Piping Questonary
Piping Questonary
Piping Questonary
Answer: There is only one major difference between the two, B31.1 is for Power Piping and B31.3 is for
Refinery/Chemical Plant Piping.
2. There is a power plant inside a Process refinery. Where exactly the ANSI B31.1 & ANSI B31.3 scope
break occurs? +++\\
Answer: Based on my experience there were two cases. Case #1, B31.1 stopped at the Power Plant Unit
block valves. Thus all piping inside the Power Plant was B31.1. Case #2, B31.1 stopped at the equipment
(Boiler) isolation block valves and then all other piping was B31.3. This is normally the choice of the
3. Which of the following piping system is more health hazardous. A) Fuel oil piping b) Process piping with
Caustic c) process piping with HF acid d) Sulphuric acid piping.
Answer: c) process piping with HF acid
4. There is a steam piping with low pocket but without steam trap. What will be worst consequence of this
Answer: There will be a build up of condensate to the point that a slug will be pushed by the steam flow.
This slug of condensate will cause “water hammer” and could rip the piping apart.
5. In what circumstance, the reducer of a pump suction piping will be in bottom flat position. Explain why
the reducer should be so.
Answer: When reducers are placed in pipe Rack they are generally bottom side flat to maintain BOP to
facilitate supporting.
6. A P&ID shows a spec break (at Flange) between carbon steel & stainless steel specification. What
additional arrangements you have to make for that dissimilar material flange joint?
Answer: Use the Gasket and bolts from the SS spec.
7. A stainless steel piping specification mentions Galvanized carbons steel bolts. What is your first reaction
for this and how do you rectify it?
Answer: If that is what the Spec call for then that is what I am supposed to use. But, I would ask the Piping
Material Engineer (PME) why he/she specified galvanized bolts.
8. “Stress intensification factor (SIF)” Where do we use this? Explain this term. How many types of these
SIF’s exist?
Answer: Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) is a multiplier on nominal stress for typically bend and
intersection components so that the effect of geometry and welding can be considered in a beam analysis.
Stress Intensification Factors form the basis of most stress analysis of piping systems. As for the quantity,
ask a Stress Engineer.
9. When all design parameters are same, whose thermal expansion is higher among the following? A)
Carbon steel b) Stainless steel c) Duplex steel d) Cast Iron e) Galvanized Carbon steel.
Answer: b) Stainless steel
10. In a hose station the hose couplings used for water, air & steam should be different type. Do you agree?
Explain your view.
Answer: I agree. If they are all the same then the hoses can be connected to the wrong services and could
result in the injury of an operator (i.e.: thinking the hose is connected to water when it is connected to
11. What is your view on the usage of Metallic expansion joints? When they become necessary and when
they could be avoided?
Answer: I do everything I can as a piping designer to avoid the use of all types of expansion joints.
Expansion joints are always the weakest point in any system where they are used.
12. In what order do you arrange the pipes in the Pipe rack and why? How much % of area should be
reserved for Future expansion? Specify a range.
Answer: The largest hottest lines on the outside edge of the pipe rack working in with cooler lines in towards
the middle of the rack. This allows the longer loop legs as you lay the loops back over the other lines to the
other side of the rack and back. The lower temperature loops would be “nested” inside the larger, hotter
“Future rack space” is normally at the direction of the Client. It may be anything from 0% to as much as
13. What are different standards?
Answer: Most commonly use standards are as follows:
