Certcdavao: Electronics Engineering
Certcdavao: Electronics Engineering
Certcdavao: Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. 13. In PCM system, the minimum sampling rate is
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to A. twice the highest audio input frequency *
the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. B. twice the lowest audio input frequency
C. twice the highest carrier frequency
Strictly no erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only. D. not a function of audio signal nor carrier
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means
exponentiation. 14. In order to reduce quantizing noise, one must
a. increase the number of standard amplitudes*
b. send pulses whose sides are more nearly vertical
1. What type of wave has a rise time significantly faster than its fall c. use an RF amplifier in the receiver
time (or vice versa)? d. increase the number of samples per second
A. A sawtooth wave * C. A cosine wave
B. A square wave D. A sine wave 15. The modulator transmits symbols, each of which has 32 different
possible states, 10,000 times per second. How much is the bit rate?
2. What is the period of a wave? A. 64 kbps B. 50 kbps* C. 60 kbps D. none
A. The time required to complete one cycle *
B. The number of degrees in one cycle 16. Find the maximum dynamic range for a linear PCM system using
C. The number of zero crossings in one cycle 16-bit quantizing.
D. The amplitude of the wave A. 11.12 dB B. 76.45 dB C. 255 dB D. 98.08 dB*
3. Indicate the false statement. Fourier analysis shows that a sawtooth 17. When measuring the voice channel at a –4dB test point level, the
wave consist of meter reads –76 dBm. Calculate the reading in dBrnC0?
a. fundamental and subharmonic sine waves* A. 80 * B. 18 C. 8 D. 28
b. a fundamental sine wave and an infinite number of harmonics
c. fundamental and harmonic sine waves whose amplitude 18. A direct sequence spread-spectrum system uses FSK with a
decreases with the harmonic number chipping rate of 20 to 1. The signal-to-noise ratio for the spread
d. sinusoidal voltages, some of which are small enough to ignore in signal is –6 dB (that is, the signal is 5 dB weaker than the noise in
practice the same bandwidth). If the data is transmitted at 50 kbps, What is
the signal-to-noise ratio for the despread signal at the receiver?
4. Indicate the false statement regarding the advantages of SSB over A. 8 dB B. 15 dB C. 16 dB D. 7 dB*
double sideband, full-carrier AM
a. More channel space is available. 19. What should be done to increase the transmission distance at
b. Transmitter circuits must be more stable, giving better reception.* frequencies higher than HF bands?
c. The signal is more noise-resistant A. increase antenna gain C. increase antenna height*
d. Much less power is required for the same signal strength B. increase transmitter power D. increase receiver sensitivity
5. Maximum frequency deviation of a FM signal occurs at 20. A open-circuited transmission line less than quarter-wavelength
A. zero-crossing points long.
B. peak positive amplitudes A. inductive C. parallel resonant circuit
C. peak negative amplitude B. capacitive* D. series resonant circuit
D. peak positive and negative amplitude*
21. Audio signals are not propagated directly to space because_____.
6. A phase-locked loop has a VCO with a free-running frequency of 14 A. to do so will entail additional costs.
MHz. As the frequency of the reference input is gradually raised B. the signal will be highly attenuated
from zero, the loop locks at 12 MHz and comes out again at 18 C. they will require antennas that are too long *
MHz. Find the hold-in range. D. the signal that will be propagated will be too weak
A. 10 MHz B. 15 MHz C. 4 MHz* D. 8 MHz
22. A dipole antenna has an efficiency of 95%. Calculate the gain in
7. A three-stage has stages with the following specifications: First decibels.
stage with power gain and noise figure of 10 and 2 respectively, 25 A. 3.51 dB B. 1.93 dB * C. 1.64 Db D. 1.87 Db
and 4 for the second stage and 30 and 5 for the third stage. Find
the noise temperature. 23. A radio communication link is to be established via the ionosphere.
A. 382 K* B. 435 K C. 328 K D. 358 K The maximum virtual height of the layer is 110 km. at the midpoint
of the path and the critical frequency is 4 MHz. If the distance
8. The noise produced by a resistor is to be amplified by a noiseless between the radio stations is 500 km, what is the suitable value for
amplifier having a voltage gain of 75 and a bandwidth of 100 kHz. A the optimum working frequency? Use flat terrain analysis.
sensitive meter at the output reads 240 microvolts rms. Assuming A. 2.8 MHz B. 4.7 MHz C. 8.4 MHz* D. 9.1 MHz
operation at 37 degrees, calculate the resistor’s resistance.
A. 4 kilo ohms C. 6 kilo ohms * 24. A TV tower has a height of 200 m. What is the maximum distance
B. 5 kilo ohms D. 7 kilo ohms up to which TV transmission can be received?
A. 35.77 km* B. 32.7 km C. 50.6 km D. 40.77 km
9. Determine the peak frequency deviation ad modulation index (m) for
an FM modulator with a deviation sensitivity K1 = 5 kHz/V and a 25. A certain antenna has a gain of 9 dB with respect to an isotropic
modulating signal vm(t) = 2 cos (2pi2000t). radiator. How much power would it absorb from a signal with a field
A. 5* B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 strength of 36 uV/m if the frequency is 200 MHz?
A. 3.08 pW B. 5.95 pW C. 8.03 pW D. 4.88 pW*
10. A transistor has a power dissipation rating of 30 W. Assuming that
the transistors is the only element that dissipates power in the 26. A 500 kHz antenna radiate 500W of power. The same antenna
circuit, calculate the power an amplifier, using this transistor, could produces a field strength equal to 1.5 mV/m. If the power delivered
deliver to the load if it operates as class-A with an efficiency of 30% by the antenna is increased by 650 W, what would be the expected
