Properties Rolled-Steel Shapes
Properties Rolled-Steel Shapes
Properties Rolled-Steel Shapes
indd Page A16 11/29/10 6:45:16 PM user-f499 /Users/user-f499/Desktop/Temp Work/Don't Delete Job/MHDQ251:Beer:201
A16 tf
Thick- Thick- Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Area Depth Width ness ness
Designation† A, in2 d, in. bf, in. tf, in. tw, in. Ix, in4 Sx, in3 r x, in. Iy, in4 Sy, in3 r y, in.
W36 3 302 88.8 37.3 16.7 1.68 0.945 21100 1130 15.4 1300 156 3.82
135 39.7 35.6 12.0 0.790 0.600 7800 439 14.0 225 37.7 2.38
W33 3 201 59.2 33.7 15.7 1.15 0.715 11600 686 14.0 749 95.2 3.56
118 34.7 32.9 11.5 0.740 0.550 5900 359 13.0 187 32.6 2.32
W30 3 173 51.0 30.4 15.0 1.07 0.655 8230 541 12.7 598 79.8 3.42
99 29.1 29.7 10.50 0.670 0.520 3990 269 11.7 128 24.5 2.10
W27 3 146 43.1 27.4 14.0 0.975 0.605 5660 414 11.5 443 63.5 3.20
84 24.8 26.70 10.0 0.640 0.460 2850 213 10.7 106 21.2 2.07
W24 3 104 30.6 24.1 12.8 0.750 0.500 3100 258 10.1 259 40.7 2.91
68 20.1 23.7 8.97 0.585 0.415 1830 154 9.55 70.4 15.7 1.87
W21 3 101 29.8 21.4 12.3 0.800 0.500 2420 227 9.02 248 40.3 2.89
62 18.3 21.0 8.24 0.615 0.400 1330 127 8.54 57.5 14.0 1.77
44 13.0 20.7 6.50 0.450 0.350 843 81.6 8.06 20.7 6.37 1.26
W18 3 106 31.1 18.7 11.2 0.940 0.590 1910 204 7.84 220 39.4 2.66
76 22.3 18.2 11.0 0.680 0.425 1330 146 7.73 152 27.6 2.61
50 14.7 18.0 7.50 0.570 0.355 800 88.9 7.38 40.1 10.7 1.65
35 10.3 17.7 6.00 0.425 0.300 510 57.6 7.04 15.3 5.12 1.22
W16 3 77 22.6 16.5 10.3 0.76 0.455 1110 134 7.00 138 26.9 2.47
57 16.8 16.4 7.12 0.715 0.430 758 92.2 6.72 43.1 12.1 1.60
40 11.8 16.0 7.00 0.505 0.305 518 64.7 6.63 28.9 8.25 1.57
31 9.13 15.9 5.53 0.440 0.275 375 47.2 6.41 12.4 4.49 1.17
26 7.68 15.7 5.50 0.345 0.250 301 38.4 6.26 9.59 3.49 1.12
W14 3 370 109 17.9 16.5 2.66 1.66 5440 607 7.07 1990 241 4.27
145 42.7 14.8 15.5 1.09 0.680 1710 232 6.33 677 87.3 3.98
82 24.0 14.3 10.1 0.855 0.510 881 123 6.05 148 29.3 2.48
68 20.0 14.0 10.0 0.720 0.415 722 103 6.01 121 24.2 2.46
53 15.6 13.9 8.06 0.660 0.370 541 77.8 5.89 57.7 14.3 1.92
43 12.6 13.7 8.00 0.530 0.305 428 62.6 5.82 45.2 11.3 1.89
38 11.2 14.1 6.77 0.515 0.310 385 54.6 5.87 26.7 7.88 1.55
30 8.85 13.8 6.73 0.385 0.270 291 42.0 5.73 19.6 5.82 1.49
26 7.69 13.9 5.03 0.420 0.255 245 35.3 5.65 8.91 3.55 1.08
22 6.49 13.7 5.00 0.335 0.230 199 29.0 5.54 7.00 2.80 1.04
†A wide-flange shape is designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in inches and the weight in pounds per foot.
