How To Master Secret Work - SACP

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ThU NCtioa of V_beDZi be9imI the flnt prt of a ..ri.. Oft toplc:ll of
great I.mportance to every nvoludo!lU'J. Umlted space rcm:- 1111 to be
- ry short. But we hope that ruclees will be stbnvJ;ated. to think IlIOn
aboat the questions 1'1liNcI, 10 ~ them with their eomnd_
and. to IbuI _ ys of atIlctyiDgI further.

This is a series about the role o f HQ'ecy DIKlpline. ViSliiance and Self.contrDh
in solvincJ lhe tasks of the Revolution. Secret methods are based on common
Saaeq In work helps us overcome the diJ. sense and experience. Bu t the y m ust be
ficuJties cre ated by tl:.e enemy. Secrecy mastered like an art. Discipline , vigilance
gi:"es us protection by starving the enemy and self-control is re quire d . A re sistance
of information about us. SaCIeq' helps us organiser in Nazl-occupled France wh o
b uild a strong revolutionary movement to was ne ver captured said this was beca use
overthrow the e ne my. he 'ne ver use d the tele phone a nd ne v er
There is nothing sinister about usi ng went to p ublic places like bani, re staurants
MCret methocb: 10 help win fre e dom. and post offic es'. He was living a totaUy
Through the ages the ruling c lasses have underground life . But even those members
made It as d ifficult as possible for the op- of a secret movement who have a le gal ex-
pressed peo ple to gain freedom. The op- istence must display the qualitie s w e have
pressers use lbe most c ruel and sinister referred to.
methods to stay in power. They use unjust
laws to ban, banish, imprison and execute Study and Apply the Rule. of Secrecyz
their oppone Rls. They use secret police, Most people know fro m films and books
soldiers. spies and informers a.O~ Ihe thai secret work involves the use of codes.
people's moveme nts. But the people know passwords, safe ho uses and hiding places.
how to fight back and how to use M<:nI!t Activists must study the raJes of S I c:ncy
methocb of work. and apply them seriously. This enables us
The e arly hislory of struggle in our ccun- 10 build up secret organi&iltions linked to
trY is full o f good examples. Makanda. Cat· the people. This MCret Detwork becomes
shwayo. Sekhukhuni, Bambatha made use a vilal force in helping to lead the people
of MO'et aethods to organise resistance . in the struggle for power.
Bambatha, for instance. p repared his
re bellion ag~ colonialism in great In OIU series we wi1l cJiJ:cuu such topics IIS.:
secrecy from the Nkandla forest.. I . How to set up a Mcaet belWotk;
2. The Rules of SIOecyi
Se<NC)' hoi Helped us Outwit the lnemyl 3. How to overcome nneiJlabce
The enemy tries to gife the impressiOll thai (Le . obselVation);
it is impossible to carry o ut illegal ... ork. 4. Secret forms of l:OmJDUDic:.UObj
The rule rs boast about all our peop le they 5. TechDlcat Methods - such as secret
have kill ed or eapeured. They point to the writing, hi ding places etc .
freedom fighters locked up in the prisons. 6. How to behave under lbtenegaUOD
But a 101 of this talk Is sheer bluff. Of course (i.e. when being questioned
It Is Impossible to 1'1ilge a struggle without by !he enemy)
losses. The very fact, however. that the
SACP and ANC have survived years of iI· These are the main elements of

leqality is proof that the regima cennot SlOp secret work. To organise in secret Is not
our noble work. It is because we have easy, but remember: The R\OIIt difBcaJ.t
been mastering aecret work thai we have work is the most Doblel
been able, more and more, to outwit lhe
e nemy. Next "we: Sefflng up the Sec~t Network




hides or camouflages the real work being
done. For example: a secret meeting in a
We have said that secret work helps us park is made to look like a chance meeting
overcome the problems created by the between friends. If they are ever question-
enemy. This helps in the vital task of ed they give the legend that they simply
building an underground organisation or bumped into each other and had a discus-
secret network. The network must lead the sion about football.
people in the struggle for power. It does not 6. All members of the network are given
c o m p e t e with the progressive legal code names. These conceal their real iden-
organisations but reinforces them. Let us tities. They must have good identification
look at some of the main measures involved: documents. Especially those living an il-
1. Only serio us and reliable people can be legal life. A lot of time and effort must be
included in the secret network. The leaders given to creating good legends to protect
must study the potential recruits very our people. There is nothing that arouses
carefully. They are locking for people who suspicion as much as a stranger who has no
are politically clear, determined, disciplin- good reason for being around.
ed, honest and sober. People who can k e e p 7. All illegal documents, literature, reports
a secret. People who are brave and capable and weapons (when not in use) must be
of defying the enemy even if captured. carefully hidden. Special hiding places
2. Recruits are organised into a unit or cell must be built. Codes must be used in
of three or four people. The number is reports to conceal sensitive names and
limited in case of failure or arrest. The cell information.
leader is the most experienced person. The 8. The leaders must see that all members
cell members must not know the other are trained in the rules and methods of
members of the network. secret work. It is only through this training
3. Only the cell leader knows and is in con- that they will develop the skills to outwit the
tact with a more senior member of the net- enemy.
work. This senior contact gives instructions 9. Technical methods such as the use of in-
from the leadership and receives reports. visible writing, codes and disguises must be
4. A small committee of the most exper- mastered. Counter-surveillance methods
ienced people leads the network. This is a which help check whether one is being wat-
leadership cell of two or three persons. This ched by the enemy must be known. Secret
cell might be in charge of a factory, location, forms of communicating between our peo-
township or city. A city network takes the ple must be studied and used. This is all part
form of a pyramid. The city underground of the training. These methods will be dealt
committee is at the top. Local cells are at the with later in this series.
base. Middle command cells are in bet- 10. Specialisation: Once the network has
ween. Start with one cell. Gain experience b e e n d e v e l o p e d some cells should
before building more. specialise in different tasks such as pro-
paganda, sabotage, combat work, mass
work, factory organisation etc.
Leadership In the meantime you can start putting in-
Middle Level
Commend to practice some of the points already
dealt with. Begin to work out legends in
your work. What innocent reason can you
give if a friend or a policeman finds this
F a c t o r y a n d Township/Suburb Cells
journal in your possession?
5. A rule of secret work is that members NEXT ISSUE: Rules of Secrecy
must know only that which is necessary to The Series on
fulfill their tasks. Everyone, from top to bot- Marxism and Violence Will
tom, must have good cover stories to pro- Continue in the Next Issue
tect them. This is a legend or story which


4. No loose talk! Guard secrets with your
life! Follow the saying: 'Don't trust anyone
Carelessness leads to arrests. Loose talk and talk as little as possible'. (X fails here).
and strange behaviour attracts attention of 5. Be vigilant against informers! They try to
police and izimpimpi. Secret work needs get close to you, using militant talk to 'test'
vigilance and care. Roles of secrecy help and trap you. (Can X be so sure of his
to mask our actions and overcome dif- relative?)
ficulties created by the enemy. But first let 6. Be disciplined, efficient, punctual (X was
us study the following situation: none of these). Only wait ten minutes at a
meeting place.The latecomer may have
What Not To Do been arrested.
X, a trade unionist, also leads a secret cell. 7. Make all preparations beforehand!
He phones Y and Z, his cell members, and Avoid a regular pattern of behaviour which
arranges to meet outside a cinema. X leaves makes it easy for the enemy to check on
his office and rushes to the meeting 30 you. (X made poor arrangements for the
minutes late. Y and Z have been anxiously meeting; rushed there from a sensitive
checking the time and pacing up and place and could have been followed; used
down. The three decide to go to a nearby the tea-room too often).
tea-room where they have often met before.
They talk over tea in low tones. People from 8. Do not try to discover what does not con-
the cinema start coming in. One is a relative cern you! Know only what you have to know
of X who greets him. Y and Z are nervous for carrying out your tasks.
and abruptly leave. When X is asked who 9. Be careful what you say on the phone
they were he hesitates and, wanting to im- (which may be 'bugged'), or in a public
press his relative, replies: 'They're good place (where you can be overheard)! Con-
guys who like to hear from me what's go- ceal sensitive information such as names
ing on'. This opens the way for a long etc by using simple codes!
discussion on politics. 10. Remove all traces of illegal work that
can lead to you! Wipe fingerprints off ob-
X has made many errors which would jects. Know that typewriters can be traced.
soon put the police on the trail of all three. Goods bought from shops can be checked.
These seem obvious but in practise many 11. Hide materials such as leaflets,
people behave just like X. They do not weapons etc! But not where you live.
prepare properly; rush about attracting at- Memorise sensitive names, addresses etc.
tention; fail to keep time; do not cover the Don't write them down!
activity with a legend (cover story); talk
loosely etc. Others pick up the bad style of 12. Carry reliable documents of
work. X should set a good example for Y identification!
and Z. To avoid such mistakes rules of 13. Know your town, its streets, parks,
secrecy must be studied and practised. shops etc. like the palm of your hand! This
They might seem obvious but should never will help you find secret places and enable
be taken for granted. you to check whether you are being
Things t o R e m e m b e r 14. If you are arrested you must deny all
1. Always have a 'believable' legend to secret work and never reveal the names of
cover your work! (X could have said Y and your comrades even to the point of death!
Z were workers he vaguely knew whom he 15. Finally, if any member of your under-
had met by chance and had been en- ground cell is arrested, you must im-
couraging to join the union). mediately act on the assumption that they
2. Underground membership must be will be forced to give information. This
secret! (X had no need to refer to Y and Z means taking precautions, such as going in-
as 'good guys'). to hiding if necessary.
3. Behave naturally and do not draw atten- When f he rules of secrecy are practised revolu-
tion to yourself. 'Be like the people'. Merge tionaries make good progress. Practise makes
with them! (X, Y and Z b e h a v e d perfect and with discipline and vigilance we
suspiciously). will outwit the enemy and we willwinl

