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1087 3390 1 PB PDF
Desember 2018
This research is aimed to find out: (1) The students’ problem in learning Vocabulary and (2)
The extend the use of Make a Match technique to increase students’ vocabulary mastery for
the fourth grade students of SDN 4 Troso in the academic 2017/2018. The method in this
research is Classroom Action Research. It was carried out in three cycles of actions. In each
cycle consist of Planning, Action, Observation, and Action. The Research was done based on
Kemmis and Mac Taggart Design. The technique for collecting data are observation, test, and
interview. The data were analyzed by using quantitative data and qualitative data.The problem
got in this research was the students feel tired and bored, because the teacher asked the
students to write the vocabularies and to pronounce the vocabularies. After conducted of Make
a Match Technique students enthusiastic in the lesson and looked enjoy during the
implementation of Make a Match Technique . The result of this research showed that Make a
Match Technique can improve students' vocabulary. It could be seen from the average in every
cycle.The first cycle was 70.98, then the second cycle was 73.7, and the third cycle was 76.1,
which stated that Make a Match Technique was effective to taught vocabulary mastery at
Fourth Grade of SD Negeri 4 Troso.
people around the world. Therefore, English interested to join in this technique. There are
is taught since elementary school, junior high many effect from this technique. Make a
school, senior high school and university. Match Technique is one interesting technique
There are four language skills in English: because the students will be active and
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. motivated in English learning.
<< | 42 Among the four skills above indicate that each According Suprijono (in Sari, 2016:30)
ability requires special preparation, one of that Make a Match technique is one technique
which is understanding vocabulary. in cooperative learning developed by Lorrna
According Yamin (2009:14 in Sunhaji Curran. In this technique the teacher must
2016:132) stated that student have differences prepare some card that contain several
in interest, competence, hobby, experience, concept, vocabulary items or topics and
and learning style. By means of learning answer.
activity, class organization, subject matter, During the observation inSDN 4 Troso,
learning time, tool of learning, and system the researcher found problem related with
of evaluation. It means that learning process vocabulary. The problem can be formulated
concerns interest, gifted, capability, learning as follows: (1) What is students’ problem in
method and strategy, learning motivation and learning vocabulary and, (2) What extend the
social background of student, as well as use of Make a Match technique to increase
motivating a student is to develop the students’ vocabulary mastery for the fourth
potention opimally. It means that learning grade students of SDN 4 Troso in the
vocabulary is not easy because the students academic 2017/2018.
has different problems, so that the teachers The objective of the research is to
should need various method which will findout : (1) The students’ problem in learning
encourage students to learn vocabulary. vocabulary and (2) The extend the use of
Although English as compulsory Make a Match technique to increase students’
subject in Indonesia, but many students vocabulary mastery for the fourth grade
graduate with minimal score. One of factors students of SDN 4 Troso in the academic
in this case is lack of vocabulary.From 2017/2018.
observation in SDN 4 Trosodone by the
researcher, the result shows that teaching and Vocabulary
learning process in SDN 4 Troso is rather Vocabulary is one of importants aspect
passive. Students just listen and there is no in English language that should be
feedback. Beside that, the students are busy mastered by learners. Vocabulary is tool to
with themselves and always talk with friend, communicate and share information in
consequently students don’t get understand English. The people will be misunderstand
the learning material well. It also, the students when he or she not understand vocabulary
feel tired and bored, because the teacher asked with clearly.According by Maduratna
students to write the vocabularies and to (2014:290) that Vocabulary includes
pronounce the vocabularies. collection of words. They are known not only
Based on the appeared problem, it is as individual words, but also a group of words
necessary for researcher tothe implementation that have meaning.
of Make A Match Technique to increase According Raphael (2002:2) that
students’ vocabulary mastery. When the vocabulary is words are the primary building
teacher applied this technique, the student was blocks of effective communication.
group brings questions and another brings technique to teach English in Elementary
answer cards. And they have to find their school.
matches. In this technique, the students are
divided into two groups, “A” group and “B” METHOD OF THE RESEARCH
group. Each of the student of the group get According to Mubarok (2015:62) CAR
<< | 44 one card. The students in “a” group bring the isResearch in the Classroom to get solve
topic cards while the students in “b” group problem and improve students’
bring the simple description cards. When ability.According to Burns (1999 in Putri,
the students looking for their matches, the 2013:51 ) that the focus of action research is
teacher turn on the music as back sound to on concrete and practical issue concerns to
make the students relax and enjoy the particular social groups or communities.
activity. After they find their matches, they While the essence is on particular groups,
have to report it to the teacher and the last the participatory are the members of the
step is the teacher asks them to compose actual community understudy.
longer paragraph based on the topic they According to Mubarok (2015:75) that
got. CAR has two approaches, these are individual
There are some instructions to play and collaborative approach. This research
make a match tehnique in the class by Aqib conducts individual approach to action
(2013:23 in Maduratna, 2014:292) that the research are those which directly teach in the
proposes procedures of make-a match class without helped from the Englilsh class.
technique. The steps are: Individual approaches also, the teacher make
1. The teacher prepares some cards that some lesson plan to teach with lonely. In this
contain some concepts or a suitable topic research, the researcher as a English teacher
for review sessionpart is contains and researcher.
questions and the other is the answer.