(Table continued on page A17)
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Y A17
Web Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Thick- Thick-
Area Depth Width ness ness Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry
Designation† A, mm2 d, mm bf, mm tf, mm tw, mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm
W920 3 449 57300 947 424 42.7 24.0 8780 18500 391 541 2560 97.0
201 25600 904 305 20.1 15.2 3250 7190 356 93.7 618 60.5
W840 3 299 38200 856 399 29.2 18.2 4830 11200 356 312 1560 90.4
176 22400 836 292 18.8 14.0 2460 5880 330 77.8 534 58.9
W760 3 257 32900 772 381 27.2 16.6 3430 8870 323 249 1310 86.9
147 18800 754 267 17.0 13.2 1660 4410 297 53.3 401 53.3
W690 3 217 27800 696 356 24.8 15.4 2360 6780 292 184 1040 81.3
125 16000 678 254 16.3 11.7 1190 3490 272 44.1 347 52.6
W610 3 155 19700 612 325 19.1 12.7 1290 4230 257 108 667 73.9
101 13000 602 228 14.9 10.5 762 2520 243 29.3 257 47.5
W530 3 150 19200 544 312 20.3 12.7 1010 3720 229 103 660 73.4
92 11800 533 209 15.6 10.2 554 2080 217 23.9 229 45.0
66 8390 526 165 11.4 8.89 351 1340 205 8.62 104 32.0
W460 3 158 20100 475 284 23.9 15.0 795 3340 199 91.6 646 67.6
113 14400 462 279 17.3 10.8 554 2390 196 63.3 452 66.3
74 9480 457 191 14.5 9.02 333 1460 187 16.7 175 41.9
52 6650 450 152 10.8 7.62 212 944 179 6.37 83.9 31.0
W410 3 114 14600 419 262 19.3 11.6 462 2200 178 57.4 441 62.7
85 10800 417 181 18.2 10.9 316 1510 171 17.9 198 40.6
60 7610 406 178 12.8 7.75 216 1060 168 12.0 135 39.9
46.1 5890 404 140 11.2 6.99 156 773 163 5.16 73.6 29.7
38.8 4950 399 140 8.76 6.35 125 629 159 3.99 57.2 28.4
W360 3 551 70300 455 419 67.6 42.2 2260 9950 180 828 3950 108
216 27500 376 394 27.7 17.3 712 3800 161 282 1430 101
122 15500 363 257 21.7 13.0 367 2020 154 61.6 480 63.0
101 12900 356 254 18.3 10.5 301 1690 153 50.4 397 62.5
79 10100 353 205 16.8 9.40 225 1270 150 24.0 234 48.8
64 8130 348 203 13.5 7.75 178 1030 148 18.8 185 48.0
57.8 7230 358 172 13.1 7.87 160 895 149 11.1 129 39.4
44 5710 351 171 9.78 6.86 121 688 146 8.16 95.4 37.8
39 4960 353 128 10.7 6.48 102 578 144 3.71 58.2 27.4
32.9 4190 348 127 8.51 5.84 82.8 475 141 2.91 45.9 26.4
†A wide-flange shape is designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in millimeters and the mass in kilograms per meter.
(Table continued on page A18)
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A18 Y
Thick- Thick- Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Area Depth Width ness ness
Designation† A, in2 d, in. bf, in. tf, in. tw, in. Ix, in4 Sx, in3 r x, in. Iy, in4 Sy, in3 r y, in.
W12 3 96 28.2 12.7 12.2 0.900 0.550 833 131 5.44 270 44.4 3.09
72 21.1 12.3 12.0 0.670 0.430 597 97.4 5.31 195 32.4 3.04
50 14.6 12.2 8.08 0.640 0.370 391 64.2 5.18 56.3 13.9 1.96
40 11.7 11.9 8.01 0.515 0.295 307 51.5 5.13 44.1 11.0 1.94
35 10.3 12.5 6.56 0.520 0.300 285 45.6 5.25 24.5 7.47 1.54
30 8.79 12.3 6.52 0.440 0.260 238 38.6 5.21 20.3 6.24 1.52
26 7.65 12.2 6.49 0.380 0.230 204 33.4 5.17 17.3 5.34 1.51
22 6.48 12.3 4.03 0.425 0.260 156 25.4 4.91 4.66 2.31 0.848
16 4.71 12.0 3.99 0.265 0.220 103 17.1 4.67 2.82 1.41 0.773
W10 3 112 32.9 11.4 10.4 1.25 0.755 716 126 4.66 236 45.3 2.68
68 20.0 10.4 10.1 0.770 0.470 394 75.7 4.44 134 26.4 2.59
54 15.8 10.1 10.0 0.615 0.370 303 60.0 4.37 103 20.6 2.56
45 13.3 10.1 8.02 0.620 0.350 248 49.1 4.32 53.4 13.3 2.01
39 11.5 9.92 7.99 0.530 0.315 209 42.1 4.27 45.0 11.3 1.98
33 9.71 9.73 7.96 0.435 0.290 171 35.0 4.19 36.6 9.20 1.94
30 8.84 10.5 5.81 0.510 0.300 170 32.4 4.38 16.7 5.75 1.37
22 6.49 10.2 5.75 0.360 0.240 118 23.2 4.27 11.4 3.97 1.33
19 5.62 10.2 4.02 0.395 0.250 96.3 18.8 4.14 4.29 2.14 0.874
15 4.41 10.0 4.00 0.270 0.230 68.9 13.8 3.95 2.89 1.45 0.810
W8 3 58 17.1 8.75 8.22 0.810 0.510 228 52.0 3.65 75.1 18.3 2.10
