Acoustic Emission Mapping of Discharges in
Acoustic Emission Mapping of Discharges in
Acoustic Emission Mapping of Discharges in
A Thesis
McMaster University
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a non-conventional machining
machining parameters monitor the electrical signals for changes which may not be
acoustic emission (AE) sensors as a method for mapping the discharge location in
with EDM.
consideration is during the fast hole EDM process, where excessive wear is seen in
the electrode causing true electrode length to remain uncertain. By using acoustic
emission sensors to determine the true length of the electrode it could be possible to
Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Philip Koshy. With his
support I was given free reign of this research project and that has made it a truly
fulfilling experience. These past two years have been filled with many ups and
downs, and Dr. Koshy was always there to provide guidance and a new perspective
when a roadblock had been hit. Through my many years working with Dr. Koshy
fortunate opportunity to see the best side of academia, as his research groups have
always put a premium on fostering creative thought. I couldn’t have asked for more.
Thank you to Mark MacKenzie and Ron Lodewyks for helping to purchase
I would also like to thank my family and friends who have been supportive of
me throughout this whole process. Even though we didn’t win much, the Deep
If I failed to mention you, yet you are still taking the time to read the
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) ............................................................... 2
1.1.1 Wire EDM ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Fast Hole EDM ............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Acoustic Emission (AE) ........................................................................................ 6
1.2.1 Acoustic Wave Modes ..................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ........................................................... 10
1.3 Scope of Thesis .................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 Experimental 45
3.1 Experimental Setup............................................................................................ 45
3.1.1 Wire EDM Setup .......................................................................................... 47
3.1.2 Fast Hole EDM Setup .................................................................................. 49
3.2 Acoustic Emission Sensors ................................................................................. 50
5.2.2 PSD Peak Characterization ....................................................................... 112
5.2.3 General AE – EDM Development .............................................................. 113
References 115
List of Figures
Figure 3.2: Schematic of wire experiments ............................................................ 47
Figure 3.3: Fast hole experiment schematic ........................................................... 49
Figure 3.4: Average sensitivity for sensors across wide frequency band [51] ....... 51
Figure 4.1: Output from acoustic emission sensor ................................................. 54
Figure 4.2: A look at the dominant segment of the acoustic wave ........................ 55
Figure 4.3: Single spark experimental setup ......................................................... 56
Figure 4.4: Acoustic emission signals showing discharge location ........................ 57
Figure 4.5: Output of cross correlation function for signals shown in Fig. 4.4 ..... 58
Figure 4.6: Location from sensor 1 vs. time lag from cross correlation ................. 58
Figure 4.7: Box plot of location error with cross correlation method .................... 59
Figure 4.8: Spark discharged 31.25 mm from sensor 1 .......................................... 60
Figure 4.9: Threshold method for determining time lag ........................................ 61
Figure 4.10: Time of arrival for discharges located 125 mm away from sensor ..... 62
Figure 4.11: Error in location calculation with threshold method .......................... 63
Figure 4.12: Method for determining onset of AE wave using fixed reference ....... 65
Figure 4.13: First peak determination of arrival time ............................................. 66
Figure 4.14: Location error with fixed reference method......................................... 67
Figure 4.15: Example of an easy-to-determine first AE peak .................................. 68
Figure 4.16: Example of a difficult-to-determine first AE peak .............................. 68
Figure 4.17: Consecutive discharges, 360 µs off-time .............................................. 69
Figure 4.18: Consecutive discharges, 110 µs off-time .............................................. 70
Figure 4.19: Consecutive discharges, 13 µs off-time ................................................ 70
Figure 4.20: a) Raw AE signal including EMI b) FFT of AE signal ........................ 72
Figure 4.21: a) AE signal of isolated EMI b) FFT of AE signal ............................... 73
Figure 4.22: Spectrogram of acoustic wave .............................................................. 74
Figure 4.23: Power spectral density of acoustic wave at 300 kHz ........................... 75
Figure 4.24: Location of PSD peak on AE signal ...................................................... 76
Figure 4.25: Calibration of time lags to real location from PSD method ................ 76
Figure 4.26: Location error with PSD method ......................................................... 77
Figure 4.27: Spectrogram of two AE signals occurring 32.2 µs apart ..................... 78
Figure 4.28: Power spectral density (32.2 µs apart)................................................. 79
Figure 4.29: Location of PSD peaks on AE signal (32.2 µs apart) ........................... 80
Figure 4.30: Spectrogram of two AE signals occurring 12.9 µs apart ..................... 81
Figure 4.31: Power spectral density (12.9 µs apart)................................................. 81
Figure 4.32: Location of PSD peaks on AE signal (12.9 µs apart) ........................... 82
Figure 4.33: db8 wavelet [25] .................................................................................... 83
Figure 4.34: Scalogram of signal with two acoustic waves ...................................... 84
Figure 4.35: Scalogram amplitude at a scale of 24................................................... 85
Figure 4.36: Calculated locations for a rapid succession of sparks ......................... 87
Figure 4.37: 25th /75th percentile for calculated errors (high interference) ............. 88
Figure 4.38: Zinc coating location calibration .......................................................... 89
Figure 4.39: Schematic of experiment used to develop methodology ...................... 90
Figure 4.40: Use of two sensors to determine proper location ................................. 91
Figure 4.41: Determination of location error threshold ........................................... 94
Figure 4.42: Representation of spark arrival times at both sensors ....................... 95
Figure 4.43: Location determination of workpiece at three locations ..................... 97
Figure 4.44: Workpiece height identification ........................................................... 99
Figure 4.45: A comparison of FFT samples for three workpiece heights .............. 101
Figure 4.46: Possible 2 sensor fast hole setup ........................................................ 102
Figure 4.47: Sample single spark during fast hole experiments ........................... 103
Figure 4.48: Calibration of arrival time to real location – fast hole ...................... 104
Figure 4.49: Calculated locations vs. real locations – fast hole ............................. 105
Figure 4.50: Location error for fast hole tests ........................................................ 106
Figure 5.1: Proposed improved wire EDM setup.................................................. 112
List of Tables
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Chapter 1
means for ensuring productive machining and maintaining surface quality of the
monitoring techniques are limited, with the most prevalent method being the
process stability, however they do not provide enough information to determine the
spatial location of each discharge, which is beneficial for further improvement of the
This thesis explores the use of acoustic emission (AE) sensors as a means to
order to develop a method for discharge mapping using AE signals, a variety of data
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
process which does not utilize a traditional cutting edge to remove material. Instead
the cutting tool or “electrode” can be made from any electrically conductive
material, with copper and graphite being popular choices due to their ability to
withstand wear during the process. Machining occurs fully submerged in a tank of
workpiece and electrode as shown in Figure 1.1a. As the distance between the
electrode and workpiece decreases the electric field between the two intensifies.
When the gap width is on the order of 10-100 µm [1], the dielectric fluid begins to
break down (Figure 1.1b). This breakdown creates a favourable pathway or “plasma
channel” for the current to flow between electrode and workpiece to complete the
electrical circuit. The heat generated from this electrical discharge melts both the
workpiece and electrode (Figure 1.1c). The plasma channel diameter increases with
time, until a set time has elapsed ending the current flow. An implosion of the
plasma channel follows and the solidification of the molten metal debris occurs
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The electrode material and EDM parameters are selected such that the wear
from the workpiece. Each discharge removes 1 – 1000 µm3 of workpiece material
depending on the machining configuration [2], while less than 5% of this volume is
removed from the electrode [3]. Performing this process at frequencies as high as
105 Hz can generate material removal rates on the order of 100 mm3/min [4]. While
has the advantage of being able to machine otherwise hard to machine materials as
long as they are electrically conductive. As such EDM is often used in the aerospace
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
There are multiple configurations of EDM that are commonly used, and while
the fundamental process is as described above, each are suited for different
machining operations. One configuration is the sink or ram type EDM. In this
geometries such as molds and dies. The electrode can also travel along a path to
create an EDM milling process. This research project focuses on two other EDM
configurations; the wire EDM and fast hole EDM processes which will be now be
Wire EDM utilizes a thin 0.02-0.33 mm [1] wire as the electrode. The wires
are often plain brass or brass with a zinc/steel coating to allow for faster machining
speeds [5]. The wire EDM configuration can be seen in Figure 1.2, where the wire is
used be used to cut out complex shapes. The wire is held in tension to reduce
deflection and vibrations which can affect accuracy and surface finish. The wire is
continuously fed between two wire guides to provide a constantly renewed section of
wire to machine with. This helps ensure surface finish to be consistent and prevents
wire breakage. Wire breakage is a major concern in wire EDM, as these machines
are often left unattended and used on parts that have already had significant
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
the operation, costing money in scrapped parts and lost machining time.
