ECECC4 Diagnostic Test

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1. Calculate the noise current for a 5.

A radio channel has a bandwidth of

diode with a bias current of 15 mA, 10 KHz and a signal-to-noise ratio of
observed over a 25 Khz bandwidth? 15 dB. What is the maximum data
a. 21mA c. 6 Na rate that can be transmitted using a
b. 11 nA d. 0 with four possible states
a. 50.3 kbps c. 40 kbps
b. 10 kbps d.100 kbps
In =√2𝑞𝐼𝐵 6. A radio wave moves from air (n=1)
ror glass (n=7.8). It’s angle of
= √2(1.6𝑥10−19 )(15𝑚𝐴)(25𝐾ℎ𝑧) incidence is 30 degrees. What is the
angle of refraction?
= 11 nA a. 25 degrees c. 100 degrees
2. A receiver has a noise bandwidth of
b. 6.6 degrees d. 10.5
200 Khz. A resistor is connected
across its input. What is the noise
7. The critical frequency at a particular
power at the input if the resistor
time is 11.6 Mhz. What is the
temperature is 20 degrees Celsius?
maximum usable frequency for a
a. 0.000809 pW c. 98 pW
incidence for propagation to a
b. 293 nW d. 100 mW
desired destination is 70 degrees?
a. 11.6 Mhz c. 12 Mhz
Pn = KTB = k(20+273) (260 khz) =
b. 22.9 Mhz d. 33.9 MHZ
= 0.000809 pW
8. A automobile travels a 16.7 meters
3. How many hamming bits required
per second. Find the time between
for a block length of 21 message
fades if the car uses a PCS phone of
1900 Mhz?
a. 4 c. 5
a. 11.2 ms c. 4.7 ms
b. 3 d. 6
b. 60 ms d. 2 ms
9. The statement “incoming light is
2𝑛 ≥ 𝑚 + 𝑛 + 1
partially absorbed and partially
at n=5; 25≥ 21 + 5 + 1 = 32≥7
transmitted equally all directions” is
known as
4. A radio channel has a bandwidth of
a. The lambertian reflection
10 KHz and a signal-to-noise ratio of
b. The Snell’s reflection
15 dB. What is the maximum data
c. The Fresnel reflection
rate that can be transmitted using
d. The law of light reflection
any system?
a. 50.3 kbps c. 40 kbps
b. 10 kbps d.100 kbps
10. Composed of orbiting satellite and 16. It is the only error-correction
the associated equipment used to scheme that actually detects and
track, monitor and control the corrects transmitting errors
operation of the satellite. a. CRC c. FEC
a. Tracking segment b. Retransmission d. VRC
b. Space device 17. Asynchronous serial data can be
c. Satellite Segment identified by the presence of
d. Space segment a. SYN characters
11. Emile Baudot invented the _____in b. BCC characters
1874 c. ETX and STX charecters
a. Telegraph c. satellite Segment d. Start and Stop bits
b. PABX d. Telegraph 18. The transmission during
multiplexer asynchronous data can be identified
12. Who succeeds in sending radio by
(wireless) telegraph messages? a. Continuous transmission of 0
a. Samuel Morse b. Continuous transmission of 1
b. Alexander Graham Bell c. Alternate 1 and 0 transmission
c. Guglielmo Marconi d. Presence of a SYN character
d. Charles Wheatstone 19. An RS interface which was intended
13. Who developed the first ENIAC to operate at data rates between 20
computer on February 14, 1946? kbps and 2 Mbps using the same DB
a. Eckert & Mauchley 25 connector introduced by EIA in
b. Bell & Marconi 1987
c. Marconi & Weber a. RS 446 c. RS 423A
d. Charles Wheatstone b. RS 422A d. RS 530
14. What are private data 20. ITU-T V-series modem standard that
communication networks used by defines binary 0/1 data bits as
many companies to exchange space/mark line conditions
information among employees and a. V.1 c. V.2
resources? b. V.4 d. V.5
a. Internet c. Intranet 21. RS means
b. World Wide Web d. HTML a. Recommended Series
15. Company intranets are generally b. Required Standard
connected to the public internet c. Recommended Standard
addressing system with security d. All of the above
a. Gateway c. Nodes
b. Firewalls d. All of the choices
22. A sinusoid of 300 Mhz that is d. 8.75 x 10-8 V/m*m
travelling of the speed of the light in 28. As per Philippine standard,
the form of electromagnetic frequency allocation of AM Radio
radiation has a wavelength of Broadcasting is from
a. 0.1 m c. 1 m a. 535 to 1605 Khz
b. 10 m d. none of the choices b. 526.5 to 1605 khz
23. For a sample rate of 20 Khz, c. 535 to 1705 Khz
determine the maximum analog d. 526.5 to 1705 Khz
input frequency. 29. Regarding the design of Am
a. 10 Khz or less c. 25 khz antenna, what should be the
b. 400 khz d.10Khz or polarization of the radiator?
