produced. If
water is evaporated too quickly, the membrane dries, resistance across it increases, and
eventually it will crack, creating a gas "short circuit" where hydrogen and oxygen
combine directly, generating heat that will damage the fuel cell. If the water is evaporated
too slowly, the electrodes will flood, preventing the reactants from reaching the catalyst
and stopping the reaction. Methods to manage water in cells are being developed like
electro osmotic pumps focusing on flow control. Just as in a combustion engine, a steady
ratio between the reactant and oxygen is necessary to keep the fuel cell operating

 Temperature management. The same temperature must be maintained throughout the cell
in order to prevent destruction of the cell through thermal loading. This is particularly
challenging as the 2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O reaction is highly exothermic, so a large quantity of
heat is generated within the fuel cell.

 Durability, service life, and special requirements for some type of cells. Stationary fuel
cell applications typically require more than 40,000 hours of reliable operation at a
temperature of -35 °C to 40 °C (-31 °F to 104 °F), while automotive fuel cells require a
5,000 hour lifespan (the equivalent of 150,000 miles) under extreme temperatures.
Current service life is 7,300 hours under cycling conditions.

Automotive engines must also be able to start reliably at -30 °C (-22 °F) and have a high
power to volume ratio (typically 2.5 kW per liter).

 Limited carbon monoxide tolerance of the cathode.

High temperature fuel cells:

A solid oxide fuel cell:

A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is extremely advantageous “because of a possibility of

using a wide variety of fuel” [. Unlike most other fuel cells which only use hydrogen, SOFCs can
run on hydrogen, butane, methanol, and other petroleum products. The different fuels each have
their own chemistry.

For methanol fuel cells, on the anode side, a catalyst breaks methanol and water down to
form carbon dioxide, hydrogen ions, and free electrons. The hydrogen ions move across the
electrolyte to the cathode side, where they react with oxygen to create water. A load connected
externally between the anode and cathode completes the electrical circuit. Below are the
chemical equations for the reaction:

Anode Reaction: CH3OH + H2O → CO2 + 6H+ + 6e-

Cathode Reaction: 3/2 O2 + 6H+ + 6e- → 3H2O

Overall Reaction: CH3OH + 3/2 O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + electrical energy

At the anode SOFCs can use nickel or other catalysts to break apart the methanol and
create hydrogen ions and CO2. A solid called yttrium stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is used as the
electrolyte. Like all fuel cell electrolytes YSZ is conductive to ions, allowing them to pass from
the anode to cathode, but is non-conductive to electrons. YSZ is a durable solid and is
advantageous in large industrial systems. Although YSZ is a good ion conductor, it only works at
very high temperatures.

The standard operating temperature is about 950 oC. Running the fuel cell at such a high
temperature easily breaks down the methane and oxygen into ions. A major disadvantage of the
SOFC, as a result of the high heat, is that it “places considerable constraints on the materials
which can be used for interconnections”. Another disadvantage of running the cell at such a high
temperature is that other unwanted reactions may occur inside the fuel cell. It is common for
carbon dust, graphite, to build up on the anode, preventing the fuel from reaching the catalyst.
Much research is currently being done to find alternatives to YSZ that will carry ions at a lower


Molten-carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) are high-temperature fuel cells, That operate at
temperatures of 600°C and above.

Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) are currently being developed for natural gas and
coal-based power plants for electrical utility, industrial, and military applications. MCFCs are
high-temperature fuel cells that use an electrolyte composed of a molten carbonate salt mixture
suspended in a porous, chemically inert ceramic matrix of beta-alumina solid electrolyte
(BASE). Since they operate at extremely high temperatures of 650°C (roughly 1,200°F) and
above, non-precious metals can be used as catalysts at the anode and cathode, reducing costs.

Improved efficiency is another reason MCFCs offer significant cost reductions over
phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFCs). Molten carbonate fuel cells can reach efficiencies
approaching 60 percent, considerably higher than the 37-42 percent efficiencies of a phosphoric
acid fuel cell plant. When the waste heat is captured and used, overall fuel efficiencies can be as
high as 85 percent.
Unlike alkaline, phosphoric acid, and polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, MCFCs
don't require an external reformer to convert more energy-dense fuels to hydrogen.

Due to the high temperatures at which MCFCs operate, these fuels are converted to
hydrogen within the fuel cell itself by a process called internal reforming, which also reduces

Molten carbonate fuel cells are not prone to poisoning by carbon monoxide or carbon
dioxide —they can even use carbon oxides as fuel— making them more attractive for fueling
with gases made from coal. Because they are more resistant to impurities than other fuel cell
types, scientists believe that they could even be capable of internal reforming of coal, assuming
they can be made resistant to impurities such as sulfur and particulates that result from
converting coal, a dirtier fossil fuel source than many others, into hydrogen.

The primary disadvantage of current MCFC technology is durability. The high

temperatures at which these cells operate and the corrosive electrolyte used accelerate
component breakdown and corrosion, decreasing cell life. Scientists are currently exploring
corrosion-resistant materials for components as well as fuel cell designs that increase cell life
without decreasing performance.

Fuel cell efficiency:

The efficiency of a fuel cell is dependent on the amount of power drawn from it. Drawing
more power means drawing more current, which increases the losses in the fuel cell. As a general
rule, the more power (current) drawn, the lower the efficiency. Most losses manifest themselves
as a voltage drop in the cell, so the efficiency of a cell is almost proportional to its voltage. For
this reason, it is common to show graphs of voltage versus current (so-called polarization curves)
for fuel cells. A typical cell running at 0.7 V has an efficiency of about 50%, meaning that 50%
of the energy content of the hydrogen is converted into electrical energy; the remaining 50% will
be converted into heat. (Depending on the fuel cell system design, some fuel might leave the
system unreacted, constituting an additional loss.)
For a hydrogen cell operating at standard conditions with no reactant leaks, the efficiency
is equal to the cell voltage divided by 1.48 V, based on the enthalpy, or heating value, of the
reaction. For the same cell, the second law efficiency is equal to cell voltage divided by 1.23 V.
(This voltage varies with fuel used, and quality and temperature of the cell.)

The difference between these numbers represents the difference between the reaction's
enthalpy and Gibbs free energy. This difference always appears as heat, along with any losses in
electrical conversion efficiency.

Fuel cells do not operate on a thermal cycle. As such, they are not constrained, as
combustion engines are, in the same way by thermodynamic limits, such as Carnot cycle
efficiency. At times this is misrepresented by saying that fuel cells are exempt from the laws of
thermodynamics, because most people think of thermodynamics in terms of combustion
processes (enthalpy of formation). The laws of thermodynamics also hold for chemical processes
(Gibbs free energy) like fuel cells, but the maximum theoretical efficiency is higher (83%
efficient at 298K in the case of hydrogen/oxygen reaction) than the Otto cycle thermal efficiency
(60% for compression ratio of 10 and specific heat ratio of 1.4).

Comparing limits imposed by thermodynamics is not a good predictor of practically

achievable efficiencies. Also, if propulsion is the goal, electrical output of the fuel cell has to still
be converted into mechanical power with another efficiency drop. In reference to the exemption
claim, the correct claim is that the "limitations imposed by the second law of thermodynamics on
the operation of fuel cells are much less severe than the limitations imposed on conventional
energy conversion systems". Consequently, they can have very high efficiencies in converting
chemical energy to electrical energy, especially when they are operated at low power density, and
using pure hydrogen and oxygen as reactants.

It should be underlined that fuel cell (especially high temperature) can be used as a heat
source in conventional heat engine (gas turbine system). In this case the ultra high efficiency is
predicted (above 70%).

In practice:
For a fuel cell operating on air, losses due to the air supply system must also be taken into
account. This refers to the pressurization of the air and dehumidifying it. This reduces the
efficiency significantly and brings it near to that of a compression ignition engine. Furthermore,
fuel cell efficiency decreases as load increases.

The tank-to-wheel efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle is greater than 45% at low loads and
shows average values of about 36% when a driving cycle like the NEDC (New European
Driving Cycle) is used as test procedure. The comparable NEDC value for a Diesel vehicle is
22%. In 2008 Honda released a fuel cell electric vehicle (the Honda FCX Clarity) with fuel stack
claiming a 60% tank-to-wheel efficiency.

It is also important to take losses due to fuel production, transportation, and storage into
account. Fuel cell vehicles running on compressed hydrogen may have a power-plant-to-wheel
efficiency of 22% if the hydrogen is stored as high-pressure gas, and 17% if it is stored as liquid
hydrogen.[29] In addition to the production losses, over 70% of US' electricity used for hydrogen
production comes from thermal power, which only has an efficiency of 33% to 48%, resulting in
a net increase in carbon dioxide production by using hydrogen in vehicles

Fuel cells cannot store energy like a battery, but in some applications, such as stand-alone
power plants based on discontinuous sources such as solar or wind power, they are combined
with electrolyzes and storage systems to form an energy storage system. The overall efficiency
(electricity to hydrogen and back to electricity) of such plants (known as round-trip efficiency) is
between 30 and 50%, depending on conditions. While a much cheaper lead-acid battery might
return about 90%, the electrolyze/fuel cell system can store indefinite quantities of hydrogen, and
is therefore better suited for long-term storage.

Solid-oxide fuel cells produce exothermic heat from the recombination of the oxygen and
hydrogen. The ceramic can run as hot as 800 degrees Celsius. This heat can be captured and used
to heat water in a micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) application. When the heat is
captured, total efficiency can reach 80-90% at the unit, but does not consider production and
distribution losses. CHP units are being developed today for the European home market.
Stationary fuel cell applications (or stationary fuel cell power systems) are stationary that
are either connected to the electric grid (distributed generation) to provide supplemental power
and as emergency power system for critical areas, or installed as a grid-independent generator for
on-site service.

Codes and standards Stationary fuel cell applications is a classification in FC

Hydrogen codes and standards and fuel cell codes and standards. The other main standards are
Portable fuel cell applications and Fuel cell vehicle.
 Fuel cell gas appliances up to 70 kW
 Installation permitting guidance for hydrogen and fuel cells stationary applications

 Standard for the installation of stationary fuel cell power systems

Emergency power systems:

Emergency power systems are a type fuel cell system, which may include lighting,
generators and other apparatus, to provide backup resources in a crisis or when regular systems
fail. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from residential homes to hospitals, scientific
laboratories, data centers, telecommunication equipment and modern naval ships.

