RFP For Sports Complex
RFP For Sports Complex
RFP For Sports Complex
ଜିଲ୍ଲା ଖଣିଜ ପଦାର୍ଥ ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ାଠ ନ, ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ.
(1st floor, DMF Office)
District Rural Development Agency
Sundargarh – 770001
Tel / Fax No. 06622-273846
E-mail – dmfsundergarh@gmail.com
The Collector-cum-Chairperson, District Mineral Foundation (DMF) Sundargarh, Government of Odisha invites
technical and financial proposals from reputed Consulting Firms of National and International repute for
“Selection of Consultancy Firm/ Agency for Preparation of Detailed Project Report(DPR) for
Development of Sports Infrastructure including Site Development, Land Scaping, Sports Surface,
1. Road and Pathway, Sport Equipment’s, Sound System etc. at Bhabanipur, Sundargarh (Odisha)”
as detailed in the Scope of Work in this DTCN. The interested and eligible Firms with valid Registration
Certificate as a Company, as detailed in DTCN, may apply for the same in OFF-LINE mode. (For details visit
Collector-cum- Chairperson
DMF, Sundargarh
Memo No. …………….. / (DMF)/ Dated …………………….//
Copy forwarded to the Editor, THE TIMES OF INDIA toibbsr@gmail.com) with a request to publish in
their Daily English Newspapers (All INDIA CIRCULATION)/ Editor, SAMAJ (E-Mail:samaja.sng@gmail.com) &
PRAMEYA (jagasng@gmail.com) before 19-11-2018 for wide publication & circulation of this Tender Call Notice.
Complimentary copy of newspaper containing the Tender Call Notice should be submitted to this office for reference
& record along with the Bill.
Collector-cum- Chairperson
DMF, Sundargarh
Copy to the A.D.M., Sundargarh/ Rourkela/ Sub-Collector, Sadar/ Panposh/ Bonai/ All Block Development
Officers of the District/Executive Engineer, R&B Division, Sundargarh/ Rourkela/ Executive Engineer, RW Division,
Sundargarh/Rourkela/ Executive Engineer Minor Irrigation Division ,Sundargarh/ Executive Engineer, Irrigation
Division ,Sundargarh/ Executive Engineer, Rukura Irrigation Division, Panposh/ Executive Engineer, RWSS Division,
Sundargarh/Rourkela/ Executive Engineer, OLIC, Sundargarh/ Rourkela/ Executive Engineer, PHED,
Rourkela/Executive Officers of Urban Local Bodies of the district/ DI & PRO, Sundargarh/ Rourkela for information
and with a request to display this Tender Notice in their respective office Notice Board for wide publication.
Copy to Addl. P.D.(Tech.), DRDA, Sundargarh/ to Addl. P.D.(Admn.), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst. Director,
OREDA, DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst. P.D.(Finance), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Asst. P.D.(RH), DRDA, Sundargarh/ Junior
Engineer(Estimator), DRDA, Sundargarh/Cashier, DRDA, Sundargarh/ DMF Cell, Sundargarh/ Notice Board of
DRDA, Sundargarh for information & necessary action. They are requested to remain present during opening of the
Bid Documents.
a) The information contained in the Request for Proposal document (“RFP”) is provided to Bidders on the terms
and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is
b) The RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF to
the prospective Bidders or any other person. The purpose of the RFP is to provide interested parties with
information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their Proposals pursuant to this RFP. The RFP
includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Collector &
Chairperson, DMF in relation to the Consultancy. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport
to contain all the information that each Bidder may require. The RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and
it is not possible for the Collector & Chairperson, DMF, its employees or advisers to consider the objectives,
technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses the RFP. The assumptions, assessments,
statements and information contained in the RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each
Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in the RFP
and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
c) Information provided in the RFP to the Bidders is on a wide range of matters, some of which depends upon
interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should
not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF accepts
no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein.
d) The Collector & Chairperson, DMF, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability to any person including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles
of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or
be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in the RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or
information contained therein or deemed to form part of the RFP or arising in any way in this Selection Process.
The Collector & Chairperson, DMF also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in the RFP. The
Collector & Chairperson, DMF may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so,
update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in the RFP.
e) The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Collector & Chairperson, DMF is bound to select a Bidder or to
appoint the Successful Bidder / Technical Consultant, as the case may be, for the Consultancy and the Collector
& Chairperson, DMF reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals without assigning any reasons
f) The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal
including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF or any other costs
incurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder
and the Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other
costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission of the Proposal, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the Selection Process.
Letter of Invitation
a) Collector cum Chairperson and managing Trustee, DMF, Sundargarh, invites technical and financial
proposals in two envelope systems from eligible consultants for “Selection of Consultancy Firm/ Agency for
Preparation of Detailed Project Report(DPR) for Development of Sports Infrastructure including Site
Development, Land Scaping, Sports Surface, Road and Pathway, Sport Equipment’s, Sound System etc. at
Bhabanipur, Sundargarh (Odisha)”.
b) Eligible bidders are therefore requested to submit their proposals as depicted in various clauses and
sections of bid document. Document fee Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) shall be paid in the form
of demand draft to the name of Chief Executive Officer, District Mineral Foundation, Sundargarh, Odisha,
which shall be kept in a Separate envelope with the bid document.
c). Duly completed proposals shall be received in office of up to 12.12.2018 till 3.00 P.M. accompanied by a
Earnest Money Deposit for an amount of Rs.2,00,000.00 in the form of DD / FDR/ BG of any nationalized /
scheduled bank in the favour of The Chief Executive Officer, District Mineral Foundation, Sundargarh,
Odisha. The earnest money deposit shall remain valid for a period of next 90 days. The proposal shall be
opened on Dated- 15-12-2018 at 5.30 P.M. in Pragati Mandap, Sundargarh and reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals without assigning any reason there off.
The Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall endeavour to adhere to the following schedule:
Collector cum Chairperson and Managing Trustee
3 Joint venture No
The Collector cum Chairperson and Managing Trustee invites “Selection of Consultancy Firm/ Agency for
Preparation of Detailed Project Report(DPR) for Development of Sports Infrastructure including Site
Development, Land Scaping, Sports Surface, Road and Pathway, Sport Equipment’s, Sound System etc. at
Bhabanipur, Sundargarh (Odisha) ”.
5.1 General terms of Bidding
5.1.1 An Applicant can submit only one Proposal.
5.1.2 The Bidder should submit a Power of Attorney as per the format at Appendix – II, authorising the
signatory of the Proposal to commit the Bidder.
5.1.4 The Proposal and all communications in relation to or concerning the Bidding Documents shall
be in English language.
5.1.5 The Bidding Documents including this RFP and all attached documents are and shall remain the
property of the Collector & Chairperson, DMF and are transmitted to the Bidders solely for the
purpose of preparation and the submission of a Proposal in accordance herewith. Bidders are to
treat all information as strictly confidential and shall not use it for any purpose other than for
preparation and submission of their Proposal. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF will not return
any Proposal or any information provided along therewith.
5.1.7 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, the detailed terms specified in
the General Conditions of Contract shall have overriding effect.
5.2.1 The Bidders shall be responsible for all the costs incurred by them, associated with the
preparation of their Proposal and their participation in the Bidding Process. The Collector &
Chairperson , DMF will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.
5.3.1 Bidders are encouraged to submit their respective Proposal after visiting the site and any other
matter considered relevant by them.
b. received all relevant information requested from the Collector & Chairperson , DMF;
c. acknowledged and accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information provided in the
Bidding Documents or furnished by or on behalf of the Collector & Chairperson , DMF relating to any of
the matters above;
d. satisfied itself about all matters, things and information necessary and required for submitting an
informed Proposal, execution of the Project in accordance with the Bidding Documents and
performance of all of its obligations there under;
5.3.3 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error on the part
of the Bidder in respect of any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or
concerning or relating to RFP, the Bidding Documents or the Bidding Process, including any error or
mistake therein or in any information or data given by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF.
5.4.1 Not withstanding anything contained in this RFP, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right
to accept or reject any Proposal or to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Bids at any time without
any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any
reasons therefore.
5.4.2 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right to reject any Proposal and appropriate the Bid
Security if:
b. The Bidder does not provide, within the time specified by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF the
supplemental information sought by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF for evaluation of the Bid.
c. Such misrepresentation/ improper response shall lead to the disqualification of the Bidder.
5.4.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Service Agreement or
after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that one or more of the conditions have
not been met by the Bidder or the Bidder has made material misrepresentation or has given any
materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed
as the Technical Consultant either by issue of the LOA or entering into of the Service Agreement, and if
the Bidder has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Service Agreement, as the case may
be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this RFP, be liable
to be terminated, by a communication in writing by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF to the Bidder,
without the Collector & Chairperson, DMF being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder or
Technical Consultant, as the case may be. In such an event, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall forfeit
and appropriate the Bid Security in accordance with relevant.
5.4.4 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right to verify all statements, information and
documents submitted by the Bidder in response to the RFP. Failure of the Collector &
Chairperson, DMF to undertake such verification shall not relieve the Bidder of its obligations or
liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Collector & Chairperson, DMF there under.
5.4.5 The General Conditions of contract is provided by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF as part of
the Bidding Documents shall be deemed to be part of this RFP.
5.5 Clarifications
5.5.1 Bidders requiring any clarification on the RFP may notify the Collector & Chairperson, DMF in
writing or by fax and e-mail to the address in accordance with relevant Clause. They should send
in their queries before the date mentioned in the Schedule of Bidding Process specified in
relevant Clause, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall endeavour to respond to the queries
within the period specified therein. The responses will be sent by fax or e-mail. The Collector &
Chairperson, DMF will forward all the queries and its responses thereto, to all Bidders without
identifying the source of queries.
5.5.2 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or
clarifications sought by the Bidders. However, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the
right not to respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing
in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring the Collector & Chairperson, DMF
to respond to any question or to provide any clarification.
5.5.3 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue
interpretations and clarifications to all Bidders. All clarifications and interpretations issued by the
Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall be deemed to be part of the Bidding Documents. Verbal
clarifications and information given by Collector & Chairperson, DMF or its employees or
representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on the Collector & Chairperson, DMF.
5.6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Proposals, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF
may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a
Bidder, modify the RFP by the issuance of Addenda.
5.6.2 Any Addendum thus issued will be sent to all the Bidders through email only.
5.6.3 In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account, or
for any other reason, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF may, at its own discretion, extend the
Proposal Due Date.
5.7.1 The Bidder shall provide all the information sought under this RFP. The Collector & Chairperson,
DMF will evaluate only those Proposals that are received in the required formats and complete
in all respects.
5.7.2 The Proposal shall be typed or written in indelible ink and signed by the authorised signatory of
the Bidder who shall also initial each page, in blue ink. All the alterations, omissions, additions or
any other amendments made to the Proposal shall be initialled by the person(s) signing the Bid.
5.8.1 The Bidder shall submit the Proposal in the format specified in relevant Clause, and seal it in
5.8.2 The documents accompanying the Proposal shall be placed in separate envelopes and marked as
indicated below. The Proposal submission shall include:
Envelope 1: “Key Submissions”
a. Proposal consisting of the Bidders’ financial offer for the Project in the format set out in
Appendix IV of this document. The Financial Proposal shall be quoted as @..........% fees,
inclusive of all other taxes.
b. The financial proposal shall be inclusive of all out of pocket expenses incurred by the
Consultant towards Local site office, site visits, travel, documentation and communication
etc., taxes, royalties, fees, taxes and charges, excluding GST, as applicable except those as
prescribed in this RFP.
c. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right to reject any Financial Proposal which
is conditional and non-responsive.