48 14.1 8.50 8.11 0.685 0.400 184 43.2 3.61 60.9 15.0 2.08
40 11.7 8.25 8.07 0.560 0.360 146 35.5 3.53 49.1 12.2 2.04
35 10.3 8.12 8.02 0.495 0.310 127 31.2 3.51 42.6 10.6 2.03
31 9.12 8.00 8.00 0.435 0.285 110 27.5 3.47 37.1 9.27 2.02
28 8.24 8.06 6.54 0.465 0.285 98.0 24.3 3.45 21.7 6.63 1.62
24 7.08 7.93 6.50 0.400 0.245 82.7 20.9 3.42 18.3 5.63 1.61
21 6.16 8.28 5.27 0.400 0.250 75.3 18.2 3.49 9.77 3.71 1.26
18 5.26 8.14 5.25 0.330 0.230 61.9 15.2 3.43 7.97 3.04 1.23
15 4.44 8.11 4.01 0.315 0.245 48.0 11.8 3.29 3.41 1.70 0.876
13 3.84 7.99 4.00 0.255 0.230 39.6 9.91 3.21 2.73 1.37 0.843
W6 3 25 7.34 6.38 6.08 0.455 0.320 53.4 16.7 2.70 17.1 5.61 1.52
20 5.87 6.20 6.02 0.365 0.260 41.4 13.4 2.66 13.3 4.41 1.50
16 4.74 6.28 4.03 0.405 0.260 32.1 10.2 2.60 4.43 2.20 0.967
12 3.55 6.03 4.00 0.280 0.230 22.1 7.31 2.49 2.99 1.50 0.918
9 2.68 5.90 3.94 0.215 0.170 16.4 5.56 2.47 2.20 1.11 0.905
W5 3 19 5.56 5.15 5.03 0.430 0.270 26.3 10.2 2.17 9.13 3.63 1.28
16 4.71 5.01 5.00 0.360 0.240 21.4 8.55 2.13 7.51 3.00 1.26
W4 3 13 3.83 4.16 4.06 0.345 0.280 11.3 5.46 1.72 3.86 1.90 1.00
†A wide-flange shape is designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in inches and the weight in pounds per foot.
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Y A19
Web Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Thick- Thick-
Area Depth Width ness ness Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry
Designation† A, mm2 d, mm bf, mm tf, mm tw, mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm
W310 3 143 18200 323 310 22.9 14.0 347 2150 138 112 728 78.5
107 13600 312 305 17.0 10.9 248 1600 135 81.2 531 77.2
74 9420 310 205 16.3 9.40 163 1050 132 23.4 228 49.8
60 7550 302 203 13.1 7.49 128 844 130 18.4 180 49.3
52 6650 318 167 13.2 7.62 119 747 133 10.2 122 39.1
44.5 5670 312 166 11.2 6.60 99.1 633 132 8.45 102 38.6
38.7 4940 310 165 9.65 5.84 84.9 547 131 7.20 87.5 38.4
32.7 4180 312 102 10.8 6.60 64.9 416 125 1.94 37.9 21.5
23.8 3040 305 101 6.73 5.59 42.9 280 119 1.17 23.1 19.6
W250 3 167 21200 290 264 31.8 19.2 298 2060 118 98.2 742 68.1
101 12900 264 257 19.6 11.9 164 1240 113 55.8 433 65.8
80 10200 257 254 15.6 9.4 126 983 111 42.9 338 65.0
67 8580 257 204 15.7 8.89 103 805 110 22.2 218 51.1
58 7420 252 203 13.5 8.00 87.0 690 108 18.7 185 50.3
49.1 6260 247 202 11.0 7.37 71.2 574 106 15.2 151 49.3
44.8 5700 267 148 13.0 7.62 70.8 531 111 6.95 94.2 34.8
32.7 4190 259 146 9.14 6.10 49.1 380 108 4.75 65.1 33.8
28.4 3630 259 102 10.0 6.35 40.1 308 105 1.79 35.1 22.2
22.3 2850 254 102 6.86 5.84 28.7 226 100 1.20 23.8 20.6
W200 3 86 11000 222 209 20.6 13.0 94.9 852 92.7 31.3 300 53.3
71 9100 216 206 17.4 10.2 76.6 708 91.7 25.3 246 52.8
59 7550 210 205 14.2 9.14 60.8 582 89.7 20.4 200 51.8
52 6650 206 204 12.6 7.87 52.9 511 89.2 17.7 174 51.6
46.1 5880 203 203 11.0 7.24 45.8 451 88.1 15.4 152 51.3
41.7 5320 205 166 11.8 7.24 40.8 398 87.6 9.03 109 41.1
35.9 4570 201 165 10.2 6.22 34.4 342 86.9 7.62 92.3 40.9
31.3 3970 210 134 10.2 6.35 31.3 298 88.6 4.07 60.8 32.0
26.6 3390 207 133 8.38 5.84 25.8 249 87.1 3.32 49.8 31.2
22.5 2860 206 102 8.00 6.22 20.0 193 83.6 1.42 27.9 22.3
19.3 2480 203 102 6.48 5.84 16.5 162 81.5 1.14 22.5 21.4
W150 3 37.1 4740 162 154 11.6 8.13 22.2 274 68.6 7.12 91.9 38.6
29.8 3790 157 153 9.27 6.60 17.2 220 67.6 5.54 72.3 38.1
24 3060 160 102 10.3 6.60 13.4 167 66.0 1.84 36.1 24.6
18 2290 153 102 7.11 5.84 9.20 120 63.2 1.24 24.6 23.3
13.5 1730 150 100 5.46 4.32 6.83 91.1 62.7 0.916 18.2 23.0
W130 3 28.1 3590 131 128 10.9 6.86 10.9 167 55.1 3.80 59.5 32.5
23.8 3040 127 127 9.14 6.10 8.91 140 54.1 3.13 49.2 32.0
W100 3 19.3 2470 106 103 8.76 7.11 4.70 89.5 43.7 1.61 31.1 25.4
†A wide-flange shape is designated by the letter W followed by the nominal depth in millimeters and the mass in kilograms per meter.