Sr. Standard Description
1. ANSI B18.2 Square and hexagonal head bolts and nuts
2. ANSI B16.3 Malleable iron threaded fittings
3. ANSI B16.4 Cast iron threaded fittings.
4. ANSI B16.9 Steel butt welding fittings
5. ANSI B16.11 Forged steel socket welding and threaded fittings
6. ANSI B16.25 Butt welding ends
7. ANSI B16.28 Short elbow radius and returns
8. MSS-SP-43 Stainless steel butt weld fittings
9. MSS-SP-83 Pipe Unions
10. API 605 Large diameter carbon steel flanges
11. ANSI B16.1 Cast iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings
12. ANSI B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings
13. ANSI B16.47 Large diameter steel pipe flanges and flanged fitts.
14. ANSI B16.20 Ring joint gaskets and grooves for pipe flanges
15. ANSI B16.21 Non metallic gaskets for pipe flanges
16. API 601 Metallic gasket for refinery piping.
17. API 5L Specification for line pipe.
18. ANSI B16.10 Welded and seamless wrought steel pipes
19. ANSI B36.19 Welded and seamless austenitic stainless steel pipe
20. ANSI B16.10 Face to face and end to end dimensions of valves
21. ANSI B16.34 Steel valves, flanged and butt welding ends.
14. What are various temporary closures for lines?
Answer: Line blind valve, line blind, spectacle plate, double block and bleed, blind flanges replacing a
removable spool.
15. What is double block and bleed?
Answer: Two valves with bleed ring in between with a bleed valve connected to the hole of bleed ring.
16. Where blind flange is used?
Answer: It is used with view to future expansion of the piping system, or for cleaning, inspection etc.
17. What is batch shell process?
Answer: Feed, heat, condense, heat more, condense, low quality.
18. What are types of towers?
Answer: Stripper, Vacuum tower, trayed, packed towers.
19. What is chimney tray?
Answer: It’s a solid plate with central chimney section, used at draw off sections of the tower.
20. What factors to consider while setting tower elevation?
Answer: NPSH, Operator access, Maintenance access, Minimum clearance, reboiler type, common area,
type of support, Tower dimensions, type of head, bottom outlet size, foundation details, minimum
21. How to located tower maintenance access nozzles?
Answer: At bottom, top and intermediate sections of tower, must not be at the down comer section of tower
and in front of internal piping.
22. How to located feed nozzle?
Answer: Must be oriented in specific area of tray by means of internal piping.
23. How to located temperature and pressure instruments?
Answer: Temperature in liquid space, at down comer side and pressure in vapour space, in area except down
comer sector.
1. What are the steps in selection of valve?
Answer: What to handle, liquid, gas or powder, fluid nature, function, construction material, disc type,
stem type, how to operate, bonnet type, body ends, delivery time, cost, warranty.
2. What are functions of valves?
Answer: Isolation, regulation, non-return and special purposes.
3. What are isolating valves?
Answer: Gate, ball, plug, piston, diaphragm, butterfly.
4. What are regulation valves?
Answer: Globe, needle, butterfly, diaphragm, piston.
5. What are non-return valves?
Answer: check valve.
6. What are special valves?
Answer: multi-port, flush bottom, float, foot etc.
7. What materials are used for construction of valves?
Answer: Cast iron, bronze, gun metal, carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy carbon steel, polypropylene and
other plastics, special alloys.
8. What is trim?
Answer: Trim is composed of stem, seat surfaces, back seat bushing and other small internal parts that
normally contact the surface fluid.
9. Which standard specifies trim numbers for valve?
Answer: API 600.
10. What are wetted parts of valve?
Answer: All parts that come in contact with surface fluid are called wetted parts.
11. What is wire drawing?
Answer: This term is used to indicate the premature erosion of the valve seat caused by excessive velocity
between seat and seat disc, when valve is not closed tightly.
12. What is straight through valve?
Answer: Valve in which the closing operation of valve is achieved by 90 degrees turn of the closing element.
13. What pressure tests are carried out on valves?
Answer: Shell-hydrostatic, seat-hydrostatic, seat-pneumatic.
14. What are available valve operators?
Answer: Hand lever, hand wheel, chain operator, gear operator, powered operator likes electric motor,
solenoid, pneumatic and hydraulic operators, Quick acting operators for non-rotary valves (handle lift).
15. What are two types of ball valve?
Answer: Full port design and regular port design, according to type of seat: - soft seat and metal seat.
16. What are ball valve body types?
Answer: Single piece, double piece, three pieces, the short pattern, long pattern, sand witch and flush bottom
17. Why ball valves are normally flanged?
Answer: Because of soft seat PTFE which can damage during welding.
18. What are types of check valve?
Answer: Lift check valves and swing check valves.
19. Where diaphragm valves are used?
Answer: Used for low pressure corrosive services as shut off valves.