5.8.3 The two envelopes specified in relevant Clause shall be placed in an outer envelope, which shall
be sealed. Each of the three envelopes shall clearly bear the following identification: “Selection
of Consultancy Firm/ Agency for Preparation of Detailed Project Report(DPR) for Development
of Sports Infrastructure including Site Development, Land Scaping, Sports Surface, Road and
Pathway, Sport Equipment’s, Sound System etc. at Bhabanipur, Sundargarh (Odisha)” and shall
clearly indicate the name and address of the Bidder. In addition, the Proposal Due Date should
be indicated on the right hand top corner of each of the envelopes.
ADDRESS: DMF Office, 1st Floor, DRDA Building, Sundargarh, Odisha – 770001
If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF
assumes no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the contents of the
Proposal submitted.
5.8.5 Bids submitted by fax, telex, telegram or e-mail shall not be entertained and shall be rejected.
5.9.1 Proposal should be submitted before 15:00 hours IST on the Proposal Due Date at the address.
5.9.2 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF may, in its sole discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date by
issuing an Addendum in accordance with relevant Clause uniformly for all Bidders.
5.10.1 Bids received by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF after the specified time on the Proposal Due
Date shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
5.11 Rejection of Proposals
5.11.1 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the Proposals
without assigning any reason whatsoever. It is not obligatory for the Collector & Chairperson,
DMF to accept any Proposal or to give any reasons for their decision.
5.11.2 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF reserves the right not to proceed with the Bidding Process at
any time, without notice or liability, and to reject any Proposal without assigning any reasons.
5.11.3 Proposals will not be accepted if document fee & EMD, payable at Sundargarh is not submitted
in a separate envelope with the bid document.
5.12.1 The Proposal shall be valid for a period of not less than 90 days from the Proposal Due Date
subject to the conditions prescribed in bid document. The validity of Proposal may be extended
by mutual consent of the respective Bidders and the Collector & Chairperson, DMF.
5.13 Confidentiality
5.13.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the
Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or
is not a retained professional advisor advising the Collector & Chairperson, DMF in relation to or
matters arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF will
treat all information, submitted as part of the Proposal, in confidence and will require all those
who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. The Collector & Chairperson,
DMF may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity
that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or
privilege of the statutory entity and/ or the Collector & Chairperson, DMF.
5.14.1 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall not entertain any correspondence with any Bidder in
relation to acceptance or rejection of any Proposal.
5.15.1 The Bidder shall furnish EMD amount Rs.2,00,000/- with the Proposal in the form of a FDR /
Demand Draft issued by a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in India, drawn in favour of Chief
Executive Officer, District Mineral Foundation, Sundargarh. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF
shall not be liable to pay any interest on the Bid Security deposit so made and the same shall be
interest free.
5.15.2 Any Proposal not accompanied by the Bid Security shall be rejected by the Collector &
Chairperson, DMF as non-responsive.
5.15.3 The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF,
without any interest, as promptly as possible on acceptance of the Proposal of the successful
Bidder or when the Bidding process is cancelled by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF. Where Bid
Security has been paid by deposit, the refund thereof shall be in the form of an account payee
demand draft in favour of the unsuccessful Bidder(s).
5.15.4 The Successful Bidder’s Bid Security will be retained as a part of the performance security.
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5.15.5 The Bid Security shall be forfeited and appropriated by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF as
damages payable to the Collector & Chairperson, DMF for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of the
Collector & Chairperson, DMF without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to the Collector & Chairperson, DMF hereunder or otherwise, under the following
b. If a Bidder withdraws its Proposal during the period of Proposal validity as specified in this
RFP and as extended by the Bidder from time to time;
c. In the case of successful Bidder, if it fails within the specified time limit - to sign the Service
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Method of Selection shall be QCBS. The bidder’s competence and capability is proposed to be established by
the following parameters.
a. Bidder Responsiveness.
b. Technical Experience.
Bidder meeting all the criteria only will be qualified for future evaluation of the proposal.
a. The Outer Envelope and Envelope 1 shall be opened by any officer authorized for the same after
the bid due time on the Proposal Due Date, at the place specified in bid document and in the
presence of the Bidders who choose to attend.
b. The Collector & Chairperson, DMF will subsequently examine and evaluate the Proposals in
accordance with the provisions set out in relevant Sections.
c. To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, the Collector & Chairperson, DMF may, at its sole
discretion, seek clarifications in writing from any Bidder regarding its Proposal.
The Collector & Chairperson, DMF shall determine whether each Proposal is responsive to the requirements
of the RFP. A Proposal shall be considered responsive only if:
c. It is signed, sealed, in spiral bound booklet and marked as stipulated in bid document.
f. It contains all the information (complete in all respects) as requested in this RFP and/or Bidding
Documents (in formats same as those specified);
Satisfying the Test of Responsiveness is mandatory for Bidders to be selected for next stage of evaluation. If
any material deviation is found in the formats then it will be judged as non- responsive.
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6.3 Technical Proposal
For the purpose of this RFP the applicant shall be evaluated on the following.
The bidders should have average annual turnover not less than Rs. 400 lacs during last three years. This
evidence must be shown by the bidders in technical proposals supported with audited financial
statements/balance sheet.
The technical proposals of only those bidders, who qualify in the above mentioned qualifying stage, shall be
opened. The technical evaluation criteria for selection of consultant are given below:-
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Eligible Assignment
15 points for meeting minimum eligibility criteria for Eligible project and 5 points
1 for each additional eligible project with Project value more than Rs. 100 Crores to 25
a maximum of 25 points
Eligible Assignment
5 points for experience of Eligible Assignment with some Central Govt.
Department / State Govt. Department / Central Autonomous Body / Central Public
2 Sector undertaking with the project cost each not less than Rs 150.00 crore and 5 10
points for each additional eligible project with Project value more than Rs.150
Crores to a maximum of 10 points
10 points for experience of Completed Master planning for one Eligible project of
2 10
not less than 70 Acres
Bidders obtaining at least 70 marks shall be eligible for financial proposal to be opened.
