Nonlinear Predictive Control of A Benchmark CSTR
Nonlinear Predictive Control of A Benchmark CSTR
Nonlinear Predictive Control of A Benchmark CSTR
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Keywords: Benchmark problem, reactor control, non- • A complete set of performance objectives including
linear control, nonlinear model predictive control an uncertainty description is given.
A more detailed discussion on the reasons and implica-
Abstract tions of the first two points can be found in [5].
Furthermore, we propose a solution to the control of
The intention of this paper is twofold: First, we want this benchmark problem based on on-line optimization
to propose a benchmark problem for nonlinear control in a receding horizon manner. Such control schemes are
system design. This problem involves control of a highly usually termed nonlinear model predictive controllers [9].
nonlinear chemical reactor that exhibits interesting prop- The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 a com-
erties, like a change of steady state gain at the main op- plete description of the reactor is given including the
erating point. Secondly, we give a “reference” solution mathematical model with parameters. Section 3 briefly
to this benchmark problem based on a nonlinear model describes the specific operating point and the control
predictive control scheme. Despite the difficulty of the problem. We suggest a multi-input and a single-input
problem this controller achieves stability and good per- control problem. Finally, we propose a “reference” so-
formance to setpoint changes and disturbances in a ro- lution to those control problems in Section 4 where we
bust way. explain the structure and parameters of the controller
1 Introduction
2 Description of the CSTR [4]
For economic and chemical engineering reasons, it is of-
ten desirable to operate chemical reactors such that the The reactor under consideration is a continuous stirred
production of a wanted product is maximized. For this, a tank reactor with a cooling jacket in which cyclopentenol
reactor is considered at an operating point where optimal is produced from cyclopentadiene by acid-catalyzed elec-
yield with respect to a desired product is achieved. How- trophylic hydration in aqueous solution. This reactor was
ever, operation at this point can considerably complicate first described in [4] and is adopted unchanged in this
the design of control system, and is then the motivation paper. The reaction scheme and parameters are derived
to propose a benchmark problem for nonlinear control by theoretical modeling based on physical properties de-
system design, which is based on a specific continuous scribed in the literature for a real process. Details on the
stirred tank reactor (CSTR) that is described in [1, 4]. derivation of the chemical parameters and the physico-
The benchmark problem that will be described in Sec- chemical background can also be found in [4].
tions 2 and 3 is characterized by a number of interesting Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the reactor. The
features: main reaction is given by the transformation of cyclopen-
tadiene (substance A) to the product cyclopentenol (sub-
• The steady state gain changes its sign at the oper-
stance B). The initial reactant cyclopentadiene also re-
ating point. Thus, linear controllers (with integral
acts in an unwanted parallel reaction to the by-product
action) will not be able to stabilize this reactor and
dicyclopentadiene (substance D). Furthermore, cyclopen-
accomplish satisfying performance [6].
tanediol (substance C) is formed in an unwanted con-
• The zero dynamics changes its stability property at secutive reaction from the product cyclopentenol. This,
this operating point. Therefore, the qualitative be- so-called van der Vusse reaction, is described by the fol-
havior of the CSTR differs considerably for different lowing reaction scheme:
setpoints and disturbances. k1 k2
A −→ B −→ C
• The problem has a “real world” background. 3
2A −→
D .
∗ author to whom all correspondence should be addressed:
phone: +49-711-6856193, Fax: +49-711-6856371, The flow V̇ fed to the reactor contains only cyclopenta-
email: diene (substance A) with concentration cA0 and temper-
Table 1: Physico-chemical parameters for the CSTR
ear plants subject to input and state constraints. Dur- lead to poor performance or even instability. Thus, a
ing the last decade, many formulations have been devel- state estimator is needed in the case of output feedback.
oped for linear and nonlinear, stable and unstable, and Here, we use a continuous-discrete extended Kalman fil-
non-minimum-phase plants (e.g. [2, 8, 9]). This method ter (EKF) [3], which is an extension of the linear Kalman
has been successfully applied also in the process indus- filter to the more general case of nonlinear system with
try (e.g. [10]). In MPC the controller predicts the behav- discrete output measurements
ior of a plant over a prediction horizon using the plant
model and measurement, and determines a manipulated ẋ(t) = f (x(t)) + w(t) (6a)
variable sequence that optimizes some open-loop perfor- yk = g (x(tk )) + v k , (6b)
mance objective over the prediction horizon. This ma-
nipulated variable sequence is implemented until the next where w(t) and {v k } are random variables that represent
measurement becomes available. Then, the optimization noise. For details see for example [3].
problem is solved again. For a more detailed description of NMPC we refer for
The general formulation for nonlinear model predictive example to [2, 7, 9].
control (NMPC) may be stated (by some abuse of nota-
tion) as 4.2 Simulation results
known to hold. Hence, we choose the parameters for It is shown in Fig. 3 that the EKF quickly recovers from
the EKF in such a way that it has a good estimation the initial estimation error and gives very good estimates
performance. It is known that for linear non-minimum-
phase systems the closed-loop system can become unsta-
ble if the control action is too aggressive (i.e. the predic- 3.5
tion horizon is too “short” or the control horizon is too
cA [ mol ]
“long”) [7]. This happens also in the nonlinear case, espe- 2.5 Single-input
cially when the operating point is at the point of optimal 2 H
0 HcA 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
yield as in the case of the CSTR considered. Here, we Time [s]
Coolant Tempera-
trol horizon to be Nc = 3 with a sampling period of 20 115
seconds. And we also make the manipulated variables to 110
ture [o C]
maintain constant over two sampling periods.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
4.2.2 Setpoint tracking Time [s]
H ϑ̂
Fig. 2 shows the closed-loop response of the CSTR to step 108 0 Multi-input, Single-input
[o C]
cB , cB |s [ mol ]
Single-input 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time [s]
1 j
Figure 3: State and disturbance estimation for setpoint
0.8 tracking ( , − · − true and estimated variable in the
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
single-input case; −−, · · · true and estimated variable in
Time [s] the multi-input case).
variable V̇ [ 1 ]
VR h
of the states and the disturbance for both the multi-input
and single-input case.
In the Sections 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 we assume that there
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
is no estimation error in the initial states, but the initial
Time [s]
estimated disturbance ϑ̂0 takes the nominal value in (4).
variable Q̇K [ kJ ]
Thus, a rather large initial error was assumed. constraints and the other parameters being not changed).
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that both in the multi-input It is clear that the manipulated variable sequence is not
and single-input case only three steps are needed to bring totally stationary at the last optimization step, because
the concentration of product B into the required control the controller always tries to overcome the offset. Alto-
tolerance (±0.02 mol
l ) of the setpoint without large over- gether, the controller achieves a very good disturbance
shoot. attenuation.
1.12 1.2
cB , cB |s [ mol ]
cB , cB |s [ mol ]
Setpoint Single-input
1.06 0.8
variable V̇ [ 1 ]
variable V̇ [ 1 ]
VR h
VR h
20 30
15 20
10 10
5 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time [s] Time [s]
0 0
variable Q̇K [ kJ ]
variable Q̇K [ kJ ]
-6000 -8000
-8000 -10000
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time [s]
Time [s]
Figure 4: Disturbance attenuation of the CSTR con- Figure 5: Robustness to parameter uncertainties
trolled with NMPC ( single-input; −− multi-input). ( single-input; −− multi-input).