Uninterrupted power supply:

An uninterrupted power supply (UPS) provides emergency power and, depending on the
topology, provide line regulation as well to connected equipment by supplying power from a
separate source when utility power is not available. It differs from an auxiliary power supply or
standby generator, which does not provide instant protection from a momentary power

Cogeneration can be used when the fuel cell is sited near the point of use, its waste heat
can be captured for beneficial purposes. Micro combined heat and power (MicroCHP) is
usually less than 5 kWe for a home fuel cell or small business.

Fuel cell applications:


Fuel cells are very useful as power sources in remote locations, such as spacecraft,
remote weather stations, large parks, rural locations, and in certain military applications. A fuel
cell system running on hydrogen can be compact and lightweight, and have no major moving
parts. Because fuel cells have no moving parts and do not involve combustion, in ideal
conditions they can achieve up to 99.9999% reliability. This equates to around one minute of
down time in a two year period.

Since electrolyses systems do not store fuel in themselves, but rather rely on external
storage units, they can be successfully applied in large-scale energy storage, rural areas being one
example. In this application, batteries would have to be largely oversized to meet the storage
demand, but fuel cells only need a larger storage unit (typically cheaper than an electrochemical

One such pilot program is operating on Stuart Island in Washington State. There the
Stuart Island Energy Initiative has built a complete, closed-loop system: Solar panels power an
electrolyzer which makes hydrogen. The hydrogen is stored in a 500 gallon tank at 200 PSI, and
runs a Reli On fuel cell to provide full electric back-up to the off-the-grid residence.


Micro combined heat and power (MicroCHP) systems such as home fuel cells and
cogeneration for office buildings and factories are in the mass production phase. The system
generates constant electric power (selling excess power back to the grid when it is not
consumed), and at the same time produces hot air and water from the waste heat. MicroCHP is
usually less than 5 kWe for a home fuel cell or small business. A lower fuel-to-electricity
conversion efficiency is tolerated (typically 15-20%), because most of the energy not converted
into electricity is utilized as heat.

Some heat is lost with the exhaust gas just as in a normal furnace, so the combined heat
and power efficiency is still lower than 100%, typically around 80%. In terms of energy
however, the process is inefficient, and one could do better by maximizing the electricity
generated and then using the electricity to drive a heat pump. Phosphoric-acid fuel cells (PAFC)
comprise the largest segment of existing CHP products worldwide and can provide combined
efficiencies close to 90% (35-50% electric + remainder as thermal) Molten-carbonate fuel cells
have also been installed in these applications, and solid-oxide fuel cell prototypes exist.

Other applications:

 Providing power for base stations or cell sites

 Off-grid power supply

 Distributed generation

 Fork Lifts

 Emergency power systems are a type of fuel cell system, which may include lighting,
generators and other apparatus, to provide backup resources in a crisis or when regular
systems fail. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from residential homes to
hospitals, scientific laboratories, data centers, telecommunication equipment and modern
naval ships.

 An uninterrupted power supply (UPS) provides emergency power and, depending on the
topology, provide line regulation as well to connected equipment by supplying power
from a separate source when utility power is not available. Unlike a standby generator, it
can provide instant protection from a momentary power interruption.

 Base load power plants

 Electric and hybrid vehicles.

 Notebook computers for applications where AC charging may not be available for weeks
at a time.

 Portable charging docks for small electronics (e.g. a belt clip that charges your cell phone
or PDA).

 Smartphone with high power consumption due to large displays and additional features
like GPS might be equipped with micro fuel cells.

 Small heating appliances.

Fuel cells are a technology that both the public and private sectors are increasingly
turning to for both primary and back-up power needs. Although the understanding of the
chemistry of fuel cells goes back more than a century, they are very much a 21st century
technology. The basic design and electrochemical principle behind fuel cells is straightforward. A
fuel cell stack requires only hydrogen (or a similar energy carrier), oxygen, and an electrolytic

Hydrogen and ambient air flow into the fuel cell, which contains an anode and a cathode.
At the anode, the hydrogen separates into a proton and an electron. The proton migrates to the
cathode, where it reacts with the oxygen to form water. The electrons, which cannot pass through
the membrane, flow from the cell to provide useful electrical power. Fuel cells are quiet, have no
moving parts, and produce no particulate emissions. They are virtually maintenance free and can
be both tested and operated remotely. Because they are modular, they can be configured for any
size power needs, from a few kilowatts for a remote telecommunications tower to megawatt-
scale for hospitals and airports. Hydrogen is safely stored on-site or produced within the fuel cell


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) offer a clean, low-pollution technology to

electrochemically generate electricity at high efficiencies; since their efficiencies are not limited
the way conventional heat engine's is. These fuel cells provide many advantages over traditional
energy conversion systems including high efficiency, reliability, modularity, fuel adaptability,
and very low levels of polluting emissions. Quiet, vibration-free operation of SOFCs also
eliminates noise usually associated with conventional power generation systems.

Up until about six years ago, SOFCs were being developed for operation primarily in the
temperature range of 900 to 1000oC (1692 to 1832oF); in addition to the capability of internally
reforming hydrocarbon fuels (for example, natural gas), such high temperature SOFCs provide
high quality exhaust heat for cogeneration, and when pressurized, can be integrated with a gas
turbine to further increase the overall efficiency of the power system.

However, reduction of the SOFC operating temperature by 200oC (392oF) or more allows
use of a broader set of materials, is less demanding on the seals and the balance-of-plant
components, simplifies thermal management, aids in faster start up and cool down, and results in
less degradation of cell and stack components. Because of these advantages, activity in the
development of SOFCs capable of operating in the temperature range of 650 to 800 oC (1202 to
1472oF) has increased dramatically in the last few years. However, at lower temperatures,
electrolyte conductivity and electrode kinetics decrease significantly; to overcome these
drawbacks, alternative cell materials and designs are being extensively investigated.
Fig.1. operating principle of solid oxide fuel cell

An SOFC essentially consists of two porous electrodes separated by a dense, oxide ion
conducting electrolyte. The operating principle of such a cell is illustrated in Figure 1. Oxygen
supplied at the cathode (air electrode) reacts with incoming electrons from the external circuit to
form oxide ions, which migrate to the anode (fuel electrode) through the oxide ion conducting
electrolyte. At the anode, oxide ions combine with hydrogen (and/or carbon monoxide) in the
fuel to form water (and/or carbon dioxide), liberating electrons. Electrons (electricity) flow from
the anode through the external circuit to the cathode.

The materials for the cell components are selected based on suitable electrical conducting
properties required of these components to perform their intended cell functions; adequate
chemical and structural stability at high temperatures encountered during cell operation as well
as during cell fabrication; minimal reactivity and inter diffusion among different components;
and matching thermal expansion among different components.

Materials and cell designs


Yttrium-doped zirconium oxide (YSZ) remains the most widely used material for the electrolyte
in SOFCs because of its sufficient ionic conductivity, chemical stability, and mechanical
strength. The only drawback of stabilized YSZ is the low ionic conductivity in the lower cell
operation temperature regime, below about 750oC (1382oF). Two solutions that have been tried to
resolve this problem are to decrease the thickness of the YSZ electrolyte and to find other
materials to replace the yttrium. Scandium-doped zirconium oxide has higher conductivity than
YSZ but high cost of scandium and detrimental ageing effects in scandium doped zirconium
oxide make it less attractive in commercializing SOFCs.
Gadolinium- or samarium-doped cerium oxide materials possess higher oxide ion
conductivity compared to zirconium based materials. However, cerium oxide based materials,
under reducing conditions at high temperatures, exhibit significant electronic conductivity and
dimensional change. Operation at temperatures below about 600oC (1112oF) overcomes this
problem, and cerium oxide based materials are successfully being used as electrolyte in SOFCs
by Ceres Power Limited (UK).
In addition to the traditionally used oxides of zirconium and cerium, other mixed oxides
also provide an opportunity to develop oxide ion conducting electrolytes. One mixture,
containing among others gallium oxide, has attracted attention as an electrolyte. However, it has
two drawbacks: uncertain cost of gallium, and uncertain chemical and mechanical stability of the
oxide. In spite of these drawbacks, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (Japan) is using this as the
electrolyte in its SOFCs and has successfully built and tested up to 10-kW size SOFC power


The oxidant gas is air or oxygen at the SOFC cathode, and the electrochemical reduction
of oxygen requires a series of elementary reactions and involves the transfer of multiple
electrons. The SOFC cathode must meet the requirements of high catalytic activity for oxygen
molecule dissociation and oxygen reduction, high electronic conductivity, chemical and
dimensional stability in environments encountered during cell fabrication and cell operation,
thermal expansion match with other cell components, and compatibility and minimum reactivity
with the electrolyte and the interconnection.
Finally, the cathode must have a stable, porous microstructure so that gaseous oxygen can
readily diffuse through the cathode to the cathode/electrolyte interface. These stringent
electrochemical and mechanical requirements greatly restrict the number of suitable candidate
materials. Lanthanum manganite, which, when substituted with low valence elements such as
calcium or strontium, has good electronic conduction. Moreover, it possesses adequate
electrocatalytic activity, a reasonable thermal expansion match to YSZ, and stability in the SOFC
cathode operating environment.

For SOFCs operating at substantially lower temperatures, such as 650 to 800 oC (1202 to
1472oF), alternative cathode materials, typically containing transition metals such as cobalt, iron,
and/or nickel, have been developed and optimized for better performance. In general, these
materials offer higher oxide ion diffusion rates and exhibit faster oxygen reduction kinetics at the
cathode/electrolyte interface compared with lanthanum manganite. However, the thermal
expansion coefficient of cobaltites is much higher than that of the YSZ electrolyte, and the
electrical conductivities of ferrites and nickelites are low.