Wire Feed
electrode (0.2 – 3 mm) in diameter, and for this reason is also referred to as small
hole EDM. The electrode is a brass or copper tube that can have one or more
channels for increased stiffness to prevent against deflection, and also to provide
plunged into the surface to ensure uniform wear on the electrode. A major issue
with fast hole EDM is that due to the size of the electrode, it is affected by tool wear
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
much more than other EDM configurations. This can make true electrode length as
Rotating Spindle
discharges in order to monitor the EDM process. Acoustic emissions refer to elastic
waves that propagate throughout a medium in the frequency range of “20 kHz up to
several megahertz” [6]. These elastic waves are produced through the release of
energy causing; crack growth, phase transformation due to heat, and melting
among numerous other potential sources [7]. This lends itself well to the EDM
process where the heat generated releases energy into the workpiece material
acting as a source for elastic waves. Sound is often associated with monitoring the
EDM process, with experienced operators often judging the stability of the process
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The two simplest acoustic wave modes that are used in non-destructive
testing are the longitudinal “P” wave and the shear “S” wave. The longitudinal wave
is characterized by a wave front travelling parallel to the surface, while the shear
compound, more complex motions such as Rayleigh and Lamb waves are created.
The Rayleigh wave is a surface wave characterized as a rolling movement along the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
In the special case of a very thin surface, the propagation of Lamb waves occurs.
The Lamb wave follows an elliptical motion similar to the Rayleigh wave and since
the plate is very thin the wave occurs on both plate surfaces, as opposed to the
Rayleigh wave which only occurs on one surface. The relative motion of the wave at
The wave modes can be differentiated through wave speed which aids in
wave is the fastest of the three waves [10]. The second fastest is the shear wave,
and the Rayleigh wave is the slowest at 0.87-0.95 of the shear wave speed
depending on Poisson’s ratio [9]. The Lamb wave is essentially a composite of the
other three wave types and as such the speed of a Lamb wave is between
longitudinal and shear [10]. Specifically in the case of this wave propagation in a
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
thin rod this sound velocity is termed the ‘thin rod velocity’ [10]. The Rayleigh wave
carries approximately 67% [10] of the total energy associated with the acoustic
emission and is the most dominant wave seen in acoustic emission signals.
wave. The equation for acoustic wave amplitude A at a propogation distance z can
Where A0 refers to the initial amplitude of the acoustic wave at the source location.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Channel 1
AE Signal
Channel 2
This phenomenon is known as ringing and occurs during the rise of high frequency
flow of current. As the current begins to flow, a parasitic capacitance and current
leakage is present which causes oscillations in the current as it tries to stay at its
surfaces that are in close proximity to each other. This is exactly what is seen with
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
the EDM electrode and workpiece interaction. The current leakage occurs between
the electrode and workpiece in an attempt to eliminate this capacitance. This high
frequency current oscillation causes a high frequency EMI to occur in the acoustic
emission signal [12]. In some cases of a low amplitude acoustic emission signal, the
EMI can overwhelm the wanted signal causing issues with data processing.
The intent of this research was to provide a method for monitoring the EDM
process through non-destructive testing with acoustic emission sensors. Much can
be gained by analyzing the current and voltage signals during machining. With this
during machining such as normal sparks or harmful arcs and shorts [13].
Voltage (V)
Current (A)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
This knowledge gives us a basic overview of the process, allowing for the detection
of machining instability due to harmful spark and arc discharges. However, it does
not give a specific location as to where the machining is taking place which can lead
to even further process improvement. This is an area which has been explored very
method for mapping the location of discharges in real time. This could prove
extremely beneficial as it would provide a technique for monitoring the wire EDM
would also allow for the detection of engaged fast hole electrodes in order to
determine true hole depth. The goals of this research were to sense spark location in
wire and fast hole EDM to within 1 mm accuracy under real machining parameters.
Ultimately this technique could also be used to detect certain abnormalities such as
improper flushing in the sink EDM process, so that adaptive flushing strategies
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Chapter 2
Literature Review
A review of the state of the art follows. This expands upon the above
introduction to show present discharge mapping methods and the use of acoustic
degrees of accuracy. These are mostly based upon the electrical nature of the
The divided electrode method for discharge mapping is the simplest of all
Figure 2.1, with each electrode division being insulated from one another [14].
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The incoming current is branched to each electrode division, such that the sum of
the parts acts as a single electrode. A current sensor attached to each branch is
used to sense the electrode segment through which the current is flowing. The
resolution of this method is dependent on the size of each individual electrode. The
resistivity of the material and the cross sectional area and length of the conductor.
When branching the current at two opposite ends of the electrode as shown in
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The current in each branch can be calculated from Equation 2.1 [15] :
+ +
+ + 2 +
+ +
+ + 2 +
Since the resistance in the wire branches r0 as well as the contact resistances rc are
calculation of resistances R1 and R2. The spark location can be calculated through
knowledge of the cross sectional area (A) of the electrode as well as the resistivity
(ρ) as follows:
magnitude of the resistances between the electrode and the branches. Resolution of
the branched current method is best when the electrode resistances are significantly
higher than the resistance in the wire branches. “Therefore, a graphite material
was used for the tool electrode, since its specific resistance is larger than that of
copper.” [15] This poses a significant problem with using the branched current
method in wire EDM as the wire used is most commonly brass. The resistivity of
brass is an order of magnitude lower than graphite, and is comparable to that of the
the copper branch wires [16]. The branched current method is more suitable for the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
distance while noting that minimizing the loop OQ1PQ2O (See Figure 2.2) is an
important way to reduce the self-inductance in the loop which causes variation in
the current measurement [15]. This also helps to ensure that the wire resistance
disregard the transient component of the current signal. This could prove difficult
with smaller pulse on-times which can reach 1 µs as compared to the 200 µs pulse
on-time used to test this method [15,16]. Exact resolution remains unknown,
however Li notes that “the error is several millimetres when the length of the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The current is branched in the same way as discussed previously, however the
− !
With this relationship, the specific resistivity of the electrode is not a factor,
meaning that the electrode is not limited to being graphite as with the branched
current method.
Han et al. [17] examined ways to improve this accuracy and determined that
the voltage readings vary greatly along the duration of the signal. “Because of the
noise of the discharge, good sensitivity for detecting discharge locations is still
difficult to obtain” [17]. The noise at the beginning and end of the signal affect the
peak voltage and subsequently the accuracy of the spark location. A wide degree of
error is present when using the measurements from the beginning of the voltage
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 2.4: Calculated spark location using beginning signal voltage [17].
The noise present at the end of the signal varies relatively much less between
the two branches resulting in a better accuracy using the signal at the end of the
Figure 2.5: Calculated spark location using end signal voltage [17].
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
signal. A Hall sensor is a device that is used to measure the magnetic field produced
by a current passing through a conductor. By using two Hall sensors one can
compare the magnetic flux intensity at each sensor to determine the location of the
source between the two sensors. An issue with using Hall sensors is that they are
magnetic field strength with distance from the field source” [19]. The distance from
the source that the Hall sensor can detect effectively is approximately 20 mm [20]
and is dependent on the magnitude of the source electromagnetic field. Due to this
small sensing range, the sensors are most often used in conjunction with a magnetic
and can magnify the flux density by a factor between 20 and 70 [21].
workpiece with a magnetic flux concentrator and embedding a hall sensor in the
concentrator at the midpoint of each edge. This setup allows for detection along two
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
It can be seen that the farther away from the center of the workpiece the
dischargers occur, the worse the accuracy becomes even for a fairly small workpiece.
Additional results using this method are limited, except that it has been noted that:
“The error is several millimeters when the length of the workpiece is 80 mm” [14].
The experiments in this work used high sampling rates of 30 MHz for 4
amount data is something that needs to be considered for real time monitoring. This
author recommends that more tests should be performed using this method to test
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Currently, there has been little development in the use of acoustic emission
sensors in the monitoring of the EDM process. Ydreskog and Novak [22] utilized a
about 5 MHz’ and is used to detect higher frequency acoustic waves. A modified
EDM die sinker and pulse generator were used to have control over sparks that are
produced. This method involved a two stage approach; a calibration stage followed
by machining. In the first stage a single spark is created at a known location and
arrival times to an array of sensors are recorded and the speed of sound in the
location and using the calibrated speed of sound to determine the location.
interference from a succession of discharges was not accounted for. The researchers
also acknowledge “that two different types of interference, ground loop noise and
electromagnetic interference (EMI), to a high extent affected the sensor signal” [22]
yet make no mention as to how this was accounted for. Claims as to the expected
50 µm accuracy of the system are based on the time resolution as well as the speed
of sound in the material. The time resolution is a function of sampling rate and is
independent from the setup and sensor frequency range response. By using a sensor
anticipated compared to the detection of other acoustic wave modes. Ultimately the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
authors [22] concede that they failed to reach the expected accuracy due to the
issues of noise discussed above and the real experimental accuracy is not disclosed.
