2017041117mini Hatcher S. Story
2017041117mini Hatcher S. Story
2017041117mini Hatcher S. Story
‘Pashusevardhanatun Samrudhi’
Challenge –
To overcome some challenges like, the limited infrastructure of the Govt. owned Central
Hatcheries & IPDBs, they are not in a position to meet the ever growing demand of backyard
poultry sector.Inadequate availability of modern & useful equipments. Inadequate bio-
security measures at the Govt owned poultry farms due to shortage of funds. Lack of
initiatives for promoting production of maize with an aim to reduce cost of poultry feed. Poor
genetic potential of deshi poultry birds. Absence of statute /legal framework for regulating
the poultry farming activities in the state.
At the time of formulation of the project, the poultry population in Maharashtra state was
647.56 lakh . as per the 18th livestock census (of the year 2007). This population has
substantially increased to 301.60 lakh, (which includes 200.11 lakh backyard poultry birds).
Taking in consideration of district-wise poultry population and the estimated annual
production of eggs in Maharashtra state is 354.60 crores, with 33 eggs available per capita
per year. Similarly, the estimated annual chicken meat production is 279.878 thousand MT as
per the Integrated Sample Survey report of the year 2008-09. It is evident that, the backyard
poultry population is 31 % of the total poultry birds in the state. This emphasizes the need to
take due care of the backyard poultry sector. As per the Integrated Sample Survey report of
the year 2008-09,. The average annual growth rate in egg production as well as meat
production in the state during the span of years 2006-07 to 2008-09 has been observed to be
2-5 % & 1.45 % respectively. It has been quite essential to adopt certain measures necessary
for augmenting the growth rate in poultry production. The National Development Council has
also recommended 6 % growth rate in poultry production.
Initiative –
For promoting the production of eggs as well as chicken meat, it has been quite necessary
to give the impetus to all the prominent stake holders viz. Private sector (which is obviously
an organized sector) and the large number of backyard poultry farmers (predominantly the
women and this sector is obviously an unorganized sector). The commercial poultry
production was promoted by way of policy decisions through extension of certain
concessions with suitable policy decisions.
For promoting the backyard poultry, it is necessary to give the much needed
infrastructural support (in form of improved poultry birds/ day old chicks at subsidized rate,
hatchery units, training etc.) to the targeted beneficiaries in order to get optimum production
from this sector.
From the central hatcheries and Intensive Poultry Development Blocks of deparment, day
old chicks and hatching eggs were supplied to the small and marginal farmers, agricultural
laborers as well as landless laborers according to their demand. Thus, these hatcheries are
functioning with the intension to benefit the widespread unorganized sector in the state.
This strategy helps in boosting the egg and meat production of the state and in achieving the
stipulated annual growth rate of 6% in egg production. At the same time, self employment
and women empowerment through poultry production has been generated in the rural areas
and tackling malnutrition through ensured availability of nutritious diet. Ultimately, the per
capita availability of eggs and poultry meat will also increase with the growth of backyard
312 Mini hatching units were established in Maharashtra State. In this project, mini
hatchery units has been provided (Setter cum Hatcher of 400 eggs capacity each along with
construction of poultry shed of 1000 Sq.Ft.) to the Self Help Groups / poultry co-operative
societies / individual poultry farmers on 75% subsidy admissible over the total project cost.