Nevertheless, promising results have been reported using these materials, though in many
cases the improved cathodic performance is found to decrease during the cell lifetime as a result
of chemical or microstructural instability. Minimization of cathodic polarization losses is one of
the biggest challenges to be overcome in obtaining high, stable power densities from lower
temperature SOFCs. However, these materials are very reactive toward YSZ.

Therefore, a thin layer, generally of a cerium oxide based material, is used to reduce the
chemical reaction between the cathode and YSZ. Microstructure also plays a major role in the
cathode polarization; this is particularly true when a composite cathode, which shows a better
performance compared to a single composition cathode, is used. It has been shown that
polarization resistance depends upon the grain size of the ionic conductor in the composite
electrode and the volume fraction of porosity.


The anode must be an excellent catalyst for the oxidation of fuel (hydrogen, carbon dioxide),
stable in the reducing environment of the fuel, electronically conducting, and must have
sufficient porosity to allow the transport of the fuel to and the transport of the products of fuel
oxidation away from the electrolyte/anode interface where the fuel oxidation reaction takes
place. The other requirements include matching of its thermal expansion coefficient with that of
the electrolyte and interconnect; integrity of porosity for gas permeation; chemical stability with
the electrolyte and interconnect; and applicability to use with versatile fuels and impurities. In
addition, cost effectiveness is always a factor for commercialization.

Nickel-YSZ composites are the most commonly used anode materials for SOFCs. Nickel
is an excellent catalyst for fuel oxidation; however, it possesses a high thermal expansion
coefficient, and exhibits coarsening of microstructure due to metal aggregation through grain
growth at cell operation temperatures. YSZ in the anode constrains nickel aggregation and
prevents sintering of the nickel particles, decreases the effective thermal expansion coefficient
bringing it closer to that of the electrolyte, and provides better adhesion of the anode with the
electrolyte. In these anodes, nickel has dual roles of the catalyst for hydrogen oxidation and the
electrical current conductor.

In addition, it is also highly active for the steam reforming of methane. This catalytic
property is exploited in the so-called internal reforming SOFCs that can operate on fuels
composed of mixtures of methane and water. Although nickel is an excellent hydrogen oxidation
and methane-steam reforming catalyst, it also catalyzes the formation of carbon from
hydrocarbons under reducing conditions.

Unless sufficient amounts of steam are present along with the hydrocarbon to remove
carbon from the nickel surface, the anode may be destroyed. As a result, even when using
methane as the fuel, relatively high steam-to-carbon ratios are needed to suppress this deleterious
reaction. Unfortunately, due to the high catalytic activity of nickel for hydrocarbon cracking, this
approach does not work for higher hydrocarbons, and it is generally not possible to operate
nickel-based anodes on higher hydrocarbon-containing fuels without pre-reforming with steam
or oxygen. In spite of this drawback, nickel- YSZ composite remains the most commonly
utilized anode material for SOFCs and is satisfactory for cells operating on clean, reformed fuel.

However, advanced SOFC designs place additional constraints on the anode, such as
tolerance of oxidizing environments and/or the ability to tolerate significant quantities of sulphur
and/or hydrocarbon species in the fuel stream. Alternative materials, such as cerium oxide or
strontium titanate/cerium oxide mixtures, have yielded some promising results in these designs,
but the benefits obtained in terms of sulphur, hydrocarbon and/or redox tolerance are
counterbalanced by other limitations (such as the difficulty of integrating such materials with
existing cell and stack fabrication processes and materials). Copper based anodes have also been
proposed for intermediate temperature (<800oC; <1472oF) SOFCs intended to operate directly on
hydrocarbon fuels without prior reformation, but the lack of catalytic activity for oxidation of
fuel in copper and sintering of copper at the cell operating temperatures have limited their use in
practical SOFCs.

Since a single cell only produces voltage less than 1 V and power around 1 W/cm2, many
cells are electrically connected together in a cell stack to obtain higher voltage and power. To
connect multiple cells together, an interconnection is used in SOFC stacks. The requirements of
the interconnection are the most severe of all cell components and include: nearly 100 percent
electronic conductivity; stability in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres at the cell operating
temperature since it is exposed to air (or oxygen) on the cathode side and fuel on the anode side;
low permeability for oxygen and hydrogen to minimize direct combination of oxidant and fuel
during cell operation; a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of the cathode and the
electrolyte; and non-reactivity with other cell materials.
To satisfy these requirements, doped lanthanum chromite is used as the interconnection
for cells intended for operation at about 1000oC (1832oF).

In cells intended for operation at lower temperatures (<800 oC; <1412oF), it is possible to
use oxidation-resistant metallic materials for the interconnection. Compared to lanthanum
chromite ceramic interconnects, metallic alloys offer advantages such as improved
manufacturability, significantly lower raw material and fabrication costs, and higher electrical
and thermal conductivity. But to be useful for the interconnect application, the metallic alloys
must satisfy additional requirements, including resistance to surface oxidation and corrosion in a
dual atmosphere (simultaneous exposure to oxidizing and reducing atmospheres), thermal
expansion matching to other stack components (particularly for stacks using a rigid seal design),
chemical compatibility with other materials in contact with the interconnect, such as seals and
cell materials, high electrical conductivity not only through the bulk material but also in in-situ-
formed oxide scales, mechanical reliability and durability at the cell operating temperature, and
strong adhesion between the as-formed oxide scale and the underlying alloy substrate.

Ferritic stainless steels are the most promising candidates, owing to the fact that some
alloys in this family offer a protective and conductive chromium-based oxide scale, appropriate
thermal expansion behavior, ease of manufacturing and low cost. Several new ferritic stainless
steels have been developed specifically for SOFC interconnects. Although these alloys
demonstrate improved performance over traditional compositions, several critical issues remain;
among these are chromium oxide scale evaporation and subsequent poisoning of cathodes; scale
electrical resistivity in the long term; corrosion and spalling under interconnect exposure
conditions; and compatibility with the adjacent components such as seals and electrical contact
layers. To overcome some of these problems, some surface coatings can be applied onto metallic
interconnects to minimize scale growth, electrical resistance and chromium volatility.

Stack design

In terms of stack design, most development has focused on planar and tubular design cells, each
of these designs having a number of interesting variants; for example, the planar SOFC may be
in the form of a circular disk fed with fuel from the central axis, or it may be in the form of a
square plate fed from the edges. The tubular SOFC may be of a large diameter (>15 mm), or of
much smaller diameter (<5 mm), the so-called micro tubular cells. Also, the tubes may be flat
and joined together to give higher power density and easily printable surfaces for depositing the
electrode layers. Figure 2 illustrates typical planar cell stacks and a tubular cell bundle. One of
the inherent advantages of tubular cell bundles is that the air and the fuel are naturally isolated
because the tubes are closed at one end.

However, in the case of planar cell stacks, an effective seal must be provided to isolate air
from the fuel. The seal must have a thermal expansion match to the fuel cell components, must
be electrically insulating and must be chemically stable under the operational conditions of the
stack. Also, the seal should exhibit no deleterious interfacial reactions with other cell
components, should be stable under both the high temperature oxidizing and reducing
operational conditions, should be created at a low enough temperature to avoid damaging cell
components (under 850oC or 1562oF for some materials), and should not migrate or flow from
the designated sealing region during sealing or cell operation.
In addition, the sealing system should be able to withstand thermal cycling between the
cell operation temperature and room temperature. A number of different sealing approaches are
under development, including rigid, bonded seals (for example, glass-ceramics and brazes),
compliant seals (for example viscous glasses) and compressive seals (for example, mica-based
composites); multiple sealants may also be used in any given stack design between different cell
components. Successful development of sealing materials and concepts for planar SOFCs is
probably the most important issue for the long-term performance stability and lifetime of planar
SOFC stacks and hence for their eventual commercialization at competitive costs.

Alternate tubular geometry cells being developed by Siemens.

A Siemens Westinghouse 100 kilowatt SOFC power system.

Using planar SOFCs, stationary power generation systems of from 1-kW to 25-kW size
have been fabricated and tested by several organizations. Several hundred 1-kW size combined
heat and power units for residential application were field tested by Sulzer Hexis; however, their
cost and performance degradation was high and stack lifetime too short. With improved sealing
materials and sealing concepts, planar SOFC prototype systems in the 1- to 5-kW sizes have
recently been developed and are being tested by various organizations with greater success.
Using tubular (cylindrical) SOFCs, Siemens/ Westinghouse fabricated a 100-kW
atmospheric power generation system (Figure 4). The system was successfully operated for two
years in the Netherlands on desulfurized natural gas without any detectable performance
degradation. It provided up to 108 kW of ac electricity at an efficiency of 46% to the Dutch grid
and approximately 85 kW of hot water for the local district heating system. At the conclusion of
the operation in The Netherlands, the system was moved to a German utility site in Essen,
Germany, where it operated successfully for another 4,000 hours.
After replacing some cells, the system was then installed and operated in Italy, for over
two years, again with very stable performance. Siemens/Westinghouse tubular cells have also
been used to fabricate and field test over a dozen 5-kW size combined heat and power units, each
about the size of a refrigerator. These units gave excellent performance and performance stability
on a variety of hydrocarbon fuels. However, at present, their cost is high; future such units are
expected to use higher power density alternate tubular geometry cells to drive down the cost.

Another application of SOFC systems is in the transportation sector. The polymer

electrolyte membrane fuel cell is generally regarded as the fuel cell of choice for transportation
applications. These fuel cells require pure hydrogen, with no carbon monoxide, as the fuel to
operate successfully. However, presently no hydrogen infrastructure exists, and on-board
reformer systems to produce hydrogen from existing fuel base (gasoline, diesel) are technically
challenging, complex, and expensive.

Furthermore, it is difficult to eliminate the carbon monoxide entirely from the reformate
stream. In contrast, SOFCs can use carbon monoxide along with hydrogen as fuel, and their
higher operating temperature and availability of water on the anode side makes on-cell or in-
stack reformation of hydrocarbon fuels feasible. Also, no noble metal catalysts are used in
SOFCs reducing cost of the cells. The initial application of SOFCs in the transportation sector
will be for on-board auxiliary power units. Such auxiliary power units, operating on existing fuel
base, will supply the ever increasing electrical power demands of luxury automobiles,
recreational vehicles, and heavy-duty trucks. Delphi Corporation has developed a 5-kW auxiliary
power unit using anode-supported planar SOFCs.