20. What is Bar stock Valve?
Answer: Any valve having a body machined from solid metal (bar stock). Usually needle or globe type.
21. What is Bleed Valve?
Answer: Small valve provided for drawing off liquid.
22. What is Blow Down Valve?
Answer: Refers to a plug type disc globe valve used for removing sludge and sedimentary matter from the
bottom of boiler drums, vessels, drip legs etc.
23. What is Breather Valve?
Answer: A special self acting valve installed on storage tanks etc. to release vapour or gas on slight increase
of internal pressure ( in the region of ½ to 3 ounces per square inch).
24. What is Drip Valve?
Answer: A drain valve fitted to the bottom of a drip let to permit blow down.
25. What is Flap Valve?
Answer: A non return valve having a hinged disc or rubber or leather flap used for low pressure lines.
26. What is Hose Valve?
Answer: A gate or globe valve having one of its ends externally threaded to one of the hose thread standards
in use in the USA. These valves are used for vehicular and firewater connections.
27. What is Paper-Stock Valve?
Answer: A single disc single seat gate valve (Slide gate) with knife edged or notched disc used to regulate
flow of paper slurry or other fibrous slurry.
28. What is Root Valve?
Answer: A valve used to isolate a pressure element or instrument from a line or vessel, or a valve placed at
the beginning of a branch form the header.
29. What is Slurry valve?
Answer: A knife edge valve used to control flow of non-abrasive slurries.
30. What is Spiral sock valve?
Answer: A valve used to control flow of powders by means of a twistable fabric tube or sock.
31. What is Throttling valve?
Answer: Any valve used to closely regulate flow in the just-open position.
32. What is Vacuum breaker?
Answer: A special self-acting valve or nay valve suitable for vacuum service, operated manually or
automatically, installed to admit gas (usually atmospheric air) into a vacuum or low-pressure space. Such
valves are installed on high points of piping or vessels to permit draining and sometimes to prevent
33. What is Quick acting valve?
Answer: Any on/off valve rapidly operable, either by manual lever, spring or by piston, solenoid or lever
with heat-fusible link releasing a weight which in falling operates the valve. Quick acting valves are
desirable in lines conveying flammable liquids. Unsuitable for water or for liquid service in general without
a cushioning device to protect piping from shock.
34. What is diverting valve?
Answer: This valve switch flow from one main line to two different outlets. WYE type and pneumatic
control type with no moving part.
35. What is sampling valve?
Answer: Usually of needle or globe pattern, placed in branch line for the purpose of drawing all samples of
process material thru the branch.
36. What are blow off valve?
Answer: It is a variety of globe valve confirming with boiler code requirements and specially designed for
boiler blow off service. WYE pattern and angle type, used to remove air and other gases from boilers etc.
37. What is relief valve?
Answer: Valve to relieve excess pressure in liquids in situations where full flow discharge is not required,
when release of small volume of liquid would rapidly lower pressure.
38. What is safety valve?
Answer: Rapid opening (popping action) full flow valve for air and other gases.
39. What is foot valve?
Answer: Valve used to maintain a head of water on the suction side of sump pump, basically a lift check
valve with integrated strainer.
40. What is float valve?
Answer: Used to control liquid level in tanks, operated by float, which rises with liquid level and opens the
valve to control water level. It can also remove air from system, in which case, air flows out of system in
valve open condition, but when water reaches valve, float inside valve raises to close the valve and stop flow
of water. Used in drip legs.
41. What are flush bottom valves?
Answer: Special type of valves used to drain out the piping, reactors and vessels, attached on pad type
42. What are types of flush bottom valves?
Answer: Valves with discs opening into the tank and valves with disks into the valve.
43. What are the uses of three-way valve?
Answer: Alternate connection of the two supply lines to a common delivery vise versa, isolating one safety
valve, division of flow with isolation facility.
44. What are uses of four way valve?
Answer: Reversal of pump suction and delivery, By pass of strainer or meter, reversal of flow through filter,
heat exchanger or dryer.
45. What are three patterns of plug valve design?
Answer: Regular pattern, short pattern and ventury pattern.
46. What is regular pattern plug valve?
Answer: Rectangular port, area almost equal to pipe bore, smooth transition from round body to rectangular
port, for minimum pressure loss.