Muto et al. [23] also developed an acoustic emission sensor with a resonance
frequency of 20 MHz in order to detect longitudinal waves. The sensor was attached
to the end of the test workpiece with a Hall sensor used to trigger the data
experiment on the test workpiece, and show that as the acoustic emission sensor is
placed farther and farther away from the point of discharge, the receiving time for
the first incoming wave increases. Muto et al. state: “By calculating the time
discharging point with a very high accuracy of 0.3 mm” [23]. This accuracy appears
1 MHz.
Due to the nature of single spark experiments, these researchers did not have
The researchers also do not describe the method used to determine the onset of the
incoming acoustic wave and how signal noise might affect this determination.
Determining the onset of the acoustic wave especially with background noise
present is the biggest issue facing the use of acoustic emission sensors as a
technique to determine discharge location, and up until this point has yet to be
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Despite the lack of research that has been performed using acoustic emission
sensors to monitor EDM, these sensors have been extensively used in source
location in other processes. Acoustic emission sensors have been used to detect the
sources of; leaks in long pipes, uneven events in conventional machining as well as
determining source locations from acoustic emissions that will be discussed later in
Section 2.5.
hidden pipes [24]. A pipe presents a one dimensional location problem with sensors
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
A leak in the pipe acts as a source of acoustic emission and various techniques have
been used to determine this location. Of particular interest is the work of Ahadi and
Bakhtiar [25], who used a Short Time Fourier Transform to note changes in the
frequency content of the acoustic emission signal. Using this information, the
conventional machining: grinding [26], turning, milling [27] and broaching [28],
with much focus being on determining tool wear and other machine specific
phenomena such as grinding burn [26]. This overall view of machining performance
was expanded on by Axinte et al. [29] to: “locate, into three/two dimensional
workspace of the workpiece, the acoustic sources that are related to the generation
of uneven events”. An uneven event refers to workpiece defects that occur during
broaching tool and a sample workpiece featuring machined slots. As the cutting
edge entered and exited each slot, an acoustic emission signal was produced.
Researchers were able to determine the slot position with a position error of
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
localized acoustic wave velocity in the workpiece. The researchers also noted that
attenuation of the acoustic wave can cause decreased accuracy at farther distances
from the sensors. Finally, sensor noise in more complex machining (eg. multiple
cutting edges as opposed to a single cutting edge), as well as the triggering method
to determine the start of an acoustic wave leads to decreased time delay estimation
accuracies [29].
Acoustic emission sensors are often used to monitor the state of a power
power from one circuit to another without change in frequency” [30]. A high voltage
solid dielectric shielding the windings [31]. Through insulation breakdown whether
which only partially bridges the insulation between conductors” [30]. This partial
discharge occurs along the same mechanism as a discharge in the EDM process. It
is necessary to examine the work performed using acoustic emissions and partial
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Due to the complex inner core of a transformer, a partial discharge can occur
between multiple geometries referring to the origin and terminus of the discharge;
point-point, point-plane and surface [32]. There is also the possibility that multiple
based off of the Short Time Fourier Transform, researchers were able to show
dominant frequency bands within the acoustic emission signals which corresponds
discharges is a useful starting point for solving the issue of interfering acoustic
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
occurs in 20-100 kHz and a surface discharge has the frequency characteristics in
the 20-500 kHz range. Figure 2.8 c) shows the ability of the spectrogram to pick up
the leading edge of the acoustic wave making it much more pronounced than the
background noise.
location. By being able to localize partial discharges, the ability to diagnose and fix
issues becomes a much easier process. Howells et al. [33] used an iterative process
in order to locate partial discharges in three dimensions with two sensors. With
sensors placed on the outer tank, the sensor that is determined to lie farther away
from the discharge (has a larger time delay), is moved closer to the other sensor. At
the point in which the time difference is the same, the partial discharge is now
determine another plane on which the partial discharge lies equidistant to both
sensors can yield enough information as long as the two planes intersect. The
intersection of these two planes is then where this partial discharge is occurring.
emission wave ‘starts’, as “this point can still sometimes be difficult to determine
because severe attenuation tends to ‘round’ off the leading edge of the burst” [33].
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
It is easy to see in Figure 2.9 that if any more noise was present than already exists,
determining the exact starting point of the acoustic wave becomes difficult.
In a laboratory setup knowing the exact speed of sound in the dielectric fluid,
the researchers were able to detect the partial discharge source within +/- 5 mm
from the real discharge location. However, when used in the field with unknown oil
There are some main differences between the partial discharge location and
spark location in the EDM, most notably being the scale. “The minimum distance of
propagation will be the least distance between conductor to tank surface, which is
distance can be more than 1 m” [35]. Compared to the range of wire edm which is
conservatively below 50 cm at its maximum [36]. Since the core of the transformer
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
it is only used to isolate a portion of the transformer on which to inspect closer. The
time scale between the two processes is also vastly different. While sparks can occur
in the EDM at a rate of 105 Hz, partial discharges in a transformer occur very
sporadically and it may take minutes or hours “to collect sufficient data for
source location for a variety of events has proved insightful. Before implementing
and fast hole breakout detection it is pertinent to examine the state of the art in
these areas.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Wire EDM productivity is limited by the strength of the wire used. Wire
interrupting machining in order to refeed the wire. Wire breakage can damage the
surface, which in the case of a finishing process can lead to the whole part being
scrapped. Wire breakage can also be a symptom of poor flushing causing discharge
localization which also impairs the surface finish. As machining parameters are
made more aggressive, machining speed is increased, however when made too
aggressive wire breakage occurs. A main area of research in wire EDM is the
the extreme without causing wire breakage. This is particularly important in situ
Since wire EDM is often employed to cut complex shapes as shown in Figure 2.10
with varying workpiece heights, the ability to detect machine stability in-process is
paramount. Imported CAD models can be used to monitor workpiece heights during
from part-to-part as wire EDM is often used to machine custom one-off parts.
Figure 2.10: Wire EDM (in red) machining of complex part [36].
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 2.11 will be used to illustrate the effect of workpiece height on the
wire EDM process. Machining parameters can be optimized for workpiece height in
section ‘A’.
Figure 2.11: Effect of workpiece heights on wire EDM.
Machining occurs in section ‘A’ under optimal conditions, implying that machining
is happening as fast as possible without wire breakage occurring. Once the wire
reaches section ‘B’ and the workpiece height decreases, the machining is now overly
aggressive, and while wire breakage may not occur, it is a distinct possibility. As
the wire enters section ‘C’ which has a larger workpiece height than in section ‘A’,
the discharges are now more spread out causing machining speed to decrease. In
this scenario it would be possible to adjust the machining parameters to have more
aggressive machining without causing wire rupture. Finally, when the wire
machines a workpiece height significantly smaller than the height for which it is
optimized such as in section ‘D’, wire breakage will occur due to the localization of
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
measuring the sparking frequency of the process [37]. Sparking frequency is, as the
name suggests, a measure of the number of sparks per unit time. Traversing to a
change in sparking frequency, the workpiece height can be estimated. The accuracy
of this method is dependent on the control system used. Yan et al. [38] have
developed an adaptive control system reportedly able to detect the workpiece height
within 1.6 mm. In viewing their results in Figure 2.12, the system appears to
There also appears to be a significant settling time (~1 min) for the estimated
Figure 2.12: Workpiece height identification using adaptive control algorithm [38].
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
By developing a multiple input model accounting for average gap voltage, sparking
frequency and cutting feed, Rajurkar et al. [39] were able to improve the accuracy in
the transient period by 56% over a control algorithm based only on sparking
that “the machining state of the WEDM process may even become unstable without
sparking frequency variation” [40]. Poor flushing can lead to localized arcs and
shorts instead of stable sparking causing thermal damage to the wire and
through the use of inductance. By comparing the inductance from a fixed sensor due
the values are approximately equal. The inventor does not discuss the accuracy of
this method, nor do they make an attempt to convert these inductance values into
workpiece heights, instead only working in relative values from one spark to
discussed in Section 2.1.3 and might suffer from the implementation issues outlined
in that section. This method could be useful in the situation described above where
a localization of sparks can cause weakening of the wire and more experiments into
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Another technique was patented in 1976 that measures the leakage current
between the electrode and the workpiece [42]. In order to do this, the process must
established. After a stable gap distance is established, the wire and workpiece will
have a parasitic capacitance between them and subsequent leakage current will
occur. This leakage current can be converted to a workpiece height value using a
calculation based off of the resistance of the wire and dielectric, similar to the
branched current method discussed in Section 2.1.2. Stopping the process in order
to estimate workpiece height decreases productivity. The inventor does not discuss
Process monitoring in fast hole EDM is important to provide stability for this
[43], breakout detection [44] as well as depth monitoring [45]. Fast hole EDM is
characterised by a higher tool wear rate than regular EDM [43]. Due to this, “tool
plunge depth is affected by tool wear and does not always represent the true
machined depth” [45]. The tool wears rapidly at the end which means that as the
electrode is plunged into the workpiece it is not machining nearly as much as might
be indicated. In some cases, the volume of material removed from the electrode
could even be more than the volume removed from the workpiece [44]. The
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
machining depth of a fast hole electrode. Richardson et al. [45] used an antenna to
look at the signal intensity across a wide frequency range in Figure 2.13 shows a
Figure 2.13: Signal intensity during fast hole EDM machining of multi-layered
workpiece [45].