( N e x t Issue: How to Check f o r Surveillance)





1. W h a t is Surveillance? three or more weeks. The decision will in-

In their efforts to uncover secret revolu- volve placing the subject's house and
tionary activity the police put a close watch workplace under observation and having
on suspected persons and places. This his or her phone tapped—either temporari-
organised form of observation is called ly or permanently. The number of persons
surveillance. There are two general types involved in the operation will be decided
of surveillance: mobile and stationary. upon and they will be given the known facts
Mob i le is sometimes referred to as 'tailing' about the subject including a description or
or 'shadowing' and involves following the photograph. Whether the surveillance ends
suspect (subject) around. Stationary is with the arrest of the subject will depend on
observingthe subject, his or her home and what is learnt during the investigation.
workplace, from a fixed position. This can
be from a parked car, neighbouring 5. The Surveillance Team
building or shop and is referred to as a Specially trained plainclothes men and
'stake-out'. In fact we often see examplesof women are used to carry out surveillance.
'tailing' and 'stake-outs' in detective 1films. Their identities are kept strictly secret. They
Surveillance combines both 'tailing and are not normally the known or public
'stake-outs'. special branch policemen. They are aged
between 25 and 50 years and have to be
2 . Counter-Surveillance physically fit for the work. In appearance
Members of a secret network must use and dress they are average types. They try
methodsof counter-surveillance to pro- to blend in with their surroundings and
tect themselves and their underground avoid drawing attention to themselves. For
organisation. You can establish whether example, smartly dressed whites will not be
you are being watched or followed. These used to follow a black person in a poor, run-
methods can be effectively used and help down area.
you to give the police the impression that A teom may consist of 2-4 people with a
you are not involved in secret work. Before car in support. Usually one team is used at
considering these methods of protection, a time but more will be deployed if re-
however, we need to be more aware of the quired. The subject will be followed by foot,
enemy's surveillance methods. For it is not car or public transport if necessary. The
possible to deal with surveillance unless we surveiUants communicate with each other
know how it operates. by discreet hand signals and small radio
transmitters. They make minor changes in
3. Aim of Surveillance their clothing and appearance to help pre-
The primary aim of surveillance is to gather vent recognition. For the same reason they
information about the subject and to check try to avoid abrupt and unnatural
out whether he or she is involved in secret movements when following the subject.
work. The police seek to establish the links In a crowded city street they will 'stick'
between the subject and those he or she close to the subject (within 20 metres) for
might be working with. The enemy wants fear of losing him or her. In a quiet residen-
to identify you and locate the residences tial area they will 'hang' well back (over 50
and secret places you use. They try to col- metres) for fear of exposing themselves.
lect evidence to prove that illegal work has They have set plans and procedures for 'tail-
been committed. An important use of ing' the subject which involves the constant
surveillance is to check on information interchanging of positions. It is important to
received from informers. know these various techniques of foot and
vehicle surveillance. They will be discuss-
4 . Decision for Surveillance ed in our next issue. After that we will
A decision to place a subject under discuss how to deal with surveillance (i.e.
surveillance is taken at a high level. The counter-surveillance).
decision will include the intensity and dura-
tion — for example whether for 8,16 or 24
14 hours per day over a period of one, two,


In our last issue we defined surveillance as (Figure 1). When S turns right at a corner A
an organised form of observation in which the drops back out of sight and B takes the lead
police put a close watch on suspected per- position. They continue in the chain forma-
sons or places. Various types of surveillance tion. An alternative technique is for A to cross
and techniques of 'tailing' the suspect (sub- the road and then turn right. In this case A is
ject) are used. A subject's home or place of not now following directly behind B as in a
work might be under observation from a sta- chain, but is parallel to B on the opposite side
tionary or 'fixed' position such as a of the road to both B and S and slightly to their
neighbouring residence or vehicle. All com- rear (Figure 2). A and B will avoid direct con-
ings and goings are recorded. When the sub- tact with S. If S now crosses the street to the
ject leaves his or her home they may be left A will eitherfallback, enter a shop or walk
followed by foot or car or combination of swiftly ahead, whilst B will follow S from his
both. All the places they visit and people they side of the street (Figure 3),
meet are noted, photographed and followed
too if necessary. Three M a n or 'ABC' Surveillance
Inclusion of the extra man makes tailing S
Foot Surveillance easier. A follows S, B follows A and C
At least two people will be used to follow the operates across the street from S and to the
subject who we will call 'S\ They will com- rear. When S turns a corner, A may continue
municate through hand-signals and 'walkie- in the original direction, crossing the street
talkie' radios so as to guide and assist each instead of immediately turning. A thus takes
other. They will keep as close to S as 18 the C position, whilst either B or C can take
metres in crowded areas and hang well back, A's original position (Figure 4).
up to 100 metres, in quiet streets. They will A variety of tecliniques can obviously be
try to be as inconspicuous as possible so as used. But the idea is generally the same.
not to arouse S's suspicions. They will have Those following must keep the subject under
a car to assist them, which keeps out of sight constant observation without arousing suspi-
in the adjacent streets. cion. The more persons used, the greater the
scope and flexibility of the operation.
Two-Man or 'AB' Surveillance Remember: By knowing the methods
The person following directly behind S is A. of the enemy w e con deaf with him and
The second person is B, who follows on defeat him!
behind A, as if in a chain. A and B alternate
positions, 'leap-frogging' over each other N e x t Issue: Vehicle Surveillance

^FIGURE i | § ! £




In our last issue on Surveillance, which is the behind S and B keeps pace in a parallel street.
organised observation of suspects by the A and B keep switching positions (Figure 3).
police, we dealt with techniques of following With three tailing vehicles trie possibilities are
people on foot We now turn to 'tailing' by increased. A and B follow S in a chain and a
vehicle. third vehicle C travels in a parallel street. C
Vehicle Surveillance may even speed ahead of S, awaiting it at an
A variety of vehicles may be used in intersection before falling in behind and tak-
surveillance — car, van, truck or motorbike. ing A's position. This allows A to turn off and
These must be dependable and powerful but follow in a parallel street (Figure 4).
not flashy so as to avoid attracting attention. A Reflectors and Beepers
surveillance vehicle will carry no visible police Those carrying out surveillance may try to
identification but of necessity will be equip- place a strip of reflectorized tape on the rear
ped with a two-way radio (so look out for the of the subject's vehicle or break a tail-light to
antenna!) make it easier to spot it at night. Or they may
In heavy traffic the tailing vehicle will stick place an electronic tailing device on S's car,
close behind the suspect's vehicle, hereafter called &BumperBeeper. This is a small metal
referred to as the subject or 'S\ In light traffic box which can be fixed to the vehicle with
it will hang well back, but it will always try to magnets in seconds. A radio signal is transmit-
keep two or three cars behind S (Figure 1), ted which the tailing vehicle picks up on a
especially in One-Vehicle Surveillance. The receiver. S's car can be tracked even when out
tailing vehicle will remain in the same lane as of view! Such gadgets do not, however, make
S to avoid making sudden turns from the wrong it impossible to avoid being tailed, it only
lane. There are normally two persons in a tail- means that you must be alert and check for
ing vehicle. The passenger is always ready to such devices. Knowing it is there can help you
aught and carry out foot surveillance if S parks to really mislead the enemy!
his or her car or gets out of it. As in foot
surveillance, inconspicuous actions are re- Progressive Surveillance
quired so as not to arouse the suspicions of S. This technique is used when extreme caution
When more tailing vehicles are used, the is needed because the subject is likely to use
scope and flexibility of the operation is increas- all methods to uncover possible surveillance.
ed. But normally two tailing vehicles are utilis- S is only followed for a limited distance each
ed. The number depends on the degree of day by foot or car. Observation is picked up
urgency of the operation. again at the time and place where it was
previously discontinued. This continues day
Two and Three Vehicle Surveillance after day until the surveillance is completed
When two tailing vehicles are used, the lead or discontinued.
tail A will remain two or three cars behind S
and B will remain behind A, as in a chain. They Remember! Know the enemy's methods to
will keep switching places (Figure 2). When deal with him and defeat him!
using a parallel tailing technique, A remains NEXT ISSUE: COUNTER-SURVEILLANCE

