Teaching Vocabulary Using Cartoon Movie at SDN Bunklotok Batujai Lombok Tengah

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Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.

1, May 2017


Fitria Ulfa, Agus Salim, Dira Permana
SDN Bunklotok Batujai, Lombok Tengah, NTB

The aim of this research is to know whether or not Cartoon Movie is effective in teaching
vocabulary at the fifth grade students of SDN Bunklotok Batujai Lombok Tengah. The research
is conducted for one month at the first semester year students of SDN Bunklotok Batujai
Lombok Tengah. During the period of time, the sample is treated by using Cartoon Movie. The
result of the research reveals that mean score of post-test is (15.93) higher than pre-test is
(8.31). On the other hand, the standard deviation of posttest is (3.305) higher than pre-test is
(2.523) under the identification of t-test formula, it is found that the value of it is 10.820 higher
than t-table is (2.048), with the degree of freedom (df) was 29-1=28 for confidence level of
0.05% or 95%. From this point, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis is accepted
stating that Cartoon Movie is effective in teaching English vocabulary for the fifth grade
students of SDN Bunklotok Batujai Lombok Tengah.

Key Words: Teaching, Vocabulary, Cartoon Movie.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Cartoon Movie efektif pada pengajaran
vocabulary di SDN Bunklotok pada siswa kelas lima. Penelitian dilakukan selama satu bulan
pada semester pertama di SDN Bunklotok Batujai Lombok Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian ini
menyatakan bahwa nilai rata-rata dari post-test adalah (15.93) atau lebih tinggi dari pre-test
(8.31). Pada sisi lain, standar deviasi dari post-test adalah (3.305) lebih tinggi dari pre-test
(2.523) dalam mengidentifikasikan rumus t-test, nilai dari t-test adalah 10.820 lebih tinggi dari
nilai t-table (2.048), dengan degree of freedom (df) 29-1=28, dengan tingkat kepercayaan
0.05% atau 95%. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis alternatifnya diterima atau Cartoon
Movie efektif dalam pengajaran vocabulary untuk siswa kelas lima dari SDN Bunklotok Batujai
Lombok Tengah.

Kata Kunci: Mengajar, Kosa Kata,Film Kartun.

INTRODUCTION Indonesian young generation to be well

English is one of international prepared to face the Era of MEA.
languages, which is used throughout the Nowadays, we saw that English is not
world and also English is used in many only taught at the Junior High School,
fields of life such as: in Politics, Economics, Senior High School, but also it is taught at
Social and Education. Therefore, English as Elementary School as local content. This
a language in international communication is was a new step for the national education in
clearly needed by many learners to deliver Indonesia. (Depdiknas, 2004: 1).
thought and interact in a variety of situation. In this study, the researcher focused on
Moreover, today we are in (MEA) teaching vocabulary. Because vocabularies
Asian Economic Society, which the people were very important aspects in teaching
from Asean country would have came to language, as stated by Edward in his book: “
Indonesia to establish company and doing Vocabulary is one of the important factor in
business. This phenomenon obligate all language teaching, students must
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

continually be learning words as they learn a dictionary or set of words. This general
structure and as they practice sound system”. view is reflected in the lexicographical
Teaching English to the Elementary approach to the traditional way of listing
School students is different with teaching to words in a dictionary (Takac, 2008: 13).
adults, as we know Elementary School According to Thornburry (2002: 1)
students are students of around eleventh aword is a microcosm of human
years old of age, and we all understand that consciousness. All language have words,
in that age, they like to play rather than language emerges first as words, both
study. For example, when they feel bored historically, and in term of the way each of
with the class, they were slept during the us learned our first and any subsequent
class and ignore the lesson given by the languages. The coining of new words never
teacher. In teaching English to children, a stop. Nor does the acquisition of words.
teacher plays an important role because the Even in our first language we are continually
teacher has to give the very basic learning new words, and learning new
introduction of the first foreign language. meanings for old words.
The teacher should look for an Based on explanation above, the
effective technique to make learning researcher was concluded that vocabulary is
vocabulary easier, more pleasant, and a collection of words that a person knows, it
enjoyable. Techniques are the tools of a is an important component of speaking
teacher. An effective teacher has a multitude ability. Without a sufficient vocabulary,
of technique and must be able to select the students will not be able to understand the
ones, which would be the most efficient in reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
leading the learners to the desired terminal Vocabulary gives the effect of all skills,
behavior. To reach the success in teaching without have vocabulary the students cannot
and learning process, teacher needs some master a foreign language. If the students
teaching media such as cartoon movie. have lack of vocabulary, she or he will be
Based on the background on the study confused or lack of confidence in
above the researcher has an idea to communication because of all the skills in
conducted the research about teaching the English language dealing with words.
vocabulary using Cartoon Movie at
elementary school of SDN Bunklotok as an According to Thornburry (2002: 27) &
alternative technique in teaching vocabulary. Brown (2003:229) there are fourth indicator
of vocabulary follow as: (1) Pronunciation;
Review of Related Literature
Vocabulary is a challenge for learners, Research shows that words that are difficult
partly because of the size of the task, and to pronounce are more difficult to learn.
partly because of the variety of vocabulary Potentially difficult words will typically be
types to be learned including single words, those that contain sounds that are unfamiliar
phrases, collocations, and strategic to some groups of learners- such as regular
vocabulary as well as grammatical and lorry for Japanese speakers. Many
patterning, idioms, and fixed expressions learners find that words with clusters of
(McCarten, 2007: 18). consonants, such as strength or crisps or
Vocabulary is about words, where they breakfast, are also problematic. (2) Spelling;
come from, how they change, how they Sound-spelling mismatches are likely to be
relate to each other and how we use them to the cause of errors, either of pronunciation
view the world (Bauer, 2001: VIII). or of spelling, and can contribute to a words
Furthermore vocabulary could be defined as difficulty. While most English spelling is