bee80288_app_A1-A30.indd Page A20 11/19/10 6:03:10 PM user-f499 /Users/user-f499/Desktop/Temp Work/Don't Delete Job/MHDQ251:Beer:201/app
A20 tf
Thick- Thick- Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Area Depth Width ness ness
Designation† A, in2 d, in. bf, in. tf, in. tw, in. Ix, in4 Sx, in3 r x, in. Iy, in4 Sy, in3 r y, in.
S24 3 121 35.5 24.5 8.05 1.09 0.800 3160 258 9.43 83.0 20.6 1.53
106 31.1 24.5 7.87 1.09 0.620 2940 240 9.71 76.8 19.5 1.57
100 29.3 24.0 7.25 0.870 0.745 2380 199 9.01 47.4 13.1 1.27
90 26.5 24.0 7.13 0.870 0.625 2250 187 9.21 44.7 12.5 1.30
80 23.5 24.0 7.00 0.870 0.500 2100 175 9.47 42.0 12.0 1.34
S20 3 96 28.2 20.3 7.20 0.920 0.800 1670 165 7.71 49.9 13.9 1.33
86 25.3 20.3 7.06 0.920 0.660 1570 155 7.89 46.6 13.2 1.36
75 22.0 20.0 6.39 0.795 0.635 1280 128 7.62 29.5 9.25 1.16
66 19.4 20.0 6.26 0.795 0.505 1190 119 7.83 27.5 8.78 1.19
S18 3 70 20.5 18.0 6.25 0.691 0.711 923 103 6.70 24.0 7.69 1.08
54.7 16.0 18.0 6.00 0.691 0.461 801 89.0 7.07 20.7 6.91 1.14
S15 3 50 14.7 15.0 5.64 0.622 0.550 485 64.7 5.75 15.6 5.53 1.03
42.9 12.6 15.0 5.50 0.622 0.411 446 59.4 5.95 14.3 5.19 1.06
S12 3 50 14.6 12.0 5.48 0.659 0.687 303 50.6 4.55 15.6 5.69 1.03
40.8 11.9 12.0 5.25 0.659 0.462 270 45.1 4.76 13.5 5.13 1.06
35 10.2 12.0 5.08 0.544 0.428 228 38.1 4.72 9.84 3.88 0.980
31.8 9.31 12.0 5.00 0.544 0.350 217 36.2 4.83 9.33 3.73 1.00
S10 3 35 10.3 10.0 4.94 0.491 0.594 147 29.4 3.78 8.30 3.36 0.899
25.4 7.45 10.0 4.66 0.491 0.311 123 24.6 4.07 6.73 2.89 0.950
S8 3 23 6.76 8.00 4.17 0.425 0.441 64.7 16.2 3.09 4.27 2.05 0.795
18.4 5.40 8.00 4.00 0.425 0.271 57.5 14.4 3.26 3.69 1.84 0.827
S6 3 17.2 5.06 6.00 3.57 0.359 0.465 26.2 8.74 2.28 2.29 1.28 0.673
12.5 3.66 6.00 3.33 0.359 0.232 22.0 7.34 2.45 1.80 1.08 0.702
S5 3 10 2.93 5.00 3.00 0.326 0.214 12.3 4.90 2.05 1.19 0.795 0.638
S4 3 9.5 2.79 4.00 2.80 0.293 0.326 6.76 3.38 1.56 0.887 0.635 0.564
7.7 2.26 4.00 2.66 0.293 0.193 6.05 3.03 1.64 0.748 0.562 0.576
S3 3 7.5 2.20 3.00 2.51 0.260 0.349 2.91 1.94 1.15 0.578 0.461 0.513
5.7 1.66 3.00 2.33 0.260 0.170 2.50 1.67 1.23 0.447 0.383 0.518
†An American Standard Beam is designated by the letter S followed by the nominal depth in inches and the weight in pounds per foot.