This unit is intended to operate on gasoline or diesel, which is reformed through catalytic
partial oxidation. The building blocks of such an auxiliary power unit consist of an SOFC stack,
fuel reformation system, waste energy recovery system, thermal management system, process air
supply system, control system, and power electronics and energy storage (battery) system.
Delphi has reduced the mass and volume in successive generation auxiliary power units to meet
the stringent automotive requirements; the remaining issues of startup time and tolerance to
thermal cycling are presently being worked on.

Ts = 1e-006 s.
powergui Product1
Scope1 s1

+ -i Timer
+ -i
1 2

P1 NOT 1 2
v Product
Scope5 -





Scope6 Timer3

+ -i
1 2 s2




Operator 1
VFc2 i2


1 2 v Vo
+ - Goto
VFc5 -



+ -i
1 2

Product3 s1
i3 Scope10

1 2 s3 Scope11
P3 NOT Goto3





i3 Scope12
Constant4 1 + v
VFC- VFc2 Divide >= Convert P1
Divide3 Product
Constant7 FUEL CELL 2
Data Type Conversion Goto
- v
150 IF
Constant5 PLVFC+
3 >=
Divide4 Convert P2
VFC- Divide1 Product1
3 VFc4
FUEL CELL1 Data Type Conversion1 Goto1
Constant8 4
IF + v
150 VFc5
5 Divide2 >= Convert P3
Divide5 VFC- Product2
FUEL CELL2 Data Type Conversion2 Goto2

4 Scope3
PI 22

4 Add

Electrical energy requirements for many remote applications are too large to allow the
cost-effective use of stand-alone or autonomous PV systems. In these cases, it may prove more
feasible to combine several different types of power sources to form what is known as a "hybrid"
system. To date, PV has been effectively combined with other types of power generators such as
wind, hydro, thermoelectric, petroleum-fueled and even hydrogen. The selection process for
hybrid power source types at a given site can include a combination of many factors including
site topography, seasonal availability of energy sources, cost of source implementation, cost of
energy storage and delivery, total site energy requirements, etc.

•Hybrid power systems use local renewable resource to provide power.

•Village hybrid power systems can range in size from small household systems (100 Wh/day) to
ones supplying a whole area (10’s MWh/day).
•They combine many technologies to provide reliable power that is tailored to the local resources
and community.
•Potential components include: PV, wind, micro-hydro, river-run hydro, biomass, batteries and
conventional generators.

A. Configuration of hybrid system

Figure shows the basic configuration of hybrid system discussed in this study. The hybrid
system was consisted of reduction gear, main-motor (EM1), sub- motor (EM2), engine, power
controller and battery. It was supposed that a double-motor system was prepared for the driving
system discussed in this study. At first, acceleration was assisted by was applied only by main
motor when the driving speed was low, while the corporation by two motors was often achieved
to drive the system.
If the SOC (state of charge) of battery was decreased below the specific threshold, the
battery was charged by sub-motor. This operation was priority to over other actions. Figure 2
shows the modified configuration of hybrid system proposed in this study.
In the modified system, CVT was utilized to keep constant revolution numbers of the
sub-motor when the sub-motor contributed to assist the system.

Schematic view of double motor hybrid system with CVT

Petroleum-fueled engine generators (Gensets)

Petroleum-fueled gensets (operating continuously in many cases) are presently the most
common method of supplying power at sites remote from the utility grid such as villages, lodges,
resorts, cottages and a variety of industrial sites including telecommunications, mining and
logging camps, and military and other government operated locations. Although gensets are
relatively inexpensive in initial cost, they are not inexpensive to operate. Costs for fuel and
maintenance can increase exponentially when these needs must be met in a remote location.
Environmental factors such as noise, carbon oxide emissions, transport and storage of fuel must
also be considered.
Figure Hybrid PV/Generator System Example; Courtesy Photron Canada Inc., Location: Sheep
Mountain Interpretive Centre, Parks Canada Kluone National Park, Yukon Territories, Canada,
63° North Latitude; Components shown include: generator (120/240 V), battery (deep cycle
industrial rated @ ± 10 kWh capacity), DC to AC stand-alone inverter (2500 W @ 120 V
output), miscellaneous safety + control equipment including PV array disconnect, PV
control/regulator, automatic generator start/-stop control, DC/AC system metering etc.;
-Components not shown: PV array (800 W peak).

Figure Genset fuel efficiency vs. capacity utilized.

Fuel to power conversion efficiencies may be as high as 25% (for a diesel fueled unit operating
at rated capacity). Under part load conditions, however, efficiencies may decline to a few
percent. Considerable waste heat is therefore available and may be utilized for other
requirements such as space and/or water heating.

Why a PV/Genset hybrid?

PV and genset systems do not have much in common. It is precisely for this reason that
they can be mated to form a hybrid system that goes far in overcoming the drawbacks to each
technology. Table 10.1 lists the respective advantages and disadvantages. As the sun is a variable
energy source, PV system designs are increased in size (and therefore cost) to allow for a degree
of system autonomy. Autonomy is required to allow for provision of reliable power during
"worst case" situations, which are usually periods of adverse weather, seasonally low solar
insolation values or an unpredicted increased demand for power. The addition of autonomy to the
system is accomplished by increasing the size of the PV array and its requisite energy storage
system (the battery).
When a genset is added, additional battery charging and direct AC load supply
capabilities are provided. The need to build in system autonomy is therefore greatly reduced.
When energy demands cannot be met by the PV portion of the system for any reason, the genset
is brought on line to provide the required backup power. Substantial cost savings can be achieved
and overall system reliability is enhanced.

PV/genset hybrid systems have been utilized at sites with daily energy requirements
ranging from as low as 1 kWh per day to as high as 1 MWh per day, which illustrates their
extreme flexibility. They are a proven and reliable method for efficient and cost effective power
supply at remote sites.
PV/genset hybrid system description

The PV/genset hybrid utilizes two diverse energy sources to power a site's loads. The PV
array is employed to generate DC energy that is consumed by any existing DC loads, with the
balance (if any) being used to charge the system's DC energy storage battery. The PV array is
automatically on line and feeding power into the system whenever solar insolation is available
and continues to produce system power during daylight hours until its rate of production exceeds
what all existing DC loads and the storage battery can absorb. Should this occur, the array is
inhibited by the system controller from feeding any further energy into the loads or battery. A
genset is employed to generate AC energy that is consumed by any existing AC loads, with the
balance (if any) being used by the battery charger to generate DC energy that is used in the
identical fashion to that described for the PV array above.

Figure Block diagram of a hybrid PV-Genset system.

At times when the genset is not running, all site AC power is derived from the system's power
conditioner or inverter, which automatically converts system DC energy into AC energy
whenever AC loads are being operated. The genset is operated cyclically in direct response to the
need for maintaining a suitable state of charge level in the system's battery storage bank.

Figure Hybrid PV/Generator System Example. Courtesy Photron Inc., Location: Caples Lake,
California, USA; 65 kVA 3 0 @ 480 V generator which includes co-generation equipment (i.e.
heat exchangers to utilize the thermal energy created by unit operation).

Other PV/hybrid types

Certain specific site locations may offer access to other forms of power generation.
Access to flowing water presents the potential for hydro power. Access to consistent wind at
sufficient velocity presents the potential for wind power. PV/hydro and PV/wind hybrid systems
have been utilized at sites with daily energy requirement ranges similar to those described for
PV/genset hybrids. Their use, however, is much more site dependent, as their energy source is a
factor of that locations' topography.
PV/Thermoelectric generator hybrid systems have been used effectively at sites whose daily
energy requirement is relatively low, ranging from 1 to 20 kWh per day. Propane is the fuel
source for the thermoelectric process, and conversion efficiencies of up to 8% can be achieved.
Considerable waste heat is therefore available which may be utilized for other requirements. In
cold climates, this heat is often used to maintain the battery storage system at desired
temperature levels. Table 10.1 Relative Advantages of Energy Sources: Genset vs. PV

Architectural Integration

The last two decades have brought significant changes to the design profession. In the
wake of traumatic escalations in energy prices, shortages, embargoes and war along with
heightened concerns over pollution, environmental degradation and resource depletion,
awareness of the environmental impact of our work as design professionals has dramatically
increased. In the process, the shortcomings of yesterday's buildings have also become
increasingly clear: inefficient electrical and climate conditioning systems squander great amounts
of energy. Combustion of fossil fuels on-site and at power plants add greenhouse gases, acid rain
and other pollutants to the environment. Inside, many building materials, furnishings and finishes
give off toxic by-products contributing to indoor air pollution. Poorly designed lighting and
ventilation systems can induce headaches and fatigue.
Architects with vision have come to understand it is no longer the goal of good design to
simply create a building that is aesthetically pleasing - buildings of the future must be
environmentally responsive as well. They have responded by specifying increased levels of
thermal insulation, healthier interiors, higher-efficiency lighting, better glazing and HVAC
(heating, ventilation and air conditioning) equipment, air-to-air heat exchangers and heat-
recovery ventilation systems. Significant advances have been made and this progress is a very
important first step in the right direction. However, it is not enough. For the developed countries
to continue to enjoy the comforts of the late twentieth century and for the developing world to
ever hope to attain them, sustainability must become the cornerstone of our design philosophy.
Rather than merely using less non-renewable fuels and creating less pollution, we must
come to design sustainable buildings that rely on renewable resources to produce some or all of
their own energy and create no pollution. One of the most promising renewable energy
technologies is photovoltaic’s. Photovoltaics (PV) is a truly elegant means of producing
electricity on site, directly from the sun, without concern for energy supply or environmental
harm. These solid-state devices simply make electricity out of sunlight, silently with no
maintenance, no pollution and no depletion of materials. Photovoltaics are also exceedingly
versatile - the same technology that can pump water, grind grain and provide communications
and village electrification in the developing world can produce electricity for the buildings and
distribution grids of the industrialized countries.