The researchers were only concerned with determining the location at which
the fast hole electrode started to machine the copper underneath the stainless steel
foil. In examining Figure 2.13, there does not appear to be any variation in the
signal intensity, other than the transition area between stainless steel and copper,
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Technology also exists for breakout detection by measuring the back pressure
of the dielectric fluid as it is used for flushing through the centre of the electrode.
When the electrode breaks out on the other side of the workpiece, a drop in the back
pressure as shown in Figure 2.14 is seen. Figure 2.15 shows the location of the
Figure 2.14: Method for detecting fast hole EDM breakout [44].
It is seen that due to the extreme wear a taper is formed at the end of the
electrode. Due to this wear machining is continued despite the pneumatic sensor
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
detecting a breakout. The researchers used the feed rate of the electrode as a
measure to determine when a full breakout has occurred noting that “simultaneous
robustness of the monitoring system” [44]. Having a method for determining true
electrode plunge depth could be used in conjunction with this pneumatic method to
identification and fast hole electrode depth measurement, demonstrate areas where
possible improvement could occur. The use of acoustic emission sensors for
acoustic emission sensors could also be used during the EDM process. The only
issue that remains is the processing of the acoustic signals from the EDM
The use of acoustic emission sensors are often used to determine source
location based on a time of arrival method. When two sensors are used, the time lag
between the sensors can be used to calculate the location, knowing the speed of
sound in the media through which the acoustic wave travels. If the data is noise free
it is easy to determine the onset of the acoustic wave, however with noise present
techniques used for detecting the time lag between two acoustic emission waves.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Instead of measuring the time delay of each signal from a fixed reference
point, the cross correlation method is often used in signal processing to measure the
lag between two similar signals [46]. In simple terms, cross correlation is a measure
of ‘similarity’ between two signals. A closer look at the cross correlation function is
a cross correlation function (xcorr) that estimates the cross correlation as [47]:
( ) *
+,- .+ , %≥0
"#$ %
' +1
& "$# −%, %<0
The function works by calculating the sum of the product of the two signals at
that when peaks or valleys occur at the same point in the two signals the cross
correlation will yield a positive result, while a peak and valley will give a negative
value. The maximum value of the cross correlation function corresponds to the cell
lag between the two signals which can be converted to a time lag with a knowledge
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
2.5.2 Wavelets
Another useful tool in signal processing is the use of wavelets. A wavelet “is a
mathematically as:
1 −<
67,8 6 ! ; > 0, − ∞ < < < ∞
√; ;
Key features of the wavelet are that it can be scaled with a, and translated in time
with b. This scaling allows for the wavelet to assume a wide range of frequencies.
Wavelets are commonly used in the wavelet transform and also as a tool for
discussed in Section 2.5.1. For a signal ?(@) and a wavelet AB,C (@) the wavelet
transform is [25]:
Essentially the wavelet transform cross correlates the wavelet scaled to a range of
frequencies with the source acoustic emission. This finds the time location in which
the wavelet best matches the acoustic signal for a given frequency.
Ahadi et al. [25] used this method to detect leaks in water filled plastic pipes.
After isolating a leakage frequency band the researchers examined the effect of
different sized leaks. Of interest to this particular research is the ability to detect
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
the time at which the leakage signal occurs. The researchers claimed to have
started the leak after 100 ms, and this can clearly be seen in Figure 2.16.
Denoising with the use of wavelets is a way to remove some background noise
from the signal. Wavelets are used to decompose the signal into two parts: a
contracted wavelet transform extracts high frequency data, while a dilated wavelet
transform extracts low frequency data. The high frequency data is termed ‘detail’,
and the low frequency data is termed ‘approximation’ [48]. The decomposition
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
details remain as shown in Figure 2.18. To finish denoising, thresholds are set on
the details to limit unwanted frequency ranges of data. The signal can then be
reconstructed, though care must be taken not to remove signal components during
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Fourier transform over a small window on the data, detailing the frequency content
at that point in time. By sliding the window along the data it is possible to examine
how the frequency content of the signal changes over time, as shown in Figure 2.19.
STFT [50]. Power spectral density is a measure of the energy associated with each
frequency over the STFT window. A spectrogram is a way of displaying this power
spectral density for each instance along the acoustic emission signal and for a given
frequency range. This gives a three dimensional surface representation of the power
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
frequencies and frequency trends through time in the acoustic emission signals.
during EDM machining ranging from the basic divided electrode method to the use
method has implementation issues whether it be the need to use graphite electrodes
remains an area with minimal research having been conducted to date. The
research performed does show promise with sub millimeter accuracies being
reported for single discharge tests. Further review of analogous processes utilizing
acoustic emission sensors such as pipe leakage detection and partial discharge
The main issue surrounding the use of acoustic emission sensors with
electrical discharge machining is the fact that the discharges are occurring at such a
fast rate (~105 Hz) that extreme interference between signals is present. For this
to handle such data. Cross correlation, wavelets, STFT and power spectral densities
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
were identified as useful tools in time of arrival determinations and data processing
mapping through acoustic emission signals. The first application being the
workpiece height identification during the wire EDM process. Currently, the
methods for estimating the workpiece height are based on sparking frequency which
due to a high amount of electrode wear in fast hole EDM there are problems
determining true machining depth and the full breakout of the electrode. By
determining the exact location of the discharges, these problems could be minimized
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Chapter 3
discharge mapping through the use of acoustic emission sensors. Using a ram-type
EDM, a suitable setup will be created to perform experiments that simulate both a
wire or fast hole EDM process. By altering the time between successive discharges,
the accuracy of the developed method can be determined for both ideal single
discharges and for conditions that are representative of those that one would find in
2 Ram-type EDM. Since the experiments were performed on a ram type machine, a
setup was created to simulate a wire EDM configuration as shown in Figure 3.1.
Since the fast hole EDM electrodes are of the same diameter as the wire used in the
wire EDM experiments, the same setup can be used in the fast hole EDM
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
AE Sensor 1 AE Sensor 2
Current Supply
5 cm
Figure 3.1: Wire EDM setup.
Slotted brackets were affixed to the table and the wire was held across both,
or alternatively a fast hole electrode in just one. The acoustic emission sensor was
bolted to the bracket such that the sensor is in direct contact with the wire in the
slot. This is extremely important as it allows for the best transmission of the sound
wave between wire and sensor. If there is a layer of dielectric fluid between the
sensor and wire it affects the quality of the signal. A copper electrode of various
sizes can then be plunged into the wire or fast hole electrode creating discharges,
the locations of which were measured. In this case the copper electrode acts as a
AE data was collected using Kistler type 8152B211 acoustic emission sensors
particular DAQ features a maximum sampling rate of 10 MHz per channel. This
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
was the sampling rate used and allows for a time resolution of 0.1 µs. Due to the
high sampling rate a fast write speed is required which is accommodated by a series
of hard drives in a RAID format. Another concern with such a high sampling rate is
acquisition program does not exceed the memory capabilities of the computer, the
tests were collected in 0.2 s increments. A current sensor was added to the third
channel of the DAQ and was used to determine the time at which the discharge
For these experiments the sensors were located 250 mm apart as shown in
Figure 3.2. The measurement is taken from centre point to centre point of the
sensors as the piezoelectric ceramic sensing element is centred within the housing
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
250 mm
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Two different types of wires were used in this experiment, with the majority
of experiments using Initech brass 0.254 mm diameter EDM wire. For comparison
This wire features a zinc coating on a brass core and was used to explore the effect
this coating has on acoustic wave transmission. The workpieces used were made of
copper and were 23 mm, 50 mm, and 90 mm in width. The workpieces were plunged
The tests were performed using slightly modified electrical parameters from
the manual supplied with the EDM machine tool. The base parameters used will be
those for copper – copper machining since no copper – brass parameters were
1.12 µs 10-1000 µs 80 V 10 A -
The on-time refers to amount of time the machine operator sets for the current to
flow between the electrode and wire. Due to a time delay between the dielectric
breakdown and the beginning of the current flow, the actual time the current has to
flow between the electrode and wire is typically less than the set on-time. The
off-time refers to the amount of time the machine allows the dielectric fluid to
regain its dielectric strength before the next discharge is allowed to occur. The
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
voltage refers to the voltage amplitude that is reached in the voltage waveform
when the discharge occurs. A voltage of 80 V is relatively low and is used to ensure
that wire breakage is not a problem during single spark tests. Current refers to the
maximum amplitude of the current during the discharge. Finally, polarity is the
definition of the electric charge on the electrode. In this case the polarity is negative
which means that electrode is the anode. Throughout the tests, all parameters were
held constant with the exception of off-time. The off-time was varied to create either
The fast hole electrode was supported by only one bracket and as such only
one sensor was used during these discharge location tests. The setup and direction
Sensor 1
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
For the fast hole experiments single channel brass electrodes with an outer
diameter of 0.3 mm were used. The electrode length varied throughout the
detect various electrode lengths. As Figure 3.3 shows, the workpiece was used to
The following parameters are typical for fast hole EDM machining with a
0.3 mm diameter electrode in industry and are therefore used for testing:
12 µs 12 µs 80 V 13 A -
As previously mentioned the acoustic emission sensors used were Kistler type
dielectric fluid. This sensor has a uniform sensitivity in the range of 100 kHz to
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 3.4: Average sensitivity for sensors across wide frequency band [51].