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tf A21
Web Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Thick- Thick-
Area Depth Width ness ness Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry
Designation† A, mm2 d, mm bf, mm tf, mm tw, mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm
S610 3 180 22900 622 204 27.7 20.3 1320 4230 240 34.5 338 38.9
158 20100 622 200 27.7 15.7 1220 3930 247 32.0 320 39.9
149 18900 610 184 22.1 18.9 991 3260 229 19.7 215 32.3
134 17100 610 181 22.1 15.9 937 3060 234 18.6 205 33.0
119 15200 610 178 22.1 12.7 874 2870 241 17.5 197 34.0
S510 3 143 18200 516 183 23.4 20.3 695 2700 196 20.8 228 33.8
128 16300 516 179 23.4 16.8 653 2540 200 19.4 216 34.5
112 14200 508 162 20.2 16.1 533 2100 194 12.3 152 29.5
98.2 12500 508 159 20.2 12.8 495 1950 199 11.4 144 30.2
S460 3 104 13200 457 159 17.6 18.1 384 1690 170 10.0 126 27.4
81.4 10300 457 152 17.6 11.7 333 1460 180 8.62 113 29.0
S380 3 74 9480 381 143 15.8 14.0 202 1060 146 6.49 90.6 26.2
64 8130 381 140 15.8 10.4 186 973 151 5.95 85.0 26.9
S310 3 74 9420 305 139 16.7 17.4 126 829 116 6.49 93.2 26.2
60.7 7680 305 133 16.7 11.7 112 739 121 5.62 84.1 26.9
52 6580 305 129 13.8 10.9 94.9 624 120 4.10 63.6 24.9
47.3 6010 305 127 13.8 8.89 90.3 593 123 3.88 61.1 25.4
S250 3 52 6650 254 125 12.5 15.1 61.2 482 96.0 3.45 55.1 22.8
37.8 4810 254 118 12.5 7.90 51.2 403 103 2.80 47.4 24.1
S200 3 34 4360 203 106 10.8 11.2 26.9 265 78.5 1.78 33.6 20.2
27.4 3480 203 102 10.8 6.88 23.9 236 82.8 1.54 30.2 21.0
S150 3 25.7 3260 152 90.7 9.12 11.8 10.9 143 57.9 0.953 21.0 17.1
18.6 2360 152 84.6 9.12 5.89 9.16 120 62.2 0.749 17.7 17.8
S130 3 15 1890 127 76.2 8.28 5.44 5.12 80.3 52.1 0.495 13.0 16.2
S100 3 14.1 1800 102 71.1 7.44 8.28 2.81 55.4 39.6 0.369 10.4 14.3
11.5 1460 102 67.6 7.44 4.90 2.52 49.7 41.7 0.311 9.21 14.6
S75 3 11.2 1420 76.2 63.8 6.60 8.86 1.21 31.8 29.2 0.241 7.55 13.0
8.5 1070 76.2 59.2 6.60 4.32 1.04 27.4 31.2 0.186 6.28 13.2
†An American Standard Beam is designated by the letter S followed by the nominal depth in millimeters and the mass in kilograms per meter.
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A22 tf
Thick- Thick- Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Area Depth Width ness ness
Designation† A, in2 d, in. bf, in. tf, in. tw, in. Ix, in4 Sx, in3 r x, in. Iy, in4 Sy, in3 r y, in. x, in.
