Control M
Control M
Control M
Control-M Overview
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 5
2 Detailed Procedure............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Logging into Control- M................................................................................................5
2.2 Job Scheduling Definition.............................................................................................6
2.2.1 General Job Parameters:..................................................................................10
2.2.2 Basic Scheduling Parameters............................................................................12
2.2.3 Runtime Scheduling Parameters:......................................................................16
2.2.4 Post-Processing Parameters:............................................................................16
3 Tracking and Control Facility............................................................................................ 17
3.1 Commands of the Active Environment Screen...........................................................19
3.1.1 Display Types.................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 OPT:.................................................................................................................. 21
3.1.3 DISPLAY:........................................................................................................... 23
3.1.4 SHOW:.............................................................................................................. 23
3.1.5 HISTORY:.......................................................................................................... 24
3.1.6 RBAL:................................................................................................................ 25
3.1.7 REFRESH:........................................................................................................ 25
3.1.8 AUTO:................................................................................................................ 25
4 Options of the Active Environment screen:......................................................................26
4.1 L (Log):....................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 H (Hold):..................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Z (Zoom).................................................................................................................... 27
4.4 R (Rerun):.................................................................................................................. 27
4.5 A (Activate):................................................................................................................ 27
4.6 O (Force OK):............................................................................................................. 27
4.7 N (Net):...................................................................................................................... 27
4.8 D (Del):....................................................................................................................... 27
4.9 F (Free):..................................................................................................................... 27
4.10 S (Stat):.................................................................................................................. 28
4.11 G (Group):.............................................................................................................. 28
4.12 U (Undelete):......................................................................................................... 28
4.13 J (JCL Edit):........................................................................................................... 28
4.14 C (Confirm):........................................................................................................... 28
4.15 Job Statuses Table:................................................................................................ 28
5 Appendix:......................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Example - Table LLSJOBS job LS016DLP.................................................................31
5.2 Example - Table LLSJOBS, job LS904MLP...............................................................31
5.3 Some valid Control/M Calendars on P1TS.................................................................31
This procedural document is specific to York Operations. It is intended to give an overall
picture of the usage of Control M in York Operations. The main purpose of this document is to
guide any new comer, to the project, by providing the basics required to work with Control-M
in York.
CONTROL-M is a batch scheduling tool that performs all job handling tasks of computer
operators. It provides continual data and status information regarding job processing.
Control-M also has the ability to control job submission based on time, day/date control, task
type information, (batch job, cyclic job, emergency job), resource availability, condition
statements, warning messages, priority, and recycling criteria.
2 Detailed Procedure
2.1 Logging into Control- M
2.2 Job Scheduling Definition
JCL library, job documentation, short description of the job, in condition, Resources, out
condition, and frequency of the job can be viewed from job scheduling definition.
Enter option ‘2’ from Control-M primary option menu. On next screen enter control-M library
name, and if known, the table AND job name, or just the table OR job name can be entered
(These two fields can also be left blank). Enter. The table name will shown on the next screen
key ‘S’ alongside the table and enter. This will display the jobs within the table. Key ‘S’
alongside the job name. This will display the scheduling definition screen for the job.
The Job Scheduling Definition screen is divided into the following sections.
In this section specific information about the job should be entered. Such as, member name,
JCL Library, Owner, task and so on.
Post-Processing Parameters
In this section, fixed or conditional actions to perform upon job completion or upon the
execution of specified job steps can be entered. For example, you can set conditions that
trigger the submission of other jobs; send messages to the operator console, Auto raise an
Assyst record or rerun the job.
MEMNAME - Member name in the JCL library, generally member name is same as job
A Production job name should always be 8 characters long.
OWNER - User who requests Control-M services. This is a mandatory field. It should
be 1 to 8 characters. It relates to the RACF authority the job will require.
TASKTYPE - Type of Task. This is a mandatory field. Valid task types are –
JOB - Batch job (default)
CYC - Cyclic job
STC - Started task
CST - Cyclic STC
EMR - Emergency job
ECJ - Emergency cyclic job.