more a. Horizontal c. vertical
24. A high power Ku-band satellite has a b. Elliptical d. circular
transmitted power= 120W, GR, 30. What is the maximum power
receive antenna gain =48 dB, GT, allowable for remote pick-up
transmit antenna gain 16 dB and Lp, stations used as broadcast auxiliary
transmitter path loss = 120 dB. Find services for AM and FM broadcast
the power delivered by the receiving stations?
antenna , PR in watts a. 10 W c. 15 W
a. 32.1 mW c. 20 mW b. 35 W d. 300 W
b. 301 microwatts d. 5MW 31. Frequency allocation of FM
25. What is the free space attenuation broadcast in the Philippines.
of a satellite communication system a. 535 - 1605 Khz
operating at 36 km above the earth b. 88 – 108 Mhz
at 5 Ghz? c. 50 – 15000 Hz
a. 200 dB c. 137 dB d. 174 – 218 Mhz
b. 160 dB d. 26 dB 32. Exact value of color subcarrier
26. Calculate the radiation resistance of frequency (MHZ) is
a λ/16 wire dipole in free space? a. 3.579554 c. 3.579455
a. 3Kῼ c. 3.1 kῼ b. 3.580545 d. 3.579545
b. 45kῼ d. 790Kῼ 33. Nominal RF bandwidth of NTSC TV
27. What is the power density in watts channel
per square meter at a distance of 1 a. 4.2 Mhz c. 4.5 Mhz
km from a 1000 watts isotropic b. 6 Mhz d. 5.35 Mhz
a. 7.56 x10-2 W/m
b. 28.75 x 10-8 W/m*m
c. 7.95 x 10-5 V/m*m
34. Identical telephone numbers in 40. An ionosphere later also termed as
different parts of a country are “absorption layer” because it
distinguish by their absorbs most of the frequencies
a. Language digits above 100 KHZ is known as the
b. Area codes __layer.
c. Central office codes a. D c. E
d. Access digits b. F1 d. F2
35. When the signal from the mobile 41. A rectangular waveguide is 9.1 cm
cellular unit drops below a certain by 2.4 cm (inside measurements).
level, what action occurs? Calculate the cutoff frequency at the
a. The cell site switches antennas dominant mode?
b. The unit is “handed off” to a a. 2.64 Mhz c. 4.63 Mhz
closer cell b. 2.64 Ghz d. 4.63 Ghz
c. The call is terminated 42. What is a diversity scheme that uses
d. The MTSO increases power level two (2) separate antennas and
36. In Cellular Telephone Systems, these receivers for each single
are transmissions from base stations transmitter?
to mobile units (Downlink) a. Frequency diversity
a. Forward links c. reverse link b. Space diversity
b. TRX d. TRA c. Angle diversity
37. The typical voltage across a d. Quadrature diversity
telephone when on-hook is: 43. Power density is inversely
a. 48 volts DC c. 48 volts, 20 proportional to the given distance
hertz AC from the source (?)
b. 90 volts DC d. 90 volts, 20 a. Faraday’s law
hertz AC b. Snell’s law
38. In Cellular Radio, AMPS stands for c. Inverse square law
a. American Mobile Phone System d. Gauss law
b. Advanced Mobile Phone System 44. A graph which shows the radiation
c. Analog Mobile Phone System in actual field strength of
d. Advanced Mobile Phone System electromagnetic fields at all points
39. What is the mode of radio wave which are at equal distance from the
propagation that utilized ionosphere antenna is known as
as a medium of transmission and / a. Frequency Response
or reception of radio signals? b. Radiation pattern
a. Ground wave c. sky wave c. Smith Chart
b. Space wave d. LOS d. FCC F (50,50) Graph
45. The most ambitious LEO supply applied to its diaphragm by
constellation to date is an external power supply.
a. Iridium c. NAVSTAR A. Dynamic c. condenser
b. Teledesic d. Globalstar B. Ribbon d. carbon
46. To cover all inhabited regions of the 52. The difference in dB between the
earth, the number of polar-orbit loudest level of sound and the
satellites required is softest passage of sound is known as
a. 1 c. 2 a. Headroom
b. 3 d. 5 b. Signal to noise ratio
47. A point in the orbit of an object c. Gain
orbiting the earth that is located d. Dynamic range
closest to Earth 53. How far from the transmitter could
a. Perigee c. Apogee a signal be received if the
b. Apex d. subsatellite point transmitting and receiving antennas
48. Calculate the length of the path to a where 40m and 20 m, respectively,
geostationary satellite from an earth above level terrain?
station where the angle of elevation a. 44.5 km c. 45.4 km
is 30 degress. (earth’s radius=6400 b. 54.4 km d. none of the choices
km) height of the above earth is 36 54. A device launches or receives a wave
x10 ^3 km) in a transmission line or waveguide
a. 36,000 km c. 36,000 mi in one direction only
b. 39,000 km d. 39,000 mi a. Crossed-field tube
49. Variation in signal loss caused by b. Directional coupler
natural weather disturbances c. Linear beam tube
a. Attenuation c. d. Slow-wave structure
spreading loss 55. A___ is similar to a phasor diagram
b. Fading d. weather except that the entire phasor is not
loss drawn.
