12 Artificial Intelligence For Space Applications: January 2007
12 Artificial Intelligence For Space Applications: January 2007
12 Artificial Intelligence For Space Applications: January 2007
13 2,453
2 authors, including:
Dario Izzo
European Space Agency
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dario Izzo on 10 October 2014.
Summary. The ambitious short-term and long-term goals set down by the various
national space agencies call for radical advances in several of the main space engi-
neering areas, the design of intelligent space agents certainly being one of them. In
recent years, this has led to an increasing interest in artificial intelligence by the
entire aerospace community. However, in the current state of the art, several open
issues and showstoppers can be identified. In this chapter, we review applications
of artificial intelligence in the field of space engineering and space technology and
identify open research questions and challenges. In particular, the following topics
are identified and discussed: distributed artificial intelligence, enhanced situation
self-awareness, and decision support for spacecraft system design.
12.1 Introduction
In the second half of 2003, the European Space Agency (ESA) delivered
a roadmap, in the framework of the Aurora program, to bring humans to
explore Mars within the next few decades [MO03]. The plan included the
successful implementation of several flagstone missions as stepping stones
for achieving this final ambitious goal. A few months later, with the vision
delivered by U.S. president George W. Bush, the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) also started to draft plans for the manned
exploration of Mars [Bus04]. Their vision included the establishment of a
human base on the Moon, among several other advanced preparatory steps.
The return of humans to the Moon and a future manned mission to Mars
therefore seem to be likely achievements we may witness in the next few
decades. At the same time, even more ambitious plans and missions are being
conceived by farsighted researchers who dream about the exploration and
colonization of even farther planets.
In the framework of these more or less concrete future scenarios, the
consolidation of artificial intelligence methods in space engineering is certainly
an enabling factor. As an example, the reader may think of a future mission to
Mars. This will probably be constituted by a large number of heterogeneous
236 Daniela Girimonte and Dario Izzo
The so-called social component in the PSO algorithm requires at each step for
each agent to know the best solution found so far by the entire swarm. Interagent
communication is, in this case, direct and unlimited in range.
238 Daniela Girimonte and Dario Izzo
More recently, the idea of a number of satellites flying in formation has been
used in a number of missions for applications ranging from x-ray astronomy
(XEUS) to differential measurements of the geomagnetic field (CLUSTER
II), space interferometry, the search for exoplanets (DARWIN), and others.
All these missions 2 are able to meet their requirements without making use of
an emerging property that can be regarded as swarm intelligence. On the other
hand, if available, swarm intelligence methods would represent an attractive
design option allowing, for example, achievement of autonomous operation
of formations. Simple agents interacting locally could be considered as a
resource rather than overhead. At the same time, one would be able to engineer
systems that are robust, autonomous, adaptable, distributed, and inherently
redundant. Besides, swarms allow for mass production of single components,
thus promising mission cost reduction, and represent highly stowable systems,
thus allowing reduced launch costs. Recently, these motivations led a number
of researchers to simulate some degree of swarm intelligence in a number of
space systems and to investigate their behavior.
Kassabalidis et al. [KEM+ 01] studied the routing problem in wireless
communication networks between satellites or planetary sensors. He applied
ant-inspired algorithms to achieve a great efficiency in networks that are
spatially distributed and changing over time. This type of research is targeted
at applications such as those being developed by the NASA sensorweb project
[CCD+ 05]. Distributed cooperative planning between satellites belonging to
the same constellation has also been studied, introducing swarm intelligence
at the level of coordinated planning [DVC05] (for a typical case study, see
Fuego, studied by Escorial et al. [ETR+ 03]). Recent work on intersatellite
communication in constellations observed the birth of emerging properties
from a more or less complex system of rules and behaviors [BT07] programmed
in the autonomous planners onboard the satellites. More generally, any
problem of autonomy for satellite constellations is a problem of distributed
artificial intelligence, where the possibility of communication between agents
(ISL-intersatellite links) or between an agent and a central planner (ground
station) is limited by the complex dynamics of the system and by the agent
Another field where swarm intelligence provides a possibility to improve
current technology is that of relative satellite motion control. When a system
of many satellites has to move in a coordinated way, the control action
selected by each satellite may take into account the decisions made by the
others at different levels. The information exchanged with the other swarm
components is useful but not necessary to define the geometric and kinematical
representation of the time-varying environment, which will then influence
the satellite action selection. Many studies dealing with terrestrial robot
navigation [Kha86], with spacecraft proximity and rendezvous operations
[McI95], and self-assembly structures in space [McQ97] have taken the ap-
At the time of writing, CLUSTER II is the only one operational.
12 Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications 239
Fig. 12.1. Two examples of orbital swarms assembling a given structure (source:
min : f (x)
subject to : g(x) ≤ 0
x 10
Saturn Encounter
Impact Point
Jupiter encounter
−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
km 9
x 10
which then takes care of the reinsertion of the demes. According to the results
returned by the various clients in each given phase of the optimization process,
the server updates the probabilities to allocate a given algorithm for the next
subsearch request to a client. The resulting global optimization environment
is able to understand and select the best-performing algorithm in each phase
of the solution of a problem. A preliminary version of this intelligent server
is being developed and tested [VIP07] for the final purpose of being able to
automatically carry out the whole trajectory optimization process without
any expert supervision.
from data by means of the a priori algorithm. Therefore, the fault occurrence
data must be part of the training set so that the algorithm can be trained to
recognize future similar events. Unexpected fault modes therefore cannot be
detected by the algorithm.
In the case of spacecraft design, the objective function is most of the time the
cost, which is ultimately proportionally linked to be the spacecraft’s total mass.
For an extensive qualitative and quantitative overview of these uncertainties, the
reader may consult [Thu05].
248 Daniela Girimonte and Dario Izzo
12.5 Summary
The aim of this chapter is to give the reader an overview of some of the
research carried out within the international space community on artificial
intelligence. Having identified artificial intelligence as one of the enabling
technologies for the achievement of the various short- and long-term goals
of the international space agencies, we believe that a synergic effort of
scientists from both fields is required to effectively tackle the numerous open
issues and challenges in this area. In more recent years, we have observed
a growing number of researchers getting interested in the benefits of using
artificial intelligence methods for space applications. These applications go
beyond the more classical automated planning and scheduling field and include
different mission phases from conceiving the preliminary design to the mission
operation phase.
[ADL98] J.A. Aguilar, A.B. Dawdy, and G.W. Law. The Aerospace Corpora-
tion’s concept design center. In 8th Annual International Symposium of
the International Council on Systems Engineering, volume 2. INCOSE
Technical Working Group Papers, 1998. Published in CD-ROM.
[AF98] I.P. Androulakis and C.A. Floudas. Distributed branch and bound algo-
rithms in global optimization. In P.M. Pardalos, editor, IMA Volumes
12 Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications 249