EST - Emergency STC
ECS - Emergency Cyclic STC
WRN - Warning message
Three basic types of tasks are indicated by the following task type.
Coding EMR must be avoided. However, currently EMR is coded in P2TS
OVERLIB - Name of a JCL library that can override the library specification in the MEMLIB
parameter. This is an optional field. The standard fix JCL library name on LPP1
SET VAR - Assigns a value to an Auto Edit variable that can be used to set up the JCL
of the job or to define a Global variable in the IOA Global Variable database.
JCL can be submitted with different values for different execution without
changing the JCL. This is an optional field.
It is used for other actions too. Eg. %%INITS=F. This enables you to change
initiators if urgent . Also %%YEAR=YYYY for specific years. We also have
definitions which are coded with specific policy ranges.
DOCLIB - Name of the library in which the member specified in DOCMEM resides.
Note : From Control-M definition(Option 3) type ‘DOC’ on command line to view the Document
for that particular job. To close the document, key ‘DOC’ again.
It is better to NOT code any jobs to run during the day – Peak time for machine use is
between 09:00 – 17:00, and any jobs will run for much longer, than they would if they ran
DAYS - The days of the month on which the job must be scheduled. 2 – Second day of
the month. L2 means second last day of the month.
DCAL - Name of a calendar containing a predefined set of dates (referred to as working
days) on which a job must be scheduled.
AND / OR - Conjunctional parameter used to link the DAYS and WDAYS parameters when
both are specified. A indicates only AND; O indicates AND / OR.
When DCAL is specified without DAYS, the job is scheduled on all working days marked in
the DCAL calendar.
Below both screen shots displaying the Runtime Scheduling Parameters and Post-
Processing Parameters.
2.2.3 Runtime Scheduling Parameters:
IN - Prerequisite conditions that must be satisfied before the job can run.
Job will be in wait schedule until the prerequisite condition satisfied.
In the above screen shot P-RB-BATCH-ENABLE and EM-LK101DBP-CATLG
are the prerequisite conditions.
CONTROL - Ensures exclusive and/or shared control over runtime resources.
For example – Two jobs, Job-A and Job-B need same resources,
Res-A and Res-B. Res-A can be shared by both jobs but Res-B cannot
be shared (exclusive) by both job. In Control parameter both resources
should be defined as shared and exclusive. These two jobs cannot run
simultaneously as they need exclusive control over Res-B.
In above screen shot P/RB-RESOURCE is shared and P/LOCKBOX-
RESOURCE IS exclusive resource for this job.
Change the screen display type to display different information about the jobs in the
Active environment.
View only jobs belonging to a specific group.
View statistical information about all jobs in the Active environment.
Display the reasons why a job has not executed.
Place a job in Hold status.
Delete a job from the Active environment.
Delete a Group entity and all its jobs from the Active environment.
Undelete a job that has been deleted from the Active environment.
Free a held job.
Display the log messages of a job.
Zoom in on the scheduling details of a job and modify certain parameters.
Rerun a job.
Confirm the restart and/or rerun of a job.
View the list of all runs (job orders) of a particular job, and view the sysout of any or all of
those job orders.
Display and edit the JCL of a job.
Display the list or network of predecessor and successor jobs of a specific job, and
display critical path information.
Force END OK termination of a job that has not been submitted or that ended NOTOK.
Reactivate a job that has "disappeared" or that has failed with status "Reason Unknown".
The status of the job whether it has ended OK or Not, or if it is waiting / executing can be
viewed as in the screen below.
Different colours on Active Environment screen indicate different status of the job.
The following commands can be requested by typing the command in the COMMAND field of
the Active Environment screen and pressing <ENTER>.
Primary and Alternate Bottom Lines
The last two lines of the Active Environment screen are used to display the list of available
commands and options.
3.1.2 OPT:
Toggles between the Primary Bottom line (composed of most of the available Primary
commands) and the Alternate Bottom line (composed of all available options).