These sensors differ from the custom made ultrasonic sensors developed by
Ydreskog and Novak [22] as well as Muto et al. [23] by being highly sensitive to the
Rayleigh/Lamb surface waves [51] which as discussed in Section 1.2.1 carry the
majority of the energy associated with the acoustic wave. By using commercially
available sensors which operate at much lower frequencies the cost will be reduced
and so will the computational load on the data acquisition hardware as much lower
Before being connected to the DAQ the sensors were first connected to an
amplifier which amplifies the signal by either a factor of 10 or 100. It has been seen
that for the brass wire and experimental parameters a factor of 100 does not
saturate the signal. It is important that saturation of the signal does not occur as it
will affect later analysis. The preamplifier also comes equipped with a high pass
filter of 50 kHz and a low pass filter of 1 MHz, which can be manually changed if
needed. Since it is of interest to explore the entire frequency range of the sensors,
these low and high pass filters are left as is for these tests.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Using the experimental setup outlined above, the following chapter will
the point where calculation of wire EDM workpiece height and fast hole electrode
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Chapter 4
an EDM discharge mapping method using acoustic emission sensors will now be
to determine the best method for obtaining accurate and repeatable time lags from
acoustic emission signals. After obtaining these time lags and developing a
relationship between discharge location and time lag, the issue of workpiece height
spark experiments to verify the suitability of various analysis methods under ideal
allows source location to occur without any interference from previous sparks. In
order to create a single spark scenario, a “thin” electrode of 0.3 mm thickness was
used to create a spark at a known location. The sparks are repeated at 1000 µs
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (µs)
(V) (V)
Signal from
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (µs)
Figure 4.1 Output from acoustic emission sensor (top) and current sensor (bottom).
In Figure 4.1 we see a time delay of approximately 50 µs from the time the
current is initialized to when the acoustic wave is received at the sensor. The bulk
of the acoustic energy is then attenuated after approximately 250 µs, with low
amplitude remnants of this acoustic wave still present for another 250 µs. It can be
seen that for these tests 1000 µs is a sufficient amount of time to allow for the
location is contained in the first 200 µs where the bulk of the acoustic energy is
present as seen in Figure 4.2. When analyzing the acoustic signal, it is only
necessary to focus on the beginning of the signal where the bulk of the acoustic
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
energy is seen. This reduces the amount of processing that is required, saving
Signal from
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (µs)
The EMI generated by the process can be clearly seen in the raw AE signal
shown in Figure 4.2. This agrees with results by other researchers [11,22] where an
EMI signal occurring at the creation of the discharge is seen. In this case the EMI is
larger in amplitude than the actual surface wave created by the discharge, which
causes problems when a quick succession of sparks is created. For this reason, it is
important that any analysis method used in the determination of acoustic wave
arrival times must be robust against these high magnitude noise signals.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
locations along the wire as shown in Figure 4.3. The order of the tests is randomized
to ensure that the results are not susceptible to any trends resulting from unknown
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
6 5 2 1 4 3 7
250 mm
For clarity sake the spark location will be measured from sensor 1 as shown in
Figure 4.3. The distance between the two sensors was set to be 250 mm, and the
experiments the signal from sensor 2 is used to determine time lags relative to the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
signal from sensor 1. This means that when the discharge is located closer to
sensor 1 the lag will be negative. This is the scenario shown in Figure 4.4.
- Ch1
Sensor (V)
1 (V)
AE Signal – Ch2 (V)
AE Sensor 2 (V)
the time lag between the two signals. The time lag between the signals shown in
Figure 4.4 was determined by cross correlation in Figure 4.5 to be – 69.3 µs.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Cross Correlation Coefficient
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time Lag (µs)
Figure 4.5: Output of cross correlation function for signals shown in Fig. 4.4.
By repeating this process for twenty signals at each location a relationship between
time lags and real position was obtained through least squares fitting. The spark
location exhibited a linear trend with respect to the time lag (Figure 4.6).
Location from Sensor 1 (mm)
y = 0.5158x + 125.13
-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time Lag (μs)
Figure 4.6: Location from sensor 1 vs. time lag obtained with cross correlation.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
It can be seen that the range of time lags increases as the distance from the
discharge to the midpoint between the two sensors increases. A box plot of the 25th
and 75th percentiles of the error is shown in Figure 4.7. The error is calculated by
the known location of the discharge and taking the absolute value of this difference.
Figure 4.7: Box plot of location error with cross correlation method.
Using the 25th and 75th percentiles as a metric for examining the error it is
seen that the error is minimized in the center of the setup with an error range of
0.18 mm – 0.45 mm. The increase in error is seen as the discharge location from the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 4.8 gives an insight as to the reasoning for the increase in error that is
seen when the discharges are located closer to one sensor than the other. Due to
attenuation of the acoustic signal along the wire, the wave that is detected by
acoustic emission sensor 2 is much lower in amplitude than the signal picked up by
sensor 1. Since the cross correlation takes the whole signal window into account
during calculation, background noise has a much greater effect on the cross
correlation when the signal to noise ratio of the signal from one sensor decreases.
- Ch1 (V)
Sensor 1 (V)
– Ch2 (V)
Sensor 2 (V)
Figure 4.8: Spark discharged 31.25 mm from sensor 1, (218.75 mm from sensor 2).
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Another method for determining the time of arrival of the acoustic wave is by
measuring the time it takes from the beginning of the current discharge to when it
threshold magnitude is presented in this section. In order to take into account the
negative values in the acoustic waves, the thresholds refer to the absolute value of
the signal. Threshold values of 0.2 V, 0.3 V, 0.4 V, 0.5 V will be used to determine
(V) (V)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
0.5 V
|AE Signal (V)|
|AE Sensor (V)|
1 0.4 V
0.3 V
0.2 V
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
Figure 4.9: Threshold method for determining time lag; original signal (top)
absolute value of signal with thresholds (bottom).
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The main area of concern with the threshold method is the ability to provide
Time of Arrival (μs)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Threshold Magnitude (V)
Figure 4.10: Time of arrival for discharges located 125 mm away from sensor, using
threshold values.
Figure 4.10 shows the average time of arrival values for 20 discharge signals
based on the various threshold levels, with error bars representing the maximum
and minimum arrival times. While Figure 4.10 only shows results for discharges
located 125 mm away from the sensor, results are similar for other locations and
often showing an even greater range of arrival times. By using the average arrival
time to determine speed of sound (Speed of sound = ) the error can then be
sound. The average arrival times ranges from 3040 m/s for a threshold voltage of
0.2 V, down to 1441 m/s for a threshold voltage of 0.4 V. A speed of sound of
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
3040 m/s is similar to what is expected for this configuration [10], while 1441 m/s is
It can be seen in Figure 4.11 that as the threshold increases, the range of
determined arrival times also increases owing to the fact that each acoustic wave is
not created equal. More often than not, the lower threshold 0.2 V detects the first
peak of the acoustic wave leading to its lower variability this is seen in a 25th/75th
percentile error range of 2.07 mm – 4.81 mm. The 0.5 V threshold will detect a
different peak for each signal leading to extensive error ranging from
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 4.9 it becomes clear as to why the 0.4 V threshold has such a large range in
error. The first peak of the acoustic wave is approximately 0.4 V, this means that
the threshold will detect this peak resulting in consistent arrival times and low
error values, but at the same time will often barely miss this peak to create an
extremely good and extremely poor detection leads to the large error range seen. It
necessarily decrease error in location detection as lower threshold values could refer
to background noise as the onset of acoustic waves. Another issue with threshold
time of arrival detection is that the amplitudes of the acoustic waves vary
depending on their location due to attenuation. This makes choosing one threshold
value which is suitable for a wide range of acoustic wave amplitudes rather difficult.
It is clear that in order to accurately determine the arrival time a consistent fixed
Using a fixed reference point in order to determine the time of arrival of the
acoustic wave can help ensure consistent results. The first fixed reference point to
be investigated will be the onset of the acoustic wave. For the purposes of this
discussion, the onset of the acoustic wave will be considered to be the first peak of
the acoustic wave as seen in Figure 4.12. The background noise will be considered to
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
be contained within a +/- 0.1 V boundary, meaning that the first peak of the acoustic
wave will be the first peak of the AE signal once it has crossed this 0.1 V threshold.