14 ^^•M^M^ v:-::-:v:-:v:-:v:v;-:v;-::;-;v:-:^:-:-:-:->:-:.v-s:.:.::-:



W e have b e e n examining the enemy's discreetly check who such people are. The
surveillance methods — that is, the forms enemy might have created an observation
of observation used to watch suspects and post in the house across the road — or plac-
uncover secret revolutionary activity. We e d an agent in the room next door to you!
now turn to counter-surveillance, which is Be sensitive to any change in attitude to
the methods we use to deal with enemy you by neighbours, landlady, s h o p k e e p e r
observation. etc. The enemy might have mobilised them
for surveillance. Know such people well,
Qualities Needed including the local children, and be on
For successful counter-surveillance you good terms with all. Then if strangers ques-
need to be aware of your surroundings and tion them about you, they will b e more in-
be alert to what is going on around you.
That means having a thorough knowledge clined to inform you.
of the town or area in which you live and Know the back routes and concealed en-
work and knowing the habits of the people. trances into your area so that you may slip
You need basic common sense, alertness in and out unnoticed. Secretly check what
and patience — together with cool and is going on in the vicinity after pretending
natural behaviour and a knoweldge of cer- to retire for the night. Avoid peering from
tain tactics or ruses (which will be discuss- behind curtains, especially at night from a
e d later). It is important not to draw atten- lit room. This is as suspicious as constant-
tion to oneself by strange behaviour such ly glancing over one's shoulder and will
as constantly looking over one's shoulder. only alert the enemy to conceal themselves
And one must guard against paranoia — better.
that is imagining that everyone you see is Record all unusual incidents in a note
following you. It is necessary to develop book so you can analyse events and come
powers of observation and memory (which to a conclusion. Be alert with persons you
come with practise) so that you notice what mix with at work or socially, and those like
is unusual and remember what you have receptionists, supervisors, waiters and at-
seen. It is when you notice the same per- tendants who are well-placed to notice
son or unusual behaviour a third or fourth one's movements.
time that you are able to conclude that it
a d d s up to s u r v e i l l a n c e and not Telephone and Mail
coincidence. 'Phone tapping often causes faults. Check
with neighbours whether they are having
similar problems or is you phone the ex-
Are You Being Watched? ception? Is your post being interfered
Study the normal situation where you live, with? Check dates of posting, stamp
work and socialise so as to immediately cancellation and delivery and compare the
recognise anything out of the ordinary. Are time taken for delivery with your friends.
strangers loitering about the streets? Are Examine the envelopes to check whether
strange cars parked where the occupants they have b e e n o p e n e d and glued down
have a commanding view of your home? in a clumsy way.
They may b e a distance away spying on Some of these checks do not necessarily
you through binoculars. Do the vehicles confirm that you are being watched — but
have antenna for two-way radio com- they alert you to the possibility. To confirm
munication? Do you notice such strangers whether you are in fact under observation
or vehicles on several occasions and in requires techniques of checking which we
other parts of town? This would serve to will examine in the next issue.
confirm interest in you.
Have strangers moved into neighbouring Next Issue: The Check Route
houses or flats? Do you notice unusual
c o m i n g s a n d g o i n g s or s u s p i c i o u s
movements at upstairs windows? Try to Be A w a r e and Alert!




8. THE CHECK ROUTE (y^*"^~
Check Route is a planned journey, prefe- ^bly on foot, along which a person carries out a
number of discreet checks in order to determine whether they are under surveillance. These
checks take place at predetermined check points which must give you the opportunity of
checking for possible surveillance without arousing the suspicion of those tailing you.
The check route should cover a distance of 3-4km, include such activities as shopping,
making innocent enquiries, catching a bus, enjoying a refreshment etc., and should last about
one hour. The route should include quiet and busy areas bearing in mind that it is easier
to spot a tail in uncrowded places. It is essential that your behaviour appears normal and
that you have a valid reason for your movements. If your actions are strange and inexplicable,
you will arouse the suspicions of those following you.
Here is an example of a typical check route. Shortage of space obliges us to confine the
check points into a smaller area — just a few city blocks — than would actually b e the case:
Check Points are numbered 1 to 12.

1. X walks down the street and pauses at a or arcades; here he slightly picks up s p e e d
cinema to examine the posters — this gives and crosses street, where ...
a good chance to look back down the street 4. shop with large plate glass windows gives
and to notice those passing by (without look- good reflection of alley out of which he has
ing over his shoulder); emerged; X notices whether anyone is com-
2. X crosses the road looking right and left ing out of that alley to catch u p with him ...
and pops into a large store; h e positions 5. X now proceeds down the street into
himself near the entrance whilst appearing to bookshop with commanding view of the
examine goods on display; h e nonces anyone street he has come down; he browses around
entering after him; wanders around the store noticing anyone entering after him; he also
using lifts, stairways etc., in order to spot observes whether anyone examines the
anyone paying special interest in him; departs books he has b e e n browsing through (for a
at side exit ... tail would want to check whether X has left
3. and crosses street into little-used alleyway a secret communication behind him for a con-



tact); X makes a small purchase and exits ... quickly around the corner and could become
6. enters park and walks along winding paths startled on finding X right in his path;
which give good view of rear; X throws away 11-12. X crosses the street and joins the
an empty cigarette pack and retires to ... queue at bus stop (11) noticing those joining
7. an out-door restaurant where he takes his the queue after him; a bit of acting here gives
tea; he observes whether anyone picks up the impression X is unsure of the bus he wants
cigarette pack which a tail would want to to catch; he could allow a couple of buses to
check as in 5; and notices the customers ar- go by noticing anyone who is doing the same;
riving after him; any tail would want to check as a bus arrives at the stop across the road (12)
whether X is meeting someone; as X leaves X suddenly appears to realise it is his and
he notices whether any of the customers are dashes across the road to catch it as it pulls
eager to leave immediately after him ... away; X is alert to anyone jumping on the bus
after him and will also pay attention to
8. X crosses the street into a Post Office; once whoever gets on at the next few stops.
inside he is able to observe whether anyone
is crossing the street from the park after him; Such a series of checks must be carried out
he buys some stamps and notices anyone immediately prior to any sensitive appoint-
queing behind him (a tail will be especially ment or secret meeting. If nothing suspicious
interested in transactions taking place in post has occurred during the Check Route X pro-
offices, banks etc.); X may also make a 'phone ceeds to his secret appointment or mission.
call at a public box and check whether If, on the other hand, X has encountered cer-
anyone attempts to overhear his conversation; tain persons over and over again on the
9. on departing X stops a stranger in the Check Route he will assume he is under
street to ask the way; this allows him to check surveillance and break his appointment. Bear
whether anyone has followed him out of the in mind that anyone following you, even pro-
Post Office; a tail would also show interest in fessionals, may become indecisive or startl-
this stranger (who might be X's contact) and ed should your paths unexpectedly cross. A
a member of the surveillance team might Check Routine should also be carried out
follow this 'stranger'; from time to time to check whether a person
is 'clean' or not.
10. X continues down the street, turns sharply
at the corner, and abruptly stops at a cigarette
kiosk; anyone following will most likely come Next Issue: More on Counter-Surveillance