3.1.3 DISPLAY:
Used to change display types. The format of the command is DISPLAY x (abbreviated DI x),
where x is the desired display type. For example, DI A displays the All Info display type.
3.1.4 SHOW:
Activates the specified screen filter, or opens the Show Screen Filter window or the Display
Filters window, depending on the format of the command. For more information, see "Filtering
the Active Environment Screen Display" later in this help panel.
Valid formats are:
3.1.5 HISTORY:
Displays the jobs in the History Jobs file in the History Environment screen, which is
described in ">>Restart<< History Environment Screen" in this help panel.
3.1.6 RBAL:
Scrolls the Active Environment screen so that the job with the specified relative byte address
(RBA) is displayed at the top of the screen.
3.1.7 REFRESH:
Initiates recalculation of job dependency information. The recalculation
Updates the list of dependent jobs in the Job Dependency Network screen,
recalculates logical dependencies for all job orders currently present in the Active
Jobs file and updates the Job Dependency Network screen
Adjusts DUE OUT times for all job orders in the Active Jobs file that are not Held
Adjusts the priority of predecessor jobs
Simultaneously activates processes NET, DEADLINE, and PROPAGATE in the
CONTROL-M monitor
The following parameters may be entered with the REFRESH command:
3.1.8 AUTO:
Activates Auto Refresh mode. The format of the command is AUTO n where n is any number
of seconds within the range 1 through 99.
(Note: We advise people not to use this facility as it can be VERY difficult to stop the
screen from Refreshing every 2 seconds.)
? (Why):
Display the Why screen, which shows the reasons the job is in Wait Schedule status.
4.1 L (Log):
Display the Log screen, which shows all IOA Log messages for the specified job.
4.2 H (Hold):
Hold CONTROL-M operations on the job order. Only CONTROL-M operations concerning the
job order are halted. The flow of the job through the operating system is not held. The HOLD
request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the job is changed to REQUESTED
HELD. If the CONTROL-M monitor is active, the status changes to HELD.
4.3 Z (Zoom)
Display the Zoom screen, which "zooms in" on job details. The Zoom screen is described
later in this help panel.
4.4 R (Rerun):
4.5 A (Activate):
Reactivate a job or started task that has a status of either DISAPPEARED or FAILED
REASON UNKNOWN. CONTROL-M searches the MVS/JES queues for the disappeared or
failed job or started task.
A job or started task is assigned a DISAPPEARED status if it has been accidentally deleted.
Also, if JES is very busy, it sometimes sets the status of a job or started task to
DISAPPEARED even though the job or started task actually exists.
4.7 N (Net):
Display the Job Dependency Network screen, which shows all the predecessor and
successor jobs for the selected job.
4.8 D (Del):
4.9 F (Free):
Free a held job order. All CONTROL-M operations for the job order are resumed. If the job is
currently in the job queue of the operating system in HOLD state, the job is not released. The
FREE request is recorded in the IOA Log file. The status of the job is changed to
REQUESTED FREE. If the monitor is active, the FREE request is accepted after a few
4.10 S (Stat):
Display the Statistics screen, which shows job run statistics. Statistics for a job that is not in
the Active environment can be displayed using command JOBSTAT.
4.11 G (Group):
Display the Group Entity (GRP entry) and all jobs that are part of that group. This option can
be entered next to a GRP entry, or next to any job that is part of a group. Jobs that are part of
a group are marked with the letter G to the right of the group name under display type A.
Option G must be entered as the last option in the screen. When the Group option is
requested, the name of the selected group appears in the title line of the screen.
4.12 U (Undelete):
Cancel a previously requested Delete. Valid only for jobs deleted by request. The job is
returned to its status prior to the delete request.
4.13 J (JCL Edit):
Edit the member that contains the JCL of the job. The JCL member is displayed in ISPF Edit
mode. Available only when operating CONTROL-M under TSO/ISPF.
By default, if the specified JCL member exists in the OVERLIB library, that member is edited.