A. 35.7 W B. 7.5 W C. 22.5 W D. 12.86 W * filed intensity.
A. 1.06 mV B. 3.1 mV C. 2.12 mV D. 2.27 mV*
11. Compared to PCM, adaptive delta modulation can transmit voice:
A. with a lower bit rate but reduced quality 27. In the OSI model, when data is transmitted from device A to device
B. with a lower bit rate but the same quality* B, the header from A's layer 5 is read by B's _______ layer.
C. only over shorter distances A) physical C) Session*
D. only if the voice is band-limited B) transport D) presentation
12. It is a modulation and multiplexing technique that distributes the 28. In the OSI model, the most important services to be performed by
signal and its sidebands over a very wide bandwidth the Session Layer are:
A. Spread spectrum * C. Frequency division multiplexing A. sampling and quantizing C. sign-on and log-out
B. Phase shift keying D. Quadrature amplitude modulation B. log-in and terminating D. log-in and log-out procedures*
79. ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM are examples of _________ encoding.
65. The input to the FM receiver has a signal-to-noise of 2.8, the a. Digital-to-digital c. Analog-to –analog
modulating frequency is 1.5 kHz. The maximum permitted deviation b. Digital-to-analog* d. Analog-to-digital
is 4 kHz. Calculate the frequency deviation caused by noise.
a. 712 Hz b. 162 Hz c. 397 Hz d. 547 Hz* 80. Which of the following is most affected by noise?
a. PSK b. ASK* c. FSK d. QAM
66. Which of the following parameters would a typical spectrum
analyzer display on the horizontal axis? 81. If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz
a. Frequency* b. SWR c. Q d. Time with the highest frequency at 600 Hz, what should be the sampling
rate according to the Nyquist theorem?
67. How might lowering the noise figure affect receiver performance? a. 200 samples/sec c. 1000 samples/sec
a. It would increase signal to noise ratio * b. 500 samples/sec d. 1200 samples/sec*
b. It would reduce the signal to noise ratio
c. It would reduce bandwidth 82. Medium 1 is made of glass, while medium 2 is made of ethyl
d. It would increase bandwidth alcohol. Their refractive indexes are 1.45 and 1.34 respectively. For
an angle of incidence of 37 degrees, determine the angle of
68. What is an undesirable effect of using too wide a filter bandwidth in refraction.
the IF section of a receiver? a. 30.12 degrees c. 71.12 degrees
a. Undesired signals may be heard * b. 40.63 degree* d. 87.19 degrees
b. Filter ringing
c. Output-offset overshoot 83. Calculate the capacitance in uF/ft of a coaxial line whose
d. Thermal-noise distortion characteristic impedance is 50 Ohms and a dielectric constant of
2.23. It is ________ x 10^3 uF/ft.
69. How can intermodulation interference between two repeaters a. 0.0128 b. 0.0303* c. 1.2750 d. 1.9827
a. When the repeaters are in close proximity and the signals mix in 84. What is the refractive index of an ionospheric layer with 100x10^5
one or both transmitter final amplifiers * free electrons per m^3. Assume frequency to be at 20 MHz.
b. When the repeaters are in close proximity and the signals cause A. 0.99 * B. 0.88 C. 0.77 D. 0.66
feedback in one or both transmitter final amplifiers
c. When the signals from the transmitters are reflected out of phase 85. If a cable has a velocity factor of 0.7, what length of cable is
from airplanes passing overhead required for a 90° phase shift at 100 MHz?
d. When the signals from the transmitters are reflected in phase A. 0.6 meters B. 0.9 meters C. 0.52 meters * D. 0.72 meters
from airplanes passing overhead
86. An isolator has a forward loss of 0.7 dB and a return loss of 26 dB.
70. First symbol in the designation of radio signals emission which A source provides 1 W to the isolator, and the load is resistive with
refers to use of a full carrier and one sideband. an SWR of 3. How much power is dissipated in the load?
A. J B. N C. H* D. A A. 638 mW* B. 345 mW C. 165 mW D. 876 mW
71. If a receiver tuned to 146.70 MHz receives an intermodulation-
product signal whenever a nearby transmitter transmits on 146.52 87. What is the effective height of a broadcast antenna if the voltage
MHz, what are the two most likely frequencies for the other induced in the antenna is 2.7 volts and the measured field intensity
interfering signal? received in the antenna site is 27 mV/m?
a. 146.34 MHz and 146.61 MHz* c. 146.88 MHz and 146.34 MHz A. 29.7 meters C. 72.9 meters
b. 146.10 MHz and 147.30 MHz d. 73.35 MHz and 239.40 MHz B. 100 meters* D. 127 meters
72. If the signals of two transmitters mix together in one or both of their 88. When load impedance equals to Zo of the line, it means that the
final amplifiers, and unwanted signals at the sum and difference load _____ all the power.
frequencies of the original signals are generated, what is this a. reflects b. absorbs* c. attenuates d. radiates
called? 89. If an antenna is too short for the wavelength being used, the
a. Intermodulation interference* c. Neutralization effective length can be increased by adding:
b. Amplifier desensitization d. Adjacent channel interference A. capacitance in series C. resistance in parallel
B. inductance in series * D. resistance in series
73. Determine the quantization error for an 10-bit linear sign-magnitude
PCM for a maximum decoded voltage of 2.55 Vp. 90. What is the gain, in dB of a helical antenna with diameter of λ/3, 10
turns at pitch of λ/4, used at 100 MHz?
91. Distances near the skip distance should be used for sky-wave
a. to avoid tilting
b. to prevent sky-wave and upper ray interference*
c. to avoid the faraday effect
d. so as not to exceed the critical frequency
93. In the OSI model, as a data packet moves from the lower to the
upper layers, headers are _______.
A) added B) removed* C) rearranged D) modified
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