Figure HEW, Hamburg, Germany: 16.8 kWp facade-integrated PV system. The polycrystalline
PV modules are installed as fixed shading devices.
There is a growing consensus that distributed photovoltaic systems which provide
electricity at the point of use will be the first to reach widespread commercialization. Chief
among these distributed applications are PV power systems for individual buildings. Interest in
the building integration of photovoltaics, where the PV elements actually become an integral part
of the building, often serving as the exterior weathering skin, is growing world-wide. PV
specialists from some 15 countries are working within the International Energy Agency's Task 16
on a 5-year effort to optimize these systems and architects are now beginning to explore
innovative ways of incorporating solar electricity into their building designs.

Figure SOS Kinderdorf, Zwickau, Germany: 2.9 kWp roof-integrated PV system. Frameless
architectural laminated glass with amorphous silicon cells.

Planning context of an energy conscious design project

The possibilities of an active and passive solar energy use in buildings is greatly
influenced by the form, design, construction and manufacturing process of the building envelope.
A promising possibility of active solar energy use is the production of electricity with
photovoltaics. This technology can be adapted to existing buildings as well as to new buildings.
It can be integrated into the roof, into the facade or into different building components, such as a
photovoltaic rooftile. Such an integration makes sense for various reasons:
·The solar irradiation is a distributed energy source; the energy demand is distributed as well.
·The building envelopes supply sufficient area for PV generators and therefore
·additional land use is avoided as well as costs for mounting structures and energy transport.

Active and Passive Solar Design Principles (© Ingo Hagemann

In order to use PV together with other available techniques of active and passive solar
energy, it must be considered that some techniques fit well together and others exclude each
other. For example: As a kind of a "passive cooling system", creepers are used for covering the
south facade of building. The leaves evaporate water and provide shade on the facade. This
helps to avoid penetration of direct sunlight and reduces the temperature in the rooms behind the
facade. At the same time the leaves create shading on PV modules that may be mounted on the
facade resulting in a far lower electricity production.
To avoid such design faults it is necessary to compare and evaluate the different
techniques that are available for creating an energy conscious building. An overall energy
concept for a building should be made at the beginning of the design process. Therefore, the
architect and the other experts involved in the design and planning process need to work together
right from the beginning of the design and planning process. All together they have to search
right from the beginning for the best design for a building project.

Photovoltaics and Architecture

Photovoltaics and Architecture are a challenge for a new generation of buildings.

Installations fulfilling a number of technical approaches do not automatically represent
aesthetical solutions. A collaboration between engineers and architects is essential to create
outstanding overall designs. This again will support the wide use of PV. These systems will
acquire a new image, ceasing to be a toy or a solar module reserved for a mountain chalet but
becoming a modern building unit, integrated into the design of roofs and facades. The architects,
together with the engineers involved are asked to integrate PV at least on four levels during the
planning and realisation of a building:
· Design of a building (shape, size, orientation, colour)
· Mechanical integration (multi functionality of a PV element)
· Electrical integration (grid connection and/or direct use of the power)
· Maintenance and operation control of the PV system must be integrated into the usual building
maintenance and control.
Planning Responsibilities and Lay Down of Energy Consumption.

To realize the emerging potential of distributed generation one must take a system
approach which views generation and associated loads as a subsystem or a “microgrid”. During
disturbances, the generation and corresponding loads can separate from the distribution system to
isolate the microgrid’s load from the disturbance (and thereby maintaining service) without
harming the transmission grid’s integrity.
The difficult task is to achieve this functionality without extensive custom engineering
and still have high system reliability and generation placement flexibility. To achieve this we
promote a peer-to-peer and plug-and-play model for each component of the microgrid. The peer-
to-peer concept insures that there are no components, such as a master controller or central
storage unit that is critical for operation of the microgrid. This implies that the microgrid can
continue operating with loss of any component or generator. With one additional source (N+1)
we can insure complete functionality with the loss of any source. Plug-and-play implies that a
unit can be placed at any point on the electrical system without reengineering the controls. Plug-
and-play functionality is much akin to the flexibility one has when using a home appliance.
That is it can be attached to the electrical system at the location where it is needed. The
traditional model is to cluster generation at a single point that makes the electrical application
simpler. The plug-and-play model facilitates placing generators near the heat loads thereby
allowing more effective use of waste heat without complex heat distribution systems such as
steam and chilled water pipes.
This ability to island generation and loads together has the potential to provide a higher
local reliability than that provided by the power system as a whole. Smaller units, having power
ratings in thousands of watts, can provide even higher reliability and fuel efficiency. These units
can create microgrid services at customer sites such as office buildings, industrial parks and
homes. Since the smaller units are modular, site management could decide to have more units
(N+) than required by the electrical/heat load, providing local, online backup if one or more of
the operating units failed. It is

Also much easier to place small generators near the heat loads thereby allowing more
effective use of waste heat. Basic Microgrid architecture is shown in figure 2. This consists of a
group of radial feeders, which could be part of a distribution system or a building’s electrical
system. There is a single point of connection to the utility called point of common coupling.
Some feeders, (Feeders A-C) have sensitive loads, which require local generation.
The noncritical load feeders do not have any local generation. In our example this is
Feeder D. Feeders A-C can island from the grid using the static switch which can separate in less
than a cycle. In this example there are four micro sources at nodes 8, 11, 16 and 22, which
control the operation using only local voltages and currents measurments. When there is a
problem with the utility supply the static switch will open, isolating the sensitive loads from the
power grid. Feeder D loads ride through the event. It is assumed that there is sufficient
generation to meet the loads’ demand. When the Microgrid is grid-connected power from the
local generation can be directed to feeder D.

Photovoltaic’s is the field of technology and research related to the devices which directly
convert sunlight into electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect.
Photovoltaic effect involves the creation of voltage in a material upon exposure to electro
magnetic radiation.
The photovoltaic effect was first noted by a French physicist, Edmund Becquerel, in
1839, who found that certain materials would produce small amounts of electric current when
exposed to light. In 1905, Albert Einstein described the nature of light and the photoelectric
effect on which photovoltaic technology is based, for which he later won a Nobel prize in
physics. The first photovoltaic module was built by Bell Laboratories in 1954.
It was billed as a solar battery and was mostly just a curiosity as it was too expensive to
gain widespread use. In the 1960s, the space industry began to make the first serious use of the
technology to provide power aboard spacecraft. Through the space programs, the technology
advanced, its reliability was established, and the cost began to decline. During the energy crisis
in the 1970s, photovoltaic technology gained recognition as a source of power for non-space
The solar cell is the elementary building block of the photovoltaic technology. Solar cells
are made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon. One of the properties of semiconductors
that makes them most useful is that their conductivity may easily be modified by introducing
impurities into their crystal lattice. For instance, in the fabrication of a photovoltaic solar cell,
silicon, which has four valence electrons, is treated to increase its conductivity.
On one side of the cell, the impurities, which are phosphorus atoms with five valence
electrons (n-donor), donate weakly bound valence electrons to the silicon material, creating
excess negative charge carriers. On the other side, atoms of boron with three valence electrons
(p-donor) create a greater affinity than silicon to attract electrons. Because the p-type silicon is in
intimate contact with the n-type silicon a p-n junction is established and a diffusion of electrons
occurs from the region of high electron concentration (the n-type side) into the region of low
electron concentration (p-type side).
When the electrons diffuse across the p-n junction, they recombine with holes on the p-
type side. However, the diffusion of carriers does not occur indefinitely, because the imbalance
of charge immediately on either sides of the junction originates an electric field. This electric
field forms a diode that promotes current to flow in only one direction.
Ohmic metal-semiconductor contacts are made to both the n-type and p-type sides of the
solar cell, and the electrodes are ready to be connected to an external load. When photons of light
fall on the cell, they transfer their energy to the charge carriers. The electric field across the
junction separates photo-generated positive charge carriers (holes) from their negative
counterpart (electrons). In this way an electrical current is extracted once the circuit is closed on
an external load.