47. What are short pattern plug valve?
Answer: Valves with face to face dimension of gate valve, as a alternative to gate valve.
48. What are ventury pattern plug valve?
Answer: Change of section through the body throat so graded to have ventury effect, minimum pressure
49. What are inverted plug design valve?
Answer: Plug valve with taper portion up of plug, for 8” and higher size.
50. What is pressure balanced plug valve?
Answer: With holes in port top and bottom connecting two chambers on top and bottom of plug, to reduce
turning effort.
51. What are Teflon sleeved plug valve?
Answer: PTFE sleeve between plug and body of valve, low turning effort, minimum friction, temperature
limitation, anti static design possible.
52. What are eccentric plug valve?
Answer: Off centre plug, corrosive and abrasive service, on off action, moves into and away from seat
eliminating abrasive wear.
53. What is dimensional standard for plug valve?
Answer: API 599.
54. What is pinch valve?
Answer: Similar to diaphragm valve, with sleeves of rubber or PTFE, which get squeezed to control or stop
the flow, Cast iron body, for very low service pressures like isolation of hose connections, manufacture
55. What is needle valve?
Answer: Full pyramid disc, same design as globe valve, smaller sizes, sw or threaded, flow control, disc can
be integral with stem, inside screw, borged or barstock body and bonnet, manufacturers standard.
56. How to install a globe valve?
Answer: Globe valve should be installed such that the flow is from the underside of the disk, usually flow
direction is marked on the globe valve.
57. What are globe valve port types?
Answer: Full port: More than 85% of bore size, Reducer port: One size less than the connected pipe.
58. What are globe valve disk types?
Answer: Flat faced type for positive shutoff, loose plug type for plug renewal or needle type for finer
59. What are characteristics of globe valve stem?
Answer: Always rising design, with disk nut at the lower end and hand wheel at upper end.
60. What are types of globe valve?
Answer: Angle globe valve, plug type disc globe valve, wye-body globe valve, composite disc globe valve,
double disc globe valve.
61. What is angle globe valve?
Answer: Ends at 90 degree to save elbow, higher pressure drop.
62. Where plug type disc globe valve is used?
Answer: For severe regulating service with gritty liquids such as boiler feed water and for blow off service.
63. Where WYE body globe valve is used?
Answer: In line ports with stem emerging at 45 degree, for erosive fluids due to smoother flow pattern.
64. What is double disc globe valve?
Answer: Has two discs bearing on separate seats spaced apart, on a single shaft, for low torque, used for
control valves.
65. What are port types for gate valves?
Answer: Full port and reduced port. Default is reduced bore. Full port has to be specified in BOM.
66. How to close a gate valve?
Answer: Turn the hand wheel in clockwise direction.
67. What is lantern ring?
Answer: It’s a collection point to drain off any hazardous seepage or as a point where lubricant can be
injected; it is in the middle of packing rings.
68. What are types of gate valves?
Answer: Solid plane wedge, solid flexible wedge, split wedge, double disc parallels seats, double disc
wedge, single disc single seat gate or slide, single disc parallel seats, plug gate valve.
69. What are the types of bonnets?
Answer: Bolted bonnet, bellow sealed bonnet, screwed on bonnet, union bonnets, A U-bolt and clamp type
bonnet, pressure seal bonnet.
7. While welding of pipe trunion to pipe/reinforcement pad you have to put a hole or leave some portion of
welding why?
Answer: For venting of hot gas which may get generated due to welding.
15. What is the thumb rule to calculate spanner size for given bolt?
Answer: 1.5 x diameter of Bolt
16. What is the thumb rule to calculate Current required for Welding?
Answer: Current (Amp) = [Diameter of Electrode (mm) X 40] + 20
17. What is steam tracing? How do we decide the location of SSM & CRM?
Answer: Steam Tracing is a process which is used to prevent the fluid passing through a process line from
freezing by keeping the temperature high enough for free flow of fluid and thus maintaining palpability.
SSM and CRM are generally located 38M max for open system and 24 M max for closed system when we
use LP Steam up to 3.5-kg/sq cm. as a heating media.