C15 3 50 14.7 15.0 3.72 0.650 0.716 404 53.8 5.24 11.0 3.77 0.865 0.799
40 11.8 15.0 3.52 0.650 0.520 348 46.5 5.45 9.17 3.34 0.883 0.778
33.9 10.0 15.0 3.40 0.650 0.400 315 42.0 5.62 8.07 3.09 0.901 0.788
C12 3 30 8.81 12.0 3.17 0.501 0.510 162 27.0 4.29 5.12 2.05 0.762 0.674
25 7.34 12.0 3.05 0.501 0.387 144 24.0 4.43 4.45 1.87 0.779 0.674
20.7 6.08 12.0 2.94 0.501 0.282 129 21.5 4.61 3.86 1.72 0.797 0.698
C10 3 30 8.81 10.0 3.03 0.436 0.673 103 20.7 3.42 3.93 1.65 0.668 0.649
25 7.34 10.0 2.89 0.436 0.526 91.1 18.2 3.52 3.34 1.47 0.675 0.617
20 5.87 10.0 2.74 0.436 0.379 78.9 15.8 3.66 2.80 1.31 0.690 0.606
15.3 4.48 10.0 2.60 0.436 0.240 67.3 13.5 3.87 2.27 1.15 0.711 0.634
C9 3 20 5.87 9.00 2.65 0.413 0.448 60.9 13.5 3.22 2.41 1.17 0.640 0.583
15 4.41 9.00 2.49 0.413 0.285 51.0 11.3 3.40 1.91 1.01 0.659 0.586
13.4 3.94 9.00 2.43 0.413 0.233 47.8 10.6 3.49 1.75 0.954 0.666 0.601
C8 3 18.7 5.51 8.00 2.53 0.390 0.487 43.9 11.0 2.82 1.97 1.01 0.598 0.565
13.7 4.04 8.00 2.34 0.390 0.303 36.1 9.02 2.99 1.52 0.848 0.613 0.554
11.5 3.37 8.00 2.26 0.390 0.220 32.5 8.14 3.11 1.31 0.775 0.623 0.572
C7 3 12.2 3.60 7.00 2.19 0.366 0.314 24.2 6.92 2.60 1.16 0.696 0.568 0.525
9.8 2.87 7.00 2.09 0.366 0.210 21.2 6.07 2.72 0.957 0.617 0.578 0.541
C6 3 13 3.81 6.00 2.16 0.343 0.437 17.3 5.78 2.13 1.05 0.638 0.524 0.514
10.5 3.08 6.00 2.03 0.343 0.314 15.1 5.04 2.22 0.860 0.561 0.529 0.500
8.2 2.39 6.00 1.92 0.343 0.200 13.1 4.35 2.34 0.687 0.488 0.536 0.512
C5 3 9 2.64 5.00 1.89 0.320 0.325 8.89 3.56 1.83 0.624 0.444 0.486 0.478
6.7 1.97 5.00 1.75 0.320 0.190 7.48 2.99 1.95 0.470 0.372 0.489 0.484
C4 3 7.2 2.13 4.00 1.72 0.296 0.321 4.58 2.29 1.47 0.425 0.337 0.447 0.459
5.4 1.58 4.00 1.58 0.296 0.184 3.85 1.92 1.56 0.312 0.277 0.444 0.457
C3 3 6 1.76 3.00 1.60 0.273 0.356 2.07 1.38 1.08 0.300 0.263 0.413 0.455
5 1.47 3.00 1.50 0.273 0.258 1.85 1.23 1.12 0.241 0.228 0.405 0.439
4.1 1.20 3.00 1.41 0.273 0.170 1.65 1.10 1.17 0.191 0.196 0.398 0.437
†An American Standard Channel is designated by the letter C followed by the nominal depth in inches and the weight in pounds per foot.
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tf A23
APPENDIX C Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes d
(SI Units)
C Shapes
(American Standard Channels)
Web Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
Thick- Thick-
Area Depth Width ness ness Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry x
Designation† A, mm2 d, mm bf, mm tf, mm tw, mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 103 mm3 mm mm
C380 3 74 9480 381 94.5 16.5 18.2 168 882 133 4.58 61.8 22.0 20.3
60 7610 381 89.4 16.5 13.2 145 762 138 3.82 54.7 22.4 19.8
50.4 6450 381 86.4 16.5 10.2 131 688 143 3.36 50.6 22.9 20.0
C310 3 45 5680 305 80.5 12.7 13.0 67.4 442 109 2.13 33.6 19.4 17.1
37 4740 305 77.5 12.7 9.83 59.9 393 113 1.85 30.6 19.8 17.1
30.8 3920 305 74.7 12.7 7.16 53.7 352 117 1.61 28.2 20.2 17.7
C250 3 45 5680 254 77.0 11.1 17.1 42.9 339 86.9 1.64 27.0 17.0 16.5
37 4740 254 73.4 11.1 13.4 37.9 298 89.4 1.39 24.1 17.1 15.7
30 3790 254 69.6 11.1 9.63 32.8 259 93.0 1.17 21.5 17.5 15.4
22.8 2890 254 66.0 11.1 6.10 28.0 221 98.3 0.945 18.8 18.1 16.1
C230 3 30 3790 229 67.3 10.5 11.4 25.3 221 81.8 1.00 19.2 16.3 14.8
22 2850 229 63.2 10.5 7.24 21.2 185 86.4 0.795 16.6 16.7 14.9
19.9 2540 229 61.7 10.5 5.92 19.9 174 88.6 0.728 15.6 16.9 15.3
C200 3 27.9 3550 203 64.3 9.91 12.4 18.3 180 71.6 0.820 16.6 15.2 14.4
20.5 2610 203 59.4 9.91 7.70 15.0 148 75.9 0.633 13.9 15.6 14.1
17.1 2170 203 57.4 9.91 5.59 13.5 133 79.0 0.545 12.7 15.8 14.5
C180 3 18.2 2320 178 55.6 9.30 7.98 10.1 113 66.0 0.483 11.4 14.4 13.3
14.6 1850 178 53.1 9.30 5.33 8.82 100 69.1 0.398 10.1 14.7 13.7
C150 3 19.3 2460 152 54.9 8.71 11.1 7.20 94.7 54.1 0.437 10.5 13.3 13.1
15.6 1990 152 51.6 8.71 7.98 6.29 82.6 56.4 0.358 9.19 13.4 12.7
12.2 1540 152 48.8 8.71 5.08 5.45 71.3 59.4 0.286 8.00 13.6 13.0
C130 3 13 1700 127 48.0 8.13 8.26 3.70 58.3 46.5 0.260 7.28 12.3 12.1
10.4 1270 127 44.5 8.13 4.83 3.11 49.0 49.5 0.196 6.10 12.4 12.3
C100 3 10.8 1370 102 43.7 7.52 8.15 1.91 37.5 37.3 0.177 5.52 11.4 11.7
8 1020 102 40.1 7.52 4.67 1.60 31.5 39.6 0.130 4.54 11.3 11.6
C75 3 8.9 1140 76.2 40.6 6.93 9.04 0.862 22.6 27.4 0.125 4.31 10.5 11.6
7.4 948 76.2 38.1 6.93 6.55 0.770 20.2 28.4 0.100 3.74 10.3 11.2
6.1 774 76.2 35.8 6.93 4.32 0.687 18.0 29.7 0.0795 3.21 10.1 11.1
†An American Standard Channel is designated by the letter C followed by the nominal depth in millimeters and the mass in kilograms per meter.