1917 - 1987 1957
70th anniversary of the Following the Alexandra Bus Boycott,
Great October Socialist Revolution a £l-a-day National Minimum Wage
campaign was launched
1487 - 1987
500 years since Bartholomew Dias 1962
arrived at Mossel Bay, which he The 'Road to South African
called the Freedom', the Programme of the
'Bay of Cowherds', marking the SACP, was adopted 25 years ago
beginning of colonial conquest of
our country 1967
1787 — 1987 20 years ago the Wankie and Sipolilo
200th anniversary of the birth Battles took place
of the great warrior, Chaka in what was then Rhodesia,
now independent Zimbabwe
1947 1912 - 1987
40 years ago the 75th anniversary of the formation of
Xuma-Dadoo-Naicker Pact was the African National Congress
signed on behalf of the ANC, TIC
and NIC, laying the foundations for 1987
national unity 27th October is the 70th birthday of
and the Congress Alliance Oliver Tambo





Check Route is a planned journey, the object of which is to check whether you are be-
ing followed. Last issue's example was a check route on foot, by a person acting alone.
With assistance from comrades the exercise becomes more effective. The exercise
follows similar lines as previously outlined except that a comrade is stationed at each
check point and observes whether anyone is following you as you pass by. It is essen-
tial that your behaviour appears normal and does not look as though 'checking' is tak-
ing place-

Let us supose that you are X. Comrades Y and Z position themselves at check points
Yl and Zl respectively. These observation points must give a good view of your
movements, but keep the comrades hidden from enemy agents who might be tailing
you. After X passes each check point the comrades move to new positions, in this case
Y2 and Z2. They may in fact cover four to five positions each and the whole operation
could take one to two hours over an area of three or four kilometres. Comrades must
take up each position in good time.
Such check points could be:
• Yl From inside a coffee shop Y gets a good view of X entering opposite.
• Zl Z is in a building (roof garden, balcony or upper floor window) watching X's
progress down the street and into the bookshop.
• Y2 Y has moved into park and observes X's wanderings from park bench among
the trees.
• Z2 Z has time to occupy parked car in car park, with good view of all movement.
After the exercise Y and Z meet to cor.-.pare notes. What suspicious individuals have
they observed? Were such people noticed in X's vicinity on more than just one or two
occasions? Was their behaviour strange and were they showing unusual interest in X?
Did they take up observation positions when X entered bank and bookshop? Did they
go in to check what he was up to? Was a vehicle following them in support and were
persons from the vehicle taking it in turns to follow X? Such persons are more easily
noticed and remembered in quiet rather than busy areas!
Remember: In order to carry out secret work you must know whether you are under
surveillance or are clean!
Next Issue: Checking when driving.
'Vl ' i T O R B





There are many ways of countering enemy • Tum into the driveway of a house or building
surveillance when using a vehicle. Be extra and out again as if in error;
observant when approaching your parked car • Abruptly switch traffic lanes and unexpected-
and when driving off. This is the most likely point ly turn left or right without indicating — but
at which tailing may start — from your home, be sure there is no traffic cop about!
work, friends, meeting place. Be on the lookout • Cross at a traffic light just as it turns red, etc.
for strange cars, with at least two passengers Such ruses will force a tail into unusual actions
(usually males). When driving off be on the to keep up with you — but your actions must
lookout for cars pulling off after you or possibly appear normal.
following you from around a corner. Bear in w

mind that the enemy may have two or three Check Route
vehicles in the vicinity, linked by radio. They will The Check Route we previously described in
try to follow you in an interchanging sequence this series for checking surveillance by foot can
(the so-called A.B.C technique). Cars A, B and obviously be applied to vehicles. Your check
C will constantly exchange positions so as to route must be well prepared and should include
confuse you. busy and quiet areas. Also include stops at
places such as garages and shops where you
Ruses: can carry out some counter-surveillance on foot.
After driving off it is a useful procedure to make You can carry out your routine by yourself or
a U-turn and drive away in the opposite direc- with assistance.
tion, forcing any surveillance car into a hurried In this case comrades are posted at check
move. As you proceed, notice vehicles behind points along your route and observe whether
you —your rear-view mirror is your best friend! you are being tailed. It is a good idea to fit your
Also pay attention to vehicles travelling ahead car out with side-view mirrors for better obser-
which may deliberately allow you to overtake vation, including one for your passenger. At all
them. Cars waiting ahead of you at the junctions, costs avoid looking over your shoulder (a highly
stop streets and by the roadside must be noted suspicious action!).
too. You will often find vehicles travelling
behind you for quite a distance, particularly on Enemy Tracking Device
a main road or link road. Avoid becoming ner- You should often check underneath your car in
vous and over-reacting. Do not suddenly speed case the enemy has placed a tracking device
ahead in the hope of losing them. ('bumper bleeper') there. It is a small, battery-
Remember that the point of counter- operated, magnetically attached gadget that
surveillance is to determine whether you are emits a direction signal to a tailing vehicle. This
being followed or not. Rather travel at normal enables the vehicle to remain out of your sight.
speed and then slightly reduce speed, giving When you stop for some minutes, however, your
normal traffic the chance of overtaking you. If trackers will be curious about what you are up
the following vehicle also reduces speed, then to. This will force them to look for you. So your
begin to accelerate slightly. Is that vehicle copy- check routine should involve stopping in a quiet
ing you? If so, turn off the main road and see or remote area. Get out of your car and into a
if it follows. A further turn or two in a quiet hidden position from where you can observe
suburb or rural area will establish whether you any follow-up movement. If you have assistance,
have a tail. stop your car at a pre-arranged spot. Your com-
There are many other ruses to determine this: rades should drive past and check whether a tail
• Drive completely around a traffic circle as vehicle has halted just out of sight down the
though you have missed your turn-off; road.
• Turn into a dead-end street as if by mistake; Next Issue: Cutting the Tail




The procedure of eluding those who are follow- d e p e n d e d on it. By the time the tail has manag-
ing you is called 'cutting the tail'. In order to do e d to find a break in the traffic and cross after
this effectively you must study the location or you, you could have disappeared in any number
areas where this can b e done in advance. When of directions!
you find yourself in a situation where you need
to break surveillance, you deliberately lead 4. Take the Last Taxi in the Rank:
those who are following you to a favourable spot Occupy your time in a leisurely way near a taxi
where 'cutting the tail' can b e achieved. rank. You could b e window shopping or drink-
ing tea at a cafe. When you notice that there is
1. Change of Clothing: only one taxi left at the rank, drop everything and
You urgently n e e d to visit an underground con- sprint over to it. By the time those following you
tact. For several days your attempts have b e e n have summoned up their support cars you could
frustrated because you have come to realise that have ordered the taxi to stop and slipped away.
you are being closely watched and followed by
the police and their agents. You leave work as 5. Entering and Exiting a Building:
usual but carry a shopping bag with a change A large, busy department store with many en-
of clothes. After casually wandering around trances, stairways, lifts and floors is ideal for this
town you enter a cloakroom or such place where one. After entering the building quickly slip out
you can quickly change clothing without being by another exit. Busy hotels, restaurants, recrea-
seen. It should b e a place where other people tion centres, railway stations, arcades, shopping
are constantly entering and leaving. You leave centres etc are all useful locations for this trick.
within minutes, casually dressed in a T-shirt and 6. Ruses when Driving:
sports cap. Your shirt, jacket and tie are in your It is more difficult to cut a tail when driving than
shopping bag. A bus area makes it easier to slip when on foot because a number of vehicles may
away unnoticed. A reversible jacket, pair of b e following you in parallel streets. Fast and ag-
glasses and cap kept in a pocket are useful aids gressive driving is necessary. Sudden changes
for a quick change on the move. Women in par- of s p e e d and direction, crossing at a traffic light
ticular can make a swift change of clothing with just as it turns red, and a thorough knowledge
ease, slipping on a wig and coat or even a man's of lanes, garages and places where a car may
hat and jacket over a pair of jeans to confuse the b e quickly concealed are possible ways in
tail! which you may elude the tail.
2. Jumping on and oil a Bus: 7. Get Lost in a Crowd:
You are being tailed but must get to a secret It is particularly difficult for the tail to k e e p up
meeting at all costs. You could spend some time with you in crowded areas. Know the locality,
loitering around a busy shopping area giving the b e prepared, be quick-footed and quick-witted!
impression that you are in no hurry to get Be ready to take advantage of large concentra
anywhere. Just as you notice a bus pulling away tions of people. Workers leaving a factory, spec-
from a bus stop you run after it and jump aboard. tators at a sports fixture, crowds at a market,
Keeping a good lookout for your pursuers, you cinema, railway station or rally offer all the op-
could jump off as it slows down at the next stop portunities you n e e d .
and disappear around a busy corner. Mix this with the above tactics and you will
3. Crossing a Busy Street: give those trying to tail you the headache and
You need to b e quick and alert for this one! You disappointment they so richly deserve.
deliberately lead those following you down a NEXT ISSUE: W e b e g i n to look at Secret
busy street with heavy traffic. When you notice Communication
a momentary break in the traffic, you could sud-
denly sprint across the road as though your life KNOW THE E N E M Y - A N D OUTWIT HIM!