2. Every student gets a card. Procedure of the Research
3. Every studentthought the answer or the This study used classroom action
question from the card that they hold. research, so in this case the researcher used
4. Every student found their partner that has three cycles. The writer has the role as teacher
a matching card with his card. and observer.The writer delivered material to
5. Every student who find their suitable card the students.The writer uses classroom action
before the time up will get a point. research Kemmis and Taggart model which
6. After the first session, the card is consist of four step, there are: planning,
shuffled, so the students will get the acting, observing, and reflecting. It is
different card in the nextsession. It is comprissed in three cycles.
continued until this activity is ended.
7. Teacher together with the students make
a conclusion from thematerial that have
been given by teacher.
From the procedure above, can
beconcluded thatMake a Match is a simple
and easy technique to use it is interesting.
It is suitable for the school which has limited
Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model the action, the researcher uses some cards in
teaching vocabulary. There are some steps
that have been planned before such as pre
activity, main activity, and post activity.
Observation is one of the instruments 45 | >>
which are used in collecting data.As a
scientific method, observation can be
systematically used to observe and note all of
the phenomena investigated like the students’
feeling, thinking and something they do in the
process of teaching learning vocabulary. In
this step, the researcher observes all the
activities in teaching and learning process.
The purpose of observation is to know the
effectiveness of Make a Match Technique in
teaching vocabulary.
Reflection is an activity in expressing of
experience that is had by the researcher as a
The planning means that researcher
self-evaluation. They make an evaluation
prepares the step of action needed for doing
based on the result of the observation to find
CAR.The reason of doing this research is
the weakness of the activities that have been
based on the fact that students have
carried out in using Make a Match Technique
difficulties in building their vocabularies.
in teaching vocabulary. The weakness can be
Thus, Make a Match technique are used to
refined in the next cycle.
increase the students’ vocabulary. In order to
achieve the purpose of this CAR, researcher
Technique of Data Collection
plans are as follows :
Data collection is important in the
1. Preparing material, making lesson plan
research as describe by Sujarweni (2014:74)
and designing the steps in doing action.
as follows :
2. Preparing some cards which are
“Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan
appropriate with the topic given.
cara yang dilakukan peneliti untuk
3. Preparing list of students’ name and
mengungkapkan atau menjaring informasi
kuantitatif maupun kualitatif dari responden
4. Preparing sheets for classroom
sesuai lingkup penelitian.”
Based on description above data
5. Designing the test in each cycle to
collection is the process of gathering and
increase students’ vocabulary mastery.
measuring information on targeted variables.
In doing the action research, the writer used
The researcher conduct an action after
several appropriate techniques and methods.
planning is complete. Action refer to what the
To carry out her study, the writer had to
researcher does in the classroom and how the
collect data containing some information
class is managed based on the lesson plan. In
data about the students at fourth grade. In and the student’s motivation in learning
academic year 2017/2018, the number of the English vocabulary.
fourth grade is 46 students, it consist of male Teaching English vocabularies by using
16 and 30 Female. The researcher applied Make a Match was the process of making the
Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the students more active and interested in English
method in conducting this research. It is class. This technique was good to improve the 47 | >>
comprised in three cycles. students’ English vocabulary. As the result,
The researcher held the test after score of the English was increase well.
applied the technique. In every cycle, there is
significant of the average. In the first cycle, CONCLUSION
the students get mean 70,98. The situation of According the data from observation
first cycle was the students are enthusiastic of and interview, the researcher get the
the learning English.After analyzing the result conclusion the students’ problem at Fourth
of action in cycle I, the researcher concludes grade of SDN 4 Troso in learning English
that many students cannot pronounce the vocabulary was the students are bored of the
vocabulary well. Then, in second cycle the teaching and learning process because the
students get mean 73.7. teacher just asked the students to write, after
In second cycle, the students give the that the students read together. This activity
response, feedback or comment about the runs in regularly everyday. Beside that, the
material.After analyzed the result of action in students get difficult to pronounce the word.
cycle II, the researcher can be seen that the After did the test, the researcher get the
students can pronounce English vocabulary result was the teaching learning process by
better, but they still have difficulty in writing using Make a Match Technique gives the
the vocabulary when the teacher tested them. positive effect in improving the
In the last cycle, the mean of test was 76.1. the student’svocabulary and also Make a Match
studentsare active and looked enjoy, When Technique help students to understand clearly
the researcher given explanation of the and easily.It can be seen from the result of the
material.After analyzed the result of action score in every cycle, the researcher seen that
and observation in the cycle 3, the researcher the average from cycle to cycle improves
concluded that students’ vocabulary mastery significantly, where the average score in the
improved after they are taught by Make a last cycle is better that first cycle. The mean
Match Technique. score of first cycle was 70.98, then the mean
Based on the Activity of teaching of second cycle was 73.7, and the mean of
learning English vocabulary by Make a Match third cycle was 76.1, which stated that Make
Technique at Fourth grades of SDN 4 Troso. a Match Technique was effective to taught
The researcher explained the influences of vocabulary mastery at fourth grade of SDN 4
using Make a Match Technique. Make a Troso.
Match Technique gave the positive effect in
improving the student’s English vocabulary
Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. How to Teach English An Introduction to the Practice of English
Language Teaching. England : Longman Publishing Group.