AE Sensor (V)
AE Signal (V)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
(AE Sensor Amplitude)2 (V 2)
(AE Signal)2 (V2)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
Figure 4.12 : Method for determining onset of AE wave using fixed reference;
Original signal (top), Amplitude of signal squared (bottom).
Howells and Norton [33] noted that it is often useful to square the signal in order to
help determine the onset of the acoustic wave when the signal to noise ratio is
relatively low.
The average arrival times are plotted for each known sensor location,
obtaining the relationship: Location 3.1669 ∗ Arrival Time) − 4.2412. The slope of
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
this line corresponds to the calculated speed of sound in the material as 3166.9 m/s.
In thin rods, the three wave modes (longitudinal, shear, surface) combine together
to produce a “thin rod velocity” [10]. Given the various possible compositions of
brass, the calculated acoustic velocity in the brass wire of 3166.9 m/s is similar to
y = 3.1669x - 4.2412
Location from Sensor (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time of Arrival (μs)
location of all signals at each true location. Comparing the calculated locations to
true locations yields an absolute error value. These error values are shown in
Figure 4.14.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
(Figure 4.7) and thresholding methods (Figure 4.11), with error for all locations
falling within 0.51 mm - 5.17 mm. The cross correlation method for determining
time lags still has the minimum error seen, but this only occurs at one specialized
location (exact midpoint between sensors) and the fixed reference method is shown
to minimize error at all other locations. The error in the fixed reference method was
difficulties in determining the leading edge for acoustic waves that have travelled
relatively long distances. Figure 4.15 shows a strong signal where it is easy to
determine the first peak of the acoustic wave from both the acoustic signal and the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
squared amplitude of the signal. Alternatively, Figure 4.16 shows a lower amplitude
AE Signal (V)
AE Sensor (V)
0 50 100 150
Time (µs)
(AE Sensor Amplitude)2 (V2)
(AE Signal) (V )
0 50 100 150
Time (µs)
AE Signal (V)
AE Sensor (V)
0 50 100 150
Time (µs)
(AE Sensor Amplitude) (V )
(AE Signal) (V )
0 50 100 150
Time (µs)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
A fixed reference method that is not affected by noise and attenuation will be
concept. It was shown that the best results were achieved with the use of a fixed
reference point, however using the first peak as a reference has some difficulties
practice with much lower off-times used to ensure faster machining. Figures 4.17
through 4.19 show the effect of decreasing off-time on the signal in terms of the
AE Sensor (V)
Signal from Current Sensor (V)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (µs)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
discern the start of the second wave is compromised due to the interference from the
AE Sensor (V)
Time (µs)
Current Sensor (V)
Signal from
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (µs)
AE Sensor (V)
Sensor (V)
from Current
Signal Current
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (µs)
even differentiate the two signals to that of a single acoustic wave let alone
determine the first peak of the second signal. It is hence necessary to determine a
different characteristic feature on the acoustic wave rather than the first peak.
Information gained from partial discharge and leak detection analysis, specifically
the work of Ahadi, Bakhtiar and Cichon [26,33] make a more in-depth look into the
First, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) will be used to give a broad overview of the
progression of these frequencies through the use of a Short Time Fourier Transform
The raw AE signal of a typical discharge is shown in Figure 4.20a with the
FFT of that signal being shown in Figure 4.20b. As seen by the FFT in Figure 4.20b
there is a dominant frequency band from 150 kHz to 400 kHz with a peak occurring
at approximately 300 kHz – 315 kHz. This range conforms with the findings of
Cichon [32] on the frequency bands found in partial discharges. An FFT of the EMI
will be performed separately from the sound wave in order to differentiate the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
A closer look at the frequency spectrum of the EMI is seen in Figure 4.21,
where it is seen that EMI has a characteristic frequency range above 500 kHz. As
caused by parasitic capacitance, as such it was expected that the EMI would be of
AE Signal
Amplitude (V)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (kHz)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
AE Sensor (V) 2
AE Signal (V)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (µs)
Amplitude (V)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (kHz)
important frequencies in the acoustic emission signal; however it lacks the ability to
show the evolution of these frequencies over the duration of the acoustic wave. In
order to see how the frequencies progress over time a spectrogram is seen in
Figure 4.22 of the acoustic wave shown in Figure 4.21a. As discussed, the
spectrogram uses the Short Time Fourier Transform to calculate the power spectral
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The window used for the STFT was 5 µs with a 4.9 µs overlap to allow for a time
resolution of 0.1 µs. The high frequency EMI is clearly seen at the 10 µs point of the
signal, corresponding to the discharge. The acoustic wave starts roughly 40 µs after,
this surface at 300 kHz where the dominant frequency band occurs we can examine
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
x 10 Power Spectral Density: 300 kHz
Power Spectral Density V Hz
Amplitude V Hz
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (µs)
This examination method clearly shows the peak occurring at 69.4 µs, which is
59.4 µs from when the discharge occurred. Superimposing this information on the
raw acoustic signal, Figure 4.24 shows that this peak occurs prior to the highest
peak in the acoustic wave. This was observed to be consistent for each acoustic
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
AE Signal (V)
AE Sensor (V)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (µs)
Section 4.2, the correlation between arrival time and real location is calculated on
Real Location from AE Sensor (mm)
y = 3.2994x - 72.111
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time of Arrival (μs)
Figure 4.25: Calibration of time lags to real location from PSD method.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Note that according to the calibration equation seen in Figure 4.25, a time of arrival
of zero does not correspond to a location calculation of zero millimeters away from
sensor 1. This is due to the fact that the PSD method is detecting a point on the
acoustic wave that is not at the very beginning of the wave. This adds a constant
With the PSD method, aside from the location closest to sensor 1, the 75th percentile
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
spectrogram in Figure 4.27 shows two EMI signals occurring prior to the onset of
the acoustic wave. In this scenario the discharges were 32.2 µs apart.
EMI #1
EMI #2
Acoustic Wave #1
Acoustic Wave #2
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Peak of Second
1.2 AE Wave
Amplitude V2Hz -1
Power Spectral Density V Hz
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (µs)
Figure 4.28: Power spectral density @ 300 kHz of two AE waves 32.2 µs apart.
The power spectral density at 300 kHz of the AE signal in Figure 4.29, shows two
corresponding acoustic wave peaks occurring at 59.3 µs and 91.6 µs. This
more than the time between the two discharges and corresponds to a difference in
expected location of the second discharge by approximately 0.033 mm. Figure 4.29
again shows the location determined from the PSD peak to occur at a consistent
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
AE Sensor (V)
AE Signal (V)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (µs)
the method at low off-times. In Figure 4.30 and 4.31 we see the two characteristic
peaks occurring 12.7 µs apart from each other with the first being initialized at
59.6 µs after the first current signal. This corresponds to a time difference of 0.2 µs
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
EMI #1
EMI #2
Acoustic Wave #1
Acoustic Wave #2
Power Spectral Density V Hz
Amplitude V Hz
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (µs)
Figure 4.31: Power spectral density @ 300 kHz of two AE signals occurring 12.9 µs
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
AE Sensor (V)
AE Signal (V)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (µs)
By examining a variety of off-times it is seen that the PSD method has the
ability to provide a constant reference point for multiple signals that are interfering
with each other. This is of the utmost importance for any discharge mapping
method utilizing the acoustic signals and until now is the key issue that has been
interfering in the development of this technology. It is seen that even for low times
two signals. No other method has shown the ability to handle this high level of
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
processing tool. Recall that wavelets can be scaled (stretched or squished) and
determine how well the wavelet transform matches the signal for a range of scales
and times. The continuous wavelet transform function in MATLAB was used to
output a scalogram using the daubechies order 8 (db8) wavelet and the signal seen
in Figure 4.32 (12.9 µs time difference between discharges). The daubechies wavelet
is chosen as it has been shown previously to work well in the analysis of partial
discharges [49]. The daubechies wavlet of order 8 is shown in Figure 4.33 and the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Percentage of energy for each wavelet coefficient
Scales a
17 0.04
13 0.03
9 0.02
5 0.01
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time Time
(or Space)
(µs) b
Upon inspection, it can be seen that the scalogram does indeed show two
distinct areas occurring where the two individual signals are expected. In a similar
frequency of 303 kHz [52], which is in the dominant frequency range of the signal.