50. A group of filters has 1/3 octave of a. Product modulator
spacing. If the initial frequency is 25 b. Constellation diagram
Hz. What is the next frequency c. Truth table
available for the filter? d. None of the above
a. 50 Hz c. 12.5 Hz
b. 75 Hz d.31.5 Hz
51. A type of microphone that uses the
principle of a capacitor as a means
of transduction. It uses a polarizing
voltage of between 9 and 48 V of DC
56. A set of communications facilities a. Reflection c. Electrical
allowing direct access of 64 kbps noise
data streams (or multiple of) for b. Interference d. loss
drop and insert. A form of cell relay, 61. Microwave are frequencies above
suppots B-ISDN. ___Ghz
a. Synchronous digital hierarchy a. 2 c. 3
(SDH) b. 1 d. none of the above
b. Synchronization 62. A wave guide acts a/an__filter
c. Asynchronous transfer mode a. High pass c. low pass
(ATM) b. Bandpass d. none of the choices
d. Asynchronous 63. It is the process of converting an
57. A line of sight radio link operating at infinite numbers of possibilities to a
a frequency 6 Ghz has a separation finite number of conditions.
of 40 km between antennas. An a. Quantization c.
obstacle in the path is located 10 km aliasing
from the transmitting antenna. By b. Sampling d.
how much must the beam clear the digitalization
obstacle? 64. What do you call the accumulation
a. 11.6 m c. 11.6 ft of additional sounds such as wind,
b. 10.6 m d. 10.6 ft street noise, other voices that
58. Which of the following antenna contributes to what the listener
types is not designed for hear?
transmitting at 10 Ghz a. Natural sound c. ambience
a. Horn antenna b. Sound amplitude d. flutter
b. Dish antenna sound
c. Zepp antenna 65. It is the process of extracting a
d. Helical antenna phase coherent reference carrier
59. It refers to the rate of change of a from the receiver signal
signal on the transmission medium a. Carrier Recovery c. Costas Loop
after encoding and modulation have b. Squaring loop d.
occurred. Remodulation
a. Bit rate c. baud 66. Half-wave dipole is sometimes
b. bit d. Signaling element called:
60. It may be defined as any undesired a. Marconi Antenna c. Hertz
voltages or currents that ultimately Antenna
end up appearing in the receiver b. Yagi Antenna d. none of the
67. An antenna’s beamwidth is understanding by building to learn
measured from the environment and adapt its
a. From +90 degrees to -90 degrees internal states to statistical
b. Between half-power points variations in the incoming RF stimuli
c. From front to back by making corresponding changes in
d. Between the minor side-lobes certain operating parameters in real-
68. “Ground Effects” refers to the time.
effects on an antenna’s radiation a. Wifi Radio
pattern caused by b. Cognitive Radio
a. Radio signals reflecting off the c. Satellite Radio
ground d. Intelligent Radio
b. Buildings and other structures 73. Abrupt variations in timing of a
on the ground digital signal
c. Fading a. Noise c. jitter
d. Faulty connection of the feed b. Hop d. Hop
cable ground 74. Defined as the optimum level of a
69. An antenna can be matched to a test tone on a channel at same point
feed line using in a communication system
a. A shorted stub a. Transmission level point
b. An LC network b. Transmission level
c. A loading coil c. Data level point
d. All of the choices d. Error detection
70. Field strength at a distance from an 75. A radio that includes a transmitter in
antenna is measured with which the operating parameters of
a. A slotted line frequency range, modulation type or
b. An EIRP meter maximum output power can be
c. A dipole altered by making a change in
d. A field –strength meter software w/o making any changes to
71. A receiving antenna with-in hardware components.
preamplifier a. Cognitive Radio
a. Active antenna b. Policy-based Radio
b. Passive antenna c. Software- Defined Radio
c. Coil d. Wifi Radio
d. LC antenna
72. It is an intelligent wireless
communication system that is aware
of its surrounding environment and
uses the methodology of
76. Television stations are often b. Impedance d.
operated in geographically separate Attenuation
areas and there are areas of the 81. The tool that clamps the connector
country where because of to the cable permanently. Most of it
population density not all television have hexagonal crimps sized for
channels are utilized. The unused each connector type and
spectrum between TV stations are replaceable jaws for different
called connectors.
