23 Syamsiarna Nappu
23 Syamsiarna Nappu
23 Syamsiarna Nappu
Mastering English vocabulary is crucial for students when they want to speak or write
well in English. This pre-experimental study employed pre-post tests design which was
aimed at finding out whether or not jigsaw technique improved students’ vocabulary
mastery. The population was the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng Gowa in
academic year 2016/2017 that consisted of 36 students. There were two variables; they
are independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is the use of Jigsaw
Technique and dependent variable is the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of the
data showed that there was a signifit difference between students’ post-test and pre-test.
The mean score of post-test was 75.11 which is greater than the mean score of pre-test
that was only 55. Furthermore, it is found that the value of t-test (11.83) was greater
than t-table (2.030) at the level of significance .05. It means that there is a significant
difference between the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test. Therefore, the
alternative hypothesis was accepted while the null hypothesis was rejected.. This finding
indicated that using Jigsaw Technique improved the students’vocabulary.
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”
posttest was greater than the rate percentage hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means that
in pretest. teaching English through Jigsaw Technique
The significant score between the is effective in improving students’
students mean score in Pre-test and Post-test vocabulary.
can be known by using T-test. The result of The description of the data collected
T-test showed that Jigsaw Technique is from students’ vocabulary in terms of noun,
effective to increase the students’ verb and adjective, as explanation in the
vocabulary. This findings is in line with previous section showed that the students’
Arronson (1978:16) who propound that vocabulary had improved. It was supported
Jigsaw Technique enables each students by the mean score and percentage of the
could learning by group. In this technique, students’ pre-test and post-test. Based on the
the students meet with members from others findings above, the use of jigsaw technique
groups who are assigned the same material, made students to gain higher
and after measuring the materials they return In the first meeting, the pre-test is
to their group and teach the material to their distributed. It seems that most of students
group members. In a Jigsaw puzzle, each did not know how to differentiate which
students part is essential for the completion one is noun, verb and adjective. This
and full understanding of the final product. caused by students’ lack of vocabulary. It
Therefore, Jigsaw Technique will give the could be seen in Table1 that the students’
students good feel in learning vocabulary vocabulary achievement in pre-test was
and the students can increase their poor, it was only 55. While test had
vocabulary each other as a team. That is improved 75,11. It was higher than pre-test
why Jigsaw Technique is effective in score.
increasing the students vocabulary at the It means that implementation of
eighth grade students of SMP Neg. 1 Jigsaw Technique in treatment of students’
Bajeng, Gowa. The result of T-test can be SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng was success to make
seen in the Table 4. students know kinds of noun, verb and
Table 4. Distribution the Value of T-test and The result of the T-test statistical
T-table in Post-test analysis showed that the students were
easier to understand the material because
Variable t-test value t-table value they work together. It proved by the t-test
value is 11,83 was higher than t-table
value (2.030) at the level of significance
Vocabulary 11,83 2.030
0,05 and the degree of freedom ( - 1) =
36 = 36 – 1 = 35. It means that the null
hypothesis was rejected and
alternative hypothesis was accepted.
Table 4 shows that t-test value was
Jigsaw Technique could improve the
greater than t-table. The result of the test
students’ vocabulary. It was proved by the
shows there was significant difference
result of students achievement in
between t-table and t-test (2.045<11,83), it
vocabulary. In line with Aronson (1978:16)
means that, t-table was lower than t-test.
propound that jigsaw technique enable each
Seeing at the result, then it comes to
students could learning by group. In this
the conclusion that the null hypothesis (Ho)
technique, the students meet with members
was rejected and while alternative
from other groups who are assigned the
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”
same material, and after mastering the improve significantly students’ vocabulary
materials they return to their group and at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng,
teach the material to their group members. Gowa.
In this technique each students part is
essential for the completion and full REFERENCES
understanding of the final product.
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Jigsaw Technique can also
& Snapp, M, 1978. The Jigsaw
develop teamwork and cooperation learning
Classroom , Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
skill with all students. In addition I helps
develop depth of knowledge for each Aronson, E, and Thibodeau, R. 1992. The
students. Teaching students in a group can Jigsaw Classroom: A Cooperative
be having experience for each students, Strategy for Reducing Prejudice, In J.
because the students will study together, Lynch, C Modgil and S. Modgil
sharing information by each groups. So they (Eds.), Cultural diversity in the
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SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng, Gowa was effective Handbook of Coopertive Learning
in learning vocabulary by using Jigsaw Methods, Greenwood Press.
Technique. Further, it can be concluded that http//www.public.asu.edu/~ledlow/sle
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CONCLUSION Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikam\n
Based on the research findings and dan Kebudayaan.
discussions, then it can be concluded the use Good, 1973. Dictionary of Education. New
of Jigsaw Technique was effective to York: McGraw Hill Book Company.
improve students’ vocabulary at the Eighth
Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng, Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. How to Teach
Gowa. It was proved by the students mean English an Introducing to the
score improves from Pre-Test to Post-Test. Practice of English Language
The students mean score of Pre-Test was 55 Teaching. London : Longman.
in Post-Test was higher than mean score of Hornby, As. 1973. Oxford Advanced
Pre-Test. The improvement was also proved Learner’s Dictionary of Current
by the value of t-test is 11.83which is bigger English Great Britain: Oxford
than the ratio on t-table (2.030). The result University Press.
of the t-test statistical analysis was also
Jacobs, G, Power, M., and Loh, W. 2002.
proved that the use of Jigsaw Technique
The Teacher’s Sourcebook for
“Scientific Publications toward Global Competitive Higher Education”