6.4 Evaluation of Financial Proposals
6.4.1 Under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method to allow comparison on a common basis,
each Financial Proposal will be carefully scrutinised and an Estimated Total Price (ETP) will be
determined. The Financial Proposal with the lowest ETP will receive the maximum score of 100
marks. The score for each other Financial Proposal will be inversely proportional to its ETP and
will be computed as follows:
Sf = 100 x Fm / F where:
Sf is the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluated,
Fm is the ETP of the lowest priced Financial Proposal,
F is the ETP of the Financial Proposal under consideration.
6.4.2 Following completion of the evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals, the final ranking of
the Proposals will be determined. This will be done by applying a weight of 0.80 (80%) and 0.20
(20%) respectively to the technical and financial score of each evaluated qualifying Technical and
Financial Proposal and then computing the relevant combined total score for each Bidder.
6.4.3 The highest ranked Bidder based on the cumulative technical and financial evaluation ranking
will be invited for negotiations.
6.4.4 Financial Proposals are expected to be within the budget, if specified in the Data Sheet.
6.5.1 Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until
such time the Collector & Chairperson, DMF makes official intimation of award/ rejection to the
Bidders. While the Bids are under consideration, Bidders and/ or their representatives or other
interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting by any means, the Collector &
Chairperson, DMF and/ or their employees/ representatives on matters related to the Bids under
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6.6 Miscellaneous
6.6.1 The Bidding Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India
and the Courts at Odisha shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant
to and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process.
6.6.2 The Collector & Chairperson, DMF, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or
liability, reserves the right, at any time, to;
a. Suspend and/ or cancel the Bidding Process and/ or amend and/ or supplement the Bidding
Process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating thereto;
c. Retain any information and/ or evidence submitted to the Collector & Chairperson, DMF by,
on behalf of, and/ or in relation to any Bidder; and/ or
d. Independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any and all submissions or other
information and/ or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Bidder.
6.6.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Proposal, the Bidder agrees and releases the Collector
& Chairperson, DMF, its employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably, unconditionally, fully and
finally from any and all liability for claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any
way related to or arising from the exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any obligations
hereunder, pursuant hereto and/ or in connection herewith and waives any and all rights and/
or claims it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether present or future.
All the key personnel’s shall be degree graduate in their respective branch of architecture / engineering.
They should have atleast 15 years working experience in the relevant field.
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7.1 Scope of Works
The Scope of Works for the Comprehensive Architectural Design, Sports consultancy Services shall include,
but not limited to, the following key items, inter alia :
A. Developing the Project Brief:
(a) To develop the requirements and minimum specifications in discussion with the Stakeholders
(b) To understand the requirements and complying with the standards from the, Rural/Urban local
bodies, environment authorities, fire authorities, and other governing bodies viz. Sports
Authority of India, IOA, Sports Federations etc., as may be required and applicable thereto.
B. Understanding the Site Conditions:
(a) To take in to cognizance of the Site conditions viz. the soil conditions, contours, vegetation, etc
which would affect the project design. The Department will provide the Geo Investigation Soil
report & Topography survey conducted at site.
(b) To ascertain the access, and approach to the project by interfacing with the neighbouring
establishments and public facilities viz. roads, drains etc.
(c) To take in to consideration of the environmental parameters viz. Rain, wind and sunlight whilst
designing the facilities.
(d) To take in to consideration of the Geological conditions viz, earthquake, ground water, surface
runoff etc.
(e) Architectural character, social issues and heritage.
(f) All other site conditions / constraints which would influence the suitability and utilization of the
C. Comprehensive Architectural and allied services
(a) Submission of final Concept Design and Design briefs based on the Program developed with The
Client & the Stakeholders.
(b) Technical guidance for submission of the Drawings for the Statutory & Project Approvals
(c) The Architectural Design
(d) The Interior Design for the Buildings & other areas described in RFP
(e) Structural design, MEP design etc
(f) Traffic Management Plan during event/ non event time covering circulation within and outside
the facility, incoming and outgoing traffic, players/VIP/Media/Public movements, event ticket
holders/non ticket holders, evacuation plans through schematic/walk through representations
(g) Design of Sports facilities in compliance with the Sports Federation guidelines, evaluation of
various options, sourcing, evaluation, short-listing and recommendation of the suitable design,
material, make etc covering ( but not limited to) - Players area, VIP stands, corporate boxes,
media, broadcasting, clinics, labs, stands for scoreboards and sight screens, Indoor sports play
arena design
(h) Technical Closure of the Project
D. Project Approvals and Liaison Services
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a) Providing Technical guidance & details to the Client for obtaining all the necessary Statutory and
Project related approvals during all stages of the Project in a timely manner as per the schedule.
All statutory fee / charges / incidental expenditure shall be excluded from our scope.
7.2 Estimated Cost
7.2.1 The estimated cost of the entire project (including all services, site development and landscaping,
sports surfaces, all roads, pathways, support infrastructure as per the requirement of the sports
complex at International level, including all equipment’s, entertainment system like sound,
sports equipment etc inclusive) shall be established as per the construction standards
appropriately required for similar development.
7.3 Design Principles and Standards
7.3.1 The facility should have innovative design, process and operational aspects for energy efficiency
and cost effectiveness.