The two peaks can be clearly seen and in fact the first peak corresponds to a time of
59.8 µs which agrees with the results found using the power spectral density in
Figure 4.31. However, the second major peak of the scalogram amplitude is located
at 74.2 µs which corresponds to a time difference of 14.4 µs. This is 1.5 µs larger
than the real time difference of 12.9 µs. While it may not seem significant, such a
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
time error can correspond to several millimeters of location error for high sound
Scalogram Amplitude, a = 24
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (µs)
continuing research using wavelet transforms and scalograms may prove to offer a
second method for determining arrival times. However as the use of spectrograms
and power spectral densities have been shown to accurately locate signals, it will be
the main analysis method used throughout the remainder of this research.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The PSD method has now been shown to be capable of providing a fixed
reference point for measuring time of arrival of the acoustic emission signal. This
section continues to examine the use of the PSD method with the wire EDM setup
previously described. Firstly, point source location is examined further with low
off-times resulting in a high degree of interference between signals using the “thin”
electrode. The effect of a wire coating on the time of arrival determination was also
examined. The calibration between location and arrival time will then be used to
develop a calibration equation between arrival time and location for single sparks
(1000 µs off-time). It was also shown that a spectrogram was able to differentiate
between two signals with a low off-time (<12 µs off-time). Figure 4.36 shows the
calculated location using the calibration relationship developed from the single
spark tests applied to multiple discharges that occur within 10-15 µs of each other.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Calculated Location from Sensor 1 (mm)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Real Location from Sensor 1 (mm)
Figure 4.36: Calculated locations vs. real locations for a rapid succession of sparks.
Figure 4.37. The 25th and 75th percentile of the location errors are shown and it can
be seen that the 25th percentile remains between 0.5 and 2 mm. The 75th percentile
of the error is significant when located close to either sensor and is minimized to
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Error (mm)
75th Percentile
3 25th Percentile
0 50 100 150 200 250
Location from Sensor 1 (mm)
Figure 4.37: 25th/75th percentile for calculated errors of low off-time signals.
As previously discussed, EDM wire is often coated with a thin layer of zinc in
order to allow for increased machining speeds. Since the acoustic waves that are
being examined are surface waves it is of interest to determine the effect this zinc
zinc coated EDM wire, point spark tests were performed using the 0.3 mm thick
copper electrode as before. The off-time is set to 1000 µs to provide single sparks
and the peak of the spectrogram is then used to determine the time of arrival.
Figure 4.38 shows the calibration of location with respect to arrival time. In
Location = 3.4525*(Arrival Time) – 76.608. Comparing the slope of 3452.5 m/s with
the slope of the bare brass calibration 3299.4 m/s we see that the zinc causes a
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
slight increase in the speed of sound. This increase in the speed of sound makes
sense when we consider that the thin rod velocity of brass is approximately
3500 m/s, while the thin rod velocity of zinc is slightly higher at 3800 m/s [16]. It
stands to reason that the addition of a zinc layer with a higher sound velocity will
y = 3.4525x - 76.608
Real Location from AE Sensor (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time of Arrival (μs)
Previous tests have shown the validity of the PSD method for determining
source location by utilizing knowledge of the actual location. With knowledge of the
exact source location it is possible to use only one sensor to determine whether or
not the tests yield good results. However, this is not useful in practice as the whole
discharge locations with as little prior knowledge of the workpiece as possible. For
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
small off-times (<100 μs) multiple sparks are generated before the acoustic emission
from the first spark reaches the sensor. Each of these current signals represent a
therefore necessary to utilize the second sensor to determine the source location as
a method for ensuring the correct current pulse is considered when determining
arrival times.
With two sensors the only information needed are: a) the distance between
sensors (250 mm) and b) the relationship between arrival time and location
the location with two sensors we will momentarily continue with the knowledge of
Centered @ 125 mm
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
100 mm
150 mm
Figure 4.39: Schematic of experiment used to develop methodology for arrival time
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Figure 4.39 shows the setup that will be used to generate the acoustic
away from sensor 1, meaning that the spark is generated within the range of
100 - 150 mm from sensor 1. STFT analysis on a 300 µs envelope surrounding the
acoustic emission is performed and the location of the obtained PSD peaks are
current signals occurring ahead of the PSD peak, each having the potential to be
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (µs)
2 4 6 8 10
Signal from
1 3 5 7 9
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (µs)
AE Sensor 2 (V)
AE Signal – Ch2 (V)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (µs)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
250 mm) could be calculated for multiple current signals. By calculating the location
with sensor 2 as well, we are able to determine exactly which current pulse
generated the acoustic emission by comparing the two calculated locations. The two
Equation 4.1 gives the relationship between the calculated arrival time to
sensor 1 and the location of that discharge from sensor 1. This was the relationship
developed from single spark tests. Arrival Time [Sensor 1] refers to the time difference
between the peak of the power spectral density at 300 kHz, and the time from which
a current discharge signal occurs. Equation 4.2 is the same relationship for sensor
2, however in order to ensure that all location measurements are taken with sensor
between sensors) or else it would be expressed as the location from sensor 2. With
both sensors providing locations from the same reference point, they are easily
compared to one another to see which current pulse provides the best
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Table 4.1 shows the calculated locations of both sensors for the 10 current
pulses shown in Figure 4.40. It can be determined immediately that current #’s 1-4
& 9,10 (shaded red) are not suitable candidates for location measurement as they
are locations outside the range of the sensors. Focusing solely on current #’s 5-8 it
can be seen that current signal 7 (shaded yellow) has a minimal difference between
the two calculated locations and as such current signal 7 corresponds to the
calculated locations that will provide the best results. Initially, MATLAB was
between the calculated locations from sensor 1 and 2. This is merely a starting point
for determining the threshold of this error that produces the best results.
Figure 4.41 shows the 25th and 75th percentile of calculated locations for all data
inclusive to the error threshold. The dashed lines represent the true workpiece
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
height of the electrode. It is found that the 25th and 75th percentiles best match the
real workpiece height when only locations with an error less than 0.4 mm are used.
This is the value that retains enough calculations for meaningful analysis, but
removes the locations with the most error associated with them.
152 mm
Location from Sensor 1 (mm)
130 75th Percentile
120 101.77 mm 25th Percentile
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
Absolute Location Error Sensor 1 - Sensor 2 (mm)
One more piece of knowledge that can be useful for differentiating between
attenuation in the material. Examining Figures 4.28 & 4.29 it is clear that there is
a relationship between the amplitude of the PSD peak to the magnitude of the
received acoustic emission. Meaning that the farther the acoustic wave had to travel
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
Time of Time of
Arrival 1 Arrival 2
Using Figure 4.42 as a reference it is clear that for the two scenarios of a
discharge occurring off center the time of arrival and PSD peak relationship can be
described as follows:
should always be negative. For the case of a discharge occurring in the exact center
product can be ignored. A positive product would indicate that one of the acoustic
waves used in the location calculation was actually generated by a different current
signal and therefore did not experience the attenuation that was expected.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The acoustic signals will be separated into 100 µs increments, with the PSD peak
being calculated for each 100 µs window. The PSD peaks will then be expressed in
absolute time and each peak for both channels will be used in conjunction with
every current signal to determine appropriate arrival times for both channels using
the methodology outlined above. This method will allow us to only use the strongest
PSD peaks and best location matches. Despite ignoring a lot of good determinations,
PSD peaks when determining the location of the electrode. The workpiece of width
50 mm was centered at 62.5 mm, 125 mm, and 187.5 mm. Throughout the
experiments, the workpiece width and locations were considered unknown with true
values only used after-the-fact to determine the accuracy of the estimations. Again a
box plot is used to show the 25th and 75th percentiles of the locations. A comparison
to the true location of the workpieces is also shown in Figure 4.43. The box plots are
calculated locations for a real location of 125 mm, and 45 locations for a real
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
101.77 mm 216.09 mm
160.58 mm
43.7 mm
152 mm
84.61 mm
It is seen that the calculated locations agree well with the real location range.
This is especially true in the center of the setup with a location error under 2 mm.
The error increases at the extreme ends of the test at locations 37.5 mm and 212.5
mm from sensor 1. The maximum error at these two ends still fall within the range
the edges. In the case of the electrode located from 37.5 mm to 87.5 mm, we find
that the median of the data falling within the interquartile range is 69.45 mm. This
means that the data is preferentially located farther away from sensor 1. This
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
information could potentially serve as another tool for monitoring spark localization
within a workpiece height. If the discharges are becoming localized, the median
sensor 1) and varying workpiece heights to determine the ability to use power
mm, and 90 mm was used. Figure 4.44 shows the 25th and 75th percentile for these
three workpiece heights and the results are tabulated in Table 4.2 to give calculated
values to compare to the real workpiece heights. To compute the box plots; 48
locations for the 50 mm high workpiece, and 53 calculated locations for the 90 mm
high workpiece.