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A24 Y
APPENDIX C Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
(U.S. Customary Units)
Angles y
Equal Legs
Y A25
APPENDIX C Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
(SI Units)
Angles y
Equal Legs
L203 3 203 3 25.4 75.9 9680 37.1 259 61.7 59.9 39.6
19 57.9 7350 29.1 200 62.5 57.4 39.9
12.7 39.3 5000 20.3 137 63.2 55.1 40.4
L152 3 152 3 25.4 55.7 7100 14.7 140 45.5 47.2 29.7
19 42.7 5460 11.7 109 46.2 45.0 29.7
15.9 36.0 4600 10.0 92.4 46.7 43.7 29.7
12.7 29.2 3720 8.28 75.2 47.2 42.4 30.0
9.5 22.2 2830 6.41 57.5 47.5 41.1 30.2
L127 3 127 3 19 35.1 4480 6.53 74.1 38.1 38.6 24.7
15.9 29.8 3780 5.66 63.1 38.6 37.3 24.8
12.7 24.1 3060 4.70 51.6 38.9 36.1 24.9
9.5 18.3 2330 3.65 39.5 39.4 34.8 25.0
L102 3 102 3 19 27.5 3510 3.17 45.7 30.0 32.3 19.7
15.9 23.4 2970 2.76 39.0 30.5 31.0 19.7
12.7 19.0 2420 2.30 32.1 30.7 30.0 19.7
9.5 14.6 1850 1.80 24.6 31.2 28.7 19.8
6.4 9.80 1250 1.25 16.9 31.8 27.4 19.9
L89 3 89 3 12.7 16.5 2100 1.51 24.3 26.7 26.7 17.2
9.5 12.6 1600 1.19 18.8 27.2 25.4 17.3
6.4 8.60 1090 0.832 12.9 27.7 24.2 17.5
L76 3 76 3 12.7 14.0 1770 0.916 17.4 22.7 23.6 14.7
9.5 10.7 1360 0.728 13.5 23.1 22.5 14.8
6.4 7.30 929 0.512 9.32 23.5 21.2 14.9
L64 3 64 3 12.7 11.4 1450 0.508 11.7 18.7 20.4 12.2
9.5 8.70 1120 0.405 9.14 19.0 19.3 12.2
6.4 6.10 768 0.288 6.34 19.4 18.1 12.2
4.8 4.60 581 0.223 4.83 19.6 17.4 12.2
L51 3 51 3 9.5 7.00 877 0.198 5.70 15.0 16.1 9.80
6.4 4.70 605 0.144 4.00 15.4 14.9 9.83
3.2 2.40 312 0.0787 2.11 15.7 13.6 9.93
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A26 Y
APPENDIX C Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
(U.S. Customary Units)
Unequal Legs y
L8 3 6 3 1 44.2 13.0 80.9 15.1 2.49 2.65 38.8 8.92 1.72 1.65 1.28 0.542
⁄4 33.8 9.94 63.5 11.7 2.52 2.55 30.8 6.92 1.75 1.56 1.29 0.550
⁄2 23.0 6.75 44.4 8.01 2.55 2.46 21.7 4.79 1.79 1.46 1.30 0.557
L6 3 4 3 3⁄4 23.6 6.94 24.5 6.23 1.88 2.07 8.63 2.95 1.12 1.07 0.856 0.428
⁄2 16.2 4.75 17.3 4.31 1.91 1.98 6.22 2.06 1.14 0.981 0.864 0.440
⁄8 12.3 3.61 13.4 3.30 1.93 1.93 4.86 1.58 1.16 0.933 0.870 0.446
L5 3 3 3 1⁄2 12.8 3.75 9.43 2.89 1.58 1.74 2.55 1.13 0.824 0.746 0.642 0.357
⁄8 9.80 2.86 7.35 2.22 1.60 1.69 2.01 0.874 0.838 0.698 0.646 0.364
⁄4 6.60 1.94 5.09 1.51 1.62 1.64 1.41 0.600 0.853 0.648 0.652 0.371