12. Secret Communication
Communication is vital to any form of human
activity- When people become involved in before associated with C. When C finally con-
secret work they must master secret forms of tacts A and B they are angry with him for two
communication in order to survive detection and reasons. Firstly, that he came late for the appoint-
succeed in their aims. Without efficient secret ment. Secondly, that he violated the rules of
communication no underground revolutionary secrecy by openly trying to contact them. C of-
movement can function. In fact effective com- fers an acceptable reason for his late-coming (he
munication is a pillar of underground work. Yet could prove that his car broke down) and argues
communication between underground activists that he had urgent information for them. He
is their most vulnerable point. states that they had failed to make alternative ar-
The enemy, his police, informers and agents rangements for a situation such as one of them
are intently watching known and suspect ac- missing a meeting. Hence, he argues, he had no
tivists. They are looking for the links and con- alternative but to search for them.
tact points between such activists which will The above example is familiar to most activists.
give them away. It is often at the point when such It creates two problems for the conduct of secret
activists attempt to contact or communicate with work. It creates the obvious security danger as
one another that they are observed and then- well as leading to a breakdown in the continuity
would-be secrets are uncovered. The enemy of work.
watches, sees who contacts whom, then What methods are open to such a unit, or be-
pounces, rounding up a whole network of ac- tween two activists?
tivists and their supporters. But there are many To answer this we will be studying two main
methods and techniques of secret work, simple areas of communication. There are personal
but special forms of communication, available and non-personal forms of communication. Per-
to revolutionaries to overcome this key problem. sonal are when two or more persons meet under
In the next few issues of this series we will be special conditions of secrecy. There are various
discussing these, in order to improve and forms of personal meetings, such as regular,
perfect secret forms of communication. These reserve, emergency, blind, check and acciden-
are used worldwide, including by state security tal. Then there are various non-personal forms
organs, so we are giving nothing away to the of communication designed to reduce the fre-
enemy. Rather we are attempting to arm our quency of personal meetings. Amongst these
people. These methods are designed to outwit are such methods as using newspaper columns,
the enemy and to assure continuity of work. The public phone boxes, postal system, radios and
qualities required are reliability, discipline, the method made famous in spy novels and
punctuality, continuity and vigilance — which films, the so-called dead-letter-box or DLB,
spells out efficiency in communication. where messages are passed through secret
Before proceeding, however, let us illustrate hiding places. Coding, invisible ink and special
what we are talking about with an example: terms are used to conceal the true or hidden
C — a member of an underground unit — is meaning in messages or conversations.
meant to meet A and B at a secret venue. C is From this we can immediately see a solution
late and the two others have left. C rushes to C's failed meeting with A and B. All they need-
around town trying to find them at their homes, ed to arrange was a reserve meeting place in
work place, favourite haunts. C tries phoning the event of one or more of them failing to turn
them and leaves messages. C is particularly anx- up at the initial venue. This is usually at a dif-
ious because he has urgent information for them. ferent time and place to the earlier meeting. The
People start wondering why C is in such a panic other forms of meetings cover all possibilities.
and why he is so desperate to contact A and B
who are two individuals whom they had never Next Issue: Personal Meetings & Their Conditions.



13. Personal Meetings
In our last issue we began to discuss the methods friend that she requires the premises in order to
members of an underground unit should use when interview some people for a job or some story to
communicating with one another. The most impor- that effect. On the desk she will have interview
tant requirement that must b e solved is how to meet notes and other documents to support her story and
secretly and reliably. B and C will carry job applications or references.
Let us suppose that comrade A has the task of If anyone interrupts the meeting or if they are ques-
organising an underground unit with B and C. In tioned later, they will have a convincing explana-
the interests of secrecy they must, as far as possi- tion for their meeting.
ble, avoid visiting one another at home or at work.
(Such links must b e kept to a minimum or even total- O r d e r of t h e M e e t i n g :
ly avoided so that other people do not have the im- At the start of the meeting A checks on the well-
pression that they are closely connected). being and security of each comrade, particularly
whether everything was in order on their route to
First of all they need to have a regular or main the meeting. Did they c h e c k for possible
meeting — let's say every two weeks. For this surveillance? Next A will inform them of the legend
meeting A lays down three conditions. These are: for the meeting. Then, before business is discuss-
place, time and legend. ed, A will explain the time and place of the next
Place of Meeting: meeting. This is done in case they are interrupted
This must b e easy to find, approach and leave. It and have to leave the meeting in a hurry. In such
must b e a safe place to meet, allowing privacy and an event they already know the conditions for the
a feeling of security. It could be a friend's flat, of- next meeting and continuity of contact is assured.
fice, picnic place, beauty spot, beach, park, vehi-
cle, quiet cafe etc. The possibilities are endless. Reserve Meeting:
It is essential that the meeting place b e changed In arranging the regular meeting of the unit, A takes
from time to time. Sometimes, instead of indicating into account the possibility of one or more of them
the meeting place A might instruct B and C to meet failing to get to that meeting. He therefore explains
him at different contact points on the route to the the conditions for a reserve meeting. These also
meeting such as outside a cinema, bus stop etc. include place, time and legend. Whilst the time for
This can provide a greater degree of security. But a reserve meeting may b e the same as a regular
it is best to begin with the most simple meeting (but obviously on a different day), the
arrangements. place must always differ. A instructs them that if
a regular meeting fails to take place they must
Time: automatically meet two days later at such-and-such
Date and time of the meeting must b e clearly a time and place. The conditions for a reserve
memorised. Punctuality is essential. If anyone fails meeting might b e kept constant, not changing as
to arrive at the meeting place within the pre- often as those of the regular meeting, because the
arranged time the meeting must b e cancelled. As need for such a meeting may not often arise. But
a rule the time for waiting must never exceed ten A takes care to remind the comrades of these con-
minutes. Under no circumstances must a comrade ditions at every regular meeting.
proceed to the meeting if h e or she finds Having arranged conditions for both regular and
themselves under surveillance. reserve meetings, A feels confident that he has
organised reliability and continuity of such contact.
Legend: It is necessary for all to observe the rules of
This is an invented but convincing explanation secrecy, and to b e punctual, reliable, disciplined
(cover story) as to why A, B and C are always and vigilant about such meetings.
together at the same place at the same time. The
legend will d e p e n d on the type of people who are But what if comrade A needs to see B and C sud-
meeting. Suppose A and B are black men and C denly and urgently and cannot wait for the regulpr
is an older, white woman. Since it would look meeting?
unusual and attract attention if they met at a park tie+Ll Issue; Emergency and othei personal meetings.
or picnic place, A has decided on an office which
C has loaned from a reliable friend. They meet at sbK first twelve articles in this series as* now 3v-.;;;. : \

5.30pm when the office is empty. C has told her in pamphlet form from InUutalekr FsMtcaticiUE


14. Emergency and Check Meetings
The leader 67 an underground unit, comrade A, has
arranged regular and reserve meetings with B and
C. This allows for reliability and continuity of con- ChaJk mark signal
tact in the course of their secret work. This has
been progressing well. Comrade A decides to
organise other forms of meetings with them tWYWAi/r^WtVrJi-Z'ttttfxs •iW*,;> fii/u;u
utttt f./uti ft w!i - » ( / ' • •