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

fairly law-abiding, there are also some to know the students ability before getting
glaring irregularities. Words that contain the treatment, after that the researcher gave
silent letters are particularly problematic : the treatment to the students and then they
foreign, listen, headache, climbing, bored, would be post-test to know wether or not
honest, cupboard, muscle, etc. (3) Meaning; there is an effect after the treatment.
When two words overlap in meaning,
Population and Sample
learners are likely to confuse them. Make The population of this research was
and do are a case in point: you make taken from the fifth grade students of SDN
breakfast and make an appointment, but you BunklotokBatujai Lombok Tengah. The
do the housework and do a questionnaire. students consist of 29 people in one class.
Words with multiple meanings, such as since .
and still, can also be troublesome for The researcher was used one class
learners. Having learned one meaning of the consist of 29 students of the fifth grade
word, they may be reluctant to accept a which is pre-test experimental group and
second, totally different, meaning.
post-test as experimental group. In this study
Unfamiliar concepts may make a word the researcher was used sampling technique
difficult to learn. Thus, culture specific items by using total sampling. According to
such as word and expressions associated Sugiyono (2016: 124), total sampling was
with the game cricket ( a sticky wicket, a hat determination technique when all members
trick, a good innings) will seem fairly of the population used as a sample.
opaque to most learners and are unlikely to
be easily learned. (4) Using word; The latter Research Instrument
is the most authentic, but even that task is An instrument is a tool of doing
constrained by a contrived situation in which research by using method (Arikunto, 2006:
the test taker, usually in matter of seconds, 126). In this study, the researcher was
has to come up with an appropriate sentence, employed a test as instrument. Test is a set
which may or may not indicate that the test of question use for measuring the ability,
taker “knows” the word. knowledge, talent or skill of individual or a
Based on the indicators above, the group (Arikunto, 2006: 30). The test was
researcher will be focused on some applied in this study is multiple-choice and it
indicators that commonly measure in consists of 25 questions. Multiple-choice is a
vocabulary such as form, synonym, test can be used to answer the effect of
antonym, meaning and description. cartoon movie. The test is aimed to know the
student ability in teaching vocabulary.
Techniques of Data Collection
Research Design pre-test is test that the researcher
This research used quantitative gave for the studetns to know the ability of
approach. The research design used in this the students in teaching vocabulary mastery
research was an experimental design in the before teaching and learning process
form of pre-experimental with one group conducting by the researcher. The test would
pre-test post-test design. In this research, the be given is multiple-choice, which is to
sample that was used only one class that know the ability of students` vocabulary
consists of 29 students of the fifth grade before teaching by using Cartoon Movie.
which is pre-test experimental group and The test of the study consists of 25 questions
post-test as experimental group. The with four options. If the correct answer
researcher gave the pre-test to the students,

Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

would be scoring 4 (four) and the wrong calculated standard deviation and interpreted
answer would be score 0 (zero). standard deviation.
Post-test is a test that the researcher The result of the t-test was 10.820 and
gave for the studetns to know the ability of t-table was 2,048 that was mean that the t-
students in vocabulary mastery after the test value was higher than the t-table.
researcher giving the treatment (cartoon These indicated that cartoon movie is
movie) to the students in teaching and effective in teaching vocabulary using
learning process. cartoon movie at SDN Bunklotok Batujai
Lombok Tengah in academic Year
In In this chapter the researcher 2016/2017. It means that the null hypothesis
presentes the result of this study. The score was accepted and the alternative hypothesis
of pre-test and post-test were taken from the was rejected.
data of the study. In the first meeting the CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION
researcher organized pre-test to know the
students ability in vocabulary. After that the The conclusion of this research shows
researcher applied the treatment to the that Cartoon Movie is effective toward
students by using Cartoon Movie. Then the studetns’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth
researcher conducted post-test to the grade of SDN BunklotokBatujai Lombok
students. Tengah in academic year 2016/2017. It can
Based on the researcher question in be conferred that the null hypothesis (Ho) is
chapter one “is Cartoon Movie effective in rejected and therefore the alternative
teaching vocabulary at SDN Bunklotok hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Finally, the
Batujai Lombok Tengah in academic year researcher may conclude that the use cartoon
2016/2017”? movie in teaching vocabulary is effective.
To find out the solution of the
problem, the researcher analyses the data Suggestions
obtained from pre-test and post-test. Then The teacher should be more creative to
the researcher presented the statistical make students’ motivation increased in using
computation of mean score both of groups. media or strategy that make students do not
The discussions continue to analyze and feel bored in the class. The researcher hopes
interpret the finding. The statistical that the students would be more active in
computation covers the calculation of the learning vocabulary by using cartoon movie
both pre-test and post-test experimental because it is to make them easy to
group. understand the words in English. The
Based on the description analysis of researcher hopes this research is able to used
the data above, the researcher continues to by the next researchers who intend to
discuss the result. The mean score of the conduct further research with different field
Pre-test and post-test was obtained by of study.
dividing the sum of the students score of REFERENCES
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was 8.31 and post-test was 15.93. After Teaching Vocabulary. New York:
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Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, Vol. 5 No.1, May 2017

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