a. Blank spaces a. Coax stripper c. F
b. Underlay channels connector
c. White spaces b. Crimpers d. Coax Connector
d. Overlay spectrum 82. These cables are composed of
77. A balanced modulator eliminates several fibers together inside a small
which of the following from its plastic tube which are in turn wound
output? around a central strength member
a. Upper sideband and jacketed providing a small high
b. Lower sideband fiber count cables
c. Carrier a. Loose tube cables
d. Both sidebands b. Distribution cables
78. In a klystron, a cavity that velocity- c. Breakout cables
modulates that electron beam is d. Simplex cables
a. Buncher c. catcher 83. It involves the interplay of light with
b. Attenuator d. circulator the atmosphere and the physical
79. In optical wireless communication, origin of the observed optical
the transmitted data are modulated phenomena
onto a light beam, usually in a form a. Solar optics
of a laser it is commonly termed as b. Meteorological optics
a. Free Scale Orbit c. Thermal optics
b. Free Space Orbit d. Natural optics
c. Free Space Optics 84. A type of microphone that pick-ups
d. Free Scale Optics from the front and back equally well
80. It is the amount of signal that is with little or no pick up form the
picked up by a quiet conductor( a sides
conductor with no signal being a. Omnidirectional microphone
transmitted over it at the moment) b. Bidirectional microphone
from the other conductors that are c. Unidirectional microphone
conducting data d. Cardioid microphone
a. Cable capacitor c. Crosstalk
85. The following energy sources can be 89. A protocol designed for highly
used for energy harvesting except accurate clock synchronization
for? focused especially on test and
a. Solar energy measurement as well as power
b. Geothermal Energy engineering
c. Thermoelectric energy a. Network Time protocol
d. Human Body b. Real-time transport protocol
86. Energy efficiency is reached by c. Link-layer discovery protocol
turning hardware parts off or to a d. Precision time protocol
sleep mode with minimal energy 90. The first security mechanism for
consumption as often as possible. WIFI which is based on the RC4
This principle is known as encryption algorithm
a. Duty-cycling a. Wireless Encryption Protocol
b. Shift-cycling b. Temporary Key Integrity Protocol
c. Energy-cycling c. Wifi Protected Access
d. Communication-cycling d. WLAN Authentication and
87. To utilize the available bandwidth Privacy Infrastructure
efficiency and to increase the 91. This filter is used to recover original
number of users, what is commonly signal from its sampled version
employed? a. Bandpass filter
a. Bandwidth Reuse b. Interpolation filter
b. Signal reuse c. Matched filter
c. Frequency Reuse d. Dump filter
d. Amplitude Reuse 92. A frequency occurring problem with
88. The total complex power impressed electromagnetic wave propagation
by a current source within a region via sky wave in the high frequency
is equal to the sum of the time- (HF) range is
average power dissipated as heat a. Signal Fading
inside the region, the complex b. Thermal Noise
power transmitted from the region c. Propagation
and 2ῴj times the difference d. Signal Multipath
between time-average magnetic and 93. ASK, PSK and PAM are sometimes
electric energies stored within the called
region. This is stated in a. Non-linear modulation schemes
a. Gauss’s theorem b. Linear Modulation Schemes
b. Maxwell’s theorem c. Shift-keying
c. Poynting theorem d. None of the above
d. Snell’s law
94. If g(t)=0 for t>T the signal is called 100. In a ___ there is no cladding,
a. noise immunity and the refractive index of the core
b. synchronization is no uniform
c. Full-response CPM a. Graded-index fiber
d. Partial-response CPM b. Step-index fiber
95. The feedback decoder simplifies to a c. Single-mode fiber
form called d. Multimode fiber
a. Majority Logic Decoder
b. Minority Logic Decoder
c. Soft-output algorithms
d. Hard-output algorithms
96. Is a noise like high frequency signal
binary in nature. This it looks like
a. Active-Noise
b. Pseudo-Noise
c. Creative-Noise
d. Frequency-Noise
97. What is the characteristics
impedance of the coaxial cable
having L=0.110x10^-6 H/ft and C-
21pF/ft. The line operates at radio
a. 25 ohm c. 50 ohm
b. 75 ohm d. 100 ohm
98. What is the path loss in dB at 300
Mhz between the earth station and
a satellite at 3700km?
a. 137.3 c. 173.3
b. 373.1 d. 337.1
99. A _____has a central core with a
uniform refractive index
a. Step-index fiber
b. Graded-index fiber
c. Single-mode fiber
d. Multi-mode fiber

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