Obj 2000 Paper II
Obj 2000 Paper II
Obj 2000 Paper II
S-(OBJ)-2000 1 of 13
The voltage gain (V0 / Vs) is In the circuit shown in the given figure, the
a. 4 / 3.33 approximate voltages at the transistor
b. 100 a. base and emitter respectively are –8 V
c. 150 and –7.3 V
d. 160 b. base and collector respectively are – 8
49. Consider the following statements : V and –5 V
A totem pole configuration used in the c. collector and emitter respectively are –
output stage of an op-amp has the 5 V and –7.3 V
advantage of using d. base, emitter and collector respectively
1. only n-p-n BJTs. are –8 V, –7.3 V and –5 V
2. complementary symmetrical pair of 54. Consider the following statements:
transistors. The lower cut - off frequencies for an RC
3. only one transistor. coupled CE amplifier depend on
Which of these statements is / are correct ? 1. input and output coupling capacitors
a. 1 alone 2. emitter bypass capacitor
b. 2 alone 3. junction capacitors
c. 3 alone Which of these statements is / are correct?
d. 1 and 3 a. 1 alone
50. A 1 ms pulse can be stretched to 1 s pulse b. 2 alone
by using c. 1 and 2
a. an a stable multivibrator d. 2 and 3
b. a monostable multivibrator 55.
c. a bistable multivibrator
d. a Schmitt trigger circuit
51. An FET is a better chopper than a BJT
because it has
a. lower off - set voltage
b. higher series ON resistance.
c. lower input current
d. higher input impedance The op - amp circuit shown in the given
52. Consider the following statements figure is
regarding the bootstrap biasing a. a high - pass circuit
arrangement for a BJT emitter follower : b. a low - pass circuit
1. The input impedance is very high. c. a band - pass circuit
2. The voltage gain is exactly equal to d. an all - pass circuit
one. 56. Consider the following statements :
3. The output impedance is equal to zero. Sziklai pair
Which of these statements is correct? 1. is also called complementary
a. None Darlington
b. 2 alone 2. acts like a single p-n-p transistor with a
c. 3 alone very high current gain
d. 1 alone 3. can be used in class B push - pull
53. power amplifier
Which of these statements are correct?
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
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c. 2 and 3 Which of these statements are correct?
d. 1, 2 and 3 a. 1, 2 and 3
57. Which one of the following power b. 2 and 3
amplifiers has the maximum efficiency? c. 1 and 2
a. Class A d. 1 and 3
b. Class B 63. In every practical oscillator, the loop gain
c. Class AB is slightly larger than unity and the
d. Class C amplitude of the oscillations is limited by
58. If a common emitter amplifier with an the
emitter resistance Re has an overall trans- a. magnitude of the loop gain
conductance gain of –1 mA / V, a voltage b. onset of non - linearity
gain of –4 and desensitivity of 50, then the c. magnitude of the gain of the amplifier
value of the emitter resistance Re would be d. feedback transmission factor
a. 50 kΩ 64.
b. 0.98 kΩ
c. 50 Ω
d. 0.98 Ω
59. The voltage gains of an amplifier without
feedback and with negative feedback
respectively are 100 and 20. The
percentage of negative feedback (β) would
In the circuit shown in the given figure, the
a. 4%
current flowing through resistance of 100
b. 5%
c. 20% Ω would be
d. 80% a. 8 mA
60. If the Q of a single -stage single – turned is b. 10 mA
amplifier doubled, then its bandwidth will c. 20 mA
a. remain same d. 100 mA
b. become half 65. The essential blocks of a phase lock loop
c. become double (PLL) are phase detector, amplifier,
d. become four times a. high - pass filter and crystal controlled
61. An amplifier using BJT has two identical oscillator
stages each having a lower cut-off (3 dB) b. low - pass filter and crystal controlled
frequency of 64 Hz due to coupling oscillator
capacitor. The emitter bypass capacitor c. high-pass filter and voltage controlled
also provides a lower cut-off (3 dB) oscillator
frequency due to emitter degeneration d. low - pass filter and voltage controlled
alone of 64 Hz. The lower (3 dB) oscillator
frequency of the overall amplifier is nearly 66. Which one of the following sets of circuits
a. 100 Hz can be obtained by using a 555 timer?
b. 128 Hz a. Pulse modulator and amplitude
c. 156 Hz demodulator
d. 244 Hz b. Pulse modulator and astable
62. Consider the following statements in multivibrator
relation to a large value of capacitor filter c. Amplitude demodulator and a.c. to d.c.
used in a full - wave rectifier : converter
It gives the d. a.c. to d.c. converter and astable
1. low conduction period for the diode multivibrator
rectifier 67. Which one of the following figures
2. increased peak current rating of the represents the coincidence logic?
diode a.
3. large peak inverse voltage rating of the
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Which one of the following circuits is the
minimised logic circuit for the circuit
shown in Figure 1 ?
(ε − 1) < ε <
(ε + 1) the velocity of light in space. This is called
e the
2 2
a. velocity of propagation
b. normal velocity
c. group velocity
d. phase velocity
118. While determining antenna, height for
The insertion loss of the Device Under terrestrial microwave links, the effect of
Test (DUT) shown in the given figure is refraction from the atmosphere is taken
a. 10 dB care of by considering the effective
b. 20 dB curvature of the earth to be
c. 30 dB a. 2/3 times the radius of the earth
d. 40 dB b. 314 times the radius of the earth
113. In the standing wave detector method for c. 4/3 times the radius of the earth
measuring slightly mismatched load d. 3/2 times the radius of the earth
impedance, the distance from the load 119. An earth station employs a 1 kW high
position to the nearest voltage minimum power amplifier (HPA) and a 20 m
towards the generator is one - eighth the Cassegrain antenna whose transmitted gain
guide wavelength. The load is is 65 dB at a free space wavelength of 2.1
a. a capacitive impedance cm. If the loss of the wavelength that
b. an inductive impedance connects HPA to the feed is 1dB, then the
c. a pure capacitance earth station EIRP is
d. a pure inductance a. 29 dB m
114. If the peak power of pulsed microwave b. 59 dB m
system is 104W and the average power is c. 94 dB m
800 W, then the duty cycle will be d. 124 dB m
a. 80% 120. Match List I (Microwave band) with List
b. 8% II (Frequency used in satellite
c. 0.8% communication) and select the correct
d. 0.08% answer :
115. A 8 kHz communication channel has an List I
SNR of 30dB. If the channel bandwidth is A. C-band
doubled, keeping the signal power B. Ku -band
constant, the SNR for the modified C. Ka-band
channel will be List II
a. 27 dB 1. 12 GHz to 14 GHz
b. 30 dB 2. 24 GHz to 26 GHz
c. 33 dB 3. 20 GHz to 30 GHz
d. 60 dB 4. 4 GHz to 6 GHz
116. Consider the following parameters : A B C
1. Loss is the media a. 4 2 1
2. Permeability of the media b. 2 1 3
3. Frequency of the wave c. 4 1 3
4. Velocity of the wave d. 3 4 2