18. Which piping items will you drop down before conducting Flushing and Hydro test?
Answer: Items like Control Valve, Orifice plates, Rotameters, safety valves; Thermo wells are dropped or
replaced with temporary spools before hydro test.
22. What is the ANSI/ASME dimensional standard for steel flanges & fittings?
A) B16.3 B)16.5 C) B16.9 D) B16.10
Answer: (B)
Stress Analysis :
1. What is the objective of stress analysis?
Answer: - A. To ensure that the stresses in piping components in the system are within allowable
B. To solve dynamic problems developed due to mechanical vibration, fluid hammer, pulsation, relief
valves, etc.
C. To solve problems associated due to higher or lower operating temperature as: -
I. Displacement stress range. II. Nozzle loading on connected equipment.
III. Pipe displacements. IV. Loads & moments on supporting structure.
2. What are the steps involved in stress analysis (or any stress package carries out)?
Answer: -
A. Identify the potential loads that the piping system would encounter during the life of the plant.
B. Relate each of these loads to the stresses and strains developed.
C. Get the cumulative effect of the potential loads in the system.
D. Decide the allowable limits the system can withstand without failure as per code.
E. After the system is designed to ensure that the stresses are within safe limits.
5. What are the Inputs required for stress analysis of a piping system?
Answer: - A. Pipe Size. B. Fluid Temperature. C. Pipe Material.
D. Model. E. Design pressure. F. Insulation Thickness. G. Specific gravity.
H. Friction coefficient.
11. How do you calculate the stress developed due to thermal expansion?
Answer: -
Stress developed, e= E x a, (a= DL/L)
……. Where, E = Young’s Modulus.
DL = Increase in length due to thermal expansion.
L = Original Length of the pipe.
13. What do you mean by Stress Intensity Factor (SIF)? Give some examples.
Answer: -
Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) is the ratio of maximum stress intensity to normal stress. It is used as
safe factor to account for the effect of localised stress on piping under respective loading. In piping it
is applied to welds, fittings, branch connections etc where stress concentration and possible fatigue
failuremay occur.
Example: - SIF for Reducer and Weldneck Flange is 1.0
SIF for socket weld flange is 1.3
16. Which fluid is used in Heat Exchanger in shell side and tube side?
Answer: -
Generally corrosive fluid is used from the tube side (as tube can be easily replaced) and cleaner fluid
is used from shell side. Sometimes Hot fluid is also used from the shell side.
17. What is Reynolds number and what is the value of Reynolds number upto which the flow is
Answer: -
It’s a dimensionless number to classify the nature of flow.
Re = a v d / f
………Where, Re : Raynold’s no.
a : Density of fluid.
d : Diameter of Pipe.
v : Average velocity of fluid.
f : Viscosity of fluid.
Flow is laminar upto Re=2100
19. What is the design standard followed for the calculation of allowable forces / Moments in
nozzles of centrifugal compressor & Steam turbines nozzle?
Answer: -
The strain sensitive equipment piping to be routed and supported to limit nozzle loading and moment
in equipment within allowable limits furnished by respective vendors or in absence of vendor data
API 560/610/615/621/661 & NEMA SM23. (Referred by API 617) is used for compressor & steam
turbine nozzle.
20. What is the mill tolerance to be considered for the thickness of pipe during stress analysis as
per ASME B31?
(i) 1% ii) 2.5% (iii) 7.5%
iv) 12.5% Answer : iv
pipes supports: -
1. What are the Criteria for Pipe Supporting?
Answer: -
Following are the points, which should be taken into account for proper supporting: -
A. Load of bare pipe + fluid + insulation (if any).
B. Load of bare pipe + water fill.
C. Load of valves and online equipment and instrument.
D. Thermal loads during operation.
E. Steam out condition, if applicable.
F. Wind loads for piping at higher elevation, if required.
G. Forced vibration due to pulsating flow.
H. Bare pipe with size above 12” shall be supported with Pad or Shoe.
3. What is the function of providing the anchor, cross guide and guide for piping?
Answer: -
Anchor is provided to restrict all the axial and rotational movements of pipe, whereas cross guide is
provided to restrict displacements of pipe along with the axis perpendicular to its centerline and
Guide is provided to restrict the longitudinal movements of pipes along with its axis.