because of the complexity of work. looking). The two comrades can now expect to
1. Emergency Meeting: meet each other at the park bench later that day.
The comrades have found that they sometimes Call and Answer Signal for C:
need to meet urgently between their regular C has a telephone at home. Before she leaves for
meetings. An emergency meeting is for the rapid work, comrade A phones her from a public call-
establishment of contact should the comrades need box. He pretends to dial a wrong number. 'Good
to see each other between the set meetings. morning, is that Express Dairy?' he asks. 'Sorry,
There are similar conditions as for a regular wrong number', C replies and adds: 'Not such a
meeting such as: Time, Place and Legend. The ad- good morning, you got me out of the bath". This is
ditional element is a signal for calling the meeting. C's innocent way of confirming that she has
This signal might be used by either the unit leader understood the signal. Obviously such a signal can-
A or the other cell members, when they need to not be repeated.
convey urgent information. A confirmation signal
is also necessary which indicates that the call signal 2.Check Meeting
has been seen or understood. This must never b e This is a 'meeting' between the unit leader and a
placed at the same location as the call signal. subordinate comrade to establish only through
visual contact whether the comrade is allright.
Signals: Such a check-up becomes necessary when a com-
These are pre-arranged signs, phrases, words, rade has b e e n in some form of danger and where
marks or objects put in specified places such as direct physical contact is unsafe to attempt, such
on objects in the streets, on buildings etc., or as if the comrade has been questioned by the
specified phrases in postcards, letters, on the police or b e e n under surveillance.
telephone etc. There are a number of conditions for such a
Example of Emergency Meeting: meeting: Date and Time; Place or Route of move-
Comrade A has directed that the venue for the ment; Actions; Legend; Signals — indicating danger
unit's Emergency meeting is a certain park bench or well-being.
beside a lake. The time is for 5.30pm on the same Example of Check Meeting:
day that the call signal is used. As with Regular C has been questioned by the police. As a result
meetings he also indicates a Reserve venue for the contact with her has b e e n cut. After a few days
Emergency meeting. Comrade A arranges different comrade A wants to check how she is and calls her
call signals for B and C, which they can also use through a signal to a Check meeting.
if they need to summon him. At 4pm on the^day following the call signal C goes
Call and Answer Signal for B: shopping. She wears a yellow scarf indicating that
This signal could b e a 'chalk mark' placed by A on she was subject to mild questioning and that
a certain lamp-post. Comrade A knows that B walks everything has appeared normal since. She follows
passed the pole every morning at a certain time on a route which takes her past the Post Office by
his way to work. B must always b e on the look-out 4.20pm. She does not know where A is but he has
for the chalk mark. This could simply b e the letter taken u p a position which conceals his presence
'X' in red chalk. By 2pm that day B must have and gives him a good view of C. He is also able to
responded with the confirmation signal. This could observe whether C is being followed. On passing
be a piece of coloured string wound round a fence the Post Office C stops to blow her nose. This is
near a bus stop. It could equally b e a piece of blue to reinforce her feeling that everything is now nor-
chalk crushed into the pavement by the steps of mal. It is for A to decide whether to restore con-
a building or some graffiti scrawled on a poster (in tact with C or to leave her on 'ice' for a while longer,
other words anything clear, visible and innocent- subjecting her to further checks.



The leader of an underground unit, comrade A, Passwords
receives instructions from the leadership to meet A: Pardon me, but do you know whether this
comrade D. Comrade D is a new recruit, whom shop sells childrens' books?
the leadership are assigning to A's unit. A and B. I don't know. There are only toys in the
D are strangers to one another. Conditions are window.
therefore drawn u p for a Blind Meeting — that A. I prefer to give books for presents.
is a meeting between two underground workers Note: The opening phrase will b e used by A
who are unknown to one another. after he has observed D's movements and satis-
fied himself that the recognition signs are cor-
R e c o g n i t i o n s i g n s and p a s s w o r d s rect and that D has not b e e n followed. A com-
There are similar conditions as for regular and pletes the passwords with a closing phrase
other forms of meeting, such as date, time, place, which satisfies D that A is the correct contact.
action of subordinate and legend. In addition, The two can now walk oil together or A might
there is the necessity for recognition signs and suggest a further meeting somewhere else.
passwords, which are to aid in identification.
The recognition signs enable the commander Brush M e e t i n g
or senior, in this case A, to identify the subor- This is a brief meeting where material is quick-
dinate from a safe distance and at close quarters. ly and silently passed from one comrade to
Two recognition signs are therefore needed. another. Conditions for such a meeting, such as
The passwords, including the reply, are place, time and action, are carefully planned
specially prepared words and phrases which are beforehand. No conversation takes place.
exchanged and give the go-ahead for the con- Money, reports or instructions are swiftly trans-
tact to begin. These signs and phrases must look ferred. Split-second timing is necessary and con-
normal and not attract attention to outsiders. tact must take place in a dead zone i.e. in areas
At this point the reader should prepare an ex- where passing the material cannot b e seen.
ample for a blind meeting and compare it with For example, as D walks down the steps of a
the example we have given. department store A passes D and drops a small
package into D's shopping bag.
Do remember that all the examples given in our
series are also read by the enemy, so do not 'Accidental' M e e t i n g
blindly copy them. They are suggestions to This is, in fact, a deliberate contact made by the
assist activists with their own ideas. commander which comes as a surprise to the
subordinate. In other words, it takes place with-
E x a m p l e of Blind M e e t i n g out the subordinate's foreknowledge.
Place: Toyshop on Smith Street. An 'accidental' meeting takes place where:
Dare and Time: December 20th, 6pm. a) t h e r e has b e e n a b r e a k d o w n in
Action: Comrade D to walk down street in communication.
easterly direction, to stop at Toyshop and gaze b) the subordinate is not fully trusted and the
at toy display for five minutes. commander wants to have an 'unexpected' talk
Legend: D is simply walking about town carry- with him or her.
ing out window shopping. When A makes con- The commander must have good knowledge
tact they are to behave as though they are of the subordinate's movements and plan his or
strangers who have just struck up a friendship. her actions before, during and after the meeting.
Recognition signs: D carries an OK Bazaars shop-
ping bag. Tr>e words 'OK' have b e e n underlined
with a black p e n (for close-up recognition). Next Issue: Non-Personal Communications




Comrade A has been mainly relying on personal series). The arrangement was that he pretend-
forms of communication to run the underground ed to dial a wrong number. This was the signal
unit. With the police stepping up their search to meet at a pre-arranged place and time.
for revolutionary activists he decides to increase Up to now he has been meeting with her to
the use of non-personal communication. collect propaganda material. He now wishes to
These are forms of secret communication car- signal her when to pick it up herself, but prefers
ried out without direct contact. These do not to avoid phoning her at home or work. If she
replace the essential meetings of the unit, but takes lunch regularly at a certain cafe or is at a
reduce the number of times the comrades need sports club at a certain time or near a public
to meet, thereby minimising the risks. phone, he knows how to reach her when he
The Main Forms: A simple call such as the following is required:
These are telephone, postal system, press, 'Is that Miss So-and-So? This is Ndlovu here. I
signals, radio and dead letter box (DLB). The believe you want to buy my Ford Escort? If so,
first three are in everyday use and can be used you can view it tomorrow/ This could mean that
for secret work if correctly exploited. Signals C must collect the propaganda material at a cer-
can be used as part of the other forms or as a tain place in two days time. The reference to a
system on their own. Radio communication (cod- car is a code for picking up propaganda
ed) will be used by higher organs of the Move- material; Ndlovu is the code name for the pick-
ment and not by a unit like A's. The DLB is the up place; tomorrow means two days time (two
most effective way of passing on material and days time would mean three days).
information without personal contact.
Comrade A introduces these methods Post:
cautiously because misunderstandings are This can be used to transmit similar messages
possible. People prefer face-to-face contact so as above. A telegram or greeting card with the
confidence and skill must be developed. message that 'Uncle Morris is having an opera-
tion' could be a warning from A to C to cut con-
Telephone, Post and Press tact and lie low until further notice because of
These are reliable means of secret communica- possible danger. The use of a particular kind of
tion if used properly. Used carelessly in the past picture postcard could be a signal for a meeting
they have been the source of countless arrests. at a pre-arranged place ten days after the date
The enemy intercepts telephone calls and mail on the card. Signals can be contained in the form
going to known activists and those they regard the sender writes the address, the date or the
as suspicious. Phone calls can be traced and greeting. 'My dear friend' together with the fic-
telexes as well as letters intercepted. Interna- titious address of the sender — 'No 168 Fox
tional communication is especially vulnerable. Street' — means to be ready for a leaflet distribu-
For example, a phone call from Botswana to tion and meet at 16 hours on the 8th of the month
Soweto is likely to arouse the enemy's interest. at a venue code-named 'Fox'.
What is required are safe phones and addresses Many such forms of signals can be used in let-
through which can be passed innocent- ters. Even the way the postage stamp is placed
sounding messages for calling meeting, re- can be of significance.
establishing contact, warning of danger, etc.
Press: This is the use of the classified ads sec-
Telephone: tion: 'Candy I miss you. Please remember our
This allows for the urgent transmission of a signal Anniversary of the 22nd — love Alan*. This could
or message. The telephone must be used with be A's arrangement for re-establishing contact
a reliable and convincing coding system and with C if she has gone into hiding. The venue
legend. Under no circumstances must the phone and time will have been pre-arranged, but the
be used for involved discussion on sensitive advert will signal the day. Such ads give many
topics. possibilities not only in the press but on notice
Comrade A has already used the phone to call boards in colleges, hostels, shopping centres,
C to an emergency meeting (See No 14 of this and so on.