7.3.2 The applicable design principles and standards are listed below:
a. Functional and spatial legibility, usability, efficiency and aesthetics of various components of
the design.
b. Adherence to National Building, Code, relevant IS codes, Local building bye laws and
development regulations of FSI, ground coverage, with all necessary measures of disaster
management and any other controls as applicable.
c. Response to local climatic conditions in building and site planning ensuring, maximum natural
lighting and ventilation; solar passive design; minimization of energy requirements for air-
condoning, heating, lighting services, ventilation; using fittings and materials to save energy;
and maximum generation (and use) of solar energy as part of the essential services in the
d. Ensuring minimum land disturbance within the site and its surrounding (including during
construction), efficient storm water drainage, adequate segregation of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic.
e. Protection and creative use of all existing vegetation to the fullest.
f. Incorporation of all applicable national operation safety norms and standards including full
compliance to the occupational safety requirements of public parks of similar nature.
g. Incorporates the principles of universal design to maximize accessibility for all people.
h. Healthy indoor environmental quality, wherever applicable, that provides a comfortable
indoor environment (light/temperature/ventilation) that supports the productivity and well-
being of the occupants
i. High water efficiency of the site and the services including economy of distribution, usage
and discharge of water; maximum conservation and reuse of water; incorporation of waste
water treatment techniques, rain water harvesting, water efficient landscaping.
j. Efficient and proper disposal of waste (including solid, liquid wastes), preventing
contamination of soil, water and air of the site and its surroundings.
k. Efficient use of materials and appropriate technologies to satisfy the aims of high levels of
energy efficiency, use of durable and renewable materials to reduce life-cycle costs.
Limiting direct and indirect environmental impacts, use of building materials and products
that are extracted and manufactured locally.
17 | P a g e
7.4 Deliverables
7.5.1 The payments are as under which may be revised as per requirement and shall be shown in the
work order. Order of activities may also be changed as per project need. Before starting any
activities as given below, consultant has to seek clearance from concern authorities.
Sl. Description Deliverables
Submission of Conceptual Designs, Drawings, cost
1 15 %
estimate and Master-plan etc.
Submission of tender drawings and detailed Estimates of all
2 30 %
components of the scheme.
Tenders Documents including assistance in bidding
3 10%
evaluation process for selection of contractors
4 During construction of work progress at site. ( 3 stages) 30 %
5 On completion 15 %
18 | P a g e
8.1 Definitions
i. ‘The Bidder’ means the person(s), partnership(s) or company(ies) with whom this Contract is placed.
ii. ‘The Bidder’s Representative’ means the person named in relevant Section who is responsible for all
contractual aspects of the Contract on behalf of the Bidder.
iii. ‘The Bidder’s Personnel’ means any person instructed pursuant to this Contract to undertake any of
the Bidder’s obligations under this Contract, including the Bidder’s employees, agents and sub-
iv. ‘Sub-Bidder’ means any natural person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above,
to whom any part of the Services is subcontracted by the Bidder.
v. “Joint Venture” means a Bidder which comprises two or more Partners each of whom will be jointly
and severally liable to the Client for all the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract.
vi. ‘The Client’s Representative’ means any entity appointed by the Client to act on the Client’s behalf
with regard to procurement and/or management of this Contract.
vii. the ‘Equipment’ is defined as a tangible, non-expendable property having an anticipated life of two
years or more with a unit acquisition cost of Rs.10,000 or greater. Equipment includes, but is not
limited to, computers, other electronic items, furniture, scientific apparatus, machinery, reference
material, vehicles, as may be required for the implementation of the Services, which the Bidder
cannot reasonably be expected to provide, and which are financed or provided by the Client for use
by the Bidder.
viii. ‘The Financial Limit’ refers to the amount specified in relevant Section and is the maximum amount
payable by the Client under this Contract.
ix. ‘the Services’ means the services set out in the Terms of Reference (Scope of work)
x. ‘the Software’ means the software designed and developed by the Bidder or the Bidder’s Personnel,
and includes the source code and object code along with associated documentation, which is the
work product of the development efforts envisaged in the Terms of Reference. It does not include
commercial off-the-shelf licensed software (except for the customisation components of such
xi. ‘the Project Officer’ means the person named in relevant Section who is responsible for issuing
instructions and dealing with all correspondence in connection with the technical aspects of the
xii. ‘the Contract Officer’ means the person named in relevant Section who is responsible for all
contractual aspects of the Contract, and to whom invoices should be sent.
xiii. ‘Contract Documents’ means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any
amendments thereto.
xiv. ‘Contract Price’ means the price payable to the Bidder as specified in the Contract Agreement,
subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as may be made
pursuant to the Contract.
xv. ‘Contract’ means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Client and the Bidder, together
with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all
documents incorporated by reference therein.
xvi. ‘GCC’ means General Conditions of the Contract.
19 | P a g e
xvii. ‘SCC’ means the Special Conditions of Contract.
xviii. ‘Change in Control’ means that the person(s) (including corporate bodies) directly or indirectly in
control of the Bidder at the time this Contract is entered into cease to be in control.
xix. ‘Control’ means the power of a person to ensure that the affairs of the Bidder are conducted in
accordance with the wishes of that person.
8.2 Interpretation
8.2.1 In the event of any inconsistency between the Form of Contract, these General Conditions and
the Special Conditions, the Special Conditions shall prevail.
8.2.2 Except as expressly provided in Clause 0 the Bidder is not the agent of the Client and has no
authority to represent and shall not purport to represent or enter into any commitments on
behalf of the Client in any respect.
8.2.3 Nothing in this Contract is intended to make nor shall it make the Client the employer of the
Bidder or any of the Bidder’s Personnel.
8.2.4 All communications by the Bidder relating to notifications or applications for consents or
instructions must be addressed to the Client Contract Officer whose name and address are given
in relevant Section.
8.3 Obligations of the Bidder
8.3.1 The Bidder shall perform all its obligations under this Contract (including the provision of the
Services) with all necessary skill, diligence, efficiency and economy to satisfy generally accepted
professional standards expected from experts.
8.4 Personnel
8.4.1 All members of the Bidder's Personnel shall be appropriately qualified, experienced and in a
suitable physical condition so as to ensure that the Bidder complies with all the Bidder's
obligations under this Contract.
8.4.2 No changes or substitutions may be made to members of the Bidder's Personnel identified as
key personnel in relevant Section of this Contract without prior written consent of the Client.