The photovoltaic elect was reported by Edmund Bequerel in 1839 when he observed that
the action of light on a silver coated platinum electrode immersed in electrolyte produced an
electric current. Forty years later the rest solid state photovoltaic devices were constructed by
workers investigating the recently discovered photoconductivity of selenium.
In 1876 William Adams and Richard Day found that a photocurrent could be produced in
a sample of selenium when contacted by two heated platinum contacts. The photovoltaic action
of the selenium diverted from its photoconductive action in that a current was produced
spontaneously by the action of light. No external power supply was needed. In this early
photovoltaic device, a rectifying junction had been formed between the semiconductor and the
metal contact. In 1894, Charles Fritts prepared what was probably the rust large area solar cell by
pressing a layer of selenium between gold and another metal. In the following years photovoltaic
elects were observed in copper{copper oxide thin _lm structures, in lead sulphide and thallium
sulphide. These early cells were thin _lm Schottky barrier devices, where a semitransparent layer
of metal deposited on top of the semiconductor provided both the asymmetric electronic
junction, which is necessary for photovoltaic action, and access to the junction for the incident
light. The photovoltaic elect of structures like this was related to the existence of a barrier to
current ow at one of the semiconductor {metal interfaces (i.e., rectifying action) by Goldman and
Brodsky in 1914. Later, during the 1930s, the theory of metal{semiconductor barrier layers was
developed by Walter Schottky, Neville Mott and others.
However, it was not the photovoltaic properties of materials like selenium which excited
researchers, but the photoconductivity. The fact that the current produced was proportional to the
intensity of the incident light, and related to the wavelength in a denite way meant that
photoconductive materials were ideal for photographic light meters. The photovoltaic elect
in barrier structures was an added benet, meaning that the light meter could operate without a
power supply. It was not until the 1950s, with the development of good quality silicon wafers for
applications in the new solid state electronics, that potentially useful quantities of power were
produced by photovoltaic devices in crystalline silicon.
In the 1950s, the development of silicon electronics followed the discovery of a way to
manufacture p{n junctions in silicon. Naturally n type silicon wafers developed a p type skin
when exposed to the gas boron trichloride. Part of the skin could be etched away to give access
to the n type layer beneath. These p{n junction structures produced much better rectifying action
than Schottky barriers, and better photovoltaic behaviour. The rust silicon solar cell was reported
by Chapin, Fuller and Pearson in 1954 and converted sunlight with an efficiency of 6%, six times
higher than the best previous attempt.
That figure was to rise significantly over the following years and decades but, at an
estimated production cost of some $200 per Watt, these cells were not seriously considered for
power generation for several decades. Nevertheless, the early silicon solar cell did introduce the
possibility of power generation in remote locations where fuel could not easily be delivered. The
obvious application was to satellites where the requirement of reliability and low weight made
the cost of the cells unimportant and during the 1950s and 60s, silicon solar cells were widely
developed for applications in space.
Also in 1954, a cadmium sulphide p{n junction was produced with an efficiency of 6%,
and in the following years studies of p{n junction photovoltaic devices in gallium arsenide,
indium phosphide and cadmium telluride were stimulated by theoretical work indicating that
these materials would over a higher efficiency. However, silicon remained and remains the
foremost photovoltaic material, beneting from the advances of silicon technology for the
microelectronics industry. Short histories of the solar cell are given elsewhere.
In the 1970s the crisis in energy supply experienced by the oil-dependent western world
led to a sudden growth of interest in alternative sources of energy, and funding for research and
development in those areas. Photovoltaics was a subject of intense interest during this period,
and a range of strategies for producing photovoltaic devices and materials more cheaply and for
improving device efficiency were explored. Routes to lower cost included photo electrochemical
junctions, and alternative materials such as polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, other `thin
_lm' materials and organic conductors. Strategies for higher efficiency included tandem and other
multiple band gap designs. Although none of these led to widespread commercial development,
our understanding of the science of photovoltaics is mainly rooted in this period.
During the 1990s, interest in photovoltaics expanded, along with growing awareness of
the need to secure sources of electricity alternative to fossil fuels. The trend coincides with the
widespread deregulation of the electricity markets and growing recognition of the viability of
decentralized power. During this period, the economics of photovoltaics improved primarily
through economies of scale. In the late 1990s the photovoltaic production expanded at a rate of
15{25% per annum, driving a reduction in cost.
Photovoltaics rust became competitive in contexts where conventional electricity supply
is most expensive, for instance, for remote low power applications such as navigation,
telecommunications, and rural electrication and for enhancement of supply in grid-connected
loads at peak use as prices fall, new markets are opened up. An important example is building
integrated photovoltaic applications, where the cost of the photovoltaic system is onset by the
savings in building materials.
There are several types of solar cells. However, more than 90 % of the solar cells
currently made worldwide consist of wafer-based silicon cells. They are either cut from a single
crystal rod or from a block composed of many crystals and are correspondingly called mono-
crystalline or multi-crystalline silicon solar cells. Wafer-based silicon solar cells are
approximately 200 μm thick. Another important family of solar cells is based on thin-films,
which are approximately 1-2 μm thick and therefore require significantly less active,
semiconducting material. Thin-film solar cells can be manufactured at lower cost in large
production quantities; hence their market share will likely increase in the future. However, they
indicate lower efficiencies than wafer-based silicon solar cells, which mean that more exposure
surface and material for the installation is required for a similar performance.
A number of solar cells electrically connected to each other and mounted in a single
support structure or frame is called a ‘photovoltaic module’. Modules are designed to supply
electricity at a certain voltage, such as a common 12 volt system. The current produced is
directly dependent on the intensity of light reaching the module. Several modules can be wired
together to form an array. Photovoltaic modules and arrays produce direct-current electricity.
They can be connected in both series and parallel electrical arrangements to produce any
required voltage and current combination.
The electrical output of a single cell is dependent on the design of the device and the
Semi-conductor material(s) chosen, but is usually insufficient for most applications. In order to
provide the appropriate quantity of electrical power, a number of cells must be electrically
connected. There are two basic connection methods: series connection, in which the top contact
of each cell is connected to the back contact of the next cell in the sequence, and parallel
connection, in which all the top contacts are connected together, as are all the bottom contacts. In
both cases, this results in just two electrical connection points for the group of cells.
 Series connection:
Figure shows the series connection of three individual cells as an example and the resultant
group of connected cells is commonly referred to as a series string. The current output of the
string is equivalent to the current of a single cell, but the voltage output is increased, being an
addition of the voltages from all the cells in the string (i.e. in this case, the voltage output is equal
to 3Vcell).
Fig. Series connection of cells, with resulting current–voltage characteristic.

It is important to have well matched cells in the series string, particularly with respect to
current. If one cell produces a significantly lower current than the other cells (under the same
illumination conditions), then the string will operate at that lower current level and the remaining
cells will not be operating at their maximum power points.
 Parallel connection
Figure shows the parallel connection of three individual cells as an example. In this case, the
current from the cell group is equivalent to the addition of the current from each cell (in this
case, 3 Icell), but the voltage remains equivalent to that of a single cell.
As before, it is important to have the cells well matched in order to gain maximum
output, but this time the voltage is the important parameter since all cells must be at the same
operating voltage. If the voltage at the maximum power point is substantially different for one of
the cells, then this will force all the cells to operate off their maximum power point, with the
poorer cell being pushed towards its open-circuit voltage value and the better cells to voltages
below the maximum power point voltage. In all cases, the power level will be reduced below the
Fig. Parallel connection of cells, with resulting current–voltage characteristic.


A PV array consists of a number of PV modules, mounted in the same plane and
electrically connected to give the required electrical output for the application. The PV array can
be of any size from a few hundred watts to hundreds of kilowatts, although the larger systems are
often divided into several electrically independent sub arrays each feeding into their own power
conditioning system.

The main purpose of the mounting structure is to hold the modules in the required
position without undue stress. The structure may also provide a route for the electrical wiring and
may be free standing or part of another structure (e.g. a building). At its simplest, the mounting
structure is a metal framework, securely fixed into the ground. It must be capable of
withstanding appropriate environmental stresses, such as wind loading, for the location. As well
as the mechanical issues, the mounting has an influence on the operating temperature of the
system, depending on how easily heat can be dissipated by the module.
The orientation of the module with respect to the direction of the Sun determines the
intensity of the sunlight falling on the module surface. Two main parameters are defined to
describe this. The first is the tilt angle, which is the angle between the plane of the module and
the horizontal. The second parameter is the azimuth angle, which is the angle between the plane
of the module and due south (or sometimes due north depending on the definition used).
Correction of the direct normal irradiance to that on any surface can be determined using the
cosine of the angle between the normal to the Sun and the module plane.
The optimum array orientation will depend on the latitude of the site, prevailing weather
conditions and the loads to be met. It is generally accepted that, for low latitudes, the maximum
annual output is obtained when the array tilt angle is roughly equal to the latitude angle and the
array faces due south (in the northern hemisphere) or due north (for the southern hemisphere).
For higher latitudes, such as those in northern Europe, the maximum output is usually obtained
for tilt angles of approximately the latitude angle minus 10–15 degrees. The optimum tilt angle is
also affected by the proportion of diffuse radiation in the sunlight, since diffuse light is only
weakly directional. Therefore, for locations with a high proportion of diffuse sunlight, the effect
of tilt angle is reduced.
However, although this condition will give the maximum output over the year, there can
be considerable variation in output with season. This is particularly true in high-latitude locations
where the day length varies significantly between summer and winter. Therefore, if a constant or
reasonably constant load is to be met or, particularly, if the winter load is higher than the summer
load, then the best tilt angle may be higher in order to boost winter output. Prevailing weather
conditions can influence the optimisation of the array orientation if they affect the sunlight levels
available at certain times of the day. Alternatively, the load to be met may also vary during the
day and the array can be designed to match the output with this variable demand by varying the
azimuth angle. Notwithstanding the ability to tailor the output profile by altering the tilt and
azimuth angles, the overall array performance does not vary substantially for small differences in
array orientation.
Figure shows the percentage variation in annual insolation levels for the location of
London as tilt angle is varied between 0 and 90 degrees and azimuth angle is varied between –
45o (south east) and +45o (south west). The maximum insolation level is obtained for a south-
facing surface at a tilt angle of about 35 degrees, as would be expected for a latitude of about
51oN. However, the insolation level varies by less than 10% with changing azimuth angle at this
tilt angle. A similarly low variation is observed for south facing surfaces for a variation of +/- 30
degrees from the optimum tilt angle.

Fig. Percentage variation of annual sunlight levels as a function of tilt angle and azimuth angle.

The calculations were carried out for the location of London using Meteonorm Version
3.0. The final aspect to consider when deciding on array orientation is the incorporation in the
support structure. For building-integrated applications, the system orientation is also dictated by
the nature of the roof or façade in which it is to be incorporated. It may be necessary to trade off
the additional output from the optimum orientation against any additional costs that might be
incurred to accomplish this. The aesthetic issues must also be considered.
The previous section has assumed a fixed array with no change of orientation during
operation. This is the usual configuration for a flat-plate array. However, some arrays are
designed to track the path of the Sun. This can account fully for the sun’s movements by tracking
in two axes or can account partially by tracking only in one axis, from east to west. For a flat-
plate array, single-axis tracking, where the array follows the east-west movement of the Sun, has
been shown to increase the output by up to 30% for a location with predominantly clear sky
Two-axis tracking, where the array follows both the daily east-west and north-south
movement of the sun, could provide a further increase of about 20% (Lepley, 1990). For
locations where there are frequent overcast conditions, such as northern Europe, the benefits of
tracking are considerably less. It is usually more economical to install a larger panel for locations
with less than about 3000 hours of direct sunshine per annum. For each case, the additional
output from the system must be compared to the additional cost of including the tracking system,
which includes both the control system and the mechanism for moving the array. For
concentrator systems, the system must track the Sun to maintain the concentrated light falling on
the cell. The accuracy of tracking, and hence the cost of the tracking system, increases as the
concentration ratio increases.