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
80 mm 170 mm
83.62 mm 173 mm
100 mm 150 mm
101.77 mm 152 mm
113.5 mm 136.5 m
110.18 mm 135.92 mm
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The largest error in the workpiece height is observed for the 23 mm wide
workpiece which is overestimated at 25.74 mm. The other two workpiece heights
characteristics of the signals for the different workpiece heights. In Figure 4.45,
four sample FFTs are plotted for each workpiece height. Paying particular attention
to the 150 kHz – 200 kHz frequency range (red box) this peak seems to decrease as
approximately 320 kHz (green box) is much higher in magnitude than in the other
peak at 300 kHz (blue box), a secondary peak at 400 kHz (orange box) and low
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Frequency (kHz)
0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
Amplitude (V)
50 mm
0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Frequency (kHz)
0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
Amplitude (V)
0 0 0 0
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Frequency (kHz)
frequency peaks are setup related (wire material, diameter etc.) it still shows a
normal) this would be another beneficial tool to use in the monitoring of the process
possible to estimate the workpiece height and location within an accuracy of 3 mm.
distance between sensors and the calibration of arrival time to location based on
single spark tests. It is also able to make these estimates under real machining
conditions with low off-times (~10 µs) between signals. A brief examination of fast
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
use with the fast hole EDM process. Knowledge of the true fast hole electrode length
would aid in better breakout detection during machining. There are a few key
differences between fast hole and wire EDM. A fast hole EDM is plunged into the
workpiece to machine fine holes, meaning that sensors can only be placed on one
end of a fast hole setup. While fast hole electrodes are of comparable diameter to the
wire used in the wire EDM process, they are characterized by having one or more
channels running through the center of them to provide stiffness. Finally, the
timing parameters that are used in fast hole EDM are generally higher than those
of wire EDM, even reaching a total machining time (on + off) of close to 100 µs. The
increase in the total machining time leads to less interference between subsequent
signals and could make it possible to utilize only one sensor in the time of arrival
determination. In the cases when two sensors are needed, the setup proposed in
Figure 4.46 would provide a difference in time lags between the two signals in order
Sensor 1 Sensor 2
Time of Arrival 2
Time of Arrival 1
Figure 4.46: Possible 2 sensor fast hole setup (Note: Setup not used for these tests).
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
The channels that run through the fast hole electrode, do not only provide an
increased stiffness for the electrode but are also used for through flushing of the
Unfortunately, as the EDM being used for this research is not configured for a fast
hole process, it is difficult to provide through flushing and ensure stable machining
during these tests. For this reason, an examination will only be performed on single
spark tests. A sample single spark generated during fast hole EDM machining is
seen in Figure 4.47. A notable difference from the wire EDM tests can be seen in the
current signal where the current pulse has an on-time of 12 µs opposed to the
1.12 µs on-times that were used in the wire EDM experiments. If the single spark
tests yield good results it is expected that stable machining results would be similar
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (µs)
Output from Current Sensor (V)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (µs)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
brass fast hole electrode. Each test is comprised of 20 arrival times obtained by
finding the time from current signal to the PSD peak of the incoming acoustic wave.
Over the duration of the tests the electrode length is decreased from 125.5 mm to
32.5 mm. The decrease in length is non-uniform and in some cases the difference
between two test lengths is as little as 1.2 mm in order to test the ability to detect
minute changes in length. This is important if this method is to be used in real time
to monitor a fast hole machining process. Of the 12 tests; 4 tests will be used to
develop a calibration equation in a similar fashion to single spark wire EDM tests.
This calibration equation will then be used on the remaining 8 tests to see how well
y = 3.5198x - 15.187
Real location from Sensor (mm)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time of Arrival (μs)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Using the average arrival time values at each location we are able to develop
a speed of sound of 3519.8 m/s which is similar to what was seen during the wire
EDM tests and the expected speed of sound in brass. In Figure 4.49 below this
relationship is used to calculate the locations for each individual arrival times. The
tests used in the development of the calibration equation are denoted as blue
diamonds termed “Calibration Development” and the rest of the tests are denoted
as red x’s and termed “Calibration Verification”. Examination of the plot clearly
show the 12 distinct test groupings, even when the difference between two tests is
85.5 mm
Calculated Location (mm)
Calibration Development
60 86.7 mm
Calibration Verification
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Real Location (mm)
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
As before, the 25th and 75th percentiles of the location errors will be examined
to give a better understanding of the error seen in the calculated locations above.
Figure 4.50 shows that 11 out of 12 of the tests have a 75th percentile of the location
error under 1.5 mm. The lone exception being the case at a 49.7 mm length which
has an error ranging from approximately 2mm to 4.25 mm. Using the proposed PSD
method for detecting arrival times works well for detecting true electrode length in
using acoustic emission sensors, it has been shown that analysis of the frequency
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
band around 300 kHz was seen and by analyzing the power spectral density of the
signal at this frequency a fixed reference point on the acoustic wave is seen. A fixed
arrival times with which to generate calibration relationships. The power spectral
density has the ability to provide a fixed reference point on the signal even when
high levels of noise are present in the AE signals. With an arrival time – location
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Chapter 5
monitoring that has not been investigated extensively to this date and it is the hope
of the author that this work will serve to advance research in this area. This
chapter will summarize the conclusions of this thesis and discuss areas for
continuing research.
5.1 Conclusions
used in other processes. Areas providing the most pertinent information were in the
background information it was possible to expand upon the state of the art through
this thesis. Below is a summary of the key results that have been explored in this
the highest quality of signal, the sensor must always maintain contact with the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
2. The most important aspect for maintaining a high accuracy in the time of arrival
the speed of sounds that are being worked with are approximately 3300 m/s –
3500 m/s, an error of just 1 µs can lead to a 3.3 mm – 3.5 mm error in the
3. Due to the high interference between closely generated signals, a reference point
selection based on the raw acoustic signal is not feasible. However, focusing on
the frequency characteristics of the signal led to the use of power spectral
densities to determine a fixed reference point on the signal. It has been shown
that the PSD peak occurs at a constant location for a given signal, and that the
PSD peak has the ability to differentiate between two signals occurring as little
as 10 µs apart.
two sensors to select the best current signal to PSD peak correspondence was
developed. Best results refer to the calculated location difference between the
two sensors being under 0.4 mm and when attenuation of the acoustic wave was
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
location and time lags, it was possible to locate the workpiece spatially between
the two sensors as well as identify the height of the workpiece. Location tests
showed that error was minimized when the workpiece was kept as close to the
midpoint between sensors as possible. Using the 25th and 75th percentiles of the
6. Promising results were also obtained when studying the fast hole EDM process.
approximately 1 mm. The single spark tests performed lead to the expectation
that similar results to that of wire EDM tests can be achieved given stable
machining conditions.
emissions generated by EDM discharges has provided many results that can be
further developed to improve process monitoring or help provide better insight into
the process. Knowledge of workpiece height and location as well as true fast hole
electrode length can be used to increase the efficiency of current EDM operations.
acoustic emission sensors to monitor electrical discharge machining, not only in the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
identification of workpiece height and fast hole electrode length, but also in
developing a better understanding of the EDM process itself. This section will now
dedicated wire or fast hole EDM. Tests should be performed on these machines to
determine the location where the sensors give the strongest signals. Problems
mounting the sensors could arise as current machines are not designed with
acoustic emission sensors in mind. This may include the need to develop a mounting
metallic connector between the sensor and the wire which allows for the
transmission of sound waves from the wire to sensor. This would allow for the
As has already been discussed, two sensors placed on the same side of the
fast hole electrode is a configuration that should be explored in order to provide two
acoustic emission signals to determine fast hole electrode length at low off-times. It
distance between sensors would still be known, and a common datum for measuring
the arrival time could still be used. In fact this leads to the idea of a setup that
could prove beneficial to the wire EDM process. A third sensor could be added to the
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
Sensor 1 Sensor 3
Sensor 2
Figure 5.1: Proposed improved Wire EDM setup.
A setup of this nature would provide an extra time of arrival input in selection of
“good” calculated locations. By requiring all three sensors to converge upon one
Finally, one last area to consider is the use of three sensors on a plane to
monitor the process for potential harmful discharges occurring in a localized spot.
This spark localization affects the integrity of the workpiece surface and by utilizing
Currently the method for determining the time of arrival only makes use of
the strongest PSD peaks in order to obtain the best calculated locations. This means
that a large amount of useful peaks and consequently calculated locations are
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
ignored. Even though a large amount of data is available in only a short duration, it
would be beneficial to develop methods for using as many PSD peaks as possible.
as those around it. If a sequence of PSD peaks could be identified on both channels
Determining these sequences automatically could prove difficult and may require
spectral densities. If it was determined that a spark or arc type discharge could be
identified from its power spectral density, it would improve the mapping of these
harmful discharges. Since it has been discussed that these harmful discharges
increase the likelihood of wire breakage, the ability to map a localization of harmful
This research has shown that acoustic emission sensors are a helpful tool in
emission could prove useful in process optimization. Further research should focus
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
on how electrical parameters affect acoustic emission signals. It should also focus on
what other information acoustic emissions can provide us, whether it be machining
McMaster University – Mechanical Engineering M.A.Sc. Thesis, C. Smith
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