If the JCL member does not exist in the OVERLIB library, the member is edited in the
MEMLIB library.
Production JCL is ENDEVOR controlled, so cannot be changed. This can only be changed if
the member is available in the fix library.
4.14 C (Confirm):
Confirm that this job is to be scheduled. A window is displayed to permit user confirmation.
Entering Y sets the status of the job to WAIT SCHEDULE.
LATE SUBMISSION Job was not submitted by the time specified in a
NJE JOB The job is not currently found in either Remote or
Host node, but is in the process of transmission
between nodes. (Either the job is being transmitted to
the Remote node for execution, or the job's sysdata
output is being transmitted to the Host node.)
CONTROL-M continues to search for the job until it is
located on one of the nodes.
NOT FOUND Job not found in the queue. Check that the job or its
sysout has not been accidentally deleted. This status
may also appear when JES is very busy. In such a
case, CONTROL-M waits for JES until it
confirms that the job is lost
NOT STARTED Starting of the started task failed
NOT SUBMITTED Submission of the job failed
NOTE A Note has been added to the job, through the Zoom
ON OUTPUT QUEUE Job is on the output queue of the remote NJE node or
on the output queue of the host node with a changed
job ID
PRIOR RUN Termination status of the previous job (or cyclic task)
execution (for jobs that have been rerun).
PROBLEMS READING SYSOUT Usually means that problems prevent the
CONTROL-M monitor from reading the job's output
RELEASED On Spool job has been released and is waiting to be
REQUESTED CHANGE Job parameters were changed using the Zoom
option, but the request has not yet been performed by
the CONTROL-M monitor
REQUESTED FORCE OK A Force OK request was issued for a held job, but the
request has not yet been performed by the
CONTROL-M monitor.
REQUESTED FREE A free request was issued for a held job, but the
request has not yet been performed by the
CONTROL-M monitor.
REQUESTED HELD A hold request was issued for the job, but the request
has not yet been performed by the CONTROL-M
REQUESTED REACT An activate request was issued for a job, but the
request has not yet been performed by the
CONTROL-M monitor
REQUESTED RERUN A rerun request was issued for the job, but the
request has not yet been performed by the
CONTROL-M monitor
RUN n Run number. Incremented each time a cyclic task is
executed or a job is rerun.
STARTED Started task started, but is not yet in the operating
system's job queue
SUBMITTED Job submitted, but is not yet in the operating system's
job queue.
WAIT CONFIRMATION (FOR Job is waiting for manual confirmation before it can be
SCHEDULE) scheduled
WAIT CONFIRMATION (WITH Job is waiting for manual restart confirmation.
WAIT EXECUTION Job is in the operating system's job queue waiting to
be executed.
WAIT RELEASE On Spool job is eligible to be run and is about to be
WAIT SCHEDULE Job is waiting to be scheduled
WAIT SCHEDULE ON SPOOL Job is waiting to be scheduled but is already in input
queue on spool
WAIT SCHEDULE (PIPE) For MAINVIEW Batch Optimizer (MVBO) users. Job
is waiting to be scheduled and is a participant in a
Pipe (Collection).
WAIT SUBMISSION Job is eligible to be run and is about to be submitted
Group Statuses
ACTIVE All runtime criteria for the Group entity have been
satisfied, but at least one job in the group has not
ended and no job in the group has ended NOTOK
ACTIVE - IN ERROR All runtime criteria for the Group entity have been
satisfied, but at least one job in the group has not
ended and one or more jobs in the group ended
ENDED NOTOK All jobs in the group have ended. At least one job
ended NOTOK.
ENDED OK All jobs in the group ended OK
(ORDERING) A Group entity has been ordered to the Active Jobs
file, but not all of its jobs have been placed in the
Active Jobs file, or connected to the Group entity. The
ORDERING status disappears when all jobs in the
Group appear in the Active Jobs file and are
connected to the Group. Status ORDERING is an
add-on to the Group's regular status.
REQUESTED DELETE A delete request was issued for the Group entity, but
the request has not yet been performed.