Shading of any part of the array will reduce its output, but this reduction will vary in
magnitude depending on the electrical configuration of the array. Clearly, the output of any cell
or module which is shaded will be reduced according to the reduction of light intensity falling on
it. However, if this shaded cell or module is electrically connected to other cells and modules
which are unshaded, their performance may also be reduced since this is essentially a mismatch
situation. For example, if a single module of a series string is partially shaded, its current output
will be reduced and this will then dictate the operating point of the whole string. If several
modules are shaded, the string voltage may be reduced to the point where the open-circuit
voltage of that string is below the operating point of the rest of the array, and then that string will
not contribute to the array output. If this is likely to occur, it is often useful to include a blocking
diode for string protection, as discussed earlier.
Thus, the reduction in output from shading of an array can be significantly greater than
the reduction in illuminated area, since it results from
• the loss of output from shaded cells and modules;
• the loss of output from illuminated modules in any severely shaded strings that cannot maintain
operating voltage; and
• the loss of output from the remainder of the array because the strings are not operating at their
individual maximum power points.
For some systems, such as those in a city environment, it may be impossible to avoid all
shading without severely restricting the size of the array and hence losing output at other times.
In these cases, good system design, including the optimum interconnection of modules, the use
of string or module inverters and, where appropriate, the use of protection devices such as
blocking diodes, can minimize the reduction in system output for the most prevalent shading


A PV system consists of a number of interconnected components designed to accomplish
a desired task, which may be to feed electricity into the main distribution grid, to pump water
from a well, to power a small calculator or one of many more possible uses of solar-generated
electricity. The design of the system depends on the task it must perform and the location and
other site conditions under which it must operate. This section will consider the components of a
PV system, variations in design according to the purpose of the system, system sizing and
aspects of system operation and maintenance.

System design
There are two main system configurations – stand-alone and grid-connected. As its name
implies, the stand-alone PV system operates independently of any other power supply and it
usually supplies electricity to a dedicated load or loads. It may include a storage facility (e.g.
battery bank) to allow electricity to be provided during the night or at times of poor sunlight
levels. Stand-alone systems are also often referred to as autonomous systems since their
operation is independent of other power sources.
By contrast, the grid-connected PV system operates in parallel with the conventional
electricity distribution system. It can be used to feed electricity into the grid distribution system
or to power loads which can also be fed from the grid.
It is also possible to add one or more alternative power supplies (e.g. diesel generator,
wind turbine) to the system to meet some of the load requirements. These systems are then
known as ‘hybrid’ systems. Hybrid systems can be used in both stand-alone and grid-connected
applications but are more common in the former because, provided the power supplies have been
chosen to be complementary, they allow reduction of the storage requirement without increased
loss of load probability. Figures below illustrate the schematic diagrams of the three main system

Fig. Schematic diagram of a stand-alone photovoltaic system.

Fig. Schematic diagram of grid-connected photovoltaic system.

Fig. Schematic diagram of hybrid system incorporating a photovoltaic array and a motor
generator (e.g. diesel or wind).


Power management is a feature of some electrical appliances,

especially copiers, computers and computer peripherals such as monitors and printers, that turns
off the power or switches the system to a low-power state when inactive. In computing this is
known as PC power management and is built around a standard called ACPI. This
supersedes APM. All recent (consumer) computers have ACPI support.


PC power management for computer systems is desired for many reasons, particularly:

 Reduce overall energy consumption

 Prolong battery life for portable and embedded systems

 Reduce cooling requirements

 Reduce noise.

 Reduce operating costs for energy and cooling.

Lower power consumption also means lower heat dissipation, which increases system stability,
and less energy use, which saves money and reduces the impact on the environment.

Processor level techniques:

The power management for microprocessors can be done over the whole processor, or in specific

With dynamic voltage scaling and dynamic frequency scaling, the CPU core voltage, clock rate,
or both, can be altered to decrease power consumption at the price of potentially lower
performance. This is sometimes done in real time to optimize the power-performance tradeoff.


 AMD Cool'n'Quiet
 AMD PowerNow! [1]

 IBM EnergyScale [2]

 Intel Speed Step

 Transmeta Long Run and LongRun2

 VIA Long Haul (PowerSaver)

Additionally, processors can selectively power off internal circuitry (power gating). For example:

 Newer Intel Core processors support ultra-fine power control over the functional units
within the processors.
 AMD Cool Core technology get more efficient performance by dynamically activating or
turning off parts of the processor.[3]

Intel VRT technology split the chip into a 3.3V I/O section and a 2.9V core section. The lower
core voltage reduces power consumption.
Power Management System helps to:
 Avoid Black-outs
In case of a lack of power, Load Shedding secures the electrical power to critical loads by
switching off non-critical loads according to dynamic priority tables.
 Reduce Energy Costs / Peak Shaving
When all on-site power generation is maximized and the power demand still tends to exceed the
contracted maximum electricity import, the system will automatically shed some of the low
priority loads.
 Enhanced Operator Support
At sites where electricity is produced by several generators, the demands with respect to control
activities by operators are much higher. Advanced functions such as intelligent alarm filtering,
consistency analysis, operator guidance, and a well organized single-window interface support
the operator and prevent incorrect interventions.
 Achieve Stable Operation
The Power Control function shares the active and reactive power between the different
generators and tie-lines in such a way that the working points of the machines are as far as
possible away from the border of the individual PQ-capability diagrams so that the plant can
withstand bigger disturbances.
 Optimize Network Design
Because the set points for the generators, turbines and transformers are calculated in such a way
that no component will be overloaded and the electrical network can be used up to its limits,
over-dimensioning of the network is no longer needed.
 Minimize Cabling and Engineering
All the signals and information which are available in protection/control relays,
governor/excitation controllers and other microprocessor based equipment can be easily
transmitted to the Industrial PMS via serial communication links. This avoids marshalling
cubicles, interposing relays, cable ducts, spaghetti wiring, cabling engineering and provides extra
functionality such as parameter setting/reading, stored events, disturbance data analysis and a
single window to all electrical related data.


A. Structure of Grid-Connected Hybrid Power System

The system consists of a PV-FC hybrid source with the main grid connecting to loads at the PCC
as shown in Fig. 1. The photovoltaic and the PEMFC are modeled as nonlinear voltage sources.
These sources are connected to dc–dc converters which are coupled at the dc side of a dc/ac
inverter. The dc/dc connected to the PV array works as an MPPT controller. Many MPPT
algorithms have been proposed in the literature, such as incremental conductance (INC), constant
voltage (CV), and perturbation and observation (P&O). The P&O method has been widely used
because of its simple feedback structure and fewer measured parameters. The P&O algorithm
with power feedback control is shown in Fig. 2. As PV voltage and current are determined, the
power is calculated. At the maximum power point, the derivative

is equal to zero. The maximum power point can be achieved by changing the

reference voltage by the amount of

B. PV Array Model

The mathematical model can be expressed as

Equation (1) shows that the output characteristic of a solar cell is nonlinear and vitally affected

by solar radiation, temperature, and load condition. Photocurrent is directly proportional to

solar radiation
The short-circuit current of solar cell depends linearly on cell temperature
Thus, depends on solar irradiance and cell temperature also depends on solar irradiation
and cell temperature and can be mathematically expressed as follows:

C. PEMFC Model

The PEMFC steady-state feature of a PEMFC source is assessed by means of a polarization

curve, which shows the nonlinear relationship between the voltage and current density. The
PEMFC output voltage is as follows [5]:

Where is the “thermodynamic potential” of Nerst, which represents the reversible (or
open-circuit) voltage of the fuel

cell. Activation voltage drop is given in the Tafel equation as

where are the constant terms in the Tafel equation (in volts per Kelvin)
The overall ohmic voltage drop can be expressed as
The ohmic resistance of PEMFC consists of the resistance of the polymer membrane and
electrodes, and the resistances of the electrodes.

The concentration voltage drop is expressed as

D. MPPT Control

Many MPPT algorithms have been proposed in the literature, such as incremental
conductance (INC), constant voltage (CV), and perturbation and observation (P&O). The two
algorithms often used to achieve maximum power point tracking are the P&O and INC methods.
The INC method offers good performance under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.
However, four sensors are required to perform the computations. If the sensors require more
conversion time, then the MPPT process will take longer to track the maximum power point.
During tracking time, the PV output is less than its maximum power. This means that the longer
the conversion time is, the larger amount of power loss will be on the contrary, if the execution
speed of the P&O method increases, then the system loss will decrease.
Moreover, this method only requires two sensors, which results in a reduction of hardware
requirements and cost. Therefore, the P&O method is used to control the MPPT process. In order
to achieve maximum power, two different applied control methods that are often chosen are
voltage-feedback control and power-feedback control. Voltage-feedback control uses the solar-
array terminal voltage to control and keep the array operating near its maximum power point by
regulating the array’s voltage and matching the voltage of the array to a desired voltage. The
drawback of the voltage-feedback control is its neglect of the effect of irradiation and cell
temperature. Therefore, the power-feedback control is used to achieve maximum power.
The P&O MPPT algorithm with a power-feedback control is shown in Fig. 2. As PV voltage
and current are determined, the power is calculated. At the maximum power point, the derivative

( ) is equal to zero. The maximum power point can be achieved by changing the

reference voltage by the amount of . In order to implement the MPPT algorithm, a buck-
boost dc/dc converter is used as depicted in Fig. 3. The parameters L and C in the buck-boost
converter must satisfy the following conditions:

The buck-boost converter consists of one switching device (GTO) that enables it to turn on and
off depending on the applied gate signal D. The gate signal for the GTO can be obtained by
comparing the saw tooth waveform with the control voltage.
The change of the reference voltage obtained by MPPT algorithm becomes the input of
the pulse width modulation (PWM). The PWM generates a gate signal to control the buck-boost
converter and, thus, maximum power is tracked and delivered to the ac side via a dc/ac inverter.


