Central Airmen Selection Board: Admit Card-Phase-Ii For Intake 01/2020
Central Airmen Selection Board: Admit Card-Phase-Ii For Intake 01/2020
Central Airmen Selection Board: Admit Card-Phase-Ii For Intake 01/2020
(Signature of candidate)
Left hand Thumb impression (to be affixed Candidate's Signature to be done in the
in the presence of the Verification IC at the presence of the Verification IC at the time of
time of examination)
Name :
Rank :
Service No.:
*I, Roll No(s).1902118597 & 1902518597 Name Anil S/O Vikram (father’s/mother's name) hereby give an undertaking that I don’t have any body
tattoo and also declare that I will not have any body tattoo in future.
*I, Roll No(s).1902118597 & 1902518597 Name Anil S/O Vikram (father’s/mother's name) hereby give an undertaking that I have a body tattoo as
per details given and as shown in the photographs attached (two photographs, close up and distant view). I further declare that I will not have any additional
body tattoo in future. Type of Tattoo ________________________ Size ___________ Location on body__________________.
*Strike off which ever is not applicable Signature of the Candidate
(Applicable in respect of candidates both above and below 18 years of age)
*I, _________________ (candidate's name) son/ward of ____________________ (name of the father/mother/guardian) date of birth ____________
(applicable for candidate above 18 years of age)
*I, _________________ father/mother/guardian of ____________________ (name of the candidate) whose DOB is __________,(applicable for candidate
below 18 years of age)
do hereby give my consent for self/son/ward to appear in the physical / medical tests as prescribed for selection in the Indian Air Force, at my/his own
risk. I am aware that no compensation in any form shall be claimed, in respect of injuries/casualties if any,
Signature of Candidate/ * Parent/* Guardian
Place: CHEST NO. : 138
Name of
Date: DATE OF TEST : 15-05-2019 Relation with the candidate _____________
1. Candidates have to report to Airmen Selection Centre (ASC) on date and time as mentioned in the Phase-II Admit Card along with the following
documents: -
(a) Colour print out of Admit Card for Phase-II and verified Admit card of Phase – I(used during Online Examination).
(b) Duly filled and signed Tattoo Certificate by Candidate.
(c)Duly signed Consent Form for PFT & Medical Test by the Candidate, if 18 Years & above of age. To be signed by Parent /Guardian, if
below 18 years.
(d) Colour Printout of duly filled application form downloaded on completion of online registration. The application must indicate the payment
status as successful in relevant column and must bear the same registration No. as printed on this Admit Card.
(e) HB Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Glue Stick, Stapler and Black/Blue Ball Point Pen for writing.
(f) Ten copies of un-attested recent (which was used for the online application registration) passport size colour photograph.
(g) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Matriculation Passing Certificate (required for verification of Candidate’s Name, Father’s
Name and his Date of Birth).
(h) Original and four self –attested photocopies of Matriculation Marks Sheet (only applicable for three years Diploma Course holders when
English is not a subject in Diploma Course).
(i) Original and four self-attested photocopies of Intermediate/10+2/ Equivalent Examination Passing Certificate and Marks Sheet OR Original
and four self-attested photocopies of Three Year Diploma Course Passing Certificate and Marks Sheets of all semesters.
(j) Serving NCs(E) Certificate / Certificate for SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel)/ Certificate for sons of serving/retired/deceased Air Force
civilian employees paid out of defence estimates are to be downloaded as the case may be, from the download section of CASB web portal
and brought along while reporting for Phase-II of the examination; after signature and stamp of the issuing authority.
(k) For candidates discharged from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Any other government organisation, original and four self-attested photocopies of
Discharge Certificate (as issued from Indian Army/Indian Navy/Government Organisation).
(l) No Objection Certificate (NOC) [in original and four self-attested photocopies] issued from the employer, applicable only for candidates
presently serving in any Government Organisation
(m) Original and four self-attested photocopies of NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate (if applicable).
2. Candidates discharged from Indian Air Force for any reasons are not eligible to appear in the Selection Test. Candidates discharged from Indian
Army/Indian Navy / Any other Government Organisation are eligible for Selection Test Subject to their discharge with NO ADVERSE ENTRIES. If any
candidate does not disclose the fact of being employed or that of being an Ex-employee, his candidature will be cancelled at any stage during the selection
process or at any subsequent stage.
3. Your candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of selection test or thereafter if anything is found to be not in order as per the laid down eligibility
4. Candidates will not be permitted to appear in Phase-II of the Selection Test without Original Educational Marks Sheet & Passing Certificates and
documents mentioned in Para 1 above(as applicable). However, candidates with photocopies of Educational Marks Sheet / Passing Certificates can be
permitted to appear in the Selection Test only on production of an ink signed Certificate from College / School Principal certifying that the Original
Educational Certificates / Marks Sheet are deposited with College / School.
5. Original Passing Certificates / Marks Sheet will not be retained by the Selection Centre. The same will be returned to the candidates on completion of
detailed verification. Candidates must collect his original documents before leaving the Exam Centre.
6. Internet copy of mark sheet will not be accepted.
7. Any request for change of Selection Centre / Date of Test / Time of Test will not be entertained. Candidates not reporting for the test on allotted date and
time will be marked as ‘ABSENT’ and their candidature against allotted Roll Number(s) will be cancelled.
8. Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts / track pants for Physical Fitness Tests ( 1.6 km run to be completed in 6 min 30 sec
followed by 10 push ups, 10 sit ups & 20 squats ).
9. Candidates qualifying for both Group ‘X’ and Group ‘Y’ will be allotted the group according to their merit. However, President, CASB reserves the right to
allocate Group to a candidate as per vacancies available.
10. Candidates should be prepared to stay for the entire duration of the tests under their own arrangement. No TA/DA will be admissible.
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