8. What should be the material of shoes for supporting AS pipes & why?
Answer: - If CS shoes are used then pad in contact with the pipe shall be of Alloy steel to avoid
dissimilar welding at pipe. To avoid alloy steel welding and dissimilar welding, fabricated clamps
either of CS or SS can be used.
10. What is the difference between variable spring hanger and constant spring hanger?
Answer: - Variable spring Hanger: - As the name itself indicates the resistance of the coil to a load
changes during compression.
Constant spring Hanger: - Constant spring hanger provides constant support force for pipes and
equipment subjected to vertical movement due to thermal expansion.
Pipe Fittings: -
5. Where the smooth finish flange & serrated finish flange finds its use?
Answer: - The smooth finish flange is provided when metallic gasket is provided and serrated
finish flange is provided when non-metallic gasket is provided.
11. Which type of gasket is recommended for high temperature & high-pressure application?
Answer: - Spiral Wound Metallic Gasket.
11. What are the criteria for selection of MOC of Spiral Wound metallic Gasket winding
Answer: - The selection of material of construction for Gasket winding depends upon: -
A. The corrosive nature and concentration of fluid being carried.
B. The operating temperature of the fluid.
C. The relative cost of alternate winding material.
12. What are the most common materials used for spiral wound metallic gasket winding?
Answer: - The most commonly used material for spiral wound metallic gasket winding is: -
A. Austenitic stainless steel 304 with asbestos filler.
B. Austenitic stainless steel 316 with asbestos filler.
C. Austenitic stainless steel 321 with asbestos filler.
13. Which material is used as filler material for spiral wound gasket in case of high temperature
Answer: - For very high temperature services, graphite filler is used.
15. What will be the AARH finish on flange face for using spiral wound gasket?
Answer: - 125-250 AARH finish.
16. On which type of flanges the use of spiral wound gasket are restricted?
Answer: - ASME B16.5 does not recommend the use of 150 #rating spiral wound gasket on
flanges other than welding neck and lapped joint type.
17. Up to what temperature limits the low strength carbon steel bolts should not be used for
flanged joints?
Answer: - Flanged joints using low strength carbon steel shall not be used above 200°C or below -
17. How the pipe fittings are classified based on end connections?
Answer: - Pipe fittings are classified based on end connection as: -
A. Socket weld fittings. B. Screwed end fittings. C. Beveled end or Butt weld fittings.
D. Spigot socket fittings. E. Buttress end fittings.
21. Which type of piping materials are used for drinking water, instrument air etc?
Answer: - Galvanized steel materials shall be used for drinking water, instrument air and NI
lines (LP).
26. What is the basis of using of short radius & long radius elbow?
Answer:- Long radius elbow are used for small pressure drop whereas short radius elbow are used
for high pressure drops. For catalyst flows vary long radius elbows are used.
29. Where the ERW spiral & longitudinal pipes are used?
Answer: - Use depends upon the availability of pipes. Nothing functional difference.
31. What is the main use of ASTM A53 & A106 Gr.B pipes?
Answer: - ASTM A53 pipes are mainly used for utility services whereas A106 Gr. B pipes are
used for high Pressure & high temperature services.
32. From which side of pipe will you take a branch connection?
Answer:- W hen fluid is Gas, Air or Steam and Cryogenic Service – Topside.
When Fluid is Liquid – Bottom Side.
33. Why don’t we take a branch for Cryogenic Service from bottom side though the fluid is in
liquid state?
Answer: - There is the chance of ice formation during normal operation and since ice flows from
the bottom of the pipe it will block the branch pipe connection.
33. Why do we provide High Point Vent (HPV) and Low Point Drain (LPD) in piping?
Answer: HPV – For removing Air during Hydro-test.
LPD – For draining water after conducting Hydro-test.
35. What is the minimum distance to be maintained between two welds in a pipe?
Answer: - The thumb rule is that the minimum distance between adjacent butt welds is 1D. If
not, it is never closer than 1-1/2". This is supposedly to prevent the overlap of HAZs. Minimum
spacing of circumferential welds between centerlines shall not be less than 4 times the pipe wall
thickness or 25 mm whichever is greater.