8.4.3 If the Client considers any member of the Bidder's Personnel unsuitable, the Bidder shall
substitute such member as quickly as reasonably possible without direct or indirect charge to the
Client with a replacement acceptable to the Client.
8.4.4 The Bidder is responsible for all acts and omissions of the Bidder’s Personnel and for the health,
safety and security of such persons and their property.
8.4.5 Bidder to submit an undertaking stating that the full time Bidder engaged on this contract will
not be deployed on any other assignments.
8.5 Sub-Bidder
8.5.1 The Bidder shall not sub-contract any of its obligations under this Contract without the prior
written consent of the Client.
8.5.2 If, having obtained the Client’s consent, the Bidder sub-contracts any of its obligations, the sub
contract shall:
a. provide that payments due to the sub-Bidder shall be made within 15 days from receipt of
funds from the Client; and
20 | P a g e
b. Include rights for the Bidder and obligations for the sub-Bidder to ensure that the Client’s
rights to require replacement of personnel and the Client’s rights and the Bidder's obligations
as set out in relevant Clause (inclusive) can be enforced against the sub-Bidder.
8.6 Disclosure of Information
8.6.1 The Bidder and the Bidder's Personnel shall not, without the prior written consent of the Client,
disclose to any third party any confidential information obtained during or arising from this
Contract (other than in the proper performance of this Contract or as may be required by
Collector & Chairperson, DMF of competent jurisdiction). In addition, no publicity is to be given
to this Contract without the prior written consent of the Client.
8.7 Intellectual Property Rights
8.7.1 Subject to relevant Clause, all intellectual property rights in material (including but not limited to
reports, data, designs whether or not electronically stored, including the Software) specially
developed by the Bidder or the Bidder's Personnel for the Client or pursuant to the performance
of the Services commissioned by the Client, shall be as per Council of Architecture norms
8.8 Confidentiality
8.8.1 Neither of the Parties shall, without the consent of the other, divulge or suffer or permit its
officers, employees, or agents to divulge to any person (other than to any of its or their respective
officers or employees who require the same to enable them to properly carry out their duties)
any information concerning the operations, contracts, commercial or financial arrangements or
affairs of the other Party. Both Parties agree that confidentiality obligations do not apply to:
a. Information that is already known to third parties without breach of this Contract; and
b. Information that is required to be disclosed by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction
or an appropriately empowered public authority, or as a result of an obligation arising under
the Right to Information Act or other public disclosure law.
8.9 Access and Audit
8.9.1 The Bidder shall keep accurate and systematic accounts, files and records (‘the Records’).
8.9.2 The Records shall clearly identify, among other things, the basis upon which invoices have been
calculated and the Bidder shall keep the Records throughout the duration of this Contract and
for seven years following its termination.
8.9.3 The Bidder shall upon request provide the Client or its representatives or audit officials
unrestricted access to the Records in order that the Records may be inspected and copied. The
Bidder shall co-operate fully in providing to the Client or its representative’s answers to such
enquiries as may be made about the Records.
8.9.4 Where it is found by the Client that any overpayment has been made to the Bidder, the Bidder
shall reimburse the Client such amount within 28 days of the date of the Client’s written demand.
8.10 Corruption, Commission and Discounts
8.10.1 The Bidder warrants and represents to the Client that neither the Bidder nor any of the Bidder's
a. has given, offered or agreed to give or accepted, any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any
21 | P a g e
act in relation to the obtaining or execution of any contract or for showing or forbearing to
show favour or disfavour to any person or entity in relation to any contract; or
b. has entered into any contract in connection with which commission has been paid or agreed
to be paid by or to the Bidder or Bidder's Personnel or on their behalf or to their knowledge
unless, before such contract was made, particulars of any such commission and of the terms
of any agreement for the payment of such commission were disclosed in writing to the Client,
whose written consent was subsequently given to such payment.
8.10.2 Neither the Bidder nor any of the Bidder's Personnel shall accept for or on their own benefit any
trade commission, discount or similar payment or benefit in connection with this Contract.
8.11 Conflict of Interest
8.11.1 Neither the Bidder nor any of the Bidder's Personnel shall engage in any personal, business or
professional activity which conflicts or could conflict with any of their obligations in relation to
this Contract.
8.11.2 The Bidder and the Bidder's Personnel shall notify the Client immediately of any actual or
potential conflict together with recommendations as to how the conflict can be avoided.
8.12 Insurances
8.12.1 The Bidder shall maintain professional indemnity insurance cover of an amount not less than the
Financial Limit.
8.12.2 At the request of the Client, or its representatives, the Bidder shall provide evidence showing
that such insurance has been taken out and maintained and that current premiums have been
8.13 Indemnity
8.13.1 Except where arising from the negligence of the Client or Client’s employees, the Bidder shall
indemnify the Client in respect of any costs or damages howsoever arising out of or related to
breach of warranty or representation, contract or statutory duty, or tortuous acts or omissions
by the Bidder or the Bidder's Personnel or any claims made against the Client by third parties in
respect thereof.
8.14 Payments
8.14.1 Subject to the Client being satisfied that the Bidder is or has been carrying out their duties,
obligations and responsibilities under this Contract, sums duly approved shall be paid within 30
days of receipt of a valid invoice.
8.14.2 If for any reason the Client is dissatisfied with performance of this Contract or there has been a
unreasonable delay without clients approval an appropriate sum may be withheld from any
payment otherwise due. In such event the Client shall identify the particular Services with which
it is dissatisfied together with the reasons for such dissatisfaction, and payment of the amount
outstanding will be made upon remedy of any unsatisfactory work or resolution of outstanding
8.14.3 Should the Client determine after paying for a particular Service that the Service has not been
completed satisfactorily, the Client may recover, or withhold from further payments, an amount
not exceeding that previously charged for that Service until the unsatisfactory Service is
remedied to its satisfaction.