The control modes in the microgrid include unit power control, feeder flow control, and
mixed control mode. The two control modes were first proposed by Lasserter. In the UPC mode,
the DGs (the hybrid source in this system) regulate the voltage magnitude at the connection point
and the power that source is injecting. In this mode if a load increases anywhere in the microgrid,
the extra power comes from the grid, since the hybrid source regulates to a constant power. In the
FFC mode, the DGs regulate the voltage magnitude at the connection point and the power that is
flowing in the feeder at connection point. With this control mode, extra load demands are
picked up by the DGs, which maintain a constant load from the utility viewpoint.
In the mixed control mode, the same DG could control either its output power or the
feeder flow power. In other words, the mixed control mode is a coordination of the UPC mode
and the FFC mode. Both of these concepts were considered. In this paper, a coordination of the
UPC mode and the FFC mode was investigated to determine when each of the two control modes
was applied and to determine a reference value for each mode. Moreover, in the hybrid system,
the PV and PEMFC sources have their constraints. Therefore, the reference power must be set at
an appropriate value so that the constraints of these sources are satisfied. The proposed operation
strategy presented in the next section is also based on the minimization of mode change. This
proposed operating strategy will be able to improve performance of the system’s operation and
enhance system stability.

As mentioned before, the purpose of the operating algorithm is to determine the control mode of
the hybrid source and the reference value for each control mode so that the PV is able to work at

maximum output power and the constraints are fulfilled.

Once the constraints ( and ) are known, the control mode of the hybrid source (UPC mode and
FFC mode) depends.

on load variations and the PV output. The control mode is decided by the algorithm shown in
Fig. 7, Subsection B. In the UPC mode, the reference output power of the hybrid source depends

on the PV output and the constraints of the FC output. The algorithm determining is
presented in Subsection A and is depicted in Fig. 4.

Operating Strategy for the Hybrid System in the UPC Mode

In this subsection, the presented algorithm determines the hybrid source works in the UPC mode.
This algorithm allows the PV to work at its maximum power point, and the FC to work within its

high efficiency band. In the UPC mode, the hybrid source regulates the output to the
reference value. Then

Equation (11) shows that the variations of the PV output will be compensated for by the FC
power and, thus, the total power will be regulated to the reference value.

However, the FC output must satisfy its constraints and, hence, must set at an appropriate

value. Fig. 4 shows the operation strategy of the hybrid source in UPC mode to determine
. The algorithm includes two areas: Area 1 and Area 2.

In Area 1, is less than , and then the reference Power is set at where

If PV output is zero, then (11) deduces to be equal to . If the PV output increases to

, then from (11) and (12), we obtain equal to . In other words, when the PV

output varies from zero to , the FC output will change from to . As a result, the
constraints for the FC output always reach Area 1. It is noted that the reference power of the

hybrid source during the UPC mode is fixed at a constant . Area 2 is for the case in which

PV output power is greater Than . As examined earlier, when the PV output increases. To

, the FC output will decrease to its lower limit . If PV output keeps increasing, the FC

output will decrease below its limit . In this case, to operate the PV at its maximum power
point and the FC within its limit, the reference power must be increased. As depicted in Fig. 4, if

PV output is larger than , the reference power will be increased by the amount of ,
and we obtain
Similarly, if is greater than , the FC output becomes less than its lower limit and the

reference power will be thus increased by the amount of . In other words, the reference

power remains unchanged and equal to if is less than and greater than .


it is noted that is limited so that with the new reference power, the FC output must be less

than its upper limit . Then, we have

In general, if the PV output is between and , then we have

Equations (17) and (18) show the method of finding the reference power when the PV output is

in Area 2. The relationship between and is obtained by using (12), (13), and
(18) in (17), and then

The determination of in Area 1 and Area 2 can be generalized by starting the index from 1.
Therefore, if the PV output
it is noted that when is given in (12), and

In brief, the reference power of the hybrid source is determined according to the PV output

power. If the PV output is in Area 1, the reference power will always be constant and set at

. Otherwise, the reference value will be changed by the amount of , according to the
change of PV power. The

reference power of the hybrid source in Area 1 and Area 2 is determined by (20) and (21). , and
are shown in (22), (12), and (16), respectively. Fig. 5. shows the control algorithm diagram for
determining the reference power automatically. The constant must satisfy (16). If increases the
number of change of will decrease and thus the performance of system operation will be
However, C should be small enough so that the frequency does not change over its limits
5%). In order to improve the performance of the algorithm, a hysteresis is included in the
simulation model. The hysteresis is used to prevent oscillation of the setting value of the hybrid
system reference power . At the boundary of change in , the reference value will be changed
continuously due to the oscillations in PV maximum power tracking. To avoid the oscillations
around the boundary, a hysteresis is included and its control scheme to control is depicted in

B. Overall Operating Strategy for the Grid-Connected Hybrid System

It is well known that in the microgrid, each DG as well as the hybrid source has two
control modes: 1) the UPC mode and 2) the FFC mode.

In the aforementioned subsection, a method to determine in the UPC mode is proposed. In this
subsection, an operating strategy is presented to coordinate the two control modes.
The purpose of the algorithm is to decide when each control mode is applied and to
determine the reference value of the feeder flow when the FFC mode is used. This operating
strategy must enable the PV to work at its maximum power point, FC output, and feeder flow to
satisfy their constraints. If the hybrid source works in the UPC mode, the hybrid output is
regulated to a reference value and the variations in load are matched by feeder power. With the
reference power proposed in Subsection A, the constraints of FC and PV are always satisfied.
Therefore, only the constraint of feeder flow is considered. On the other hand, when the hybrid
works in the FFC mode, the feeder flow is controlled to a reference value
And, thus, the hybrid source will compensate for the load variations. In this case, all constraints
must be considered in the operating algorithm. Based on those analyses, the operating strategy of
the system is proposed as demonstrated in Fig. 7. The operation algorithm in Fig. 7 involves two
areas (Area I and Area II) and the control mode depends on the load power. If load is in Area I,
the UPC mode is selected. Otherwise, the FFC mode is applied with respect to Area II. In the
UPC area, the hybrid source output.
If the load is lower than , the redundant power will be transmitted to the main grid.
Otherwise, the main grid will send power to the load side to match load demand. When load
increases, the feeder flow will increase correspondingly. If feeder flow increases to its
maximum , then the feeder flow cannot meet load demand if the load keeps increasing. In order
to compensate for the load demand, the control mode must be changed to FFC with respect to
Area II. Thus, the boundary between Area I and Area II is

When the mode changes to FFC, the feeder flow reference must be determined. In order
for the system operation to be seamless, the feeder flow should be unchanged during control
mode transition. Accordingly, when the feeder flow reference is set at , then we have

In the FFC area, the variation in load is matched by the hybrid source. In other words, the
changes in load and PV output are compensated for by PEMFC power. If the FC output increases
to its upper limit and the load is higher than the total generating power, then load shedding will
occur. The limit that load shedding will be reached is

Equation (25) shows that is minimal when PV output is at 0 kW. Then

Equation (26) means that if load demand is less than , load shedding will never occur.
From the beginning, FC has always worked in the high efficiency band and FC output has
been less than . If the load is less than , load shedding is ensured not to occur. However, in severe
conditions, FC should mobilize its availability, to supply the load. Thus, the load can be higher
and the largest load is

If FC power and load demand satisfy (27), load shedding will never occur. Accordingly, based on
load forecast, the installed power of FC can be determined by following (27) to avoid load
shedding. Corresponding to the FC installed power, the width of Area II is calculated as follows:

In order for the system to work more stably, the number of mode changes should be decreased.
As seen in Fig. 7, the limit changing the mode from UPC to FFC is , which is calculated in (23).

Equation (23) shows that depends on and . is a constant.

Thus depends on Fig. 4 shows that in Area 2 depends on . Therefore, to decrease the

number of mode changes, changes must be reduced. Thus, must be increased.


must satisfy condition (16) and, thus, the minimized number of mode change is reached

when is maximized
In summary, in a light-load condition, the hybrid source works in UPC mode, the hybrid source

regulates output power to the reference value , and the main grid compensates for

load variations. is determined by the algorithm shown in Fig. 4 and, thus, the PV always
works at its maximum power point and the PEMFC always works within the high efficiency

band . In heavy load conditions, the control mode changes to FFC, and the
variation of load will be matched by the hybrid source. In this mode, PV still works with the
MPPT control, and PEMFC operates within its efficiency band until load increases to a very high

point. Hence, FC only works outside the high efficiency band in severe
conditions. With an installed power of FC and load demand satisfying (27), load shedding will
not occur. Besides, to reduce the number of mode changes, must be increased and, hence, the
number of mode changes is minimized when is maximized, as shown in (29). In addition, in
order for system operation to be seamless, the reference value of feeder flow must be set at


This paper has presented an available method to operate a hybrid grid-connected system. The
hybrid system, composed of a PV array and PEMFC, was considered. The operating strategy of
the system is based on the UPC mode and FFC mode. The purposes of the proposed operating
strategy presented in this paper are to determine the control mode, to minimize the number of
mode changes, to operate PV at the maximum power point, and to operate the FC output in its
high-efficiency performance band.
The main operating strategy, shown in Fig. 7, is to specify the control mode; the

algorithm shown in Fig. 4 is to determine in the UPC mode. With the operating algorithm,
PV always operates at maximum output power, PEMFC operates within the high-efficiency

range , and feeder power flow is always less than its maximum value .
The change of the operating mode depends on the current load demand, the PV output, and the
constraints of PEMFC and feeder power.
With the proposed operating algorithm, the system works flexibly, exploiting maximum solar
energy; PEMFC works within a high-efficiency band and, hence, improves the performance of
the system’s operation. The system can maximize the generated power when load is heavy and
minimizes the load shedding area. When load is light, the UPC mode is selected and, thus, the
hybrid source works more stably. The changes in operating mode only occur when the load

demand is at the boundary of mode change ; otherwise, the operating mode is either

UPC mode or FFC mode. Besides, the variation of hybrid source reference power is
eliminated by means of hysteresis. In addition, the number of mode changes is reduced. As a
consequence, the system works more stably due to the minimization of mode changes and
reference value variation.
In brief, the proposed operating algorithm is a simplified and flexible method to operate a
hybrid source in a grid-connected microgrid. It can improve the performance of the system’s
operation; the system works more stably while maximizing the PV output power. For further
research, the operating algorithm, taking the operation of the battery into account to enhance
operation performance of the system, will be considered. Moreover, the application of the
operating algorithm to a microgrid with multiple feeders and DGs will also be studied in detail.

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