36. What do you mean by IBR and which lines comes under IBR purview?
Answer: - IBR: Indian Boiler Regulation Act.
Steam lines with conditions listed bellow comes under IBR purview : –
• Lines for which design pressure is 3.5 kg/sq. cm and above.
• Line size above 10” having design pressure 1.0 kg/sq. cm and above.
• Boiler feed water lines to steam generator, condensate lines to steam generator and flash drum.
37. What are Weldolet and Sockolet? And where they are used?
Answer:-W eldolet and Sockolet are basically self-reinforced fittings. Weldolet is used for Butt weld
branch connection where standard tee is not available due to size restrictions and the piping is of
critical / high-pressure service. Sockolet is used for socket welding branch connection, which require
reinforcing pad.
38. What is the MOC for Superheated high pressure Steam Lines?
Answer:-A 335 Gr. P I / P 11, Composition: Cr. – ½ Mo (P1) / 1¼ Cr. – ½ Mo (P11)
39. What is the normal upstream and downstream straight length of orifice flow meter?
Answer: - Upstream - 15D Downstream - 5D
51. During fabrication you observed that one small crack has appeared on a fresh plate, what type of
measure you will take to obtain desired quality with minimum wastage?
Ans: First identify the exact length of crack by DP test. Drill on the end point to resist further crack.
Remove the crack portion by cutting the strip.
52. What is the minimum thickness of pipe that requires stress relieving to be done as per B31.3?
Ans: 19 mm thickness.
53. What is the diff. between Thermostatic and Thermodynamic Steam Trap?
Ans: Thermostatic Trap is actuated by Temp differential and is economic at steam pressure less than
6 PSI. It is operated by the movement of liquid filled bellows or by bimetal element, which may get
damaged by Water Hammer. Thermodynamic traps are most suited to applications where the pressure
downstream of trap is always less than about ½ the upstream pressure. These are suitable for pressure
higher than 8 PSI. Water hammer doesn’t affect it.
55. What are Glandless Piston Valves? Where these are used?
Ans: Glandless piston valves are maintenance free valves used in the steam service.
60. Which fluid is used in Heat Exchanger in shell side and tube side?
Ans: Generally corrosive fluid is used from the tube side (as tube can be easily replaced) and cleaner
fluid is used from shell side. Sometimes Hot fluid is also used from the shell side.
61. What is Reynold’s number and what is the value of this up to which the flow is laminar?
Ans: It’s a dimensionless number to classify the nature of flow - Re= avd / f
Where: Re = Raynold’s no. a = Density of fluid. D = diameter of Pipe.
V = average velocity of fluid. F = Viscosity of fluid.
Flow is laminar up to Re = 2100
63. What are the steps involved in stress analysis (or any stress package carries out)?
Ans:1. Identify the potential loads that the piping system would encounter during the life of the plant
2. Relate each of these loads to the stresses and strains developed
3. Get the cumulative effect of the potential loads in the system
4. Decide the allowable limits the system can withstand without failure as per code
5. After the system is designed to ensure that the stresses are within safe limits
65. What are the different types of stresses that may get generated within pipe during normal
Ans: Axial Stresses (Tensile / Compressive), Shear Stresses, Radial Stresses, Hoopes Stresses.
67. What are the Inputs for stress analysis of a piping system?
Ans: A) Pipe Size Fluid Temperature C) Pipe Material D) Model
E) Design pressure F) Insulation Thickness G) Specific gravity H) Friction coefficient.
68. What are the sources of sustained loads generated in piping system?
Ans: a. Pressure b. Dead weight of Pipe and attachments
Sustained load is calculated as
Weight of Pipe with Fluid + Pressure load + Load due to springs W+P1
75. Select the failure stress range for fatigue failure due to thermal expansion as per B31.3.
(A) (1.6Sc+1.6Sh) f (B) 0.78 Sh (C) (1.25 Sc+0.25Sh) f (D) Sc+Sh
Ans: (C)
Sc and Sh = Basic Allowable material stress in cold & hot conditions respectively.
f = is the stress range reduction factor(1 for 7000 cycles)