L4 3 3 3 1⁄2 11.1 3.25 5.02 1.87 1.24 1.32 2.40 1.10 0.858 0.822 0.633 0.542
⁄8 8.50 2.48 3.94 1.44 1.26 1.27 1.89 0.851 0.873 0.775 0.636 0.551
⁄4 5.80 1.69 2.75 0.988 1.27 1.22 1.33 0.585 0.887 0.725 0.639 0.558
L312 3 212 3 1⁄2 9.40 2.75 3.24 1.41 1.08 1.20 1.36 0.756 0.701 0.701 0.532 0.485
⁄8 7.20 2.11 2.56 1.09 1.10 1.15 1.09 0.589 0.716 0.655 0.535 0.495
⁄4 4.90 1.44 1.81 0.753 1.12 1.10 0.775 0.410 0.731 0.607 0.541 0.504
L3 3 2 3 1⁄2 7.70 2.25 1.92 1.00 0.922 1.08 0.667 0.470 0.543 0.580 0.425 0.413
⁄8 5.90 1.73 1.54 0.779 0.937 1.03 0.539 0.368 0.555 0.535 0.426 0.426
⁄4 4.10 1.19 1.09 0.541 0.953 0.980 0.390 0.258 0.569 0.487 0.431 0.437
L212 3 2 3 3⁄8 5.30 1.55 0.914 0.546 0.766 0.826 0.513 0.361 0.574 0.578 0.419 0.612
⁄4 3.62 1.06 0.656 0.381 0.782 0.779 0.372 0.253 0.589 0.532 0.423 0.624
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Y A27
APPENDIX C Properties of Rolled-Steel Shapes
(SI Units)
Angles X X
Unequal Legs y
L203 3 152 3 25.4 65.5 8390 33.7 247 63.2 67.3 16.1 146 43.7 41.9 32.5 0.542
19 50.1 6410 26.4 192 64.0 64.8 12.8 113 44.5 39.6 32.8 0.550
12.7 34.1 4350 18.5 131 64.8 62.5 9.03 78.5 45.5 37.1 33.0 0.557
L152 3 102 3 19 35.0 4480 10.2 102 47.8 52.6 3.59 48.3 28.4 27.2 21.7 0.428
12.7 24.0 3060 7.20 70.6 48.5 50.3 2.59 33.8 29.0 24.9 21.9 0.440
9.5 18.2 2330 5.58 54.1 49.0 49.0 2.02 25.9 29.5 23.7 22.1 0.446
L127 3 76 3 12.7 19.0 2420 3.93 47.4 40.1 44.2 1.06 18.5 20.9 18.9 16.3 0.357
9.5 14.5 1850 3.06 36.4 40.6 42.9 0.837 14.3 21.3 17.7 16.4 0.364
6.4 9.80 1250 2.12 24.7 41.1 41.7 0.587 9.83 21.7 16.5 16.6 0.371
L102 3 76 3 12.7 16.4 2100 2.09 30.6 31.5 33.5 0.999 18.0 21.8 20.9 16.1 0.542
9.5 12.6 1600 1.64 23.6 32.0 32.3 0.787 13.9 22.2 19.7 16.2 0.551
6.4 8.60 1090 1.14 16.2 32.3 31.0 0.554 9.59 22.5 18.4 16.2 0.558
L89 3 64 3 12.7 13.9 1770 1.35 23.1 27.4 30.5 0.566 12.4 17.8 17.8 13.5 0.485
9.5 10.7 1360 1.07 17.9 27.9 29.2 0.454 9.65 18.2 16.6 13.6 0.495
6.4 7.30 929 0.753 12.3 28.4 27.9 0.323 6.72 18.6 15.4 13.7 0.504
L76 3 51 3 12.7 11.5 1450 0.799 16.4 23.4 27.4 0.278 7.70 13.8 14.7 10.8 0.413
9.5 8.80 1120 0.641 12.8 23.8 26.2 0.224 6.03 14.1 13.6 10.8 0.426
6.4 6.10 768 0.454 8.87 24.2 24.9 0.162 4.23 14.5 12.4 10.9 0.437
L64 3 51 3 9.5 7.90 1000 0.380 8.95 19.5 21.0 0.214 5.92 14.6 14.7 10.6 0.612
6.4 5.40 684 0.273 6.24 19.9 19.8 0.155 4.15 15.0 13.5 10.7 0.624