22 | P a g e
8.15 Taxes and Duties
8.15.1 The Bidder shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties, license fees, and other such
levies imposed within/outside India.
8.15.2 If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges are available to the Bidder in India,
the Client shall use its best efforts to enable the Bidder to benefit from any such tax savings to
the maximum allowable extent.
8.16 Force Majeure and Termination
Force Majeure
8.16.1 Where the performance by the Bidder of its obligations under this Contract is delayed, hindered
or prevented by an event or events beyond the reasonable control of the Bidder and against
which an experienced Bidder could not reasonably have been expected to take precautions, the
Bidder shall promptly notify the Client in writing, specifying the nature of the force majeure event
and stating the anticipated delay in the performance of this Contract.
8.16.2 From the date of receipt of notice given in accordance with relevant Clause, the Client may, at
its sole discretion, either suspend this Contract for up to a period of 6 months (‘the Suspension
Period’) or terminate this Contract forthwith.
8.16.3 If by the end of the Suspension Period the Parties have not agreed a further period of suspension
or re-instatement of the Contract, this Contract shall terminate automatically.
8.17 Suspension or Termination without Default of the Bidder
8.17.1 The Client may, at its sole discretion, suspend or terminate this Contract at any time by so
notifying the Bidder and giving the reason(s) for such suspension or termination.
8.17.2 Where this Contract has been suspended or terminated pursuant to relevant Clause, the Bidder
a. take such steps as are necessary to terminate the provision of the Services, (including
suspending or terminating any Sub-Contracts) in a cost-effective, timely and orderly manner;
b. provide to the Client, not more than 60 days after the Client notifies the Bidder of the
suspension or termination of this Contract an account in writing, stating:
c. any costs due before the date of suspension or termination;
d. any costs incurred by the Bidder after the date of suspension or termination, which the
Bidder necessarily incurred in the proper performance of this Contract and which it cannot
reasonably be expected to avoid or recover.
8.17.3 Subject to the Client’s approval, the Client shall pay such amount to the Bidder within 30 days of
receipt from the Bidder of an Invoice in respect of the amount due.
8.18 Suspension or Termination with Default of the Bidder
8.18.1 The Client may notify the Bidder of the suspension or termination of this Contract where the
Services or any part of them are not provided to the satisfaction of the Client, giving the reasons
for such dissatisfaction and, in the case of suspension, the action required by the Bidder to
remedy that dissatisfaction and the time within which it must be completed.
8.18.2 Where this Contract is suspended under relevant Clause18.1 and the Bidder subsequently fails
to remedy the dissatisfaction, the Client may terminate this Contract forthwith.
23 | P a g e
8.18.3 The Client may, without prejudice to its other rights, including but not limited to the right to
claim for costs and losses incurred terminate this Contract forthwith where:
a. The Bidder or any member of the Bidder's Personnel, either directly or through their servants
or agents, breaches any of their obligations under this Contract; or
b. the Bidder or any member of the Bidder's Personnel has committed an offence under the
Prevention of Corruption Acts 1988 or the National Security Act 1980 or in breach of relevant
Clause of this Contract; or
c. the Bidder is an individual or a partnership and at any time:
d. becomes bankrupt; or
e. is the subject of a receiving order or administration order; or
f. makes any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of the Bidder's creditors; or
g. makes any conveyance or assignment for the benefit of the Bidder's creditors; or
h. the Bidder is a company and:
i. an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up of the Bidder; or
ii. A receiver or administrator is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the
undertaking of the Bidder.
iii. The Bidder is a partnership or a company and there is a Change in Control. However,
the Contract will continue if the Client states that it has ‘no objection’ to the
continuation of the Contract after the Change in Control.
8.18.4 Where this Contract is terminated in accordance with this Clause, the Bidder shall without
prejudice to the Client’s other remedies, take any steps necessary to terminate the provision of
the Services in a timely and orderly manner but shall not be entitled to any further payment in
relation to this Contract.
8.19 Variations
8.19.1 No variation/amendment in the terms or scope of this Contract shall be effective without the
prior written consent of both Parties and recorded in writing in the form of a letter entitled
‘Contract Amendment No…………’. Without such consent neither Party shall have any liability in
respect of work performed outside the Services set out in relevant Section.
8.19.2 Notwithstanding anything mentioned in relevant clause the client reserves the right to make any
alterations/amendments to the terms of the contract including the ‘Terms of reference’ /Period
of Contract in furtherance of or to be in conformity with any relevant Government note/
guidelines/notification or any other statutory/quasi statutory instrument in the nature of the
aforementioned; which is/are brought in force during the subsistence of the contract. Any
amendment shall only be for the stated purposes and due notice will be given by the client.
8.20 Assignment
8.20.1 The Bidder shall not, without the prior written consent of the Client, assign or transfer or cause
to be assigned or transferred, whether actually or as the result of takeover, merger or other
change of identity or character of the Bidder, any of its rights or obligations under this Contract
or any part, share or interest therein.
24 | P a g e
8.21 Limit of Liability
8.21.1 Except where there has been misconduct, gross negligence, dishonesty or fraud on behalf of the
Bidder or the Bidder's Personnel the Bidder's liability under this Contract shall be subject to the
amount of the Financial Limit.
8.22 Retention of Rights
8.22.1 Relevant clauses listed under relevant Section shall continue in force following the termination
of this Contract.
8.23 Law and Jurisdiction
8.24.1 This Contract shall constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties, and may not be altered
or amended except by the written agreement of the Parties. No duties, obligations, liabilities or
warranties other than those expressly provided in this Contract and its attachments shall be
applied. Both Parties to this Agreement will make every attempt to resolve in an amicable way
all differences concerning the interpretation of this Contract and the execution of the work. Any
dispute or disagreement which cannot be resolved by both Parties and any controversy claim or
dispute otherwise arising in connection with this Contract or breach thereof shall be referred to
an arbitrator to be agreed between the Parties or, failing such agreement, will be referred to the
Client’s City Courts.