Comrade A has been introducing various forms tiQn; to inform of danger or well-being; to indicate
of Non-Personal Communications (NPC) to his that a task has been carried out; to indicate a
underground unit. At times he has carefully used presence or absence of surveillance; to indicate
the telephone, post and press to pass on innocent recognition between people.
sounding messages, (see No. 16 of this series). Whatever signals are invented to cover the
Key phrases, spoken and written, have acted as needs of the unit they must be simple, easy to
signals for calling meetings, warning of danger understand and not attract attention.
etc. He has also used graphic signals, such as
a chalk mark on a lamp post, or an object like Here are some examples of how signals can be
a coloured piece of string tied to a fence, as call used;
and answer sign (See No. 14).
One example is included which is bad from the
Signals can be used for a variety of reasons security point of view. See if you can spot it. Con-
and are essential in secret work. They greatly sider each example in terms of type and usage.
improve the level of security ofthe underground • Comrade A draws a red arrow on a wall to
and help to avoid detection by the enemy forces. call B to an emergency meeting.
• D whistles a warning to C, who is slipping a
Everyday Signals leaflet under a door, indicating that someone is
The everyday use of signals shows how useful approaching.
they are in conveying messages and what an • B stops at a postbox and blows his nose, in-
endless variety exists. Road traffic is impossible dicating to A, observing from a safe distance, that
without traffic lights (where colour carries the he is being followed.
message) and road signs (where symbols or • D hangs only blue washing on his clothes line
graphics are used). Consider how hand signals to indicate that the police have visited him and
are used in different ways not only to direct traf- that he believes he is in danger.
fic but for countless purposes from sport to • B enters a hotel wearing a suit with a pink car-
soldiers on patrol. Everybody uses the thumbs- nation and orders a bottle of champagne. These
up signal to show that all is well. Consider how are signals to C that she should join him for a
police and robbers use signals and you will secret discussion.
realise how important they are for underground • C, having to deliver weapons to 'Esther',
work. In fact in introducing this topic to his unit whom she has not met before, must park her car
Comrade A asks them to give examples of every- at a rest-spot venue on the highway. C places a
day signals. The reader should test his or her im- tissue-box on the dash-board and drinks a can
agination in this respect. of cola. These are the recognition signals for E
For our purpose signals are divided into TYPE to approach her and ask the way to the nearest
and USAGE. petrol station. This phrase and a Mickey-Mouse
• Typo: key-ring held by E are the signs which show C
Sound — voice, music, whistle, animal sound, that E is her blind contact. (Note: both will use
knocking etc. false number plates on their cars to remain
Colour — all the hues of the rainbow! anonymous from each other).
Graphic — drawing, figures, letters, numbers, • C places a strip of coloured sticky tape inside
marks, graffiti, symbols etc. a public telephone box to inform A that she has
Actions — behaviour/movement of a person or successfully delivered weapons to E.
vehicle. The bad example? D's pink carnation and
Objects — the placing or movement of anything champagne draws unwanted attention.
from sticks and stones to flower pots and flags.
• Use:
To call all forms of meetings; to instruct people
'to report to a certain venue or individual; to in-
struct people to prepare for a certain taskorac-





Comrade A's underground unit has been master- suspicious to approach by day and dangerous
ing forms of Non-Personal Communication to by night.
make their work secret and efficent. Comrade
A feels they now have sufficient experience to
use the DLB, sometimes called 'dead drop', to Preparation
pass literature, reports and funds between one This involves constructing and camouflaging the
another. DLB; making a diagram; working out a signal
system and security arrangements. If you are
burying the material put it in a tin, bottle or
The DLB weather-proof container.
It is a hiding place such as a hollow in a tree or • Once your have selected the place for your
the place under the floorboards. It is used like DLB you will have to prepare it. This will usual-
a 'post box' to pass material between two people. ly take place under cover of night whether you
To give a definition: A DLB is a natural or man- are digging a hole or hollowing out a cavity in
made hiding place for the storage and transfer a tree and camouflaging it.
of material. • You will have to make an accurate descrip-
It can be a large space for hiding weapons or tion, preferably including a simple diagram.
small for messages. It can be located inside
buildings or out of doors; in town or countryside. • You will have to work out a signal system for
It can be in natural spaces such as the tree or yourself and partner indicating deposit and
floorboards, or manufactured by the operative, removal of material.
such as a hollowed out fence pole or a hole in • Finally, work out a check route to and from
the ground. It is always camouflaged. the DLB and a legend for being there.

Selecting the DLB Example of DLB

It is very important to carefully select the place Comrade A has spotted a loose brick in a wall.
where the DLB is to be located. Follow the rules; The wall is located along a little used path and
• It must be easy to describe and find. Avoid shielded by trees. At night he hollows OUT a
space behind the brick, large enough to take a
complicated or confusing descriptions which small package The loose brick is the tenth along
make it difficult for your partner to find it. the wall, second row down The brick fits secure-
• It must be safe and secure. It must be well ly into the wall but can be quickly removed with
concealed from casual onlookers. Beware of the use of a nail. The operation takes ten seconds
places where children play, gardeners work or and the footsteps of any stranger approaching
tramps hang out. It must not be near enemy can be easily heard.
bases or places where guards are on duty. It
must not be overlooked by buildings and
• It must allow for safe deposit and removal of A's Description of the DLB
material. The operatives must feel secure about Reference No. DLB 3. 'Loose Brick in wall'
their actions in depositing and removing Location. Path leading from Fourth Street to Golf
material They must be able to check whether Course
they are being watched. The place must be in Direction: In Fourth Street, just past the 61 Bus
keeping with their public image and legend Stop, is the path, with red brick wall on the right.
• It must allow for weather conditions and time wooden fence on the left Three paces down the
of day. DLBs can be exposed or damaged by path, on the right, just before a tree, is the DLB.
rain or flooding Some locations may be in the brick wall.


The DLB. It is a loose brick, with while paint tack (or other sealing substance) to hold it in
smudge As you walk down the path from Fourth place.
Street, it is the tenth brick along the wall, second Signals. 1 After A deposits material he ties a
row from top In the space between this brick piece of red string to a fence signalling that the
and the ninth brick is a hole. Place a nail into this DLB is 'loaded'. 2. After B removes material
hole to help prise out the brick. The space from the DLB he draws a chalk mark signal on
behind the brick holds a package wrapped in a pole
plastic with dimensions 12x6x3 cm. After
removing the package replace brick using blue Note: Signals must not be in the DLB's vicinity.

(X = DLB)
61 BUS




Carrying Out the Operation

The use of the DLB is an operation which must be carefully planned as follows.
Comrade A: 1. Prepares material (packaging and camouflaging)
2. Checks route for surveillance
3 Observes situation at DLB
4 Places material (if no surveillance)
5. Return route to check for surveillance
6 Places signal indicating deposit
7. Returns home
Comrade 3; /. Sees signal of deposit
2. Checks route
3. Observes situation at DLB
4. Removes materia} (if no surveillance)
5. Return route to check for surveillance
6. Places signal of removal
7. Returns home.
Comrade A 1. Checks signal of removal
2. Removes signals
3. Reports success
Note: It is important that both A and B check that they are not being followed when they go to the
DLB and after leaving it.
(Next issue, portable and mobile DLBs)




19. Stationary, Portable and Mobile DLBs
We have been discussing the use of the dead
letter box (DLB) through which underground
members secretly pass material to each other.
There are various types of DLBs:

1. Stationary DLBs are fixed places such as a

camouflaged hole in the ground, hollow tree
trunk or fence pole, loose brick in a wall (as
described in last issue). where it can be safely dropped for a pick-up.
You can carry it up your sleeve and drop it in
2. Portable DLBs are containers which can be long grass or into a bush near an easy-to-locate
carried and left in innocent places to be picked reference point. It must be concealed from
up, e.g. discarded cigarette pack, hollowed-out passers-by and nosey dogs!
stick or fake piece of rock. Alternatively you can try hollowing out an ac-
tual piece of branch, or splitting it down the side
3. Mobile DLBs are in different types of transport and glueing it. But you will probably find the
(car, bus, tram, boat or plane) and are used to plastic pipe easier to handle and longer-lasting.
communicate between operatives who live far
apart. 6. Portable DLB — 'Hollow Rock': Experiment
with plaster of paris (which you can buy from a
Magnetic DLBs: A simple magnet attached to a chemist) and mould it into the shape of a rock.
container increases opportunities for finding Allow enough of a hollow to hide material. With
places to leave your DLB. With the aid of paint and mud you can make it look like a
magnets you are able to clamp your DLB to any realistic rock. Carry it to the drop-off point in a
metal object such as behind a drain pipe, under shopping bag.
the rail of a bridge, under a vehicle, etc. (Note: the above can serve as a portable DLB
as well as a useful hiding place for the storage
Comrade 'A' will use a variety of DLBs with *B\ of sensitive material around the home).
Never use a stationary DLB too often because this
increases the risk of being spotted. The advan- Mobile DLB: Comrade 'A' uses the Johannesburg
tage of a portable DLB is that the place where to Durban train to send material to comrades
it is left can be constantly changed. Because of down at the coast. There are numerous hiding
the danger of a stranger picking it up by chance places on trains, as with other forms of transport,
the time between making the drop and the pick- and if you use magnets the possibilities are in-
up by your partner must not be long. creased. Removing a panel in a compartment
provides a useful hiding place. Comrade 'A'
5. Portable DLB - 'Wooden Stick': does this long before the train's departure,
before other passengers arrive. He has a
Buy a piece of plastic tubing or pipe. Cut off a telephonic signal system with the Durban com-
30cm length. Glue pieces of bark around it to rades to indicate when the material is on its way
make it look like a twig. With a little patience you and how to locate it. They might get on the train
will be surprised at how realistic you can make before it reaches Durban. Whatever the case,
it. You have a portable DLB into which you can the operational system must be carefully studied
insert material. Work out a suitable location at both ends.




• poor preparation of operations and meet-
Our series would not be complete if we did not • violating the rule of "knowing only as much
deal with failure in the underground and how to as you need to know"
react to setbacks.
• not using the standard methods of personal
1. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY "FAILURE"? and impersonal communications
When members of the underground are ex- • inadequate preparation of comrades for ar-
posed, arrested or killed, when the underground rest and interrogation so that they reveal
structure is broken-up or destroyed by the damaging information.
enemy - failure has occurred. Failure can be b) Weak knowledge of the operational situa-
PARTIAL, were only some members are affected tion: This means not paying sufficient attention
or COMPLETE, where the entire network or to the conditions in the area where you carry out
machinery is smashed. OPEN failures are those your tasks. Comrades are often caught because
that the enemy chooses to publicise. CON- they failed to study the methods used by the
CEALED failures occur when the enemy suc- enemy, the time of police patrols, guard systems,
ceeds in infiltrating the underground with its use of informers, etc. Mistakes are made if you
agents but keeps this secret. In this case they fail to take into account the behaviour of local
make no immediate arrests choosing instead to people, cultural mannerisms and habits, forms of
patiently obtain information over a long period. dress etc. Knowledge of political, economic,
geographic and transport conditions are part of
the operational picture.
There are numerous causes of arrests and set- c) Weakly trained and poorly selected
backs. operatives: TTie underground can only be as
a) Violating the rules of secrecy: This is strong as its members. Poorly trained leaders
one of the main causes of failure. To carry out result in weak leadership, weak communication
secret work successfully everyone must strictly links and poor training of subordinates. This
follow the organisational and personal rules of leads to wrong decisions and incorrect be-
behaviour that have been outlined in this series. haviour throughout the structure and a whole
Common violations of the rules are: series of mistakes. Care and caution are the key
to the selection of capable leaders and recruit-
• failure to limit the number of links between ment of operatives.
persons (knowledge of others must be
limited) d) Weak professional, political and per-
sonal qualities: Serious shortcomings in the
• not keeping to the principle of vertical lines qualities required for underground work can lead
of communication (eg. a cell leader must to failure. For example a comrade who is sound
not have horizontal contact with other cell politically and has good operational skills but
leaders but only with a contact from the who drinks heavily or gambles can put a
higher organ) machinery at risk. Similarly a person with good
• failure to compartmentalise or isolate dif- professional and personal qualities but who is
ferent organs from one another (eg. com- politically confused can be the cause of failure.
rades responsible for producing propagan- And a person with good political understanding
da must not take part in its distribution) and fine personal qualities but who has weak
• poor discipline (eg. loose talk; carelessness operational capability is best used for legal work.
with documents; conspicuous or unnatural e) Chance or accldent:An unlucky incident
behaviour etc.) can lead to arrest but is the least likely cause of
• poor recruitment practices (eg. failure to failure
check a person's background; failure to test
reliability;selecting one's friends without .3. PREVENTING FAILURE
considering genuine qualities etc.) Following the principles and rules of secrecy
• failure to use codes and conceal real iden- greatly reduces the possibility of failure - "Preven-
tities tion is better than cure". But when failure occurs
we must already be armed with the plans and
• weak cover stories or legends procedures for dealing with the situation.


Note: good comrades can be guilty of lapses in
behaviour from time to time, and agents can be
21. DETECTING AND clever. So do not jump to conclusions but study
LOCALISING FAILURE the suspect's behaviour with care and patience.
Sooner or later they will make a mistake.
When the principles and rules of secrecy are
poorly applied, failure and arrests follow. The
main dangers come from infiltration by enemy 4. LOCALISING FAILURE:
agents or the arrest of comrades on operations. This involves two things: acting against infiltra-
DETECTING failure means to be aware of the tion when it is detected and acting against ex-
danger in good time. LOCALISING failure means posure of the machinery and preventing further
to act in order to quickly contain the crisis and arrests, capture of documents, material etc.
prevent the damage spreading. The following are
the main points to consider: a) Acting against Infiltration: The severity
of action will depend on the stage reached and
1. REVIEW THE MACHINERY: the danger posed. The enemy agent may be:
It is only possible to detect and localise failure if • cut-off without explanation;
the underground has been built on a solid basis • politely cut-off with a good, believable
according to the correct organisational prin- pretext (eg. told the underground unit is
ciples. A study and review of the structure, lines being dissolved);
of communications and the personnel is an es- • "frozen" - told they are not being involved
sential part of secret work. But it becomes im- because they are being held in reserve;
possible to obtain a clear picture if the under- • arrested and taken out of the country as a
ground has been loosely and incorrectly put prisoner;
together and is composed of some unsuitable
persons. In such a situation it becomes very dif-
ficult to correct mistakes and prevent infiltration. b) Avoiding arrest:
A network which is tightly organised, operates • The moment it is known that a comrade has
according to the rules of secrecy and is cleared been arrested those whose identities he or
of unsuitable operatives is easier to review and she could reveal must immediately go into
manage. hiding. Most arrests take place because this
rule is ignored. Even if it is believed that the
arrested comrade is unlikely to break, this
2. CHECK SUSPECTS: precaution must be observed.
This is part of the work of reviewing the
machinery. It must be carried out discreetly so as • Everyone must have an ESCAPE PLAN.
not to alert the enemy or undermine the con- This includes an early warning system;
fidence of operatives, a) Review the suspect's assistance; safe hiding place; funds;
behaviour, movement and performance; b) transport; disguise; new documents of
check with co-workers, friends, family; c) carry identity;
out surveillance by the security organ after ex- • Endangered comrades may "lie low" until
hausting the other checks to determine whether the threat passes or work in another part of
there are links with the police. the country or leave the country;
• All links must be cut with a comrade who
3. SOME TACTICS OF ENEMY AGENTS: has come under enemy suspicion or sur-
• they try to win your confidence by smooth veillance. In this case the comrade may be
talk and compliments; "put on ice" until the danger has passed;
• they try to arouse your interest by big talk • All documents, incriminating material etc.
and promises; must be destroyed or removed from
storage places known to the arrested com-
• try to get information and names from you rade including from his or her house and
which is no business of theirs; place of work;
• try to get you to rearrange lines of com-
munication and contact points to help • All comrades must be instructed on how to
police surveillance; behave if arrested. They must refuse to give
away their fellow comrades and strive to
• may show signs of nervousness, behave resist even under torture. Trie longer they
oddly, show excessive curiosity; resist the more time they give their com-
• may pressurise you to speed up their rades to disappear and get rid of evidence;
recruitment or someone they have recom- • Everything must be done to help the ar-
mended; rested comrade by providing legal repre-
• ignore instructions, fail to observe rules of sentation, publicity, food and reading
secrecy. material if possible, solidarity with the fami-
ly, organising protests, etc.



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