8.24.2 The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both Parties.
8.24.3 ARBITRATION- The place of arbitration shall be Odisha
25 | P a g e
The information regarding the relevant experience of the firm should be provided in the format below
The Project Data Sheets should necessarily be accompanied with copies of work orders / advisory services
agreements/service certificates from clients / as applicable, as proof of experience. Projects without proof
of experience shall not be considered for evaluation.
26 | P a g e
General Information
Name of Staff :
Profession :
Years with Firm :
Nationality :
Area of Specialization :
Proposed Position on Team :
Key Qualifications
Project Details Degree of responsibility/ Experience
Degree Name of Institute Year
Types of activities performed
Names of relevant projects handled
Client References
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe
me, my qualifications, and my experience.
27 | P a g e
1 2015-2016
2 2016-2017
3 2017-2018
Note: Attested Copy of Audited Balance sheets and Income Tax Return (along with statement of
income) for above mentioned years needs to be submitted along with this form.
28 | P a g e
Application are requested to complete the information in this form.
1. Name of the Firm:
2. Nationality:
3. Address:
Registered Office:
Head Office:
4. Year of Incorporation/Registration:
5. Constitution: Individual / Sole Proprietorship Concern / Partnership Firm / Public Ltd. Co. / Private
Ltd. Co. / NGO
6. If Partnership firm, names of the partners/If Company, name of the Director
7. Name of Authorized Signatory for the assignment and Nationality:
8. Place of Business:
9. Full time Technical Staff in Applicant’s employment
I/we (including all partners) certify that I/we have read the terms of condition of
Expression of Interest for selection of Consultants as amended up to date and shall abide
by them.
I/we certify that the information given above is true to the best of our knowledge.
I/We also understand that if any of the information is found wrong I am / we are liable to
Name of Applicant
Signature of Applicant
29 | P a g e
(In the Letterhead of Applicant)
Dated: ........................
Sub: Proposal for Selection of Technical Consultant for “PLANNING AND DESIGNING FOR
Dear Sir,
1. With reference to your RFP document dated ....................., I/we, having examined the Bidding
Documents and understood their contents, hereby submit my/our Proposal for the aforesaid Project.
The Proposal is unconditional and unqualified.
2. All information provided in the Proposal and in the Appendices is true and correct.
3. I/ We shall make available to the Collector & Chairperson; DMF any additional information it may
find necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the Bid.
4. I/ We acknowledge the right of the Collector & Chairperson, DMF to cancel the bidding process at
any time or to reject any Proposal without assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive our
right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.
5. I/ We declare that:
a. I/ We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including any
Addendum issued by the Collector & Chairperson, DMF.
b. I/ We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with the provision set out in the RFP
c. I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt
practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as
defined in relevant Clause of the RFP document, in respect of any tender or request for proposal
issued by or any agreement entered into with the Collector & Chairperson, DMF or any other
public sector enterprise or any government, Central or State; and
d. I/ We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the provisions of
relevant Clause of the RFP, no person acting for us or on our behalf has engaged or will engage
in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive
6. I/ We declare that we are not a Member of a/ any other firm submitting a Proposal for the Project.
30 | P a g e
7. I/ We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country,
we have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law
for any offence committed by us or by any of our Associates.
8. I/ We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory Collector & Chairperson, DMF is pending
either against us or against our Associates or against our CEO or any of our Directors/ Managers/
9. I/ We undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during the Bidding Process,
we are attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the referred to above, we shall
intimate the Collector & Chairperson, DMF of the same immediately.
10. In the event of my/ our being declared as the successful Bidder, I/We agree to enter into a Service
Agreement in accordance with the draft that has been provided to me/us prior to the Proposal Due
11. The Consultancy Fee has been quoted by me/us after taking into consideration all the terms and
conditions stated in the RFP, General Conditions of contract.
13. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP document. In witness
thereof, I/we submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the RFP document.
Yours faithfully,
31 | P a g e
ATTORNEY ON THIS …………..DAY OF …………………….. 2018
(Name, Title and Address)
Accepted by:
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
32 | P a g e
The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any,
laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants(s) and when it is so
required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favour of the person executing
this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised
by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued.
33 | P a g e
The Technical Proposal shall set out the approach and methodology proposed for the Project and shall
1. Approach and Methodology
Project Appreciation:
Team deployment details for the project including details of team member and their expertise:
Methodology of Project Management Consulting:
34 | P a g e
(To be enclosed in a separate cover)
(On the Letterhead of the Bidder)
Date: ........................
Sub: Selection of Consultancy Firm/ Agency for Preparation of Detailed Project Report(DPR) for
Development of Sports Infrastructure including Site Development, Land Scaping, Sports Surface, Road and
Pathway, Sport Equipment’s, Sound System etc. at Bhabanipur, Sundargarh (Odisha) .”
Having gone through this RFP document and the General Conditions of contract and having fully understood
the scope of work for the Project as set out in this RFP, we are pleased to inform that we would charge
Consultancy fee @.................% (fees in words and up to 2 decimal only ) of estimated cost excluding GST
(as defined in General conditions of Contract) inclusive of all taxes and inclusive of all out of pocket expenses,
site visits, expenses of travel, documentation, communication and local office expenses incurred by
consultants for carrying out the Services excluding service tax envisaged in this RFP document and General
Conditions of contract.
We have reviewed all the terms and conditions of the RFP and undertake to abide by all the terms and
conditions contained therein. We hereby declare that there are, and shall be no deviations from the stated
terms in the RFP Document.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of
(Name of the Bidder)
(Signature of Authorized Signatory)
(Name and designation of the Authorised Person)
35 | P a g e
36 | P a g e
5. Time of the Essence
Time shall be of the essence as regards the fulfilment by the Bidder of its obligations under this
Witness 1
Witness 2
37 | P a g e